A Comparison of Modern Science With Vedic Science: March 2019
A Comparison of Modern Science With Vedic Science: March 2019
A Comparison of Modern Science With Vedic Science: March 2019
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1 author:
Subhendu Das
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All content following this page was uploaded by Subhendu Das on 22 March 2019.
Subhendu DAS1
PhD, Los Angeles, California, 91307, USA, [email protected]
There is a fundamental difference between modern science and Vedic science. Generally
speaking, the modern science can be represented by a diagram like in Figure-1. In this figure a
force F1 is acting on an object and producing another force F2. This diagram may represent the
action reaction law of Newton or the cause and effect law. The Vedic science represents the
same phenomenon by Figure-2, where the F1 is replaced by another object, maybe a human
being. Physics or modern science does not consider any active, conscious, and intelligent object
behind any event, although modern engineering always does. Figure-2 is taken from the
F1 F2
Modern society does not have a definition of truth. Merriam-Webster defines “a
judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true”. The most common or popular
understanding of the above is that – you have your own truth and I have my own truth. Under
that definition Galileo would still be wrong today. We give the following definition of truth
(T1): (1) The laws of nature are the only truths,
(2) These laws are created by the objects of nature and their characteristics, and
(3) Nature always demonstrates all its laws.
Such truths are unique, universal, and eternal. Unique means one law will not contradict
another law, they are independent, and there will be no redundancy. It also means everybody
Blogspot, “Billiards and Pool”
will understand them in the same way. Universal means if a law is valid in USA, it must be
valid in China also. Similarly, if a law is valid on earth it will be valid in any other planet in
any galaxy of the universe. And finally, eternal means, if a law was valid million years back,
it will be valid now, and will remain valid million years from now. We will soon learn that this
truth is neither objective nor subjective. Thus the truth is the only unifying force at all levels of
the universe.
Objects of nature are humans, animals, plants, sun, moon, earth, galaxies, etc. Objects of
nature are also TVs, air planes, missiles, electronics, computers, roads, bridges, houses, etc.,
because they are made from the objects of nature. Objects of nature can be sensed by our five
sensors, like eyes, ears, etc. There are two very important things in our society which are all
pervading and yet not objects of nature: money and real numbers. Of course, money is a real
number too.
Characteristics are attached with objects of nature, they cannot exist independently, they
are adjectives. Energy, for example, cannot exists without the sun. Thus the energy is an
adjective and the sun is the corresponding noun. Similarly, vibrations cannot exists, it requires
an object, like a string. The forces of nature cannot exits either, there must be a noun, and which
is any physical object. Therefore, if you try to define nature using only such characteristics,
like in Figure-1, then that description will not represent the truth.
The nature is always demonstrating its laws, but we fail to recognize them, because we
are living within these laws from our birth and we are part of the nature. The fact that the earth
is moving, for example, we do not even realize that. Only when Galileo told us then we learnt
that the earth is going round the sun. Even then his discovery did not change anything in our
average life. Therefore, we will realize a law only when some extra ordinary events are
demonstrated by nature or observed by any person. However, modern science did not create
any “paradigm changes”3, because they are all based on invalid assumptions as we will discuss
We will see that the laws of physics are not the laws of nature, but many fundamental
laws of nature are described in Vedas. As an example gravity as described in physics is not a
law of nature. There are many examples which show that a high level human yogi can levitate,
float, and even walk or fly in air, above the ground4. Birth-maturity-death of every object is an
universal truth. We will find that reincarnation, destiny, etc. are also universal truths. And
nature always demonstrates them. If you read carefully then you will find the above definition
of truth (T1) is embedded in Vedas, Bible, and many books of all religions.
The most powerful law of nature is described in the Vedic science and it is known as the
destiny law. We can find that the destiny law is also mentioned in the Bible and in the books
of other religions. It is the highest level law of nature. Everything in the entire universe is
controlled by this law5. All other events that happen, are all derived or influenced by this
destiny law. In simple terms this law can be described as:
(1) All events in the universe, and in our life in particular, are predetermined, and planned
Kuhn, Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Grosso, The man who could fly
Das, “Scientific theory of destiny”
(2) All events that will happen, moment by moment, short terms, and long terms, can be
precisely predicted with all details, and before the events happen, by any high level yogi with
the power of third eye.
Observation-1 A yogi from India came to visit a research institute in USA during the
early seventies. Pat Norris came to his office to see him. As she entered his office, the yogi told
her to ask some questions. One by one she asked seven questions. Then the yogi picked up a
paper from his desk, turned it upside down, and gave that to her. In that paper all her seven
questions were already written by the yogi, along with their answers. Pat said - one was wrong,
and another one was partially correct, rest were all correct6. Thus even for moment by moment,
life can be precisely predictable, before the events happen.
Green and Green, Beyond Biofeedback
yogis. There are many such precise demonstrations in the literature and can be found free on
the internet.
The above Observation-1 says that (1) we are robots, we do not have any freewill. (2)
Everything that we do is already written in the memory of the universe. Some call this memory
as Akashic record. (3) Any high level yogi will be able to read this memory and predict our
actions exactly. (4) Our soul also reads that same memory and performs the actions. This
destiny mechanism can be described by the diagram in Figure-3. The photo of the thinking man
in Figure-3 is taken from7.
In Figure-3, the memory of Mr. X is given as a sequence of entries. This sequence is
finite, since every object lives only for a finite length of time. Similarly, memory of other
humans like A, B, …, and Z are also stored in the universe. All such memories can be read by
any advanced yogi at any time. This memory is permanently written in the universe, and is
protected by the law of conservation. The soul of Mr. X reads the memory and performs its
action accordingly. This data is used by the soul to control the brain, which in turn controls our
action organs for performing physical actions. This Figure-3 shows: (1) How destiny works (2)
Why it is predictable and (3) Why everything in the universe is like a robot. In the diagram
there is a concept of subtle body, which contains Intelligence, Mind, Sense organs, Identity,
𝑎1 𝑥1 + 𝑎2 𝑥2 + 𝑎3 𝑥3 + ⋯ +𝑎𝑁 𝑥𝑁 = 0 (1.1)
In the above expression all x variables are actions of all objects in the universe. They can
be trillions in number but is finite, since universe is finite. The coefficients of each variable are
used as scale factors or parameters that magically transform every action into a real number.
The addition is zero, because law of conservation says nothing can be created or destroyed,
they can only be transformed in shape or size and can be transferred from one point to another
point by motion. Since everything is continuously changing we can rewrite the equation (1.1)
and then redefine the coefficients using the same name:
𝑥̇ 1 = 𝑎1 𝑥1 + 𝑎2 𝑥2 + 𝑎3 𝑥3 + ⋯ +𝑎𝑁 𝑥𝑁 (1.2)
Clearly the above expression will be valid for all variables, then we can repeat the
equation (1.2) for each variable in the left hand side giving us a set of simultaneous differential
equations. This equation then can be written in the matrix form as:
𝑥̇ = 𝐴𝑥, 𝑥(𝑡0 ) = 𝑥0 (1.3)
Photos, “Thinking Man”
Das, “Conservation laws of nature”
It is well known that the above differential equation has an unique solution for any given
initial condition. This shows that the global destiny is unique and exists for all time. Thus no
one has any freewill to change anything in the universe. If anything changes then everything
changes. In the above equation (1.3) there is no control force, because we have considered the
entire universe, and there is no outside from which a control force can come. Everything is
included in the original sigma law (1.1).
Corporate model The concept of global destiny is clearly visible in the corporate model
of our modern world. Before we start a project, we all come together in a meeting, define the
tasks that need to be performed, we assign tasks to proper individuals, we then define our
schedule and interfaces with each other, etc. This project plan is nothing but the global destiny
of our corporation. Every day when we come to work we know exactly what we have to do.
We cannot change our mind, and if we do then the entire project destiny for everybody will be
disturbed. And why would you change your mind, when you jointly created the plan? We can
then see how simultaneity law is working inside a corporation to produce an unique destiny for
every individual.
When I am alone in the universe, I can have freewill. As soon as I get a life partner, my
freedom reduces, we now have to accommodate each other to live together. When we get kids
our freedom decreases again, when we start working for a corporation, our freedom again
decreases. You can then imagine when all the souls of the entire universe are together and
simultaneously interacting, every action becomes completely restricted and precisely defined.
Destiny then essentially means that every activity has thousands of reasons as shown by the
model (1.3). No single person is responsible for any single event. All events are created by all
persons. Every event is a result of continuous action reaction for all past present and future
times. Nothing can happen without taking care of all future events. Thus model (1.3) justifies
the description of Figure-3.
The activities of UFO-ETs with humans on earth is truly a representation of simultaneous
interactions at the global stage of the universe. This interaction is not just physical it is also
technological. Do not think that UFO-ETs are false. There are thousands of videos and
documents on the internet on this subject. If you do your own research carefully you will not
only find that they are real, but they have been interacting with humans on earth for millions
of years. We provide some examples in this article later.
Since everything is controlled by the destiny law, the state of the art of the modern science
and therefore our present society is also controlled by the destiny law. Thus we cannot blame
anybody about the status, that is, we are all equally responsible for such conditions. This was
all planned long before the modern society was even conceived. We will examine the
characteristics of the modern science in the following areas (1) Physics, (2) Mathematics, (3)
Economics, and (4) Biology.
We will find that there is an unified theory behind all activities of the modern science
and they are completely controlled by money and money power. This money, of course, is also
a product of the destiny law, and has naturally evolved over thousands of years. We will also
find out that the Vedic science is not created by any individual and therefore money could not
control it. It was entirely based on observation of nature.
Sending Galileo to jail, in 1633, was the turning point in the evolution of our modern
society. Scientific community realized the consequences of going against money, money
power, and discovering the truth. Carroll Quigley (1910-1977), a professor at Georgetown
university and a mentor of the US President Bill Clinton (1993-2001), mentioned in his book,
Tragedy & Hope9, that there are three negatives in our education system, and one of them is –
“never to teach the truth”. After Galileo, therefore, the scientific community stopped observing
the nature and decided to start with assumptions instead, to create the false theories. This way
people can be kept busy and yet in ignorance. Satyajit Ray (1921-1992), an Oscar winning film
director, in one of his films, In the land of diamond king10 said – “shutdown the schools, burn
all the books, jail all the teachers. More you teach them, more they learn, and more they
To illustrate the point, and be more specific, let us select Newton’s First Law, which we
have studied in our high school science classes. Newton (1643-1727) said11 – “(1) In the
absence of any unbalanced force (2) an object will continue in motion (3) in a straight line (4)
with a constant velocity.”
Have you ever observed any such object on earth or in space? No, of course you have
never seen such an object. Item (1) in the law, is the assumption of isolated environment, which
is impossible, because gravitational forces are always there. In the deep space and also on earth,
the sum total of all gravitational forces from all objects of the universe, at every point in space,
is non-zero, and is continuously changing in both magnitude and direction, because all objects
in the universe are continuously moving. Since all objects are continuously moving, the item
(3) is also not feasible, there is no straight line in the universe. Thus Newton’s first law is
completely wrong, false, meaningless, and cannot work in nature.
This has happened because Newton did not observe the nature, like Galileo did, and
instead started with two assumptions (1) and (3). The following statements can be found in a
physics textbook12 about Newton‘s first law:
“We could hardly sustain that this principle (First law) is a strict experimental result. On
the one hand it is not evident how to recognize whether a body is free of forces or not.
Even if a unique body in the universe were thought, it is undoubted that its movement
could not be rectilinear and uniform in every reference system.”
If you read carefully you will find that all theories of mathematics and physics start with
assumptions, and therefore none of them can be correct. All results are thus nothing but
manipulations of these assumptions, therefore all results are also assumptions. Assumptions
can never become true no matter what you do with it.
Interestingly, Einstein assumed existence of inertial reference frame, which is a frame
that moves with a constant velocity in a straight line. That is, Einstein assumed Newton was
correct. Einstein also made another major assumption - that the light speed is constant, which
has not been proven correct yet13. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle similarly assumes that the
position and the momentum of a particle are related by Fourier Transform (FT), a completely
Quigley, Tragedy and Hope
Ray, "Land of the Diamond King"
Serway and Jewett, Modern Physics
Ferraro, Space-Time
Das, “Light speed is not constant”
unrealistic assumption, and he also ignored the fact that the FT uses infinity, which is not there
in nature14. A physics textbook confirms the above assumed relation:
“Further, since the wave function Ψ(x, t) is a probability amplitude for position, its
Fourier transform Ψ̃ (p, t) is the probability amplitude for momentum”15.
GPS Design We are all very familiar with the GPS technology, because most of our cell
phones use GPS receivers, which receive data from the satellites rotating around the earth. In
physics there is law called Kepler’s law, which says that a satellite will rotate around earth in
an elliptical path, and then the law gives a mathematical formula to find the position of the
satellite at any point in time. This formula did not work for GPS satellites. So, engineers,
physicists, and mathematicians modified the law significantly but still could not make the
Kepler’s law work. Eventually the GPS ground system was used to directly measure and find
the positions of the satellites, upload that data to GPS transmitters, which then broadcasted that
data to our hand held receivers to provide the desired accuracy. Even this did not work properly,
so the ground station repeats the process every two hours or so, to maintain the accuracy
Why did Kepler’s law fail to work? The assumption ellipse is defined only on a plane of
paper and around a stationary center point. But earth is moving around sun, and takes the
satellite with it. Thus the path of the satellite can never be an ellipse. There are other objects,
Das, “Assumptions in Quantum Mechanics”
Phillips, Quantum Mechanics
Das, “Finite Time Engineering”
like moon, and planets of the solar system, which also influence the position of the satellite.
The sun is not stationary either, it is travelling along one of the spirals of our galaxy, that spiral
is also rotating around the central core of the galaxy. Thus the path of the GPS satellite is
immensely complex and beyond our imagination, and therefore cannot be translated using a
simple symbolic language like mathematics. This example shows why our engineering is so
full of patches and kludges. Consequently, our engineering cannot be reliable at all.
The above GPS example shows that mathematics is not good for nature and engineering.
In reality mathematics is not necessary at all for designing engineering systems. All we need is
good measurement systems involving good sensors just like human body has. Using
measurements, just like GPS ground system, we can design any engineering system in much
more reliable way17.
Das, “Embedded system design”
Trench, Real Analysis
Das, “Finite Time Engineering”
Das, “Assumptions in Quantum Mechanics”
Using the definition (2.1) we get the expression for the infinite Laplace transform (ILT):
ℒ(1) = ∫0 𝑒 −𝑠𝑡 . 1. 𝑑𝑡
1 1
= 𝑠 − 𝑠 𝑒 −𝑠𝑇 (2.3)
=𝑠 (2.4)
The last step is obtained by using infinity for T in the previous step. We can see from
(2.4) that the ILT has a pole at s = 0. This creates singularity in the engineering systems.
Employees in corporations use such techniques, without knowing that they are using infinite
time theory in finite time engineering, leading to complex patches and kludges. This is obvious
because we are using wrong theories.
Finite Laplace Transform (FLT) Let us now consider an example with finite time T to
bring out the fact that the Laplace transform is based on infinite time assumptions, that is, it
cannot be used for finite duration signals. The finite duration step function f(t) is defined by
1 0≤𝑡≤𝑇
𝑓(𝑡) = { (2.5)
0 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑤𝑖𝑠𝑒
Using the definition (2.1) we get the expression for the finite Laplace transform (FLT):
ℒ 𝑇 (1) = ∫0 𝑒 −𝑠𝑡 . 1. 𝑑𝑡
1 1
= 𝑠 − 𝑠 𝑒 −𝑠𝑇 (2.6)
1−𝑒 −𝑠𝑇
= (2.7)
Observe from expression (2.7) that the FLT does not have any poles, that is, a value of
infinity for F(s) at the origin. At s=0 the expression (2.7) takes 0/0 form. The FLT completely
changes the nature of LT. In this case the FLT is an analytic function with no singularity. The
situation will be true for all kinds of functions, and not just for step function. Thus real
engineering, which is a finite time system, does not have any poles.
This example shows that just because something is used in engineering and engineering
works, it does not mean that this something is correct.
Das, “Finite Time Engineering”
In reality all theories are wrong, and none of them works or can work for any engineering
applications. In fact engineering can be designed completely without any theory. Human body
is the best example of nature’s engineering product. We do not use any theory when we walk,
or when we do our daily activities. This happens because we have the best sensor technology
inside our body. The same can be done for engineering also22. It should be mentioned that,
since mathematics is wrong, and physics uses mathematics then physics must be wrong too.
By wrong or false, we mean that the subject is not applicable for engineering or nature.
Modeling an Apple Can you describe an apple using mathematics? Did you ever realize
that different parts of the same apple has different tastes? How did that happen? This means
every molecule of the same apple has different tastes. This in turn means every atom, and
therefore every electron has different tastes. But physics do not recognize such properties of
electrons. There are billions of electrons in an apple, and we cannot model them using any
mathematical algorithms. This complexity or “taste” is there in every object of nature and
therefore mathematics cannot be used to describe any object of nature. If you cannot describe
one apple, then you cannot compare two apples. Thus it is wrong to say that this apple costs
$10 and that apple costs $15.
You cannot even compare the shapes, colors, etc., of any two apples. It is impossible to
identify the position of a point on the surface of an apple, using any algorithm. Where would
you place the origin of your coordinate system on one apple? Can you locate the same point in
another apple? No, you cannot, two apples are completely different. If you think this way you
will realize the immense complexity of nature, which is beyond the capabilities of our
mathematics. Thus mathematics is false or wrong for both engineering and nature.
Profiting is stealing Profiting is the core activity of our economic system, and can be
considered as the foundation of our present Central Bank Economy (CBE). Let us illustrate
how profiting creates poverty. A CEO manufactures a product at $5 per unit. He then sells it at
$15 per unit, thus making a profit of $10 per item. Thus the cost of the product is $5 for the
CEO, and it is $15 for all of us. Thus every time we buy an item from this CEO we lose extra
$10. And the CEO becomes richer by the same amount.
Das, “Embedded system design”
Das, “Federal Reserve”
Figure-4 Income of bottom fifth and Recessions Figure-5 Income of top fifth and Recessions
This way every business is stealing wealth from people, and this stolen wealth gets
accumulated to a small number of people making them richer and the poor is getting poorer.
There is no win-win under the CBE, it is always win-lose. Win-lose is a law of nature, in
physics it is called the law of conservation. In every apparent win-win case, if you look
carefully, you will always find a third party who will be loser. Giving higher salary, interest
charging, creating unemployment, creating recessions, etc., are all methods of creating poverty
by transferring wealth from the poor to the rich. This is happening because money is a real
number, and therefore false, and can be easily manipulated to violate all the laws of nature.
This shows that the CBE is not a natural economy, it is artificial, yet it is controlling the entire
humanity and our destiny.
Das, “Federal Reserve”
The graphs in Figure-6 show how the core interest rate, which is also known as Federal
Funds Rate (FFR), can be manipulated to create unemployment. FFR is controlled by the
central bank (CB), independent of anything, and the government does not have any control
over CB. On the other hand the CB can completely control the government by controlling its
supply of money, and its lobbyists by using the well known carrot and stick policy. The two
curves in Figure-6 show almost complete match in shape. Again, for the exact details, of how
the data was obtained, and how graphs were transformed, see the original source25. It was Ben
Barnanki, a professor at Princeton, and later the chairman of the Fed, who first pointed out such
feature of FFR26.
Moneyless economy (MLE) It may appear that there is no way to run an economy
without money, but that is not correct. Since money is false, money cannot be necessary to run
any real economy. Let us look at money in a different way: Why do we need money? You give
me money so that I can work for you. Similarly, I need your money to buy my food and shelter.
That is the only purpose of money. Why not then I work free for you and the governments give
us free shelter and food. That is, we work free and get everything free. This system is called
moneyless economy (MLE).
Under MLE there will be no poverty, no unemployment, and all of us will have full
democracy. MLE will automatically eliminate wars, pollutions, migration, racism, gun
violence, religious violence, etc. MLE can bring heaven on earth. MLE will also create One
World Order, a dream objective for the CB. For more details on MLE take a look at27.
Das, “Federal Reserve”
Bernanke and Blinder, “The federal funds rate”
Das, “Moneyless economy”
Rankin, “Scientific proof of healing”
YouTube, “Powers of the mind”
you should not rely on governments, but rely on your own research on the internet documents.
UFO-ET cases show that Veda is truly valid for the entire universe.
Evolution Theory This theory says that objects evolved from one form to another form.
There are many different types of fossils that show such evolution. But these are only effects
of evolution. Thus evolutionists did not provide any explanations about the causes of such
effects. If the causes are not known then the effects are not understood also. They say that
natural selection causes evolution30. But what is natural selection? Again it says environment
selects the traits. But environment is same as nature. Thus the causes or the root cause has not
been explained, justified, or observed in nature by the evolutionists.
Some articles say that the DNA changes, genetic code changes DNA, viruses change the
genetic code, etc. But the same question remains – what causes a virus to change things. If a
virus can change something, then it means that the virus has freewill. But that is not possible,
we have shown here that nothing, no living or nonliving object, has any freewill. It is the
modern science that says there is no freewill, and that is correct.
As mentioned, if you ask question after question, then you will find that the last question
has never been answered correctly. If the last answer is not known, then the first answer is also
not meaningful. And contradictions for such answers can always be observed in nature, because
nature always demonstrates the truth. We have to learn to observe the nature carefully, just like
Galileo did. We need to change our scientific process to search for truth. However, yogic power
with divine vision (third eye) will always reveal the truth.
Observation-2 You make a pot out of clay. The pot is the effect and clay is the material
cause. Without this clay that pot cannot be made. We must also have a specific kind of clay to
make a specific kind of pot. Not any pot can be made from any kind of clay. In addition, you
Ayala, Evolution and Creationism.
Virupakashnanda, Samkhya Karika.
must require an expert human being, that is, a conscious, intelligent, and efficient person, who
can correctly rotate the pottery wheel, and also simultaneously use his hands properly, to
transform the clay into a pot. Not anybody can create such a pot, he must be efficient for that
specific task. Without such a person the pot cannot be created. This human being provides that
efficient cause.
All engineering corporations look for experts who can provide such efficient causes for
their projects. Unfortunately no science theories, including evolutionism, talk about such
efficient causes. The following law is very fundamental and may be quite obvious, once you
know it and understand it:
In observation-2 we find that the pot was already there inside the clay. The potter only
extracted it out from the clay. All that happened is only a transformation of the clay to a
different shape. Thus the effect was hidden in the material cause. This also shows that the cause
and effect are similar in essence. Things that are nonexistent can never become existent. Thus
the effect is eternally existent inside the material cause.
This is the law of conservation that we know from physics. Bible also has a similar
statement – “There is nothing new under the sun”. To create a specific product you not only
need specific material, you also must find a specific person trained, skilled, and efficient in that
technology. Not anybody and any material can make the product happen. All efficient causes
must have these properties – skilled, conscious, intelligent, etc.
We have two types of causes, material and efficient. We trace each one to find the
corresponding root causes. Since these causes are two distinct types, we will find two distinct
types of root causes also.
Matter Take any object in nature and ask the question what this material is composed
of. You will find a few new materials. You can then repeat the same question again for all of
these new component materials and this way you will find many more new materials. But after
a finite number of iterations you will come to a same root material for all new materials. The
iterations will be finite because the universe has only a finite number of objects. This final root
material must be invisible, otherwise you will have to ask the same question again. This root
material must be causeless or unmanifested. This invisible particle must have caused all the
materials, because all effects must remain hidden in the material causes, by law1. This invisible
root material must be the tiniest particle, because it produced the tiniest visible object.
You will not be able to see the root material using your ordinary eyes. You must acquire
highly sensitive vision, called the third eye, as we have demonstrated in the yogic power
section, to see such normally invisible objects and their characteristics. This root material is
called the primordial nature, nature, matter, or prakriti in Sanskrit. Bible calls it dust. This dust
is not the dust on our earth, but it is the cosmic dust, that spans the entire universe. All objects
of the universe are created from this root material. Thus in a very rational way, by repeated
questions, we can find the invisible, eternally existent, and unmanifested root material.
Virupakashnanda, Samkhya Karika.
Soul Along the same line, if you ask repeatedly – what causes this efficient cause – you
will ultimately arrive at the root efficient cause, after a finite number of repetitions. This root
efficient cause is called the atman, soul, or spirit. It has the consciousness property, because it
is efficient. This root efficient cause must also be a tiniest, invisible, and eternally existent,
uncaused or unmanifested, particle for the same reasons we have used for the root material
cause. Thus we have demonstrated the existence of soul in a very rational way, by asking a
simple question repeatedly. Since everything is originated by this soul, every object in the
universe has a soul, and that soul has created that object using the root material. Bible says –
“God is spirit”, and spirit is same as soul. Thus the idea of root efficient cause, which is the
individual god, or individual creator, is deeply embedded in the Bible also. We will later give
three other independent proofs for the existence of soul.
Law2 The unmanifested cause exists33 (SK.15-16)
This law explains why both root material cause and root efficient cause exist for eternity.
One of the major reasons we could come to the root cause is because our questioning had
stopped due to the finite nature of the universe. As a result the root causes had to be invisible,
causeless or unmanifested, i.e. objects without any further cause behind them. If there were no
unmanifested causes then we would have found infinite number of objects in the universe,
which is not meaningful. Just like oxygen and nitrogen molecules span the entire atmosphere
of the earth, and they are finite in numbers, similarly the root material and the root efficient
cause particles also cover the entire universe and are finite.
These two types of particles, matter and soul, must be eternally existent – because
nonexistent cannot become existent. This also means all effects must be eternally existent
inside the root material cause by Law1. Thus the universe must have emerged from this cosmic
dust as Bible has mentioned. When the universe dies, it will definitely die because all
manifested objects die, then it will merge into this root material. These ever existent root causes
will be visible to any high level yogi at any time, including the modern times.
We see that all objects are homogeneous in nature, that is, they all have the property of
knowledge, ignorance, and energy. All objects go through a birth maturity and death process.
We see in yogic power section that all objects have consciousness, intelligence, mind etc. In
reality every object has a subtle body, which contains mind, intelligence, and the identity, and
few other things, as shown in Figure-3. This homogeneity or unified design means the existence
of same unmanifested root causes, having these properties.
Similarly, all objects have different characteristics which must come from the efficiency
of the root efficient cause and characteristics of root material cause. All objects are made from
root material which has three properties Sattya (truth, light, knowledge), Tamas which is the
opposite of sattya or ignorance, and Rajas which means mobility, energy, controller, etc. These
properties combine at different proportions and continuously vary according to the desire of
the soul. Thus object characteristics are not finite, not discrete, and can vary continuously,
which creates distinct destiny for every individual in every incarnation.
It is this combination of the three properties of the unmanifested root material cause that
changes the human body and gives the capability of flotation, transparency from camera, ability
to pass through walls, protection from diseases, healing powers, etc. These are the
combinations that tune our body to remain better connected to our soul. These three properties
Virupakashnanda, Samkhya Karika.
are like Red, Green, Blue (RGB) colors of our television screens, which can give the infinite
variety of colors by controlling their proportionality. Such abilities can be acquired by birth
also, as we see in the yogic power section, and will explain many observations in evolutionism.
Law3: Nature exhibits to the soul, and the soul wants to enjoy, learn, and emancipate.
Therefore the matter and the soul join together like a union between the lame and the blind.
From this conjunction proceeds the creation34 (SK.21).
Thus, I got excited seeing the beauty of nature, and my soul created my physical body to
enjoy the nature. But because of the three properties I got delusional and experienced suffering.
Nobel Laureate Poet Rabindranath35 said – “I am a lost traveler visiting your world”. Then over
many life times, through the yogic meditation we learn to control the three properties to acquire
a physical body that can help us to emancipate. But we cannot escape reincarnation 36 (Gita
2:27), because we are guided by the destiny37. We can compare and say according to the Bible
- a spirit joins the dust to create an object of the universe.
Existence Of Soul Theories described in Vedas are not fictitious. These theories can be
verified by observing the nature, as mentioned in the definition of truth (T1). Although the
Vedas were discovered by using yogic meditation, the results can be observed in nature in
every decade in every century, by any careful observers, like Galileo. Ian Stevenson38 was one
such observer, and the following descriptions can be found from some of his research papers.
Some say – Stevenson will be considered as the Galileo of the modern century. Both Galileo
and Stevenson were high level yogis. The two examples will prove the existence of soul among
other things.
Observation-3 A baby boy was born in a hospital with birthmarks of a bullet wound on
his chest and back. When the boy learned to speak, he casually but spontaneously, talked about
his past life, which can be summarized as the following. His name was N in previous life. He
died in hospital H of town T on date D, due to a gunshot wound on his chest. Over time, the
research scholars, news reporters, parents visited the hospital H and verified everything that
the boy had said from the autopsy records of the man named N, who indeed died on the date
D. Such a kid, who remembers his/her past life, is known as Jatiswar in Sanskrit.
On another such jatiswar case39, the boy had complications, and the doctors had to
perform surgery on the boy to save him. The doctors found the complete straight line bullet
path inside the body of the baby, exactly matching the autopsy record of the dead man of the
boy’s previous life. For more observations and details see40, and the references mentioned
Virupakashnanda, Samkhya Karika.
Tagore, Rabindra rachanabali.
Prabhupada, Gita.
Das, “Theory of destiny”
Stevenson, Cases of reincarnation.
Pasricha, “Previous Lives”
Das, Soul Theory.
baby is different, both physically and mentally. (b) Since during the growth period, there was
no brain for the baby, all intelligences and effects came from the soul of the baby, which is the
origin of the efficient cause. (c) Soul controls all our activities, including the genetic code,
according to the destiny of our life, right from the conception. (d) Nothing can happen to, or
can be performed by any object in the universe, without the explicit command from the soul of
that object41 (SK.31). (e) Thus physical changes found in fossils cannot happen due to the
evolutionism theory, and these Jatiswars prove the existence of soul, reincarnation, yogic
powers, gods, and also the creationism. (f) All objects are different, including two animals, and
two humans.
This research is not about religions and is also not about atheism or theism. It is about
giving proofs by direct observation of nature, just like Galileo did, and can be found in Vedas
as pointed out. Veda is not about religions, Hinduism is, and Hinduism does not follow Vedas,
just like Christianity does not also follow Bible.
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are considered as Gods by Hinduism. Some Upanishads say
that they are the creators of the universe, but such Upanishads are not known to be written by
seer yogis. And Vedas do not say that they are the creators of the universe. They are the highest
level seer yogis. They also reincarnate like humans, and they are also guided by the global
destiny of the universe.
From the discussions on Observation-3, and the analysis of root causes, we find that every
object is created by its own individual soul. That is, you are created by your own soul and I am
created by my own soul. This then means that there is no God who has created the entire
universe. If we accept that there is such a God then it will create two contradictions: (1) who
created such a God and (2) such a God will be under the control of destiny, since all events in
nature are precisely predictable by any high level yogi.
In this section we discuss briefly yogic powers of humans (adults and children), animals,
physical materials, man-made objects, and UFO-ETs. We also discuss yogic power acquired
by meditation and also by births. In short, every object in the universe has yogic powers.
Nothing from any religious books, like Vedas or Bible, can be understood without a
thorough knowledge of yoga, yogic meditation, and yogic powers. Yoga is the foundation of
Vedas. Vedas are considered to describe eternal knowledge or truths, recorded permanently in
the memory of the universe, and were discovered only by yogic methods. You can see this truth
by your own eyes if you acquire such yogic powers via yogic meditation. There are many
books, Govinda42, Rama43, Yogananda44, Brunton45 etc., in the yogic literature written by yogis
about their own Master yogis (Gurus). Some of these magical powers have been reviewed, and
summarized their contents, in the yogic power chapter of the free e-book on soul theory46.
One such yogi was Swami Rama, who visited a research institute in USA during the early
part of 1970s. He was the first yogi from India, to allow himself for scientific testing on his
yogic powers of human physical bodies. These experimental results are documented in the
Virupakashnanda, Samkhya Karika.
Govinda, White clouds.
Rama, Himalayan Masters.
Yogananda, Autobiography of a yogi.
Brunton, Secret India.
Das, Soul Theory.
book by47 and the relevant parts of it are available free on the internet. The results appeared on
all major US TV channels, magazines, and science books during that period.
The yogic powers that modern masters have demonstrated can be found in Vedas
(Ramayan, Mahabharat, Puran), in Bible, and also in the books of Judaism. This fact also
proves that Vedas were known all over the world. As a result high level yogis are still here in
all continents, in our present days. In the yoga world Shiva is considered as the original or first
guru and inventor of all yoga methods. Nobody can surpass his powers as he demonstrated and
are described in Purans. Living objects like UFO-ETs have also demonstrated the same yogic
powers at much higher levels and in numbers than our present day earth yogis. If you think
government or money power will tell you the truth about UFO-ETs then you will never learn
about them. You must become a seeker, and only then you will find that all truths are there on
the internet. Thus Vedas are not just for earth, it is for the entire universe. The fact that UFO-
ETs know yoga proves that nobody invented Vedas, and it is written in the memory of the
Bible says – “Be still”. This is nothing but making your mind and physical body
motionless, unperturbed. This is the first principle for yogic meditation. Bible also says – “If
you have the ears then you will hear.” That is, using meditation prepare your sense organs, like
ear, nose, eyes, etc. Better you prepare them, better will be your connections to your soul and
therefore to all the souls of the universe. You will be able to hear the sounds or songs of the
synchronized nature of the destiny. Such Bible statements prove that yoga is not new to the
western world.
Experiments on Yogis Swami Rama has demonstrated48 that he can raise the
temperature on two edges of the same palm of his one hand. The colors at two edges were
different also. The temperatures were measured using thermistors and other recording devices.
In another experiment he reduced his heart beat from 74 to 52 beats per minute. He also
demonstrated that the T waves were taller than the R waves, indicating differential control of
different sections of the heart. Using EKG machine he also demonstrated that his heart fluttered
at a very high rate averaging 306 beats per minute for 16.2 seconds. This will show no pulse
rate on chest. He could create a tumor at any place in his body and eventually make it disappear
also. He was photographed with a body chakra, situated on spinal cord, glowing on his chest.
It is also well known that Masters are transparent to camera photography, that is, they
cannot be seen in photographs. Thus human body can be completely changed by mental power
alone. Swami Rama said a very deep level truth – “Our entire physical body is inside our mind,
but no part of mind is inside the body”. It is then quite natural that animals also will be able to
change their forms as detected in their fossils, using their own yogic powers. Thus animal body
evolution is a result of soul power and guided by destiny. Animals also do not have freewill.
Placebo surgery A police officer threw his ax to a man, suspected of murdering49 and
running away from the crime scene, which partially chopped his hand. But the man was still
running and severely bleeding. The police eventually stopped him, realized that he was a yogi,
and expressed his deep sorrow and forgiveness. The yogi adjusted his hand back to its correct
position and the bleeding stopped immediately. The yogi then said to the police officer, come
Green and Green, Beyond Biofeedback.
Same as 46.
Yogananda, Autobiography of a yogi.
after three days, under that tree, to examine the wound. With unbelievable surprise the officer
found that the wound was completely gone with no marks of cuts or scars.
An UFO-ET broke his leg when their UFO crashed in a Brazil site. The military called a
local doctor to fix it. As soon as the doctor put the broken bones together, he immediately
started healing, and next morning he was completely cured. This incident was described by the
doctor, who was told to remain silent, almost twenty years later to a Hollywood film director
who went there for research for his film on UFO. There is a YouTube video on the subject.
Thus placebo surgery is a simple fact for any high level yogi.
Defying gravity Trailanga swami demonstrated floating over water, passing through
walls. UFO-ETs also pass through the walls when they abduct humans. They can make their
human abductees to float with them and pass through walls to their UFO. So, there are some
yogic miracles on the normal human body that can make us float, pass through the walls, make
our body transparent to camera, change their body forms, etc. Why not then the same things
can happen for some animals and creatures on earth as demonstrated by their fossils? Therefore,
these are not evolutionism, but clear cases of creationism, created by their individual souls and
according to the destiny. This also shows that genetic code is not fundamental for physiology,
the code is simply an effect. Such examples prove that modern science does not understand
Yogic powers by birth Nature has demonstrated that people can be born with yogic
powers, but with limited capabilities and for limited areas only. Magnus Carlsen (1990-) is an
world champion chess player. He could see50 the chess boards without looking at them. He
defeated ten players, playing simultaneously, sitting behind his back, and without looking at
their boards. Carlsen had this divine vision (third eye) only for chess board games, and not for
anything else.
Nandana (2004-) a 9-year old autistic girl could read51 her mother’s mind continuously
and completely. She was tested by giving her mother a large number to read from a paper, and
the daughter immediately typed it correctly on her computer. Similarly, her mother was given
two lines of English sentences to read, and the daughter reproduced it on her computer. We can
see that such powers are very limited. But anybody can acquire them at much higher level using
yogic meditation, depending on the quality of meditation. If humans can, then animals can be
born with yogic powers also explaining the root cause of evolutionism.
UFO-ETs and ET-human hybrids are all very high level yogis by birth and probably they
do not need any yogic meditation to acquire such powers. Such observations are not found in
Vedas and even in ancient Vedic periods. ETs can transfer their yogic powers very easily to
human abductees. The body implants recovered from UFO-ET human abductees have also
yogic powers. Such materials can grow human tissues in them; they can even get joined
together automatically when broken; they are very hard to break though; diamond cutters
cannot cut them. They stop functioning when taken out of the bodies of the abductees52,also
YouTube, “Magnus Carlsen”
Saseendran, “Miracle Girl”
Das, “Body Implants.”
External form changes All the changes that the evolution theorists have noticed in the
fossils can be explained by yogic powers of souls. It is known to biologists that certain species
can change their sexes when they desire. Such observation of yogic powers prove that more
sophisticated and exotic observations of completely changing or transforming human body to
a different animal, like a tiger, as described in the Mahabharat story, is absolutely meaningful
and feasible. Creating a human being, without human sexual relations, and out of nothing with
very specialized physical and mental characteristics, are described in Bible, Vedas, and also in
the books of Judaism. Modern yogic literature has described a wide variety of human
experiences that cannot be documented in such a short paper. A little thinking will show that
every activity is a yogic activity. The fact that I am moving my hand is the power of my soul.
Without a soul I will be dead even with a perfect body; and has been demonstrated by Master
yogis54 and55.
Transferring soul A yogi with a very old physical body came to know that a dead body
in good condition, of a young man, will come floating on a river at some location. The yogi
went there, picked up the dead body from the river and then cast off his own old body, his soul
entered the young dead body, and he continued to live in that body as a young man 56. He had
his all memory, his walking style, and voice of the old man. This was possible because he was
a high level yogi. This example shows that a soul knows how to wake up and control a different
dead body. It will be impossible to imagine such a capability for our computers. In a broken
computer, whose program you do not know, and if you replace the memory chip with new chip,
with your own program, then you can be 100% sure that the computer will not work. We do
not have such a technology.
In another similar case, two young boys died around same time and in close distance.
One body was very heavily damaged. The soul of the damaged body entered the other body
and continued to live in that body with the memory and history of the damaged body. This boy
then told people what happened to him, and gave convincing proofs to his local people57. This
boy was not a yogi, therefore this incident happened automatically by destiny only. Every event
is a destiny event, but in the first example we can see many related events happened before
switching the body.
These examples prove that the souls exist, we all have souls, and the soul is the controller.
There are many proofs of existence of souls in the all three areas of: yogic power, destiny, and
reincarnation58. None of these capabilities can be proven by evolutionism. On the other hand
the evolutionism is clearly explained by the yogic power of souls and the destiny law.
Predictions before birth It is possible to predict when and where you will be born and
with what features. It will be equally feasible to do the same predictions for any object in the
universe, depending on the quality of the high level yogi. Thus the evolution of every object
can be predicted too before it happens.
A Himalayan yogi came down to a city to meet an old aged couple and told them that
eighteen months later they will give birth to a baby boy, who will have a hole in his right ear.
And the yogi will take the boy some years later as his student. This boy eventually became
Swami Rama.
Govinda, White Clouds.
Rama, Himalayan Masters.
Same as 54
Stevenson, Cases of reincarnation.
Das, Soul Theory.
In India there are about one million palm leaf booklets written at least ten thousand years
back that describe the life events of that many people who are living now in our world. They
have proven to be very accurate. They were written independently by two very high level seer
yogis. Many people from all over the world go to such centers to learn about their predictions.
Some prediction results are described in59. The fact is that - the video of the entire universe and
for all time is already written in the memory of the universe. Anyone with high level yogic
power of third eye will be able to see this video and predict the details exactly. The examples
of evolution can be visible in the same way, and will prove that it is the power of soul that
controls the evolution.
The foundation of the Vedic science is yogic power. Without a thorough understanding
of yogic power, the concepts behind all religious books cannot be comprehended. All aspects
of Vedic science can be observed in nature. A definition of truth is given, which includes that
nature always demonstrates its truths, for all objects to learn, eventually emancipate. This
article described many examples of such demonstrations. A distinct difference with the modern
science is that the Vedic science recognizes two types of causes – efficient cause and material
cause. Unfortunately the modern science has never considered the efficient cause, even though
modern engineering always uses the efficient cause in all its activities. Vedic science also
recognized the existence of root causes for both types of causes, and both of which are missing
Jahn, “Operator Intention.”
in the modern science. Vedas call the root efficient cause as the soul. Thus every object in the
universe has a soul; and that individual soul is the creator of that individual object.
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