The Cause and Effect Law: March 2022

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The Cause and Effect Law

Article · March 2022

DOI: 10.47814/ijssrr.v5i3.182

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1 author:

Subhendu Das



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International Journal of Social [email protected]
Volume 5, Issue 3
Science Research and Review March, 2022
Pages: 78-121

The Cause and Effect Law

Subhendu Das

Independent Researcher, Los Angeles, California 91307, USA

Email: [email protected]


This is a multidisciplinary research and review paper and borrows ideas from philosophy,
physics, mathematics, engineering, economics, medicine, soul theory, etc. The soul theory is very well
known and is thoroughly described in both Vedas and Bible. Thus the soul theory is not a new age
concept; it is an ancient age concept. The soul theory gives the ultimate unified view of everything. It
shows that the truth is universal, unique, and eternal. Therefore, it will be wrong to treat any subject in
isolation. If we do, then that subject will be wrong for both nature and engineering, and also for the
authors and for the society. To make it readable, understandable, and self-contained the article has
become long. The cause and effect law is probably the least understood law by the academic community.
Yet, it is the highest level law describing the global plan of the universe. We start with Newton’s third
law, called the action-reaction law. But then we find that this law has an assumption of isolated
environment, and therefore it is inadequate to describe life. So we eliminate that assumption and extend it
to the simultaneous action-reaction of all objects of the universe. It now becomes somewhat meaningful,
but still the universe cannot be understood. It does not tell us, in principle, how to incorporate into the
existing global plan of the universe, the activities related to the reincarnation of all objects. Then we
modify the law farther, using the soul theory, to explain the complete global plan, over the entire space
and time of the universe. We find that there are two root causes for everything, and an amazing result –
effect is ever existent. That is, there is a 3D-video memory of the universe, which anyone can see at any
time. Simply speaking, this is a consequence of reincarnation. But we have to acquire an ancient skill,
called yogic power, clearly described in the Bible and the Vedas, which is a part of the soul theory. There
are modern people who can watch this 3D-video and predict the future events exactly with all details,
without any assumptions and approximations. We give one such modern example.We will see that the
cause and effect law, simultaneity law, memory in the universe, global plan, destiny law, are all
synonyms. That is if one is proven or observed then all are proven. This final result, the destiny law,
already exists in both Bible and Vedas. Since it is destiny, nobody should be blamed for anything that
happens in the universe and on earth. Simultaneity means we are all equally responsible, not just for now,
but for the entire space-time events.

Keywords: Cause and Effect; Root Cause; Efficient Cause; Material Cause; Soul Theory; Definition of
Truth; Laws of Nature; Yogic Power; Third Eye Vision; Memory in The Universe; Engineering

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1.1 The Universe

Galileo - For thousands of years, people on earth believed that the sun goes round the earth until
Galileo observed that it was the other way round. It is the earth that goes round the sun. But then Galileo
was jailed by the money power. This Galileo phenomenon changed the history of the mankind. We
decided never to go against the money power. We have changed our scientific process from universe to
local and narrow subjects. We have changed from the observation of nature to the ideas and thoughts
based on assumptions. We ignored the ancient books, describing nature, and started creating our own
books. We did not critically perform the literature survey. We relied on engineering without knowing that
the engineering is part of nature and therefore will ignore all our assumptions.

Why So – As a consequence of the Galileo phenomenon we see that so many western and eastern
philosophers have said the same thing; and we wonder why such things happened: Mark Twain said –
Majority is always in the wrong; Tagore said Sab Jhut hai – Everything is false; Ayn Rand said – Truth is
not for everybody; Carroll Quigley said – education is false; Keynes said – not even one man in a million
knows how economy works; Bertrand Russell said – mind does not know anything; Nietzsche said –
Universe will be meaningless without the soul theory. It seems Nietzsche has found the answer. We go to
the microscopic level to find that Samkhya of Vedas has the answer and Nietzsche got it right. These
references are mentioned later in this article.

1.2 Missing Fundamentals

We can see that even after five hundred years of Galileo our people are not satisfied with the state
of the earth. This has happened because many fundamental problems prevented us to discover the truth.

No definition of truth - It is unfortunate that our modern society does not have a definition of
truth. If we do not know the definition then we cannot learn about the truth. Merriam Webster dictionary
defines truth as “a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true.” This definition has
many problems. First, truth is defined using the word true. Then it says if it is accepted by you then it is
true for you and if it is not accepted by me then it is not a truth for me. This is a very precarious position,
it essentially means, you have your own truth and I have my own truth. If this is the case then Galileo
would still be in jail today.

Missing simultaneity - It is quite obvious that all objects in the entire universe are
simultaneously and continuously interacting with each other, for all time and for eternity. It has been
shown that such interactions create a global plan for the universe, which causes a perfect determinism
[Das 2013b]. Classical physics and its third law of Newton which is the action-reaction law, when
extended by eliminating its assumptions, can provide a mathematical formulation justifying the existence
of this global plan [Das 2012a]. But this formulation cannot provide where, when, and how a person will
be born, and how that person’s new life activities will be integrated with this existing global plan.

Objects are unique - Such an approach, based on Newton, fails to give a unified theory working
behind this global plan, which is also called the destiny law. The reason behind these gaps is that the
classical physics, including quantum mechanics (QM) and special relativity (SR) ignores the concept of
the soul theory, and assumes that everything is made of material only. This new version of the cause and
effect law (CEL), which incorporates the soul theory, will fill the gaps and show that this global plan is
not dynamic, but constant, and is defined for eternity. This approach will explain how some modern
human yogis [Das 2020b] can predict the destiny exactly and with all the precise details. We give some

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examples. This will prove that all objects are unique and therefore there is no chaos, random events, or
probability in our lives or in the universe.

No Assumptions allowed – Assumptions and approximations are different. If you have ten forces
working on an object and if you consider only one of them then it will be an approximation. But if you
neglect all of them and consider isolated environment, like in Newton’s first law, then it will violate the
simultaneity law, and will be wrong, as we show later. There are other kinds of assumptions that make
theories wrong, like using infinity, assuming straight line, using real numbers, using money, etc.

1.3 Fundamental Sources

Memory in the Universe - This new version of the CEL, which is described in both Vedas and
Bible, says that every object has a soul, and that soul has manufactured that object according to the
destiny of that individual object. It shows that there are two root causes: the root material cause and the
root efficient cause. This root efficient cause is called the soul. The CEL also says that the effect remains
forever even without the application of its cause, contrary to what the classical CEL says. This feature
indicates that all events remain as 3D video in the memory of the universe, and a seer yogi will be able to
see that memory in all its exact details [Das 2012b], as illustrated by a modern example.

Observing the Nature - This soul theory will show that the only way to know the truth is to
observe the nature, just like Galileo did, that is, no engineering experiment can prove any theory of
modern science. It is well known, and also briefly described in this article, that modern science is based
on assumptions. Therefore, the results are also assumptions only, and cannot have any truth value.
Engineering is a part of nature, because it uses objects of nature. Therefore, all engineering experiments
will automatically reject all assumptions, and thus fail to prove any science theory.

Religious Books - This article distinguishes between religions and their corresponding religious
books. Its focus is only on the books of religions and not in the religions. It tries to avoid all religions as
much as possible. That is, Vedas are different from Hinduism; Hinduism does not understand Vedas, and
does not follow the Vedas. Also, only texts written by seer yogis (drashta) are considered as part of
Vedas. Not anybody can write Vedas. The same thing is true for the Bible and Christianity also. We will
find that all major ideas of the Vedas, at least ten of them, are there in the Bible also. Therefore the
original books of Judaism, from which the Bible was created, should contain much better, more detailed,
and reliable information.

Highlights - We will discuss the specific contents and the characteristics of the religious books,
in details in the main body of this article. However, to quickly satisfy the curiosity of the reader about
Vedas in Bible, it can be pointed out that the destiny concept is in the [Bible Ephesians-1:11]. A large
number of examples of yogic power are there in the [Bible Exodus]. They are not myths; some literature
survey will show that even many modern yogis can perform such miracles [Das 2020b]. But the best of
all is the three words sentence “God is spirit” in [Bible John-4:24]. Vedas have devoted an entire book
called Samkhya Karika [SK] and explains this three word sentence using seventy two-line verses. This is
the foundation of the cause and effect law. It essentially says – “Spirit is same as the soul. You have a
soul inside your body. And that soul has manufactured you according to your destiny. Therefore, that soul
is your God. And similarly, my soul is my God.” We give one modern example later from the
observations of nature just like Galileo did, to illustrate the point. Thus this three words sentence is the
core idea of the soul theory and the CEL. More details are discussed in this article and references

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1.4 Multidisciplinary Scholars

Many well known authors have worked on multidisciplinary fields, but not all saw the unified
concepts. Bertrand Russell correctly found that there is no cause and effect; it is only a formula [Russell
1929]. But he did not realize that the same formula represents the destiny law, the highest level law of
nature. Friedrich Nietzsche was quite knowledgeable in Vedic theory, but somehow he did not see the
Veda’s presence in the Bible. His eternal recurrence [Nietzsche 1911] concept made a fundamental
contribution, but he missed that the root material particles have three properties which continuously vary.
Thus he missed the uniqueness of the destiny law. Victor Hugo, the author of Les Miserables, is a brilliant
author, a thorough research scholar in various subjects, and his story is like a poem. His description of
poverty will resonate all over the world, and it is still valid, and pulls all of us down to the ground.
However, he failed to see that the poverty is caused by the money power. He wrongly thought that the
education can eliminate poverty. He talked about the soul theory but he also thought God exists. His
thoughts are described in some details in the destiny chapter of the Soul Theory book [Das 2014b]. He
mentioned about Rothschild but his research did not take him to the role played by the money power, not
even in the battle of Waterloo, an important theme in his book Les Miserables.

USA & India - Four other persons must be mentioned in this context of need for
multidisciplinary approaches to research – Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) of the United States. His
signature is there in all three fundamental documents of the US government – Declaration of
Independence, US Constitution, and the Treaty of Paris. He was a businessman, published newspaper. He
invented bifocal lenses for eyeglass, electric lightning protector for houses, and he was the founder of the
Pennsylvania University, etc.

Carroll Quigley’s book Tragedy and Hope is a must read book [Quigley 1966]. This is the only
book that integrates money power and its role in the society. The book was banned, but when US
President Bill Clinton praised him many times, then the ban on the book was lifted. It is now freely
available on the internet. Never in the history of our earth have we ever seen money power as such a
powerful global king.

Satyajit Ray (1921-1992), was the Oscar winning film director of India. His multidisciplinary
research in economics, business, reincarnation, poverty, etc., is very authentic and realistic. He not only
revealed the fundamental problems he also presented the solutions [Ray]. Rabindranath Tagore (1861-
1941), a Nobel laureate poet from India, may be considered as the greatest philosopher in the world;
nobody expressed the soul theory and the objectives of life in so many ways. His language, thoughts,
expressions, and universal coverage, are for eternal bliss. It should be recognized that without the soul
theory science cannot be a reality.

Friedrich Nietzsche says [Nietzsche 1910] – “But an essentially mechanical world would be an
essentially meaningless world.” He is very correct. That is the theme of both Vedas and Bible.

1.5 Unified Theory

There is a unified theory for knowing the truth and also for knowing the falsehoods. Many
philosophers have discovered this principle, as briefly mentioned below. Light cannot be seen at any
place, but if you place any object at that location only then you will see both light and darkness.

Microprocessor - The unified theory, global view, etc., are everywhere visible right in front of
our eyes and in our thoughts. Let’s take the computer as an example. Isn’t it amazing that how naturally a
computer can solve all types of problems in our society? How is it possible that it does this miracle? - It
has a very small microprocessor inside it, which can be programmed, and that means the microprocessor
has some logic, arithmetic unit, and interrupts, that convert all our problems into its own hardware
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principles. Thus every problem in our societies, like poverty, economics, business, medicine, engineering,
mathematics, history, language, arts, entertainments, etc., must have that same fundamental logic hidden
behind them.

Unification by Math - The same is true for mathematics. The simple equation y=ax, represents
so many theories of physics: Ohm’s law of electrical engineering relates voltage and current; Hook’s law
for spring force and spring displacement; commodity price and flow of goods in economics; water
pressure and water flow rate; Newton’s second law, the force (y) = mass (a) times acceleration (x);
Newton’s third law, reaction (y) = opposite (a=-1) of reaction (x); etc. This equation represents a simple
situation, working in an isolated environment, but still gives a unified view point. Here x is an
independent variable, interfacing an object a, and producing an output or dependent variable y.

We can extend the above equation to multi-variables to find that all the laws of physics can be
reduced to, or derived from, the conservation law [Das 2012a], which says - sigma of everything is zero,
or . This is also described in Vedas and Bible. Vedas say “nonexistent cannot become existent”;
similarly the [Bible Ecclesiastes-1:9] says “Whatever has happened will happen again, there is nothing
new under the sun.” We will describe some such laws in details in the main text. Some obvious examples
of sigma law are: summation of all currents is zero at any junction point, the Kirchoff’s current law; same
is true for Kirchoff’s voltage law – summation of voltages around a loop is zero; D’Alembert’s principle
– summation of all forces at a point must be zero; etc. We will show that Newton’s second law, Newton’s
third law, and the second law of thermodynamics, when extended, are no exceptions. Indeed, the entire
universe has only one law, the conservation law, and therefore that law gives a unified theory. We will
see that it is also same as the cause and effect law.

Unification by Money - Money is another most important global unified force on our earth. But
destiny is of course above the money power. Using money, you can do anything you want. You can give
money to anybody to kill anybody; you can give money to create a war, destroy a nation. Education,
science, medicine, engineering, religions, etc., are all created, monitored, and controlled by money and
money power. Central Bank (CB), the source of the money and money power, is the global king of the
earth. Never in the history of the earth have we seen such a powerful king. Nobel Laureate in economics,
Milton Friedman has correctly said –“How to get rid of the Fed is the unsolved problem of the day.” The
Fed is the CB of the USA. The root cause of all problems on earth is the money and the money power,
both originating from the CB [Das 2020a].

Unification by Soul Theory - Soul theory gives the highest level unified theory for the entire
universe, including the earth [Das 2017c]. It is discussed thoroughly in Samkhya, which is a part of the
Vedas, and also in the Bible. It describes the cause and effect law, simultaneity law, and the global
destiny of the universe. It does so in a perfect deterministic way and shows how the universe
demonstrates all it laws, so that we can observe, learn, and emancipate. We will see that without soul
theory, everything on earth will appear wrong, but in reality it is all planned and is destiny.

1.6 Article Layout

Thus the paper is organized in three parts. (a) There is only one law that we have found so far and
it is called the sigma law or the conservation law. All the other laws and theories are either false or can be
derived from or reduced to the sigma law. (b) We extend this sigma law to the cause and effect law (CEL)
based on the simultaneity of action reactions of all objects of the universe and the soul theory. (c) Then
we show that this process, the CEL, can only produce a finite and periodic universe.

Thus the content of the rest of this article has the following sections and subsections.

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Definition of truth, Assumptions vs. approximations, Philosophy vs. truth, Mathematics is wrong,
Numbers in nature, Newton’s second law, Newton’s action-reaction law, second law of thermodynamics,
Causality literature, Destiny law, Yogic power, Two causes, Properties of root causes, The cause and
effect law, Periodicity and finiteness, Infinity applied to nature.

It is not necessary to know all these subjects individually to know that they are all wrong. There
is a unified principle also to know that they all must be wrong. Every subject has assumptions at their root
level, and also at higher levels. If you can find them then you know that the entire subject must be wrong.
If you know the soul theory then also you know truth cannot be found in subjects that ignore soul theory.
But to make it convincing, we pick some specific examples to illustrate the need for this cause and effect

The article is large, because, for the general readers it was necessary to introduce some
fundamentals, either using theories or using examples, of many subjects from multiple disciplines. It has
some mathematics; if you read it then you will find that they will reveal something to you, even if you are
not a mathematical person. The text within, will help you to maintain the continuity of thoughts.

2. Definition of Truth
Galileo - The data cannot reveal the truth. Likewise, as we will see, that the effect cannot also
indicate the cause. In the past, for thousand years, more than two billion people on the earth knew that the
sun goes round the earth. All these people observed the sky, they saw the same data, and they believed
what was told to them by money power. Then a scientist, named Galileo (1564-1642), observed the sky
and discovered that it was the other way round – the earth goes round the sun. But Galileo was jailed for
going against the money power.

2.1 Analysis – Galileo Phenomenon

1. The Galileo phenomenon says that never discover the truth. All truths will eventually go against
the money power. Such phenomenon is still happening all over the world, in corporations,
universities, governments, etc., since money power is same all over the world. Even your
colleagues, friends, family members, will go against you. Such Galileo-s are given various names
today - whistle blowers, un-patriots, terrorists, most dangerous men, etc.

2. There are some valuable lessons to be learned from here. (a) Data does not mean anything. It never
indicates the truth. What two billion people saw was all wrong. (b) Even how the data is produced
cannot be known and therefore cannot represent the truth. (c) Only nature can demonstrate the
truth, nothing else can. We show below, that humans cannot produce the truth. Truth is
multidimensional and eternal. (d) Our society does not have a definition of truth. And therefore
we cannot find the truth. (e) The idea that if you do the same thing in the same way, then you will
always get the same results is obviously true even for false theories. Thus such repeated
experiments cannot demonstrate any truth. (f) Also, no process can be repeated exactly, because
environment changes and the ages of the objects also change.

3. Since Galileo phenomenon, no scientists have ever observed the nature to discover the truth. The
scientific process has forever changed to: – (a) start with some unfounded assumptions. (b)
Manipulate the assumptions, often times with extensive sophisticated mathematics, like Fourier
Transforms, Hilbert Space, Banach Space, Operator theory, Measure theory, etc. (c) Perform
some experiments and interpret the results as correct, and declare that the discoveries are the laws
of nature.

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4. No engineering experiments can prove any scientific theories. Engineering is part of nature,
because it uses objects of nature. For example electronics uses transistors, resistors, capacitors,
etc., which are made from materials in the periodic table of chemistry. Therefore, nature and
engineering will automatically reject all assumptions of all theories, including mathematics, thus
invalidating the theories.

2.2 An Example of Falsehood - Newton’s First Law

To illustrate the nature of falsehoods, how science changed after the Galileo phenomenon, and be
more specific, let us select Newton’s First Law, which we still study in our high school science classes.
Newton (1643-1727) said [Das 2012a] – “(1) In the absence of any unbalanced forces (2) an object will
continue in motion (3) in a straight line (4) with a constant velocity.”

Have you ever observed any such object on earth or in space? No, of course you have never seen
such an object. Item (1) in the law, is the assumption of isolated environment, which is impossible,
because gravitational forces are always there. In the deep space and also on earth, the sum total of all
gravitational forces from all objects of the universe, at every point in space, is non-zero, and is
continuously changing in both magnitude and direction, because all objects in the universe are
continuously moving. Thus item (4) of constant velocity cannot be true. Since all objects are continuously
moving, the item (3) is also not feasible; there is no straight line in the universe.

Thus Newton’s first law is completely wrong, false, meaningless, and cannot work in nature. This
has happened because Newton did not observe the nature, like Galileo did, and instead started with two
assumptions (1) and (3). The following statements can be found in a physics textbook [Ferraro] about the
Newton‘s first law:

“We could hardly sustain that this principle (First law) is a strict experimental result. On the one
hand it is not evident how to recognize whether a body is free of forces or not. Even if a unique body in
the universe were thought, it is undoubted that its movement could not be rectilinear and uniform in every
reference system.”

QM and SR - We will discuss Quantum Mechanics (QM) and Special Relativity (SR) later in
this article to show that they also have similar problems, with their own assumptions, like Newton’s first
law. The cause and effect law therefore cannot be an exception. The cause and effect law is probably the
least understood concept by all scientists and philosophers of all branches. We will see that the destiny is
the highest level law of the universe, even above the money power. There is a purpose and need for
everything, maybe even for the money power. Vedas say we are helpless.

2.3 An Example of Truth - Reincarnation

Reincarnation is the most important example of truth. But it is not found everywhere; it is
definitely not there in the mainstream. However, if you search the internet carefully and research on it
[Das 2013c], then you will find many convincing proofs of reincarnation. Once you learn about
reincarnation then of course you will find it everywhere. You will not be able to explain adequately many
activities of a newborn baby up to the age of two years, without the concept of reincarnation. We will
discuss many such truths later.

Western Philosophers - It must be understood that the truth is not everywhere, particularly in the
modern times. Mark [Twain] said, “Majority is always in the wrong”. The well-known economist
[Keynes] said, ‘Not even one man in a million can know how the economy works’. The following can be
found in the thoughts of German Philosopher [Nietzsche], ‘All things are subject to interpretation
whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth’. Here power should

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be considered as money power. Ayn [Rand] said, “The secrets of this earth are not for all men to see, but
only for those who will seek them”. The secrets should mean the truths.

If you read carefully the Vedas, and for that matter all books of any religion, including the Bible,
you will find that the following definition of truth is embedded in their pages, stories, verses, etc.

2.4 DEFINITION OF TRUTH (T1): The truth is defined using the following three sentences.
All three sentences are important.

“(1) The laws of nature are the only truths. (2) These laws are created by the objects of nature and
their characteristics. (3) Nature always demonstrates all its truths.”

Examples of Laws - Item one says that the laws of nature are the only truths. Note that we are
not talking about the laws of physics. Laws of physics are not same as the laws of nature. As an example
of truth, death is a law of nature. Every object in the universe dies, including humans, animals, plants,
stars, galaxies, etc. If I release a ball then it will fall on the ground, and everybody will see it. Thus the
gravity is a law of nature. However, we also know that there are yogis [Das 2020b], who can levitate
themselves defying gravity. This shows that, physics does not understand gravity. Reincarnation [Das
2013c] is a law of nature, even though most of us do not remember our previous lives. We will show later
that items two and three of T1 are valid for reincarnation. Determinism [Das 2013b] is a law of nature.
Three dimensional dynamic video of the entire universe for all time exists in the memory of the universe,
is a law of nature; and obeys item three. A textbook on physics [Eddington] describes the laws of nature
as – “Events do not happen, they are there, and we just come across them.” We will see that this is same
as saying - effects are forever existent, as we will find later.

Soul Demonstrates - It is easy to realize that such truths are unique, universal, and eternal. We
show that every object has a soul, therefore every object is conscious, and therefore such truths are neither
objective nor subjective. The item three in the above definition assures us that all truths can be found by
observing the nature. Thus what Galileo discovered is a truth. All souls want to demonstrate their
characteristics to us, so that we can learn about them, and then emancipate. Nature is such friendly and
gracious to all of us; it does not discriminate anyone.

In Bible Jesus says, nobody did any sin, neither the blind boy, nor his parents. It is only God’s
miracle to show us how things happen in nature [Bible John 9:1-41]. This example also shows that Jesus
and his disciples knew about reincarnation. There is a modern yogi who also gave eyesight to a born blind
boy [Das 2014b]. We must not reject outliers as false data or mythical.

Money and Math - If anything violates any one of the above features of T1 then that thing
cannot represent the truth. For example a real number is not an object of nature; therefore it cannot
represent the truth. It cannot be observed in nature; it neither grows on trees nor can it be found
underground. Similarly, money is also not an object of nature and therefore money must be false. Since
money is false it must be free and abundant at its source, which is called the central bank [Das 2011b]. Of
course, money is also a real number.

Violation of T1 - It must be understood that false can never become true, no matter how you
manipulate it. Thus the entire mathematics must be wrong; and similarly the entire economics must be
false also. This is why Keynes above statement on economics is meaningful. By false or wrong we mean
that they violate T1, and cannot be used to describe nature and engineering [Das 2019].

One Percent - Since false can never become true, therefore everything that is created by money
must be false. That is why Mark Twain’s statement that majority is always in the wrong must be true.
Only one percent of the population knows the truth. The rest of us, including this author, must be

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ignorant. The purpose of this author is to bring that truth from the people belonging to the one percent
community, to the common people, to the scientists, and to the philosophers.

Pollution - Thus math, science, philosophy, history, etc., must all be wrong. But engineering is
not wrong, because engineering uses objects of nature, like transistors, which are made from physical
materials from earth. But since engineering also uses false math, false science, and false money, our
engineering is unreliable, unsafe, and pollutes environment. Thus even if you go to the moon, you will
never know that you will safely return. The same is true for medicine. Nobody knows why placebo works,
and why medicine effect is not the placebo effect. As we will see destiny, or the cause and effect law, is
the only guide. And only seer yogis can tell the truths.

T1 is Universal - Unique means one law will not violate another law. Uniqueness will also mean
that everybody will understand T1 in only one way. Universal means the same thing, but it also means if a
law is valid in USA it must be valid in China; similarly if a law is valid on earth it will be valid on any
other planet in any other galaxy. Eternal means if a law was valid million years back then it must be valid
now, and will remain valid million years from now. No amount of technology can change the laws of

Truth Removes Suffering - The truth T1 is the most important concept that must be understood
in order to liberate life from suffering. Liberation means achieving peace, physically and mentally. You
will be able to feel this peace, whenever you learn some truth, in the midst of any discussions, exchanges,
etc. In the extreme case, when you become a yogi, you will not suffer from any diseases. A yogi has
demonstrated that he can survive even after sipping potassium cyanide. To understand true (truth), you
must also understand false (falsehoods). Samkhya, a part of Vedas, states that, for liberation,
understanding of truth must be free from all kinds of errors and doubts [SK.64].

Tagore - Reincarnation is not a curse, as implied by Karma theory; on the contrary it is indeed a
blessing, it allows us to learn this truth T1. It takes million years to learn the nature, the universe, life, and
its laws. Only because of reincarnation you can live this long and get this opportunity. Rabindranath
[Tagore], a Nobel Laureate poet, is the greatest philosopher of our times. He expressed the concepts of
soul theory and reincarnation in many of his poems. He did not ask for liberation by means of stopping
reincarnation. Rabindranath said,

“his life will be fulfilled by knowing the unknowns; in life after life, in this universe; he knows
that this will be an endless process, but he is not afraid; – he will be among us with new bodies and new
names to act in all our activities and embrace our love; – his liberation will happen in the brightness of the
sky, in the sand, in the grass, in the music from nature, in the minds of everyone; - and by performing the
hard work under all conditions.”

Methods - We prove our assertions by one or more of the following means. (a) Observing the
events as demonstrated by nature. (b) Providing rational logic, without making any assumptions. (c)
Citing authentic references from Vedas: Samkhya, Gita; and also Bible.

Here authentic references, mean concepts presented by seer yogis only. Not everything in Vedas
is from seer yogis. A seer yogi cannot lie, cannot have any personal motivations. Unless you acquire such
characteristics, you cannot even become a seer yogi. Therefore item (c) is essentially same as item (a). As
mentioned, no experiments can demonstrate any truth as defined by T1.

2.5 Analysis – Truths

Bertrand Russell - while discussing his correspondence theory of truth Bertrand Russell wrote
about the simultaneity law, which he also used in connection with the cause and effect law. But he

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probably did not realize the connections in all these subjects. We show that the destiny law is the highest
level law and the entire universe is governed by this law. He eventually comes to the correct conclusion
that mind does not do anything. Russell said [Russell 1912]:

“It will be seen that minds do not create truth or falsehood. They create beliefs, but when once the
beliefs are created, the mind cannot make them true or false, except in the special case where they
concern future things which are within the power of the person believing, such as catching trains. What
makes a belief true is a fact, and this fact does not (except in exceptional cases) in any way involve the
mind of the person who has the belief.”

Surprisingly, he is correct. Mind cannot control our life; however it controls our physical body.
Mind is controlled by the soul, and the soul is controlled by the destiny. We neither have the freewill nor
the choices. Truth is the destiny, so truth controls the mind, and not the other way. As we will find that
the truth, destiny, memory, and the CEL are all synonyms.

Multidimensionality - We have mentioned that the truth is multidimensional. Consider a dice,

when you see straight at one of its surfaces you will find the number five is written on that face. If you
stop there, then you may think that the dice is a square plate only. But if you move to different angles, you
will find that it has six faces. Thus if you search, more dimensions are revealed to you. This is only a
simple example, in complex cases a society may take several generations to see all faces. If you search
more, then you may decide to cut the dice and look at a sectional view and then you may find that it has a
ball inside it. Consider an elephant, how would you know that it also reincarnates, unless you search
more. More searches will reveal that animals also come with high level of yogic power, like the third eye
vision [Das 2020b]. Thus the number of dimensions is almost endless for every truth. This is why USA
and many other countries have a jury system, where we assemble ten-twelve people to get the
multidimensional view of many court cases.

3.Assumptions Vs Approximations
Galileo phenomenon destroyed the scientific process forever, as we have mentioned before. In
this section we show that both Quantum Mechanics (QM) and Special Relativity (SR) do not have any
foundation based on truth.

3.1 Wrong Process

Nowadays we do not observe the nature for the search of truth, as the definition T1 requires.
Instead, we start with assumptions, manipulate the assumptions. We use extensive mathematics which is
full of assumptions. We perform some engineering experiments and think that we have verified the
theories. But that is never possible. Like nature, engineering also cannot accept assumptions in our
theories. Engineering experiments use objects of nature, therefore will automatically reject all
assumptions, and thus invalidate all theories.

Examples of Assumptions - There is a difference between assumptions and approximations. If

you have ten forces acting on an object, and if you consider only one of them, then it is an approximation.
But if you neglect all of them, that is, consider an isolated environment, then that will be an assumption.
All three of the Newton’s laws of motion assume isolated environment. We have examined, in this article,
how the first law failed [Das 2019]. Besides, there are other kinds of assumptions too.

For example using infinity is an assumption. A large number is never an approximation for
infinity. Replacing infinity by any finite number will change the mathematical theory completely [Das
2014b]. Taking light speed as constant is also an assumption. Existence of a straight line in nature is
another similar kind of assumption. We will find that the god, as the creator of the entire universe is an

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assumption also. Linearity is a major assumption of all theories. But both nature and engineering is
bounded [Das, 2012c]. We can see how linearity fails - in electronic circuits voltages may be limited to 5
volts. But if an algorithm gives 3+4=7, then 7 will be chopped to 5, to protect the circuit. Such
boundedness is implemented by both hardware and software. Thus engineering uses wrong mathematics,
and all theories must fail.

No Way Out - Therefore no engineering experiment can verify any theory. We must observe the
nature, and that is the only way to find the truths. Since all assumptions are invalid for nature, then they
are all false. They cannot satisfy the definition of truth T1. Something that is false can never become true,
no matter what you do with it. Thus all theories will remain false, because they are nothing but only
manipulations of the initial assumptions. Thus entire modern science must be wrong or false for nature.
Then why are we doing it - because we are not free, and are guided by the destiny. Destiny basically
means trillions of reasons, spanned over billions of years, past, present, and future. Here is one seminal

It Is Planned - As mentioned before, sending Galileo to jail, in 1633, was the turning point in the
evolution of our modern society. Scientific community realized the consequences of going against the
money, the money power, and discovering the truth. Carroll Quigley (1910-1977), a professor at
Georgetown university and a mentor of the US President Bill Clinton (1993-2001), mentioned in his
book, Tragedy & Hope [Quigley], that there are three negatives in our education system, and one of them
is – “never to teach the truth”. After Galileo, therefore, the scientific community stopped observing the
nature and decided to start with assumptions instead, to create the false theories. This way people can be
kept busy and yet in ignorance. Satyajit Ray (1921-1992), an Oscar winning film director, in one of his
films, In the land of diamond king, [Ray] said – “shutdown the schools, burn all the books, jail all the
teachers. More you teach them, more they learn, and more they disobey”.

3.2 Science and Engineering

It must be understood clearly that there is a heaven and hell difference between science and
engineering. Engineering is correct, because engineering uses objects of nature. However, since
engineering also uses false theories and false money, engineering is full of patches and kludges, therefore
very unreliable, unsafe, and pollutes environment. We give an example to illustrate the difference
between the science and the engineering. We will find that the science is not the foundation of
engineering. Engineering always came first and engineering is nature [Das 2017a].

3.2.1 GPS Design

We are all very familiar with the GPS technology, because most of our cell phones use GPS
receivers, which receive data from the satellites rotating around the earth. In physics there is a law, called
Kepler’s law, which says that a satellite will rotate around earth in an elliptical path, and then the law
gives a mathematical formula to find the position of the satellite at any point in time. This formula did not
work for GPS satellites. So, engineers, physicists, and mathematicians modified the law significantly but
still could not make the Kepler’s law work. Eventually the GPS ground system was used to directly
measure and find the positions of the satellites, upload that data to GPS transmitters, which then
broadcasted that data to our hand held receivers to provide the desired accuracy. Even this did not work
properly, so the ground station repeats the process every two hours or so, to maintain the accuracy

Why did Kepler’s law fail to work? The assumption ellipse is defined only on a plane of paper
and around a stationary center point. But earth is moving around sun, and takes the satellite with it. Thus
the path of the satellite can never be an ellipse. There are other objects, like moon, and planets of the solar
system, which also influence the position of the satellite.
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The sun is not stationary either, it is travelling along one of the spirals of our galaxy, that spiral is
also rotating around the central core of the galaxy. Thus the path of the GPS satellite is immensely
complex and beyond our imagination, and therefore cannot be translated using a simple symbolic
language like mathematics. This example shows why our engineering is so full of patches and kludges.
Consequently, our engineering cannot be reliable at all. This example also shows how data and
information can be useless and misleading. Since science is based on assumptions, the data must be
assumptions, and misleading also.

The above GPS example shows that mathematics is not valid for nature and engineering. In
reality mathematics is not necessary at all for designing engineering systems. All we need is good
measurement systems involving good sensors just like human body has. Using measurements, just like
GPS ground system, we can design any engineering system in a much more reliable and robust way [Das

3.2.2 Uncertainty Principle (UP) Is Wrong

Heisenberg, in his book of 1930 gives details about the proof of his uncertainty principle. In this
proof he made two important assumptions: (A) he assumes that momentum and position are related by
Fourier Transform (FT) pair, as shown by the integrals below, and (B) he ignores the infinity assumption
of FT integrals. The following two FT expressions are exact copy from his book [Heisenberg 1930].



In the above, s(x) is the spectrum function and t(y) is the time function representing the wave.
The following expressions are used to represent the variables:

And finally

In above p’ is the position of the electron and q’ is the momentum; S and T are probability
density functions.

Clearly there is no reason to believe that position and momentum variables be related by the FT.
Thus this is a very fundamental error in the UP theory. According to [Heisenberg 1927] - “If there existed
experiments which allowed simultaneously a sharper determination of p and q than the equation on
uncertainty relation permits, then quantum mechanics would be impossible”.

Recently, Caltech researchers have found a way to make measurements that go beyond the limits
imposed by quantum physics. This experimental result was published online in [CalTech 2014]. The
corresponding theoretical article was published in [Das 2013a].

3.2.3 Special Relativity Is Wrong

It is now known that the Michelson–Morley (MM) experiment can be considered as the root
cause for the creation of special theory of relativity (STR). This motivated many modern researchers to
examine the details of MM calculations as done by MM. Einstein said in 1922—
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“While I was thinking about this problem in my student years, I came to know the strange results
of Michelson’s experiment. Soon I came to the conclusion that our idea about the motion of the earth with
respect to the ether is incorrect, if we admit Michelson’s null result as a fact. This was the first path which
led me to the special theory of relativity. Since then I have come to believe that the motion of the earth
cannot be detected by any optical experiment though the earth is revolving around the sun. [Einstein]”

Interestingly, Einstein assumed the existence of inertial reference frame, which is a frame that
moves with a constant velocity in a straight line. That is, Einstein assumed Newton’s first law was
correct. But there is no straight line in the universe, because all objects are continuously and
simultaneously interacting and moving with respect to each other. Also because of the same reasons, no
physical object, or more specifically, the location of the origin of the inertial reference frame, can move in
a straight line.

Einstein also made another major assumption - that the light speed is constant, which has not
been proven correct yet [Das 2014c]. This assumption came from the Michelson-Morley experiment. It
should be quite obvious to realize that the hardware design of the MM experiment cannot detect any
phase difference. The hardware is perfectly symmetric in both x and y directions. Therefore under the
static condition of the universe, there will be no phase difference of light signals at the detector. Since
linear motion or linear transformation, cannot affect the characteristics of any experiment, as postulated
correctly by Einstein, the phase difference will also not appear when the universe is moving, for small
distances. Thus the null result was natural.

Therefore under these special circumstances, when everything fails, we can confidently say that
the cause and effect law is the only meaningful law of nature that describes all the features of the
universe, when further modified by incorporating the soul theory.

4. Philosophy Vs Truth
Definition - Merriam-Webster dictionary defines philosophy as ― “a search for a general
understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than observational means”. Philosophy is
not valid when the truth is unique and universal, where no speculation is possible. Moreover, all the laws
of nature described here can be and have been observed in nature by humans, and therefore Veda is real
and not a subject of any philosophical discourse.

Hawking - The Grand Design book [Hawking], written by the celebrated physicists Stephen
Hawking, has a chapter on the theory of everything (TOE). There he claims philosophy is dead. That is
correct in one sense, because philosophers do not have any definition for truth, and definitely do not claim
that the truth is unique and universal. The souls reincarnate to search for truth; we cannot box them or
compartment them. It is not possible to discover truth in an isolated environment.

Determinism - The determinism of our nature is not a philosophy or a fantasy. That is true, as
shown in this article, based on pure physical laws of action and reaction. But we should not confuse it to
mean that we can predict future. This cannot happen, because of the complexity law, which is hidden in N
in expression (17) of the equation. The number N is very large and cannot be found, but it exists and is
finite. Einstein and Newton both believed in this deterministic law of nature [Das 2012a]. The literature
on the theory of relativity also talks about the predictability of future. It has been written in the physics
book [Eddington, p. 46] “Events do not happen; they are just there, and we come across them”. This is the
same conclusion we discover – the effect is ever existent – as a consequence of CEL.

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4.1 Analysis - Philosophy

Nobel Laureate in literature Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) says –

“… those questions which are already capable of definite answers are placed in the sciences,
while those only to which, at present, no definite answer can be given, remain to form the residue
which is called philosophy.”

Only CEL - We have started this article with the definition of truth T1 and have shown that all of
science is wrong, because they are all based on the unfounded and false assumptions. We show in this
article that the cause and effect is the only valid law (CEL) of nature, nature demonstrates it, and we can
observe the results. Thus we do not have any role for philosophy. Philosophy can then be considered as a
dead subject. But since science is wrong, philosophy has still some role to resurrect science. But the
whole earth has the same root cause, the money power, which controls the earth. Unless money power
opens the door, the truth cannot be told. Bertrand Russell also had to lose his job, like Galileo.

Change Education - Our education must start with engineering. It is the engineering that gives
us direct, hands-on contact with nature. Unless we learn the nature we cannot understand the nature. Our
science theories have assumptions, they are therefore philosophy, speculation, and cannot give us real

5. Mathematics Is Wrong
Something is wrong means it will not work for nature and engineering. Engineering is nature,
because it uses objects of nature. Engineering uses transistors, for example, which are made of materials
from the earth. Mathematics violates the definition of truth T1. So mathematics must be wrong.

5.1 Real Numbers Are False.

If you write (M1): 1+2=3, most people will understand its meaning. One orange plus two apples
make three fruits. But to a mathematician M1 is a completely wrong application of mathematics. In
mathematics, one, two, and three are real numbers. They are points on a real line, which is a straight line.
And the numbers are at equal distances apart starting from the point zero. Thus addition is defined only
for real numbers. Here only distances are added. Results of addition must be a real number, representing a
distance. Thus apples and oranges cannot be added; even two apples cannot be added. The result of
addition cannot be fruits; it must be a real number, representing a distance. There are many such
properties for real numbers. Any textbook on real analysis will describe them [Bartle]. Thus M1 is not

5.2 No Straight Line.

There is no straight line in nature. Since all objects in the universe are moving continuously, no
three points on a straight line can remain on that straight line for more than a moment. Thus the
foundation of mathematics, a straight line, is not meaningful for nature. Since engineering uses objects of
nature, and also interacts with nature, mathematics cannot be applied to describe both engineering and
nature. Thus the fundamentals of mathematics violate the definition of truth, item two of T1 - both real
numbers and the straight line are not objects of nature. Therefore, mathematics is a false subject.

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5.3 No Infinity

Infinity is a very important concept in mathematics. However, infinity is not there in both
engineering and in nature. The characteristics of any mathematical theory that uses infinity will magically
change completely if you replace infinity by any finite number, however small or large. We can illustrate
it [Das 2011a] using the Laplace Transform (LT), a very commonly used tool in engineering and physics.
Similar effects can be shown [Das 2014b] for the Fourier Transform (FT) also.

5.3.1 Infinite Laplace Transform (Ilt)

Laplace Transform (LT) is defined using an integral as shown in (3):


In expression (3) the variable t is usually considered as time. The integral limits show that the
time must be valid from zero to infinity. Thus the function F(s) on the left hand side, called infinite
Laplace transform (ILT), will be valid only for infinite time systems. Consider the step function defined
over infinite time:

Using the definition (3) we get the expression for the infinite Laplace transform (ILT):

The last step is obtained by using infinity for T in the previous step. We can see from (6) that the
ILT has a pole at s = 0. This creates singularity in the engineering systems. Infinity assumption in the
definition (3), did not vanish, it reappeared in the result (6) also as a pole. Employees in many
corporations use ILT, without knowing that they are using infinite time theory in finite time engineering,
leading to complex patches and kludges, for all engineering applications. This is obvious because we are
using wrong theories. This leads to unsafe and unreliable engineering practices.

5.3.2 Finite Laplace Transform (FLT)

Let us now consider an example with finite time T to bring out the fact that the Laplace transform
is based on infinite time assumptions, that is, it cannot be used for finite duration signals. The finite
duration step function f(t) is defined by


Using the definition (7) we get the expression for the finite Laplace transform (FLT):


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Observe from expression (9) that the FLT does not have any poles, that is, a value of infinity for
F(s) at the origin. At s=0 the expression (9) takes 0/0 form. The FLT completely changes the nature of
LT. In this case the FLT is an analytic function with no singularity. The situation will be true for all kinds
of functions, and not just for step function. Thus real engineering, which is a finite time system, does not
have any poles. Ignorantly using ILT complicates engineering.

This example shows that just because something is used in engineering and engineering works, it
does not mean that this something is correct. Truth T1 is multidimensional, mathematics only has a
narrow view.

An entire theory of control systems, signal processing, and communication engineering has been
developed using this pole-zero concepts of Laplace Transform. Transfer functions, Bode plot, root locus,
are taught extensively in undergraduate classes. You can now see that they are all wrong. Finite time
engineering cannot have poles.

The Laplace Transform theory must be revised and rewritten for applications in finite time
engineering. For embedded engineering applications, ILT is not a correct tool and its use will make the
embedded engineering software unreliable. But in practice that is what happens, engineers will have to
add patches and kludges to make engineering work. Thus engineering has become complex because we
are using wrong or false theories.

In reality all theories are wrong, and none of them works or can work for any engineering
applications. In fact engineering can be designed completely without any theory. Human body is the best
example of nature’s engineering product. We do not use any theory when we walk, or when we do our
daily activities. This happens because we have the best sensor technology inside our body. The same can
be done for engineering also.

It should be mentioned that, since mathematics is wrong, and physics uses mathematics then
physics must be wrong too. By wrong or false, we mean that the physics is not applicable for engineering
and nature.

5.4 Modeling an Apple

Can you describe an apple using mathematics? Did you ever realize that different parts of the
same apple have different tastes? How did that happen? This means every molecule of the same apple has
different tastes. This in turn means every atom, and therefore every electron has different tastes. But
physics do not recognize such properties of electrons. There are billions of electrons in an apple, and we
cannot model them using any mathematical algorithm. This complexity or “taste” is there in every object
of nature and therefore mathematics cannot be used to describe any object of nature. If you cannot
describe one apple, then you cannot compare two apples. Thus it is wrong to say that this apple costs $10
and that apple costs $15. There cannot have any rationality behind such assignments. Money power is
using false science in enforcing such discriminations in our societies.

You cannot even compare the shapes, colors, etc., of any two apples. It is impossible to identify
the position of a point on the surface of an apple, using any algorithm. Where would you place the origin
of your coordinate system on one apple? Can you locate the same point in another apple? No, you cannot,
two apples are completely different. If you think this way you will realize the immense complexity of
nature, which is beyond the capabilities of our mathematics. Thus mathematics is false or wrong for both
engineering and nature. We have introduced an example of such failure of mathematics in the case of our
handheld GPS receivers in our cell phones.

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We can blame the mathematics for such failure in engineering. But we can also blame the money
power for allowing such false mathematics to originate in our universities and research institutions. But
we have mentioned before, money power does not want truth. Therefore we must blame destiny. And that
is correct; it is the destiny that rules at the top of everything. There are definitely reasons for such
deterioration of our civilizations.

6. Numbers in Nature

No Numbers - There are no two identical objects in nature. No two events in nature are also
identical. Therefore two apples are not identical. For the same reasons no two virus particles are identical,
no two humans are identical. There is no average man, average apple, average object, average event of
any type, etc. Therefore they cannot be counted and nothing can be measured and compared. Bertrand
Russell used counting as the foundation for his definition of numbers. As we see here that numbers have
no role for nature. There is no need for counting. There is no need for counting money, as we have seen,
money itself is false.

Outliers - We do not even try to understand the details of numbers. We use probability and
statistics to eliminate and filter the data. We reject the data as outliers instead of trying to find the
underlying mechanism. Every object has a soul and that soul wants to reveal its truth to us, we cannot
reject them. You cannot detect a reincarnation example using statistical methods. You cannot find a yogi
in our modern times by using numbers. A yogi sips potassium cyanide with no harm. If you reject such a
data as outliers then you will never know why our medicine fails or works. People will also not know
how to protect themselves against diseases. Philosophy professor Dr. Robert Almeder of Georgia State
University says if 100 people jump from Empire State Building, and 5 of them walk away without any
injuries then we should be explaining how it happened for these 5 people [Almeder].

No Objective - Every object has a soul, and that soul has different experiences in its each
reincarnated life, which is different from all other souls, existing at that time. As we have discussed in
Section-13, each object is composed of root material particles; each such particle has three properties:
knowledge, ignorance, and energy. The Bible calls it dust, but this is not the dust of the earth. This is so
because the earth is also made of dust. It maybe that in the Jewish language, which is the original
language of the Bible, you will find the dust has a different and more meaningful name, for now we may
call it the cosmic dust. Thus such dust particles, inside any object, are also different from each other. Thus
no two objects in nature can be counted; they are like apples and oranges.

No Probability - In the article [Carroll], the research professor at CalTech, says

“An example of an objective approach to probability is frequentism, which defines

probability as the frequency with which things happen over many trials, as in our coin-tossing

In this article we have given an example to show that all horse race winners in one race course
were exactly predicted, thus showing that probability has no role in our life. Scientists should look for
predicting the truth exactly, and not take a path of approximation to mislead humanities. We have
mentioned that uncertainty principle of Heisenberg is wrong [Das 2013a] and that has been
experimentally verified by [CalTech 2014].

In Section-5 of this article, we have explained in some details, why mathematics is wrong, and is
not applicable for nature and engineering. Mathematics has numbers, straight line, infinity, etc., which are
nonexistent in nature and engineering. Probability cannot be an exception. We have also shown that no
experimentation, like trials, can produce correct information about nature. The definition of truth says,
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nature must be observed only. Just like robots cannot perform experiments to understand humans, the
humans also cannot learn about nature in the same way. There is no science theory that does not have
assumptions. Most fundamental problem of math and science is that everything in nature is both objective
and subjective. Every object has a soul.

The professor says -

“Laplace’s demon was never supposed to be a practical thought experiment; the imagined
intelligence would have to be essentially as vast as the universe itself.”

The above is not correct. The example demonstrated by Catherine in Section-12.2, mentioned in
this article, proves the falsity of the above comment. Both Bible and Vedas are full of many such
examples of yogic power [Das 2020b], which we have thrown away as myths. Yogic power is a
technology that anyone, like Catherine, can acquire using yogic meditation. There are no random events;
there is no need to know the data for the entire universe to predict any event exactly, as Catherine has
demonstrated. Simultaneity is the law, therefore effect cannot show the cause; moreover the effect is
forever existent. Catherine demonstrated that too.

The professor also says -

“We know how to handle the mathematics of probability, thanks to the work of the Russian
mathematician Andrey Kolmogorov and others. “

Measure Theory - This subject of Kolmogorov is very fascinating, perfect, but only inside the
domain of mathematics. It cannot be used for nature, just like any other subject of mathematics. There is
nothing random in measure theory. Random variable is a measurable function which is also not random.
No sample space is random. No single apple is a random object in a bag of apples. Same is true for
humans also. Every object is unique. There is no mean value of a human; there is no mean human being.
Every life is unique, precisely defined, and exactly predictable moment by moment. There are many
examples in the published literature showing perfect predictability. If it is true for humans, it will be true
for all other objects. It is souls everywhere, from the tiniest to the largest.

Random variables measure physical objects, which is meaningless. X(w)=a, here w is like an
apple and a is like $5. Measurable functions, like X, cannot be meaningful for nature. How do you justify
that the measure of an apple is $5, or Mr. Y is $100/hr? Measure theory is an attempt to convert events,
characteristics, objects of nature, etc., to real numbers or money value. Every human being has a unique
destiny and can be precisely predicted. Same is true for every event in nature. See the examples in the
yogic power literature [Das 2020b]. Numbers, data, do not define nature and its objects. There are no real
numbers in nature, nothing can be measured. Mathematics is designed by money power, for business, and
for discrimination. In a moneyless economy (MLE) such a science will vanish [Das 2020a].

Five senses - A human can talk; therefore can create a sound wave, which does not mean humans
are waves. An antenna can vibrate and create waves, send an electromagnetic signal, which does not
mean antenna is a wave. Same thing can be true for a particle, which does not mean a particle is a wave.
Every particle has some material, which Bible calls dust, and also has a soul which has consciousness,
according to Vedas. We have seen different apple molecules or atoms have different tastes at different
locations inside the same apple, which indicates particles have both material and soul. No object can have
only one property. We have five senses, therefore apples have at least five properties, they give different
tastes, different colors, different feelings of touch, etc.

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He says -

“The best we can do is to calculate the probability of obtaining each possible outcome,
according to what’s called the Born rule: The wave function assigns an “amplitude” to each
measurement outcome, and the probability of getting that result is equal to the amplitude squared.”

DSE - This wave function concept comes from the double slit experiment (DSE). This
experiment assumes that a beam of single electron or photon is used. But we do not have any engineering
technology to produce such a single electron beam. We do not even have a measuring instrument to
measure if a beam has a single electron. Nothing in nature can be isolated. Reducing the intensity cannot
guarantee generation of a single photon beam. What we can produce at best, is hundreds or thousands of
simultaneous electron beams. Thus the duality of particle and wave is nothing but an assumption, based
on ignorance of nature and engineering.

A laser printer’s high speed rotating mirror can be used to generate or deflect a laser light to
create wave front pattern on a paper. A targeted shooting of large metallic balls at a single plate, with
marked array of squares as targets, can be used to deflect and generate a wave front pattern [Das 2017b].
Thus wave front pattern does not necessarily mean it is created by waves. It is very much like Galileo’s
observation; data cannot reveal the cause. Bertrand Russell, Gita, and the cause and effect law presented
here confirm the same conclusion – There is no cause and effect pair, it is all about destiny law, it is the
simultaneity law.

7.Newton’s Second Law

Our attempt here is to show that the every law the physicists have discovered is nothing but the
conservation law or the sigma law, which essentially says that the sigma of everything is zero. Second
law has the same assumption - isolated environment. If we remove the assumptions, we get out of the
second law of Newton, the same concept of the conservation law. In terms of mathematical notations this
second law is expressed as:

Here f is the net force acting on an object of mass m. And the resultant acceleration of the object
is a. Assuming that the mass is one, and replacing the acceleration using the second derivative of position
x, we can rewrite the law (10) as:

The first level of modifications that engineers have added to the right hand side is the
gravitational force g. So we modify (11) by the following expression (12):


In (12) we write g as a function of x, because the gravity depends on the position. In the original
formulation (10) there was no x in the right hand side. Note that the variable x is a three dimensional
vector in space, it has North, East, and Up (NEU) as coordinates. Since g is dependent on the height
above the earth, g is a function of x. Actually, g is a very complex function, and depends on the NEU
coordinates. The earth has been modeled as an ellipsoid, like World Geodetic System 1984, (WGS84),
and then extensive formula has been developed by mathematicians, physicist, and engineers to define g(x)
as a function of the NEU coordinates [Chatfield].

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The right hand side of (12) also depends on velocity or dx/dt of the object. Since the earth is
rotating around its own axis, there is always a force, called Coriolis force, which acts on all objects near
the earth space. This force has been shown to be dependent on velocity of the object. Thus the expression
(12) should be modified to the following [Nylund, p.76]:


Where Ω is a factor related to the earth’s angular velocity, which is a constant. The expression
(13), as found in the public literature, is quite simple also. It has been found that even (13) cannot be used
to satisfy our navigational requirements. GPS (global positioning system) has been used [Nylund] to
augment (13). However, the point is quite well illustrated by (13), the nature is very complex and the
simple expression like (11) is not enough to meet the requirements of our engineering products of our
times. The formula (11) was good for Newton’s time but is nowhere near our needs of the day.

Interestingly, the equation (13) shows that the summation of all forces is zero, which is nothing
but the D’Alembert’s principle. The same is evident in expression (13), and thus (13) is really a sigma law
and not a new law. Thus we see that the second law of Newton is essentially a different way of
representing the law of conservation, which is there in both the Vedas and the Bible.

8. Newton’s Action-Reaction Law

8.1 Introduction - Cel

Newton’s third law, also known as the action-reaction law, can be considered as the cause and
effect law (CEL). [Bible Galatians 6:7] says “whatever one sows, that will he also reap”, has the same
concept. In Vedas, something similar is mentioned – ‘cause and effect are similar in nature.’ However, in
this article we will find that the concept of soul theory reveals that effect exits forever. It is a very
common philosophical statement – ‘The seed of death is implanted at the time of birth.’ Thus the time gap
between cause and effect can be billions of years also, because some objects, like stars and galaxies, live
over billion years, and they will also die.

Here we will use mathematics to convert this CEL to the global plan or the destiny law, which is
the highest level law of the nature. This will justify the statement of the German philosopher Friedrich
Nietzsche –‘if anything moves then everything in the entire universe moves.’ Thus the CEL is very
profound, and governs the universe including all its details. All these details can be observed also as per
definition T1.

As we have mentioned, mathematics is wrong, we will still use it as a symbolic language, to

express our thoughts in a compact way, even though with many errors in details. Those who do not like
mathematics, should still read this section, and will definitely gain some knowledge, about the CEL and
why it happens. Hopefully, this section will remove the confusion of causality and time-asymmetry
concerns from physics and philosophy. We remind again that the CEL, Destiny law, and the simultaneity
law are all synonyms.

The CEL says the effect cannot determine the cause. Gita has a verse that says, “never expect that
you are the cause of the result you get” [G.2.47]. In the same way it means do your work but never expect
the result you want. It is the same thing as saying that you are not responsible for what happens in your
involvement. Simultaneity is the reason that will explain all these consequences. Bertrand Russell talked
about the simultaneity law in connection with the cause and effect and also while discussing truth using
his correspondence theory. We discuss Russell’s ideas [Russell 1929] in this article.

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The lack of freewill and the lack of choices are also explained using this same simultaneity law.
Observe that the destiny law is defined for the entire universe and for eternity. Present life is only a small
fraction of our activities in this universe. We also live for eternity because of reincarnation.

8.2 Mathematical Model

This CEL has a very profound impact in both physical and social sciences. Newton’s third law
can be found in [Serway, p120.], and has been explained in the following way.

“The forces always occur in pairs or that a single isolated force cannot exist. Any one of these
two forces can be called the action force, and the other one then can be called the reaction force. The
reaction force is equal in magnitude of the action force and is of opposite in direction.”

Therefore, mathematically we can write


Thus the sum of the two forces is always zero, and can be written as in (15):


As pointed out in this article, all three Newton’s laws make the same assumption of isolated
environment or absence of any interactions from other forces. In a sense they are valid only for point
particles with nothing else in the neighborhood. We should recognize that nature does not make any
assumptions. Therefore this assumption must be removed.

Because we are all globally connected over space, and therefore for every action there will always
be more than one reaction {F2, F3, … FN}. That is, it is not possible to create an isolated system and
produce a single reaction. However the summation of all reactions must still be equal to the original
action that produced all the reactions. Therefore in real life we should have (16):

The expression (16) can be written as

We call (17) as the sigma law, sigma of everything is zero. It has been shown [Das 2012a] that all
the known laws of physics can be reduced to the sigma law. We can rewrite it in more standard
mathematical notation as in (18):

To make expression (18) meaningful we multiply each variable by a conversion factor to reduce
the variables from physical quantities to real numbers. Only real numbers can be added.


We can now separate the first variable from all other variables and write:

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Redefining the coefficients we write the above expression in the following way:


The equation (20) shows how the action x1 depends on all action variables. It also means that
every action is dependent simultaneously on all actions. Since all actions are continuously changing with
time, we can represent the left hand side of (20) as the time derivative of the variable, represented by a dot
as superscript. Thus (20) reduces to:


Expression (21) will be valid for all the variables, giving us a set of simultaneous equations, with
each equation representing one of the variables in the left hand side. We also have to rewrite each
coefficient with double subscript for the matrix representation of equation (21) in the following standard
The equation (22) is a very well known expression in the theory of differential equation and also
in system theory. Consequently, this has been investigated thoroughly and has solutions for many
different characteristics of the A-matrix. The standard solution has the form, in matrix notation, given by


Here t0 is the initial start time, and x(t0) is the corresponding initial state of the system. The
solution x(t) is the solution vector for each of the variables in (21).

8.3 Analysis - Cel

Nietzsche - The expression (23) can be represented in graphic form as in Figure-1. Here each box
represents an object, and the variable written inside the box represents the state of the box at a specific
time. This state can be called cause or effect, or according to Newton it will be action or reaction. From
the figure or the equation (23) we can see that every box is in interaction with all other boxes by a spring
like interface shown in the figure. This interface can be called gravity force or the force of consciousness
of every object. This is the graphic representation of what Nietzsche said – “If anything moves then
everything moves”. From the Figure-1 and equation (23) we see that he is exactly right.

Global - The equation (23) represents the cause and effect model for the entire universe. It
contains all objects, all variables for every object, starting from the smallest particle like a virus or
electron to the largest object like a galaxy or sun. The theory of differential equation says that the solution
(23) is unique and is defined for all time and for eternity. Thus if you know the equation (23) then you
know exactly what will happen anywhere in the universe at any time. All information of only a single
person will not be enough to predict any future event for that person anywhere on earth.

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Russell - The equation (23) shows that the

Fig. 1: Interconnected physical objects concept of the CEL expressed as A causes B is wrong. It
is quite possible that B can cause A also, or there can be
X4 another cause C which may have caused both A and B.
X3 Thus our analysis in our justice system and medicine
X1 X5 theory can be all wrong; there is no truth in such
conclusions. Bertrand Russell said “There is no cause and
X2 effect; it is only a mathematical formula [Russell 1929]”.
X6 You will know the effect, but you cannot know the causes
A, B, or C.

Concept Only - Since the mathematics is wrong the above model (23) is only a translation of the
English language description in a symbolic language. The mathematics cannot give any new information
other than what English language gives. Thus modeling cannot give us the ability to get exact answers.
But when we extend the cause and effect law using the soul theory we will find that the exact solution
will be visible to us. The mathematical model (23), its graphical representation in Figure-1, and the
English language development statements all give us a meaningful interpretation of the universe, but
cannot give us correct or even approximate solution. Thus data, information, theory, have no means to
predict any results. This is exactly the conclusion of the Galileo phenomenon – effects cannot predict the

No God - Since the expression (23) represents the entire universe therefore it does not have any
driving force for the model. There is nothing outside this universe. The model includes complete
information therefore its solution will be unique. There is no probability, and no assumption like isolated
environment. However, as mentioned before, mathematics is wrong; we cannot convert a cause or a
reaction, even conceptually, to a real number. Therefore the equation (19) is wrong. Remember, an apple
is $5 cannot be justified.

Reincarnation - This model is incomplete, because it does not include the most important
concept of life, the evidence of past life, that is, the reincarnations [Das 2013c]. Every person or object is
born with past life experiences and a continuation of its destiny. The CEL model (23) does not have any
capability to incorporate this entire trajectory of the new born baby in the existing model (23). Without
such feature, the model (23) cannot become complete; and cannot predict events like Ramayan,
Mahabharat, Jesus, Hitler, 9-11 event, Covid-19, central bank as the global king, etc. Or in other words
the CEL (23) is not yet the destiny law. But it is telling us why it is not.

Soul Theory - When we expand the CEL model using soul theory, we will find that this CEL
model becomes very precise and exact. Everything depends on the soul; it controls all of our activities.
Soul theory provides complete information; and therefore can predict the future events exactly. We will
find that the CEL model is not dynamic. Complete information makes it static. We will find that we are
designed to have no freewill, no choices, and we are like robots. Things happen exactly the way it
happens inside our corporations, in a preplanned way. Major periodic events, caused by reincarnations,
cannot be captured by the present CEL (23) model.

9. Second Law of Thermodynamics

While discussing the action-reaction law, we briefly mentioned two important concepts. For
every action there will be many reactions. And that these reactions will spread, over time, everywhere
creating the global space time (GST) effect. Actually these two concepts are interrelated. We want to

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elaborate them to show that the second law of thermodynamics is really a sigma law. Another reason that
we discuss this subject is that there is no concept of chaos, entropy, and probability in the universe.
Everything is precisely defined, can be exactly predicted, and this predictability has been demonstrated
many times all over the world in the past centuries. We have discussed here how Catherine predicted, in
section-12.2, the horse race results correctly.

9.1 The Global Reality

Everything in this nature is interconnected, in global space, and over global time. This means that
any action we take now will affect our entire environment. The reactions will spread to many places and
will continue to spread over time to affect more and more elements in the environment. The
environmental pollution is clearly an example of such an effect. Earthquake, Tsunami, Financial Crisis,
Covid-19, etc. are all very well known examples of Global Space Time (GST) environment. Thus the
GST concept says that for every action there are always multiple reactions. This is a fact of nature; there
is no isolated system or environment. However, the sum of all these reactions must be equal to the
original action as in (19). By assuming isolated systems we may make things simpler, but we hide the real
nature of things, and possibly create confusion about the reality.

Another view point of the multiple reactions theory is to recognize that you cannot produce a
single reaction from a single action as in (14). This is impossible, also because we are all interconnected
by GST, which prevents single reaction. You cannot create an isolated system; it goes against the laws of
nature. The idea of isolation takes us away from the GST perspective.

The GST concept also says that the same action cannot produce the same result, because the first
action has already impacted the environment. Second time the environment is different. Therefore the
second action is not exactly the first action; the second action cannot produce similar chain of reactions,
because it is working on a different environment and at different time. Both time and space has changed
after the first action, the GST is different now for the second action. This essentially means that no
process, micro or macro, is neither reversible nor repeatable. The environment has changed. It was square
before, and now it is a circle. The reverse action is not meaningful anymore inside this circle. We should
also recognize that time not only changes the environment, it also changes the ages of the objects; that is,
all the objects have changed also.

Thus two of the most important assumptions of thermodynamics - isolated system and reversible
process - are against the GST concept. They are against the concept that everything is working
simultaneously, like in equation (23), interactively, and at the same time. And we all agree that if the
assumptions are invalid then the theory will not work in engineering as well as in nature. The theory
remains as an assumption also.

In many cases, we may not need to analyze all the reactions. We may need to study only one of
the reactions, or some of the reactions, but not all of the reactions. But we must remember that all the
reactions exist, we cannot ignore them. With this background in mind let us see the statement of the
second law of thermodynamics.

9.2 The Second Law

The laws of thermodynamics are usually defined using heat and work [Serway, p.670] and in the
context of an engine. The second law of thermodynamics says –

“It is impossible to construct a heat engine that produces no effect other than the input of
energy by heat from a reservoir and the performance of an equal amount of work”.

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That is, all the heat taken cannot be converted into work.

Heat Input = Work Desired (is impossible)

Some heat will be always lost. The heat input is the action, which produces two reactions, some
work and some heat loss. If you analyze the two reactions carefully you will find that they both include
many reactions. The work produced has, loss of work due to friction in the gear boxes, loss of work in all
mechanical joints etc. Similarly the loss of heat also has many reactions, some heat was lost straight into
the environment, some heat was lost in the engine body, some was lost in heat transmission pipes etc.
Thus the original action, taking heat, has produced many reactions of many work types and many heat
loss types and can be written as in (24).

Heat Input = Heat Loss + Work Loss + Work


There are other reactions also like producing some sound or noise. If we sum all the reactions we
will always find that it will be equal to input heat amount. Thus the second law is really the sigma law.
Now the second law says we cannot prevent the losses in heat. We say that we cannot prevent the losses
in the work also. That is we cannot channel all the input heat directly into usable work output. We call
that as trying to isolate a system from its GST environment. That is not possible; it is against the reality of

Thus taking heat and then producing some work and some heat loss, is equivalent to saying that
heat input has produced two reactions. That is, the sum of the two reactions must be equal to the heat
input, which is the sigma law. If you consider one of the outputs say the work, and the input, it is clear
you cannot get 100% efficiency, because it will violate the sigma law. You cannot produce only one
reaction or in other words you cannot have an isolated system. The two requirements – isolated system
and 100% efficiency - are equivalent, and violate the concept of GST.

9.3 The Disorder

Associated with the second law of thermodynamics is the concept of entropy. The entropy theory
says [Serway, p.683], “isolated systems tend toward disorder and that entropy is a measure of this
disorder”. In the above statement the assumption of isolated system is not feasible. The GST theory says
we are all globally connected and constantly interacting with each other. We have mentioned before, if
the assumptions are wrong, then the results will be wrong also.

Over time everything in the universe will die and then reincarnate. The death period may appear a
disorder, but that is not correct. Even death time for humans is precisely predictable and death events also
can be predicted [Das 2014b]. There are also many well established events that happen during the death
time of humans. Some animals can see the death time of humans correctly. Such incidents therefore
cannot be called disordered events. Predictable and planned events should not be called disordered.
Abnormal or accidental events are also not disordered; every moment is precisely predictable from the
memory of the universe. Death is not bad, it means new life again.

The concept of disorder has not been defined in thermodynamics. Random motion of molecules
or atoms in an isolated environment is given as an example of disorder. Since isolated is an assumption,
therefore the result must be an assumption also. This motion surely can be modeled using differential
equations and then we will find it as a very well defined motion. The fact that we cannot write such a set
of differential equations, because of its complexity; and the fact that we have taken a statistical approach
because of its simplicity; do not mean that the atomic motion is an example of disorder. If we expand the

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microscopic space and if we expand the nanosecond time scale then we will find perfect order in the
motion. We illustrate with one example.

9.3.1 Disorder Example

We have observed looking up in the sky that airplanes often fly along a perfect straight line at
very high altitude. We see that there is a perfect order in this motion. However, the pilot sees the cockpit
meters almost steady with little vibration in the needle tips; which we may interpret as a little disorder.
This needle display comes from a space time filter of the navigation computer data. The computer is
running at nanosecond time scale, but the data is taken for display maybe every tenth of a second, thus it
uses a time scale filter. Similarly the data maybe a 32-bit number inside the computer, but the computer
averages it over space scale, thus filtering data according to the space range of the cockpit meter. These
space time filters thus remove almost all appearances of internal disorder inside the computer.

There are many registers inside this navigation microprocessor of the digital electronic circuit
board. If you plot the values of any one of these registers, over time, you will find that the graph will look
like a random process, like a white noise, and may appear like a completely disordered system. Many
such graphs have been published in literature [Das 2012a]. This happens because the register is changing
at nanosecond time scale. But we know that the microprocessor is doing a meaningful work, because we
have programmed it, that is, there is an order inside. Thus the appearance of order and disorder are related
to space and time scales. In reality there is no disorder in nature. Note that the microprocessor is part of
nature too; it is created using the elements of the periodic table of chemistry.

It is difficult to believe in the concept of disorder under the frame work of GST. We are inside a
global system, as discussed in this paper, defined by millions of simultaneous differential equations in
millions of variables. According to this theory the universe is precisely defined and precisely predictable.
That is to say, exact predictability cannot indicate disorder. We do not have any example in the universe
that shows that the nature is creating disorder. Death for example, is not a disorder; it is a law of nature
and precisely predictable. Everything in nature goes through a birth process, maturity process, and death
process. Recognize that, they all have different space time scales, which may create an illusion of
disorder. Thus the second law of thermodynamics is nothing but the sigma law. The heat input, heat loss,
work loss, and work done are just some actions and reactions.

The information theory of digital communication engineering has been related to the concept of
entropy. The result, the capacity theorem, has been derived also without the concept of entropy. In the
paper on green modem [Das 2009] the result of [Shannon] has been extended to higher capacity, without
using the entropy concept of information theory, and also without the assumption of infinite time.

9.4 Analysis - Disorder

It should be well-known to all critical researchers that disorder is not meaningful in nature. Death
is not a disorder, because it is precisely predictable about when and how it will happen. There are about
million palm leaf booklets on the prediction of life about people who are living now in our world. These
booklets were written about ten thousand years back [Das 2014b]. Thus disorder of any kind cannot exist
in the universe.

In quantum Mechanics (QM) there is a principle called uncertainty principle, which claims that
perfect measurement cannot be achieved. We have mentioned about this principle before in this article. It
was established that this principle is based on the assumption which does not have any meaningful
foundation [Das 2013a]. Recently, Caltech has experimentally established the validity of the above
assertion in [CalTech 2014]. Thus the concept of probability, disorder, outliers, etc., should be removed
from scientific research.
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We examine how mathematics describes a simple random walk, which is considered as disorder,
or random [Zitkovic].

A stochastic process is called a simple random walk if

1. X0 = 0,

2. the increment Xn+1 - Xn is independent of (X0, X1 … Xn) for each n in N, and

3. the increment Xn+1 - Xn has the coin-toss distribution, i.e. P[Xn+1 - Xn = 1] = P[Xn+1 - Xn = -1] = 1/2

Everything in the above definition violates nature and engineering, so it is very frustrating to read
and explain. But in terms of mathematics and probability theory it is perfect, and there is nothing random
here. It appears that the domain of a function can be a non-real number space. In that case, how do you
define a sigma-algebra on a bag of apples? Two apples are not identical; therefore their intersections will
be empty. A horse racecourse and a stock market are well known examples of random processes. But in
section 12.2 we have given an example of exact prediction of results for the day. Thus the data cannot say
that the process is random.

There are no such random processes in nature. Suppose Xn is defined over a sample space of all
humans. Then Xn is an attempt to measure something about humans. Which property can you measure?
Why do you want to measure? What good it will do to humans? Economy is false, because money is
false, therefore any numerical value for humans, like 100$/Hr is meaningless. If you consider the sample
space is a bag of apples, then also can you find any meaningful quality to measure and then compare two
apples? No, there will be no truth in that concept. Such a society cannot give peace to its people. Under a
moneyless economy (MLE) such false mathematics will vanish [Das 2020a].

There is no such object X that corresponds to a natural object or a natural event. Here X is
mentioned as random, yet their increments can take only two distinct vales +1 and -1; which represent
deterministic situations. It cannot take any arbitrary numbers like 0.3, 0.7, 0.1 etc. Thus this is a
theoretical, hypothetical, and mathematical idea and has no relevance in nature and engineering.

10. Causality Literature

In this section we review some published articles on causality and provide some discussions in
view of the cause and effect law (CEL) based on the classical physics, including QM (Quantum
Mechanics) and SR (Special Relativity), and by the matrix expression (23). Causality literature is based
on (14) but we have presented a vastly different concept by (23) which are not really comparable.

Asymmetry of time

The article [Tamm] says:

“On the micro-level, the laws of nature appear to be essentially time symmetric: if a process is
possible in one direction of time, then the reversed process is also possible. On the macro-level, however,
this is no longer true. In fact, in our world as we know it, reversible processes are very rare.”

No example is given for a reversible process even for micro-level. A natural process can never be
reversible, micro or macro. Once a process has started or finished, the environment of the nature has
changed. The environment is always changing, irrespective of the micro or macro level processes. This is
so because all objects are continuously moving and changing in age. The reverse process therefore cannot

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be performed in the original environment with the original object. The old environment and the object
have changed forever. The micro particles have also changed with time. Thus asymmetry of time is not a
meaningful concern for nature and therefore the causality.

Professor [Rubi], Department of Fundamental Physics, University of Barcelona, Spain, says:

“Through causality, we may come to the conclusion that something happening regularly will
always happen. This principle can successfully be applied to cases in which one has complete
information on the situation involved.”

The above article has not given any proof of the above statement. No example for the above
situation has been given. However the Bible says correctly in [Bible Ecclesiastes 1:9] “What has
happened before will happen again. What has been done before will be done again. There is nothing new
in the whole world.” Vedas also say the same thing – “nonexistent cannot become existent.” This
statement essentially means nothing new can happen. As we prove later that the universe is periodic,
therefore everything will repeat. But the destiny law (23) says that the exact same thing cannot happen to
the exact same object in the exact same way, because the environment and the age have changed. For the
destiny of every individual object is unique. The destiny equation (23) also confirms that status.

“The Causality Principle states that all real events necessarily have a cause. The principle
indicates the existence of a logical relationship between two events, the cause and the effect, and an order
between them: the cause always precedes the effect.”

The above is Newton’s third law, the action reaction law, according to equation (14). This is
invalid, because the third law has an assumption - in an isolated environment. The causality presented in
this article by expression (23), the matrix equation, does not indicate any such relationship. According to
the matrix equation there is no such definition of cause and effect, and there is no such relationship
between them either. Expression (23) shows that a simultaneous chain of action reaction can be needed to
produce an effect. Vedas say “Never think that the result that you got is the result of your own action

“An important property of the principle is that it entails predictability. Suppose that two causes
give rise to two effects, respectively. It is easy to infer that if both causes are equal, the corresponding
effects are also equal. Equal causes have equal effects and vice-versa. This fact implies the existence of a
law of conservation under which the distinction is conserved. If two situations are distinct, they will
remain distinct in all further evolutions and have been distinct during all previous evolutions as well.”

The above quote is false, because it is based on Newton’s law (14). The matrix law (23) does not
say that. No two events, causes or effects, are identical in nature. This is a property of the destiny law (23)
of the universe [Das 2013b]. No two events can happen in the same space-time point. This is also a law of
nature. However, the predictability is a law of nature (23). Newton’s third law, when extended to (23),
becomes the destiny law. Everything is theoretically predictable from (23), but never practically.
However nature is perfectly predictable, and we will discuss that when we use soul theory to farther
extend the cause and effect law (23).

Nobel Laureate in literature, Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) realized in 1919, that a differential
equation of type (23) can represent the universe correctly, instead of equation (14). He writes:

“Certain differential equations can be found, which hold at every instant for every particle of the
system, and which, given the configuration and velocities at one instant, or the configurations at two
instants, render the configuration at any other earlier or later instant theoretically calculable. That is to
say, the configuration at any instant is a function of that instant and the configurations at two given

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instants. This statement holds throughout physics, and not only in the special case of gravitation. But
there is nothing that could be properly called "cause" and nothing that could be properly called
"effect" in such a system.”

He is also right that nothing could be considered as cause and effect in such an integrated system.
This is the essence of destiny or the simultaneity law (23). Vedas say that never think that you are the
cause of the effects or results that you have received. This is called the Nishkam Karma, that is, selfless
work [Das 2021].

The CEL equation (23) is also false, however, because some fundamental characteristics of nature
are not included in that equation. As an example the concepts related to boundedness of all variables are
not included. Reincarnation cannot be predicted and cannot be incorporated. Which soul will take birth at
which place and in which family cannot be incorporated. However, equation (23) gives some idea of how
nature works. It will also help to explain the soul theory and the destiny law. As explained, mathematics
is always wrong, for nature and engineering.

11. Destiny Law

Destiny means life in this universe is completely determined for every space time point, for every
object, and for all time, that is, for eternity. Thus all our action, reactions, desires, thoughts, dreams, etc.,
are all very precisely defined, long before we are even born. Where, when, and to which family you will
be born or reincarnated is also already defined.

The definition of truth, T1, says that the nature always demonstrates all its laws. Therefore,
according to T1, you will also be able to see the entire universe, if you can acquire the third eye vision,
using yogic meditation. Such yogis are called seer yogis. Interestingly, in one of his quote, we mentioned
that Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) knew about such seers. There are about one million palm leaf booklets
in India, which records the destiny of that many people who live now on earth. It seems that the booklets
were written at least ten thousand years back. Many people, from both east and west, have visited these
sites to learn about their destinies [Das 2014b]. If you visit, you must do careful research before.

To understand why and how such a universal system has been defined and constructed, let us
look at the way we have designed our own corporations on our earth.

If we look inside a corporation we find a global plan that governs all activities of all employees.
When we start a new project in the company, many employees sit together in a conference and create a
global plan for the project. They together decide the things to be done, assign a time schedule for each
activity, assign people working on such activities, define how people will interface in implementing their
individual assignments etc. Once the plan is precisely drawn everyone knows exactly what they will do in
the next day for several months, until the project is completed.

During this period no one has any freedom to change their work plan, and why they would try to
change, they would not, because they jointly created the plan. This corporation is also linked with other
corporations in the same industry. Going farther outwards we see that the entire economy is working in a
coordinated way under a global plan. Money power has also imposed a severe restriction on us, if you try
to go outside the plan, your job will be terminated, and our economy is such that you will starve to death.

If anybody has the complete project document then he will be able to precisely say who will be
doing what at any given time in the future. This is not a restriction of your freewill, it is your own plan,
and you participated in it before starting the project. It simplifies our life, when I go to work tomorrow, I
know exactly what I will be doing, and at the end of the day, I will feel happy that I have made
contribution to my society. This is the same thing for the universe also. My soul has made that plan, I am

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my soul, I am not my body, brain, or mind. There are many examples of prediction of destiny by seer
yogis, take a look at [Das 2013b]. You can probably understand now, that the ignorance of our destiny is
a blessing.

This is the best mechanism for our societies. It has also created many problems, but they
happened because of incomplete information, in the cause and effect law, as equation (23) suggested.
Under perfect information all of the problems will be solved eventually, and destiny will perform in a
complete meaningful way. Since death is a law of nature, then death of planet earth, like death of mars,
maybe, a part of the solution. However, for a short term, and a global solution take a look at moneyless
economy [Das 2020a].

11.1 Analysis – Destiny Law

The destiny law, the cause and effect law as defined by the equation (23), definition of truth T1,
memory in the universe, etc., are all equivalent or same thing. They are all governed by the same equation
(23), which is the equation of the general system theory. They are all consequences of simultaneity law,
as observed by Bertrand Russell, and described in this article.

It should be emphasized that the destiny law is not God, because destiny is precisely predictable
by any high level seer yogi, but God cannot be predicted by definition. Thus God does not have any role
in our lives. However, the CEL is physical; everything is done by our souls. Soul controls our mind, and
the mind controls the brain, which in turn produces the physical actions by using our hands, etc. Thus
destiny law is the soul theory terminology, and CEL is the corresponding physical terminology.

12. Yogic POWER

The cause and effect law (CEL) is very well known in the Vedas also, and it provides the
foundation of the Vedic theories. To understand the Vedic theory, however, we must understand the yogic
power [Das 2020b]. All Vedic laws are revealed by using yogic power only. The definition of truth T1
also says all laws are revealed. This revelation is the characteristic of every soul. Yogic power is a
required knowledge, is necessary for understanding of all religious books, including Bible, and the books
of Judaism.

Yogic power is nothing but the power of your soul. We all have this power; some have more and
some have less. In this section we give one example to show that the soul exits using a reincarnation case.
In another example we show how anyone can acquire the yogic power of third eye vision, which allows
you to read the memory of the universe, and thus predict past, present, and future events anywhere in the
universe. However, since destiny controls everything, the quality of this power will also depend on the
destiny of the person. The book on Soul Theory [Das 2014b] has a section on experiments on a yogi. Not
all persons can become yogis like Krishna or Shiva; who are the highest level yogis, if they exist.

12.1 Example of Creation By Soul

The following example [Pasricha] was discovered, and then presented in a scientific way, to the
western world by Ian Stevenson (1918-2007), a Professor of Psychiatry, at the University of Virginia.
This example shows that the nature always demonstrates all its truths, so that we can observe them and
learn from them, for our own emancipation. We do not need to speculate using assumptions and create
philosophies about the nature. Such examples were already known by humanity all over the world, and
for long time.

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A baby boy was born in a hospital, with a bullet wound marks on his chest and back. Doctors,
nurses, and parents, all recognized this birth defect. When the boy learned to talk, around the age two,
then over a year or so he explained how the marks happened in his body. He remembered and described
his past life name, how, when, and where he died, including the name of the hospital, etc. Very soon the
boy became sick and had to go through a surgery to save his life. Doctors found a straight line bullet path
inside the baby’s body exactly matching the autopsy record of his previous life data from the hospital
where he died in his past life.

The above example shows, among other things, that the following is true. (a) The babies are not
naturally grown inside the mother’s womb. The soul of the baby manufactures the human body according
to its own destiny. That is why every baby is different, both physically and mentally. (b) Since during the
growth period, there was no brain for the baby, all intelligences and effects came from the memory of the
universe and retrieved by the soul of the baby, which is the creator of that baby. The phenomenon should
also indicate that mind, soul, and memory are not inside the human body. Section-13.2 gives another
proof for the existence of soul. (c) Every life is periodic - we take birth, die, and reincarnate. Since
summation of periodic waves will be periodic, therefore the entire universe must be periodic. Bible also
says, whatever has happened will happen again; there is nothing new under the sun.

The above example proves that the CEL expression (23) can have a soul theoretic explanation.
Since the memory of the universe has all information, the expression (23) has the concept for complete

12.2 Example of Third Eye Vision:

Catherine was treated by Dr. Weiss (1944- ), Head of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical
Center in Miami, Florida, using past life regression therapy (PLR) by hypnosis. Hypnosis is nothing but a
method of an extraordinary level of mind concentration. Such concentration can generate yogic power of
third eye vision that enables to examine one’s own past life activities from the memory in the universe.
Going through many sessions of hypnosis Catherine acquired the third eye power in other areas also. She
picked winners for every race in the racetrack, to demonstrate her yogic power, to her skeptic father. Dr.
Weiss also went with them. She gave away all the money to the first poor man she found on the street on
her way out of the track. Dr. Weiss wrote, ‘I was both shocked and fascinated by her psychic abilities,
especially the episode at the racetrack. This was tangible proof. She had the winning ticket to every race.
This was no coincidence [Weiss].’

The above example shows that the third eye vision is not a fantasy, or magic. Even a modern
person can acquire such yogic power [Das 2020b]. With such a very strong yogic power, you will be able
to see all the details about every event in nature like a 3D camera video. Yogis of Vedic period have
already discovered all such results. Cause and effect law is one such truth. This example proves that CEL
(23) has all information.

12.3 Manmade Material - Princeton Example

Princeton University carried out experiments [Das 2020b] on human interaction with electronic
circuits. A random number generator was created using electronic devices and was hooked up to a
computer system display. A human operator meditated in front of the device, but was not electronically
connected to the machines. It was found that the mean value of the random generator could be controlled
and increased over time, gradually, by performing meditation to increase it. In the same way, the
meditator was able to influence the device to lower the mean value to below the normal mean value. The
experiment shows that the material objects also have souls and they can interact with human souls. Thus
every object in the entire universe has a soul.

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12.4 Natural Material - Water Crystals

A Japanese scientist, Masaru Emoto, demonstrated [Das 2020b] that the physical shape of water
crystals can be changed by showing our emotions to water. In his one of the experiments, he took a bottle
of water and poured in two glasses, and placed two labels expressing your positive and negative emotions.
Then he had frozen the water to form crystals and took photographs of them, and shown that the one with
positive emotion gives better designed crystals than the other one. This experiment shows that everything
around us has consciousness or soul and can be influenced by our own intentions, and with appropriate
technology we can detect their effects.

12.5 Potassium Cyanide

A yogi demonstrated in an auditorium, that he can sip dangerous chemicals, including potassium
cyanide, without any harm to him. Therefore in principle nothing can harm our bodies [Das 2014b]. This
is called the placebo effect. Everything has a soul, souls are not supposed to harm anyone. More you
know about the reality of the truth better will be your protection. Also, you cannot know what is true
(truth), unless you also know what false (falsehood) is. Thus there are people, who cannot be killed by
any type of viruses, and they can be called as yogis or placebo people. Humans and animals can be yogis
by birth also [Das 2020b].

12.4 Exact Predictions

A yogi, who was a mathematician, wrote down the judgment of a high court and then sealed in an
envelope. It had the exact same errors in coma and full stop in the sentences that the judge wrote. This
shows that we do not create things, they are already there, we just reproduce them, and any one with
yogic power can read that same memory exactly [Rama]. Another yogi told a woman to ask several
questions. The woman did, and he then gave her a paper which had all those questions and their answers
were already written. Thus the exact details are known and no randomness is possible in nature [Green].
The demonstration by Catherine, described in this article in section 12.2, is another example of such exact
prediction of an apparently random incident. Thus the CEL (23) is meaningful and can be designed to
have the complete soul theoretic information.

12.5 Analysis - Yogic Power

The previous subsections show that the nature demonstrates all its laws for us to observe, and
understand the way nature works. We can see that the destiny is the highest level law of the universe and
therefore we cannot have freewill and choices to change anything in our destiny. It is the soul that
controls our life exactly the way it is written in the memory of the universe. This is a video memory;
therefore it has all the action and reactions, and can be incorporated in the CEL (23), at least in principle.

12.5.1 No Freewill

An immediate consequence of the destiny law is the absence of freewill. It is very easy to
understand that we do not have freewill. All our actions have reasons, without any reasons we never do
anything. But since reasons come before we act, it means that our present action is controlled by our past
reasons. Thus no one can have any freewill at the present moment. Therefore we are guided, moment by
moment, by the destiny law.

12.5.2 No Choices

We also do not have any choices or options. This is so because we analyze every option one by
one, since our mind works only sequentially. When we take any one of the options and analyze it, our

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freewill does not work for that option and for that time slice, as explained before. Our things happen in
the same way for the next time slice and for the next option. Thus in every moment we have only one
choice with no freewill.

12.5.3 Reincarnation

It was there in the Bible, but was removed from it by money power, to control the lives in our
societies, in the way the money power wants it. Some details can be found in the reincarnation chapter of
the free ebook on soul theory at [Das 2014a]. There are still some statements in Bible that can be used to
interpret presence of reincarnation in Bible. “One disciple of Jesus asked Jesus why this baby was born
blind. Who did the sin, the boy or his parents?” Such question indicates that the boy had a previous life.
Thus Jesus and his disciples were aware of reincarnation.

The reply was, nobody did any sin. It was God’s plan to show the world, how things happen, and
how it can be controlled using yogic power. Jesus gave the eyesight to the born blind man. This example
also illustrates the concepts like yogic power, destiny, nobody is sinner, cause and effect law determines
everything, etc. The answer of Jesus verified that the definition of truth T1 is correct. A modern yogi also
gave eyesight to a born-blind boy.

13. Two Causes

Consider this example, taken from the Vedas. - A potter makes a pot from the clay. In this
example the pot is the effect or the object which is manufactured. Since the clay is used to make the pot,
the clay is called the material cause for the pot. Similarly, the potter is called the efficient cause or the
intelligent cause for the pot [SK.3]. Not anybody can make the pot. Someone who knows the process, the
tools, and the material can only make the pot. Both material cause and efficient cause are necessary to
create or manufacture any effect or object in the universe.

13.1 Root Material Cause

Every physical object requires multiple chains of ‘cause and effect’ activities to create that final
object or the product. If we take any material from any object or effect, in any one of these chains, and
ask repeatedly, what the material causes are for this material, then we will find some new materials. After
a finite number of iterations, the process will stop. This search will be finite, because all objects have
finite sizes. The last material where we stop is called the root material cause, root material, primordial
matter, or simply matter. Bible calls it the dust and says – “All go to the same place. All came from the
dust and all return to the dust [Bible Ecclesiastes 3:20].” This last material must be invisible; otherwise
we will have to repeat the question. Its existence will be obvious, because we can see the effect, and
therefore it must have a cause. Of course our third eye vision will be able to see it. This is how the yogic
power, briefly discussed in Section-12 in this article, becomes an essential tool in finding the truths of the

13.2 Root Efficient Cause

In a similar manner, you can take the efficient cause, and repeatedly ask, what the cause for this
efficient cause is, then after a finite number of iterations, you will arrive at the root efficient cause. As an
illustration, the hands of the potter are making the pot, the brain of the potter is making his hands to
coordinate, the mind of the potter, which is outside the human body but inside the subtle body, described
in subsection-14.5, is controlling the brain, and finally the mind is controlled by the soul, which is also
outside the body. This soul is called the root efficient cause. Or in other words, this root efficient cause is

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called the soul. Like the matter, the soul is also a tiniest invisible particle. The Bible calls it the spirit
[Bible John-4:23], and says “God is spirit”. It means that every object has a soul and that soul has
manufactured that object according to its destiny. Thus this finite deductive logic proves the existence of
the soul. We have given another proof for the existence of the soul in subsection-12.1.

13.3 Analysis - Two Causes

13.3.1 Bible

The Bible has a version of this cause and effect law [Bible Galatians-6:7], “What you sow is what
you reap.” This statement also has two causes embedded in it – “you” and “what”. It is you, the intelligent
and efficient person in the activity. You are the efficient cause. What you sow is the object that you
create, and that is the product, which requires material. Therefore this material or the seed is the material
cause. Engineering of course, knew this approach all the time. Corporations, entrepreneurs, always looked
for the correct person to make the product. Engineering also knew that every material has different
characteristics, and they are not same. But scientists, including medical professionals, neglected the soul,
assumed everything is made of materials, and all humans and all materials are same.

Bible says, in Ecclesiastes 3:20 – “All go to the same place. All came from the dust and all return
to the dust [Bible].” The word dust does not mean the dust of the earth, because earth is also made from
the dust. This statement is exactly the meaning of the root material cause. The meaning of the words does
not matter; the concept does, especially when we are dealing with multiple languages like, English,
Jewish, Sanskrit, Vedic, Telepathic, etc.

13.3.2 No Infinity

In this subsection we mention what Vedas and Bible say about infinity. No one has given any
example or proof that infinity exists in nature, engineering, or in the universe. On the other hand modern
literature [Das 2011a] has many examples to show that the infinity invariably creates problems in
engineering and science. Infinity exists only in mathematics. Since mathematics violates the definition of
truth T1, infinity cannot be real.

In finding the root material, we have used the statement – “After a finite number of iterations, the
process will stop”. The process must stop, otherwise we will be repeating, meaninglessly, infinitely many
times enquiring about different types of invisible materials.

Since all objects that we see are finite in size, and they all are created by the root material cause,
called the matter, therefore the total number of matter particles must be finite also. Matter is the resource
for the universe. If it were empty or infinite then we would have seen at least one object of infinite size.
Note that an infinite size object will cover the entire sky. But we do not see that; more thoughts are
presented later in section-17.

Also, the root material particles can be called the ultimate parents and all other objects as
children, and children of children. Thus there is a hereditary relation among the objects. Therefore
children must inherit the properties of parents, and finiteness is one such property. See [SK15-16] for
more details. Bertrand Russell used the word hereditary to explain the method of induction [Russell,

Both Bible and Vedas say that the universe is periodic. A periodic system must vanish within its
period. For complete annihilation therefore we must have a finite number of physical objects. Gita verse
[G.8-19] confirms that periodicity as mentioned in subsection-16.2.

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Fredrick [Nietzsche 1911] used the finiteness property of the root material particles, and
concluded that the universe must be periodic. He said, only a finite number of objects can be created,
using a finite combination, from a finite number of root material particles. Therefore the manifested
objects must repeat periodically.

13.3.3 Invisibility

Invisibility does not mean non-existence. The pot was there inside the clay, we did not see it. It
appeared only when the potter manifested it. It physically existed, just like an entire tree remains inside
the seed.

If things are very far away, then also we cannot see. That does not mean the object does not exist.
An object can be very subtle, or very fine and normal eyes cannot see them. But we can see it through our
technology. We cannot see the light, but when we place an object in the path, the light becomes visible.
Like material technology, we also have the technology of yogic power which allows us to see many
things, as we have demonstrated, in the example of Catherine, who could see the winners in the horse race
before the race happened.

Thus everything in the universe that happened, and will happen, which are invisible now, can be
visible by our yogic power. For many examples take a look at section-12 on yogic power in this article.
The Bible and Vedas are full of many such examples of yogic power.

14. Properties of Root Causes

14.1 Three Properties

The root material cause, or the matter, has three properties [SK.11], knowledge, ignorance, and
energy. These are the essence of the pleasure, pain, and delusion characteristics found in all humans. The
matter is not conscious, not intelligent, and does not know that it has three properties. Only a soul can
control these three properties using the intelligence unit of the subtle body. Their function is very similar
to the RGB color adjustments of TV screen pixels. By adjusting these three properties by the soul, all
kinds of objects are created in the universe, for the enjoyment of the soul.

These properties do not have any quantum characteristics, they are not particles, and they are
properties of every root material particle. They are continuously adjustable in qualities. The properties
remain in equilibrium when the matter is not part of any physical object.

14.2 Soul Is Knower

On the contrary, the soul has only two properties [SK.11] – intelligence and consciousness. These
are the only two properties necessary for the soul to understand that the soul is separate from the physical
objects and thus can liberate itself from the pain and suffering of life. Liberation is not done by stopping
the reincarnation, but by changing the three properties of its own material body, using the yogic
meditation process. The soul creates the subtle body, with an intelligence unit, to communicate with its
own physical objects. Soul is inactive, knower, observer, and experiencer.

14.3 Eternally Existent

Since both the matter and the soul are root causes, then by definition they are uncaused. That is,
nothing created them. Therefore they must be eternally existent, as nonexistent cannot become existent.
We can also see their effects, the effects have the same three properties of the matter, and therefore the

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matter must exist. Similarly, they cannot be destroyed, as existent cannot become nonexistent. And for the
same reasons their total number must be a constant. They are all pervading, and span the entire universe.
Thus the universe must be finite also. This idea, independently confirms the same conclusion, that a
periodic system must be finite.

14.4 Manifested

The matter or the root material particles are the tiniest invisible particles. They are really not
invisible; they are visible to the third eye vision. They are called the un-manifested objects [SK.10], and
all that are manifested are created from them by their respective souls. Just like a tree remains physically
un-manifested inside its seed, a pot remains un-manifested inside the clay; similarly the entire universe
remains physically un-manifested inside the root material.

It has been written in a physics textbook [Eddington] “Events do not happen; they are just there,
and we come across them”. Therefore, there is a memory in the universe, which stores all past, present,
and future events. These events will be visible to any seer yogi. If you acquire such yogic power [Das
2020b] then you will see the entire universe now for all past, present, and future times. Catherine, in
section 12.2, has demonstrated one such example.

14.5 Subtle Body

The many examples of yogic power, destiny, reincarnation, etc., prove the existence of subtle
body. Soul creates the subtle body to perform its all activities of the universe. For details of the subtle
body take a look at the soul theory chapter of the free soul theory ebook [Das 2014b].

Samkhya has a verse [SK.21] that says that the soul and the matter join together, like a lame and
the blind to complement each other. Without soul nothing can be created and without matter also nothing
physical will happen.

Soul creates an intelligence unit inside the subtle body which remains in touch with both matter
and soul as an interface. It operates like an electromagnetic induction unit. Subtle body is invisible, can
float everywhere, pass through walls and mountains, etc. It is the subtle body that reincarnates. The soul
is not a part of the subtle body. Subtle body has [SK.40] intelligence unit, the identity (ahankar), the
mind, and subtle elements of the sense organs, among other things. Thus the mind and the soul are not
inside our gross body. Bible also says similar things - "If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual
body” [Bible Corinthians 15:44].

15. The Cause and Effect Law

15.1 THE LAW: The Effect Is Ever Existent [SK.9].

The above is an amazing conclusion, and cannot be understood, without a thorough

understanding of the yogic power. Several reasons have been given to explain this law, but only two are
presented here for reasons of space and simplicity.

(a) Oil can be extracted from the sesame seed, because it exists in that seed. Thus the effect,
which is the oil, exists inside the material cause, forever, independent of the application of any efficient
cause, that is, a person who can extract the oil. Similarly, oil cannot be extracted from the sand, because
oil is not present in the sand. No efficient cause can extract oil from the sand. Thus non-existent cannot
become existent; therefore the effect must exist forever in the material cause.

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(b) We see that all effects are similar to its cause. A piece of cloth, which is the effect, has the
same touch, color, weight, etc., like its cause the threads, from which it is made. Therefore the effect, the
cloth, must be present inside the material cause, the thread, before even the material cause is used.

We can extend this law through the entire cause and effect chain to conclude that all effects of the
universe must exist forever in the root material cause. Thus all effects are existent forever even without
any efficient cause. The role of the efficient cause is only to manifest the un-manifested effects from the
root material.

15.2 Analysis – The Law

It should be carefully understood that the words cause, effect, manifested, unmanifested, normal
vision, third eye vision etc., are not words of philosophy. They are very real, they are physical, and are
objects of nature. The example of Catherine demonstrates how real they are. She saw the results, before
even the race happened. Yogic power is the foundation of all books of all religions.

The memory [Das 2012b] can exists in two places (a) inside the root material cause and (b) in the
memory of all the souls. My soul, like your soul, can know everything about the universe. But they
cannot tell anything because of the destiny of their physical objects. It should be clear by now that
without a thorough understanding of the yogic power the universe cannot be understood. And for the
same reasons the Bible and the Vedas also cannot be understood. Thus any society that does not have the
concepts of soul theory will be completely meaningless as Nietzsche said [Nietzsche 1910].

The classical CEL, defined by the expression (23), has the limitation that it cannot contain all
information, like reincarnation, destiny, etc. But we can see that this Vedic CEL comes with complete
information, and makes it a perfectly deterministic system for all time. The information is static, not
changing, and will be visible as a 3D video by using the third eye vision. It is a 3D video because you can
see all six faces of a dice not just one or two faces at a time. You can even see what is inside the dice.
Complete knowledge requires understanding of periodicity and finiteness of the universe and its
individual objects. It should be realized that the equation (23) or the concept behind it remains the same.
The Vedic version shows how and where from all the information comes. Thus there is no randomness,
chaos, or need to solve the equation (23). Like Catherine, you have the ability to see everything.

16. Periodicity and Finiteness

16.1 Waveforms

In this section we point out that every object in the universe has some universal features, which
will help to justify that the universe is periodic and finite. The alternative, which is infinite, is
meaningless. It is important to understand that infinity is false and therefore is the source of all problems.
Real numbers has infinity, therefore mathematics is false. Money is a real number, therefore it has
infinity, and so money is free and abundant at its source, which is the central bank. Everything is false in
our world because they are created by false real numbers and false money. It has been shown that the only
truth and MLE (moneyless economy) can bring the eternal global peace on earth [Das 2020a].

(1) Every object has some materials and one soul. That soul has created that object using that
(2) All objects take birth, die, and then reincarnate.
(3) They all age towards death. The death time is precisely predictable and is planned by destiny.
(4) All objects interact with all other objects, simultaneously and continuously.

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Item one says that objects cannot exist only as energy,

Fig.2: Waveform of one vibration, light or field, etc., as many scholars think.
lifecycle Nietzsche says, incorrectly [Nietzsche 1911 section-9], “The
Matured Deca notion of space first arose from the assumption that space

State y could be empty. But there is no such thing as empty space.

● ● Waiting for Everything is energy”. It appears that he describes everything
Growt Reincarnatio
in terms of energy also, which cannot be correct. All
1● ● 2 ● 3
properties are adjectives, and adjectives cannot exist without
a noun. Like heat energy is a property of the sun. No sun
means no energy or no light. Similarly, no strings or no
antennas, mean no vibrations, etc.Item two says that every
life is periodic – it takes birth, dies, and reincarnates to repeat the life. Thus every life has four stages - (a)
Birth and growth stage. (b) Maturity and work. (c) Decay of health and death. (d) Wait for some time to
reincarnate to start the cycle again. This waveform is shown in Figure-2, and will be a periodic wave.
Therefore the summation of all periodic waves, corresponding to all objects, will be a periodic wave also,
with the same four-stage characteristics. The concept will be easier to understand if you remember the
Fourier series. Thus the universe will also have a dark or night period (from 2 to 3), between the two
consecutive daytime periods (from 1 to 2). It is so planned by the destiny law that the day time and night
time for the universe are of equal length of some billions of years long.

16.2 Periodicity

Now we see how the existing literature, including mathematics, reveals periodicity. The matrix
notation of the cause and effect law (23) indicates that the eigenvalues of the matrix can be complex
numbers, indicating the periodicity of its solution. Of course, we have tacitly assumed that N in the
expression (16) is a finite number. In the case of infinite dimensional mathematical theory, which is in
operator theory, the eigenfunctions can be periodic also. We should always assume that mathematics is
incompatible for nature and engineering. We are using it to present our thoughts in a compact form and
borrow some ideas from mathematical theories.

Bible [Ecclesiastes 1:9] has an explicit statement regarding periodicity – “What has been will be
again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” It indicates
reincarnation also, since you are here now, you will be here again, and you were here before.

The eternal recurrence concept of Nietzsche is very well known in the western world. It says
[Nietzsche 1911 section 6]

“Or there is no such thing as an endless number of changes, but a circle consisting of a definite
number of them which continually recurs: activity is eternal, the number of the products and states of
energy is limited.”

Gita also has a verse that says that the universe must be periodic. Just like we are born at different
times, slowly grow, stay matured, and then slowly die, like in the figure-2, the same happens to the stars
and galaxies of this universe, slowly and at different times, as per Samkhya. That is, the universe has a
Brahma day (12 hours) and a Brahma night (12 hours), each one is several billion years long [G 8:17].
During the night the universe dies and remains empty. During the day the universe begins to grow again,
the same way as it happened in the previous Brahma day. Here is another verse from Gita on rebirth of
the universe:

[G 8:19] “Again and again, when Brahma’s day arrives, all living entities come into being, and
with the arrival of Brahma’s night they are helplessly annihilated.”

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16.3 Finiteness

A periodic system must vanish within its period. For complete annihilation, therefore periodic
system must have a finite number of matter objects, thus making the universe itself finite. See Gita verse
[G.8-19] as mentioned here before. It is also interesting to observe that a finite and eternally existing
system must be periodic also.

Nietzsche says in [Nietzsche 1911 section 1] that the universe is finite.

“The extent of universal energy is limited; it is not "infinite": we should beware of such excesses in
our concepts! Consequently the number of states, changes, combinations, and evolutions of this
energy, although it may be enormous and practically incalculable, is at any rate definite and not

17. Infinity Applied to Nature

In this section we will explore what will happen to nature if infinity exists in nature. The concepts
developed in this theory of the CEL will be required for this section. We will find that the nature will not
be livable. Therefore infinity cannot exist in nature.

Infinity is a mathematical concept. We have seen that mathematics is false for nature and
engineering, because it violates the definition of truth as given by T1. Mathematics creates problems
whenever and wherever we use it in nature and engineering. However mathematics itself is a very precise
and completely correct inside its own domain. And this domain is abstract and not a part of nature. Here
are some basic problems with infinity.

17.1 Counting

Natural numbers can be used for counting things or objects of nature. But that will not be a
mathematical activity. We have discussed it before, (M1): 1 + 2 = 3; one orange plus two apples will give
you three fruits. This violates mathematics, apples and oranges cannot be added, and the result cannot be
fruits. Mathematics says, 1, 2, 3, are points on a straight line, located at equal distances apart. We add the
distances, and only distances can be added. The result will be always a point, at some distance from the
origin. So M1 as used for counting violates mathematics and M1 does not represent mathematics.
Mathematics is a precise subject; it cannot be used casually to apples, oranges, or bananas. Only real
numbers can be added, and addition must produce a single real number, not three fruits.

We cannot even use these numbers for counting. Only identical objects like points at distances
and on a straight line can be counted. Thus one to one correspondence concept is not correct, when
applied to apples and oranges, or stars and galaxies. This is so because no two objects are same or
identical in the universe. You have definitely realized that two apples are not identical; they have different
colors, shapes, sizes and even tastes. The same is true for any two humans, no two persons are identical.
Men and women are obviously not identical. Thus counting of things in nature is not a mathematical or
scientific process and cannot be meaningful.

Counting should not be used in any subject. Why do we need to count? Its only purpose is
economics. But like mathematics economics is false also. Money is a real number and therefore money
also violates the definition of truth T1. Money discriminates every object from all other objects. We have
assigned money values to every object, and every human activity, none of which can be justified. Thus
counting is a discriminatory process, because we are all different. Even every soul is different, because
they have different experiences, different past lives, and different memories. Counting has the hidden

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assumption - they are equal to numbers, which are points on a straight line. If you implement moneyless
economy (MLE) then math and economics will vanish, but engineering and business will still remain and
thrive [Das 2012d].

17.2 Compactness

Natural numbers or positive integers are infinitely many. It has a long list of numbers, you can
keep counting, and it will never end. That is why this infinity is called the countable infinity. There is
another kind of numbers, called real numbers, they cannot be listed, and therefore you cannot keep
counting them. Between any two real numbers there are again infinitely many other real numbers. Such
infinity, that is, the infinity of real numbers, is called uncountable infinity. There are many other types of
infinities in mathematics.

Integers are part of real numbers. Rational numbers, which are ratio of two integers, are part of
real numbers. There are irrational numbers, which cannot be expressed as ratio of integers, and they are
like square root of two; e the exponential; π as used in measuring circles; etc., are all examples of them.
Irrational numbers are also a part of the real numbers. There are more irrational numbers than rational

Real numbers have some kind of properties related to density, completeness, and compactness.
Real numbers are compact, that is, air, water, or any fluid cannot penetrate them. A closed and bounded
interval like [0, 1] is a compact set of real numbers. Rational numbers are not compact, but between any
two real numbers, there are infinitely many rational numbers. We normally identify integers as points on a
line with space between them. This is to indicate that between two integers, there are no other integers.
Thus integers do not represent a compact set. However, since integers are also infinitely many, you can
pack as many of them on any interval, with infinitely small gaps between them, making the interval very
much like a compact set, blocking air and water.

17.3 Objects of Nature

All the objects we see on earth and in the sky have finite sizes. Humans, animals, plants, planets,
stars, galaxies, etc., all have finite sizes. What will happen if the size of an object becomes infinite? It will
cover the entire space; wherever we look we will see that same object. In fact, we will be sitting on that
object. Sun light will be blocked, there will be no life, there will be no air etc. The universe will be dead,
lifeless, with no purpose. Therefore, we can say that there is no infinite size object in the universe. We
can use the method of induction also to prove that all objects are finite and they all have the hereditary
properties as mentioned by Bertrand Russell [Russell 1914].

The number of objects will be infinite only if the number of root material particles is infinite.
Then we can see there are a few possible cases: (a) Universe is infinite and particles are infinite (b)
Universe is infinite and particles are finite (c) Universe is finite and particles are infinite (d) Universe is
finite and particles are finite.

The case (a), the universe is infinite and particles are infinite, is like the two dimensional real
space in mathematics. Such space will be compact and dense. There will be no sun light; there will be no
life, no air and no water. Our experience does not show such compactness characteristics of the universe.

The case (b), the universe is infinite and particles are finite, will indicate existence of lot of empty
space. But there is nothing called empty space as Nietzsche mentioned. Thus this is not a possibility,
because we know that the root material particles and the soul particles cover the entire space.

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In the case (c), the universe is finite and particles are infinite, the particles are resources,
abundance of resources will create and abundance of objects. So the universe must become infinite, which
violates finiteness assumption of the universe. We have a similar situation on earth, we are polluting the
earth and depleting the resources, because we have the abundance of free money, created by the central

The case (d), the universe is finite and particles are finite, then seems to be the only meaningful
and feasible case: a finite universe with finite size objects. That means the number of souls and the
number of root material particles are both fixed and constant.

We have shown before, using the periodicity property of the life of all objects, that the universe
must be periodic and therefore finite. Veda has the following verse that says the universe is finite [SK15-
16]. This verse says that “every object is finite because nature is finite. The number of root material
particles is a finite resource, and so all objects are finite.” Infinite number of root particles will give
unlimited resources causing an infinite size object.


It is known that all the existing laws of physics are equivalent [Das 2012a] to the cause and effect
law, and are briefly discussed here. However, this law from classical physics, which includes SR and QM,
does not include reincarnation. To overcome this problem, the present article introduces the Vedic theory
of two independent causes, which interact. It is the same underlying theory of all engineering. It is shown
that the root efficient cause, which is the soul, has the intelligence and the consciousness property. As a
consequence of this Vedic law we see that a 3D video is already stored permanently in the memory of the
universe for all events, of past, present, and the future times. Also the concept of the root material cause
shows that that the entire universe actually exists physically in the unmanifested form inside the root
material. The efficient cause is required only to manifest them. However, we see that the cause and effect
law (23) gives another meaningful explanation of the Vedic version of the law.


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