Boe Knew Physics
Boe Knew Physics
Boe Knew Physics
This book aims to persuade the world to do the proposed physics research.
An opportunity has presented itself. A new model for nature is to be inves-
tigated, a model with only one object, the absolute minimum. The physical
and philosophical reasoning is supported by an analysis of the foundations of
mathematics and physics. This analysis shows some cracks in the foundations
(appendix D). These cracks pave the way to opportunity.
Other words like reality and universe may be used in stead of the word
nature. Every time one is used, we can consider replacing it with one of the
Current physics models are based on all kinds of mechanisms. The new
single object model is based on only machinery. The word machinery is a key
word in the new physics and is described in a special appendix C . Perhaps
get a feel for the restrictive meaning of the word machinery (if not now, then
soon), as used in this book. The questions ”Why is it so?”, ”What is it made
of?” and ”How do concepts interact?” are to be asked at all times. The
reader may sometimes have to fight his or her own beliefs. And some pretty
regular beliefs are going to be questioned. Fasten your seatbelts in discussing
the continuum and infinities in an appendix F for example. The appendices
are used for logical support and background information. There are many.
Two other words besides machinery, that are important to investigate soon
and get a good grip on, are continuity and infinity. In studying them you
will notice that the old definitions do not hold under scrutiny.
Capitals in words like SpaceTime, Time and Space indicate that we are
dealing with full machinery. Reading this you may perhaps not notice the
capitals at first. I would like to stress that SpaceTime in this book is different
from spacetime and that Time is different from time. Words like spacetime
indicate that there is no full machinery yet in the participating mechanisms.
The main conjecture of this project is that nature is a 4-dimensional elastic
object SpaceTime with specific properties. One of the dimensions is the
Time dimension. The three other dimensions represent Space. All of the
current physics knowledge is a human perspective in and on the conjectured
object. SpaceTime is the generator of familiar spacetime and tensorfields.
SpaceTime is the generator of the human perspective. The definition of
We are curious creatures. We have many questions. Where are we? What
are we? When did it all start and how does it work? We have been searching
for quite some time now. Our descriptions have become more and more reli-
able as time goes by. We tell our kids that nature abides by laws. Scientists
realise, though, that their models have never been correct. Just better and
better at approximating what we perceive as reality. We keep updating our
models, keep incorporating new, more accurate measurement results. The
standard model, quantum field theory and general relativity are the prime
examples in our quest, using mathematical symmetries and experimental
results to fit formulae with excellent descriptive and predictive properties.
We have started to believe that laws govern the universe, that mathematics
rules. Well, they do not. Mathematics and laws follow. They do not lead.
Nature rules! Nature does what it does because of what it is, not because
of human mathematics or laws. We will find that our look at things using
the scientific method can only bring us so far. Experiment and measurement
results will possibly not show us the machine that is nature. Experiment and
measurement results may only bring us to the edge of our perspective.
Some words may not be clear at first. Words like machinery C and object
B are used frequently, and their meaning is probably essential for under-
standing. The word machinery is defined and used in a very restrictive way,
much more than a standard dictionary allows. In these two cases, there are
references to appendices to explain them. In other cases, an explanation
should be close at hand. If not, let me know, and I will try and correct the
situation. The case of the word machinery is crucial. Newton had a formula
for gravity’s behaviour but did not have any backing machinery. He could
not answer why gravity worked. He was aware of that and did not like it.
Einstein came up with some machinery in the form of a spacetime, capable of
bending. Einstein could partly answer why gravity works. However, Einstein
did not have machinery for how energy and spacetime interact. Therefore,
he could not answer why energy and spacetime interact. I suspect he did not
like that. Understanding the concept of machinery is vital for good physics.
Among the concepts presented in this book, one of the most prominent is
the moment of making distinctions. This moment allows for the development
of consciousness and the human perspective. Nature, itself void of distinction,
has a place for distinction in its machinery. Nature allows for local structures,
one of which we will call a carrier topology or carrier ball in this book. It is
a way for discreteness to express itself. Anywhere you read the words human
perspective, it is possible to replace them with the words human ordering.
The human perspective is in the distinctions we perceive and the order we
ascribe to reality. The description of any particular human perspective is a
set of objects with their properties and relations.
We have not yet recognised the full scope of the consequences of making
It is assumed that time does not change for light but light can change.
Math and science are human creations from a human point of view. It is
so easy to believe in the difference between zero and one. However, making
distinctions might be when we lose track of a vital property of nature. Making
distinctions (like between a one and a zero or between measuring apparatus
and environment) is our strength and maybe our weakness. When we can
incorporate our understanding of our inabilities, we might be starting new
physics. Do not get me wrong. Quantum physics is probably still the ultimate
way to describe the universe from a human perspective of distinctions, even
if distinctions do not exist in reality. This book intends to be a guide.
A reevaluation of time. 3
A specific complete machinery and its consequences for the very large
and the very small. 4
A behavioural sketch. 11
A reevaluation of dark energy 12.2 , dark matter 12.4 and other subjects
such as the big bang and interpreting measurements. So far, in all of
these subjects, a lack of machinery has been a major factor in drawing
what may be the wrong conclusions.
and required. It goes by the name carrier ball or carrier topology. The full
machinery will explain dark matter and dark energy 9.1. Dark matter is
not found in the energy tensor of Einstein’s general relativity field equation.
Dark energy probably is an unnecessary concept.
1 Limitations. 21
1.1 The limitations of mathematical theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.2 The limitations of physics theories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.2.1 General Relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.2.2 Quantum Field Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.2.3 String theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.2.4 Information theoretical descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.2.5 Quantised spacetime theories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.2.6 Merging models into one. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.2.7 Machinery and change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.2.8 Distinction breeds probabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.2.9 Reality does not read laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.2.10 Coordinate systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.2.11 Coupling space to time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.2.12 The principle of least action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.3 The limitations of experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2 Guiding principles. 37
2.1 Evolution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.2 A chronology of physics principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2.1 God principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2.2 Science principles from the gods. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.2.3 Modern physics principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.2.4 Galileo’s principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.2.5 Fermat’s principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
2.2.6 Huygens principle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.2.7 Newton’s principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3 Time. 51
3.1 The arrow of time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.2 Entropy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.3 Are Time and time continuous or discrete? . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.4 New words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.5 Tools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.6 Human perspective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
8 A new paradigm. 95
8.1 A paradigm shift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.2 The new paradigm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
8.3 The photon paradox revisited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
8.4 Fitting elastic resistance to curvature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
V Appendices. 141
D Weaknesses. 153
E Reasoning. 157
E.1 Analogy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
E.2 Cause and effect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
E.3 Goal and means. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
E.4 Probabilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
E.5 Fitting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
E.6 More logical tools, a short overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
F Continuity. 167
F.1 Do the definitions matter? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
F.2 Truths and agreements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
F.3 Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
F.4 Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
F.4.1 Definitions to make numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
F.4.2 Self referencing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
F.4.3 Big numbers and infinity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
F.4.4 Infinitesimals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
F.5 Continuity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
F.5.1 New definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
H Considerations. 187
H.1 On constructivism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
H.2 1,99999. . . versus 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
H.3 Questions on in-betweens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
H.4 Conclusion on in-betweens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
J Information. 195
J.1 From symbols to information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
J.2 What are the odds? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
M Symmetry. 205
P Consciousness. 211
S Bibliography 219
Index 224
Is a line continuous?
Part I
Ask not:
Chapter 1
Humans design and build stuff, machines, tools, bridges, houses, particle
accelerators. On paper, the machine does not do anything yet. When built,
it never reads the manual. It does not know its laws of operation. It just is
as it is, made from machine-stuff, from machinery. The machine does what
it does best: it changes.
History shows, we are incorporating more and more machinery into our
physics. Newton did not use any machinery. He used mass, force, space and
time without telling what they were made of. Newton is said to have been
aware of this lack of machinery.
We have lots of theories and experiments. They each have their limitations
and sometimes do not go together very well. Here is a quick overview of the
most important ones.
The limitations of the human perspective are visible from the moment
we start making distinctions. Even the very foundations of mathematics
are shaky, as we can see in appendices F and G. We have not been able to
incorporate the continuum into mathematics properly. That is not a problem
in itself. However, we have not yet admitted our inability but have introduced
concepts that we cannot control. That is the problem. These concepts go by
the names infinity, infinitesimal and infinite process. We call a number line
continuous, but it is discrete. We mix numbers with symbols. This situation,
along with a lack of machinery, might very well come at a cost.
And then there is the matter of dimensions. We can invent and suggest
all kinds of objects. We talk of many different dimensions. However, here is
a task for us. Show a one-dimensional object in reality. We cannot. In the
reality of the human perspective, there are only three-dimensional (changing)
objects. All the rest is unicorns and elves. You may have noticed a dot on
an empty page at the beginning of the book. It is three dimensional and
changing when we look at the proper scale! It is four-dimensional, if you
will, three space dimensions and one time dimension. Everything is like
that. Mathematical constructions may seem to suggest otherwise, but as we
can see, even mathematics has its limitations. Exhibit and only then believe.
In Quantum Field Theory (QFT), the (two) relevant objects are space-
time and fields, made of tensors 2 . QFT has no machinery for how spacetime
and these fields coexist or how the fields interact with spacetime. Nothing
generates the fields. QFT gives no machinery for how or why the fields can
change. QFT only uses mechanisms for how the field is changing in the form
of principles and mathematical rules. Do not ask why. Just calculate. Some
argue that the word Theory is incorrect in QFT. The ”T” should be an ”R”
for Recipe. Any interpretation is debatable, and there is no consensus on the
interpretation. This book argues that there is no need for an interpretation
of QFT because QFT is itself the interpretation.
Quantum field theory uses spacetime without telling what it is made of.
QFT uses tensor fields in spacetime, built from numbers to represent physical
systems. In QFT (as in general relativity), continuity is assumed by using real
numbers. Furthermore, since there is a fundamental problem with describing
continuity when using only numbers, QFT does not describe machinery at
all. No machinery for spacetime, no machinery for energy, no machinery for
entanglement and no machinery for coupling energy to spacetime. We can
speak of mechanisms. We can speak of a helpful calculator for the human
No machinery is present.
At the same time, we should consider that we cannot unify GR and QFT
because the objects representing energy in both theories are too different.
Both theories use spacetime. QFT considers a probability distribution for
describing an energy system in spacetime. GR uses numbers to represent
energy in a tensor format to coexist with curved spacetime. QFT and GR
conceptually have nothing in common in representing energy, other than
maybe the word field. Probably, we need a new description based on just
machinery from which we can infer GR and QFT as human perspectives.
Forces between machinery parts are not machinery parts. They are mech-
anisms to make the machine change. A complete machinery based model
should therefore not include forces between parts. Depending on what mech-
anisms current theories use, there may be forces involved. Newton had grav-
ity, and Einstein got rid of gravity but still had electromagnetism. QFT has
gravity. String theory and loop quantum gravity seem to need no forces.
None of the above has complete machinery, and all have some undesirable
features. I suggest we also investigate the model from this book. It seems
to have complete machinery, minimal undesirable features, maximal descrip-
tive power, only one object, no forces and experiments seem within striking
distance at almost no cost compared to particle measurement equipment. It
is a model that 6 can be simulated on a computer. Unfortunately, on the
computer, it is discrete machinery. We have to imagine the in-between.
try every possible different angle. Probabilities and statistics only describe.
They are useful tools when in doubt. They do not explain anything and are
certainly not trustworthy as an explanation or building block for anything.
But (they will say) that is what the experiments tell us. No, they do not! We
are bad listeners and sometimes unfortunately, the sociology N in physics is
also a relevant influence.
Dice provide a good analogy for our perceived reality. A system of el-
ementary particles behaves analogously to rolling dice (combining a table,
cubes with distinct sides, a preferred direction and gravity). In both cases,
we describe behaviour using probabilities. The explanation of behaviour is
in the structure and properties of the system (in so far as an explanation is
possible), not in the probability distribution. We explain why and how, from
the structure, the preferred direction (up), the moving dice, the table and
gravity. The probability distribution is a consequence of the human ordering
and interpretation of the system, but the probability distribution itself needs
no interpretation. It is a calculator for describing perceived behaviour. The
calculator does suggest symmetries in the underlying structure, however. To
conclude that the dice are made of a probability distribution (or made of
bits, because the shape of the probability function can be described by bits)
is dubious. Nonsense is probably a better word.
Realising this, we can demand of our descriptions that the objects involved
should still have the same properties, regardless of the chosen coordinate
system. Vectors keep their length and direction. Other ensembles of numbers
in their relevant algebra’s keep their relevant properties, no matter what
coordinate system we use to describe them. Vectors, tensors, fields of them
or other constructs of numbers that represent objects in our descriptions
of the natural world should behave the same, even if they look different in
different coordinate systems.
In a piece of machinery where there is only one possible local speed, both
maximal and minimal speed, human spacetime is irrelevant until a self-
referencing ’slow’ structure emerges on some, more global scale. I suspect
this to be the case in our universe. On larger scales, structures may be iden-
tified, appearing separate from their environment, and moving slower than
the local maximal and minimal speed. For these structures, experiences of
time and its relation to space are what we experience as spacetime, governed
by local slow-moving changing machines called clocks. Our clocks are slowly
changing space-change-measurers. We will come back to this.
begin state to end state. The goal is to minimise the action in an equation
involving the different energies. That results in a description of the system’s
behaviour in space and time from start to end state. An example system
is a moving particle in a force field. What the particle, the force field and
energies are made of is not addressed. The energies are the particle’s kinetic
and potential energy. The action involves these energies in an integral over
time. The minimising of the action says that a tiny change in the path we
integrate should not change the integral outcome. The method suggests that
reality is striving for behaviour (being lazy), using some means (minimising
some action). It invokes some teleological E.3 reasoning.
The same behaviour follows (or should follow by correct reasoning) from
causal connections between the objects in the system and their future selves.
Causal thinking starts from a beginning and some rules for change and calcu-
lates how the end state will be. It is dual to teleological thinking, where the
beginning, the end state and a goal determine the path. Causal reasoning
and teleological reasoning are two sides of the same coin, as we can see in ap-
pendix E.2. Any teleological reasoning can be done causally and vice versa.
They both calculate the behaviour of a system and give the same results for
motion and change if being of the same coin, of course.
New York Times: Scientists and two collegues find Quantum Me-
chanics is not complete even though correct. (They are talking
about Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen on ”spooky action at a dis-
not taken into consideration yet, based on the conjectured machinery of na-
ture. The machinery, the fabric of SpaceTime, generates human perspectives
(quantum mechanics and spacetime). The third explanation is that entan-
glement is naturally embedded in the fabric of SpaceTime because Space-
Time behaves completely predictable but consists of nothing else. As soon
as we distinguish a measurement apparatus in reality and distinguish fields
or particles on paper non-locality pops up. Particles will in this particular
human perspective (by experiment) behave quantum mechanically and can
be entangled and can seemingly instantaneously communicate non-locally
until disturbed by other interference 9 . Bell’s inequality is in this particular
human perspective violated.
Guiding principles.
2.1 Evolution.
Guiding principles are human-made tools, to help us understand. Evolution
is a guiding principle. The process of evolution is our answer to how we,
our languages and our principles got here. We say we have evolved through
natural selection. The word selection suggests analogies, cause and effect
and goals and means. Analogies, causal (cause and effect) and teleological
relations (goal and means) are human tools for reasoning as we can see in E.
Maybe evolution and natural selection are not the right words to use. After
all, we are describing a process without a direction. However, it is so human
to do so, and nature does not care anyway, so it seems.
see (we conjecture) that reality has no use for these types of object oriënted
reasoning. There are simply no objects to act on, a surprising result.
The process of perceiving and ordering is done by the body, which pro-
vides external and internal senses. Our external senses, our natural mea-
suring devices: our eyes, ears, skin, mouth and nose. Our internal senses,
our chemistry and electrical wiring: our hormones, brain, and the rest of
the nervous system (including the eyes). If we were to perceive things dif-
ferently, we would probably sort things out differently. Throughout history,
we have built measuring tools to enhance our perceptions. These tools spit
out sounds, traces of light, electrical currents, dial positions and other clues.
We most often try to connect the clues to numbers and errors in numbers, as
best as we can[1]. Distinguishing measurement devices means that at least
two objects seem to be involved, the measuring device and its environment.
We need a better understanding of our devices and measurements.
The history of science is filled with great names from just about every era
since written language and from around the world, Mesopotamians, Sumeri-
ans, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Indians, Chinese, Byzantine,
Arabic, Western Europeans. We all have this longing for answers to bigger
and bigger questions.
From here on, the focus will be on physics principles, principles that shape
physics ideas. The idea of objects and their relations with other objects
is ancient. It goes back to antiquity. The philosophers back then did not
address it the way we do in this age of computers with object modelling as
a tool. Nevertheless, objects interacted.
Figure 2.1: Fermat’s principle: a light ray, searching for the optimal route, or is it?
Figure 2.2: Huygens principle: the speed of a light ray through the medium determines
the distance between the wave fronts. The light ray breaks at the surface where the speed
of propagation changes.
First law: the motion of a mass does not change when no force acts on
Newton’s laws follow causal reasoning. A force (cause) acts on a mass, and
its trajectory results (effect).
As we will see throughout the book, a general challenge with objects that
we propose is to answer the question, ”what is it made off?” The answer
leads us to deeper insights. In this case, Newton had no idea about the inner
workings of the gravitational force that he introduced. He was well aware of
that. How can the sun pull on the earth from so far away? He left that to
the reader to contemplate. Neither did he know about atoms and molecules
and E = mc2 and E = hν and much more. It is not very realistic to expect
him to explain what mass is made of.
m/sec). We will find that the colour of light, or more precisely the frequency
and wavelength, will differ in different inertial reference frames, a beautiful
and straightforward principle. This principle can also be stated as follows.
The laws of physics that we experience are the same in every inertial frame
of reference. As long as we move with any constant velocity, the laws we con-
clude from experiments in our laboratory should be the same as in any other
laboratory with another constant velocity. A new link between space and
time was found, and from then on, physicists started talking about space-
△x△p ≳ h (originally)
σx σp ≥ ℏ2 (modern)
The exclusion principle (Wolfgang Pauli): Two identical fermions can not
occupy the same state. For example, two electrons, both with spin up, for
instance, can not be in the same ’position’ at the same time. Pauli’s exclusion
principle explains stable atoms and the periodic table of elements because
electrons have to occupy different states around the atom’s nucleus. Identical
bosons (the counterpart of fermions, for instance, photons) can occupy the
same state.
After this success, all following attempts have so far failed. Some buzz-
words (see for instance Wiki or [32]): quantum groups, non-commutative
spacetime, conformal symmetry, topological quantum field theory, duality
symmetries and extensions to renormalisation. Here is not the place to dis-
cuss these mechanisms. What can be deduced from the words is that none
of them offers complete machinery. Symmetries are mechanisms but not ma-
chinery. Symmetries are properties of machinery. As a result of the newly
conjectured principles 2.2.15, all forces disappear (the other way to unify
them). Forces are an artefact of the human perspective. Together with sym-
metry, symmetry breaking is an important ingredient. Supersymmetry has
no place in this new physics.
principle: The local speed of light at the smallest of scales is not only
maximal but also minimal and possibly variable.
Part II
Chapter 3
It seems only very recent in the history of physics that physicists have con-
tested the notion of continuous time. ”There is a discrete number of time
events” [12] and ”time is granular, digital at Planck scale ”[30] are nowadays
just two of frequently heard sentences.
In this book, conjectured Time and time are compared to the concept of
time from general relativity. I would expect a reaction from fellow physicists
to be twofold. One is a response to the statement and motivation that our
physics equations do make a distinction between past and future. The other
is a response to the more speculative suggestions for machinery.
∂ϕ ℏ2 ∂ 2 ϕ
iℏ =− +Vϕ (3.1)
∂t 2m ∂x2
The Klein-Gordon equation:
(∂ µ ∂µ + m2 )ψ(x) = 0. (3.2)
conditions to describe what is going on out there. Is the wave going left, or is
it going right? The description of the specific wave will specify the direction
(left or right) by a sign (plus or minus). That in itself is no reason to conclude
that there is no arrow of time. On the contrary, the time derivative has a
direction, so no space direction is preferred. The time derivative dψ/dt is
the value of ψ at time T1 minus the value of ψ at time T0 divided by the
difference of T1 and T0 (dt = T1 − T0 ), where the difference between T1 and
T0 goes to zero. The direction of the arrow of time is always from sooner
(T0 ) to later (T1 ). Otherwise, we can not interpret a given solution as going
from left to right or as going from right to left. Let me repeat that. If there
were no direction of time built into these equations using ∂0 , we would not
be able to tell moving left from moving right in a mathematical sense.
Another way to look at it is to say that the equation is only half the infor-
mation in getting what is going on. The other half are the initial conditions
of the system. So given that a wave to the left is a solution to an equation
with initial conditions, it might very well be that the wave to the right is not
a solution because of the initial conditions. The directionality of the arrow
of time was never in question. It was always from past to future. Direction-
ality of time is embedded in the machinery for change. Whether a human
can distinguish past from future is a different question 3 (Humans tell the
difference by registering events. While there is only one event, that event is
the first. When there is another event, this new event is later than the first
conditions is just half the description. It is evident that we have to use ini-
tial conditions when a system increases its entropy (where humans age and
glass breaks), so the arrow of time becomes trivially visible. The direction
of all the motion in space in all its complexity (expressed with time deriva-
tives) is responsible for the second law of thermodynamics. The second law
of thermodynamics is not responsible for the arrow of time. The machinery
is responsible for the arrow of time and allows for a law to be found.
3.2 Entropy.
equilibrium is a simplified description of the full complexity of a system.
The arrow of time does not come from the behaviour of the machinery. The arrow
of time does not come from moving geometry (clocks) and does not come from statistics.
Moving geometry and statistics allow us to get acquainted with the machinery and create
our human perspective. The spacetime interpretation is mixing up changes in time and
space changes. Time is independent of motion.
Two relevant questions are: what is the machine made of, and what prop-
erties does it have? If the machine is composite (in which case change can
happen to spatial dimensions and in spatial dimensions), many additional
questions arise. What is each part made of? Does it follow the same rules
as the other parts? What is in between the parts? The properties of the
machine make it change. The machine is and the machine can change 7 its
shape. Time facilitates Change in nature (in Changing SpaceTime). Change
with a capital ”C” facilitates perceived change and measurements in nature.
Perceived change facilitates perceived time in spacetime. Therefore it seems
appropriate to reserve at least three Space dimensions for the shape and
reserve a Time dimension for the ability to change shape. That should be
enough. 4 dimensions are required and sufficient.
A continuous ongoing 8
line segment.
conclusive evidence for any of the possibilities for what the Time dimension
should look like. If Ernst Mach9 is correct, we might never have access to
evidence for any of the four options.
Figure 3.1: In this picture, the black lines (three axes) represent a 3-dimensional Space
sliding along a (green) Time dimension (MachineryTime) from right to left. Space slides
along the (possibly ”infinitesimally” small) Time dimension, creating a new form to its
right while the past disappears to the left. We could try to draw a continuous movement
instead of three different moments. Instead of a green line segment, we can draw a circle.
The circular concept is used in a discrete form in our computer simulations. A continuous
circular Time is interesting but is unwanted because of interference between what was and
what will be.
3.5. TOOLS. 59
3.5 Tools.
The machinery of nature may be beyond our experimental
Guiding laws, principles, and symmetries are great, but they come from
somewhere. They follow from structures. Symmetries and symmetry break-
ing should be inferred from the properties and relations of objects. Objects
(dice, particles, strings, space, time) have symmetries by their construction.
The ultimate model, this complete machinery, should move, change and be-
have exactly like reality. We must relate to all known experimental data,
and predictions must be verifiable. The working machinery has to justify
the existence of each contributing part it contains. For example, if space is
quantised, the machinery should explain the fabric of each quantum of space.
What are its properties, and how do the interactions between quanta work?
How are the quanta of space coupled, and what shape do they have? 10 How
do quanta reshape and what is in between are obvious questions that need
an answer.
More than one type of time is needed to understand time. One type,
Time, is part of the machinery, and other types describe our newfound hu-
man perspective (human time and underlying general relativity time). The
TimeInterval machinery facilitates the elastic spatial potential for change.
The elastic spatial continuum travels through the TimeInterval.
The speed of propagation of the fabric, the speed of light, is the only
relevant speed in the fabric of space. That does not mean that a local shape
of space has to move with the speed of light. We can infer fields from the
SpaceTime and define an excitation of a field as a local ”sub”-shape. We may
experience that the ”sub”-shape has rest mass, but in its internal structure,
the propagation speed of the fabric rules. A collection of ”sub”-shapes can
be called a human. One could say the propagation speed is locally a maximal
and minimal speed. Its constancy can be considered debatable, for the only
data on the elastic resistance of space comes from the neighbourhood of
our small planet. It might very well be that increased stretch comes with
increased propagation speed.
Space has variable elastic resistance (or in other words variable elastic
Figure 4.1: A sketch of nature, represented by a flexible three dimensional elastic Space,
having some properties. We derive our current views from it. From left to right a slice of
reality (a deformed slice of SpaceTime), a derived scalar field and a derived vector field.
Figure 4.2: Carrier topology sketch. SpaceTime deforms diffeomorphically using Leg-
endre polynomials. Two experiments are illustrated. In both, two spherically symmetric
deformations overlap each other. The picture is a collage from 2002. The graphs depict a
changing energy measure for the whole of SpaceTime as a function of the distance between
the centres of the Legendre polynomials that make up the ball. For now, this is just a
pretty picture.
In this approach, any theory that uses these constants to describe reality is
a derived perspective, a derived view on reality and not a direct description
of reality. Properties of a steel rod are, for example, its density and elastic
modulus. A constant that we derive from those properties is the propagation
speed of sound through the rod. A model for the rod of steel consists of
pseudo-atoms. The pseudo-atoms relate to each other and behave like the
real atoms in natural steel. The model behaves like steel with a specific elas-
tic modulus, and a wave equation can be derived from it. That wave equation
with the constant for the propagation speed is not the steel model. The wave
equation describes and predicts the behaviour of propagating waves through
the steel model. The description of the universe needs objects, their proper-
ties and relations. Relations between objects can be eliminated when there is
only one single object. When only one single object and its structural prop-
erties are the starting position, any division or behaviour must be explained
by these structural properties. In the case of the speed of light, the elastic
resistance of SpaceTime (about to be introduced) is the structural property
Feynmann [16] writes: ”The subject of elasticity deals with the behaviour
of those substances that have the property of recovering their size and shape
when forces producing deformations are removed”. Physics has no tradition
in which space is a material or a substance with properties such as elasticity.
Nevertheless, the word elasticity feels natural and is therefore used in the
context of the fabric of SpaceTime. Other people have done this too (see, for
instance, [23]). The Latin word modulus means measure. Elastic modulus
is a measure for resistance to change and a generic term for some speciali-
sations (Young’s modulus, shear modulus, bulk modulus). It is used almost
exclusively in the material sciences as a constant. However, SpaceTime is
not just any material. I, therefore, propose (and intuitively prefer) the use
of elastic resistance instead of elastic modulus.
In reality, the apparatus is always completely fused or mixed with its en-
vironment. In quantum mechanical terms: the wavefunctions of apparatus
and environment were entangled all along, so any measurement is nothing
more than the whole, progressing in time and Time. There is no collapsing
of a wave function into an entangled state with the apparatus at the mo-
ment of measurement. The interpretation of the measurement depends on
the imagined experimental setup. What is the particle, and what is not?
What is the slit, and what is not? A measurement result is only part of the
full development of the machine and its environment. We just do not get to
see everything.
The operator is like the machine (reasoning by analogy E.1) that measures
in reality. The operator works on the field, and the machine works on its
environment. The operator produces probabilities for an outcome, and the
machine produces an outcome with a certain probability, nicely related to
the operators’ probabilities.
This project’s idea is that artificial intelligence is more capable than hu-
mans to cope with the vast amount of numerical data that the rational Space-
Time array contains. Its job will be to get more and more grip on the fabric
in searching and creating these moving shapes through interaction with the
fabric. One particular shape is conjectured to be the holy grail. It is called a
carrier topology, carrier ball, carrier ball topology, carrier ball vortex or any
suitable name that will indicate this ball-shaped twist of SpaceTime, still
diffeomorphic to Euclidean space and time. (Conjectured is that) the carrier
ball will enable specific (resonating) symmetries to exist and behave in the
same way that symmetries behave in nature.
The fabric will start moving when it is deformed and let go. The elasticity
of the fabric is implemented by considering the distance between a point and
its neighbouring points 4 . The attracting force (F ) between two neighbour-
ing points is related to the distance (D) between the two points. In a formula,
distance and force relate as F = −RD. R is considered a variable (within
limits a constant) called variable elastic resistance of the fabric (In Hooke’s
law, R is a constant called stiffness). The minus sign indicates an attrac-
tive force between the two points. The AI will have to tune the two initial
Time-slices to control the volume’s behaviour. Then Time takes over, and
the following new Time-slice of Space volume follows from the programmed
elastic behaviour and shape of the two previous slices, and so forth.
Figure 4.3: A state of the array is interpreted as a set of points in a frame. The points
influence each other along the lines. As a deeper interpretation, we can see a stringy wave
in a continuous 4-dimensional fabric of SpaceTime.
Figure 4.4: A face centred cubic structure can be constructed from a cubic structure
by leaving all the black points out. The red lines represent springs between neighbouring
points. Each point has twelve equal neighbours so twelve red lines should end on a lattice
bours. We can realise alternative structures fairly easily. Balls have been
constructed from points within a certain radius of a centre. Points on the
surface of these balls have less than twelve neighbours. The balls will os-
cillate, collapse, and expand under potential and kinetic energy. Resonance
cavities of different shapes, where all edges are held fixed in SpaceTime, and
the interior is elastic SpaceTime, are other examples. These face centred
cubic structures (or structures where points are interacting with 4, 6 or 8
neighbours because these structures all behave pretty much the same dy-
namically as expected) and Markov chains in the computer are nothing new.
New is how Artificial Intelligence will have to manage and control these elas-
tic numeric fabrics and their computational abilities. New is also the search
in these fabrics for carrier topologies and particle look-alikes with bosonic
and fermionic(-like) behaviour. New is the view that these fabrics are con-
tinuous in-betweens, mimicking reality as if they were analogue computers
within a discrete computer, made accessible by discrete points.
Figure 4.5: Here is the code for initialising the computer array representing a face
centred cubic structure.
protected i n t numberOfPointsXdirection ;
protected i n t numberOfPointsYdirection ;
protected i n t numberOfPointsZdirection ;
public void I n i t i a l i s e S p a c e ( )
// This i n i t i a l i s a t i o n i s f o r when each p o i n t i n t h e g r i d
// has e q u a l d i s t a n c e t o a l l i t s 12 n e i g h b o u r i n g p o i n t s .
// The i n i t i a l i s a t i o n i s t h e same a s f o r a c u b i c g r i d e x c e p t
// i n t h i s c a s e , o n l y h a l f o f t h e p o i n t s a r e r e l e v a n t .
// p o i n t 000 i s i n c o n t a c t with 200 en 020 en 0 0 2 . The
// p o i n t s i n between a r e l e f t out ! These l e f t out p o i n t s
// comply t o ( x + y + z ) % 2 == 1
f o r ( i n t x = 0 ; x < t h i s . n u m b e r O f P o i n t s X d i r e c t i o n ; x++) {
f o r ( i n t y = 0 ; y < t h i s . n u m b e r O f P o i n t s Y d i r e c t i o n ; y++) {
f o r ( i n t z = 0 ; z < t h i s . n u m b e r O f P o i n t s Z d i r e c t i o n ; z++) {
i f ( ( x + y + z ) % 2 == 1 ) c o n t i n u e ;
FormsArray [ x , y, z, 0] = x;
FormsArray [ x , y, z, 1] = y;
FormsArray [ x , y, z, 2] = z;
FormsArray [ x , y, z, 3] = x;
FormsArray [ x , y, z, 4] = y;
FormsArray [ x , y, z, 5] = z;
FormsArray [ x , y, z, 6] = x;
FormsArray [ x , y, z, 7] = y;
FormsArray [ x , y, z, 8] = z;
Figure 4.6: Build-in elasticity. Comments (text behind //) in the code are hopefully
p u b l i c o v e r r i d e v o i d C a l c u l a t e 3 T o r u s ( i n t MostRecentForm )
{ int x , y , z ; int t e l l e r = 0;
i f ( t h i s . mostRecentForm == 1 )
{ XT = 3 ; YT = 4 ; ZT = 5 ;
XTmin1 = 0 ; YTmin1 = 1 ; ZTmin1 = 2;
XTmin2 = 6 ; YTmin2 = 7 ; ZTmin2 = 8; }
e l s e i f ( t h i s . mostRecentForm == 2 )
{ XT = 6 ; YT = 7 ; ZT = 8 ;
XTmin1 = 3 ; YTmin1 = 4 ; ZTmin1 = 5;
XTmin2 = 0 ; YTmin2 = 1 ; ZTmin2 = 2; }
e l s e i f ( t h i s . mostRecentForm == 3 )
{ XT = 0 ; YT = 1 ; ZT = 2 ;
XTmin1 = 6 ; YTmin1 = 7 ; ZTmin1 = 8;
XTmin2 = 3 ; YTmin2 = 4 ; ZTmin2 = 5; }
FormsArray [ x , y , z , YT]
t h i s . V e c t o r P o t e n t i a l Y ( x , y , z ) + // a c c e l e r a t i o n
+ t h i s . V e c t o r K i n e t i c Y ( x , y , z ) // s p e e d
+ FormsArray [ x , y , z , YTmin1 ] ; // p l a c e
FormsArray [ x , y , z , ZT ] =
t h i s . V e c t o r P o t e n t i a l Z ( x , y , z ) + // a c c e l e r a t i o n
+ t h i s . V e c t o r K i n e t i c Z ( x , y , z ) // s p e e d
+ FormsArray [ x , y , z , ZTmin1 ] ; // p l a c e
Figure 4.7: Build in elasticity, vervolg. Comments (text behind //) in the code are
hopefully sufficient.
protected override f l o a t
V e c t o r P o t e n t i a l X ( i n t X, i n t Y, i n t Z )
{// Here t h e a c c e l e r a t i o n i s r e l a t e d t o t h e f o r c e i n t h e
// X d i r e c t i o n t h a t d r i v e s t h e p o i n t back t o t h e c e n t r e
// o f a l l i t s 12 s u r r o u n d i n g p o i n t s ( v i a Hooke ’ s law ) .
return this . stijfheidsParam *
( t h i s . CentrePointOfGravityMeasureXTmin1
= 12 * FormsArray [ X, Y, Z , XTmin1 ] ) ;
protected override f l o a t
V e c t o r K i n e t i c X ( i n t X, i n t Y, i n t Z )
{// Here t h e s p e e d i n t h e X d i r e c t i o n i s c a l c u l a t e d a t
// t h e time we s t a r t c a l c u l a t i n g t h e next time frame
// t h a t i s 1 u n i t ahead .
r e t u r n FormsArray [ X, Y, Z , XTmin1 ]
= FormsArray [ X, Y, Z , XTmin2 ] ;
// Another code s n i p p e t :
// oaX1 i s t h e X c o o r d i n a t e o f one o f t h e 12 n e i g h b o u r i n g
// p o i n t s , t h e one below and behind t h e p o i n t under
// i n v e s t i g a t i o n . o=below , b=on top , a=behind , v=i n f r o n t ,
// l=l e f t , r=r i g h t . edgeCompensation c o n n e c t s p o i n t s on an
// edge o f t h e cube t o p o i n t ( s ) on t h e o p p o s i n g s i d e t o
// r e a l i s e a Torus .
5.1 Introduction
Figure 5.1: A simple sketch of the carrier ball on the left. The ball is in black. The
inside torus is in blue. The resonances along the outside of the ball and in the torus are
indicated with green arrows. The special point and line from pole to pole are indicated
in red. We see a computer simulation of two neighbouring Legendre polynomials on the
right, reshaping the fabric.
Two resonances and their interplay come to mind as the most promising
ones to explain half-integer spin. Resonances are possible on the outside
(between the unique point and opposite pole) and inside the ball. A unique
axis breaks the symmetry inside the carrier ball from pole to pole, where one
of the poles is the unique point that also breaks the spherical symmetry of
the outer sphere. Around this line, we imagine a horn torus shape inside
the ball structure. The torus-like symmetry may support standing waves of
SpaceTime. At the same time, the resonance on the outer sphere (around
the carrier ball) from the unique point to the opposite pole takes place.
Figure 5.2: Another simple sketch of the resonating cavity with perhaps enough sym-
metry and symmetry breaking to behave like a spinor. In this picture, a cavity (the black
network) is created with points on a disc folded as a ball.
The radius of the outside sphere is twice the radius of the inside torus.
Every completed inside wave fits half an outside wave. 1 . One can imagine
that the relation between the resonances provides for the behaviour that is
visualised in [43]. All in all, what we consider an objection and risk for
success (Witten’s remark) might well be a source of new insights.
The disc is deformed into a hollow ball (the black network in figure 5.4 on
page 84). The outside edge of the disc identifies with the south pole of the
ball. The centre of the disc identifies with the north pole. All other points
on the disc are (as evenly as possible) sent to places on the ball. Points closer
to the edge remain closer to the south pole. Points closer to the middle are
further from the south pole.
All points on the cone (from figure 5.5 on page 85) identify with the south
pole of the ball.The volume of the cone gets, by elasticity, ”sucked in” by
the points on the ball. All kinetic energy is removed from the elastic fabric
until all cone volume stabilises and sits still inside the ball. The fabric is
now set free for experiments. (See figure 5.6 on page 86). The shape of the
fabric inside the ball differs from the shape of the fabric far from the ball. It
is leaf-shaped versus euclidean. There is a line of symmetry from the south
Outside and inside waves travel at the same speed in the medium called SpaceTime.
The properties of the elastic medium determine this speed, the speed of light.
Figure 5.3: The edges of the Half-Cone, visible in its elastic environment. On top the
cone is closed by a disc.
Figure 5.4: The disc of the cone is deformed into a ball. The edge of the disc is sent to
the south pole, the centre of the disc to the north pole.
pole to the north pole. Around this line, space is shaped like tears within
tears. We can imagine a deformed torus shape around the line of symmetry.
Some initial experiments have been done with this shape. It is important
to realise that we are dealing with a discreet approximation of continuous
fabric. A volume can not go through another volume in a continuous elastic,
whereas in this discrete fabric, points can easily move beyond surfaces that
they are not supposed to cross.
Resonances along the spherical outer shell of the carrier ball will be among
the hardest to create. They require us to have already discovered the ball
as a stable, self-sustaining entity. Still, as part of creating a carrier ball
vortex, we expect a standing wave along the outer sphere from twisted pole
to opposite pole.
Figure 5.5: The cone volume is sucked into the ball and all kinetic energy is removed.
The cone edges are identified with the south pole of the ball.
Figure 5.6: The ball sucks in the cone volume. All kinetic energy is removed. The cone
edges identify with the south pole of the ball. Concentric tear-like shapes appear. The
resonances can move around a torus’s north/south pole line. The distance from north
to south is a reference length. It connects the circumference of the outer ball to the
circumference of the inner torus-like shape around the north-south axis in a 2:1 ratio.
Much more in-depth research seems justified. Let us find serious objec-
tions or otherwise research as a community 2 . Physics seems ready for new
trustworthy, understandable concepts and machinery.
I have a hard time imagining individuals like myself capable of covering the vast terrain
of knowledge and the workload that is needed.
Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
In this chapter, we investigate gravitation. From where does it originate?
The carrier topology or carrier ball, this basic wrinkle in SpaceTime that
supports fermions, is a significant contributor. Its relation to gravity is
7.1 Introduction.
All of physics is about movement and change. The old physics is about sepa-
ration, energy curving spacetime, changing clocks, photons of light, gravita-
tion, observers and measuring apparatuses. In the new theory, there is none
of that. There is only curved SpaceTime. SpaceTime allows the viewpoint
of separating energy from spacetime. However, there is no separation.
be identical but behave differently (one gets a higher frequency, the other
gets a lower frequency) when moving to the same higher position. Moreover,
although light can, for instance, be absorbed or reflected (change happens to
a photon), no time elapses from light’s perspective according to the human
That calls for an explanation. The old theory (read current theory) pro-
vides for an explanation. It indicates that photons 2 and 3 only begin as
identical photons, but in the process, they become different. One is a clock-
photon, the other is a free photon. Moreover, the old theory also claims that
time does not elapse for photons. Conceptually that might be unjustified
unless you make the distinction between time and Time. Let us look for
another answer, such as the one from the new theory.
Adopting the human perspective, we still have to admit that the claim of
time not passing for photons is not rock solid. The argument that change
from a photon’s perspective is relevant is hard to refute. We can save the
interpretation that time does not pass for a photon in the old theory because
the passing of photon time and change is related to the concept of ”universal”
Time (see 3). From our human point of view, us being slow human clocks
with a human perspective, we would indeed see (the eyes and brain calculate)
a redshift in photon 3, for the same reason we would measure a redshift for
photon 3 with a photon 2 clock. In other words: universal photon Time
relates to a coordinate system travelling with the speed of light. Human
time exists in slower coordinate systems.
We may only have SpaceTime at our disposal to make clocks and measure
changes. Clocks are SpaceTime, and humans are SpaceTime. Everything is
made of SpaceTime. Clocks indicate a rate of change. The indication on
the clock depends on where the clock is in spacetime, how it moves and how
it moves relative to who reads the clock. The clock’s spacetime stretch and
acceleration speed are relevant for its shape and indication of change. The
clock perspective belongs to general relativity. General relativity seems the
ultimate attainable theory from a human perspective 1 , when distinguishing
two objects (spacetime and energy) to describe reality. That goes for quan-
tum mechanics as well, where the two objects are spacetime and probability
distribution and where operators complete the perspective.
Just reed back about the in-between and see where we are going with this.
According to the main conjecture, the old mathematical black hole could
belong in a fairytale. It would be much nicer to embed the old in something
new and use the name ”black hole” for something more realistic. The black
hole should have structure. The new black hole does have structure. It has
the most complex structure a volume can have, and it contains the maximum
amount of mass per volume possible. It would be poetic to call this internal
structure white noise. However, the black hole’s finite volume restricts the
possible frequencies. Other than that, it will be pretty chaotic in there, from
some distance inside the black hole horizon.
complex ordering behind this example. This much more complex description
of the deformed wallet-SpaceTime is also not lost. It is just part of the
machinery. We use the concept of information here to describe the shape of
the wallet-SpaceTime, intertwined with the shape of the black hole ”chaos”.
Information is not as relevant a concept for the machinery as for a mechanism
such as black hole radiation.
Of course, the new black hole will also be a mathematical black hole. There
is room for both stories. As a figure of speech the old black hole is to the
new black hole as Newtonian gravity is to general relativity.
In a way, this gives us some room and flexibility in getting the properties
of reality right. The principle of fitting seems no different from fitting pa-
rameters to the standard model of particle physics measurements. Here, we
only have one parameter. This one does all the work. Variable resistance
adapts the behaviour of the fabric of space, but it can only go so far. In an
earth-like environment, the parameter is a constant and the more different
circumstances we encounter, the more restricted the flexibility in the value
may become. We have not encountered very different circumstances yet. We
have only imagined them, like, for instance, black hole gravity. There will be
some but very little room to wiggle.
A new paradigm.
Figure 8.1: Two types of properties are modelled. On the one hand, the structural
properties are fundamental properties of the fabric of reality. Structural properties give
from structural properties. Planck’s constant is a behavioural property related to the scale
and scale of local shapes lead to behavioural properties such as mass and charge. How
much space is used to form a local structure is related to the gravitational constant, a
behavioural property. The question remains if any behavioural constants are constants or
The new paradigm for ordering theories to describe reality has two layers
(figure 8.4 on page 101). A layer for describing reality using one single
object (and its fundamental properties, form, and how it changes) and a
layer for theories that interpret the first layer from a human perspective. In
this new paradigm, all the theories of today’s physics belong to the second
layer. Through distinguishing, ordering and relating these objects, theories
represent views on reality. They interpret the first layer (figure 8.3 on page
99), which aims to describe the whole thing in a one to one correspondence
to reality. For example, quantum physics emerges due to this process of
interpreting reality at small scales, where the entanglement of seemingly
existing separate objects starts playing a role. In this new light, quantum
physics needs no interpretation anymore.
The first level of the paradigm is about what nature consists of and how
it works. The second level is about how a human or measuring apparatus
experiences nature locally. The second level is about distinction and the
self-referential potential of SpaceTime itself. The properties of the first level
underly the second level. The second level contains all the different perspec-
tives chosen to describe and measure the physical phenomena we experience.
The first layer incorporates unity and coherence. The second layer incorpo-
rates reduction, distinction, ordering, relations and the particle view.
Perhaps these mathematical concepts are new to you. Books such as [20] and [17]
describe the meaning of words like smooth and diffeomorphism well. Diffeomorphism here
means a shape can deform into other shapes. The restriction is that the shape remains
differentiable (smooth) everywhere to high enough order.
Figure 8.2: Space on a global scale may have variable elastic resistance and thus variable
speed of light. Global Time is a rigid measure of change. Locally, when differences in
deformation become negligible, elastic resistance is constant, and thus the speed of light
is constant. As a result of a maximal speed of light and our perspective of locally existing
objects, local time is flexible as we know it from relativity theory. In the earlier not so
stretched universe of a big bang model (remember that elastic resistance is a function of
the deformation of Space), the speed of light would have been, perhaps significantly, lower
Figure 8.3: An ’artists’ impression of a double-slit experiment. On the left, only deform-
ing space is depicted. In the middle and the right picture, the space is interpreted as some
apparatus from the environment, (ii) distinguishing the relevant outputs (the ’ticks’ and
’flashes’) and (iii) interpreting the outputs by identifying them with modelled objects and
concepts in theories. Interpreting quantum mechanics: ”what happens when the electron
The rules of change only depend on the properties of the fabric of Space-
Time: smoothness, elasticity and variable elastic resistance 2 . Concepts
that we want to be there, such as matter or particle, come from a chosen
perspective on the form and changes of SpaceTime. All places in SpaceTime
have the same structural potential, but the property of elastic resistance can
vary from place to place and depends on the local deformation of the fabric.
Consider the two identical photons on earth again. One is used in a clock to
tell time, using its frequency. The other is travelling. The mathematics of GR
tells us that the frequency of the traveller photon is going to lower when going
away from earth. The photon gains potential energy in the gravitational field
and drops kinetic energy. hνhigh − hνlow = −(Epotential,high − Epotential,low ).
This lower frequency is measured and is called gravitational redshift.
The first layer holds the description of reality through a single object, its properties, form,
and the way it changes. All theories that consider more than one single object, like for
example, quantum physics, relativity theory or string theory, are views on reality.
the photon increases and the clock ticks faster. Using the clock’s registered
time interval, we find that its identical brother photon has a longer wave-
length at a higher altitude from our perspective. The photon has a higher
frequency at a higher altitude when it is a clock. Free falling, the traveller
photon has a lower frequency at a higher altitude. That is remarkable.
2 2GM 2 2 2GM
dr2 + r2 dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2
dσ = − 1 − 2 c dt + 1 − 2
cr cr
dτ 2 = c−2 dσ 2 (8.2)
New research.
Chapter 9
but fails to explain what that energy is made of and how it is coupled to
spacetime to make it warp. Ultimately there may be no building blocks, no
particles and no forces. There may be just changing reshaping space (”the
generator of fields”).
All in all, this list of pros makes it very important for the list of cons
to be substantial if one concludes that we should not do the research. The
collector of cons is biased to make errors. The list of cons may not match
the list of pros as a result. However, It seems inescapable that this research
will become necessary somewhere in the future when enough other research
comes to a halt.
Table 9.1: This table shows some situations in current physics and newly conjectured
All in all, what is considered a risk for success, might very well be a source
of new insights. Please, come up with more arguments. The question has
been around for more than twenty years now. Serious people among engi-
neering physicists, theoretical physicists, mathematicians and philosophers
The first response to this argument: this new view on things does not deny our human
perspective or measurement results. It respects the human perspective and measurement
results. Sometimes, however, it questions the interpretation of the measurement results
based on conjectured machinery. In the case of general relativity, we conjecture that
SpaceTime is more dynamical than we have assumed. In the case of quantum mechanics,
the interpreted shapes will result in the known probabilities (table 9.1)
This research project aims to optimise three objects and their interactions.
The objects are a 4-dimensional elastic fabric of SpaceTime (represented by
an array of rational numbers and algorithms for dynamics), an Artificial
Intelligence environment that interacts with the SpaceTime, and an envi-
ronment that facilitates human interaction with the SpaceTime and the AI.
The ultimate goal of the AI is to bring life to SpaceTime or, in other words,
to create dynamically more or less stable local deformations in the fabric
of SpaceTime and simulate physical processes (simulate particles and col-
lisions). However, this elastic SpaceTime, represented in the computer by
an array of interacting rational numbers, is an interesting object in its own
right. Conceptually we can consider it a computer in the computer, and we
just have to find the right way to program it. In other words, how do we
program a problem as the shape of SpaceTime? Then let the array evolve
and interpret its shape as the solution. If we succeed in making quantised
shapes, maybe a discrete quantum computer is hidden in the elastic (as an
actual quantum computer is in reality). Towards these goals, the AI needs
to better and better be able to shape and analyse the behaviour of the ar-
ray. Humans need to manage and hopefully understand SpaceTime and the
AI environment. A more detailed project plan is necessary for students and
other researchers to realise, individually or as part of a team.
Two types of research are proposed. The effort to research the real world
is finding testable predictions, thinking of ways to test them, and building
the experiments to produce actual results.
The effort to research the abstract world has a theoretical and an engi-
neering side. The theoretical effort is to build geometrical SpaceTimes as
diffeomorphic copies of reality and create operators working on these Space-
Times. There are two types of operators, direct and intermediate operators.
A direct operator can derive properties directly from a SpaceTime such as a
momentum or location of a local distortion1 . Intermediate operators are an
intermediate between the two levels of our paradigm from figure 8.4 on page
101. They are methods to project these SpaceTimes onto other geometrical
spaces. An intermediate operator, for instance, takes a SpaceTime shape
into a probability distribution in a flat 3D space for a specific system. Then
our familiar operators from quantum mechanics take over.
Parallel to this creative effort, we search for evolutionary ways to find new
stable structures in these flexible Spaces by putting specific energy shapes in
them and letting them go about their business. Will stable resonances with
complex inner structures come to being? This evolutionary path will perhaps
show us the steps in complexity from simple structures to more complex ones
that exhibit other topological features and more complex properties.
Numerical experiments may support the search for new particles. Maybe,
we can construct numerical experiments in a new generation of (numeri-
cal) particle colliders that simulate colliding shapes of SpaceTime. The ex-
periments may help create the right circumstances and collide the suitable
particles in the real world. Numerical simulations that manipulate elastic
SpaceTimes can perhaps help if we learn to control those SpaceTimes in
the computer. Control over numerical SpaceTimes comes in two flavours,
(i) designing shapes that take on life in SpaceTime or (ii) the evolutionary
behaviour of SpaceTime where shapes or particles emerge from more noisy
space movement.
Chapter 11
In this chapter, the behaviour of the discrete elastic fabric of SpaceTime from
chapter 4.3 is sketched. The variables involved are the size of the array of
points (or vertices), the connections each vertex has to other vertices, the
symmetries of space (of the discrete mesh of vertices, edges and faces) and
the elastic resistance between the vertices of the mesh. This construction
can be viewed as a continuous 3+1-dimensional in-between that is accessible
(discretised) through numbers.
case, we strive for optimum symmetry from the viewpoint of each grid point.
The following constructions have been built.
In practice, these fabrics all behave similarly when enough points are
considered to approximate a shape, as instinctively they should. Although
intuition led to using the face centred cubic structure most, the only reason
is a sense of symmetry. For reasons of memory and calculation speed, a
tetrahedral construction is to be preferred.
Figure 11.1: A numerical sketch of slices out of two different spaces containing the same
accumulated mass. The elastic resistance increases more with deformation in the left space
than in the right space. Therefore curvature spreads out more in space. Curvature does
not decrease as fast with increasing distance as 1/r2 , as it does in the case of constant
elastic resistance. The more the elastic resistance of space increases as a function of
deformation, the slower curvature decreases with distance from the black hole. When we
make a screenshot, cut the picture in half, lay the halves on top of each other and toggle
with a software tool between the spaces, the feel for differences becomes quite clear.
Secondly, we must expect that two very accurately tuned Time slots T−1
and T0 need to be created for a particular shape (read our carrier ball)
to hold its primary properties over some Time. That has so far remained
unattainable. Maybe another human can produce a solution. The temporary
conclusion is that humans alone cannot do it. I would love to be proven
wrong. If at all possible, artificial intelligence has to come to the rescue
somehow. The carrier topology is probably too complex (and possibly even
has stabilising resonances) for an adequate discrete mathematical model to
be composed. ”Trial and error” is the most likely and possibly the only
candidate. Artificial intelligence has the patience, indifference to frustration,
and hopefully, the capability needed. Furthermore, who is to say, maybe even
layers of artificial intelligence are needed, helping each other out, managing,
manipulating and observing the grid?
Part IV
Chapter 12
Some consequences.
There are consequences to the conjectures. One would expect these conse-
quences to disqualify the conjectures immediately, and do they? Not for the
moment, but we must try to disprove them. We will discuss some necessary
and possible consequences. In the quest to come to terms with or negate the
conjectures, a new field of research might prosper. There is nothing wrong
with the current path we are walking concerning developing, for instance,
the standard model of particle physics, general relativity or string theory.
That path will remain essential to develop the human perspective. However,
underlying them is and needs to be machinery to explain why they work in
their specific fields of operation.
Figure 12.1: Stretched space. A large mass pulls space toward the centre of the picture.
Further away from the centre, the tension gets smaller. In a static situation, the volume of
space does not move. Forces inside the ball-slice of space balance forces outside the slice.
If not, the volume of space starts to move and deform. The metric of space depends on
how the tension in the fabric stretches space. In the case of Hooke’s law, this dependency
is linear (twice the tension means twice the deformation).
Figure 12.2: A sketch to illustrate practically flat space at the smallest and small scales
and in between carrier topologies and space waves of relatively chaotic form.
If we are willing to believe space has elasticity, we can describe the be-
haviour of space displacement resulting from tension by Hooke’s law. In a
static situation, space displacement would behave as 1/r2 when elastic re-
sistance is constant(see also figure 12.1 on page 128 ). The elasticity of
space is a natural thing to assume. For what other material reason would
the metric of space constantly adapt to passing masses?
clock, but just a little less than predicted by general relativity because the
speed of light is just a little slower at a higher altitude (instead of being con-
stant). However, there is no indication of how the elastic resistance of space
behaves over such small distances in such a weak gravitational field. Real-
istically speaking, the difference may very well be unmeasurable for realistic
time-lapses. Probably other measurement errors, specifically in measuring
heights, will destroy any chance of success.
The speed of light may vary from place to place depending on the elastic
resistance of deforming space. This lightspeed variability seems negligible on
earth and practically anywhere else. In the neighbourhood of a black hole,
space distorts significantly, so the speed of light may differ from the speed of
light on the earth.
Tests for the variability of the speed of light are not trivial. Experimental
tests are hard. Maybe even impossible, as Christoph Schiller [32] describes.
He writes ”Since the speed of light enters into our definition of time and
space, it thus enters, even if we do not notice it, into the construction of all
rulers, all measurement standards and all measuring instruments. Therefore
there is no way to detect whether the value will actually vary. No imaginable
experiment could detect a variation of the limit speed, as the limit speed is
the basis for all measurements. That is the irony of progress in physics. The
observer-invariance of the speed of light is counter-intuitive and astonish-
ing when compared to the observer-dependence of everyday Galilean speeds.
But had we taken into account that every speed measurement is, whether we
like it or not, a comparison with the speed of light, we would not have been
astonished by the invariance of the speed of light at all.”
12.2 Redshifts.
Current physics assumes one reason (accelerated expansion) for redshift by
space expansion. The new paradigm introduces yet three other reasons.
The first new influence is the variable elastic resistance of SpaceTime and
accompanying variable lightspeed. When the speed of light c is variable, and
space is stretched differently throughout the universe’s evolution, we must
revisit our astronomical data. After all, wavelength λ and frequency ν are
related by λν = c. The second reason is that the expansion of SpaceTime
influences the size of carrier topologies. Atoms will send light with different
frequencies when they have different sizes. The third new influence is the
much more dynamic nature of SpaceTime. Large volumes may be expanded
or contracted and may influence our distance measurements. Depending
on the relative size of the contributions to the interpretation of redshifts,
this could mean that an accelerated expansion of the universe is the wrong
conclusion from the data and that dark energy does not necessarily exist.
We have to discuss our conclusions on the redshifts of stars and models for
the expanding universe. As an example figure 12.3 on page 132 is shown.
Figure 12.3: Redshift by SpaceTime expansion has four contributions. One is from
the global expansion of SpaceTime. One is from the dynamics in local expansions and
contractions, influencing our distance measurements. One is from an increasing elastic
resistance of SpaceTime (thus increasing the speed of light with expansion), and one is
from the shrinking of the carrier topology as a resonance cavity with increased stretch. In
a younger universe, atoms are bigger and send larger wavelength photons. These waves
get stretched more during their travel to earth. However, the expansion contribution to
the redshift is considered too large if we do not subtract the effect of changing atom size,
the effect of variable lightspeed and the effect of local expansions and contractions. That
could mean that accelerated expansion is the wrong conclusion from our data.
lightyears. SpaceTime over this length scale is now contracted and stretched.
The maximally stretched SpaceTime will function as an attractor of energy,
just like mass is an attractor of energy. Let us call these attractors troughs.
Galaxies travel through the universe on the waves, like surfers. One would
expect this energy to be distributed in a more or less spherical form around
the maximum stretch, around the trough. The excess energy we are getting
familiar with as dark matter may, as a result, be of a character between
gravitational-wave-like and elementary particle like. The dark matter im-
pression, the reshaping of SpaceTime, moves slower than light but is of a
curvature nature and not of a particle nature. We have to look for dark mat-
ter in the (global) curvature of SpaceTime determined by the (local) metric
term gµν of Einstein’s equation for general relativity. Dark matter is not in
the energy term. Dark matter is hidden in the Riemann tensor. Dark matter
doesn’t show up in de Ricci tensor so doesn’t show up in the Einstein field
equation. Dark matter is like gravitational waves but it does not move with
the speed of light. Its shape, its ”wavelength”, stretches over vast areas of
space. We may need an extra term in Einstein’s field equation, ”left” or
”right”, so to speak where Einstein’s field equation is:
Einstein’s field equation does not seem to represent the full flexibility in
the dynamical possibilities of the fabric of SpaceTime. It is not clear to me,
if at all possible, how to adjust the equation for dark matter. Like carrier
balls, other more global stable structures of a space-shaped character (and
not moving with the speed of light) are not part of physics yet. An extra
term would represent the energy of a curvature nature. The energy is not
electromagnetic or gravitational wave-like in nature and should be moving
slower than the speed of light. The energy is also not fermion-like. Let us
consider adding a term (on the right or left) that represents the energy stored
in the more global shapes of spacetime. The new equation could look like
Possible objections.
13.1 Objections.
As part of the effort to refute the proposed conjectures, it is necessary to
consider as many relevant objections as possible. These objections, in turn,
need to be investigated with scrutiny and may lead to necessary consequences
for the conjectures to survive.
The response. A new concept needs a new word 5. In this case, the word is
carrier ball or carrier topology. It reflects the idea that, in the simple topology
of diffeomorphisms of Euclidean space, we need structures that mimic other
topologies, enabling local energy resonances. Carrier topologies must be able
to form in the proposed simple topology. It is a necessary consequence.
Locally the tension of space can be relaxed through the formation of carrier
topologies that resemble balls, tubes and possibly even toruses and knotted
tube formations (see an example in figure 4.2 on page 66).
The topology of these carrier topologies is still simple and the same as
the topology of the rest of space. Different topologies would lead to non-
equivalent symmetries. Only one topology exists in the proposed paradigm,
and no topology change is allowed. Symmetry and symmetry breaking both
play a role in carrier topologies’ structure. So balls are not perfect balls,
tubes are not perfect tubes, and toruses are not perfect toruses. They are
open along a small surface. Waves of space can resonate in and on the carrier
topology. It serves as a cavity resonator. Carrier topologies become the bases
for deformations that represent fermions and bosons.
Some progress has been made in constructing carrier balls. Using Legen-
dre polynomials to create spherical symmetries, two mirror images have been
brought together at different distances to shape SpaceTime. At an optimum
distance of the centres of the symmetries, a measure for the total potential en-
ergy of the SpaceTime reaches a minimum, suggesting a stable configuration.
However, no dynamics are involved, so we can not show stability yet. Show-
ing stable dynamic behaviour will be among the most significant challenges
we will face, possibly with a huge pay-off. As a side step, it is interesting to
note that Christoph Schiller ([33], page 55) addresses the same problem and
suggests another solution that makes topology change unnecessary.
The existence of a preferred scale in nature suggests that (i) the symme-
try in nature is not perfect or that (ii) the universe has a limited size that,
like a resonating cavity, determines the scaling in its interior or (iii) perhaps
some other reason beyond my capabilities. The first explanation seems nat-
ural because the symmetry-breaking mechanism by the variability of elastic
resistance is simple and possibly testable.
Today’s physics lacks a mechanism for scaling, so the scale of things re-
mains implicit in Planck’s constant. Variable elastic resistance resulting in
limited deformability breaks the symmetry. When flat space contains energy
and is curved, different neighbourhoods can have different properties. In-
creasing elastic resistance counteracts too much deformation of SpaceTime.
The energy will disperse. It will spread out1 . To make a small circle out of
a stiff line takes disproportionately more energy than making a larger cir-
cle. Therefore, the carrier topology needs a particular minimum volume to
become stable.
This behaviour of limited deformability and dispersion will also be instrumental in
explaining the uniformity in the background radiation we measure, as an alternative to
the theory of inflation, and in the mechanism for a soft frequency cut-off (an ultraviolet
1 e2
4πϵ0 ℏc
The response. The fine structure constant is a result of all the Space-
Time properties (density, bendability and elastic resistance). There are sev-
eral constants in the formula for the fine structure constant. Restricted to
the earth, all data not from considerably deformed space will support their
constancy. There is reasonable doubt about the constancy of, for instance,
Planck’s constant. The scale of things results from the non-constancy of the
elastic resistance of space that restricts the deformability of space. To apply
curvature to space requires more and more power, non linearly growing, for
larger curvature, and the available energy is limited. Think of it as bending
a line into a circle. It gets harder and harder quickly to make the circle
smaller when elastic resistance increases with increasing curvature. Planck’s
constant reflects the scale of things in the universe. The carrier ball (figure
4.2 on page 66 and figure 12.3 on page 132 ) may change size when it moves
from a place with lower elastic resistance to one with higher elastic resistance.
The scale of things changes a little and, so would Planck’s constant.
That does not necessarily mean the change in the speed of light must cancel
the change in Planck’s constant. α and ϵ0 may not be as constant over space
as we have assumed. Furthermore, we assume the speed of light is constant.
It possibly influences our choice of equipment, our measurements and their
interpretation. Other arguments and lines of thought against the objection
may still be out of reach. This objection is relevant but does not disqualify
the proposed conjectures yet. It is an opportunity to hold our current beliefs
against new light in new research and delve into historical experimental data.
If we restructure the formula for the fine structure constant 13.5 , relating
charge to ℏ and c, it states:
e = F ϵ0 ℏc
Along with the fine structure constant come more than twenty other di-
mensionless constants, relating, for instance, concepts in the standard model.
All these constants are considered fundamental but are they? Where is the
machinery, in which they are fundamental, would be the first question. They
are important in a specific ordering but fundamental?
supports the idea to take a step outside the environment. The concern is
that working from the inside out may never get us to where we want to be.
We may always have to cherish our behavioural constants while there may
be reasons behind them. It might be so that the situation requires that we
first have to let go of lots of what we thought we knew and all of that at the
same time.
A candidate for connecting from the inside out to the physics proposed
in this manuscript is the physics of causal dynamical triangulations [4]. It
uses only two constants, the gravitational constant and the cosmological
constant. The way to go is to try to get rid of the constants and introduce
specific structural properties such as elasticity and elastic resistance for the
simplexes used in building the model universes. This step (right or wrong) is
relatively straightforward from the outside in but not trivial from the inside
out. From the inside, the suggestion is to increase the number of constants
if the models were to fail.
There are two other, of probably numerous candidates, to connect to. Both
candidates currently use linear elasticity theory. They are (i) the physics de-
veloping the Elastodynamics of the SpaceTime Continuum (STCED) based
on the analysis of the deformations of the STC within a general relativis-
tic and continuum mechanical framework [23] and (ii) The physics of tube
dislocations in gravity [10].
Part V
Appendix A
New definitions.
The TimeInterval is the machinery for change and is one of the SpaceTime-
touching points are points that can not be separated by inserting another
Using the word touching is the moment where discrete and continuous come
together. It attempts to create the continuous from distinctions, wherein the
continuous nothing is distinguishable. By distinguishing specialised points
(”touching” points), we create the possibility to identify ”some” of them with
account has a number. Space has dimensions. Space has elasticity. Time 3
has intervals (time is a difficult one, arguably even the most difficult one).
Figure C.1: The relation between the concepts mechanism and machinery. SpaceTime
is full machinery, yet spacetime is not. spacetime is a mechanism (partly machinery).
Other possible definitions for machinery and full machinery that I like
Definition 3. Machinery.
Machinery is a mechanism that is capable of change.
The definition used in this book for machinery is more restrictive than
is indicated by dictionaries in general. We could claim that an integral is
machinery using the general definition. It is not according to the above
definitions (used in this book)!
Assumed is that the words system, interacting, material and part are de-
fined by the general dictionary and are common ground (an often made
assumption). Machinery can not use laws or principles, or integrals. Ma-
chinery can only use objects (with their specific properties) that can change.
Laws and symmetries are properties inferred from the underlying composi-
tion of the machinery. Sometimes, our descriptions and explanations have no
underlying machinery. For instance, the Newtonian gravitational pull has no
underlying machinery. What is doing what, how and why? In this book, we
aspire to describe nature using just full machinery. After all, reality seems to
be a complete working system. The working model of reality must behave like
reality, must explain reality, and must be understandable and trustworthy.
We relate integrals, differential equations, principles and laws to machinery.
We infer them from machinery.
Some examples of what is and what is not machinery can be found in table
C.1 .
The words describe, explain, understand, and trust are regularly used.
They are different in the following way. Symbols and words make up a
description, so mathematics describes. An explanation is made by connect-
ing (by analogy) the mathematics to reality with meaningful reasoning E
. Physicists make explanations (using, among other things, mathematics,
words, meaning and experiments as their primary tools). Understanding
and trusting are done by the philosopher in us, who tries to make sense of
the explanations and accepts or rejects them.
As humans, we should realise that we have never been right about anything
in describing reality in the past. All we did, is construct seemingly better and
better approximations. Working without complete machinery seems to hold
more risk of strange, almost religious artefacts, like the belief in extrapolating
equations into singularities or the belief perhaps in too many dimensions or
too many universes lurking around the corner.
Table C.1: This table shows some examples of items that are or are not machinery
according to the proposed definition.
Full machin-
Item Machinery? Why?
A pen is a complete system and capable of change
A pen Yes No
but not capable of change by itself.
A car is a complete system and capable of change
A car Yes Yes
and capable of change by itself.
Software is not a complete system, not capable of
Software No No
change and not capable of change by itself.
A book is a complete system, not capable of change
A book No No
and not capable of change by itself.
A computer is a complete system and capable of
A computer Yes Yes
change and capable of change by itself.
A mathe- A mathematical law is not a complete system, not
No No
matical law capable of change and not capable of change by itself.
An equation is not a complete system, not capable
An equation No No
of change and not capable of change by itself.
A classic A classic telescope is a complete system and capable
Yes No
telescope of change but not capable of change by itself.
A measuring device is a complete system and capable
A measuring
Yes Maybe of change but it may not be capable of change by
A string A string from string theory can be a complete system
from string Yes Yes and is capable of change and is capable of change by
theory itself.
SpaceTime is a complete system and capable of
SpaceTime Yes Yes
change and capable of change by itself.
spacetime is not a complete system. It is capable of
change and it is only partially capable (think of grav-
itational waves) of change by itself. The property
(from Ein-
(or properties) influencing change is(/are) unclear.
stein’s Yes No
spacetime is not a complete system in the parts of
general rela-
spacetime occupied by energy. Energy is responsible
(directly or indirectly) for all of the change in space-
The main conjecture revolves around the assumption that reality has
properties that make it the way it is and changes. Reality does not have to
read laws. It does not follow laws or orders. Laws are artificial tools to help
us describe and predict changes in nature. Nature changes because of the
way it is, because of its machinery, its structure, and fabric.
Let us not dwell long on our weaknesses, but it is best to get them dis-
cussed and out of the way straight away. History has shown, humankind
has adopted some (in hindsight strange) views in the past that we had to
abandon. The typical example is the thought that the earth is flat. From a
human perspective, the thought sounds reasonable at first, but it seems only
very locally true sometimes, and it is nonsense on any scale. We replaced it
with a better notion. I propose we recognise some other fundamental notions
as replaceable. More details are revealed elsewhere in the book on the how
and why.
One notion we have to replace comes from our need to grasp the continuum.
Today we think we have that grip on the continuum. Some would even say
the grip is firm, and there are no problems. They are wrong. That is an
opinion (not mine alone, though). This book proposes a project based on
logic, mathematics, and physics to research a conjecture on nature. Lots will
fall into place, and the people, who still think there are no problems with
our understanding and description of continuity, will have to rethink.
Even more important is the moment we admit that we cannot grasp the
continuum through numbers alone. This book proposes a new mathematical
object that embodies all this admission of inability. The new object holds
all the relevant attributes of continuity. Numbers will only be a tool to
explore this object, access it and address it within reason. The object has
the name in-between. The in-between will be our open acknowledgement of
our limited human perspective and the limits of making distinctions. The
object is a celebration of the beauty of continuity and will prove to be a valid
mathematical object in our study of the universe.
In physics, we have to deal with some weaknesses as well. First is the over-
estimation of the human perspective. History shows, we have often thought
we were right where we were not. Humans are not so different from other
animals, and the earth is not the centre of the universe. The sun does not
revolve around the earth. The measuring apparatus is not separate from its
environment. Moreover, particles or tensor fields do not make the world.
The human perspective and making distinctions are directly related to our
relation to experiments and experimental results and our trust and abilities
in separating measuring apparatus from the environment. We have not con-
sidered enough evaluating nature as an undivided entity yet. Nor have we
taken into account the ”photon perspective”, the perspective that represents
the possibility that nature needs only one operating speed, only one rhythm,
to function. Coordinate systems are tools of the human perspective. The
coordinate system we have not considered enough is the coordinate system
that travels with the photons at the speed of light. In this coordinate system,
things change too.
Physicists often label philosophy as unnecessary in the quest for the truth.
We refer to mathematics as the only tool for description. As if we may
only use the numbers in the alphanumeric symbols toolbox. We need to
describe and explain but also understand and trust those explanations. We
are neglecting a powerful tool and taking a position of arrogance. Not the
best situation to be in when dealing with the complexity at hand.
And then there are human sociology and mortality. The scientific method
seems to be an independent mechanism for correcting weaknesses on their
account over time. However, it means that I cannot finish what I started.
”Why don’t you do the project yourself?” The project is too complex for me
alone, and I am too old. Suspicion is that the project is even too complex for
other more intelligent humans without the help of artificial intelligence. It
seems possible to achieve success if we find the right balance between living
and artificial intelligence somewhere in the future.
Appendix E
E.1 Analogy.
The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy[5]:
The foundations of mathematics lie in set theory. Set theory seems the
most abstract expression of analogical reasoning. Assuming that things and
groups of things and empty nothing exist is analogical thinking in my book.
Specialising, generalising and comparing sets are all by the grace of analogy.
Drawing a loop (or any Venn diagram), dividing, comparing inside to outside
is thinking with an analogy. Creating a point-like dot on a piece of paper can
be considered the most basic analogical reasoning act, perceiving a difference
and comparing it to its environment. Making a model of something that
should mimic its behaviour is an act of analogical thinking. We will soon see
more about this.
and (2.3) how if at all sequences involving causes differ from those
involving mere background conditions (selection). Philosophers
have, of course, disagreed over all of these questions.”
Causal thinking is done when calculating what will happen when pushing
something. What will happen when two people meet? How will the billiard
ball role? Plenty of opportunities in life for causal reasoning. For physics,
this type of reasoning is demanded and up there with analogical reasoning.
purpose. Other words with the same intention as means are action and effort.
Many texts have been written on teleological reasoning. In Darwin’s theory
of evolution, this type of reasoning is frequently used to explain chains of
events or creatures biological characteristics.
Even though teleological reasoning and causal reasoning are two sides of
the same coin (the coin representing the model of being and change), it would
seem that we need more details for causal reasoning. Therefore, we would
expect that teleological reasoning will more often than not precede causal
reasoning, in explaining a phenomenon.
For each of the three calculations, we need some mechanism for change.
Like forces for causal thinking, energies for teleological thinking, time re-
versal for ”reverse” causality. We can always develop a mechanism thanks
to underlying predictability or underlying machinery of nature or thanks to
a coin. Even the predictability of stochastic processes has underlying ma-
chinery and explaining mechanisms. In the ultimate case of reality, we may
postulate the machinery. Complete machinery seems out of reach for the time
being. We have mechanisms such as words, symbols, procedures, methods,
and formulae to describe concepts such as energy, spacetime, tensor fields
and the vacuum.
Figure E.1: Causal and teleological reasoning, two sides of the same coin of change.
E.4 Probabilities.
The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy[11]:
”Logic and probability:
Logic and probability theory are two of the main tools in the for-
mal study of reasoning, and have been fruitfully applied in areas
as diverse as philosophy, artificial intelligence, cognitive science
and mathematics. This entry discusses the major proposals to
combine logic and probability theory, and attempts to provide a
classification of the various approaches in this rapidly developing
We encounter words like probabilistic, statistical, stochastic, chance, and
random in this type of reasoning. Let us discuss these words for a moment
with an experiment. The variables are analysed before we throw a die. The
number on top of the die is a variable. The outcome of one throw is randomly
distributed between 1 and 6, which means that each outcome has a certain
chance of becoming real. The chance of a certain outcome is a number be-
tween zero and one. Random does not necessarily mean all equal chances.
E.5. FITTING. 163
For an ”honest” die, each outcome has the same chance. The process of
throwing is a stochastic process. A variable can be a stochastic variable. In
the die case, the number on top is the stochastic variable. Stochastic is an
adjective. It means the process happens randomly. The variable is a ran-
dom variable. The probability of a particular outcome is the chance of that
outcome. Statistics occur after the experiment has taken place. Statistics
is about the analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data. Probability
theory and statistics are fields of study.
When measurements are involved, it is rarely the case that the outcome is
discrete and obvious and without an error margin. Almost every experiment
delivers an outcome with a margin of error in every piece of data. The speed
of a bicycle is for instance 10 ± 0, 5 m/s, because your measuring equipment
could not be more precise than within 0,5 m/s. The margin of error is not
an exact measure and has to be estimated.
E.5 Fitting.
Physicists use this type of reasoning all the time. Fitting combines different
types of reasoning. While establishing an analogy, we try to bring the two
similar objects as close together as possible with the goal to make them as
equal as possible, with possibly probabilistic aspects involved.
Figure E.3: A graph and a specialised graph, a categorie (a structure of objects and
More words that indicate more different reasoning. These words relate to
the word reasoning, words such as backwards .., induction .., critical thinking,
counterfactual .., intuitive .., defeasible .., paraconsistent reasoning.
The set of mathematical definitions and axioms seems quite solid today
after thousands of years of evolution. To be sure we are on the same page, we
consider axioms to be ”obvious truths” 1 . Axioms are more tricky than they
may seem, as we will see in the use of the concept of infinity 2 . Definitions
are not absolute either. The system of definitions is a system of agreements
between people. We believe in them until we do not. As the definitions
become more useful for understanding and shaping reality, it becomes easier
to believe them. It is easy to believe in the distinction between zero and
one. It is probably fair to say we believe that particular distinction is true
. Mathematics nowadays is pretty trustworthy4 . At this moment in time,
some mathematicians advocate the sole use of definitions in the foundational
structure of mathematics and to avoid perceived truths [45]. This humility
seems appropriate.
F.3 Symbols
Imagine nothing. It is hard. Try to perceive nothing. We perceive distinc-
tions, differences between us and our environment, enabling survival, multi-
plication and awareness. Science is still struggling to define what it is to be
conscious and aware.
There is more distinction between levels of certainty among axioms. The reader may
want to look into that. For our purposes, it clouds the issue.
Current foundations of mathematics use Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory . One of its
axioms is the axiom of infinity.
Later in this book, we will see that nature may not have use for such distinctions and
may still be able to establish the human perspective.
Many physicists even say mathematics is the language of nature O , and at least one
even wrote that reality reads its mathematical laws. I find these statements unfortunate.
F.4. NUMBERS. 169
Our symbols come from noises, verbal sounds, verbal language and then
visual symbols. People made more and more agreements, first verbally
and eventually in writing. Agreements on axioms and definitions were con-
structed from agreements on symbol-strings.
F.4 Numbers.
Reading this text has probably been effortless so far. Implicit were many
conventions. They were the same conventions I did not have to think about
while writing. What an extraordinary situation. All these underlying defini-
tions. Meaning from language. Language from words and numbers. Words
and numbers from symbols. What is a symbol? From where do they come?
Let us make some symbols and numbers.
Definition 6. Nothing.
The definition for nothing is intentionally absent. Words like zero, blank,
void and empty hint at this weird notion. Let us agree on this definition for
the time being.
Definition 7. A point.
A point is a minimal difference from nothing. (A discrete, zero-dimensional
object (and the intuitive opposite of a continuity). Something that is used
in mathematics all the time.)
Definition 8. A symbol.
A symbol is made of points.
Definition 9. A string.
A string is made of symbols.
Definition 10. A label.
A label is made of strings.
Definition 11. A one [50].
A one is a symbol (and a string and a label).
Definition 12. one Add one
One Add one is the string one one, which is named two.
Definition 13. two Add one
Two Add one is the string one one one, which is named three.
Lets us agree upon these definitions for now.
The moment may have arrived that we are confident that symbols are
defined. We now have used symbols to define symbols. We had to perceive
reality first through noticing differences.
F.4. NUMBERS. 171
Our familiar natural numbers seem to appear when continuing the process
of adding one ”into infinity”5 . Fact: we can not express or write down
almost all these so-called natural numbers. They are out of our reach. They
are just too big. We can even doubt their existence or claim they do not
exist. We need lots of care to establish at least consistent foundations of
mathematics. We will see more of this process in the context of infinities
and continuity. This book is about the conjecture that nature might have no
need for distinction between objects and can still provide descriptions and
trustworthy explanations of reality. Reality may not need distinctions and
can still harbour humans, human distinctions and the human perspective.
Symbols, language and pictures are some tools of the human perspective.
Mathematics is also part of the tools. Mathematics may harbour a weakness,
as we will see next.
When in the realm of big numbers, adding one means nothing because it is
not clear what we add the one to and how to add it. To argue it is possible ”in
principle” is also not sound. Arithmetic needs a calculator. Mathematics will
not do it for us. The string 20 + 1 = has no answer without us. Mathematics
needs a host (like minds, computers or paper) to become and evolve and
produce. ”Show me the number!”
Expressible natural numbers (as opposed to big numbers) are made, using
only the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. No exponentiation or other
manipulations such as including + or * are allowed. There are two interesting
moments in developing other number systems from the (expressible) natural
numbers, where extra symbols are needed. The negative sign ”- ” is needed
when expressing the integers (and defining subtraction). To express the
fractions (and define division), an extra division sign ”/” is needed. So as
a minimum set, the symbols from {0, ”one”, -, /} are sufficient to create
the expressible rational numbers. The decimal point is not necessary but is
helpful. Fromp the rational numbers to the reals extra symbols are needed
(like { +, *, (), π, e, ∞, . . ., }) to describe irrational labels (not numbers!).
None of these irrational labels can be written down as expressible numbers.
It does not mean that the labels can not be helpful. Irrational labels are, in
a way, postponed approximations.
Definition 14. Infinity of sets. For each positive integer n, let Nn = {1,
2, . . . , n}. N denotes the set of all positive integers. ∼ means of the same
cardinality. If A is a set, we say:
10 1010
An example BN-label = 10 + 24. Proving the existence of
those big unspecified numbers is a problem. It becomes a matter of belief,
and no arithmetic is possible in that realm. We cannot decide on the infinity
of a set because we cannot decide on the finiteness of a set. When numbers
become huge, they cannot be specified anymore. We cannot write them
down. We cannot even imagine them. We cannot be sure that they are
numbers (after all, we can add numbers).
There is one more thing about infinity and infinities. If one exists, many
exist. If we have one of them, we have infinitely many of them. Infinities are
a supporting mechanism for the human attempt to move from approximation
to the exact and to define continuity. The attempt seems to have failed.
The ongoing list of numbers ”in this grey area” might as well be an ill-
defined infinity, and that is how infinity came into existence, I guess. If
countable infinity cannot be adequately defined, we cannot compare it to
possibly existing other types of infinity. The task is: put forward a proper
definition of the infinity of N. I conjecture that we cannot do it. So far, I
have never come across one. I suspect we have been fooling each other and
ourselves. We have been playful. Another interesting source is a famous
algebra graduate textbook [19]. One would expect the difference of finite
and infinite groups to be defined here. However, it is not. The reader is
assumed to know a definition like the one above. The writer then makes a
map between a group and a number system on that assumption. Challenge:
find a book or text with proper definitions of infinity and finiteness. On the
other hand, it is okay to accept this flaw as long as we realise it. In lots of
cases, infinity makes our mathematical life easier.
F.4.4 Infinitesimals
Rational numbers can be expressed with a division symbol, for example 3/4.
Since Simon Stevin (Brugge 1548 - 1620), we also use the decimal system.
In this system, a number is expressed using a comma, for example 0, 75.
Another example: a = 1234,5678 which means
a = 1 ∗ 103 + 2 ∗ 102 + 3 ∗ 101 + 4 ∗ 100 + 5 ∗ 10−1 + 6 ∗ 10−2 + 7 ∗ 10−3 + 8 ∗ 10−4 .
All very familiar, of course. What will never be familiar is that, somewhere
along the line, mathematicians have decided that we can add infinitely many
numbers behind the comma to represent a fraction of one. Dots represent
the procedure to suggest that we can. Example: 1234,5678. . . . The same
objection, as mentioned before, holds for this situation. We cannot do it. We
cannot complete this process of writing down the infinite amount of decimals,
and no exact arithmetic is possible. The dot dot dot is a mathematical smoke
The reason for introducing dot dot dot is to attempt to complete the num-
ber line, to make it continuous, with only discrete numbers at our disposal.
However, we can always fit another number between two numbers. Num-
bers never touch! A continuum can only be approximated this way. We do
not teach about this problem. We tell our children that we have created
a mathematical continuum and show a definition to suggest that we have
succeeded. We are fooling ourselves and each other.Two monsters have now
come into existence, untrue continuity and infinity. It leads to both useful
constructions and nonsense. As we will soon see, we have to be honest and
admit that we cannot achieve a continuum with only numbers. Rigorous
mathematics should be separated from playful mathematics, still respecting
the valuable results from playing around. Both have their merits.
F.5 Continuity.
Here is an old definition for continuity:
This means that near every point on a function there should be other points on the
function, within a neighbourhood of that point, that are as close to the point as is needed,
using arbitrarily small numbers ϵ and δ.
F.5.2 In-betweens.
No function fits the description of being continuous yet under the new
definition 15 of a continuous function. The textbook definitions of conti-
nuity are our best definitions yet. Apart from the rational and real number
system, no known other number system defines continuity better. The reals
and rationals do not contain touching numbers, so functions do not con-
tain touching points. As there are no known pairs of touching distinguished
points, continuous functions, according to the modern textbook definitions
of continuous, contain only points with no neighbours. Therefore, textbook
functions do not consist of in-betweens and are not continuous functions by
the new definition.
perspective limits us. We did not recognise the relevance of the act of dis-
tinguishing in the past. The act of distinguishing was ignoring the ”space
between numbers”. Intuitive continuity was lost, and only the discrete was
left 15 . Numbers will not give an accurate description of the notion of conti-
nuity. The closest we can get in describing continuity is through our intuition
in combination with number systems. A line is continuous because of the
in-betweens and is accessible because of the numbers.
In reality, number systems can only approximate intuitive continuity. The new defini-
tions I propose are enough to use ongoing processes and ongoing better approximations.
Intuitive continuity is the complement of a number system. It is filling in the voids be-
tween the numbers. So two lines can meet, but the meet may not be describable by a
number from a certain perspective (on a certain scale).
Appendix G
True or fantasy.
This chapter discusses the side effects of mathematics with infinities, infinites-
imals, and infinite processes. In the more playful world of infinities, we can
sometimes prove what is considered a fantasy in the world of in-betweens.
For proof, multiply the left side F of the formula by X 2 . While thanks to
the dots X 2 ∗ F = F ⇔ (X 2 − 1)F = 0 and if X ̸= -1, 0 or 1 then F must be
zero (QED). The only reason for the existence of this proof is the two series
of dots, suggesting infinities. The formula without the dots is not true. The
meaning of Euler’s formula is unclear.
As Wildberger has often proposed.
We can not construct the next biggest prime in the realm of big primes
(assuming that we have found a big prime). We can not identify big numbers.
The difference between big numbers cannot be established, and multiplication
cannot be done anymore, either in time or in space. Never-ending processes
are involved, or the number is too big to fit into space because, for example,
there are not enough particles in the known universe to describe the number.
In other words, the new biggest prime cannot be, be found or written down.
Wildberger argues that line M and circle P do not meet because there
are no rational coordinates to pinpoint the meet and irrational labels exist
only as approximate coordinates. According to Wildberger (I must conclude
from his argument), we can not decide if line L meets circle O until a scale is
assigned. I argue that Wildberger has a valid claim as long as the in-between
is not introduced into mathematics.
Figure G.1: Do the lines L, M and N, through the centres of the circles O, P and Q and
dividing the first quadrant into two equal segments, meet the circles O, P, Q in the first
quadrant? According to Wildberger, line M does not meet circle P in point B. Playfully
√ √ √
B = ( 21 2, 12 2). However, what is this symbol 2? It is not a clearly defined number.
B cannot be pinpointed with numbers, so is it there?
The words intersect and meet may be used as synonyms or may have
two different meanings. As synonyms, two lines that do not meet do not
intersect. When meet and intersect have different meanings: two lines may
intersect but not meet because numbers cannot distinguish the meet. I prefer
that intersect and meet have different meanings as long as in-betweens are
not accepted into mathematics. When we accept in-betweens into mathe-
matics, intersecting lines always meet, and the words intersect and meet are
automatically synonyms.
Appendix H
H.1 On constructivism.
Wikipedia says: ”In the philosophy of mathematics, constructivism asserts
that it is necessary to find (or ”construct”) a mathematical object to prove
that it exists. In classical mathematics, one can prove the existence of a
mathematical object without ”finding” that object explicitly by assuming
its non-existence and then deriving a contradiction from that assumption.
This proof by contradiction is not constructively valid. The constructive
viewpoint involves a verificational interpretation of the existential quantifier,
which is at odds with its classical interpretation.
seem to assume at least a potential infinity and find that the real numbers
can model the continuous. I am afraid I disagree with that view. The way
Herman Weyl talks about the continuous (according to Mark van Atten[41]),
it seems√ as if in-betweens would fit in perfectly. As an example, π and
e and 2 are labels that do not point to an exact existing √number. No
√ arithmetic can be done with them. Playfully, π + e + 2 = π + e +
2 = 7.1. . . ≈ 7.1 . We should make the distinction in mathematics between
rigorous and open. We should admit that the reals are the rational numbers
in the rigorous version of mathematics. Rigorous mathematics is probably
as rich as open mathematics. I am positive that both types of mathematics
will complement each other, but rigorous mathematics first has to catch up.
Caution is needed with axioms that are not trivially true. Even distinguish-
ing a zero from a one is an act that has consequences, as the new definitions
reflect. I believe rigorous mathematics has no need for axioms and needs to
be built on definitions only, beginning with the difference between zero and
one. I believe mathematics is a human construction from a human perspec-
tive, strongly coupled to reality and not in some realm of its own. We choose
our definitions and admit our limits. I believe the continuous will remain
intuitive and partly accessible.
We can never say that the fraction and its decimal expansion are dif-
ferent but touching numbers.
Example: <1, 3> + <2, 5> = <1, 2> + <2, 3> + <3, 5> = <1, 2><2,
3><3, 5>.
So as long as we distinguish the points specified 2 and 3, we end up with
three non-overlapping different connected in-betweens. If we consider <1,
5>, 2 and 3 (and all the other points distinguishable by rational numbers
between 1 and 5) are distinguishable but not distinguished points on this
I am not sure that I know his opinion or what it suggests, so I hope he will comment
someday. My respect for what Wildberger has done for mathematics cannot be overstated.
Wildberger introduces in [51] the ”rough rational” as a range between rationals. It
certainly looks like a discrete version of an in-between.
Appendix I
To me, the question why mathematicians should care about how to describe
the continuum is a no brainer and part of the job. In daily life and work
most mathematicians can completely ignore the foundations of mathematics
but all do care. They are interested and are in the process of becoming aware
of the controversies.
The question is if what we can reach for through experiments will give us
a glimpse of the inner workings of nature. Most physicists have concluded
that nature is probabilistic. In this document, I conjecture that the inner
workings of nature can not be fully studied by using distinctions. It is like
saying we can not define or describe the continuum by using only numbers.
Using the measurements of a measuring apparatus already limits us to the
human perspective.
We receive and process stuff presented to us. We call (most of) it infor-
mation. How can this be connected to the bits that computers manipulate?
If it can be expressed, it can be expressed with information. That seems
to be the adagio in this day and age of computers. Almost everything can
be expressed on a computer. Computers represent and manipulate binary
numbers using voltages (common is: 0 Volt for 0 and 5 Volts for 1). By
assigning meaning (by analogy) to strings of bits, we can put everything into
numbers. Mathematicians have a particular definition for information based
on probabilities.
probability distribution involved. There are six possible states for the die
and the die may not be honest.
Starting with the familiar decimal system, it seems evident that we only
need one symbol to represent the number 4, and that is 4. It must be a
little less than one symbol that we need on closer inspection because, for any
throw, we only need six out of the ten symbols at our disposal. Precisely one
symbol will do if we use a number system with a set of six different symbols.
We have restricted ourselves to only two different number systems (binary
and decimal). Keep in mind that we need a little less than one decimal
symbol and that we want to specify this precisely. It will be something like
0,987654321 symbols, some number a little smaller than 1.
Using the binary system (symbols 0 and 1), we at least need three symbols
in a string. With two symbols we can represent four different things, 00 =
0, 01 = 1, 10 = 2 and 11 = 3. Not enough. With three symbols we can
represent 8 different things, 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111. Again, on
closer inspection we need a little less than 3 symbols to represent one thing
(the number 4) out of 6 different things. Something like 11,110 symbols
(remember 11,110 means 1 ∗ 21 + 1 ∗ 20 + 1 ∗ 2−1 + 1 ∗ 2−2 + 0 ∗ 2−3 in decimal
seem wise to use only the storage capacity as the measure for information.
The other distinguishing variable is chance. In the case of the honest die, the
chance of a 4 happening is 1 in 6. In the case of the dishonest die, it was 1 in
40. We leave the production of this specific dishonest die to the imagination.
In comes Shannon[28].
Shannon introduces the following definition for the information I(p) in the
occurence of an event with chance p of that event happening:
Definition 16. I(p) = − log2 p
On closer inspection we recognise that I(p) = − log2 p = log2 p−1 and we
recognise that, with an honest die, the information when throwing a 4 (p =
1/6 and p−1 = 6 is the number op possible states {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}) is log2 6
bits as we have already seen.
In physics, the famous formula for entropy has the same structure.
Definition 17. S = kB ln W
where kB is Boltzmann’s constant (kB = 1, 380649 ∗ 10−23 m2 kgs−2 K −1
or Joule/Kelvin) and W is the possible number of(micro)states of the system
of particles. Implicit is the assumption that every (micro)state has an equal
chance of occurring. Boltzmann’s constant relates the average kinetic energy
of particles in a gas to the temperature of the gas. In this case, we count
the number symbols by the natural logarithm to base e ≈ 2, 718 instead of
base 2 or 10. The unit of counting to base e is a nat (as opposed to bit) for
a natural unit of information.
Again, in other words, given the perceived structure of the system (in this
case, moving particles in a volume), an ordering mechanism of states is the
basis for putting a number to chaos. The amount of information of a system
is directly coupled to the perceived structure of the system. The better we
know what the system is made of, the better we can order it into states,
and the better and more detailed we can describe it in terms of information.
Remember, we can also describe nonsense using information.
The eather.
In the history of physics, the word eather has come up several times.
It has a bit of a bad reputation. Eather is described on Wikipedia in the
context of luminiferous aether, mechanical gravitational aether and other
more modern contexts. All have one thing in common. They all talk of two
objects, one of which is eather, the other being some form of energy. Any
time the word is suggested in context with the object that is discussed and
under investigation in this book, the reader should realise that this word
eather does not apply. There are no two objects. So there can not be an
eather unless you define the one object to be the eather. You can do that
but I do not like it. It clouds the subject and the word has too much history.
I prefer SpaceTime with capital letters ’S’ and ’T’ as the proper word (for
the time being).
Appendix L
Figure L.1: The term elastic resistance is explained and is formally equal to elastic
modulus. The difference between these terms is only of an intuitive nature. For space,
elastic resistance is possibly a variable while in most cases, for more earthly materials,
elastic modulus is used as a constant in the context of linearity.
words elastic resistance instead of elastic modulus. See also figure L.1 on
page 204.
Appendix M
Figure M.1: Two objects can have a different form and the same symmetry structure.
Appendix N
Over the centuries, humans have organised the effort to understand what
is. People are born and raised in this organisation. The physics community
is one of the structures for the human endeavour of science. The business of
doing science is a matter of many things: concepts, infrastructure, commu-
nication, beliefs, people, managers, alchemists, scientists, money, consensus,
and research. Nothing human is alien to us.
Time provides for the opportunity to look for what we call the truth.
Truth is hard to get. People disagree. People have their interests. Money,
hunger, fear and fame are among them. Money often flows to those with
fame. Research needs money. There is only so much, and not many want to
do it for free.
This project, coming from the outside, probably is a threat.
Appendix O
Mathematics: invented or
Kronecker: God made the integers. All the rest is the work of
The moment we realise that reality might not need the stuff we humans
think we perceive to enable us to have the human perspective, mathematics
becomes just a constructed tool for describing that perspective. Our per-
spective, mathematics, and ideas seem irrelevant for reality to do its thing.
God and numbers have no relation. All symbols are the work
of man.
Appendix P
We have not yet solved the problem of consciousness [35]. In this ap-
pendix, we look for new answers. In the lab, detailed studies of the hardware
and middleware of our brain are on their way. However, I am not aware of
the conceptualisation of a particular software object model projected on all
this hardware and middleware activity, so just in case, here we go.
evolve to establish even more complexity. Moreover, who is to say that this
is limited to one layer?
All chemical and electromagnetic activity (in the middleware layer) of this
layer of observer objects (produced by this complex hardware) can evolve to
incorporate even more abstract new layers of objects in the software layer.
Let us consider these new layers and complexes of observer objects in our
software. Groupings of activity start representing observer objects and re-
lations. Their goal is, for instance, to produce electrical output to primary
objects, whose purpose is to produce electrical output directly to movers like
muscles. The software evolves, containing lots of interacting objects. The
firing structures represent more and more complexity, establishing ever more
ability for change.
The object is conscious for some time. The object is not conscious of itself
but of self, a representation of (parts of) the host. Consciousness and self-
consciousness are not there all the time. They cost extra energy, while more
primary processes may have to be maintained. As long as the middleware
sustains consciousness, as long as it is ”in memory”, it can observe and
potentially manipulate the relevant distinctions. There may even exist a more
elaborate way of ordering consciousness in levels of consciousness, refining
the object model when for instance, incomplete objects are in memory.
the brain yet. We have a number for the amount (roughly 1011 neurons) of
discrete neurons, but this only scratches the surface of the potential comput-
ing power of the continuous brain with all its (possibly partly undiscovered)
contributing mechanisms. The minimum requirement of computer power for
low-level consciousness is probably not attainable for artificial intelligence
at the moment. Figuring out how to represent the object model and im-
plementing it in this restricted environment of bits still seems out of reach.
Evolution may not be matched for the time being. Nevertheless, maybe al-
ready, useful hybrids are possible, bridging the gap to continuity, on the way
to fuller consciousness in artificial intelligence.
Free will.
The question of free will and arguments about it seems to be in the hands
of biology, psychology and sociology [14]. Engaging, in this case, are the
findings of neuroscientists. Neurological timing, causality and the interaction
between conscious and subconscious mind are a research subject in itself,
nowhere near final definitions and conclusions.
Any action resulting from unconscious thought is not an act of free will.
My soul is in control.
I can do what I want to do.
Free will is a mystery.
It is all in the chosen definition of free will.
What is body and what is mind?
It is dangerous to negate free will because moral standards will erode,
and research funding will decrease.
It is dangerous not to negate free will because punishments will be
Perhaps it is even so that in the end, we need for the definition of free will
to be such that we have it. Our perspective has just evolved that way. In a
way, we are just the moving fabric of SpaceTime, and on a specific scale, we
are (?semi-)free-willed 2 conscious entities, capable of choice.
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Appendix S
[9] Paul Davies. World science festival, a matter of time, at time 8:30.,
2014. URL:
[11] Lorenz Demey, Barteld Kooi, and Joshua Sack. Stanford encyclopedia
of philosophy, 2013. URL:
[12] George Ellis. World science festival, time since einstein, at time 1:35:24.,
2014. URL:
[13] George Ellis. World science festival, time since einstein, at time 28:17.,
2014. URL:
[14] Daniel Dennett et al. The great free will debatel, 2021. URL: https:
[15] TamarKushnir et al. Mind over masters: The question of free wil, 2015.
[18] Mario Roman Garcia. Category Theory and Lambda Calculus. Univer-
sidad de Granada, 2018. URL:
[25] Abraham Pais. ’Subtle is the lord ...’, The Science and the Life of Albert
Einstein. Oxford University Press, 1982. ISBN 0-19-285138-1.
[26] Abraham Pais. Niels Bohr’s Times, In Physics, Philosophy and Polity.
Clarendon Press Oxford, 1991. ISBN 0-19-852049-2.
[27] Roger Penrose. World science festival, time since einstein, at time 48:20.,
2014. URL:
[29] Carlo Rovelli. The physics and philosophy of time, at time 21:35., 2018.
[30] Carlo Rovelli. The physics and philosophy of time, at time 34:10., 2018.
[38] Leonard Suskind. Why is time a one-way street?, at time 13:26., 2013.
[39] Leonard Suskind. Why is time a one-way street?, at time 17:04., 2013.
[40] Gerard ’t Hooft. World science festival, quantum reality, space, time
and entanglement, at time 42:46., 2018. URL:
[41] Mark van Atten. Brouwer and the mathematics of the continuum
(around tenth minute), 2014. URL:
[42] ’t Hooft Veltman, de Wit. Lie groups in physics. Institute for theoretical
physics Utrecht university, 2004. URL:
[43] E.R. Weinstein. What is a spinor? spinoral matter explained by dr. wein-
stein, 2021. URL:
[44] Frank Wilczek. World science festival, time since einstein, at time 38:33.,
2014. URL:
[45] N.J. Wildberger. Divine proportions. Wild Egg Books, 2005. ISBN
[53] N.J. Wildberger. a youtube lecture on the sporadic nature of big num-
bers, 2014. URL:
33, 59, 64, 92, 107, 118, 137, semantic reasoning, 158
195 symbolic reasoning, 158
probability function, 33 syntactic reasoning, 158
process teleological, 30, 37
infinite process, 22, 178, 189 teleological reasoning, 6, 31, 161
ongoing process, 178 redshift, 21, 65, 91, 130
properties, 28 new reasons, 130
behavioural properties, 95 reductionism
constitutive properties, 59 methodological, 166
relational properties, 59 ontological, 166
structural properties, 95 theory, 166
relations, 27
quantisation, 136, 137 renormalisation, 47
quantum computer, 34, 111, 116, 166 resonance, 80
quantum field theory, 4, 23, 25, 27 torus-like resonances, 136
quantum groups, 47 types of resonances, 86
quantum mechanics, 23, 33, 45, 114, resonance cavity, 82
150 resonate, 24
resonating cavity, 130
random, 163 resonating constructions, 120
reasoning, 27 Ricci tensor, 133
abduction, 164 Riemann tensor, 133
analogical reasoning, 159 Riemannian manifold, 68
backward reasoning, 166 Romans, 39
categorical reasoning, 165 root, 185
causal, 37
causal reasoning, 6, 31, 160 scale, 22, 62, 131, 134, 177
conditional reasoning, 164 global scale, 30
counterfactual reasoning, 166 preferred scale, 136
critical thinking, 166 scale of thing, 97
deduction, 164 scale of things, 64, 136
defeasible reasoning, 166 small scale, 47, 97
emotional, 38 small scales, 69, 70
induction, 164 scale of things, 138
induction reasoning, 166 Schrodinger, 52
intuitive reasoning, 166 equation, 52
mathematical induction, 165 Schwarzschild, 102
non human reasoning, 166 scientific method, 4, 6, 8, 34, 39, 154,
paraconsistent reasoning, 166 155
probabilistic reasoning, 163 scientific societies, 39
reduction, 166 second law of thermodynamics, 52
unification, 26
universe, 8
age of the universe, 131
collapse of spacetime, 131
fluttering universe, 131
universities, 39
war, 39
wave function collapse, 68
wavelength, 43, 100, 102, 130
Nullius in verba.
”Iris Murdoch”
Those who have helped me are not to blame for this. I owe them a lot,
especially Jan Willem van Holten and Ben Bakker but most of all Dirk van
Ormondt who guided me during many years of struggle.