A randomly interstratified layer lattice silicate (a heteropolytypic montmorillonoid)
was synthesized from a starting slurry of diatomite and bayerite in an aqueous solution of
NaOH. The synthesis was carried out for varying reaction times at 300oC and the cor-
responding 1uro.
Samples quenched at various reaction times were subjected to X-ray difiraction, DTA,
surface area and cation exchange capacity determinations, and infrared absorption studies
with particular emphasis on the 400-900 cm-r region.
The synthesis process is a crystallization from solution, and is made up of several steps:
solution of the solid reactants, nucleation of the layer lattice, and growth of these nuclei to
the final crystalline product. The growth step is sufficiently rapid so that the solution
and/or nucleation steps become rate controlling.
Synthesis of the three-layer clay minerals, such as montmorillonite,
dates from the classicwork of Noll (1930). More recently, the subject
has been pursued vigorously by Roy (Iiyama and Roy, 1963). For some
years, the Research Project at Mellon Institute sponsoredby Baroid
Division National Lead Companlr has been studying various facets of
clay mineral synthesis,with primary emphasison the variation of the
physical propertiesof the synthetic clay as a function of the nature and
extent of isomorphoussubstitution. In general,in the work discussedin
this paper,reactionconditionsweremore moderateand vesselsizeslarger
than those describedby the other workers in this field.
One phaseof our study has been concernedwith the composition
n]- . *M*
In this paper, we describea "big-bomb" synthesisof a heteropolytypic
(Iiyama and Roy, 1963)montmorillonoid (or smectite) in which, on the
average,*c21. Reaction times and temperaturesare explored and the
various products characterized.
I For the first paper in this series, which was concerned with the synthesis of hectorite,
see Granquist and Pollack (1960).
2 The word
"montmorillonoid" is used in the sensein which it was originally proposed
by MacEwan (1951); i.e., meaning a mineral of the montmoriilonite group. British workers
have more recently adopted the name "smectite" for this same group.
The feed slurry for each synthesis was prepared by addition, with
stirring, of 20 g of acid-washeddiatomaceousearth to one Iiter of distilled
water, solution of AlCIa.6}{1o- (48.2 g) in the resulting mixture, and
precipitation of AI(OH)3 by a 75 ml addition of aqueous ammonia (28/6
NHa). This final mixture was filtered and washed by redispersion and
filtration through three cycles. The final filter cake was redispersedin
distilled water, sufficient NaOH added to establish a NaOH/AlzOr mole
ratio of 0.4, and the volume adjusted to one liter with additional distilled
This slurry was introduced into a Type 347 stainlesssteel Aminco su-
perpressurebomb, with an inside diameter oI 2 9/16 in. and an inside
depth of 21 in., equipped with a standard Aminco closure. The head con-
tained three ports; one leading to a rupture disk assembly, a vent, and a
pressuregauge: one equipped with a probe thermocouple assemblyl and
one containing a long tube running from near the bottom of the vessel
through the head and terminating in a needle-valve.Heating and stirring
were furnished by a standard Aminco heating jacket mounted on a
rocker assembly. The jacket temperature was controlled by an off-on
temperature control device, and the reading from the thermocouple
probe was recorded.Variation from the desiredcrystallization tempera-
ture was approximately *2'C.
The bomb was vented, at the boiling point of the contents, without
rocking until the air had been displaced from the vessel. The vent was
then closed,rocking started, and the temperatureallowedto climb to the
control point. At the end of the scheduledreaction time, the rocker was
stopped with the head of the bomb at the maximum angle above the
horizontal, a water-cooledcondensingdevice was connectedto the needle-
valve, and the contents of the bomb discharged through the condenser.
Flow was controlled to maintain total discharge times of the order of
15 min.
The products were washed with distilled water by filtration and re-
dispersion, and oven-dried at 105"C. Examination of the products in-
cluded: X-ray diffraction studies with both film and diffractometer
techniques;DTA of samplesequilibrated with 50 percent RH; infrared
absorption spectroscopy, with KBr pellets, over the range 400 to 4000
cm-1 (a Beckman IR-9 grating instrument was used in this work); sur-
face area by Nz adsorption (standard Brunauer-Emmett-Teller [BET]
method; Emmett, 1942) ol samples which had been outgassedat 500"C
and at least 10-a mm Hg; and cation exchangecapacity (CEC) by a
suitable variation of the ammonium acetate technique (Lepper, 1945).
0 o-22 0 oo. /
24 279 .56 0.68 128
35 279 .86 0 .8 4 120
46 279 .88 o.97 96.4
JY 279 .94 1.0 92.3
0 .22 0 o o ./
12 300 .47 040 133 7t -64
24 300 .44 0 .8 4 80 90.46
36 300 .93 I.IJ 83 llo.67
48 300 .99 1.08 77 9 1. 2 8
72 300 .93 1.13 62 8 1. 9 2
tion a peak at 9.2 h. This peak is probably the third order of a 1:1
regularly-interstratifi ed structure.
Application of MacEwan's (1961) technique (tor l0/12.4 A and 10/
17.5 A random interstratification) to the observed doorfor the oriented
specimensof samples near equilibrium before and after treatment with
glycerol,leads to a p(10 A)=0.+. Thus, it is concludedthat the samples
contain approximately 40 percent mica-like layers and 60 percent mont-
@ o
11.8 r.7 62
5.79 B 7
4.45 hh 2
4.05 crist. 8
.t- lo B t2
glycerol t 7. 3 2.5 26
solvated 9.3-rt shoulder B 16
25"C 5. 9 8 VB J
4.61 B 9
4.05 crist. S 1t
3.49 t.4 20
103 1.5 56
7.2 kaol B a
5. 0 0 I.J 28
4.46 hk 0.5 5
4.05 crist. 0.3 15
333 1.6 34
500"c 9.9 1. 3 0 60
2 hrs 4.90 1.0 38
4.46 hk 7
4.07 crist. 0.3 20
3.22 1. 3 0 70
72 r1.8 1.95 43
7.2 kaol. S IJ
5.86 B 6
4.05 crist. MS 2
.1..)/ kaol. S
3.12 B 10
glycerol 4n a
2.0 49
solvated 9.2 1.6 tl
25'C 7.2 S 18
5.90 B 5
4.52 MS 10
4.05 5
Trsre 2-(Continued.)
3. 5 6 kaol.
2.96 mont. B 6
3.30 r.9 22
iB i6 14 I 6 4
Frc. 2. Behavior of 001 as a function of reaction time, oriented slides, 300oC series.
these products are not homoionic, but rather contain a mixture of Na+
and NIL+ in the exchangesites. The ratio Na+/NHa+ undoubtedly varies
from platelet to platelet, but we suspect that the NHr+ is tlie predomi-
nant cation for the mica-like component and Na+ for the montmorillonite'
It is concluded that the product crystallizing initially was montmo-
rillonitelike platelets randomly interstratified with a somewhat lesser
amount of mica-Iike layers, an arrangement that remained essentially
constant until the equilibrium amount of crystalline material was ob-
tained (note behavior of the 06 reflection). Beyond this point, the total
amount of crystalline material remained constant, but there was an in-
creasing tendency for the interstratified material to separateinto a mix-
lu r,oz
| +r+A
M hkl
2 a89A
: srA
M 33106 "3.'sa
r+sgA M3l;15:24 l1sA
I 168oA
43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 17 15 13 ll
63 61 59 57 55 53 5l
ll iOZ
C r y s l o l l i z o l i oTni m s
=24 ht
=36 hr.
llizolion Time
=48 hr.
23 22 20 t9
ir /
li' t = 5 9h r s .
t = 4 6h r s .
i =3 5 h r s .
t = Oh r s .
To strong peok ol
900 800 700 600 500 400
Wovenumberin cm
t = 4 8h r s .
, I =36 hrs.
,/ : !) r '
i) I
rl lO
t =l 2 h r s .
100 2o0 300 400 500 600 900 rooo
[Al4AlSi?Oro(OH)n]-. M* (nucleus)
J (s'o*tt)
[A]4AlSi?Or0(OH)rl-. M+ (final crystallite)
Esquevin (1953). These authors have stated that the formation of clay
minerals under ordinary conditions of temperature and pressure (and
surely also under the synthesis conditions used in this work) appears to
be determined by the existenceof a brucite-type hydroxide layer which
induces the SiOatetrahedra to develop a layer lattice. If they are correct
in this supposition, then the mechanism would involve the nucleation of
Al(OH)s followed by immediate condensationwith Si-OH to produce the
desired structure, as illustrated.
\ l,/ \ l/^\1,/
Si Si Si
o Hl I
H \1,/ oo o
/\1.\ t , /
H , rIo-al-oH H AI
o ,/\ // l\.
I oo ./l
Si HH oo o
,/ l\ H H
o Si Si
.t ,/ lv/ l\
,/ l\
This cond.ensationprocesscreates the Si-O-AlvI bonds which give rise to
the infrared band at about 540 cm-l. The gibbsite layer would continue
to grow with accompanying condensationof the gibbsite-OH with Si-OH
to yield a crystallite of increasing size in the a-b plane. I'inally, these
platelets become organized into the randomly interstratified stacks in-
dicated by the X-ray data, probably as the result of anlenergy minimiza-
tion process.
We attempted to fit these limited data to the pseudo-firSt order ap-
proach discussedby Granquist and Pollack (1960). That is,
. I(max) - I(t)
was plotted againstl, where /(max) is the maximum intensity (at a given
temperature) of the 06 reflection, and 1(l) is the intensity at time ,' The
data could be fitted satisfactorily by a straight Iine through the origin.
The resulting rate constants (r1) at the two temperatures were then
used to compute the apparent activation energy for the crystallization
by means of the integrated Arrhenius equation. The result was 3.9
kca/mole, a value to which we attach no great significance although it
does seem reasonable.
We acknowledgewith thanks the assistanceof the following: Mr.
R. C. Boteler and Mr. G. W. Hofiman, who ably operated and main-
tained the hydrothermal synthesisapparatus; Dr. G. L. Carlson, who
determined the IR spectra; and Baroid Division Analytical Section,
which furnished the exchangecapacity data. We also enjoyed the oppor-
tunity of discussingvarious phases of this work with professor J. L.
McAtee, Jr., of Baylor University. Finally, the generousaction of Baroid
Division National Lead company in releasingthis paper for publication
is appreciated.
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