Silica Nanoparticles Obtained by Microwave Assisted Sol-Gel Process: Multivariate Analysis of The Size and Conversion Dependence
Silica Nanoparticles Obtained by Microwave Assisted Sol-Gel Process: Multivariate Analysis of The Size and Conversion Dependence
Silica Nanoparticles Obtained by Microwave Assisted Sol-Gel Process: Multivariate Analysis of The Size and Conversion Dependence
DOI 10.1007/s10971-010-2148-2
M. J. Fernández-Berridi
Received: 14 September 2009 / Accepted: 1 January 2010 / Published online: 12 January 2010
Ó Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010
Abstract Silica nanoparticles were synthesized by the silicon alkoxide used has been tetraethyl orthosilicate
sol–gel method in alcoholic solution under microwave (TEOS). The most important parameters in preparing silica
irradiation in the presence of an ammonium catalyst. The particles seem to be water and ammonia concentrations.
effect of the reaction time, the reaction temperature, water Thus, the silica particle size increases as the concentrations
and ammonium concentrations on particle size and con- of water and ammonia increase. Silica nanoparticles can also
version (measured by light scattering and FTIR respec- be obtained under acidic conditions [6]. The rate of hydro-
tively) were analyzed using multivariate analysis. The lysis and condensation of TEOS is not the same under acidic
results showed that water and ammonium concentrations or alkaline conditions and therefore the formation mecha-
are the main factors that control the particle size and the nism of these two species of silica materials is different.
conversion. Both properties increase with water and The use of microwaves as an energy source for chemical
ammonium concentration. Moreover, comparing with the reactions and processes has been extensively investigated
results obtained using traditional heating, the microwave during recent years [7–9]. Microwave-assisted synthesis is
heating gave rise to higher reaction rate and narrower generally much faster, cleaner and more economical than
dispersion of the particle size. the conventional methods. The exact nature of microwave
interaction with reactants during the synthesis of materials
Keywords Silica Microwave Nanoparticles is somewhat unclear and speculative. However, energy
Multivariate analysis transfer from the microwaves to the material is believed to
occur either through resonance or relaxation, which results
in rapid heating. Interestingly, microwave energy sources
1 Introduction that have been previously used for cooking have also been
used for research purposes. The control and setting of
Monodispersed spherical silica nanoparticles can be suc- reaction parameters of these ovens is problematic, since the
cessfully obtained by means of hydrolysis of alkoxysilanes reaction control is only performed by energy input. In
and subsequent condensation. In the method, originally recent years, specialized systems that are adapted to
developed by Stöber et al. [1, 2], aqueous alcoholic solutions chemical synthesis have extended the possibilities of
of the silicon alkoxide at high pH are used. Since the publi- microwave-assisted reaction engineering.
cation of that work, the ‘‘Stöber’’ method has been exhaus- Recently, some works have been published concerning
tively explored by different authors [3–5]. In most cases the the production of spherical silica particles using the
microwave-assisted sol–gel methods [10–12]. These papers
have shown that under microwave radiation the reaction
E. Mily A. González J. J. Iruin L. Irusta (&) time is extraordinarily short compared with conventional
M. J. Fernández-Berridi methods. However, to the best of our knowledge, there has
Department of Polymer Science and Technology and Institute
been no report of the study of the different variables in the
for Polymer Materials (POLYMAT), University of the Basque
Country, P.O. Box 1072, 20080 San Sebastian, Spain conversion and particle size in the microwave-assisted
e-mail: [email protected] silica synthesis.
668 J Sol-Gel Sci Technol (2010) 53:667–672
In this work we studied the effect of 4 variables (ammonia process was carried out by using the MARS5X (CEM
concentration, water concentration, reaction temperature corporation) microwave system. The maximum power of
and reaction time) on the particle size and conversion the microwave was selected to 800 W and the power was
obtained in the microwave assisted silica synthesis. A full automatically varied from 0 to 100% in order to reach the
factorial design with two levels of all the variables was used desired temperature (Table 1) in 5 min. The microwave
and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to interpret frequency was 2.45 GHz. The reactions were carried out in
the data. The mean diameter of the particles and the con- sealed Teflon vessels (GreenChem, CEM corporation)
version percentages were used as response dependent vari- under magnetic stirring. All the experiments were carried
ables in this study. The obtained data were compared with out introducing 1 vessel separately in the microwave.
that obtained by using a conventional heating method. In order to compare the methods, the reaction in the
centre point (40 °C, 10 min, Table 1) was performed in a
single neck flask equipped with a reflux condenser heated
2 Experimental on a conventional thermostatic oil bath.
Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) GC grade and Ammonia Infrared spectra of the obtained dispersions were carried
sol (28–30% NH3 basis) ACS reagent were purchased from out using a liquid cell with KRS5 windows with a 0.1 mm
Sigma-Aldrich. Ethanol absolute was purchased from path length (Spectra Tech). The spectra were recorded
Panreac. All products were used as received. Water was immediately after removing the reaction vessel from the
doubly distilled and deionized (Milli-Q, 18 MXcm). microwave in a Nicolet 6700 FTIR (Thermo-Fisher Cor-
poration) at a resolution of 2 cm-1. A minimum of 32
2.2 Synthesis of silica scans were signal averaged. Absorbance of the infrared
band was measured by means of a program included in the
Silica was synthesized by sol–gel method using TEOS in spectrometer computer software.
ethanol under microwave irradiation in the presence of
water and ammonium catalyst. 2.4 Particle diameter measurements
A total of 3 mL of TEOS, 50 mL of ethanol and the
required amounts of water and ammonia (Table 1) were Dynamic Light Scattering measurements (DLS) were used
introduced in the reaction vessel. The microwave heating to determine the diameters of the particles, D, using a
J Sol-Gel Sci Technol (2010) 53:667–672 669
Coutier N4 Nanosizer at room temperature. The diameter The diameter of the particles was measured 24 h after
of the particles was measured 24 h after removing the removing the reaction vessel from the microwave oven.
reaction vessel from the microwave. All the samples were The results obtained are shown in Table 1.
measured in ethanol 3 times and the final value was an In order to check the stability of the dispersion, in some
average of all of them. The samples were diluted before of the samples the diameter was measured 48 h after
measuring to avoid multiple light scattering. removing the vessels from the microwave and remained
constant. In addition no precipitation was observed for a
2.5 Atomic force microscopy measurements month. It must be pointed out that the diameter of the
particles measured after 24 h of removing the samples of
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM, Digital Instruments the microwave might not fit with the one that would be
Nanoscope IV) was used to compare the morphology of the obtained if the measurements had been done immediately
particles obtained using microwave or conventional heat- after removing the samples. Unfortunately, because of the
ing. AFM images were obtained in most of the samples location of the DLS equipment it was not possible to
after a minimum of 24 h after removing the reaction vessel measure the diameter immediately after removing the
from the microwave. The samples were prepared by casting samples from the microwave.
the dispersions over an aluminum dish. All the images were The reaction conversion was calculated immediately after
obtained in air using a scan size of 5 lm. removing the vessels from the microwave using infrared
spectroscopy [13–15]. Figure 1 shows the infrared spectra of
2.6 Data analysis TEOS and ethanol. Absorptions related to the alkoxysilane
groups are &1167 cm-1 (Si–O–C rocking), &1100 cm-1
The data analysis was performed using the software JMP (ma(C–C ? C–O)), &960 cm-1 (d(CCH3)) and &790 cm-1
8.0.1 statistical discovery from SAS. (m(Si–O ? C–O)). The bands at 1100 and 790 cm-1 over-
lap with the bands of ethanol (&1050 cm-1and 882 cm-1
(mC–O ? C–C)), especially if we consider that the spectra of
3 Results and discussion the suspensions have a high ethanol concentration.
When the Sol–Gel reaction takes place, the alkoxysilane
According to literature reports on silica synthesis with groups undergo hydrolysis and condensation reactions.
application of traditional heating [3], the reaction temper- This process gives rise to a decrease in the intensity of the
ature, the reaction time, and the water and ammonia con-
centrations were selected as the main variables. The higher
and lower levels were selected after some preliminary
experiments. Table 2 lists the variables chosen and the
values for the high and low levels and the centre points.
A full factorial design with two levels of the 4 selected
variables requires a total of 24 = 16 experiments and the
experiment of the centre point. All the experiments were
performed twice and the centre point experiment was
repeated four times. Table 1 summarizes the performed
All the experiments were carried out using 3 mL of
TEOS and 50 mL of ethanol. It must be taken into account
that the water implied in variable X3 is the sum of the added
water and the water contained in the ammonia solution.
670 J Sol-Gel Sci Technol (2010) 53:667–672
bands corresponding to the alkoxysilane and an increase in As it was shown, using the described experimental
the intensity of the bands of ethanol and silica conditions particle size between 26–223 nm and conver-
(&1066 cm-1 ma (Si–O–Si) and &950 (m Si–OH)). The sions between 0.04–0.68 were obtained.
intensity of the band assigned to silanol stretching is low if
we consider that under alkaline conditions the condensa- 3.1 Conversion analysis
tion rate is high [16].
Bearing in mind all these considerations, we selected the Figure 3 shows the measured conversion by predicted
band at 960 cm-1 to monitor the advance of the Sol–Gel conversion values with a regression line (full line) and 95%
reaction. Figure 2 shows the scale expanded infrared confidence curves (dashed curves). The regression line and
spectra obtained using a fixed path length liquid cell for the the 95% confidence curves cross the sample mean (the
dispersion obtained in experiments 6, 16 and for a refer- horizontal line), which shows that the whole factorial
ence mixture (3 mL TEOS ? 50 mL of ethanol). model explains a significant proportion of the variation in
As a constant path length cell was used, and we ana- conversion.
lyzed only one absorption, the intensity changes can be Table 3 displays the regression coefficients (Estimate),
directly related to the alkoxysilane concentration. Thus, the the standard error of the parameter, t Ratio (parameter
reference sample showed the highest absorption because in estimate divided by standard error) and Prob [ jtj (the
this sample the alkoxysilane groups did not react. In the probability of a greater absolute t-value occurring by
two dispersions, the intensity decreased as a consequence chance alone if the parameter has no effect in the model)
of the Sol–Gel reaction. The conversion of the reaction can for all terms in the regression model. The effects are sorted
be estimated using expression (1) by the absolute value of the t-ratio, showing the most
significant effects at the top.
p¼1 ð1Þ The terms with t ratio higher than 2 (indicated with * in
Table 3) are statistically significant, so the variables X3
where As and Ar are the area of the 960 cm-1 band in the (molwater/molTEOS), X4 (molammonia/mol TEOS) and
sample and in the reference respectively. This calculation the interaction X2 X3 (time*molwater/molTEOS) will
yields values of 0.28 and 0.68 for experiments 6 and 16. govern the obtained conversion. Thus, the largest conver-
Using the infrared spectra of all the dispersions and sion is obtained when the water and ammonia concentra-
expression 1, the conversion of all the experiments was tions are high. An increased water concentration combined
calculated. The results obtained are shown in Table 1. with a growing time tends also to enhance the conversion.
J Sol-Gel Sci Technol (2010) 53:667–672 671
Table 3 Regression coefficients (estimate), standard error of the Table 4 Regression coefficients (estimate), standard error of the
parameter, t ratio and Prob [ jtj for all terms in the conversion parameter, t ratio and Prob [ jtj for all terms in the particle diameter
regression model regression model
Term Estimate Std error t ratio Prob [ |t| Term Estimate Std error t ratio Prob [ |t|
3.2 Particle diameter analysis Keeping the variables in the limits used in our work it is
not possible to obtain low diameters at high conversions.
Figure 4 shows the regression curve of multiple regression More work should be done in order to maximize the con-
analysis based on particle diameter and Table 4 displays version. However, the results suggest that in order to obtain
the regression coefficients for all term in the regression low particle size, variables X4 (mol ammonia/mol TEOS)
model. and X3 (mol water/mol TEOS) should be at their lowest
According to the results, the variables X4 (molammo- values. Comparing the values of the conversion obtained in
nia/molTEOS), X3 (molwater/molTEOS), and the interac- experiments 1–4, where X3 and X4 are at their lowest
tion X3 X4 increase the obtained particle size. In this case, values the results suggest that the conversion increases
the reaction temperature and the reaction time do not have when the reaction time and temperature increase. Accord-
significant influence on the particle size in the studied ing to this observation, using low ammonia and water
interval. Comparing the results of this work with literature concentration but increasing the reaction time and tem-
data [3] obtained with conventional heating the same trends perature out of the limits used in our work, low diameter
are observed, so the microwave irradiation does not change particles could be obtained at high conversion, and the
the general tendency of the parameters. proposed procedure could be recommended for the prepa-
ration of silica from TEOS.
672 J Sol-Gel Sci Technol (2010) 53:667–672