Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power Devices: April 2014

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Power Quality Enhancement using Custom Power Devices

Presentation · April 2014


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Eyad A. Feilat
University of Jordan


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Power Quality Enhancement using
Custom Power Devices
Eyad A. Feilat
Associate Professor, Chairman
Electrical Power Engineering Department
Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology
Yarmouk University
Irbid, Jordan

28 April 2014

Yarmouk University 0 E. A. Feilat

Short Biography - Education
Electrical Engineering December
“High Voltage Engineering” 2000
Electrical Engineering December
“Electric Machines & Power Systems” 1989
Electrical Engineering December
“Power Systems” 1987
 Applications of artificial intelligence and signal processing to power systems,
power quality, high voltage engineering, and power system stability & control

“Lifetime Characteristics of Magnet Wires under High Frequency Pulsating
Voltage and High Temperature”,
“Dynamic Stability Evaluation of Multimachine Power Systems Using
Synchronizing and Damping Torques”
Yarmouk University 2 E. A. Feilat
Short Biography – Employment
Chairman Electrical Power Engineering Department Sept. 2013 – Present

Electrical Power Engineering Department Feb. 2013 – Present.
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department Aug. 2008 – Jan. 2013
Electrical Power Engineering Department Oct. 2006 – Aug. 2008
Electrical Power Engineering Department Feb. 2001 – Oct. 2006
High Voltage Laboratory June 1997 – Dec. 2000

Lecturer Electrical Engineering Department Jan. 1990 – Aug. 1996

Electrical Engineering Department Jan. 1988 – Dec. 1989

Yarmouk University 3 E. A. Feilat

Short Biography - Taught Courses
Undergraduate Courses

Power System Quality

Power System Analysis I & II Power Distribution Systems
High Voltage Engineering Power System Analysis
Electric Circuits
Power System Quality Power System Protection
Network Theory
Electric Machines I & II High Voltage Engineering
Electrical Systems
General Electric Machine Artificial Intelligence
Electric Machines
Control Systems Electric Circuits
Electrical Installation
Electric Circuits I & II Electric Engineering Fundamentals

Numerical Analysis Electrical Engineering Technology

Signals and Linear Systems

Yarmouk University 4 E. A. Feilat

Short Biography
Postgraduate Courses
YU & SQU M.Sc Thesis Supervision
Power System Protection 10
Digital Power System Protection
Modern Control Theory
Power System Quality

Research Technical
Journals Conference
Reports Reports

27 47 12 9

Yarmouk University 5 E. A. Feilat

Power Quality Enhancement using
Custom Power Devices

Eyad A. Feilat
Associate Professor, Chairman
Electrical Power Engineering Department
Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology
Yarmouk University
Irbid, Jordan

28 April 2014

Yarmouk University 6 E. A. Feilat

 Power Quality (PQ) Problems
 Power Quality Mitigation
 Custom Power Devices
 Need of Custom Power Devices (CPD)
 DVR,

 Benefits of Applying Custom Power Devices

 CPD, location, basic principle, operation
 Future Scope

Yarmouk University 7 E. A. Feilat

Power Quality Problems

 A power quality problem is an occurrence manifested as a

nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure
or mis-operation of end use Equipments.
 Sensitive equipment and non-linear loads are now more common
place in both the industrial sectors and the domestic environment
such as programmable logic controllers and adjustable speed
 Electronic equipments are very sensitive loads against harmonics
because their control depends on either the peak value or the zero
crossing of the supplied voltage, which are all influenced by the
harmonic distortion, voltage dips and voltage swells.

Yarmouk University 8 E. A. Feilat

Power Quality Problems

 Faults at either the transmission or distribution level may cause

transient voltage sag or swell in the entire system or a large part
of it.
 Voltage sag and swell can cause sensitive equipment to fail, or
shutdown, as well as create a large current unbalance that could
blow fuses or trip breakers. Voltage dips are considered one of
the most severe disturbances to the industrial equipment.
 These effects can be very expensive for the customer, ranging
from minor quality variations to production downtime and
equipment damage.

Yarmouk University 9 E. A. Feilat

Causes of Power Quality Problems

 Some typical disturbances to power systems, which may cause

power quality problems, are listed below:
 Lightning and natural phenomena.
 Energization of capacitor banks and transformers.
 Switching or start-up of large loads e.g. motors.
 Operation of non-linear and unbalanced loads
 Failure of equipment, e.g. transformers and cables.

Yarmouk University 10 E. A. Feilat

General Classes Power Quality Problems
 Transients Impulsive Transient
• Impulsive
• Oscillatory

 Short Duration Voltage Variations

• Voltage sag (dip)
• Voltage Swells

 Long Duration Voltage Variations

• Overvoltage
• Under voltage

 Sustained Interruptions
• Momentary
• Temporary Interruptions

• Sustained

Yarmouk University 11 E. A. Feilat

Power Quality Problems
 Waveform Distortion
• Harmonics
• Interharmonics
• Notching
 Voltage Fluctuation (Flicker)

U1 Unbalance
 Voltage Imbalance


 Power Frequency Variations

Frequency Variation
Yarmouk University 12 E. A. Feilat
Power Quality Problems Definition & Impacts
 Power quality is an issue that is becoming increasingly important to
electricity consumers at all levels of usage.
Problem Effects
Voltage sags Variable speed drive & computer trip-out
Tripping, components failures, flashover of instrument
insulation, hardware re booting, software glitches, etc.
Excessive losses and heating in motors, capacitors and
transformers connected to the system.
Flicker Visual irritation, light flicker.
Voltage Swell Overstress insulation
Under voltage Excessive motor current
Over voltage Overstress insulation
Unbalance Motor heating
Interruption Complete shut down

Yarmouk University 13 E. A. Feilat

Power Electronics in Power Systems
 The use of power electronics has grown significantly in the last decades, both
on consumer side and grid side.
 On transmission level, there are two main groups of power electronic
 High voltage direct current (HVDC) links and,
 Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS).
 FACTS is used to improve the transmission of conventional AC systems.
 Thyristor Switched Capacitors (TSC),
 Thyristor Controlled Reactors (TCR),
 Static synchronous compensator (STATCOM),
 Unified power flow controller (UPFC).

Yarmouk University 14 E. A. Feilat

Power Electronics in Power Systems

 While power electronic controllers on transmission level are used

to control the power flow and to increase the stability, Devices
on distribution level, often called custom power devices (CPD),
are mostly used for improving the power quality.
 Custom power pertains to the use of power electronics
controllers in a distribution system. CPD are capable of
mitigating multiple PQ problems associated with utility
distribution and end-user appliances.
 CPD is considered to be the most efficient method that electric
utilities will offer to their customers.

Yarmouk University 15 E. A. Feilat

Classification of CPDs
Types of CPDs

Compensating Network


based on VSC

Yarmouk University 16 E. A. Feilat

Types of Custom Power devices
 Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR),
 Distribution STATic synchronous COMpensators
 Unified Power Quality Conditioners (UPQC)
 Static Var Compensator (SVC),
 Active Power Filters (APF),
 Solid-State Transfer Switches (SSTS),
 Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS),
 Static Electronic Tap Changers (SETC),
 Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS),
 Super Conducting Magnetic Energy Systems (SMES).

Yarmouk University 17 E. A. Feilat

Applications in Power/Utility Industry
Static Synchronous

Dynamic Voltage

Active Filters

Solid-State Transfer

Solid-State Circuit

Battery Energy
Storage System

Yarmouk University 18 E. A. Feilat

Applications of Each Custom Power Devices
Custom Power Devices Applications

•Voltage sag and swell protection

Static Series Compensator •Voltage balancing
(DVR) •Voltage regulation
•Flicker attenuation
•Power factor improvement
Static Shunt Compensator
•Current Harmonic compensation
•Load current balancing
•Flicker effect compensation

Yarmouk University 19 E. A. Feilat

Applications of Custom Power Devices
Custom Power Devices Applications
•Voltage sag and swell correction
•Voltage balancing
•Voltage regulation
Unified Power Quality
Compensator (UPQC)
•Flicker attenuation
•VAR compensation
•Harmonic suppression
•Current balancing
•Active and reactive power control
Solid-State Transfer Switch
•Voltage sag, swell and interruption protection
Solid state circuit breaker (SSCB) •Fault current protection and limitation

Yarmouk University 20 E. A. Feilat

1-Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)
 A Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is a recently proposed series
connected solid state device that injects voltage into the system in
order to regulate the load side voltage.
 It is normally installed in a distribution system between the supply and
the critical load feeder.

 The DVR is widely considered as an

effective custom power device in
mitigating voltage sags.
 The DVR can also do harmonics,
reduction of transients in voltage, fault
current limitations, and Power Factor

Yarmouk University 21 E. A. Feilat

Configuration of the DVR
 The DVR considered consists of:
 Injection / Booster transformer
 Harmonic filter
 Voltage Source Converter (VSC)
 Energy Storage
 Control system
 There are numerous reasons why the DVR is
preferred over the others.
 The DVR preferred over the SVC, because the
SVC has no ability to control active power flow,
 The DVR has a higher energy capacity,
 The DVR is smaller in size and costs less
compared to the DSTATCOM
 The DVR costs less compared to the UPS.

Yarmouk University 22 E. A. Feilat

Voltage Source Converter (VSC)
 A voltage-source converter is a power electronic device, which can
generate a sinusoidal voltage with any required magnitude, frequency
and phase angle.
 The converter is normally based on an energy storage device, which
will supply the converter with a DC voltage.
 The solid-state electronics in the converter
is then switched to get the desired output
 The controller generates the required
switching pattern.
 The VSC is used to temporarily replace the
supply voltage or to generate the part of the
supply voltage which is missing.

Yarmouk University 23 E. A. Feilat

Types of Switching Devices
 Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFET),
• The MOSFET requires a high on-resistance and has fast switching times,
• It is capable of working beyond the 20 kHz frequency,
• Limited voltage, few hundred volts.
 Gate Turn-Off thyristors (GTO),
• GTO can be turned off by a negative pulse of current to its gate.
• GTO is best suited for high voltage applications.
 Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBT),
• IGBT combines the fast switching times of the MOSFET with the high
voltage capabilities of the GTO,
• IGBT is a medium speed controllable switch capable of supporting the
medium power range.
 Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristors (IGCT).
• The IGCT has very large power ratings.

Yarmouk University 25 E. A. Feilat

2-Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM )
 A D-STATCOM (Distribution Static Compensator), consists of:
 a two- level Voltage Source Converter (VSC) (PWM inverter),
 a dc energy storage device,
 a coupling transformer connected in shunt to the distribution network
through a coupling transformer.

 The VSC converts the dc voltage across the

storage device into a set of three-phase ac output
voltages. These voltages are in phase and
coupled with the ac system through the reactance
of the coupling transformer.
 Suitable adjustment of the phase and magnitude
of the D-STATCOM output voltages allows  Such configuration
allows the device to
effective control of active and reactive power
absorb or generate
exchanges between the D-STATCOM and the ac controllable active
system. and reactive power.

Yarmouk University 26 E. A. Feilat

 The VSC connected in shunt with the ac system provides a
multifunctional topology which can be used for up to three quite
distinct purposes:
1. Voltage regulation and compensation of reactive power.
2. Correction of power factor, and
3. Elimination of current harmonics.

Yarmouk University 27 E. A. Feilat

(DSTATCOM): Operation Principle
 Reactive power control is fast and continuous from inductive to
capacitive through the adjustment of the inverter AC voltage output.

Yarmouk University 28 E. A. Feilat

 The energy storage static synchronous compensator
(E-STATCOM) has the same structure as the D-STATCOM.
 It can be used for the same applications but also exchange active
power with the grid , thanks to the energy storage.

Yarmouk University 29 E. A. Feilat

3-Unified Power Quality Conditioners (UPQC)

 Unified power quality conditioners (UPQC) allow the mitigation of

voltage and current disturbances that could affect sensitive electrical
loads while compensating the load reactive power.
 UPQC consist of combined series and shunt active power filters
connected back-to-back on the dc side (share a common dc
capacitors) for simultaneous compensation of voltage and current
disturbances and reactive power.

 UPQC is a combination of

Yarmouk University 30 E. A. Feilat

Unified Power Quality Conditioners (UPQC)

 The series component of the UPQC is responsible for mitigation of

the supply side disturbances:
 Voltage sag/swell Insert
 Voltage flicker voltage
 Voltage unbalance
 Source injected harmonics

 The shunt component of the UPQC is responsible for mitigating PQ

problems caused by the customer:
 Poor power factor Inject
 Load harmonic currents current
 Load unbalance.

Yarmouk University 31 E. A. Feilat

4-Solid-State Transfer Switch (SSTS)
 The (SSTS) is used to protect sensitive load voltage sag or swell.
 It is composed of two parallel connected Thyristor or GTO blocks. Each
block consists of three GTO or thyristor corresponding to the three phase of
the system.
 Primary source feeds the load through switch 1. When fault occurs primary
source affected, and then load is fed from alternating source through switch 2.
 The transfer switching time of SSTS varies from 0.25 to 0.5 cycle of the
fundamental frequency.
 The main advantage of SSTS is that it conducts the load current continuously

Yarmouk University 32 E. A. Feilat

 For very sensitive low power equipment such as computers and
servers, up to 4000 kVA, static uninterruptible power supplies
(UPSs) can be used.
 There are different structures of UPSs, however, common to all
structures are that active power can be supplied from an energy
 Hence, complete mitigation of voltage dips and other power quality
problems can be obtained.
 Depending on the size of the storage, even interruptions can be

Yarmouk University 33 E. A. Feilat

Future Scope

 Teaching
 More Emphasis should be given to Power Electronics and Power
Quality courses for both undergraduate and postgraduate degree

 Research
 Other types of controllers like fuzzy controller and adaptive PI
fuzzy controller can be employed in CPD compensation scheme.
 Investigation of the effectiveness of multilevel CPD can be carried
 The effectiveness of CPD can be established for active renewable
energy power sources like PV and Wind turbine.

Yarmouk University 34 E. A. Feilat

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Yarmouk University 35 E. A. Feilat

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