R01 1st Exam Reviewer

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Hume 10 1st Exam Reviewer (September 6, 2016)

1. Sex whether a person as a penis or vagina

2. Sexuality total expression of who you are as human being, your femaleness and maleness.
3. Circles of Sexuality Sexuality, Intimacy, Sexualization, Sexual Health and Reproduction, Sexual
4. Sexuality
a. Physical Closeness
b. Awareness and feeling about your body
c. Acceptance and comfort with your own body
d. Physiological and psychological enjoyment of your own body and others body
5. Body Image how you see yourself
6. Intimacy
a. Two way empathy
b. the ability and need to express emotional closeness to another human and have it
7. Emotional Closeness - the feeling of being able to relate to another person
8. Sexual Identity
a. Understanding oneself
b. Development of a sense of ones sexuality, sense of maleness and femaleness
9. Sexual Health and Reproduction
a. Capacity to reproduce
b. Behavior and Attitude that make relationship physically and emotionally
10. Sexualization encouraging somebody to fall for you
11. Biological Clock Human physical growth and development occur in an orderly and sequential
12. Sexuality- Central focus of adolescent development
13. Puberty- main event of adolescent development
14. State of Adolescent
a. Early 11-14 , internal changes
b. Middle 15-18, external changes
c. Late 18-21, cognitive ability
15. Developmental Task- task expected to be accomplished during adolescent period
a. Identity Crystallization
i. Finding who you are
ii. Trying on different personalities
iii. Importance of recognition and self-worth through affirmation
b. Autonomy
i. Independent decisions
ii. Establishing a personal code of values and moral ethics
c. Intimacy struggles to develop the capacity to form a relationship that is trusting and
d. Sexuality
i. Incorporate sexuality in to the developing sense of self
ii. Coming to terms of which set of relationship into which one is prepared of or
not prepared
Hume 10 1st Exam Reviewer (September 6, 2016)

e. Achievement evaluation of one competencies and capabilities in relation to your

aspirations and expectations about the future.
f. Psychosocial Problems typical problems as depression, confusion, smoking, alcohol
and drugs
g. Achieve new and more mature relationship with agemates
h. Accepting one physique and using body effectively
i. Achieving emotional independence
j. Accepting sex role/ identity
k. Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior
l. Preparing for an economic career
m. Preparing for marriage and family life
n. Acquiring set of ideology/ values to guide behavior

16. Changes during adolescent period

a. Feelings and moods
b. Relationship with parents
c. Relationship with friends
d. Feelings about oneself
e. Feeling about someone you like
f. The way others think about you
g. Things you like to spend time doing
h. Things you think about
i. Hormones and sexual maturity
j. Changes in social situations (school, friends, family)

17. Key Challenges

a. Impulse Control split second control of immediate desire
b. Frustration Tolerance ability to persist in completing a task despite apparent difficulty
c. Delay of Gratification ability to put off immediate reward in order to gain a better
reward later
d. Learning to live with uncertainty patience

18. Storm and Stress Experienced when there is an adolescent in a family

19. Feeling EQ > IQ
20. Emotion an internal arousal triggered by a stimulus translated into nerve actions as a result of
flow of energy and information in brain regulated by what we call the mind.
21. Express Emotions Constructively
a. Recognize your Feelings
i. Physiological Changes
ii. Monitor your verbal behavior
iii. Monitor your thoughts
iv. Verbal messages you send to others
b. Recognize difference between feeling, talking, and acting
i. Resolve the problem
Hume 10 1st Exam Reviewer (September 6, 2016)

c. Express feelings clearly

d. Expand emotional vocabulary and choose the best language
i. Through single words
ii. Describing whats happening
iii. Describing what you like to do
e. Share multiple feelings
i. Many times the feeling you express isnt the only one youre experiencing
f. Choose the best time and place to express your feelings
g. Accept responsibilities for your feelings
22. Emotional Wheel

23. Sex biological differences

24. Gender
a. social meaning of being male and female
b. can be best described as social roles created by culture as a result of their actions
c. it is not physically determined
25. Origin of Gender Expression
a. Biological Origin
i. Power of testosterone male hormone from a family called steroids
ii. Accounts for the differences in brain and body structure of men and women
iii. Result of differences in behavior
b. Social Origin through Learning
i. Social learning influences behavior
Hume 10 1st Exam Reviewer (September 6, 2016)

26. Gender Identity Woman------------Gender Queer--------------Man

a. How you, in your head think about yourself.
b. The chemistry that composes you (e.g. hormonal levels and how you interpret what it
c. The gender you see yourself to be
27. Gender Expression Feminine------------- Androgynous -------------Masculine
a. Is how you demonstrate your gender (based on traditional gender roles) through the
way you act
28. Biological Sex Female ---------------Intersex-------------Male
29. Sexual Orientation Heterosexual------------Bisexual------------Homosexual
a. Often labeled based on the gender identity/expression of the person and who they are
attracted to.
30. Gender Identity Crisis
a. Result of expectation
i. From other people
ii. What you want to be
iii. What you think is right
31. Self-reconciliation
a. Issues needed to be resolved
i. Self-satisfaction
ii. Fear
iii. Satisfaction
iv. Self-esteem
32. Stereotype the idea that all members of a group who share similar qualities are very similar,
with no individual (or very little) differences
33. Gender Variance not choosing or not being able conform to your cultures expectation
34. Extremes and Stereotypes limits individual potentials
35. Extremes proving masculine or feminine
36. Stereotypes making oneself fit to the description

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