LanguageCulture and Society Lesson Plan

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Content Standard: The learners will understand the variation in gender ,they will be

able to identify the difference between sex and gender and know the masculine and
feminine traits. Lastly they visualize their self in different gender/identity.

Performance Standard: The students will perform well in their given tasks and be
knowledgeable about gender stereotyping.

I. Learning

After the discussion the student should be able to

a. Understand the differences in gender

b. Differentiate genders
c. Address their insights about the topic

I. Subject Matter

Topic : Variation of Gender

Theme: Social Roles


Teacher- made materials


II. Learning Task

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Classroom Management
 Checking of attendance
 Review Past Lesson
 Motivation/Energizer

A. Activity

Direction: Listen carefully to the song that will be played and answer the following questions:

B. Analysis
1. What does the song convey?
2. Why do you think the composer wrote the song?
3. Is it proper to limit person’s choice based on their gender why? Or why not?

C. Abstraction/Discussion

Sex versus Gender

A variety of speech or sociolect. associated with a particular gender is sometimes

called “genderlect” 

C.II. Unlocking difficulties

Today we are going to play the game we call, "FILL ME BABY ONE MORE TIME".

Directions: Look at the following pictures and fill in the missing letter to complete the word.

C. III. Discussion

Sex versus Gender


Refers to biological differences Gender refers to the cultural construction of male and female
characteristics. “the way members of the two sexes are perceived, evaluated and expected to

Gender Boundaries
We demand that the categories of male and female be discrete Since gender is culturally
constructed the boundaries are conceptual rather than physical The boundaries require markers to
indicate gender such as:

• Voice

• Physique

• Dress

• Behavior

• Hair style

• Kinetics

• Language use



Competitive Rational Rugged
Daring Analytical Muscular
Adventurous Problem Solving Physically Strong
Aggressive Quant Skill Handsome
Courageous Good Reasoning Physically Vigorous
Dominant Mathematical Brawny



Affectionate Imaginative Cute
Sympathetic Intuitive Gorgeous
Gentle Artistic Beautiful
Sensitive Creative Pretty
Supportive Expressive Petite
Kind Tasteful Sexy

Gender roles:

Tasks and activities a culture assigns to the sexes – expected ways of behaving based on society’s
definition of masculine and feminine

Gender stereotypes:

Oversimplified but strongly held ideas of the characteristics of men and women
Gender stratification:

an unequal distribution of rewards (socially valued resources, power, prestige, and personal
freedom) between men and women, reflecting their different positions in social hierarchy – a
division in society where all members are hierarchically ranked according to gender.

Gender ideology:

A system of thoughts and values that legitimizes sex roles, statuses and customary behavior,

• Gender is an important dimension of social inequality.

• Gender stratification frequently takes the form of patriarchy whereby men dominate women.

• Do women in our society have a second class status relative to men?

• If so how?

• How do we measure gender stratification?


Men and women are socialized to express themselves in different ways in accordance with cultural
norms that teach and reinforce differentiated gender roles.

Three issues:

1. Do women and men speak a different language – genderlec t? Do they speak differently

2. Do women and men behave differently in conversations? Use language differently

3. Gender bias in English

Masculine speech melodies can be heard to be metaphors for control female speech, melodies as

Women’s speech behavior is negatively evaluated in relation to male norms.

Women’s frequent changes in pitch and volume may serve the function of attracting and holding the
listener’s attention.
Because rising pitch is an indicator of questions some linguistics believe that when women use rising
pitches they are interpreted as hesitant, uncertain, and lacking assertive.

Explanation for differences

1. Subordinate groups must be polite

2. Woman’s role as guardian of society’s values

3. Vernacular forms express machismo – men who act like women are strongly criticized, men
consciously or unconsciously strive toward speech norms that reject styles associated with women.
“covert prestige” speaking white

4. Women have less access to power and statues: they ‘make up’ for this by their preferences for
the prestige (standard) linguistics forms. This is thought to give them respect and some status.

5. Women are more conscious of prestige norms and strive to use them because they are judged by
their social self-presentation and are aware of strong social sanction if they do not conform
linguistics insecurity.

6. Women and men are socialized in different ways which is reflects in their language use patterns

7. Women may be more status conscious than men because: - Society sets more standards for
women and - Women;s typical activities do not confer status itself - Women don’t want to use lower
class language because of the associations made with mower class people.

8. Women and men have different networks which lead to women and men using different ways of

9. Many of the jobs available to women require standard form.


1. Refers to biological differences.

a. Gender c. Gender Stereotypes

b. Gender roles d. Sex

2. Refers to cultural construction of male and female characteristics.

a. Gender c. Sex

b. Gender Stereotypes d. Gender Roles

3. Oversimplified but strongly held ideas of the characteristics of men and women

a. Gender roles c. Gender stereotypes

b. Sex d. Gender

4. Task and activities a culture assigns to the sexes

a. Gender c. gender stereotypes

b. Gender roles d. Sex

5. An unequal distribution of rewards between men and women

a. Gender c. gender stereotypes

b. Gender stratification d. Gender roles

6. A system of thoughts and values that legitimizes sex roles, statuses and customary behavior.

a. Gender ideology c. gender stereotypes

b. Gender stratification d. Gender roles

7. Melodies can be heard to be members for control female speech

a. Lesbian speech c. Gay speech

b. Women speech d. masculine speech

8. Behavior is negatively evaluated in relation to male norms

a. Gay speech c. masculine speech

b. Women speech d. Lesbian speech

9. Do women and men speak a different language?

a. Yes c. I don't know

b. No d. Maybe

10. Form of whereby men dominate women

a. Patriarchy c. Feminine

b. Masculine d. Matriarchy

D. Application/Groupings
Identify the symbol that is written on your cards and all of the members of the group will show the
meaning of the symbol by showing their traits, through an act. All groups will be given a 2 minute to
create a short act and each group will perform their act in just 1 minute.


Content: 10points

Presentation: 10points

Creativity: 5points

Teamwork: 5points

Total: 30points

E. Closure

If you are given a chance to change your gender, would you change it yes or no and why?

III. Assignment:

Search and draw one of the flags of LGBTQ+ community in one half sheet of pad paper and put a
label on it to identify which flag or which letter in LGBTQ+ it represents.

1. Includes appropriate background information on the target class.

2. Includes all materials needed to teach the lesson.

3. Includes clearly stated objectives.

4. Includes an appropriate warm – up for the lesson.

5. Includes an appropriate introduction to the lesson content.

6. Includes an appropriate presentation of new information.

7. Includes appropriate practice opportunities of the content. (How do the practice activities help
you accomplish your objectives?)

8. Includes appropriate evaluation of the content. (Have you met your objectives? How do you

9. Includes an appropriate application of the content.

10. Lesson plan is neatly typed or hand-written.

11. The self-reflection was submitted.

A. Preparatory Activities
1. The teacher comes to the class prepared with the lesson
2. Instructional materials for the lesson plan.
3. Instructional materials are adequate for the lesson.
4. The teacher prepares the classroom for the lesson.
5. The teacher allows students to settle down before
beginning the lesson.
B. Lesson Activities
1. Content of the lesson is congruent with the objectives.
2. Teacher provides appropriate activities to prepare
student for the lesson.
3. Teacher makes/prepares lesson through creative
4. Teacher provides adequate activities in the development
of the lesson.
5. Developmental activities are varied and appropriate
6. Draws maximum participations of students.
7. Teacher guides students to formulate generalization.
8. Provides activities for students to apply new learning.
9. Formative evaluation is congruent with the objectives.
10. Provides adequate time for students to think and
11. Teacher gives clear and meaningful assignment when
C. Classroom Management
1. Teacher is punctual in starting and ending his/her lesson.
2. Teacher maximizes use of instruction time.
3. Teacher holds the interest of students through effective
and relevant motivation.
4. Provides varied activities for individual differences.
5. Organizes students to manage routine class activities and
monitor their behavior.
6. Teacher provides activities for interactive and cooperative
7. Teacher provides activities for interactive behavior.
8. Instruction is conducted in an orderly pleasant learning
9. Teacher monitors the attendance of students.
10. Uses appropriate teaching aids to enhance student
D. Teacher Ability
1. Teacher shows mastery of the subject matter.
2. Teacher answer students’ question satisfactory.
3. Teacher is fluent and articulate in the medium of
4. Teacher speaks in clear and modulated voice.
5. Teacher relates previous knowledge and experience to the
present lesson.
6. Teacher gives appropriate and relevant examples.
7. Teacher integrates values in the lesson.
8. Teacher encourages students to ask challenging question
and make comments on the lesson.
9. teacher is able to maintain the cooperation of students in
the classroom



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