NCEPSFinal24 9 10-ReactiveCompensationwithNetworkAnaly

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Reactive Power Compensation in a Distribution

System using Network Analysis
C. S. Indulkar, Life Senior Member, IEEE, and K. Ramalingam

Abstract—On-load tap changers in transformers, synchronous generator, provides voltage support by

generator excitation control system, phase shifting providing Vars. The Var is controllable by varying
transformers, shunt compensation and static var
the generator excitation.
compensators are some of the methods to maintain
Typically, distributed generation sources are
system voltage at the required levels with a view to
avoid voltage stability and synchronous stability located in remote areas requiring long distance
problems of generators. Compensation in transmission facilities to deliver the generated
transmission level with the use of such systems are power to the load centers. Obstacles to the siting of
costly. In this paper, the reactive power conventional transmission lines give rise to serious
compensation to maintain rated voltage at the bus power delivery and voltage management issues. This,
bars is calculated in a 4-node distribution system along with an underlying emphasis to maximize the
comprising of a 220kV source transmission line utilization of existing assets, exposes the grid to
connected through a transformer to an 11 kV significant voltage stability [1] concerns affecting the
distributor, to which an 11 kV distribution security and reliability of the power supply to the
generator is connected. A combination of
customers. Solutions that provide secure and reliable
transformer tap-changer, substation capacitors,
feeder-switched capacitors and distributed generator
power are needed that support robust competitive
are considered for voltage control. A simple markets and that are consistent with present-day land
analytical method using Network analysis is used to use and environmental concerns. Voltage and
calculate the compensation. The results are obtained reactive power control in distribution systems has
for different tap-settings of the transformer. been studied [1]-[2] and the topic has become
important because of the introduction of renewable
Index Terms--Distribution system, distributed energy sources in recent times. Usually on-load tap
generator, network analysis, reactive power changers are not required for transformers
compensation. connected to generators for voltage control, since
the same function can be achieved much more
economically through the generator excitation
control system. Off-load taps covering a ± 5% range
T he distributed energy generators (DGs) such as
wind turbines, fuel cells, photovoltaic (PV)
are usually adequate for the purposes of voltage
matching. When power is transmitted over a line, a
arrays, etc. together with storage devices (i.e. phase shift occurs between the voltages at the
flywheels, energy capacitors, and batteries) and receiving end and sending end. The total allowable
controllable loads offer considerable control phase shift over the line is limited by the
capabilities over the network operation. From the requirements to maintain the generator
customer point of view, the distributed generators synchronized to the power system during system
provide both thermal and electricity needs and in disturbances. Synchronous stability is usually not a
addition enhance local reliability. The DG, when problem with respect to small generators connected
remotely connected to the utility feeder, and if it is a to the infinite grid system. This has been proven by
studies performed in [3]. A 0.8 power factor could
create huge voltage drops in transmission and
distribution systems that are loaded to near thermal

limits [4]. Static Var controllers (SVCs) have been Ys = 1/ Z0 sinh (l) (1)
used for voltage control for a long time. However,
there is a high cost associated with installing and Ysh = (1/Z0) tanh (l/2), (2)
maintaining these devices. The challenge is to
determine the optimal location and size of the SVC. where Z0,  and l are the surge impedance,
A proper control of the transformer tap-changer propagation constant, and line length respectively.
equipment, substation capacitors and the feeder-
switched capacitors provide the necessary reactive The π- equivalent circuit of the transformer
power to obtain near-rated voltage at various buses between nodes 2 and 3, in terms of the admittances,
in the system. is shown Fig.2.

The present paper deals with voltage control at the

bus bars, when a DG is connected to the grid via a 2 3
transformer where the taps are controllable. The
required compensations at the various bus bars to Y2 Y3
maintain rated voltages at the nodes, with a view to
avoiding the voltage stability problem, are
calculated using a simple analytical method.
Fig. 2. Transformer π- equivalent circuit
It is required to analyse the load flows and . Appendix II gives the equivalent circuit
determine the required compensations in a 4-busbar admittances of Fig.2 in terms of Z‟T and nT.
radial transmission-distribution line network shown
in Fig.1, using the admittance parameters of the The admittance of the distributor is Yd =1/Zd. YL2
transmission and distribution lines, and the and YL4 are the admittances of the loads connected
transformer. at the ends of the transmission and distribution lines
respectively. Their values in terms of the complex
Ys ZT‟ nT: 1 Zd
powers and voltage magnitudes are given by
2 3 4 equations (17) and (18) respectively in Appendix
1 DG
III. YG4 is the admittance of the distribution
generator. Its value in terms of the generated
Ysh Ysh YL2 YC2 YC3 YL4 YC4 YG4
complex power and the terminal voltage magnitude
is given by (19). Yc2, Yc3 and Yc4 are the
admittances of the required compensators to
220 kV Line 220/11 KV 11 KV line maintain the node voltages at their rated values.
Fig. 1. Electrical network for the transmission system CIRCUIT
The nodal equations are [3]:

The line, transformer and the generator data are I = YV, (3)
given in Appendix I [5]. In Fig.1, Z‟T is the
transformer impedance referred to the primary side. I1 V1
The turns ratio N1/N2 is denoted by n, and T is the where I = 0 and V= V2
tap ratio. The long line π-equivalent circuit of the 0 V3
220 kV, 50 Hz transmission line between nodes 1 0 V4
and 2 is evaluated from

The admittance matrix of the ladder circuit is value, and 3, the angle of V3, is calculated from (5).
formed as follows: V2 and 2 are calculated from

Y11 Y12 0 0 V2 = - (Y33V3 +Y34V4)/Y23 (6)

Y12 Y22 Y23 0
0 Y23 Y33 Y34 Yc3 contained in Y33 is selected so that the
0 0 Y34 Y44 magnitude of V2 is maintained at its near- rated
value. Next, V1 and 1 are calculated from
where ,
V1= -(Y22V2 +Y23V3)/Y12, (7)
Y11 = Ys+Ysh
Y12 = -Ys by selecting Yc2 so that the magnitude of V1 is
Y22 = Ys+Y1+Ysh+YL2+ Y2+Yc2 = a+ Yc2, maintained near its rated value. The input current I1
is calculated from
I1 = Y11V1 +Y12V2 (8)
a = Ys+Y1+Ysh+YL2 +Y2
Y23 = -Y1 The complex power input from the grid is
Y33 =Y1+Yd+ Y3+Yc3= b+ Yc3, calculated from
P1+jQ1 =V1I1* (9)
b = Y1+Yd +Y3
Y34 =-Yd From the respective calculated voltages at the
Y44 =YL4+YG4 +Yd +Yc4 = c+ Yc4, ends of the transmission line, transformer, and the
distribution line, the real power loss in each of the
where components is then calculated.
In (3), I1 is the source current from the transmission A 220kV, 50 Hz transmission line, 300 km long,
grid. The injected current from the distribution is connected via a 220kV/11 kV transformer to an
generator may be obtained from (4). 11kV distribution line, 10 km long. The 3-phase
load at the receiving end of the transmission line is
I4 = (-Pg4+jQg4)/V4* (4) 150 MW and 6 MVar. The 3-phase load at the
receiving end of the distribution line is 2 MW and
1.5 MVar. The distribution generator is rated
Assuming V4 as the reference phasor, the voltages The following four cases are studied:
V3, V2 and V1 are calculated sequentially from (3).
The compensations Yc4, Yc3 and Yc2 are selected Case 1: The 11 kV distributed generator (DG) is
such that the voltage magnitudes of V3, V2 and V1 not connected.
are maintained as close to their rated values as Case 2: The DG at unity power factor is connected
possible. V3 is calculated from with Pg4= 3 MW
Case 3: The DG operating with Pg4= 3MW and
V3 = (-Y44V4)/Y34 (5) Qg4,max= 0.42 MVar is connected.
Case 4: The DG operating with Pg4= 3MW and
Yc4 contained in Y44 is selected suitably so that the Qg4,min= -0.42 MVar is connected.
magnitude of V3 is retained at its rated or near- rated

The results are given in Tables I-IV respectively. TABLE I

Each table contains the results for three different CASE 1: PER PHASE RESULTS WHEN THE DG IS
transformer tap ratios. Bus bar 4 is taken as the NOT CONNECTED
reference bus. The tables contain the voltage angles
at the three bus bars, 2-4. The input current, power Tap ratio, T 0.95 1 1.1
factor, real and reactive input powers at bus bar 1
29.24 30.61 33.54
are also given in the tables. The tables also contain
2 0
3.97 5.29 8.17
the percentages of the real power losses in the
transmission line, transformer, and the distribution 3 0
4.06 4.06 4.06
line respectively. The admittances of the required I1, kA 0.444 0.445 0.445
reactive compensation at the three buses and the Power factor = cos1, 0.99 0.99 0.99
corresponding MVars are also included in each lagging
table. P1 ,MW 56.06 56.2 56.26
Table I shows the results for case 1, when no Q1, MVar -6.57 -6.73 -6.48
distribution generator is connected at bus 4. The Transmission Line- 9.40% 9.42% 9.43%
values of the required capacitive MVars at bus 2 Real Power loss , %
are quite large. Hence, the voltage at bus 1 may not Transformer -Real 0.07% 0.01% 0.43%
be maintained exactly to be equal to the rated Power loss , %
voltage but may be allowed to exceed by about 5 % Distribution Line- 0.03% 0.03% 0.03%
when the capacitive MVar requirement would be Real Power loss , %
small. The overall system losses are within 10% for Yc2, mhos .0.00127 0.00117 0.00092
the tap ratios considered in the study. At buses 2 MVar-capacitive 20.483 18.870 14.838
and 4, whatever the tap ratio of the transformer, Yc3, mhos -0.044 0.001 0.109
capacitive compensation is required to maintain the MVar -1.77 0.04 4.39
rated voltages. However, the type of compensator, inducti capaciti Capacit
whether inductive or capacitive, required at bus 3 ve ve ive
depends on the tap ratio. Yc4 ,mhos 0.02 0.02 0.02

Table II shows the results for case 2, when the 3 MVar -capacitive 0.83 0.83 0.83
MW distribution generator with unity power factor
is connected at bus 4. For this case, the transmission
line loss is slightly less than that for case 1. The The overall system losses in this case are also
MVar ratings for the compensators are also very within 10% for all the three tap ratios.
high as in case 1. It is noted that when the
distribution generator with unity power factor is Table IV shows the results for Case 4, when the
connected at bus 4, the required compensation at all distributed generator is connected and the excitation
the buses is capacitive, whatever the value of the tap adjusted so that the generator absorbs reactive
ratio. power of -0.42 MVar from the system. Since the
reactive power from the distributed generator is
Table III shows the results for case 3, when the 3 quite small, there are no significant differences in
MW distribution generator is connected, and its the results obtained for this case and those for case
excitation adjusted so that it delivers a reactive 3, where the generator delivers +0.42 MVar to the
power of 0.42 MVar to the system. It may be noted system.
that the compensators placed at buses 2 and 4 are
capacitive respectively, whatever be the tap ratio.
However, the type of compensator required at bus 3
depends on the tap ratio.


Tap ratio, T 0.95 1 1.1 Tap ratio, T 0.95 1 1.1

10 20.46 21.86 25.06
10 20.74 21.93 24.84 20 -4.05 -2.65 -2.52
20 -4.23 -2.6 +0.14 30 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01
30 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01 I1, kA 0.432 0.432 0.436
I1, kA 0.441 0.432 0.425 Power factor = cos1, 0.99 0.99 0.99
Powerfactor,cos1, 0.99 0.99 0.99 P1 ,MW 54.74 54.88 55.08
P 1 ,MW
ading 55.65 54.66 55.57 Q 1 , MVar
lagging -6.44 -6.54 -6.80
Q1, MVar -7.48 -6.56 -6.77 TransmissionLine* % 9.11% 9.11% 9.22%
Transmission *, % 9.33% 9.12% 9.19% Transformer* % 0.102% 0.003% 0.32%
Transformer* , % 0.12% 0.003% 0.30% DistributionLine* % 0.01% .01% .01%
Distribution* , % 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% Yc2, mhos 0.0012 0.0011 0.0009
Yc2, mhos 0.0013 0.0011 0.0009 MVar-capacitive 19.52 17.74 16.13
Mvar capacitive 21.61 17.74 14.51 Yc3, mhos -0.044 -0.001 +0.105
Yc3, mhos 0.05 0.001 0.100 MVar + capacitive, -1.774 -0.04 +4.23
MVar capacitive 2.0 0.040 4.032
Y c4 ,mhos
capacitiv 1 0.0 0.0085
inductiv 0.0085 -ve inductive
MVar ccapacitive
Ccapacitiveinducti 085550.3
ind 0.345e 0.345 Yc4 ,mhos 0.012 0.012 0.012
ve 45
uctive MVar -capacitive 0.484 0.484 0.484
Real Power loss, % * Real Power loss, %


DG OPERATING AT In the paper, the power factor at bus 1 is
PG4=1MW/PH, QG4-MAX= 0.14 MVAR/PH IS CONNECTED maintained at 0.99 in all the four cases, due to the
type of loads considered at buses 2 and 4
Tap Ratio, T 0.95 1 1.1 respectively. In many systems, a 0.95 power factor
is the minimum value required at the load serving
10 20.54 22.07 25.09 substations. If the distribution companies do not
20 -4.06 -2.66 +0.32 place the Vars in their systems to achieve 0.95
30 -2.01 -2.01 -2.01
I1, kA 0.433 0.435 0.436 power factor at peak load at the transmission bus,
Power factor = 0.99 0.99 0.99 then they have to put the Vars at the transmission
P1 ,MW 54.79 54.96 55.01 level within the substation. The distribution
Q 1, MVar
cos 1
-6.63 -6.91 -6.81 capacitors are lower in cost and also flatten the
Transmission* 9.15% 9.19% 9.22% voltage profile in the distribution system and also
Transformer* - 0.10% 0.003% 0.33% produce lower distribution losses. It is observed
Line-Real 0.01% 0.01% 0.01% from the results that the tap-changer is not the
Y c2, mhosPower
Real 0.0012 0.0011 0.0009
Mvar 19.35 17.34 16.13 source of the reactive power; it just eases the flow
Power loss , % of reactive power and improves the voltage.
Yc3, mhos -.044 -.001 +0.106
MVar %, -1.774 -0.040 +4.27 Ultimately any resulting extra reactive Vars because
Power loss , %
inductive inductive capacitiv of tap changer action have to be generated by the
Yc4 ,mhos e
0.005 0.005ee e
0.005 primary source of Var such as the generator. Hence,
MVar- 0.202 0.202 0.202 the quantum and location of compensators at the
cap bus bars in a 4-bus system for the specific loads are
* Real Power loss, %
capacitive acitive considered. The main contribution of the paper is

the network analysis method that is used to APPENDIX II

calculate the values of the compensators depending ADMITTANCES OF THE TRANSFORMER
upon their locations in the system. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT [6]

Transformer tap-changers and compensators are The transfer matrix equations of the transformer
complimentary. Tap-changers, however, do not are given by
generate reactive power. In certain situations, where
the system has lack of reactive power, tap-changers V2 = nTV3 + (Z‟T /nT) I3 (10)
would help. This can also be shown by the results I2 = (1/nT) I3 (11)
obtained using the theory described in this paper. A
proper co-ordination of the transformer tap ratio, Changing the sign of current I3 in (10) and (11),
compensation equipment, and excitation of the the admittance matrix equations for the transformer
distribution generator is necessary with a view to in Fig 2, are obtained as
maintaining the bus voltages and keeping the
system losses within limits. I2 = (Y1+Y2) V2-Y1V3 (12)
I3 = -Y1V2 + (Y2+Y3) V3 (13)

220kV, 50 Hz Transmission line [5] Y1 = (n T)/Z‟T (14)

Y2= (1-nT)/Z‟T (15)
Resistance per phase = 0.093 ohms/km Y3 = nT (1-nT)/Z‟T (16)
Reactance per phase = 0.417 ohm/km
Susceptance per phase = 0.000002782 mho/km
Line length= 300 km APPENDIX III
220/11 kV, 50 Hz, 5 MVA Transformer
Load admittances
Primary impedance per phase, Zp =10+j20 ohms
Secondary impedance per phase, Zs = 0.5+j1 ohms The load admittances in terms of the powers
consumed by the loads and the voltage magnitudes
11 kV Distribution line are given by

Impedance per phase, Zd = 1.603 +j 3.498 ohms YL2 = (PL2 –jQL2)/V22 (17)
Line length = 10 km
YL4= (PL4–jQL4)/V42 (18)
11 kV Synchronous generator
At bus 4, Distribution generator admittance
Pg4= 3MW, Qg4, max =0.42 MVar; Qg4, min =-0.42
MVar YG4 = (-PG4+jQG4)/V42 (19)

Three-phase Loads REFERENCES

At bus 2, PL2 = 150 MW, QL2 = 6 MVar
At bus 4, PL4= 2MW, QL4= 1.5 MVar [1] F. A. Viawan and D. Karlsson, “Voltage and
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