Nutrition: Information Manual

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By opening this Nutrition Information Manual*, you have made an
informed decision to browse through the many AMWAY™ Nutritional
products and features that can help to build your business from the
foundation and for the future.

This manual is divided into sections designed to help you fully acquaint yourself with
important information that will give you the knowledge to help you improve your standard
of living, as well as that of your family and the customers you serve.

The BRAND section of this manual introduces you to the history of the NUTRILITE™
brand, how it has developed and what makes it so unique in the marketplace.

The NUTRITION AND INGREDIENTS section is a learning resource designed to help

you understand and share information about specific vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients
and other nutrients, how they work in the body, and where they are on the spectrum of
well-being and nutritional research.

This information is particularly useful since many nutrients (such as phytonutrients)

are relatively new to both the scientific world as well as the general public.

Not so long ago, phytonutrients were almost unknown, and scientists were at the early
stages of establishing exactly what they were and what their significance was to our to
well-being. Now, it is well established that they not only exist, but could also be a critical,
exciting factor in nutritional advancement. There are currently many new studies
underway worldwide.

The NUTRILITE™ PRODUCTS section offers you a clear, categorised reference tool
featuring detailed product information that will help you guide customers to the most
suitable supplements they may wish to use; whether they are interested in products for
the whole family products that can help with certain weight-management issues, herbal
products or even products that can help to enhance an active lifestyle.

The FOOD & BEVERAGES section highlights everyday products that have a place
in every home, from fresh coffees and teas to pastas, sauces, olive oil and
balsamic vinegar.

Enjoy learning. Enjoy sharing the knowledge, and enjoy working with this Nutrition
Information Manual – it has been designed to help you to succeed with your Amway

*Please note that you are not allowed to share, circulate or otherwise provide this material/document
to end consumers.

Why have a Nutrition
Information Manual?
This manual gives you a comprehensive overview of the
complete AMWAY™ well-being product range, together
with a brief insight into all of the basic nutrients and their
functions. Product knowledge is the key to good customer
presentations and your familiarity with the products can
often make the difference between closing the sale or
missing an opportunity.

This Nutrition Information Manual provides you with the

knowledge you’ll need to understand and sell well-being
products to your customers.

Please be aware that the section of this manual dealing

with vitamins, minerals and nutrients (entitled ‘Nutrition and
Ingredient Information’) is only intended to provide useful
background information. It should not be used as a tool
for marketing NUTRILITE™ products, as it does not directly
pertain to the contents of NUTRILITE™ Food Supplements.

Recommended Daily
Allowances (RDAs)
As research continues and our nutritional knowledge grows, experts are
able to fine-tune their recommendations for what our bodies require to
cover their daily nutrient needs under normal circumstances.

The chart below shows the current South African Recommended

Daily Allowances (SA RDA) for many of the major nutrients.

Nutrient SA RDA Nutrient SA RDA

Vitamin A............... 1 000 µg retinol1 Phosphorus......................... 800 mg
Vitamin D ................................ 5 µg
Vitamin E..................... 10 mg a-TE 3
Vitamin K Magnesium......................... 300 mg
Vitamin C............................... 60 mg Iron........................................ 14 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamin).............. 1.4 mg Zinc....................................... 15 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)............ 1.6 mg Iodine................................... 150 µg
Niacin.................................... 18 mg Manganese
Vitamin B6................................ 2 mg Copper
Folic Acid.............................. 200 μg Chromium
Vitamin B12................................ 1 µg Fluoride
Biotin (Vitamin H).................. 100 µg Molybdenum
Pantothenic Acid...................... 6 mg Selenium
Calcium............................... 800 mg

Understanding Nutrient Amounts

1. µg retinol = 1 retinol equivalent (RE) = 6 µg trans-B-carotene = 12 µg
other provitamin A carotenoids = 3,33 IU (international units) vitamin
A = 10 IU provitamin A carotenoids.
[Footnote 1 substituted by GNR.396 of 1997.]
2. As cholecalciferol. 1 µg cholecalciferol = 40 IU of vitamin D.
3. a tocopherol equivalents: 1 mg d,a-tocopherol = 1 a-TE (tocopherol
equivalents) = 1,49 IU (1 IU = 1 mg dl-a-tocopherol-acetate).

The NUTRILITE™ Brand ................................................................... 6

Nutrition & Ingredient Information
Educational Overview ............................................... 22
Vitamins .............................................................................. 24
Minerals .............................................................................. 32
Proteins ............................................................................... 46
Carbohydrates ................................................................ 47
Fibre ....................................................................................... 48
Fats ......................................................................................... 49
Important Substances .............................................. 52
Phytonutrients ................................................................ 54
Herbals ................................................................................. 60

NUTRILITE™ Product Range .................................... 66

Vitamins and Supplements ................................... 68
Children and Family ................................................... 94
Herbals ................................................................................ 98
Weight Management .............................................. 104
Active Lifestyle ........................................................... 110

Beverages ................................................................................................................ 116

Food ...................................................................................................................................... 122

Glossary ........................................................................................................................... 130

world’s No.1 selling
vitamins and dietary
supplements brand.*

While in China, Carl F. Rehnborg studies the nutritional
habits and poor health of the people in towns
compared to those living in the countryside, making
a correlation between nutrition and well-being.

The founder of the NUTRILITE™ Rehnborg’s theories were ahead of

brand, Carl Rehnborg, was first his time. His conviction led him to
inspired by years of living in the develop a process for dehydrating and
Chinese countryside in the 1920s. concentrating nutrient-rich plant materials
into powders that could be encapsulated
Here, he observed the well-being
into tablets. By 1934, he had created his
and diet of the people and identified
A PROUD a correlation between nutrition and
well-being. His outstanding vision
first multivitamin/multimineral product
and became a pioneer in the history
of nutrition.

HISTORY led him to conceive the idea for a

plant-based food supplement to help
bring the diet into balance.

*Source: Euromonitor International Limited, Vitamins and Dietary Supplements,

World, Retail Value RSP, 2010.

name has become
a trusted brand for
nature, integrity and
nutritional excellence
in plant-based food

1928 1934
Carl returns to Southern California and Carl F. Rehnborg produces and sells the first multivitamin/multimineral product
begins to set up makeshift laboratories for in the United States. His company is named California Vitamins, Inc.
developing a multivitamin/multimineral
product based on plant materials.

Rehnborg was certain that the key to The brand has celebrated many
nature’s goodness and freshness was milestones throughout its long and
to preserve all of the plant’s nutrients, illustrious history, many of which
including those beyond vitamins and are highlighted in our NUTRILITE™
minerals (now known as phytonutrients) timeline above.
as well as adopting sustainable farming
practices and careful processing methods. NUTRILITE™ is the world’s
These key principles are still honoured by No. 1 selling vitamins and
the NUTRILITE™ brand today. dietary supplements brand.* 1934 2014
*Source: Euromonitor International Limited,
Vitamins and Dietary Supplements, World,
Retail Value RSP, 2010.

The NUTRILITE™ brand
has more than 80 years
of experience in nutrition,
research and innovation
and our products are
available in more than 50
countries worldwide.

1937 1946
Carl moves his company’s operations to Balboa Island. Carl manufactures a NUTRILITE™ facilities move to
three-part product rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements, which is based on Buena Park, California.
plant concentrates. This product is the predecessor of the
NUTRILITE™ DOUBLE X™ Multivitamin/Multimineral/Phytonutrient Food Supplement.

The NUTRILITE™ Brand: • P lants are grown on our own sustainable • T he various powders are then blended into a
World-Class Supplementation farms or on NUTRILITE™ certified (NutriCert) single, uniform mixture.
From planting seeds on our own farms and farms that adhere to our sustainable farming • This powder blend is compressed into
processing the plants that we use in our practices. tablets, coated with a special solution for
supplements to delivering the final bottle of • Plants are harvested at their nutritional peak easier swallowing, and inspected closely for
NUTRILITE™ tablets to our customers, the and transported to our dehydration facility as cracks or chips.
NUTRILITE™ brand is always in control. quickly as possible. • Finished tablets are sealed in specially-
This is all part of our total commitment to • The concentration process uses specialised designed containers to maintain freshness.
customer satisfaction. equipment in a state-of-the-art facility to
dehydrate, mill and extract nature’s richest
We Never Compromise on Quality
nutrients from the plants – creating premium
At the NUTRILITE™ manufacturing facility, our
nutritional concentrates.
standards of quality in manufacturing are as
• Computer-controlled scales measure
much a part of our company culture as our
the exact weight and amount of each
sustainable farming practices. Clean rooms
concentrated powder.
and well-cared-for equipment are one measure
of excellence; another is the level of expertise
demonstrated by NUTRILITE™ staff throughout
the manufacturing process.

The success of the
NUTRILITE™ brand, and our
continued dominance in the
marketplace, is the result of a
constant drive to improve and
innovate while at the same
time maintaining the highest
standards in all areas of
our practice.
1949 1953
NUTRILITE™ Products, Inc. completes construction of a new Buena Sales continue to grow and NUTRILITE™
Park facility and consolidates all its packaging, compounding Products, Inc. purchases land in Lakeview,
and shopping operations. Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos become California. Construction begins on new
NUTRILITE™ distributors. processing facilities.

World-Class Nutritional Experts What is Euromonitor?

NUTRILITE™ experts perform over 15,000 tests Euromonitor is an international research
a month on our products. We strive to follow organisation and a leading provider of global
strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) to market intelligence, tracking international trends
ensure that NUTRILITE™ products are always in both consumer and industrial markets. Their
safe, properly identified and of the highest quality. products and services are held in high regard by
the international business community and they
The Nutrilite Health Institute is also actively
have over 5,000 active clients.
involved with standard-setting organisations,
to ensure that our practices and product
quality meet or exceed the toughest regulatory
standards in markets around the world.

NUTRILITE™ is the world’s No. 1 selling vitamins

and dietary supplements brand.†

Source: Euromonitor International Limited; Vitamins and Dietary Supplements, World, Retail Value RSP, 2010.

Instead of relying on
harmful pesticides,
herbicides or chemical
fertilisers, we let nature
do the work.

1956 1972
NUTRILITE™ Products, Inc. becomes a leader in the commercial Amway Corporation acquires a controlling
cultivation of acerola cherries. Acerola concentrate is used to produce interest in NUTRILITE™ Products, Inc. and
the first supplement containing ‘all-natural’ Vitamin C. sales of NUTRILITE™ products increase

Farming Techniques The sustainable farming methods used

The Nutrilite Health Institute has always to produce ingredients for NUTRILITE™
recognised that the best supplements begin products are more costly and more labour-
with the best plants. intensive than conventional commercial
Our commitment to growing the best farming, but they offer enormous
plants has led to the development of one advantages. By focusing on long-term
of the industry’s most extensive sustainable sustainability, instead of short-term yields,
farming operations. we are able to produce healthy crops year
after year, without damaging the earth and
Crops used for NUTRILITE™ plant
the environment.
concentrates are grown using sustainable
farming methods. Instead of relying on
Working in Partnership with Nature
harmful pesticides, herbicides or chemical
Some of the natural methods used at
fertilsers, we let nature do the work.
farms that produce ingredients for
Our NutriCert farm certification programme NUTRILITE™ products include:
ensures that all farms supplying botanical
materials for the NUTRILITE™ brand adhere
to our own farming philosophy, guided by
sustainable principles.

of the few world-leading
food supplement brands
that practises its own
sustainable farming.

1973 1988
Mentally and physically active until the end, NUTRILITE™ Products, Inc. and Amway Corporation acquire Fazenda Planato Grande in
Carl Rehnborg passes away at the age of 86. Brazil and a controlling interest in Trout Lake Farm in Washington State.

Integrated Pest Management Pest Control • Flash tapes are strips of reflective material
This programme helps us to control and • Ladybirds are released into the fields to that move in the breeze and flicker in the
monitor harmful as well as beneficial insects. control crop-eating pests such as aphids, sun to create bright flashes that startle
We regularly survey the presence of insects, mealybugs and whitefly. and deter birds without causing them
both in our greenhouses and outside in any harm.
our fields. The results allow us to monitor • Green lacewings are also used in the
the ratio of insects in any given area. We fields; their voracious appetites make
correlate this information, together with data them one of the most valuable of all
from weather stations to help us predict and beneficial insects as they eat a wide
prepare for future insect outbreaks. variety of insect pests.

• Predatory birds, such as hawks, help

control crop-destroying birds and rodents.

• Solar-powered bird guards transmit bird

distress signals to fool birds into believing
that a predator is nearby.

Our commitment
to growing the best
plants has led to
the development of
one of the industry’s
most extensive
sustainable farming

2004 2006
The Nutrilite Health Institute establishes the Scientific Advisory Board (S.A.B.), The Nutrilite Health Institute Center for
which consists of leading scientists from around the world in areas of Optimal Health opens. This 33,000 sq. ft
academia, industry, medicine and research. The S.A.B. provides constructive world-class teaching and training facility
scientific evaluation, advice and public opinion on specific topics. serves as an extraordinary introduction to
the philosophy behind the NUTRILITE™ brand.

Weed Control • Intercropping is the planting of two crops • Grazing livestock in between plantings
• Soil solarisation is a technique that together for their mutual benefit benefit, for reduce weeds and enrich the soil with
involves covering irrigated and prepared example, the second crop fills the niche biological nutrients.
planting beds with plastic and, under that weeds would occupy and can provide
powerful sunlight, the intense heat in nutrition for the production crop.
the soil destroys weeds and their seeds,
leaving the field ready for planting. • Flame weeding is where a focused flame
of more than 1000 degrees Celsius is
• Hand weeding with a hoe is a good, if passed through the fields to burn weeds
old-fashioned, skill and one of the world’s prior to the germination of the planted
most tried and tested methods. crops.

Education Vitamin C


An earthworm can ingest
its own weight in soil every
day, and one acre of
earthworms passes between
10 and 18 tonnes of earth
through their intestines
annually helping to improve
soil quality!

2009 2011
The NUTRILITE Brand celebrates

NUTRILITE™ is once again named the
its 75th anniversary. World’s No.1 selling vitamins and dietary
supplements brand.
(Source: Euromonitor International Limited; Vitamins and Dietary
Supplements, World, Retail Value RSP, 2010.)

Farming Techniques • Soil microbes are microscopic creatures

Our commitment to growing the best in the earth with beneficial properties, for
plants has led to the development of one example, helping to ward off root disease
of the industry’s most extensive sustainable and assisting plants in obtaining nutrients
farming operations. from the soil.

Soil Management • ‘Green manure’ crops, for example

• Crop rotation helps to control the clover and vetch, are grown and ploughed
population of many destructive pests and back into the soil to increase nutrients and
diseases, and restores nutrients to the soil. improve the soil structure.

• Nutrient-rich compost is derived from • Earthworms are key players in soil

decomposed plant materials and helps health because they enrich the soil as
to increase soil performance, whilst they continuously ingest, decompose and
improving and balancing nutrient levels. deposit.

The Global Good Neighbour
In addition to following sustainable
farming practices and producing
high-quality plants for use in
NUTRILITE™ supplements, all our
NUTRILITE™ farms are proud to
consider themselves ‘Global Good
Neighbours', who are dedicated to
giving back to the community in which
they work.

there are 700 acres (283 hectares) of
farmland where botanicals and herbs are
grown, including echinacea, camomile
and a host of other herbs for NUTRILITE™
product formulations.

there are 1,400 acres (566 hectares)
of farmland where watercress and
alfalfa are harvested. Other crops
include spinach, lemon, red grapefruit,
mandarin oranges, parsley, garlic,
broccoli, asparagus, white kidney
beans, kale, carrots and basil.

the NUTRILITE™ Agricultural Research
Farm consists of 111 acres (45 hectares)
of farmland where alfalfa, pomegranates,
rosemary and carrots are grown.
This farm is dedicated to agricultural
research in order to support other farms
that produce ingredients for
NUTRILITE™ products.

just three degrees south of the equator,
there are 4,100 acres (1,660 hectares)
of prime farmland where acerola
cherries – one of the world’s richest
sources of vitamin C – are cultivated.
Other crops include pineapple,
coconut, passion fruit, guava and
lemon balm.

The Process from
Plant to Finished As an example, in the
quality control process

we will perform
2,000 tests per lot
DOUBLE X™, starting
Plant material is harvested at with the plant material.

its peak, producing the highest

quality of plant concentrate and
phytonutrient content. When plant
material enters the processing
phases, it is under what we call
“Good Manufacturing Practices.”

When materials are received at Buena Park,

they are initially quarantined until they can
pass strict tests. They will go through physical
testing for colour consistency, microbiological
testing for bacteria, and chemical testing for
potency and impurities.

At Buena Park, ingredients

become supplements and GMPs
continue to follow the process
Weighing through every step of the way, from
Once the raw ingredients pass weighing raw materials to tableting
and packaging. The nutrients
the testing stage, they are sent for
safely locked into our concentrates
weighing, where computer-aided are combined into precise
scales are used to precisely measure formulations that deliver balanced
each ingredient used in the formulation supplementation.
set forth by NUTRILITE™ scientists.
The scales are so accurate that they
can even detect a fraction of a gram. technology ensures
accuracy and quality
while enabling
Granulation and blending high-volume
After weighing all the ingredients that production.
are to go into a formula, they are gently
granulated or blended in a P-K blender
to form the special concentrate blends
for NUTRILITE™ products.
The raw ingredients are then compressed
into tablets. Buena Park compresses
approximately 6 billion tablets per year.
Did you know that our tablet-making
machine compresses 100 tablets in the
time it takes to say “NUTRILITE™”?

Education Vitamin C

Dehydration After the plant is dehydrated it goes

Plant crops are harvested and taken to the through the milling process, where it
dehydration plant, where they begin the are is reduced into smaller particle without
gently processed, starting with our patented affecting the nutritional composition.
blanching and dehydration process that
preserves nutrients. nutrients. Here the
moisture is gently removed from the delicate
plant material in a huge, dedicated state-of-
the-art dehydrator. Crops are dehydrated
under carefully controlled temperatures and
airflow to preserve the heat-sensitive nutrients.
Buena Park is set on
22 acres, and not only converts
the raw ingredients into
tablets, but is also home to our
Interesting fact: state-of-the-art research and
It takes 14 kg of development as well as quality
acerola cherries assurance facilities, ensuring
to make 1 kg of that our products meet the
concentrate. highest standards. There are
nearly 100 scientists conducting
tests on NUTRILITE™
Concentration Extraction
The next step after extraction is to take During the extraction/separation process,
the nutrient-rich portion of the plant and water soluble nutrients are gently removed
concentrate it. from crops to separate them from solid
This reduces the amount of water in the residues and isolate the nutrient-rich
extracted solution, giving us more nutrients portion of the plant from the fibrous
in a given quantity of liquid. The turbo film section.
evaporator utilises a gentle evaporation The fibrous portion of the plant can be
process under vacuum to remove water and used for other NUTRILITE™ products like
produce a concentrated liquid that has 6 to 10 fibre bits etc.
times the strength of the original plant.

Tablets are sprayed with a coating made
from plant cellulose in order to make each
tablet smooth and easy to swallow.

Tablets are then Over 15,000 quality tests are conducted
placed in their every single month to ensure a consistent,
appropriate containers
safe and effective product.
and sent on their way
to reach you and
All of this to ensure we bring this
your customers.
high-quality product to you and
your customers.

Nature and Science
NUTRILITE™ products are consumed by millions of people in over 50 countries
around the world. The NUTRILITE™ brand has been a leader in the dietary
supplements field for clinical testing and scientific innovation for decades.
The NUTRILITE™ brand philosophy is to offer you the most advanced formulations
backed by thoroughly researched, uncompromised science. The Nutrilite Health
Institute (NHI) is renowned for its many research accomplishments and clinical
programmes and enjoys prestigious scientific affiliations in many countries.

NATURE … Seed to Serving

The farming and manufacturing processes used to
produce NUTRILITE™ products are designed to get more from
nature, so you can get more from life.
NUTRILITE™ is one of the few world-leading food supplement brands to practise its
own sustainable farming. It has a controlling interest in over 6,400 acres of farmland in
California, Washington, Brazil and Mexico where the herbs, fruits and vegetables it
grows organically are used in manufacturing NUTRILITE™ products. The sites have
The NUTRILITE™ brand
been selected for their nutrient-rich soils and optimum growing and climatic
philosophy is to offer the most
conditions. NUTRILITE™'S commitment to sustainability extends beyond mere
advanced formulations backed by
husbandry and in some areas it has implemented reforestation programmes thoroughly researched,
to increase biodiversity and restore an equilibrium to the region. uncompromised science. The Nutrilite
Health Institute (NHI) is renowned for its
many research accomplishments and
clinical programmes and enjoys
prestigious scientific affiliations
in many countries.

SCIENCE … Patents
To be considered a leader in the dietary supplement
industry, you have to be on the cutting edge of science.
The NUTRILITE™ brand takes being a leader seriously, as indicated by the
ever-growing list of granted patents behind this world-class brand. NUTRILITE™
products and associated processes are differentiated from other nutritional
brands in the marketplace by over 100 granted patents, relating to:

• Concentrate development

• Processing of ingredients

• Product formulation

• Packaging design

The combination of product patents, high-quality

ingredients and leading-edge technology makes
the NUTRILITE™ brand both unique and successful.

Education Vitamin C

Nutrilite Health Institute

The Rehnborg Centre for Nutrition & Wellness was established in 1996, and
evolved into the Nutrilite Health Institute (NHI) in 2002. With over 100 dedicated
scientists, researchers and educators, the NHI supports the NUTRILITE™ brand
through product-focused science, research and training.
The NHI is a worldwide collaboration of experts dedicated to helping people The Nutrilite Health Institute’s
achieve optimal well-being through research, education and practical solutions. philosophy of optimal well-being
The NHI is committed to furthering the scientific frontiers of nutrition, herbal advocates:
medicine and phytochemistry through research and collaboration programmes.
“To strive for optimal well-being is
Centre for Optimal Health to choose to be at your best every
The Nutrilite Health Institute (NHI) Centre for Optimal Health is a world-class facility day by selecting the right foods and
bringing together science, nutrition, fitness, research and people for a personal, supplements where appropriate,
interactive, educational and inspirational experience focused on well-being and the engaging in exercise and rest, and
NUTRILITE™ brand. by incorporating healthy habits and
balance in everything you do.”
Located in Buena Park, California, USA, the NHI Centre for Optimal Health is the
headquarters of the Nutrilite Health Institute. The Centre helps drive awareness and The Scientific Advisory Board serves
understanding of nutrition by providing a first-class facility for education, training and as a scientific resource for the NHI, to
the assessment of well-being. strengthen the image, relationships
and associations of the NHI with
This state-of-the-art facility opened in May 2006, and highlights include: leadership in industry and academia,
as well as to benchmark and critically
• Approximately 3,250 square metres
evaluate corporate scientific resources
• N
 UTRILITE™ brand experience centre, featuring interactive and application. The board consists
product, history and science-related exhibits of leading scientists from around the
world in areas of academia, industry,
• C
 ustom designed, modern theatre with comfortable high-back
medicine and research.
theatre-style seating and state-of-the-art audio and visual equipment

• L
 arge auditorium with flexible meeting spaces for education, Members of the board provide
training and brand experience programmes constructive scientific evaluation,
advice and public opinions on specific
• Enhanced well-being assessment centre with six private consultation rooms
health and nutrition-related topics
identified by the NHI.

“To strive for optimal well-being

is to choose to be at your best
every day by selecting the right
foods and supplements where
appropriate, engaging in exercise
and rest, and by incorporating
healthy habits and balance in
everything you do.”

Team NUTRILITE ™ Nature gave us all differe
strengths and abilities,
getting the best out of

Team NUTRILITE™ is whatever
nature gave us. It is not
made up of active, healthy, satisfying someone els
passionate, positive, motivated, expectations; it is about
achieving your
adventurous, amateur, professional, own potential.
fun-loving, ordinary, extraordinary,
committed and inspired people,
all sharing the same single goal
– the pursuit of optimal well-being.

Team NUTRILITE™ is proud to boast a number

of elite athletes among its committed members.
Although these athletes provide an exciting and
positive endorsement for the NUTRILITE™ brand,
the real bond that holds Team NUTRILITE™
together is not world-class athletic achievement
– it is a shared passion for fully living and loving
life. It is not about becoming the best in the
world … it is about becoming the best of you.

The Team NUTRILITE™ philosophy is split into three

primary categories. Each of these categories is equally
important to its success:


Along with countless individuals from NUTRILITE™ CAN
around the world striving to achieve their
own optimal well-being, some of the most
exciting and inspiring athletes in the world BUSINESS:
have already joined Team NUTRILITE™.

Team NUTRILITE™ is your opportunity to captivate,

capture and capitalise on a growing number of
people actively pursuing a more balanced lifestyle.
Team NUTRILITE™ encourages people from Why not find out more about the kind of athletic activities that your
around the world to participate in a variety customers are interested in? Encourage them to attend or host a
of NUTRILITE™ sponsored events. Events Team NUTRILITE™ event in their area, to get fit, feel great and meet
can be anything from a gentle fitness walk like-minded people.
to a football tournament.
Your customers should know that becoming a member of Team
At these events, current and prospective NUTRILITE™ is not just about taking NUTRILITE™ products to
consumers can meet both elite and improve nutrition and well-being, it is an opportunity to become
everyday athletes and experience the part of something much bigger; a community striving to inspire
camaraderie of the Team NUTRILITE™ each other to achieve the balance we need for optimal health.
worldwide community. It is also an
opportunity to sample NUTRILITE™ By working together and fully embracing the Team NUTRILITE™
products while gaining valuable philosophy, we have the power to reach this goal, while improving
exposure to the NUTRILITE™ Brand. the business prospects for every ABO along the way!

The Team NUTRILITE™ initiative is designed to bring awareness to the
NUTRILITE™ brand and the NUTRILITE™ range of vitamin, mineral and
dietary supplements; but focuses primarily on the following products:

NUTRILITE™ STRIVE+™ Isotonic Drink Mix

Offers real hydration, combining an effective
blend of nutrients designed to replace those
lost during physical activity.

Multivitamin/Multimineral/Phytonutrient Food
The ultimate NUTRILITE™ Food Supplement, containing
a dynamic blend of essential vitamins, minerals,
phytonutrients and concentrates.

Antioxidant Enhanced Drink Mix
Provides the flavour you crave and the
valuable antioxidants to support your
active lifestyle.

A balanced and convenient food
supplement, providing essential vitamins
and minerals at basic levels.

Vitamins and Minerals
We all know that vitamins and minerals are essential to our general nutrition and well-being, but
did you know that the body cannot function without them? In fact, we require small amounts of
numerous vitamins and minerals in our daily diet to ensure normal growth and development.

There are 13 essential vitamins required in the human body, nine of which are water-

Vitamins soluble and four fat-soluble. The water-soluble vitamins are B vitamins and vitamin C
and the fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E and K.

Water-soluble vitamins dissolve easily in water, but the body cannot store them, so we
generally excrete most of the goodness because the body cannot immediately process it. This
is why daily intake and replenishment is so important. Water-soluble vitamins can be found in
meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and wholegrains.

Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed by the

body through the intestines with the help of
fats known as lipids. Fat-soluble vitamins can
be found in meat and meat products, fish,
dairy products and vegetable oil.

Not receiving a sufficient intake of these

vitamins may cause the body fall out of
its natural balance and potentially lead to
problems. Therefore, a healthy intake of
vitamin-rich foods is essential for optimal

While minerals do not directly provide the body with energy, they are involved in the

body’s processes for energy production. Minerals that are utilised by the body are
classified as either macro minerals or trace minerals.

Macro minerals are required by the body in relatively large amounts. They include calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium and chloride.

Trace minerals are only required by the

body in smaller amounts. They include iron,
copper, zinc, iodine, fluoride, chromium,
selenium, manganese and molybdenum.

While the body requires some minerals in

higher amounts than others, this doesn’t
make them more important. Different
minerals are responsible for different
functions, all of which are central to our
general well-being.

Other Nutrients
Education Overview

In addition to vitamins and minerals, the body also requires a variety of other nutritional
elements in order to remain in perfect balance.

Antioxidants Protein
Proteins Carbohydrates

Antioxidants are the body’s natural defence Protein is present in every cell in the body and Carbohydrates are the main fuel required
against oxidative stress, which leads to free- is a key component of our bones, muscles, by the body in order to provide energy.
radical damage. Nutrient compounds such as skin, hair and blood. This is why athletes should always increase
polyphenols, minerals like copper, selenium Proteins are made of chains of amino acids carbohydrate intake prior to intense or
and zinc, as well as certain vitamins all have that are nutritionally essential in the diet prolonged physical activity.
antioxidant properties. because the body cannot make them naturally
or store them for future use.

Fibre Fats Water

Fibre is a special form of carbohydrate. Fats are generally comprised of various Water should not be forgotten as a nutrient as it
Insoluble fibre from wholegrains, bran and fatty acids. Most fatty acids are considered has nutritional properties that are vital to human
certain vegetables and soluble fibres are found ‘non-essential’ to human well-being, with the well-being. Over two-thirds of the body is made
in foods such as oats, apples, blueberries, exception of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. up of water, yet water cannot be supplied by or
pears and carrots. These are unsaturated fats that are typically stored by the body. Therefore, a regular supply
liquids. They are considered to be is essential to avoid dehydration and other
more beneficial to human well-being than conditions. Water contributes to the maintaining
saturated fats, which should be consumed in the normal regulation of the body’s temperature.
smaller amounts.

Education Vitamins Vitamin A
is a major
fat-soluble Retinol (true
vitamin. Vitamin A) is found
only in foods of

Vitamin A
animal origin.

Vitamin A is a major fat-soluble vitamin and is known

RDA for its contribution towards the maintenance of normal
vision, healthy skin and the epithelial cells that line
1000 ug RE any opening in the body (nose, throat, lungs, mouth,
stomach, intestines, vagina and urinary tract). Vitamin A
also helps to regulate and support the immune system.
Retinol (true vitamin A) is found only in foods of animal origin. Alpha and beta
carotenes are the plant sources of vitamin A, found in deep yellow, green and orange
coloured fruits and vegetables. They act as precursors that convert to vitamin A only
when it is needed by the body.

The liver regulates the blood level of vitamin A. Vitamin A needs a special protein
carrier to be transported throughout the body and an adequate protein and fat
Sources of Vitamin A intake is required for a good absorption of vitamin A.
Type Source
Retinol Animal foods, Functions of Vitamin A
(true vitamin A) especially liver, Vitamin A contributes towards maintaining the normal functioning of the immune
but also meat, system and also has a role in the process of cell specialisation. It also contributes to
eggs and butter the maintenance of normal vision, helps to maintain normal mucous membranes and
contributes to normal iron metabolism.
Fortified foods,
for example Daily Need
margarines Although it is relatively easy to get too little vitamin A, it is also easy to get too much.
and other fatty A frequent high intake of liver, for example, may result in chronic overdosing of
vitamin A. Pregnant women should take special care to ensure that they get just the
correct amount of vitamin A that is needed. The current SA RDA for vitamin A
Carotenoids Vegetables is 1000 µg.
such as carrots,
spinach and
kale. Fortified
foods, for
breakfast drinks

Eggs Meat Butter

Liver Carrots Spinach

Education Vitamin A/Vitamin D

Vitamin D is
of the utmost
importance for
children and

Vitamin D

Vitamin D refers to any of several fat-soluble,

sterol-based variations of this vitamin, with the
most effective ones being cholecalciferol (D3) and RDA 5 μg
ergocalciferol (D2). This means that the nutrients are
similar to cholesterol, with a waxy, fatty component,
and can be stored by the body.
Functions of Vitamin D
Vitamin D regulates the absorption of calcium: its blood level, and its inclusion in the
bones and teeth (mineralisation), which is essential for their strength and resistance.
Vitamin D is a good ‘team player’, as it interacts with other essential nutrients for
defence against infections, and contributes to keeping the bones and muscles strong.

In some ways, vitamin D acts more as a hormone than a vitamin, as it is produced in

one part of the body and enters the blood to affect another, specifically the bones. It
also interacts with the parathyroid to produce active vitamin D3 when needed, and its
Sources of Vitamin D
molecular structure is similar to hormones such as oestrogen and cortisone. As a fat-soluble substance, vitamin D
naturally occurs only in the fat fraction of
Daily Need animal-derived foods, whereas its precursors,
Vitamin D is sometimes referred to as the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because it can be the so-called provitamins, are widely
manufactured within the human skin by exposing precursors to ultraviolet (UV) rays distributed in plants and animal-derived
from from the sun. For anyone with dark pigmented skin, as well as those who live in a foods.
cloudy or polluted environment, experience long winters or do not spend enough time
outside in daylight body’s production of the sunshine vitamin is likely to be too little to Type Source
cover a deficiency in the diet.
Natural Fatty fish, egg yolks,
butter, liver, fish liver
Therefore, the current recommended SA RDA for adults is 5 µg, although oil (to be taken in
some members of the population will require higher doses for specific conditions, as small doses only)
recommended by their doctor. Synthesised Fortified food, mostly
fatty spreads but
Due to its important function in bone building and maintenance, an adequate intake in some cases also
of vitamin D is of the utmost importance for children and adolescents and also for the milk, juice and
elderly. However, unlike water-soluble vitamin C, too much vitamin D can be toxic, with dry cereals
acute or chronic negative effects, such as the imbalancing of the calcium metabolism,
which can have negative effects on the bone structure.

Fatty Fish Egg Yolks Butter

Vitamin E is
a powerful

Vitamin E Vitamin E is a
familiar fat-soluble
vitamin found in
Vitamin E is a familiar fat-soluble several variations.

RDA vitamin found in several variations.

Each variation has a different
10 mg TE biological activity. The most active
form of vitamin E in people is
called alpha-tocopherol.
There are plenty
of readily available
plant food sources
containing natural
vitamin E.

Vitamin E Functions Functions of Vitamin E

Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin E
• Vitamin E protectscell membranes with contributes to the protection of DNA, proteins and lipids from oxidative damage.
their highly sensitive lipoid structures,
shielding them from free-radical Daily Need
damage (oxidation) that leads to The current SA RDA for vitamin E is 10 mg -TE (tocopherol equivalents). The
cellular breakdown and disease. reference type, the d-alpha-tocopherol, is a natural form and has the highest activity.
The most common type of vitamin E used in the food industry is the dl-alpha-
tocopherol, a synthetic form. Synthetic forms are only slightly more than half as
active as the natural type.

Sources of Vitamin E
There are plenty of readily available plant food
sources containing natural vitamin E. Vegeta-
ble oils, nuts, seeds and their oils are high in
vitamin E, including safflower and corn oil,
almonds, sunflower seeds or oil, and hazelnuts.
Those allergic to nuts can consider dark green
vegetable sources, such as kale, spinach
and broccoli.

Type Source
Plant Vegetable oils,
nut and seed Vegetable Oil Hazelnuts
oils, hazelnuts,
sunflower seeds,
dark green
such as kale,
spinach and
Spinach Almonds

Education Vitamin E/ Vitamin K

Vitamin K
Vitamin K is
needed in the
synthesis of
proteins required for
Vitamin K is the name for a blood coagulation.
group of fat-soluble vitamins
necessary for normal blood
clotting and the synthesis
of proteins found in plasma,
bone and kidneys. The main
forms are phylloquinone
or phytomenadione (K1)
and the bacterial form
menachinone (K2).

Functions of Vitamin K
Vitamin K is needed in the synthesis of proteins required for blood coagulation, Vitamin K2
so it contributes to normal blood clotting. Vitamin K participates via synthesis of is usually
osteocalcin, a protein, in the control of bone calcification. produced
by bacteria in
Daily Need the human
Vitamin K2 is usually produced by bacteria in the human intestine, and dietary intestine.
deficiency is extremely rare (unless the intestines are seriously damaged).

Sources of Vitamin K
Vitamin K is found in spinach, lettuce, kale,
cabbage, cauliflower, wheat bran, offal,
cereals, some fruits, meats, dairy products
and eggs.

Type Source
Plant Spinach, lettuce,
kale, cabbage,
wheat bran,
cereals and
Cabbage Cauliflower Eggs
some fruits
Animal Offal, meats,
dairy products
and eggs

Lettuce Offal Wheat Bran

B vitamins
are water-soluble
and must therefore
be constantly
resupplied by

Vitamin B
the diet.

B vitamins are essential for B vitamins

RDA an astonishing array of life

functions, but their primary
can help you
acquire energy.

B1 1.4 mg task is to assist in the

B2 1.6 mg release of energy from
carbohydrates, fats and B vitamins
B6 2.0 mg proteins. There are 8
support the
energy yielding
B12 1.0 μg water-soluble vitamins metabolism
from the foods
belonging to this group, you eat.
which all act as co-enzymes.

Sources of B Vitamins In the cycle of energy production, B vitamins can help you get energy from the foods
you eat. With support for the normal function of the nervous system and optimal life
functions, you can stay alert and on the ball.
Type Source
Plant Bread, cereals, Daily Need
grains and leafy The current SA RDAs of the single vitamins in this group can be found in the table on
green page 4. For almost all demographic groups in Europe and South Africa the, supply
of folic acid in the normal diet is not enough to meet the RDAs. In addition, for many
Animal Liver, eggs, elderly persons, a sufficient supply of B12 and B6 is deemed critical.
milk and milk

Bread Eggs Cereals

Milk Liver Leafy Vegetables

Education Vitamin B

B vitamins are essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates into glucose,

which provides the energy you need. They are also used in the breakdown
of fats and proteins, support healthy red blood cells and the normal functioning
of the nervous system.
Sources of B Vitamins
Some of the foods that contain B vitamins are bread, cereals, grains, leafy green
vegetables, liver, milk, milk products and eggs. However, B vitamins are fragile and
can be destroyed by exposure to high temperatures, prolonged storage and food
preparation (washing, extensive cooking and ‘leaching’ into the cooking liquid).
The industrial processing of certain foods (for example, refining cereals like rice and
wheatmeal) can significantly diminish the B vitamin content.

Functions of B Vitamins
Function B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B9 B12 H
Nutrient metabolism • - • • • • • •
Nervous system • • • - • • • -
Skin, eyes, membranes - • • - • - - •
Gastrointestinal tract - - • - - - - -
Blood cells - - - • • • • -

Functions of B Vitamins

• Thiamine (B1) assists in the metabolism of carbohydrates into glucose for

energy, and is important for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

• Riboflavin (B2) helps with the maintenance of skin, mucous

membranes, eyes and nerve sheaths.

• Niacin (B3) contributes towards the maintenance of healthy skin and nerves.

• Pantothenic Acid contributes towards normal synthesis and the metabolism

of steroid hormones, vitamin D and some neurotransmitters.

• Pyridoxine (B6) is important for the metabolism of amino acids,

for the production of red blood cells, as well as nervous
tissue and skin.

• Folic Acid (B9) is involved in many functions, including cell

division in the nervous system, blood and body tissue.

• Cyanocobalamin (B12) helps with blood cell formation

and supports the proper functioning of the nervous system.

• Biotin (Vitamin H) is necessary for healthy metabolism and normal growth in

humans, and particularly contributes to the maintenance of normal hair and skin.
Biotin is discussed for its potential benefits for disorders such as baldness and
certain kinds of dermatitis, although there is no conclusive evidence yet.

Vitamin C
aids Iron

Vitamin C
Vitamin C, or ascorbic
RDA 60 mg acid, is probably the
most widely known Human beings
are one of only three
essential nutrient within mammal species
the classification that we that cannot produce
call vitamins. It is widely their own supply
of Vitamin C
associated with the
prevention and treatment
of common cold and
flu symptoms.

Sources of Vitamin C Functions of Vitamin C

Vitamin C has valuable antioxidant properties that help to protect against cell
oxidation caused by free radicals, and contributes towards the normal functioning
Only fruit and vegetables contain of the immune system, yet it is also an important multifunctional vitamin. Vitamin C
vitamin C in significant quantities,
reduces the effects of tiredness and fatigue and contributes towards healthy skin
though it is a vitamin often used
and the connective tissue in skin, muscles and organs. It also forms part of enzymes
for food fortification. Vitamin C can
and supports the iron-binding capacity of red blood cells.
be readily lost from foods during
preparation, cooking or storage, thus
storage times should be kept short Human beings are one of only three mammal species that cannot produce their
and soaking or storing in water is to own supply of vitamin C. Vitamin C is the human’s primary water-soluble antioxidant.
be avoided. It is absorbed by an active transport system located in the gut, and excreted through
the kidneys.
Good natural sources of vitamin C
are kiwis, citrus fruits, acerola Vitamin C also contributes to the regeneration of reduced forms of Vitamin E.
cherries, peppers and rose hips.

Type Source
Plant Acerola cherries,
kiwis, citrus
fruits, peppers
and rose hips
Other Fortified foods Citrus Fruits Sweet Peppers Acerola Cherries

Rose Hips Blueberries Kiwi Fruit

Education Vitamin C

Vitamin C contributes to the immune system’s response in fighting bacteria and

viruses. As it is water-soluble and surplus supply is ‘flushed out’ quickly, it has to
be constantly supplied via the diet.

Collagen is the most ubiquitous substance in the body because it is the most
abundant of the fibres contained in connective tissue. Vitamin C plays a vital
role in the formation of collagen. Without vitamin C, collagen formation is
disrupted, causing a wide variety of problems throughout the body.

Collagen is the adhesive that holds the body together. It is the tissue that
holds the muscles to the skeleton and binds the skin to the muscles, keeping
everything together. Collagen has a high tensile strength and is a rigid, fibrous
protein that is the principal constituent of connective tissue, including bones,
teeth, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin and blood vessels.

The very structure of the body depends on collagen, and the integrity of
collagen, in turn, depends on vitamin C (alongside other factors).

Immune System and Other Functions

Vitamin C assists the immune system in two of its primary functions; by
stimulating the production of white blood cells that attack foreign invaders, and
by boosting the body’s production of antibodies (proteins in the body that are
produced by cells as a reaction to infection).

Vitamin C aids iron absorption, especially from plant sources in the non-haeme
form (grains, dried beans, lentils, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds contain
non-haeme iron only).

Daily Need
The current SA RDA for vitamin C is 60 mg. Under specific such as a
hectic lifestyle or an infection setting in, increased vitamin C intake is often
recommended to boost immune response.

YOU Acerola
KNOW? cherries offer the highest
levels of vitamin C in
their unripe stage - 25
times greater than
oranges on
a weight-for-weight

Education Minerals
contributes to
normal muscle
and bone

Some dietary
factors can reduce
calcium uptake.

Calcium is the most

RDA 800 mg abundant mineral in the

body and one of the most
important. The body needs Bone is continuously
it to build and repair bones reforming, so
maintaining adequate
and teeth, help nerves calcium levels is
function, make muscles essential to promote
new bone formation.
contract and make blood

Almost 98% of the calcium in the average adult body is found in bone, while 1% is
Function of Calcium found in teeth, and the rest in blood, extracellular fluids and within cells, where it is
Within the bones and teeth, calcium supports a co-factor for a number of enzymes. Calcium promotes blood clotting by activating
their structure and sustains their functions. the protein fibrin and, along with magnesium, helps to regulate the heartbeat, muscle
Calcium is necessary for sending messages tone, muscle contraction and nerve activity.
through the nervous system.
Bone is continuously reforming, so an adequate Daily Need
calcium level is required for maintaining normal The current SA RDA for adults is 800 mg of calcium. A sufficient calcium intake
bone formation. The balance between bone in childhood and adolescence is generally regarded as one of the most important
breakdown and reforming changes as people age. factors for bone stability throughout a lifetime. Surveys in Europe and South Africa
During childhood, there is a higher amount of bone
formation and less breakdown. In adulthood, these show that at least in some regions, several demographic groups, including children
processes balance to relative equality. As we age, and adolescents, but also elderly persons, are at risk to marginal or deficient intake.
bone breakdown exceeds the rate of formation. Calcium intake over 2,500 mg per day is not recommended, unless prescribed by a
This can result in bone loss, which can increase doctor.
the risk of osteoporosis.

Sources of Calcium
Some dietary factors can reduce calcium up-
take, such as foods high in oxalic acid (spinach,
rhubarb, chocolate), which can interfere with
calcium absorption by forming insoluble salts
in the digestive organs. Phytates (phytic acid)
found in wholegrain products, foods rich in fibre,
excess caffeine from coffee, colas and tea may
also reduce the absorption of calcium and other

Yoghurt Chinese Cabbage Cheese

Type Source
Dairy Milk, yoghurt and
Plant Chinese cabbage,
broccoli and kale
Others Fortified foods such
as juice, dry cereals
and soy products
Broccoli Milk

Education Calcium/Magnesium

is the fourth most
abundant mineral

in the body and
works closely with

Magnesium is the fourth

most abundant mineral in
the body and works closely RDA 300 mg
with calcium, phosphorus
and other nutrients. Magnesium is
a busy mineral,
Approximately 65% of the performing more than
magnesium in the average 300 biochemical
adult body is found in bones functions.
and teeth, and the rest is
distributed between the
muscles, blood, body fluids,
organs and other tissue. Magnesium Functions
• Helps reduce tiredness and fatigue
Functions of Magnesium • Maintains nerve and muscle function,
Magnesium is involved in the synthesis of protein, and it is an important co-factor in including the heart muscle
many enzyme reactions in the body, some of which contribute to the production of • Maintains bone strength and teeth
energy. While calcium affects muscle contractions, magnesium balances that effect • Triggers energy metabolism
and relaxes muscles. • Contributes to normal cell division
• Takes part in the synthesis of proteins for
Daily Need the body to use
For adults, the established current SA RDA is 300 mg.

Sources of Magnesium
Wholegrain bread, rice and cereals, milk and
milk products, liver and some legumes (beans
and peas), nuts and green vegetables (such
as spinach) are good sources of magnesium.
Some drinking water may also contain
significant amounts.

Type Source
Rice Nuts Wholemeal Bread Plant Wholegrain
bread, rice and
cereals, nuts
and green
vegetables (such
as spinach)
Animal Liver, milk and
milk products

Spinach Milk

is involved in
the synthesis
of protein

Phosphorus is an essential
RDA 800 mg mineral, and the second
most abundant mineral in
the body, that makes up 1%
Phosphorus helps to
of the average body weight. mineralise and
Phosphorus is present in maintain the skeleton.
every cell in the body, but
85% of the total resides in
the bones and teeth.

Functions of Phosphorus
• Combines with calcium to contribute towards normal bones and teeth.
• Contributes towards a normal energy-yielding metabolism.
• As part of cell membranes and nucleic acids in genes,
it is important for cell growth, maintenance and repair.

Daily Need
The established SA RDA is 800 mg. Most people get enough
phosphorus in their diets; instances of too much phosphorus are rare.

Sources of Phosphorus
Phosphorus is present in almost all sources
in significant amounts. Rich sources are
meat, cheese and other dairy products,
wholegrain products and nuts.

Type Source
Plant Wholegrain
products and
Animal Meat, cheese
and other dairy Cheese Meat Nuts

Education Phosphorus/Sodium

Sodium helps to

regulate blood

Sodium is an essential mineral

and, together with chloride,
is known as table salt. Like
potassium, it acts as an
electrolyte and exerts similar
functions, but outside the
cells, in the extracellular fluids.

Functions of Sodium
• Helps to regulate blood pressure
• Involved in cell membrane transport systems Sources of Sodium
Table salt (sodium chloride) and salted
Daily Need
processed foods such as meats, cheese,
No EU or South African RDA has been established.
vegetables, fruits, baked goods, cereals and
An over-abundance of sodium in the body has been associated with high blood
condiments are the major sources of sodium.
pressure (hypertension) and fluid retention (oedema). It is easy to get too much
Low natural amounts of sodium are also
sodium, particularly in diets that are rich in processed foods. The mean daily sodium
contained in all plant and animal foods.
intakes of populations in Europe range from about 3-5 g (about 8-11 g of salt) and
are well in excess of dietary needs, which are estimated at between 0.6 g and 1.5 g
Sodium is naturally present in many food
per day. Intake of sodium by South Africans is even higher than it is in the EU.
sources, and is added as sodium chloride
(table salt) to many processed foods.
Electrolytes are substances that become ions in solution and acquire the capacity
to conduct electricity. A balance of the electrolytes in our bodies is essential for the
normal functioning of our cells and organs.

Electrolytes affect the amount of water in the body, blood pH, muscle action and
other important processes. The body loses electrolytes when sweating, and these Type Source
have to be restored via the diet. Natural All plant and
animal foods
(low amounts)
Processed Salted
foods such as
meats, cheese,
fruits, baked
goods and
Other Table salt
Salt Cheese Processed Meat chloride) and

is involved in
the synthesis
of protein
Potassium is

Potassium widespread
in all sorts of
Potassium is an essential mineral,
and in the body it acts as an
electrolyte, found inside the cells.
Potassium works closely together
with the 2 other electrolytes, Potassium is an
sodium and chloride. The body essential mineral,
loses electrolytes when sweating, and in the body
and these have to be restored via it acts as an
the diet. electrolyte.

Function of Potassium
• Contributes to normal muscle function
• Contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system
• Contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure

Sources of Potassium
Potassium is widespread in all sorts of food,
with the best sources being diverse sorts of
vegetables, but also fruits, fish, meat, milk
and milk products, as well as cereals.

Type Source
Animal Salmon, cod,
sardines and Salmon Cod Beef
Dairy Cow’s milk and
Plant Spinach,
bananas and
Yoghurt Potatoes Bananas

Education Potassium/Chloride

Chloride Chloride works

In addition to sodium, the closely together
other nutrient in salt, with the 2 other
electrolytes, sodium
chloride, is also essential and potassium.
for life. Chloride is the primary
anion (negative electrolyte)
found outside of cells and
in the blood.

Function of Chloride
Chloride is a necessary part of the hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach,
which is required to digest most foods.

Sources of Chloride
Most chloride is ingested via table salt, but
the mineral is present in smaller amounts in
most kinds of animal and plant-derived foods,
as well as drinks including water.

Type Source
All Table salt, most
kinds of animal
and plant-
derived foods
(small amounts)
and drinking

Fish Vegetables Cheese

Meat Table Salt Fruit

Iron is an essential
factor for the proper
functioning of
haemoglobin and
ensures the supply of

oxygen to the

Iron is an essential trace mineral and forms part of

RDA 14 mg many oxygen and electron transfer groups in the
body. Iron is most abundant in the blood.

Almost two-thirds of iron in the body is bound in

haemoglobin; smaller amounts of iron are found in
muscle myoglobin.

Function of Iron
Iron is an essential factor for the normal functioning of haemoglobin, a protein in the
red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to all tissues via the bloodstream
and ensures the supply of oxygen to muscles. Iron also contributes to the normal
energy yielding metabolism.
Natural Sources of Iron
Daily Need
Good sources of iron are red meat and meat
The SA RDA established for iron is 14 mg. European surveys indicate that some
products, liver, pulses, wholegrain bread and
groups have critical or below adequate amounts of iron in their diet. These groups
cereals and green leafy vegetables. There are
include the elderly, adolescent females and women of childbearing age. Excess iron
two forms of dietary iron:
intake can be toxic, advocating the strict supervision of iron supplements,
for children in particular.
• Haem iron, derived from haemoglobin,
is found in animal sources (meat).
• Non-haem iron is found in plant foods.

Haem iron is absorbed by the body better than

non-haem iron (with haem iron absorption at
about 20% compared to about 5% from plant
sourced non-haem iron). The body regulates
iron stores based on its need, by increasing its
absorption rate when stores
are low.

Type Source
Plant Wholegrain
Wholegrain Bread Green Leafy Vegetables Pulse Vegetables
bread and
cereals, green
leafy vegetables
and pulses
Animal Red meat, meat
products and

Cereals Liver Red Meat

Education Iron/Zinc

Zinc is
imperative to a

Zinc strong immune


Zinc is an essential trace

mineral present in almost
every cell of the body, but RDA 15 mg
the total amount stored is
The most
minimal and the majority potent natural
of it is found in bones, zinc source is
skin and hair. Similar to oysters.
magnesium, zinc interacts
with over 100 enzymes.

Functions of Zinc
Zinc specifically functions as part of, or an activator of, enzymes involved in the
metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, fat and nucleic acid. Functions
Zinc contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system. This is because • Supports the immune system
zinc leads to the development and activation of T-lymphocytes, a type of white • Supports normal growth and development
blood cell through adulthood
that fights infection. • Required for DNA synthesis

Daily Need
The current SA established RDA for zinc is 15 mg.

Sources of Zinc
Zinc is found in a wide variety of foods. The
most potent natural zinc source is oysters. In
fact, a serving of six oysters contains 100%
of the recommended daily intake, more than
any other food source.

Oysters Beef Pork Type Source

Animal Oysters, beef
and pork
Plant Whole grains
and nuts

Whole Grains Nuts

Copper is another essential
trace mineral, but it is less
easily explained than some Copper is found
other nutrients whose within several enzymes
functions can be readily and proteins that are
determined. Copper is found directly related to the
body’s assimilation
within several enzymes and of iron.
proteins that are directly
related to the body’s
assimilation of iron.

Functions of Copper
Sources of Copper Copper contributes towards the maintenance of normal connective tissue, the
normal functioning of the nervous system, normal hair and skin pigmentation and
iron transport in the body.
Type Source
Animal Oysters, fish, of-
fal and poultry
Plant Pulses,
products, nuts
and some green

Oysters Fish Poultry

Pulses Nuts Green Vegetables

Education Copper/Manganese

Manganese is
needed for bone

and cartilage

Manganese is a trace mineral.

Within the body, it is present in
several enzymes, and is a co-
factor for other enzymes. Manganese often
works in close
relationship with other
minerals, such as
copper and iron.

As with many trace minerals, the functions of manganese within the body are
complicated, and an ongoing subject of research in the medical and health Functions of Manganese
• Helps to protect cells from
oxidative stress
Functions of Manganese
• Activates enzymes for the metabolism
Manganese is needed for bone and cartilage formation and it also helps to activate
of carbohydrates and cholesterol
superoxide dismutase (SOD) – important for contributing to the protection of cells
• S upports the formation of healthy
from oxidative stress.
cartilage and bone

Excessive doses of manganese are currently suspected to have a negative impact

on the central nervous system. There is no safe upper total intake level set in the EU
and South Africa yet, but US food safety authorities set this upper limit at 11 mg.

Sources of Manganese

Type Source
Animal No significant
Plant Spinach, nuts
and legumes
Other Black and green
tea, oats and
whole grain
Spinach Nuts Black Tea

Green Tea Wholegrain Bread

Iodine is
a non-metallic trace
element and is unique
among trace minerals
in that it is an essential

component of specific

Iodine is a non-metallic trace

RDA 150 μg element, and is unique among the
necessary trace minerals in that it is an essential
component of specific hormones. Iodine is required
in the human body as part of the hormones produced
by the thyroid gland.
Functions of Iodine
The thyroid gland contains a high concentration of iodine. Thyroid cells
are the only cells in the body that can absorb iodine.

Thyroid tissue has the specific property of taking up iodine, storing it, and
subsequently releasing it in controlled amounts in the form of thyroid hormones.
Sources of Iodine Every cell in the body relies on thyroid hormones for the regulation of their
The iodine content of plants and animals is
determined by the environment in which they
If thyroid secretion is deficient, the basal metabolism falls, the circulation is reduced,
grow. Dairy products that are made from milk
and the whole tempo of life is slowed down. When iodine levels are not adequate,
produced by cows grazing in coastal soil, as
this entire hormonal process and system is compromised. Deficiency can cause
well as fruits and vegetables grown in coastal
a number of serious issues related to well-being at various stages, from prenatal
soil are sources of dietary iodine. Saltwater
development to adulthood.
fish, seafood and various vegetables from the
sea, such as kelp and seaweed, contain high
Effects of deficiency range from hypothyroidism to mental problems. Adult
amounts of iodine.
symptoms include goitre (an enlargement of the thyroid gland) and slower
response times.
However, as most soils contain little Iodine, most
foodstuffs are poor sources.
Daily Need
The current SA RDA establishes that all adults
In many EU countries the fortification of table The iodide
should consume 150 µg of iodine daily.
salt with iodine has become compulsory content of plants
over the last decade, in order to fight iodine
Unfortunately, iodine deficiency is still widespread,
and animals is
deficiency. This practice has shown significant
including some regions in Europe. There is however, a
determined by
improvements, but does not yet reach an
clear graduation in deficiency levels between the environment.
adequate supply status in the population.
those who live in coastal and those who live in inland
areas, as sea water contains a comparatively
high amount of iodine.
Type Source
Animal Most seafood,
particularly cod,
tuna and shrimp
Plant Seaweed and
Other Iodised salt

Cod Seaweed Shrimps

Education Iodine/Molybdenum

is widespread in

all food sources.

Molybdenum is an essential
trace element. It is part
of 3 enzymes that trigger
important chemical reactions.
Molybdenum is
Only minute quantities of an essential trace
molybdenum are required by element. It is part of 3
the body to perform these enzymes that trigger
critical functions. important chemical

Functions of Molybdenum
Sources of Molybdenum
• Acts as a co-factor for 3 enzyme systems Molybdenum is widespread in all food
• Catalyses the metabolism of sulphur containing amino acids, sources. Rich sources are pulses (beans,
which are important for the nervous system and brain lentils, peas), grains and nuts.

Type Source
Plant Pulses (beans,
lentils and peas)
Other Grains and nuts

Beans Peas Lentils

Whole Grains Nuts

Chromium Magnesium
Chromium is an essential trace involved in
Chromium is the
mineral that helps to support theofsynthesis
protein essential part
normal blood sugar levels in the of the glucose
body by regulating the amount tolerance factor.
of insulin produced.

Functions of Chromium
Chromium contributes to the
maintenance of normal blood glucose
levels. It works by optimising the
production and effects of insulin, which
is necessary to maintain the proper
Chromium is an
nutritional metabolism of carbohydrates
essential trace mineral
(a major energy source), proteins
that helps to support
(muscles) and fats (energy storage).
normal blood sugar
levels in the body.

Type Source
Animal Beef liver, eggs,
chicken and
Plant Tomatoes, Beef Liver Eggs Chicken
bananas, green
peppers and
wheat germ
Other Brewer’s yeast

Oysters Tomatoes Bananas

Education Chromium/Selenium

Participates in
the regeneration
of other


Selenium is a trace mineral that

is essential in small amounts,
but can be toxic in larger
doses. Selenium is part of Selenium is a
various enzymes that trace mineral
perform complex metabolic that is essential
and chemical functions. It also in small
contributes to the protection
of cells from oxidative stress

Functions of Selenium Sources of Selenium

• Works as part of the antioxidant enzymes that scavenge reactive oxygen
The selenium content of foods largely
species to protect the body’s cells
depends on the contentin the soil in
• Participates in the regeneration of other antioxidant systems
which the food or feed plants are grown.
• Aids in thyroid function by facilitating synthesis of T3 and T4 hormones
This content can vary significantly from
• Interacts with other nutrients that act as antioxidants
area to area.
• Contributes to normal spermatogenesis.

Type Source
Animal Meat (especially
pork or offal),
fish and eggs
Other Brazil nuts
and coconuts
(often grown in

Pork Fish Eggs

Brazil Nuts Coconuts

An excellent
is involved in
of high
of proteinespecially
soy beans, are an

excellent source of
high-quality plant

Protein is one of the major

nutrients in food, a so-called
macronutrient. Amino acids
are the organic compounds The quality of protein
that combine to form depends on its content
proteins. The human body of essential amino
requires protein as a source acids and their ratio
to each other
of amino acids and as a
source of energy.

Sources of Amino Acids Proteins consist of 20 major amino acids of which 8 are classified as essential,
whereas the rest can be synthesised in humans.
The quality of protein depends on its content
of essential amino acids and their ratio to Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body and must be supplied by
each other. In general, animal protein is of a food. These are: lysine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine,
higher quality than plant proteins, because the tryptophan and valine.
pattern of essential amino acids more closely
matches the pattern of human requirements. Functions of Proteins/Amino Acids
On the other hand, combinations of diverse Proteins, or rather the essential amino acids contained within them, are the building
sources of protein, both animal and plant blocks of human life, required for the growth and maintenance of all cell structures,
protein, can yield very high protein qualities as in all organs.
well. An excellent source of high-quality plant
protein is legumes, especially soybeans. Daily Need
Under normal circumstances, a protein supply of 0.8 - 1.0 g per kg of
bodyweight per day is regarded as sufficient in adults.

Sources of Protein
Type Source
Fish Eggs Soybeans
Animal Meat, fish and
Plant Soybeans and
other legumes,
potatoes and
Dairy Milk and cheese
Potatoes Milk Cheese

Education Protein/Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates provide
energy from a variety Simple
carbohydrates include
of staple foods such as sugars such as fruit
bread, potatoes, rice and sugar (fructose),
pasta. Carbohydrates corn or grape
come in a variety of forms. sugar (dextrose or
The most common and glucose),and table
sugar (sucrose).
abundant are sugars,
fibres and starches.

The basic building block of a carbohydrate is a sugar molecule, a simple union of

carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Starches and fibres are essentially simply chains of
sugar molecules.

Carbohydrates are grouped into two main categories. Simple carbohydrates include
sugars such as fruit sugar (fructose), corn or grape sugar (dextrose or glucose), and
table sugar (sucrose). Complex carbohydrates include everything made of three or
more linked sugars.

The digestive system handles all carbohydrates in a similar way – it works to attempt
to break them down into single sugar molecules, since only these are small enough
to be absorbed in the bloodstream. Glucose (also known as blood sugar), is used in
all cells as a universal energy source.

Fibre is an exception. It is put together in such a way that it cannot be broken down Sources of Carbohydrate
into sugar molecules, and so passes through the body, largely undigested.
Type Source
Complex Bran, wheatgerm,
barley, maize,
cornmeal, oatmeal,
potatoes, other
root vegetables,
wholemeal breads,
wholegrain cereals,
high fibre breakfast
Bran Buckwheat Corn
cereals, porridge
and oats
Simple Fruit sugar
(fructose), corn
or grape sugar
(dextrose or
glucose), and table
sugar (sucrose)

Potatoes Porridge Sugar

is involved in
the synthesis
There are two
of protein types of fibres that
are mainly found

in plant cell walls.

Dietary fibres are not

nutrients in the classical
sense, but have proven to
be of great importance for Fibres act to regulate
our well-being. They are digestion and gut
motility via their water-
composed of indigestible
binding capacity, and
complex plant carbohydrates. result in high volumes
of waste product

Sources of Fibre There are two types of fibres that are mainly found in plant cell walls:

Most plant foods contain both types of fibres, • insoluble fibres, such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
but they can be higher in one type or the • soluble fibres, such as gums, pectins and resistant starches.
other. Fruits and vegetables are generally an
equal mixture of both. Main Functions
Fibres act to regulate digestion and gut motility, via their water-binding capacity and
result in high volumes of waste product.

Daily Need
A total dietary intake of at least 25 g - 30 g per day is regarded as desirable.

Type Source
Soluble Oats, apples,
inulin (chicory),
Oats Blueberries Pears
pears and
Insoluble Wholegrain
products, all
brans and
some crude
like kale
Carrots Wholegrain

Education Fibres/Fats
Saturated fatty
acids are mostly
found in foods
of animal origin.

Fats are a group of chemical compounds
composed of fatty acids and glycerine. Fats
provide a convenient and concentrated source of
energy, and the body needs some fatty acids to
function properly. Nearly half of the dry weight of
the brain is fat, and a quarter of this is cholesterol.

Recently a new term has been added to the fat lexicon: trans-fatty acids. These are,
for example, by-products of partial hydrogenation, a process in which some of the
missing hydrogen atoms are put back into poly-unsaturated fats.

Fat is also required in the diet to enable the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K to
be absorbed from food, and for regulating body cholesterol metabolism. Fats that Fatty acids are molecules composed mostly of
are rich in polyunsaturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids do not promote the carbon and hydrogen atoms. Fatty acids differ
formation of artery-clogging fatty deposits the way saturated fats do. from one another by their number of carbons,
and the number of double-bonds between the
Saturated fatty acids are mostly found in foods of animal origin. Mono-unsaturated carbons:
and poly-unsaturated fatty acids are mostly found in foods of plant origin and
some seafoods. Only foods of animal origin contain cholesterol. Cholesterol is a • Saturated fatty acids have only single bonds
kind of ‘cousin’ of fat. Both fat and cholesterol belong to a larger family of chemical and are ‘saturated’ with hydrogen atoms
compounds called lipids. • Monounsaturated fatty acids have one
double bond and are missing one pair of
Cholesterol is used to build cell membranes and brain and nerve tissues. Cholesterol hydrogen atoms
also helps the body to produce steroid hormones needed for body regulation, • Polyunsaturated fatty acids have more than
including processing food and bile acids needed for digestion. one double bond and are missing more than
one pair of hydrogen atoms
The body can make enough cholesterol for its needs, therefore it is not necessary for
people to consume dietary cholesterol. One of the factors of high blood cholesterol
levels, which is thought to increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis, is a diet high
in cholesterol.

Essential Fatty Acids

These are poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)
that cannot be made in the body and must be
provided by the diet. The two major ones are
linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. Within
the body, both can be converted to other
PUFAs such as arachidonic acid (the precursor
for eicosanoid hormones), and to a limited
extent, to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Whole Grains Nuts Pork

is involved in
the synthesis
of protein

Omega 3 Fatty Acids

(EPA and DHA)
As components of fat, poly-
Omega 3 fatty
unsaturated fatty acids like omega acids are important
3 and omega 6 fatty acids, are structural
essential nutrients for humans. components of all cell
Omega 3 fatty acids are particularly membranes.
important structural components
of all cell membranes, which
influence their function.

Functions of Omega There are several omega 3 fatty acids, but the three major ones are EPA
(eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid).
3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are found almost exclusively in oily fish, whereas ALA is found in some
plant oils, however this is mostly in low amounts.
• EPA and DHA contribute to the normal
functioning of the heart
Functions of EPA and DHA
• DHA is important in retinal development
The functional properties of omega 3 fatty acids are of major importance to the
cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems.

Daily Need
Under normal conditions, a total intake of 1 g of omega 3 fatty acids per day from all
sources is believed to be sufficient. While the total fat intake is too high on average
in Europe and in South Africa, the intake of omega 3 fatty acids is estimated to be
too low, leading to an unfavourable ratio between saturated, monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

Sources of Omega 3
fatty acids
A good source of EPA and DHA are fish,
especially those rich in fat.

Type Source
Fish Salmon Tuna
Animal Fish, especially
eel, herring,
haddock and
Plant Linseed,
seeds, walnut,
rapeseed and Linseed Pumpkin Seeds
soybean oils

Education Omega 3 Fatty Acids/Omega 6 Fatty Acids

Omega 6 Fatty Acids

(Linoleic Acid and CLA)
Linoleic acid is the primary omega
6 fatty acid. The body converts
linoleic acid into gamma linolenic Conjugated Linoleic
acid (GLA), which will later be Acid (CLA) is a
synthesised, along with EPA variant form of the
from the omega-3 group, into primary omega 6
eicosanoid hormones (localised fatty acid.
tissue hormones).

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a variant form of the primary

omega 6 fatty acid.
Sources of CLA
CLA is a naturally occurring fatty acid in
the fat fraction of meat and dairy products

Type Source
Natural meat and dairy

Beef Liver Eggs

Peanuts Soybeans

is involved in
the synthesis
of protein

Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 is a
vitamin-like substance
found in all of the Natural sources
of Coenzyme Q10
body’s cells. include certain
types of fish, meat,
vegetables, peanuts
and grains.

Sources of Organs with the highest energy needs, such as the heart, liver and kidneys contain
the highest natural concentration of this substance. However, as we age, the natural
Coenzyme Q10 concentration of coenzyme Q10 in our bodies gradually decreases.
Natural sources of coenzyme Q10 include
certain types of fish, meat, vegetables,
peanuts and grains.

Type Source
Fish Mackerel and
Meat Pork, beef and
Plant/Other Spinach,
broccoli, eggs,
peanuts and
whole grains

Pork Beef Spinach

Broccoli Eggs Peanuts

Education Coenzyme Q10/Lecithin

Lecithin is a phospholipid
that acts as a natural
emulsifier of fatty
substances. Lecithin is also Sources of lecithin
are egg yolk, beef,
a good source of choline, peanuts, legumes
sometimes referred to as a and soybeans.
B vitamin, and linoleic acid,
an essential fatty acid.

Lecithin is an extremely important substance because it is present in nearly

every cell in the body. Sources of lecithin are egg yolk, beef, peanuts, legumes
Sources of Lecithin
and soybeans.
Type Source
Animal Egg yolk, beef
liver and beef
Plant Peanuts,
legumes and

Egg Yolks Beef Liver Beef Steak

Peanuts Soybeans Green Vegetables

Education Phytonutrients
is involved in
the synthesis
of protein

Concentrates from whole plants are an important part
of NUTRILITE™ supplements for one simple reason –
the body’s nutritional requirements are not based on
single nutrients.

Nutrition the Way Nature Intended

The crucial role of fresh plants in human nutrition is undisputed. Hundreds of
research studies around the world show that diets that are rich in plants lead to
increased health benefits.

Scientists do not yet fully understand exactly how plants support good well-being,
but they do know that it is at least partly due to the thousands of plant chemicals or
compounds supplied in a plant-rich diet. In the scientific world, the plant chemicals
beyond vitamins and minerals are referred to as phytonutrients.

Scientists and researchers working with NUTRILITE™ products carefully identify and
quantify phytonutrients, with the goal of finding those compounds that will offer the
most beneficial concentrates for human well-being. Using a technique known as
chromatography, our scientists can detect and measure the presence of vitamins,
minerals and other chemical compounds.

Different plant varieties produce different kinds of phytonutrients. The level of

phytonutrients within any given plant will vary depending on the species, soil
conditions, time of harvest and a host of other environmental factors. Our tests show
that if plants and fruits are harvested and processed within two to four hours, it is still
possible to capture their ultimate nutritional value for the highest quality concentrates.

Through careful processing, raw plants are dehydrated and concentrated into a
fine powder (called a concentrate) that contains the plant’s natural nutrients and
phytochemicals, without the water. Although each NUTRILITE™ concentrate
is unique, they all share a common beginning as a nutrient-rich plant.
These concentrates are added to many NUTRILITE™ products because
they provide a wide spectrum of phytonutrients.

The special NUTRILITE™ concentration

process preserves these nutrients, The NUTRILITE™ brand
keeping the nutritional value and essential creates nutritional
phytonutrients that others may throw away. concentrates with
phytonutrients from whole
foods because we believe
that this is nutrition the way
nature intended.

Hundreds of research
studies around the
world has show that
diets that are rich
in plants lead to
increased benefits to
our well-being.

Examples of Phytonutrients
Phytonutrient Source

Lycopene a carotenoid compound Tomatoes

Ellagic acid a polyphenol compound Many fruits

Hesperidin a citrus bioflavonoid Citrus fruits

EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) Green tea

an antioxidant polyphenol

Education Carotenoids

We see carotenoids every day in the bright orange-
red colours of many plant foods. They are fat-soluble
phytonutrients, originally used as colourings and
now known as nutrients such as the precursors of
vitamin A and antioxidants. A few of the major
ones are beta-carotene, alphacarotene, lutein,
zeaxanthin and lycopene.

Functions of Carotenoids
Oxidative damage resulting from free-radical attack has been linked to the onset of
premature ageing, age-related macular degeneration and other conditions.

Sources of Carotenoids What is a free radical?

All coloured fruit and vegetables 1. While oxygen is absolutely essential to life, it can also be damaging. Free radicals
are good sources of carotenoids, are oxygen molecules in our body that have been oxidised (damaged) by
but as fat-soluble substances, sunlight, smoke, pollution, stress and even just everyday eating and breathing.
their absorption is largely
dependent on their preparation 2. Free-radical molecules are missing one of the eight electrons they are supposed
with oils or fats. to have and are out of balance. They ‘steal’ electrons from other molecules,
thereby creating more free radicals. These donor molecules not only become
damaged as a result, but can also become free radicals themselves. This
oxidative stress chain reaction has the potential to damage every cell in our body,
and even our DNA. Over time, this damage can permanently affect our cells’
ability to recover; our skin ages prematurely and we become more vulnerable to

3. Antioxidants are molecules with an ‘extra’ electron.

4. They neutralise free radicals by donating that extra electron, thereby turning them
back into normal oxygen molecules.

Daily Need
There are only estimates on the recommended daily intake of beta carotene, which
range between 2 mg and 4 mg per day. Excessive intake (over 20 mg/day) of beta
carotene over long time spans are not recommended.

1. Stable oxygen
atom: 8 electrons

2. Oxygen atom loses one

electron due to oxidation:
free radical

3. Antioxidant:
has one available

4. Donated electron
neutralises the
free radical

Polyphenols are classed in subcategories, which consist of bioflavonoids (the most
abundant group), phenolic acids, stilbenes and lignins. Several thousand flavonoids
have been identified, which provide much of the flavour and colour in fruits, vegetables,
berries and flowers. Vegetables, fruits and green tea are good sources of polyphenols.

Sources of Polyphenols
Type: Plant. Sources: Cranberries, red grapes, dark chocolate, green tea and some

The phytonutrient lutein is another member of the
carotenoid family and is a natural pigment found in a
number of plant sources.
Lutein can be found in collard greens, kale, spinach and egg yolk.

Sources of Lutein
Type: Plant. Sources: Collard greens, kale and spinach
Type: Animal. Source: Egg yolk

The phytonutrient zeaxanthin is a rarer chemical
cousin of the carotenoid lutein, but is actually quite
different in molecular structure.
The eyes are repositories for carotenoids, with lutein and zeaxanthin being
concentrated in the retina and lens.

Sources of Zeaxanthin
Type: Plant. Sources: Collard greens, kale and spinach
Type: Animal. Source: Egg yolk

Education Phytonutrients

The phytonutrient lycopene is an open-chain
unsaturated carotenoid (natural pigment) compound.

Sources of Lycopene
Type: Plant. Sources: Tomatoes and tomato-based products

Ellagic Acid
Ellagic acid is known as a phenolic compound,
or polyphenol.
The best natural source of ellagic acid is raspberries, but it is also found in
strawberries, kiwis, cranberries, walnuts, pecans and pomegranates.

Sources of Ellagic Acid

Type: Plant. Sources: Raspberries, strawberries, kiwis, cranberries, walnuts, pecans
and pomegranates

The phytonutrient hesperidin is a flavonoid found
abundantly in citrus fruits, and is the predominant
flavonoid in both lemons and oranges.
The peel and membranous parts of these fruits have the highest hesperidin

Sources of Hesperidin
Type: Plant. Sources: Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit
(especially in the rind, pulp and skin)

EGCG (epigallocatechin-gallate) is
a component of green tea, EGCG is a
form of
which is chemically categorised antioxidant.
as a polyphenol catechin.

Bilberry has been valued for centuries as a
nutritious food as well as a wild edible delicacy.
The antioxidant anthocyanosides in bilberry help to maintain normal retinal
functions in the eye. It can also help to stabilise collagen and strengthen the the vision
and focusing function. Bilberry contains many different phenolic compounds that have
antioxidative properties.

Garlic has been used throughout history as a herbal
panacea, and current research confirms its role as
being beneficial to human well-being.
Garlic is thought to strengthen the constitution and improve resistance.

As a growing herb, garlic has an excellent, albeit smelly, natural anti-microbial ability to
disable an unusually wide variety of infectious organisms (for example, soil parasites
and plant fungi). It is believed that when taken as a supplement, this natural defence
can play a role in helping to improve the body’s resistance.

Education Herbals

Ginseng (Siberian)
There are 3 types of ginseng: American, Asian and Siberian. Each of these has
similar properties, however Siberian ginseng is not from the same botanical family
as the American and Asian varieties.

It has been suggested that Ginseng can restore memory, enhance concentration
and improve cognitive abilities.

The concentration
facilities at Lakeview
process up to 700,000 kg
(1,540,000 pounds)
of fresh plant material
per year.

Caffeine Magnesium
is involved in
the synthesis
Caffeine is most
of protein
commonly consumed
Caffeine is a central nervous via infusions extracted
system and metabolic stimulant, from the beans of the
which assists in maintaining coffee plant.
mental well-being and
contributes towards physical and
mental stimulation. It acts as an
invigorating agent during periods
of physical and mental stress.
Beverages containing caffeine,
such as coffee, tea, soft drinks
and energy drinks enjoy great
Sources of Caffeine
Roasted coffee beans are the world’s primary Functions of Caffeine
source of caffeine. Caffeine is used recreationally and when unusual weakness or drowsiness occurs,
as it helps to restore mental alertness.

Type Source Daily Need

Plant Found in varying The precise amount of caffeine necessary to produce the desired effect varies from
quantities in the person to person, depending on their size and degree of tolerance to caffeine. It
beans, leaves takes less than an hour for caffeine to begin affecting the body and a mild dose
and fruit of over wears off in three to four hours.
60 plants
It is most commonly consumed via infusions extracted from the beans of the coffee
plant and the leaves of the tea bush, as well as from various foods and drinks
containing products derived from cocoa of the kola nut.


Coffee Beans

Education Caffeine/L-carnitine

L-carnitine transfers
fatty acids across the
membranes of cells, where
Carnitine is stored
they can be utilised as primarily in the skeletal
sources of energy. muscles and heart,
where it is needed to
transform fatty acids
into energy.

Function of L-carnitine
Carnitine is stored primarily in the skeletal muscles and heart, where it is needed Sources of L-carnitine
to transform fatty acids into energy for muscular activity. It is also concentrated in
The highest concentrations of carnitine are
sperm and the brain.
found in red meat and dairy products. Other
natural sources of carnitine include nuts and
L-carnitine transfers long-chain fatty acids, derived from triglycerides into
seeds, legumes and pulses, vegetables, fruits
mitochondria (a cell’s energy powerhouse), where they may be oxidised to
and cereals.
produce energy.

Type Source
Animal Beef, pork, lamb
and bacon
Plant Nuts, seeds,
legumes, lentils,
apricots, banan-
as, asparagus,
bread, cereals
and rice
Dairy Cheese, eggs
and milk

Beef Bacon Lentils

Apricots Asparagus Broccoli

Education Basic Supplementation

Basic Supplementation
“If you eat a well-balanced diet and do physical A Good Start
A multivitamin/multimineral supplement,
exercise, you do not need food supplements.” such as NUTRILITE™ Daily, NUTRILITE™
DOUBLE X™ Multivitamin/Multimineral/
This is a valid statement, but might not be an adequate recommendation for Phytonutrient Food Supplement, or
all people of all ages with differing nutritional needs. For many people, food NUTRILITE™ Chewable Multivitamin, can
supplements can provide nutritional support for a balanced diet. be a good start for beginning the day with
a trusted, solid foundation of important
It is important to eat regularly and balance your food choices in the right vitamins and minerals, and provide a boost
proportions. However, in a modern, fast-paced lifestyle, we often have to towards good, balanced nutrition.
negotiate daily challenges and interactions that distract us from planning and
eating a well-balanced diet. Following on from the multivitamins/
multiminerals, NUTRILITE™ products
The food we eat and the exercise we do can have a huge impact on our future well- include Omega-3 Complex and Calcium
being. Adopting a healthy lifestyle can contribute towards achieving and Magnesium supplements which, together
maintaining our body’s optimum well-being and may reduce our risk of developing with a multivitamin such as NUTRILITE™
lifestyle-related ailments. Daily, may represent a comprehensive
supplementation programme.
Good nutrition supports both optimal well-being and an increased capacity for
physical and mental activity. Consider these five principles to get the best To complement the basic supplementation
out of your body: plan, NUTRILITE™ Concentrated Fruits and
Vegetables has been specifically formulated
• Good nutrition • Avoid harmful factors to provide a broad base of NUTRILITE™
• Regular exercise • Adequate rest Concentrates, in addition to selected
• Positive attitude phytonutrients from fruits and vegetables.

The NUTRILITE™ brand also offers a wide

range of products that protect cells from
Applying these principles will lead to oxidative stress and include other nutrients
long-term benefits as your well-being can be such as Natural Multi Carotene, Lecithin
E, Vitamin B Complex, Omega-3 Complex
optimised over time. and many more to suit individual lifestyles,
lifestages and food choices.
“…the world is also seeing
a dramatic increase in
other forms of malnutrition
characterised by obesity and
the long-term implications
of unbalanced dietary and
lifestyle practices...”


Vitamins & NUTRILITE™


P.70 P.76




P.81 P.83 P.84 P.85

P.88 P.89 P.90 P.91 P.92 P.93

Children & CHEWABLE C






P.99 P.101




CLA 500




Lifestyle RHODIOLA 110



Vitamins and Supplements
While there is no substitute for a healthy, balanced diet, multivitamins can offer a
type of nutritional ‘back-up’, helping you to feel that you are supplying your body
with key nutrients during times when your daily diet is perhaps not sufficient.

Multivitamins can provide a supplementary source of nutrition for those who

do not generally consume a wide variety of foods, including a regular intake of
fruits and vegetables. Multivitamins can help to supply the body with measured
levels of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional elements that may be missing
from your regular diet.

Multivitamins are also considered

a useful tool for those with special
nutritional needs. Older people,
pregnant women and those with
other specific conditions may benefit
from an additional intake of certain
vitamins and minerals. In addition,
those on restrictive diets may choose
to take a multivitamin supplement,
as they may not be able to obtain all
of the nutrition they need from food

Discover the Optimal You Multivitamins

The NUTRILITE™ brand offers two multivitamin/multimineral products

that cover different nutritional requirements:

• NUTRILITE™ Daily offers a basic level of nutrients to give you the

everyday confidence of knowing that you are taking good care of yourself.

• NUTRILITE™ DOUBLE X™ Multivitamin/Multimineral/ The multivitamin/multimineral

Phytonutrient Food Supplement is an advanced supplements NUTRILITE™ Daily
formulation for delivering enhanced nutritional
support when the demands on your
body are even higher.
trusted and solid foundations for
the intake of important vitamins
and minerals, providing a boost
towards well-balanced nutrition.

Your Body’s Choice We all know that a healthy diet consists of a large
Whether it is lifestyle, age, diet, physical strain, mental exertion, or a change in seasons, portion of varied fruits and vegetables every day,
there are many things that influence the overall condition of the body. Depending on as the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients found
your own, individual circumstances, you may choose to take NUTRILITE™ Daily as a in these foods provide the foundation for good
supplement foundation to cover the basic levels of nutrients, or NUTRILITE™ DOUBLE well-being and an active body. However, in today’s
X™ to deliver enhanced nutritional support. fast-paced world, it’s difficult to eat the variety of
foods needed to obtain these essential nutrients.
This means that you can always select the right dose of nutrients tailored to your needs
– whatever your phase of life demands from you.

Nature’s Wonder: Phytonutrients

Scientists agree that fresh, whole plants are crucial in human nutrition, at least partly due
to the thousands of plant chemicals or compounds supplied in a plant-rich diet. These
powerful compounds, known as phytonutrients, help to naturally protect the body.
Phytonutrients achieve this by stimulating vitamins to release their full potential, boosting
their effects and promoting good well-being.

Nature’s Power-Packed Nutrients

NUTRILITE™ Daily contains vitamins, minerals and carefully selected plant concentrates
from carrots, spinach, watercress, alfalfa, acerola cherry and parsley.

NUTRILITE™ DOUBLE X™ provides a high-dose formulation of vitamins, minerals and

phytonutrients. It contains concentrates sourced from 23 plants, which provide a special
mix of phytonutrients.

While food supplements are no substitute for a

healthy and well-balanced diet, they may help
to provide some important missing nutrients
and can help on the journey towards optimal
™ ™ Education Vitamin C

Multimineral/Phytonutrient Food Supplement

31 days’ supply in a 3-cell tray / 62 days’ supply as a refill
The ULTIMATE Multivitamin/Multimineral/ This advanced formulation has been With a pleasantly fresh, herbal aroma,
Phytonutrient Food Supplement - a developed to deliver enhanced nutritional DOUBLE X™ Food Supplement contains
dynamic blend of essential vitamins, support when there are greater demands vitamins, minerals and carefully selected
minerals, phytonutrients and on your body and you require even plant concentrates sourced from
concentrates. more nutrients. 23 plants, to provide a dynamic mix
of phytonutrients.


The FIRST product launched by the NUTRILITE™ brand and
remains the cornerstone of our portfolio for optimal well-being

One of the MOST COMPLETE blends of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients at effective levels

The ONLY multivitamin with concentrates sourced from 23 plants

Order no.
102687 31 days’ supply in a 3-cell tray (RoI)
103377 62 days’ supply as refill

Vitamins & Supplements

Key Features
• C
 ontains concentrates of naturally-derived plant materials
from 23 different fruits, vegetables and plants
• T
 he essential vitamins, minerals and concentrates found in the
NUTRILITE™ DOUBLE X™ Food Supplement work together to help
defend the body against oxidative stress caused by free radicals
• T
 aken twice per day, it maintains consistent optimum nutrient levels
in the blood throughout the day
• M
 any plant ingredients used in this product have been grown and harvested
on NUTRILITE™ farms
• T
 his product includes fresh, premium plant concentrates,
tested and selected for specific biological activity
• T
 he wide spectrum of phytonutrients found in the plant concentrates in
this product are those considered beneficial to human well-being
• T
 his food supplement is formulated to deliver nutritional support
for those who lead busy lifestyles
• Provides a solid foundation for any supplement programme
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added

Potential Users
• Those who place greater demands on their body and require even more nutrients
• T
 hose who lead busy lifestyles yet also wish to maintain support for optimal
levels of essential nutrients throughout the day
• T
 hose who frequently consume highly processed foods or foods that have
been stored for extended periods, thus reducing their freshness
• T
 hose who do not regularly eat (or lack the time or the appetite to eat)
adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables and whole grains on a daily basis
• Those who wish to supplement their diet without artificial flavours, colours or preservatives

NUTRILITE™ DOUBLE X™ Multivitamin/
Multimineral/Phytonutrient Food Supplement
31 days’ supply in a 3-cell tray / 62 days’ supply as refill

Recommended Dosage
Nutritional Information
• T
 his product comes in a three-tablet format
Vitamin tablets (4 per day) SA: (102687/ 103377)
(vitamin, mineral and phytonutrient)
• T
 o maintain consistent nutrient levels in the blood, it is
Average content Per day %RDA SA*
recommended that two vitamin, one mineral and one
Beta carotene 4,8 mg
phytonutrient tablets are taken twice per day
Vitamin A 800 μg RE 100
Vitamin D 5 μg 100
Dietary Information
Vitamin E 10 mg -TE 83
• S
 uitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates Vitamin B1 1,4 mg 127
and calories is negligible)
Vitamin B2 1,6 mg 114
• Suitable for vegetarians Niacin 18 mg 113
• N
 ot suitable for vegans Pantothenic acid 6 mg 100
(contains Vitamin D derived from lanolin) Vitamin B6 2 mg 143
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added Folic acid 200 μg 100

• Gluten-free Vitamin B12 1 μg 40

Biotin 150 μg 300
Vitamin C 60 mg 75

Mineral tablets (2 per day) SA: (102687/ 103377)

Average content Per day %RDA*
Calcium 800 mg 100

Magnesium 300 mg 80

Iron 10 mg 71

Copper 1000 μg 100

Iodine 150 μg 100

Zinc 15 mg 150

Manganese 1 mg 50

Selenium 55 μg 100

Chromium 40 μg 100

Molybdenum 50 μg 100

* % of Recommended Daily Allowance

Phytonutrient tablets (2 per day) SA: (102687/ 103377)

Average content Per day
Lutein / Luteína 1 mg

Lycopene / Licopeno 1 mg
Vitamins & Supplements

Contains concentrates of

GRAPE SKIN WATERCRESS Keep out of the reach of children. This product is
no a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the
recommended daily dose. Do not accept this package if the
GRAPEFRUIT seal is broken. This product contains vitamin A. Do not take
if you are pregnant or likely to become pregnant, except on
HORSERADISH medical advice. Store in a cool, dry place.

KALE This product contains iron which, if taken in excess, may

be harmful to very young children. Keep out of their sight
and reach.

VITAMIN TABLETS: SA (102687/ 103377):

MINERAL TABLETS: SA (102687/ 103377):




60 tablets
NUTRILITE™ Daily contains Taken just once a day, this product may be missing from the regular diet.
essential vitamins and minerals at basic provides a broad nutritional coverage This product also contains nutrients
levels to give you the confidence of and balance of essential vitamins beyond just vitamins and minerals from
knowing that you are taking good care of and minerals, together with valuable premium NUTRILITE™ plant-derived
yourself. phytonutrients. concentrates.

NUTRILITE™ Daily is specially formulated

to provide a supplementary source of
those vitamins and minerals that help to
meet daily nutritional requirements and

Nutritional Information
Per day
Average content %RDA*
(1 tablet)

Vitamin A 748 μg RE 74.8

Vitamin D 2.5 μg 50
Vitamin E 10 mg α-TE 100
Vitamin C 80 mg 133
Thiamin (B1) 2.6 mg 186
Riboflavin (B2) 3.2 mg 229
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 3.2 mg 200
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 5 μg 500
Niacin (B3) 20 mg NE 111
Pantothenic Acid 8 mg 133
Calcium 200 mg 25
Phosphorus 125 mg 16
Iodine 120 μg 80
Iron 14 mg 100
Magnesium 100 mg 33
Copper 1 mg -
Zinc 14 mg 93
Order no.
Manganese 1 mg -
109022 30 Tablets Recommended dosage:
* % of Recommended Daily Allowance
One tablet daily

Contains plant concentrates Advisory

Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a
substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended

from 6 plants
daily dose. Keep container tightly sealed. Store in a cool,
dry place.

This product contains iron which, if taken in excess, may be

harmful to very young children. Keep out of their sight and

Vitamins & Supplements

Key Features Contains concentrates of

• P rovides a once-a-day, convenient solution to the nutrient gap that
may result from a modern lifestyle and can lead to poor food choices ACEROLA CHERRY
• Provides a broad nutritional coverage and balance of essential vitamins and minerals PARSLEY
• Contains phytonutrients found in the plant concentrates
• Provides a basic foundation for any supplement programme ALFALFA
• Some of the ingredients used in this product have been grown
and harvested on NUTRILITE™ farms CARROT
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added SPINACH
Potential Users WATERCRESS
• T hose who need to cover basic nutritional requirements yet
don’t always have the time to eat right
• Those who have a diet that is less than adequate,
because it is likely to be deficient in several nutrients
• Those wishing to supplement their diet without artificial flavours,
colours or preservatives

Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates
and kilojoules is negligible)
• Gluten-free

Mineral Sticks Magnesium
Exclusively from 30 Sticks
Whether you’re working, exercising or Everything we do involves our muscles
relaxing, magnesium helps contribute to and nervous system, so it’s important to
the normal functioning of muscles and keep them functioning normally with a
nerves. It can also help reduce tiredness. regular intake of magnesium.
The new lemon-flavoured AMWAY™
Mineral Sticks Magnesium offer a
convenient means of administering your
daily dose of this vital mineral.

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (1 stick) % RDA*
Magnesium 375mg 125

*% of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• One stick provides 375mg of magnesium
• Each pack contains 30 sticks
• Fruity, granular formula can be taken without water - ideal for those on the go
• Contemporary packaging
• Refreshing lemon flavour
• Melt-in-the-mouth action makes it easy to swallow, even for people
who experience difficulty taking tablets
• 30-pack size is ideal for handing out samples, particularly at local sports events
• Great door-opener for introducing well-being products
• Fits neatly into handbags, pockets or sports bags Order no.
116646 30 Sticks
Potential Users
• Perfect for sportsmen/women and other active people
• Busy folk with demanding, stressful lives Recommended dosage
• Adults over 60
• People suffering from fatigue and lack of energy Take one AMWAY™ Mineral
• All women Stick Magnesium daily,
at any time.
Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics
• Suitable for vegetarians
• Suitable for vegans
• Gluten-free
• Soy-free

Ingredients Advisory
SORBITOL, MAGNESIUM OXIDE, CITRIC ACID, CARBOXYLMETHYL Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a substitute for a varied diet; indeed a
CELLULOSE, FLAVOUR (LEMON), MAGNESIUM SALTS OF FATTY ACIDS, balanced and varied diet and healthy lifestyle are all important. Do not exceed the recom-
SUCRALOSE mended daily dose. Store in a cool, dry place. Excessive consumption may produce laxative

Mineral Sticks Zinc Vitamins & Supplements

Exclusively from 30 Sticks

Zinc contributes to the normal functioning
of the immune system. It’s also great for
the maintenance of normal skin, hair and
nails. The new tangy AMWAY™ Mineral
Sticks Zinc offer a convenient means
administering your daily dose of this
important mineral.

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (1 stick) % RDA*
Zinc 10mg 67

*% of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• Convenient granules dissolve in the mouth without water - ideal for those
on the go
• Provides 10mg of zinc
• Handy pack size containing 30 sticks
• Contributes to the maintenance of normal skin
• Easy to swallow and ideal for people who find taking tablets difficult
• Easily slips into handbags or pockets
• Make great giveaways for new customers
• Tangy orange/lemon flavour
Order no.
116982 30 Sticks
Potential Users
• Good for vegetarians
• People wanting to maintain normal skin Recommended dosage:
• Useful supplement for those with busy, demanding lifestyles
Take one AMWAY™
Dietary Information Mineral Stick Zinc every
• Suitable for diabetics day, at any time.
• Suitable for vegetarians
• Suitable for vegans
• Gluten-free
• Soy-free

Ingredients Advisory
SORBITOL, ZINC CITRATE, CITRIC ACID, FLAVOUR (ORANGE), Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a substitute for a varied diet; indeed a
MAGNESIUM SALTS OF FATTY ACIDS, SUCRALOSE balanced and varied diet and healthy lifestyle are all important. Do not exceed the recom-
mended daily dose. Store in a cool, dry place. Excessive consumption may produce laxative

Vitamins & Supplements
In an ideal world, our regular diet would supply all the nutrients we need.

Today’s lifestyle often doesn’t leave enough time for a truly nourishing diet, as we
tend to simply skip solid meals and fresh food in favour of convenience products.
Constraints on our time therefore often lead to a diet that is poor in nutrients.

Food supplements are a good additional source of missing nutrients, which

can help to achieve a balanced diet and general well-being. That’s why we
developed NUTRILITE™ vitamins and supplements.

NUTRILITE Natural ™ Vitamins & Supplements

Multi Carotene 90 Capsules

NUTRILITE™ Natural Multi Carotene is These capsules contain a special This complex contains mainly
a food supplement with a carotenoid carotenoid complex from three betacarotene, alpha-carotene,
mixture from naturally-derived sources. naturally-derived sources: dunaliella lutein and zeaxanthin, a complex of
salina algae, palm oil and tagetes carotenoids similar to what is found in a
erecta. mixture of various fruits and vegetables.

Nutritional Information
per 1 per 2 per 3
Average content
capsule capsules capsules

Beta-carotene 4.25 mg 8.50 mg 12.75 mg

Alpha-carotene 1.1 mg 2.2 mg 3.3 mg

Lutein 1.2 mg 2.4 mg 3.6 mg

Key Features
• Provides carotenoids similar to the mix found naturally in fruits and vegetables
• Provides lutein
• Provides a source of vitamin A (beta carotene is also called provitamin A)
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added

Potential Users
• T hose who are interested in increasing their antioxidant protection against free-radical
damage, for example people who lead stressful lives or live in areas with high pollution
• Anyone who wishes to supplement their diet without artificial flavours, colours
Order no.
or preservatives
109538 90 Capsules
Dietary Information
• S uitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules are negligible)
• Gluten-free
Recommended dosage:
Take one to three
capsules daily,
preferably with meals.

Ingredients Advisory
VEGETABLE OILS (contains soy), GELATIN, Keep out of the reach of children. This product is
HUMECTANT: GLYCERINE, STABILISER: not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the
YELLOW BEESWAX, EMULSIFIER: LECITHIN recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed.
(from soy), COLOURANT (CAUSTIC SULPHITE Smokers should consult their medical practitioner before
CARAMEL), NATURAL MIXED CAROTENOIDS taking betacarotene supplements. Store in a
(1,1%), MARIGOLD EXTRACT, LUTEIN (from cool, dry place.
marigold), ZEAXANTHIN (from marigold)

60 Tablets
NUTRILITE™ Selenium E contains two
essential nutrients from natural sources:
selenium bound in yeast and vitamin
E from vegetable oil. Selenium and
vitamin E help as antioxidants to protect
cells from free radicals. Additionally a
varied and balanced diet and a healthy
lifestyle are of general importance.

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (1 tablet) %SA RDA*

Selenium 50 µg 91
Vitamin E 30 mg 250

* % of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• Contains 50 µ selenium and 30 mg vitamin E
• Selenium bound in natural yeast and vitamin E derived from natural vegetable oils
• NUTRILITE™ Parsley Concentrate
• No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added

Potential Users
• Anyone who has low amounts of vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, wheat germ
and soybeans in his/her diet
• Anyone who smokes, exercises, eats deep-fried fatty foods, suntans, drinks
Order no.
alcohol and/or diets often
• Anyone who may not be meeting the body’s requirements for vitamin E 5970 60 Tablets
• Anyone who is interested in increasing his/her antioxidant protection

Dietary Information Recommended dosage:

• Suitable for diabetics
• Gluten-Free Take one tablet per day,
preferably with meals.

Contains concentrates of

Ingredients Advisory
(9%), CORN STARCH, ANTI-CAKING AGENT: FATTY ACIDS. SELENIUM YEAST (4%), VITAMIN not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the
E (as D-ALPHA TOCOPHERYL ACID SUCCINATE (from soy)), STABILISERS: CROSS-LINKED recommended daily dose. Keep container tightly sealed.

NUTRILITE Glucosamine ™ Vitamins & Supplements

with Boswellia 30/150 Capsules

Glucosamine hydrochloride supports anti-inflammatory, which may reduce joint Regular consumption of this dietary
healthy connective tissue and helps build discomfort. supplement may help to support normal
and maintain collagen between joints. joint function and mobility.
However, as our bodies age we produce The ingredients found in NUTRILITE™
less of this important nutrient. Glucosamine HCl have been combined
into one convenient supplement to
Clinical research states that 1500 mg of promote healthy connective tissues and
glucosamine hydrochloride may improve overall joint comfort.h
joint function and build cartilage.
Boswellia naturally acts as an

Nutritional Information
Average content per capsule per 100 g
Energy 0.65 kcal/ 136 kcal/
2.7 kJ 568 kJ

Protein 0.06 g 13.7 g

Carbohydrates 0.39 g 82.4 g

Fat 0.01 g 1.42 g

Key Features
• Glocosamine is available at clinically supported levels to
support healthy connective tissue as well as build and
maintain collagen between joints
•  Regular consumption of this dietary supplement may
help to support normal joint function and mobility

Potential Users
Order no.
• Anyone interested in supporting normal joint function,
mobility and flexibility 100108 150 Capsules
•  Anyone who frequently exercises 109148 30 Capsules

Dietary Information
•  Gluten-free Recommended dosage:
Take 1 capsule with water
Contains concentrates of 3 times per day.


Ingredients Advisory
GLUCOSAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE (55%, 250 mg PER CAPSULE), Children under 12 years of age, pregnant women or nursing mothers, or anyone with a
STABILISER: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE. GELATIN, medical condition, including diabetes and hypoglycaemia, should consult with a physician
AGENT: STEARIC ACID. CITRUS EXTRACT (1.24%, 5.9 mg PER before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a substitute
CAPSULE), ACEROLA CONCENTRATE (0.8%, 3.5 mg PER CAPSULE), for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep container tightly
sealed. Store in a cool, dry place.
110 Tablet
NUTRILITE™ Lecithin E is a food tasting chewable tablets are sweetened
supplement with vitamin E and with honey and flavoured with carob
lecithin. This product is an excellent and naturally-derived maple walnut
combination of vitamin E (of naturally- flavour.
derived origin) and lecithin.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps
Vitamin E is an antioxidant, while to defend the body against free-radical
lecithin is a naturally-derived emulsifier formation.
of fatty substances. These pleasant-

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (1 tablet) %RDA*

Vitamin E 20 mg 200
Lecithin 290 mg No RDA

* % of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• Provides antioxidant protection from vitamin E (a fat-soluble vitamin)
•  Contains natural lecithin from soybeans, and vitamin E from vegetable oil
•  Chewable; appropriate for both children and adults who have difficulty
swallowing tablets
• Sweetened and flavoured with honey, carob and naturally-derived maple
walnut flavour
•  No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added

Potential Users
Order no.
•  Those who do not regularly eat enough (or who lack the time or the appetite to eat)
foods containing vitamin E, for example vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, wheatgerm and 4042 110 Tablets
•  Those who are interested in increasing their antioxidant protection against free-
radical damage, for example people who lead stressful lives or live in areas of high Recommended dosage:
•  Anyone who wishes to supplement their diet without artificial flavours, colours or Chew one tablet daily,
preservatives preferably with a meal.
Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules are negligible)
• Gluten-free

Ingredients Advisory
SOY LECITHIN, SOY PROTEIN, HONEY, DEXTROSE, STABILISERS: TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE, Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a
CAKING AGENTS: SILICON DIOXIDE, MAGNESIUM SALTS OF FATTY ACIDS; recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed.

NUTRILITE Natutral ™ Vitamins & Supplements

Source B Complex 100 Tablets

NUTRILITE™ Vitamin B Complex is a yeast and lactose, but no other animal- The specially cultured yeast in this
nutritionally balanced formula of seven sourced ingredients, making it suitable product is carefully processed in a plant
essential B vitamins, with six of them for vegetarians who are willing to include broth to increase nutrient values during
derived predominantly from a natural these in their diet. the yeast-growing stages. The dried yeast
source. naturally provides six essential B vitamins.
Natural Yeast
The NUTRILITE™ brand has created an Live and active yeast is used to raise Yeast in this form does not render any
exclusive formula that provides B vitamins bread dough and ferment sugars to adverse activity in the body (for example,
through a natural fermentation process produce alcohol. However, once yeast is intestinal bloating).
from yeast. This product contains natural heated, its active agents are destroyed.

Nutritional Information
Average content per tablet % RDA*
Vitamin B1 1.2 mg 85

Vitamin B2 1.2 mg 75

Vitamin B6 1.2 mg 75

Niacin (mg NE) 6.6 mg 36

Vitamin B12 1 µg 100

Folic acid 150 µg 75

Pantothenic acid 5 mg 83

*% of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
•  A nutritionally balanced formula of seven B vitamins, with six derived from
predominantly natural sources
•  Provides the B vitamins that your body needs most
• Contains natural yeast and lactose, but no other animal-sourced ingredients
• No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added
•  NUTRILOCK™ coating preserves freshness, locks in nutrients until tablets
Order no.
are consumed and makes them easier to swallow
7337 100 Tablets
Potential Users
• Those who do not eat a wide variety of foods rich in B complex vitamins
• Those who are dieting or on a restricted diet
• Those who smoke or who have a high alcohol intake Recommended dosage:
• Those who use certain drugs or medications, particularly the long-term use
of antibiotics One to two tablets to
• The elderly be taken daily with water
• Pregnant or breast-feeding women (as advised by their GPs.))
at mealtime.
Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules is negligible).
• Suitable for vegetarians (if willing to include natural yeast and lactose in their diet)
• Gluten-free

Ingredients Advisory
BULKING AGENT: DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE; YEAST (25%); Those who are allergic to yeast will want to be cautious. Do not confuse a yeast allergy with a
STABILISER: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE, HYDROXYPROPYL yeast infection; they are not the same. A yeast allergy is a reaction that comes from ingesting
METHYLCELLULOSE; LACTOSE; ANTI-CAKING AGENT: yeast. Yeast infections are caused by growth of the candida albicans yeast which occurs
MAGNESIUM SALTS OF FATTY ACIDS, SILICON DIOXIDE, NIACIN (AS naturally in the body. We do not believe that the specially cultured, primary grown yeast
NIACINAMIDE); HUMECTANT: GLYCEROL; VITAMIN B6 (AS PYRIDOXIN used in our food supplements would have any effect on the growth of the candida albicans,
HYDROCHLORIDE); VITAMIN B2 (AS RIBOFLAVIN), VITAMIN B1 (AS however you you may choose to contact a doctor for specific advice. Keep out of the reach of
THIAMIN MONONITRATE); GLAZING AGENT: CARNAUBA WAX; children. This product is not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended
daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed. Store in a cool, dry place.
NUTRILITE™ Vitamin C Plus
(Extended Release) 60/180 Tablets
NUTRILITE™ Vitamin C Plus (Extended such as acerola cherries, blackcurrants farms and ascorbic acid. We use acerola
Release) is an improved, highly effective and most citrus fruits. It plays an essential cherries as they are one of nature’s most
vitamin C supplement designed to provide role in supporting normal, healthy skin and concentrated sources of natural vitamin C.
a slow, steady release of vitamin C into the the immune system, and is a powerful
body to maximise absorption without the antioxidant, helping to prevent the oxidative Each tablet contains 240 mg of vitamin C,
waste associated with large doses or instant stress caused to cells by free radicals. blended with a fibrous ingredient that allows
release tablets. the vitamin C to dissolve slowly in the body
NUTRILITE™ Vitamin C Plus (Extended over eight hours. One tablet provides more
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that should Release) is made from two sources of vitamin total useable vitamin C throughout the day
be replenished daily as part of a well- C: natural acerola cherries grown on our than 600 mg provided by instant release and
balanced diet and can be found in fruits certified environmentally sensitive NUTRILITE™ is also more gentle on the stomach.

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (1 tablet) %RDA*

Vitamin C 240 mg 400%

* % of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• Each daily tablet provides the body with a steady dose of vitamin C over 8 hours
• Contains the premium NUTRILITE™ Acerola Cherry Concentrate
• Contains citrus bioflavonoid concentrates dried from whole fruits including lemons,
mandarin oranges and grapefruit
• Provides vitamin C from one of the richest known natural sources: acerola cherries
• Provides antioxidant protection from vitamin C (a water-soluble vitamin)
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added

Order no.
Potential Users
•  Those who do not regularly eat enough (or lack the time or the appetite to eat) natural 109745 60 Tablets
foods containing vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, broccoli and brussel sprouts 109744 180 Tablets
•  Those who are interested in increasing their antioxidant protection against free-radical
damage, for example people who lead stressful lives or live in areas with high pollution
•  Anyone who wishes to supplement their daily diet without artificial flavours, colours or
Recommended dosage:
Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules is negligible) One tablet daily
• Suitable for vegetarians
• Suitable for vegans
Contains concentrates of

Ingredients Advisory
VITAMIN C (as ascorbic acid), STABILISERS: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE, Keep out of the reach of children. This product is
HYDROXYPROPYL METHYLCELLULOSE, METHYLCELLULOSE; ACEROLA not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the
POWDER, GRAPEFRUIT DEHYDRATE, ROYAL MANDARIN DEHYDRATE, ANTI- recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed.

NUTRILITE Concentrated ™ Vitamins & Supplements

Fruits and Vegetables 60 Tablets

NUTRILITE™ Concentrated Fruits and This special NUTRILITE™ formula We know that we can get vitamins and
Vegetables is made from food extracts provides the same quantity of lycopene, minerals from fresh fruits and vegetables,
of green tea, pomegranate, orange, hesperidin and ellagic acid as found but they are also full of nutrients beyond
elderberry, blueberry, acerola, broccoli, naturally in five servings of various fruits vitamins and minerals. The exclusive
carrot, spinach and tomato. and vegetables. NUTRILITE™ concentration process
preserves these nutrients, keeping
the nutritional value and essential
phytonutrients that others may
throw away.

This product is designed to complement a daily intake of fruits and vegetables and offer Nutritional Information
a variety of plant-sourced nutrients in the diet. This product also contains some of the
most well-researched plant antioxidants. Average content per day (2 tablets)
Hesperidin 60 mg
This product was specifically formulated to provide a broad base of benefits. Lycopene 4.3 mg
Scientific research has demonstrated that it is important to eat a wide variety of fruits Ellagic acid 40 mg
and vegetables daily because the phytochemical composition of plant materials
varies broadly.

Even if five or more servings of fruits and vegetables are already in the daily diet, this
product will help expand the range and variety of phytonutrients from plant sources.

NUTRILITE™ Concentrated Fruits and Vegetables is designed to complement the Contains concentrates of
vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients present in NUTRILITE™ Daily and NUTRILITE™
DOUBLE X™ Multivitamin/Multimineral/Phytonutrient Food Supplement, rather than TOMATO
replace them.
The NUTRILITE™ Phytonutrient Concentrate
Component Source
Blueberry powder fruit GREEN TEA
Elderberry extract fruit ELDERBERRY
Rosemary extract leaves
Broccoli dehydrate inflorescence ACEROLA CHERRY
Spinach powder leaves
Carrot pulp powder root SPINACH
Acerola cherry concentrate fruit POMEGRANATE


NUTRILITE™ Concentrated
Fruits and Vegetables 60 Tablets

Key Features
•  Contains selected phytonutrients equivalent to the amounts found in 5 servings of
fruits and vegetables
•  Also provides a variety of phytonutrients from the concentrates (extracts)
• Helps to expand the variety of plant-sourced nutrients in the diet
• Contains plant antioxidants that help to protect against free-radical damage
• Contains the phytonutrient lycopene from tomato; a carotenoid compound
• Contains the phytonutrient hesperidin from orange; a citrus bioflavonoid
• Contains the phytonutrient ellagic acid from pomegranate; a polyphenol compound
•  Contains the phytonutrient EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) from green tea; a potent
antioxidant polyphenol
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added

Potential Users
•  Anyone whose lifestyle/diet does not provide adequate amounts of fresh fruits and
vegetables (at least five servings) on a daily basis
• Anyone who may have a nutrient gap in their diet
•  Anyone who eats five or more servings per day, but of the same or similar fruits and
Order no.
• Anyone who wishes to increase antioxidant protection against free-radical damage
• Anyone who wishes to supplement their daily diet without artificial flavours, colours 100296 60 Tablets
or preservatives 109023 30 Tablets

Dietary Information Recommended dosage:

• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and calories is negligible)
• Gluten-free
One tablet twice daily,
with meals.

Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a substitute for a varied diet.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed. This product
is not intended to replace the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the diet. This
product is suitable for most adults and children over 12 years of age. Children under
12 years, pregnant or lactating women, or anyone with a medical condition should
consult a doctor before using this product. Store in a cool, dry place.

NUTRILITE ™ Vitamins & Supplements

Cal Mag D Plus 180 Tablets

Cal Mag D Plus fills the unavoidable Enhanced Calcium Absorption: A daily
gap between what you need and what dose of Cal Mag D Plus has more
you can take in through your diet vitamin D than 5 cups of fortified milk.
every day.
Natural Nutrients: Calcified seaweed
Builds Bones: NUTRILITE™ Cal Mag is one of nature’s most concentrated
D Plus puts hard-to-get absorbable botanical sources of calcium and
calcium within easy reach. magnesium.

Nutritional Information
Average content per tablet per day (3 tablets) % RDA*
Calcium 200 mg 600 mg 75
Magnesium 83.33 mg 250 mg 67
Vitamin D3 3.33 µg 10 µg 200
*% of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• Two natural sources of calcium: calcium carbonate
and calcified seaweed
• Calcium is needed to build strong bones. Calcified
seaweed is one of nature’s most concentrated
sources of calcium
• More vitamin D than the previous formula*
• Ensures effective calcium absorption
• Smaller/slimmer tablet
•  Easier to swallow
Order no.
•  Ideal for those with lactose sensitivities and dietary preferences
110606 180 Tablets
Potential Users
•  Young women in their 20s and 30s who all have limited opportunities
during this decade to actually build and strengthen bones
Recommended dosage:
• Current calcium-taking customers over 30 who want to maintain bone strength
•  In general, 75% * of people - men and women - don’t get enough calcium
Take three tablets per day, one
• Anyone who seeks safe, natural and effective nutritional products to
support bone health
with each meal, to maximise
Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics
• Suitable for vegetarians
• Suitable for vegans
• Gluten-free

Ingredients Advisory
CALCIUM CARBONATE, STABILISERS: MICROCRYSTALLINE Keep out of the reach of children. This product is
CELLULOSE, CROSS-LINKED SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE, not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the
HYDROXYPROPYLMETHYLCELLULOSE, MAGNESIUM SALTS OF FATTY ACIDS; recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed.

NUTRILITE™ Chewable Iron
100 Tablets
NUTRILITE™ Chewable Iron provides iron These tablets have a delicious
from ferrous fumarate, an iron source that raspberry-cherry flavour and no artificial
is readily absorbed by the body, and one colours, flavours or preservatives are
of the best-tolerated nutritional plant- added. NUTRILITE™ Chewable Iron food
derived forms of iron. supplement may supply the necessary
iron that could be lacking from your diet.

Nutritional Information
Average content per tablet % RDA*
Iron 6 mg 42

*% of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• Contains ferrous fumarate as the iron source
• This form of iron is readily absorbed and generally well-tolerated
•  Some European surveys indicate that the level of iron intake may sometimes be
critical or below an adequate amount, especially among adolescent females,
women of child-bearing age and the elderly
• Chewable and easy to take
• Raspberry and cherry flavour
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added

Potential Users
Order no.
•  Those who do not consume adequate amounts of meats, whole grains,
fortified cereals, legumes and vegetables in their diet 8669 100 Tablets
• The elderly, adolescent females and women of child-bearing age
• Sportsmen/women and active people
• Those who are interested in increasing their iron intake Recommended dosage:
• Those who have difficulty swallowing tablets
Chew one to two tablets
Dietary Information daily.
• Suitable for diabetics (content of
carbohydrates and kilojoules is negligible)
• Suitable for vegetarians
• Suitable for vegans

Ingredients Advisory
DEXTROSE, CORN STARCH; ANTI-CAKING AGENTS: FATTY ACIDS, Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not
MAGNESIUM SALTS OF FATTY ACIDS; STABILISER: TRICALCIUM exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed. This product contains iron
PHOSPHATE; FERROUS FUMARATE, ACID: CITRIC ACID; NATURAL which, if taken in excess, may be harmful to very young children. Keep out of their sight and
FLAVOURS reach. Store in a cool, dry place.

NUTRILITE ™ Vitamins & Supplements

Iron Folic Plus 120 Tablets

NUTRILITE™ Iron Folic Plus provides iron These nutrients may not be provided in
from two iron sources that are readily sufficient amounts by your daily nutrition
absorbed by the body, together with if you are eating an unbalanced diet. An
folic acid. increased need occurs during pregnancy
and breastfeeding. This product also
contains the premium NUTRILITE™
Spinach Concentrate.

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (1 tablet) % RDA*
Folic Acid 150 µg 75

Iron 10 mg 71

*% of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
•  Contains two of the best tolerated plant-sourced forms of iron, ferrous fumarate and ferrous
gluconate, which are readily absorbed by the body
• Contains NUTRILITE™ Spinach Concentrate
•  Some European surveys indicate that the level of iron intake may sometimes be critical or below an
adequate amount, especially among adolescent females, women of child-bearing age and the elderly
•  The surveys also show that folic acid intake is below the recommended level for
all groups, and in particular among women of child-bearing age and the elderly
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives

Potential Users
Order no.
•  Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding (as advised by their GP)
• Women during their child-bearing years 100295 120 Tablets
• The elderly and adolescent females
• Sportsmen/women and active people
•  Those who do not consume adequate amounts of meats, whole grains,
Recommended dosage:
fortified cereals, legumes and vegetables in their diet
One tablet daily
• Anyone who may have an imbalance of iron and folic acid in their diet
To supplement dietary intake of
• Anyone who wishes to supplement their diet with iron and folic acid iron and folic acid.

Dietary Information One to two tablets daily

• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and calories is negligible)
For pregnant and breast-feeding women.
•  Suitable for vegetarians (if willing to include calcium carbonate from oyster shells in their diet) Do not exceed the recommended intake.
• Gluten-free
Contains concentrate of

Ingredients Advisory
BULKING AGENT: CALCIUM CARBONATE (from Oyster shells); SPINACH Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not
POWDER; STABILISERS: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE, CROSS-LINKED exceed the recommended daily dose. This product contains iron which, if taken in excess,
SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE, GUM ARABIC, METHYLCELLULOSE; may be harmful to very young children. Keep out of their sight and reach. Keep bottle tightly
Complex 30/90 Capsules
A food supplement with fish oil containing Fish harvested from the deep, cold waters If your diet does not include 1-2 portions
omega-3 fatty acids. of the Atlantic Ocean are rich in a type of fish per week on a regular basis,
of fatty acids known as omega-3 acids. concentrated fish oils offer a convenient
The two active components of Omega-3 way to add those precious essential fatty
Complex are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) acids to your diet.
and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). The
parent omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic
acid, is not manufactured in the body and
must come from the diet.

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (1 tablet)
Omega-3 fatty acids 380 mg

EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) 180 mg

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 120 mg

Vitamin E 5 mg α-TE 50% (RDA)*

*% of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• Helps supply the fatty acids that may be missing in the diet
•  Omega-3 fatty acids may be lacking because of a low intake of
ocean fish, especially salmon, tuna and sardines
•  1 capsule provides approximately the same amount of omega-3 fatty
acids (DHA and EPA) as 28 g of salmon, tuna or sardines would
• No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added

Potential Users
Order no.
•  Those who do not eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as most types of fish,
seafood, leafy vegetables, canola oil, soybean oil and walnuts 109143 30 Capsules
• Those who are interested in the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids 4298 90 Capsules

Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics (content of
Recommended dosage:
carbohydrates and kilojoules is negligible)
One capsule daily
• Gluten-free
with a meal.

Ingredients Advisory
FISH OIL (71%), GELATIN, HUMECTANT: Keep out of the reach of children. This product is
GLYCEROL, VITAMIN E (as D-ALPHA not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the
TOCOPHEROL FROM SOY), SOY BEAN OIL recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed.
Store in a cool, dry place.

NUTRILITE ™ Vitamins & Supplements

Coenzyme Q10 60 Capsules

NUTRILITE™ Coenzyme Q10 is a This enzyme is a chemical compound
supplementary source of the coenzyme that helps to convert food into the vital
Q10, a fat-soluble, vitamin-like substance energy the body needs. The natural
present in almost every cell of the body. concentration of coenzyme Q10 in our
bodies decreases as we age, which is
when supplementation may help.

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (1 capsule)
Coenzyme Q10 30 mg

Citrus Extracts 25 mg

Key Features
•  Contains lemon and citrus bioflavonoids, a subcategory of polyphenols
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added

Potential Users
•  Those who wish to supplement their diet with coenzyme Q10 to compensate
for the decline of this coenzyme with age
•  Those who take statins, as these drugs can inhibit the body’s
natural synthesis of coenzyme Q10
•  Those who are interested in increasing their antioxidant protection against free
radical damage, for example people who lead stressful lives or live in areas with high
Order no.
pollution levels
• Anyone who wishes to supplement their diet without artificial flavours, colours or 0191 60 Capsules

Dietary Information Recommended dosage:

• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and calories is negligible)
• Gluten-free One capsule daily,
preferably with a meal

Contains concentrates of

Ingredients Advisory
MALTODEXTRIN, GELATIN, COENZYME Q10, CITRUS EXTRACTS (4%), Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not
STABILISER: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE; ALGAE SPIRULINA exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed. Store in a cool, dry place.

NUTRILITE™ Biotin C Plus
90 Tablets
A food supplement with biotin, Biotin contributes to the maintenance
vitamin C and collagen. of normal hair. Vitamin C contributes to
regular collagen formation for the normal
functioning of the skin.

Nutritional Information
Average content per 2 tablets % RDA*
Vitamin C 60 mg 100

Biotin 450 µg 450

L-Cysteine 9 mg RDA not established

Collagen 500 mg RDA not established

Glycine 30 mg RDA not established

*% of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• Offers a wide range of ingredients that are recognised for supporting
healthy hair and skin
• Improves the condition of hair and skin
• Contains grape seed extract
• Contains NUTRILITE™ Acerola Cherry Concentrate
• Provides antioxidant benefits to help prevent the oxidative stress caused
by free radicals, which can damage skin cells
Order no.
• No artificial flavours, colours or preservatives added
100305 90 Tablets
Potential Users
•  Those who wish to support the condition of their hair and skin with the help
of supplementation Recommended dosage
•  Those who are concerned about dry skin or hair, as a result of daily stress, nutritional Two tablets daily,
deficiency or environmental damage preferably with meals
•  Those whose lifestyle/diet does not provide adequate amounts of fresh fruits and
vegetables on a daily basis
• Those who wish to increase antioxidant protection against free-radical damage

Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules is negligible)
• Gluten-free Contains concentrate of

Ingredients Advisory
PHOSPHATE, CROSS-LINKED SODIUM CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE, HYDROXYPROPYL substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended
METHYLCELLULOSE; VITAMIN C (AS L-ASCORBIC ACID); MALTODEXTRIN; ACEROLA CHERRY daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed. Store in a cool, dry

NUTRILITE Primrose Plus ™ Vitamins & Supplements

120 Capsules
This product is specially formulated to
provide nutritional support for a woman’s
well-being during her menstrual cycle.

Nutritional Information
Average content per capsule per day (4 capsules)
Borage oil (Borago officinalis) 129 mg 516 mg

Evening Primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) 128 mg 510 mg

Ginger extract (Zingiber officinale) 51 mg 204 mg

Dong quai extract (Angelica sinensis)

Chasteberry extract (Vitex agnus-castus)
17 mg

15 mg
68 mg

60 mg
Orange Extract (Citrus sinensis) 8 mg 32 mg
Key Features
• Provides nutritional support for a woman’s wellbeing
during her menstrual cycle
•  Primrose oil is a rich source of long-chain fatty acid,
gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
• GLA is thought to be helpful in restoring the body’s
Item no.
natural balance of fatty acids
• Mixed carotenoids are thought to be good for 100135 120 Capsules
antioxidant protection

Potential Users
• Women during their menstrual cycle Recommended dosage:

Dietary Information Take one to four tablets per day,

• Gluten-free and lactose-free preferably with meals.
•  No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added

Ingredients Advisory
GELATIN, BORAGE OIL, EVENING PRIMROSE OIL, HUMECTANT: Keep out of the reach of young children. This product is not a substitute for a varied diet.
GLYCEROL, GINGER ROOT EXTRACT, EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, Please do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed. Store in a cool,
STABILISER: YELLOW BEESWAX, MALTODEXTRIN, DON QUAI dry place. Children under 12 years of age, pregnant or lactating women, or anyone with a
EXTRACT, CHASTEBERRY EXTRACT, EMULSIFIER: SOY LECITHIN, pre-existing medical condition should consult a physician before using this product.
(contains sulfites), MIXED CAROTENES
Children and Family
Your family’s well-being always comes first. NUTRILITE™ has developed a
range of supplements to specifically tackle dietary deficiencies faced by
children and parents.

How can you be sure your child is The chewable products from the
getting the balanced nutrition that is NUTRILITE™ range are great-tasting food
needed during those crucial growing supplements designed for both children
years? and adults. These easy-to-eat tablets are
suitable for people who prefer chewable
Are meal times an ordeal because your supplements.
child won’t eat a variety of foods and will
only eat his/her favourite, often from limited Getting a sufficient amount of the right
or poor food choices? vitamins and minerals is part of the
essential requirements you and your
Children may be small but their nutritional child need on a daily basis.
needs are big. Their bodies are working
overtime to produce new tissue for growth.
Between the ages of 7 and 12 years, a
child can grow as much as 0.5 m in height,
and double their weight. This incredible
growth is nourished by the nutrients that
come from a child’s diet.

As a parent you want the best for your

child, and providing them with a well-
balanced nutritional diet is an excellent
foundation for promoting your child’s
growth and development. However, if
your child is a fussy or picky eater, it is not
always easy to be sure that their nutritional
needs are adequately met on a regular
100 Tablets
A chewable food supplement of Vitamin Acerola cherries, one of the richest
C with fruit flavour, sugars and sweetener. known sources of vitamin C, are grown
on plantations that produce ingredients
for NUTRILITE™ products throughout
the world. Each tablet of NUTRILITE™
Chewable C contains 120 mg of premium
NUTRILITE™ Acerola Concentrate, which
provides 30 mg of vitamin C.

Nutritional Information
Average content per tablet % RDA* per day (adults: 6 tablets) % RDA*
Vitamin C 30 mg 50 180 mg 225

*% of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• Provides a good calcium-magnesium ratio
• Well-tolerated forms and dosage of both minerals
• Calcium plays a vital role in bone and tooth development
• Calcium contributes to the normal functioning of digestive enzymes
• Magnesium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous and muscular system
• Magnesium can contribute to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue
• Suitable for both adults and children
• Helps to provide significant levels of two minerals that growing children need
• Chewable, easy-to-eat for children and adults who have difficulty swallowing tablets
• Fruit flavour makes the tablet palatable and enjoyable to take
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added

Potential users Order no.

• Children who are able to chew properly 8617 100 Tablets
•  Older children or adults who have difficulty swallowing tablets, or who prefer a
chewable supplement
•  Those who do not regularly eat enough foods containing Recommended dosage:
vitamin C, for example a diverse range of fruits and vegetables

Dietary Information Children chew 1 to 2 tablets daily

• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules is negligible) with meals.
• Suitable for vegetarians (if willing to consume calcium from oyster shells)
• Gluten-free Adults should chew up to 6 tablets
daily with meals.

Contains concentrate of

Ingredients Advisory
SWEETENER: SORBITOL; DEXTROSE; FRUCTOSE; CORN STARCH; ACEROLA CHERRY Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a
CONCENTRATE (11%); STABILISER: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE; ANTI-CAKING AGENTS: substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended
SILICON DIOXIDE, MAGNESIUM SALTS OF FATTY ACIDS; CITRIC ACID; NATURAL FLAVOURING. daily dose. Excessive consumption may produce laxative
effects. Keep bottle tightly closed. Store in a cool, dry place.

NUTRILITE™ Chewable Multivitamin
120 Tablets

A chewable multivitamin/multimineral This product contains premium

food supplement with an orange flavour. NUTRILITE™ Tropical Fruit Concentrate.
NUTRILITE™ Chewable Multivitamin is With an orange flavour, this easy-to-eat
formulated for both children and adults tablet is suitable for people who prefer
and provides vitamins, important minerals chewable supplements.
and beta-carotene in a pleasant-tasting
supplement to be taken when additional
needs are indicated.

Key Features
• Formulated for both children and adults
•  Helps provide significant levels of the essential vitamins and minerals that
both children and adults need
•  Contains the NUTRILITE™ Tropical Fruit Concentrate
with plant compounds from whole fruits
•  Chewable and easy-to-eat for children and adults
who have difficulty swallowing tablets
• Orange flavour makes the tablet palatable and enjoyable to take
• Sweetened with natural sweeteners, glucose and fructose
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added
• Chewable, palatable and easier for children to eat

Potential Users
• Children from the age of four onwards who are able to chew properly
•  Older children or adults who have difficulty swallowing tablets,
or who prefer a chewable supplement
•  Those who may have a nutrient gap in their diet and
wish to fill this gap with a multivitamin/multimineral supplement
• Those who do not eat fresh fruit, vegetables and whole grains every day

Order no.
Dietary Information 100930 120 Tablets
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates
and kilojoules is negligible)
• Gluten-free
Recommended dosage:

Children above 4 years should

chew 2 tablets daily.

Adults should chew up to 4

tablets daily with meals.

Children and Family

Nutritional Information
Average content per 2 tablets % RDA*
Beta Carotene 1 mg

Vitamin D 5 µg 100

Vitamin E 7.5 mg α-TE 75

Vitamin B1 0.9 mg 64

Vitamin B2 1.05 mg 66

Niacin 12 mg NE 66

Pantothenic acid 4 mg 67

Vitamin B6 1 mg 50

Folic acid 100 µg 50

Vitamin B12 0.75 µg 75

Biotin 50 µg 50

Vitamin C 47 mg 78

Calcium 136 mg 17

Magnesium 51 mg 17

Iron 5 mg 36

Zinc 5 mg 33

*% of Recommended Daily Allowance

Contains concentrates of

Ingredients Advisory
DEXTROSE, FRUCTOSE, CALCIUM CARBONATE, MAGNESIUM OXIDE, MALTODEXTRIN, Keep out of the reach of children. This product is
STABILISERS: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE, ACACIA GUM; VITAMIN C (as L-ASCORBIC ACID), not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the
CASHEW FRUIT, GUAVA CONCENTRATE), PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OIL, CORN This product contains iron. Store in a cool, dry place.
The value of herbal ingredients in a balanced diet
is well known. We’ve spent years of research
optimising NUTRILITE™ herbal supplements to
provide great balance using proven technology.

NUTRILITE Bilberry with Lutein ™

62 Capsules
NUTRILITE™ Bilberry with Lutein is a
special formula of bilberry and African
marigold extract, together with DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid) from tuna oil.
It has a spearmint flavour.

Nutritional Information
Average content per capsule per day (2 capsules)
Bilberry Extract 42 mg 84 mg

Lutein 1.5 mg 3.0 mg

DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) 45 mg 90 mg

Key Features
• Provides a standardised measure of bilberry extract
• Contains lutein from African marigold (tagetes erecta) flowers
• Contains DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) from tuna oil
• Contains the NUTRILITE™ Acerola Cherry Concentrate
• The antioxidant anthocyanosides in bilberry helps to maintain the proper retina functions
• Assists tired, strained eyes
• Contains vitamin E (D-alpha tocopherol), a valuable antioxidant
• Has a natural spearmint flavour
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added

Order no.
Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules is negligible) 8007 62 Capsules
• Gluten-free

Contains concentrates of
Recommended dosage:
Take 1-2 capsules daily,
preferably with meals. ACEROLA CHERRY

Ingredients Advisory
TUNA OIL (31%), GELATIN, EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, HUMECTANT: Keep out of the reach of children. This product is
GLYCEROL, BILBERRY EXTRACT (6.2%), STABILISER:YELLOW BEESWAX; not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the
recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed.
Store in a cool, dry place.

120 Tablets
NUTRILITE™ Garlic is a food supplement This product is a convenient way to
with garlic powder. Garlic has been obtain the benefit of garlic without the
consumed for centuries for its implicit unpleasant odorous side effects. The
benefits, which include supporting the garlic in this product is combined with
constitution and immune function. a pleasant peppermint flavour. Both the
garlic and the peppermint in this product
are sourced from the Trout Lake Farm.

Nutritional Information
Average content per tablet per day (2 tablets)
Garlic powder 385 mg 770 mg

Key Features
• 2 tablets provide at least 11 mg of alliin
•  2 tablets provide at least 6 mg of allicin (created when garlic is crushed
and its two components, alliin and alliinase, interact)
• Pleasant peppermint flavour provides odour control, and is also a
naturally-derived herb
•  Enteric coating, which protects the active components in the garlic during
their transit through the acidic stomach environment
• The enteric coating dissolves in the intestines to release the active components
•  Provides consistent quality and a standardised measure of alliin, the precursor of
allicin, which is the major active constituent in garlic
• No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added

Order no.
Potential Users
• Those who wish to supplement their diet with the benefits of garlic, but without 100566 120 Tablets
the odour 109295 30 Tablets

Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules is negligible) Recommended dosage
• Suitable for vegetarians (if willing to include shellac in their diet)
• Gluten-free Take 2 tablets per day, preferably
with a meal

Ingredients Advisory
GARLIC POWDER (60%); STABILISER: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE, CROSS-LINKED SODIUM Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a
CARBOXYMETHYLCELLULOSE, METHYLCELLULOSE; ANTI-CAKING AGENT: FATTY ACIDS, SILICON substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended
DIOXIDE; GLAZING AGENT: SHELLAC, CARNAUBA WAX; NATURAL FLAVOUR daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed. Store in a cool, dry


NUTRILITE™ Siberian Ginseng
and Ginkgo Biloba 100 Capsules
NUTRILITETM Siberian Ginseng is a safe Scientific studies have shown that
way to provide more energy during the Siberian Ginseng has a positive effect on
day. work endurance.

When used daily, our powerful blend of

select ingredients have been known to
support healthy blood and oxygen flow to
the brain.

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (3 capsules)
Eleutherococcus extract 158 mg
Ginkgo Biloba extract 100 mg
Schisandra extract 36 mg

Key Features
• May improve physical and mental performance
• May increase the body’s non-specific resistance to stressful conditions
• Functions as an antioxidant
• May improve the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain

Potential Users
• People interested in improving their energy levels

Dietary Information
Item no.
• Suitable for Vegetarians
• Gluten-free 5985 100 Capsules
109147 20 Capsules

Recommended dosage:
Take 1 tablet three times daily
with meals. Take with water or
other liquids.

Ingredients Advisory
DEXTROSE, STABILISER: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE, CELLULOSE, HYDROXYPROPYL Children under 12 years of age, pregnant or nursing mothers,
METHYLCELLULOSE; YEAST, SIBERIAN GINSENG (ELEUTHEROCOCCUS SENTICOSUS, 6.5%), or anyone with a medical condition should consult a physician
CITRUS EXTRACTS, GINKGO BILOBA EXTRACT (4.2%), MALTODEXTRIN, ANTI-CAKING AGENTS: before using this product. Keep out of the reach of children.
Diabetics should consult their physician before consuming
this product, as Siberian ginseng may alter blood sugar levels.
Siberian ginseng contains coumarins that may interfere with
the action of vitamin K in blood clotting. Therefore, those with
clotting problems should consult their doctor, as consumption of
this product may lead to an increase in blood clots.

NUTRILITE™ Echinacea Plus
120 Tablets
Echinacea is widely used by people combined in a unique concentrate.
throughout the world to support the Various species of echinacea have
body’s natural resistance and immune been known to increase phagocytosis,
system. the action of engulfing and destroying
potentially harmful organisms.
NUTRILITETM Echinacea Plus uses three
parts of the Echinacea plant with a great More than 300 quality tests and checks
amount of phytonutrients to support the are performed on NUTRILITETM Echinacea
body’s immune system. Plus to ensure its purity and potency
It uses two different species of echinacea
– E. purpurea root and E. augustifolia root,

Nutritional Information
Average content per 3 tablets per 100g
Energy 4.8 kcal 194.2 kcal

Equal to 20.1 (kJ) 815.6 (kJ)

Protein 0.096 g 3.9 g

Carbohydrate 1.065 g 43.3 g

Fat 0.015 g 0.60 g

Key Features
• Helps support the body’s natural resistance and general well-being
• Three parts from two echinacea species provide a broad spectrum of support for
the immune system

Potential Users
• Individuals who travel frequently or may be sensitive to a changing
environment with additional stress placed on the body, and those looking
Order no.
to regulate and optimise the immune system.
5986 120 Tablets
Dietary Information 109296 30 Tablets
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules is negligible)
• Suitable for vegetarians Recommended dosage:
• Suitable for vegans
• Gluten-free Take 3 tablets immediately when
support for the body’s natural
resistance is needed. Repeat
twice during the same day, if
necessary. Continue to take
Contains concentrate of 3 daily as needed. Daily use
beyond 2 consecutive weeks is
not recommended.

Ingredients Advisory
CORN STARCH, STABILISER: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE, CROSS- Keep out of the reach of children. Children under 12
LINKED SODIUM CARBOXY-METHYLCELLULOSE, METHYLCELLULOSE; years of age, pregnant or lactating women or anyone
with a medical condition should consult a physician
before using this product. Not recommended for
DIOXIDE; TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE, GLAZING AGENT: CARNAUBA WAX, systemic and autoimmune disorders (e.g., lupus,
HUMECTANT: GLYCEROL tuberculosis, leukosis, collagenosis, multiple sclerosis,
AIDS, and HIV infections).
NUTRILITE™ Saw Palmetto
and Nettle 100 Capsules
This exclusive NUTRILITE™ formula, fulfill the NUTRILITE™ brand promise of
designed specifically for men, provides high-quality products. In addition, a varied
a unique blend of vegetal extracts of and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle
saw palmetto, nettle root and pumpkin are of general importance.
seeds. This product has been developed
by our top scientists in conjunction
with respected botanical experts, to
ensure that you receive a product that is
thoroughly researched and developed to

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (3 capsules)
Pumpkin seed oil 495 mg

Saw palmetto extract 330 mg

Nettle root extract 240 mg

Bioflavonoid concentrate 103 mg

Key Features
• Exclusive formula with three botanical extracts based on worldwide
scientific documentation. Contains saw palmetto, nettle root and pumpkin seed oil extracts.

Potential Users
• Men interested in promoting normal prostate health

Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics
Order no.
• Gluten-free
8004 100 Capsules

Recommended dosage:
Contains concentrates of
1 capsule three times per day

Ingredients Advisory
PUMPKIN SEED OIL, GELATIN, SAW PALMETTO EXTRACT, NETTLE ROOT Keep out of the reach of children. This product is
EXTRACT, HUMECTANT: GLYCEROL, EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, GLAZING not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the
recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed.
Store in a cool, dry place.

Weight Management
Controlling calorie intake whilst maintaining a balance
of nutrients is so much easier with NUTRILITE™ drink
mixes, protein bars and food supplements.


Weight Management

NUTRILITE™ All Plant Protein
450 g
NUTRILITE™ All Plant Protein provides The body does not store excess protein, Just one serving provides 8 g of soy
plant-based protein from soy, wheat so a daily intake is necessary to ensure protein per 10 g serving. In conjunction
and peas in powder form. that a good level is maintained to with a balanced diet and healthy
support vital functions. NUTRILITE™ lifestyle, this product is a more balanced
All Plant Protein provides high-quality alternative to traditional sources of protein
protein, supplying balanced amounts of such as red meats, cheese, eggs and
the nine essential amino acids. whole milk.

Nutritional Information
Average content Per serving (10 g) Per 100 g
Energy 170 KJ / 40 Kcal 1700 KJ / 400 Kcal
Protein 8g 80 g
Carbohydrates 0.3 g 3g
Fat 0.5 g 5g
Essential amino acids
Isoleucine 390 mg 3900 mg
Leucine 660 mg 6600 mg
Lysine 510 mg 5100 mg
Methionine & Cystine 220 mg 2200 mg
Phenylalanin & Tyrosine 750 mg 7500 mg
Threonine 310 mg 3100 mg
Tryptophan 120 mg 1200 mg
Valine 400 mg 4000 mg
Order no.
Histidine 210 mg 2100 mg
110415 450 g

Recommended dosage:
Key Features
• Ingredients derived from natural protein sources such as soy, wheat and pea protein Add 1 scoop (about 10 g) of powder
• Provides all nine of the essential amino acids to milk or other liquids once or several
• Can be added to food and drinks without affecting the flavour times per day, as needed. Stir rapidly or
• No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added shake in a tightly-closed container for 1
minute. Alternatively, sprinkle on
Potential Users cereals, soups, salads or other food.
•  Those who do not consume adequate amounts of milk,
meat, cheese or other high-protein foods
• Those concerned about kilojoules and fat in their diets
•  Children (over 3 years old), adolescents, the elderly, pregnant or
breast-feeding women who require additonal protein
•  Those who skip meals, eat small portions or feel that they Keep container tightly closed and out of the sight and
need additional protein in their diet reach of children. Not recommended for children under
3 years of age without seeking medical advice before
use. Store in a cool dry place.
Dietary Information
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules is negligible)
• Suitable for vegetarians Ingredients
• Suitable for vegans


NUTRILITE™ CLA 500 Weight Management

180 Capsules
NUTRILITE™ CLA 500 is a food Linoleic acid contributes to the if CLA is taken in conjunction with a
supplement with conjugated linoleic maintenance of normal blood cholesterol balanced dietary plan and physical
acid (CLA), derived from 100% levels, whereas gelatin provides a activity.
safflower oil. CLA occurs naturally in pleasant feeling of satiety. Favourable
meat and dairy products. results may be achieved

Nutritional Information
Average content per day (6 capsules)
Conjugated linoleic acid 3g

Key Features
• NUTRILITE™ CLA 500 is derived from 100% safflower oil
•  CLA is an essential fatty acid that occurs naturally in meat
and dairy products. As these foods are often reduced in a
low-fat diet, NUTRILITE™ CLA 500 may help to provide a
supplementary source

Potential Users
• Those who wish to safely and effectively assist their bodies to
improve or maintain a good fat-to-muscle ratio.

Dietary Information
• Gluten-free

Order no.
100054 90 Capsules

Recommended dosage:
Take 2 capsules 3 times per day,
preferably with meals.

Ingredients Advisory
CONJUGATED LINOLEIC ACID (from safflower oil [Carthamus tinctorius]), Keep out of the reach of children. This product is not a substitute for a varied diet.
GELATIN, HUMECTANT: GLYCEROL Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed.
Store in a cool dry place.

Fibre Blend 60 Chewable Tablets
NUTRILITE™ Chewable Fibre Blend This special blend of naturally-derived Our special blend contains both
tablets contain dietary fibres from fibres, with orange-cream flavour, soluble and insoluble fibres, which
13 different raw materials such as makes it easier to enjoy the health offer different health benefits, and
fructooligosaccharides and fibres benefits of a diet rich in fibre. It is the inclusion of both in your diet is
from acacia, sugar cane, oats, acerola recommended that at least 25-30 g of important.
cherries, wheat, lemons, soy, cactus fibre is consumed daily.
pear, apples, peas, barley and carrots.

Nutritional Information
Average content per tablet per day (3 tablets)
Soluble Fibre 0.95 g 2.85 g
Insoluble Fibre 0.75 g 2.25 g
Total Fibre 1.7 g 5.1 g

Key Features
• Contains soluble and insoluble dietary fibre from 13 sources
• Provides a balanced blend of various types of fibre
• Helps contribute to the daily fibre intake
• No artificial sweeteners, colours, flavours or preservatives added

Potential Users
• Those who do not consume sufficient amounts
of complex carbohydrates in their diet
Order no.
• Those who do not eat sufficient amounts
of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables 104402 60 Chewable Tablets

Dietary information Recommended dosage:

• Suitable for vegetarians
For adults and children 6 years of age
or older, chew 1 tablet 3 times per day.
Drink at least a full glass (250 ml) of liquid
with each tablet.

Take 1 tablet 3 times per day.

Contains concentrate of

Ingredients Advisory
FRUCTOOLIGOSACCHARIDES (32%), FRUCTOSE, ACACIA GUM (9%), SUGARCANE FIBRE (9%), Keep out of the reach of children. This product is
OAT FIBRE (4%), STABILISER: MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE, ACEROLA CHERRY POWDER (3%), not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the
ANTI-CAKING AGENTS: FATTY ACIDS, SILICONE DIOXIDE; WHEAT FIBRE (3%), NATURAL FLAVOURING recommended daily dose. Keep bottle tightly closed.
(CONTAINS SOY), LEMON FIBRE (2%), SOY FIBRE (2%), CACTUS PEAR POWDER (2%), BARLEY BRAN Store in a cool dry place.


NUTRILITE™ Fibre Powder Weight Management

NUTRILITE™ Fibre Powder is a special The recommended daily intake of fibre

blend of three soluble fibres from for an adult is 25-30 g. This product
naturally-derived plant sources, offering contains 5 g of soluble fibre and can
a convenient way to get additional be taken in conjunction with other
fibre. This taste-free, easy-to-mix dry NUTRILITE™ fibre products, to provide
powder can be sprinkled onto foods or you with different sources of fibre.
mixed into liquids.

Nutritional Information
Average content Per 6 g serving Per 100 g serving
Energy 50 kJ (12 kcal) 835 kJ (200 kcal)
Protein 0g 0g
Carbohydrates, of which 0.6 g 10 g
Sugars 0.5 g 8g
Fat, of which 0g 0g
Saturates 0g 0g
Fibre 5g 83 g
Sodium 0g 0.03 g

Key Features
• Contains soluble dietary fibre from three plant sources
• Quick and convenient way of contributing to daily fibre intake
• Formulated to be gentle on the stomach
Order no.
•  Non-gritty and odourless powder blends easily with any non-carbonated
beverage or can be sprinkled onto food without adding significant taste 102736  Carton containing
• Suitable for use in cooking 30 Stick Packs
• No artificial colours, flavours or preservatives added Each stick pack contains 6 g of soluble fibre

Potential Users
• Those who do not consume sufficient amounts of complex
carbohydrates in their diet
• Those who do not eat sufficient amounts of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables
• Suitable for diabetics (content of carbohydrates and kilojoules are negligible)

Dietary Information
• Suitable for vegetarians

Recommended dosage: Ingredients

Always dissolve the contents of one stick pack in 250 ml to 375 ml of water or juice, RESISTANT DEXTRIN, INULIN, PARTIALLY
or sprinkle over food and drink a full glass (250 ml) of liquid with each serving. For HYDROLYSED GUAR GUM
adults and children 12 years of age or older, one to two stick packs per day, gradually
increasing fibre intake. Best if consumed with a meal.
Keep out of the reach of children.
This product is not a substitute for a varied diet.
Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Active Lifestyle
It makes sense to exercise regularly but
you can’t afford to lose essential nutrients.
The NUTRILITE™ active lifestyle range was
specifically developed to help you stay in
optimal shape.

Refresh, Replenish, Rehydrate

Are you looking for an extra blast of energy? Do you want to boost your mental
focus and physical performance, or rehydrate and replenish lost nutrients?

Once considered niche products, fitness waters, rehydration drinks and other
active lifestyle products now carry widespread appeal. All types of people
understand that what they put into their bodies has a huge effect on their well-
being, their performance and even their outlook. Who doesn’t want to feel better,
perform better and achieve more?

NUTRILITE™’s active lifestyle range offers products in three areas;

Pre-Workout, During Workout and Post-Workout.

You don’t have to be a sportsperson to enjoy an active lifestyle. Activity can

come from your interests and hobbies as well as your daily routine. NUTRILITE™
products for an active lifestyle can help support you with your daily activities by
giving you the energy and vitality you need to live life to the full.

The NUTRILITE™ brand recognises that staying alert, providing the correct
vitamins and minerals, and balancing your hydration levels are important to
helping you maintain a well-balanced lifestyle.


Active lifestyle
Active lifestyle
NUTRILITE™ Rhodiola 110
60 Tablets
NUTRILITE™ Rhodiola has been scientists have studied its ability to
designed to help maximise mental enhance performance and combat
and physical performance during stress.
exercise. Research also suggests
that it may shorten recovery time. The
central ingredient in this supplement
is rhodiola, an Arctic herb used as an
all-purpose adaptogenic tonic since
ancient times. More recently, Russian

Nutritional Information
Average content per tablet RDA*
Vitamin C 30 mg
Rhodiola rosea extract (root) 100 mg 40%*
Caffeine 75 mg
* % of Recommended Daily Allowance

Key Features
• Adaptogenic rhodiola rosea combats and increases resistance to stress.
• May shorten recovery time.
• Enhances mental and physical performance during exercise.

Item no.
Potential User
• Men and women with busy lifestyles 101593 60 Tablets
• Men and women looking for energy boost for mental alertness and stamina

Recommended dosage:
Take 1 or 2 tablets before physical

Ingredients Advisory
DEXTROSE, GREEN TEA (24%), RHODIOLA ROSEA EXTRACT (14.5%), STABILISERS: MICROCRYSTALLINE Please do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.

Isotonic Drink Mix Pack of 20 Sticks
A rehydration drink
that works out as hard
as you do.


Mix is an experiential rehydration
drink for active people.

Key Features Nutrition information

• Offers real hydration for vigorous exercise
• Replaces electrolytes, sodium and potassium lost during strenuous activity Average content per stick (30 g) per 100 ml
• Provides a good alternative to soft drinks Red Orange Complex™* 100 mg 25 mg
• No artificial flavours, colours or preservatives added Energy 460.5 kJ / 110 kcal 115kJ / 27.5 kcal
• Conveniently packaged in small, sample-friendly stick packs Protein 0g 0g
• Choice of two refreshing flavours: Grapefruit and Mixed Fruit Carbohydrates 28 g 7g
• Quick and easy to consume – with a choice of Isotonic or Hypotonic of which Sugar 26 g 6.5 g
Fat 0.1 g <0.1 g
of which saturated 0.1 g <0.1 g
Potential Users
Fibre 0g 0g
Men and women engaged in high-intensity physical activity, people exercising for
one hour or more, anyone conscious about their well-being and wants to prevent Sodium 220 mg 55 mg

dehydration, as well as anyone looking for a great alternative to soft drinks. Potassium 70 mg 17.5 mg
*Red Orange Complex is a trademark of Bionap SRL.
Suitable for:
• Men, women and children over six years
• Moderately/highly active people
• Athletes and recreational sportspeople
• People with energetic daily routines
• Consumers with an active lifestyle

• Add one stick pack to 400 ml of water for an isotonic drink.
Isotonic beverages typically optimise fluid absorption and quickly replace fluids
lost through sweating, and supply a boost of carbohydrates for energy to the
working muscles, preventing fatigue. Use for long or more intense workouts.
Order no.
• Add one stick pack to 500 ml of water for a hypotonic drink. Hypotonic
103788 Grapefruit
beverages contain fluid and electrolytes with a lower carbohydrate
concentration than isotonic beverages. Use for short, less-intense workouts.
Each box contains 20 individual sticks of
approximately 30 g each.

Ingredients Advisory Recommended dosage:

SUCROSE, FRUCTOSE, MALTODEXTRIN, ACIDITY Please do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.
REGULATOR: CITRIC ACID, SODIUM CHLORIDE, Keep out of the reach of children. Not for children
POTASSIUM CITRATE, NATURAL FLAVOUR, under six years of age. Store in a cool, dry place. Take 1 stick pack per day
JUICE AND PEEL (CITRUS SINENSIS) (when engaging in high-intensity
physical activity).
Active lifestyle
NUTRILITE FITH20 Antioxidant ™ ™

Enhanced Drink Mix Pack of 20 Sticks

Fit water into your life.

NUTRILITE™ FITH20™ Drink Mix is

a low-kilojoule, low-carbohydrate,
delicious way to add flavour to any
standard-size bottle of water to help
hydrate and nourish the body for
light activity.

Nutritional Information
Average content per 2 sticks (12 g) RDA*
Red Orange Complex **

100 mg
Vitamin C 24 mg 40%
Nicotinamide 20 mg NE 111%
Pantothenic acid 10 mg 167%
Vitamin E 8 mg TE 80%
Vitamin B6 2 mg 100%
Vitamin B12 0.96 mcg 96%
*% of RDA
**Red Orange Complex is a trademark of Bionap SRL.

Order no.
Key Features
• Contains Red Orange Complex† and vitamins 103786 Mandarin
• Helps to hydrate and nourish the body
• Low-kilojoule and low-carbohydrate alternative to fizzy drinks and juices
• Quick and easy to consume – simply mix with 500 ml of water Each box contains 20 individual sticks of
• Conveniently packaged in small, sample-friendly stick packs approximately 6 g each.

Potential User
Men and women with busy lifestyles, a person exercising moderately for one hour
or less, as well as who is conscious about their well-being and wants to prevent

Suitable for:
• Men and women working long hours Ingredients
• Children over four years
• Moderately/highly active people CITRIC ACID, NATURAL FLAVOURS, SWEETENER:
• Men and women with busy lifestyles SUCRALOSE, EXTRACT FROM RED ORANGE
• Recreational sportspeople OILS, VITAMIN C (AS ASCORBIC ACID), NIACIN
• Consumers with an active lifestyle (AS NIACINAMIDE), PANTOTHENIC ACID (AS
• Add 1 stick pack to 500 ml of water and mix well before consuming. CAROTENE, VITAMIN B12 (AS CYANOCOBALAMIN)

†Red Orange Complex is a trademark of Bionap SRL. Advisory

Please do not exceed the recommended daily dosage.
Keep out of the reach of children. Not for children under
Recommended dosage: four years of age. This product is not a substitute for a
varied diet. Store in a cool, dry place.
Take 1 to 2 stick packs per day.
Children between four and eight should consume only one stick per day.
Get ready to blast into high gear with With ZERO sugar and very low
the new XS™ Power Drink. kilojoules, this great-tasting power drink
It contains potent levels of B-vitamins helps you get through hectic days.
mixed with caffeine and taurine, and Put some positive energy into your day
flavoured with an herbal blend of with XS™ Power Drink!
Chinese ginseng and açai berry.

Key Features
• GREAT taste, ZERO sugar and low kilojoules Nutritional Information: Tropical Blast
• Reduces tiredness and fatigue per 100 ml per serving (250ml)
• Helps you perform well Energy 10 kJ / 2 kcal 25 kJ / 6 kcal
• Supports energy metabolism Fat 0g 0g
Saturates 0g 0g
Potential Users Carbohydrates 0.5 g 1.2 g
Men and women who want to have a clear and focused mind, perform
Sugar 0g 0g
physically, are dynamic and performance-oriented whilst also balancing
Protein 0g 0g
this with a fun and active lifestyle.
Salt 0.01 g 0.03 g
Suitable for: Niacin (Vitamin B3) 19.2 mg (106% RDA*) 48 mg (265% RDA*)
• Going out day and night
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) 6 mg (100% RDA*) 15 mg (250% RDA*)
• People with busy lifestyles
Vitamin B6 1.7 mg (85% RDA*) 4.2 mg (213% RDA*)
• Doing sports
• People working long hours Vitamin B12 3 µg (300% RDA*) 7.5 µg (750% RDA*)

• Driving long distances *RDA=Recommended Daily Allowance

• Lectures and study sessions
Nutritional Information: Electric Lemon Blast
Ingredients: Tropical Blast
WATER, CARBON DIOXIDE, GLUCURONOLACTONE, TAURINE (0.2%), per 100 ml per serving (250ml)
ACID (CITRIC ACID), NATURAL FLAVOUR, CAFFEINE, INOSITOL, Energy Value 20 kJ / 5 kcal 50 kJ / 12 kcal


Ingredients: Electric Lemon Blast: Salt 0 mg 0 mg
WATER, LEMON JUICE CONCENTRATE, ACID (CITRIC ACID), Niacin (Vitamin B3) 19.2 mg (120% RDA*) 48 mg (300% RDA*)
CARBON DIOXIDE, GLUCURONOLACTONE, TAURINE (0.2%), Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) 6 mg (100% RDA*) 15 mg (250% RDA*)
Vitamin B12 3 µg (120% RDA*) 7.5 µg (300% RDA*)
*RDA=Recommended Daily Allowance
BENZOATE, POTASSIUM SORBATE) Niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 reduce the tiredness and
exhaustion and contribute to a normal energy metabolism. In addition, pantothenic
acid supports normal mental performance.
Order no.
Content A varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle are of general importance.
Each pack contains 12 117138 Tropical Blast
individual cans 117139 Electric Lemon Blast Advisory
High caffeine content (32 mg/100 ml). Not recommended for children, pregnant
or breastfeeding women, caffeine-sensitive people and those who suffer from
hypertension. Do not mix with medication or alcohol. Do not consume in excess.


Foods and Beverages from Amway
AMWAY™ offers a range of food and beverage products to suit your food
or recipe choices.
Amway’s commitment to premium quality products is continued through their range of food and beverage products. Using some of
the finest ingredients and authentic recipes and blends, Amway proudly presents this food and beverage selection, which offers the
finest culinary additions to any store cupboard.

Each product offered meets stringent processing and manufacturing standards, using only the finest ingredients and authentic
recipes and blends. Multiple-unit cartons make it easy to keep favourites on hand, and freshness considerations are built
into the packaging.

This comprehensive range of products offers a high-quality selection to suit nearly everyone. Whatever your preference is, you
will find something in this food and beverage product range to suit your tastes and recipes.

• Four types of Coffee by Amway • Two types of Italian Pasta Sauces

Made with 100% arabica beans by Amway
– roasting masters and coffee Authentic Italian recipes for two choices
connoisseurs consider arabica of flavours made with Italian tomatoes
to be the better bean for and extra virgin olive oil
superior coffee
• Balsamic Vinegar of
• Two types of Tea by Amway Modena by Amway
Darjeeling, a speciality tea from the Certified by the ‘Italian Consortium for
Darjeeling region in India, and English Balsamic Vinegar of Modena’
Breakfast Tea, a delicate blend of and the Control Agency Cermet
Assam and Kenyan teas
• AMWAY™ da Carapelli
• Three types of Italian Pasta Firenze Extra Virgin Olive Oil
by Amway Formulated exclusively for Amway, in
Egg-free, authentic Italian, made in collaboration with Carapelli Firenze,
the ‘trafilatura al bronzo’ process, for a leading Italian producer of
a rough surface that sauces will easily high-quality and exclusive products
adhere to

Add these fine foods and beverages

to your healthy food choices.


Coffees by Amway

The coffee tree requires a hot, moist climate and a rich soil, typically found in India,
Africa, West Indies and South America. There are three main types of coffees:
arabica, robusta and liberica.

The arabica type grows best at high altitudes (up to 1,800 m), while the
other species grow best at less than 600 m.

Roasting masters and coffee connoisseurs consider arabica to

be the better bean for superior coffee. Arabica has a relatively
low caffeine content. All coffees by Amway are 100% arabica
and each one comes from a single-country source.

In the production process, green coffee beans are extracted

from ripe, red berries that contain 2two beans each. It takes
approximately 4,000 berries to produce 1 kg of coffee.

The raw green beans are roasted and turn pale yellow at
around 100°C. When the temperature reaches approximately
150°C, the beans swell to almost double their volume and turn
Coffees by Amway
dark brown. They sweat oil on the surface, which gives the
beans the attractive glossy appearance.
come from plantations
where management
Whatever type of coffee or brewing method is used, one golden consider workers’
rule is to always draw fresh water for each brew. Once the welfare to be an
coffee has been opened, reseal the foil wrapper after use and important part of the
keep the coffee refrigerated to preserve the taste and flavour.
Filter Coffee by Amway
4 x 250 g Airtight-sealed Foil Packs
Key Features
• Instant, filter and espresso coffees are sealed air-tight after careful roasting
 venly roasted beans are used as the base for all coffees
 ade from 100% pure arabica beans
 ure coffee aroma
 offee contains caffeine, a mild stimulant
 offee is low in kilojoules, fat and carbohydrates
 ariety for a choice of different coffee types Types of Roasts
The coffee industry generally has four
Filter Coffee types of roast:

Filter coffee needs to be infused with hot water. The amount used is subjective
• High (or double) roast has a strong,
and depends on individual taste. The most common mistake is not using a large
slightly bitter, burnt taste
enough quantity of ground coffee. For best results, the coffee should be brewed
just off the boil (95-98°C) and should not be left on a warmer for more than 15-20 • Full roast is less bitter, without the
minutes. burnt taste
Any leftover coffee should be discarded.
• Medium roast delivers a strong, full
taste, without the bitterness
Key Features
• Light (or pale) roast gives a mild,
 onsistent grind, taste, colour, flavour and aroma
smooth, delicate taste
 uitable for use with any preferred infusion method
Espresso Ground Coffee by Amway
 se as a base for recipes where liquid coffee is required
comes from the high or double roast,
while the other coffees are medium to
Pack Content full roast.
Filter Coffee in 4 x 250 g airtight-sealed foil packs

Order no.
4 x 250 g airtight-sealed foil


Instant Coffee by Amway

4 x 100 g Airtight-sealed Foil Packs

Freeze-drying is considered to be the best method for instant coffee
production. The coffee is brewed, then frozen into slabs and ground into particles that
are then put into a vacuum with a small amount of heat. This turns the ice directly into
steam, leaving the ground particles dry, chunky and ready for use.

Use one heaped teaspoon of Instant Coffee granules and top up with hot water to
make one mug of delicious coffee.

Key Features
• Instant coffee is hot water-soluble for instant preparation
• Freeze-dried granules, to retain flavour
• Easy and quick to make a single cup of coffee, with no waste
• Can make a different brew strength for each person
• Makes coffee a quick alternative to tea
• Suitable for use in a variety of recipes that require a coffee flavour, but not
necessarily a coffee liquid

Pack Content
Instant Coffee: 4 x 100 g Airtight-sealed Foil Packs

Order no.
Instant Coffee 4 x 100 g
Airtight-sealed Foil Packs

Darjeeling Tea by Amway
200 g (100 Tagged Teabags with Envelope)
This tea is a speciality tea that has been grown, cultivated and processed in
the tea gardens of the hilly Darjeeling region in India. When brewed, it has
a naturally-occurring taste with a light, easily-sensed fragrance.

Darjeeling tea is widely acknowledged as being one of the finest teas because
its flavour is so unique that it cannot be replicated anywhere else in the world.
Darjeeling is known and recognised as a delicate tea with a soft character.

Key Features Recommended Usage

• Single estate tea • Add 2 (or your preferred number of)
• Contains individual teabags teabags to a warmed pot and add
boiling water. Leave to stand for a
• Each bag is tagged and enveloped
couple of minutes prior to pouring
• Convenient to make a single cup of tea with no waste
• Use one teabag per mug or cup and
• Produces a consistent, high quality and distinctive taste
top up with boiling water. Stir and
• Provides a pleasant, flavoursome and refreshing beverage
leave to brew for a minute or so,
then remove the bag. Add lemon,
Pack Content milk and/or sugar to taste.
200 g (100 Tagged Teabags with Envelope)

Order no.
101162  00 g (100 Tagged Teabags
with Envelope)


English Breakfast Tea by Amway

8 x 125 g Tagged Teabags with Envelope

This tea is a quality blend of Assam and Kenyan tea, combined with the delicate
leaves of other sublime teas. Available in 8 x 125 g bags (each foil bag contains
40 teabags).

English Breakfast Tea from Amway comes from a supplier who cares about
their tea workers. They provide homes, fair wages and medical care at specialised
hospital facilities within key locations. They create employment opportunities in their
tea-growing community, helping them to learn new skills to develop their confidence
and provide a way through education, subsidised food and income, to change their
life for the better.

Our tea supplier is also a member of the Tea Sourcing Partnership.

Recommended usage
• Add 2 (or preferred number) tea
bags to a warmed pot and add
Key Features
boiling water. Leave to stand for a
• Blend of high-quality tea for flavour and colour
couple of minutes prior to pouring
• Packed in foiled pouches for the ultimate ffreshness, with smaller foil bags
• Use one tea bag per mug or cup
to ensure the tea stays fresher for longer
and top up with boiling water. Stir
• Individual square teabags create less waste in the production process
and leave to brew for a minute or so,
and allow for an improved brewing performance, as the tea has a greater surface
then remove the bag. Add lemon,
area, which means that more water gets into the tea leaves and brewing is more
milk and/or sugar to taste.
• Easy to make a single cup of tea with no waste
• Provides a pleasant, flavoursome and refreshing beverage

Pack Content
8 x 125 g Foil Bags (40 Teabags per Foil Bag)

Order no.
8 x 125 g foil bags
(40 Teabags per Foil Bag)

Italian Pasta by Amway
Spaghetti / Penne Rigate / Fusilli
Durum wheat pasta made with the ‘trafilatura al bronzo’ process.

Italian Pasta from Amway is made using the same process that is used for gourmet pasta.
In accordance with the strictest standards, only the finest quality wheat is chosen
in order to achieve excellent, gluten-rich wheat flour. The pasta is dried slowly
and at a constant temperature to retain the typical qualities and taste.
In the ‘trafilatura al bronzo’ process, the dough is slowly pulled through
cast bronze moulds, so that the pasta is given a rough surface to which
sauces will adhere evenly.

Key Features
Nutritional Information
• Does not contain eggs Average content per 100 g
• Quality durum wheat pasta with a high gluten content (only the kernel of the Energy 1496 kJ (358 kcal)
grain is used)
Protein 12 g
 ade using the ‘trafilatura al bronzo’ process (the dough is slowly drawn through cast
bronze moulds) Carbohydrate 74 g

• Slow, constant temperature during the drying process Fat 1.5 g

• Sauces stick to the pasta

Suitable for: Pack Content

• Diabetics 4 x 1000 g – Spaghetti
Recommended Usage
• Vegetarians 6 x 500 g – Penne Rigate • Cooking time: 9 minutes. Place
• Vegans 6 x 500 g – Fusilli pasta in boiling, salted water (1
litre/100 g pasta). Stir occasionally.
When pasta is tender, remove from
heat, drain well and serve.

Item no.
4655 Spaghetti
4658 Fusilli


Balsamic Vinegar of Modena

by Amway
This speciality product is obtained from the musts of Trebbiano and Lambrusco grapes from
the Modena region in Italy. It is in the Modena countryside that, since ancient times, Trebbiano
and Lambrusco vines have produced grapes renowned for their excellence. It is in
the attics and not the cellars of the homes of Modena that the casks for the ageing and
maturing of balsamic vinegar are kept.

The quality of the product is certified by the ‘Italian Consortium for Balsamic Vinegar
of Modena’ and by the Control Agency Cermet, which is demonstrated by the
official red label placed on the neck of the bottle.

Key Features
• Certified by the ‘Italian Consortium for Balsamic Vinegar of Modena’ and the
Control Agency Cermet
• Only Trebbiano and Lambrusco grapes are used from the Modena countryside
• Matured in oak barrels
• Noted for its intense, fruity aroma and exquisite sweet-and-sour flavour

Nutritional Information Ingredients

COLOURING AGENT E150d (CARAMEL), Recommended Usage
ANTIOXIDANT E224 (CONTAINS • Serve drizzled over fruit, salads,
Suitable for:
SULPHITES) grilled meats, poultry and seafood
• Diabetics or add to sauces and stews.
• Vegetarians
• Vegans

Order no.
200662 500 ml

Store in a cool, dry place.

AMWAY™ da Carapelli Firenze
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Produced exclusively for Amway by Carapelli Firenze S.p.A. (Company certified with
EN ISO 9001:2000).

Superior category olive oil obtained directly from olives and solely by mechanical
means. This product is made from a selection of the finest Mediterranean oils. Mild
and sweet, with a ripe fruit flavour and a light, spicy aftertaste. Harmonic aroma of
grass and almond. Rich golden colour with olive green overtones.

Key Features
Recommended Usage
• In the Mediterranean cuisine, olive
 ormulated exclusively for Amway in collaboration with Carapelli Firenze, a leading
oil is traditionally used for all types
Italian producer of high-quality and exclusive products
of food preparation (roasting, frying,
 roduct has a rich, golden colour with a mild, sweet, ripe fruit flavour, an aroma of grilling, basting, dressings, marinades,
herbs and almonds, as well as a light, spicy aftertaste cooking ingredient, etc.).
 ow acidity content (about 0.3%)
However, due to the fact that the
 ontains oleic acid, polyphenols and vitamin E unsaturated fatty acids in olive oil may
 nly the best Mediterranean olives are chosen and harvested by hand, which helps be destroyed at high temperatures, we
to ensure that the acidity level is kept low, as the gentle handling of the fruit results do not recommend olive oil for frying,
in less bruising grilling and roasting.

Suitable for:
 egans Nutritional Information
Pack Content Average content per 100 ml
2 x 0.75 litre bottles
Energy 822 kcal / 3378 kJ

Protein 0g

Carbohydrate, of which 0g

sugar 0g

Fat, of which 91.3 g

saturates 14.0 g

mono-unsaturates 69.3 g

polyunsaturates 8.0 g

cholesterol 0 mg

Fibre 0g

Sodium 0g

Limit by law
Measured at bottling time AMWAY™ standard Order no.
3963 2 x 0.75 litre Bottles
Acidity % free fatty acids 0.3 % 0.8 %

Peroxides 13 MeqO2/kg 20 MeqO2/kg

UV absorption – K232 2.15 2.50
Store at room temperature, ideally 20°C. Precipitation
UV absorption – K270 0.14 0.22
(cloudy oil) may occur if stored below 7°C. This is a
UV absorption – Delta K 0.001 0.01 normal process as olive oil tends to solidify, and does not
affect the quality of the product. If precipitation is present,
Waxes 180 250 store the oil at room temperature for up to eight hours for
the solids to return to their liquid state.


Self-Assured Selling
The definition of Direct Selling according to the Federation of
Ask yourself the European Direct Selling Associations (FEDSA) is ‘the marketing
following questions. of products and services directly to consumers, in a person-to-
The answers are person manner, generally in their homes or the homes of others
highlighted throughout this (or) other places away from permanent retail locations. Direct
chapter and will be your sales typically occur through explanation or demonstration by
foundation to help you salespersons normally referred to as Direct Sellers.’
grow and succeed with
Reading this Nutrition Information Manual will hopefully give you some insight into nutrition and
your NUTRILITE™ business. create a genuine interest in, and passion for, the product line. This will be a great start to your
business and your enthusiasm will show through to your customers.

W Discover the potential customers of the
Selling should be about making your customer feel valued and good about
themselves and their purchases.
OFFER THAT OTHER Identifying the need for a product is a great start in selling. The more you know about your
PRODUCTS/ customer, the easier it is to provide a service to them - a service that will be personal, individual
SERVICES DON’T? and caring. Ask open-ended questions about family, lifestyle, work and hobbies and listen
carefully to the answers.



This will not only help you build a good relationship, but can also
help to direct them to the best, most suitable products. Many people make
first-time purchases on impulse and rationalise them afterwards, so it is important to
follow up on sales and listen to their feedback. Making yourself accessible and easily
contactable to your customer will also help to build up repeat sales and recommendations.

A simple and friendly reordering and regular contacting system will help to ensure the
customers stay customers for a long time, and give you an opportunity to promote new
products or offers and to keep a check on how they are feeling since they started using the
product. Diarising your customers’ past orders will help you to anticipate reorders, and
calling them prior to the replenishment date ensures that every customer feels valued on
a personal level.

Try to make every aspect of the buying process as pleasurable as the initial sale. Having an
efficient customer service plan in place could save you from losing valued customers.


Sales Materials

When representing yourself,

it is always good to look, act and dress
in a professional manner. If you have
clear ideas about how you want to
represent yourself and your business,
this will bring a feeling of confidence and
proficiency to your retailing business.
Remember, you are in control of how
people see and respond to you. Make
the most of it - you only get one chance
to make a first impression.

Sales Materials

Get to know the NUTRILITE™ products

Within the pages of this manual you will find background knowledge and
Defining your personal goals can give clarity to
information to help you become familiar with nutrients, their functions and our where your business is heading, and defining your
specific NUTRILITE™ products. personal retail goals will help you measure your
Another important way to familiarise yourself with NUTRILITE™ products is simply to use them. business. To start, you could aim to improve your
sales or customer list from last week, then last
First-hand experience of the positive effects of NUTRILITE™ vitamin and mineral supplements
month, then last year.
is an excellent way of giving a friendly insight into these products.
Consider offering group retailing sessions, such
And remember, children’s supplements as well as food and beverage products are
as a forum for the friends and family of your
also included in this manual, and can be a great way to start conversations that could customer, to inform and promote the NUTRILITE™
eventually lead to sales. Brand and products.

Be prepared for questions about competitor

products. Take time to learn about the competition
–be one step ahead of your customers’ questions.
Your knowledge will inspire their trust.

Brand and product knowledge is one of the

key factors when presenting to customers and
prospects. It could sometimes make the difference
between winning and losing a customer or sale.

Get to know the NUTRILITE™ brand and selling points

As you read through this Nutrition Information Manual, you will gain detailed
information about the NUTRILITE™ brand, its history and commitment to optimal
well-being. Below are key factors that set us aside from our competitors.

The NUTRILITE™ brand is a responsible and successful business line. Our commitment to
the brand and products has helped us to achieve ‘the world’s leading brand’ claim several
times over.

The opening of The Nutrilite Health Institute in California has seen over 100 scientists,
researchers and educators supporting the NUTRILITE™ brand through product-focused
science, research and training.

By becoming a sponsor to some of the world’s top sportsmen and women, the
NUTRILITE™ Brand has brought its name and products into this professional and
highly competitive area. Celebrating these athletes’ stories and achievements helps to
highlight the power of achieving goals and living to your full potential. Please log on to the
NUTRILITE™ Brand Centre at to find out more about these amazing

All this helps to build global brand awareness and validates product performance,
enabling you to sell NUTRILITE™ products as part of the NUTRILITE™ brand.

For more information on the NUTRILITE™ brand and products, visit:

We wish you every success with your NUTRILITE™ business.

Glossary of NUTRILITE ™

Brand Terms
Acerola cherry: Batch: Calorie (kilocalorie):
Fruit of the acerola tree, a tropical tree A quantity of goods or material A measure of the energy contained in
native to the Caribbean. Also known as produced in a single manufacturing food. One calorie is the amount of heat
the Barbados cherry, the acerola cherry run. required to raise the temperature of one
is one of the richest known natural gram of water by one degree celsius.
sources of vitamin C. Other natural Beneficials (Insects):
sources of vitamin C include fruits in Insects that prey on organisms that are Carbohydrate:
the citrus family. Vitamin C is a valuable considered harmful to plant production. The principle source of energy in the
antioxidant. diet, consisting of simple carbohydrates
Beta-carotene: (sugar) and complex carbohydrates
Alfalfa: The plant form of vitamin A. Called the (starch and fibre). A good diet should
The leaves of the alfalfa plant are rich in precursor of vitamin A or provitamin A, contain several daily servings of
minerals and nutrients, including it is converted by the body into true complex carbohydrates such as grains,
calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin A (retinol). cereals, fruits and vegetables.
carotene, vitamins E, K, B6 and eight
Bioavailability: Carotenoids:
essential amino acids. It is the
The availability of a given amount of a Fat-soluble phytonutrients, which give
NUTRILITE™ brand’s primary
substance (vitamin or mineral) that can fruit and vegetables red, orange and
agricultural crop – found in a variety of
be absorbed from the gastrointestinal yellow colourings. Over 600
NUTRILITE™ Food Supplements.
tract. carotenoids are believed to be in
Alpha-tocopherol: Bioassay: existence, with the better-known ones
The most biologically active form of being alpha- and beta-carotene, lutein,
Measures the initial effects of an
vitamin E. It is an antioxidant. lycopene and zeaxanthin.
ingredient at the cellular, sub-cellular
Amino acids: and genetic level, using living cells. Chemical:
The building blocks from which protein A substance produced by or used in
is made and into which it is broken chemistry. (Note: not all chemicals are
Brightly coloured, chemical compounds
down during digestion. Of the 20 harmful, e.g. water.)
found in the pulp and rind of citrus
standard proteinogenic amino acids, 8
fruits, green peppers, apricots, Coating:
are called essential amino acids. The
cherries, grapes, papaya, tomatoes, To cover a non-chewable tablet with a
human body cannot synthesise them
broccoli and other plant foods. very light solution for easier swallowing.
from other compounds at the level
needed for normal growth, so they Body Mass Index (BMI): Coenzymes:
must be supplied by food. Body Mass Index is a standardised A non-proteinaceous organic
ratio of weight to height and is often substance that contains a vitamin or
Antioxidant: used as a general indicator of well-
This is a molecule capable of slowing mineral and combines with a specific
being. Your BMI can be calculated by protein, the apoenzyme, to form an
or preventing the oxidation of other
dividing your weight (in kilograms) by active enzyme system.
molecules by neutralising free radicals.
the square of your height (in metres). A
In this way, antioxidants to prevent cell
BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is Collagen:
damage from free radicals. Well-known
considered normal for most adults. Biological “cement,” made of a fibrous
antioxidants include vitamin C and
Higher BMIs may indicate that an protein that holds the connective tissue
vitamin E.
individual is overweight or obese. of the body together. Vitamin C is
Ascorbic acid: essential for the formation of collagen.
Buena Park:
Vitamin C – an antioxidant that helps to
City in Southern California where
prevent the oxidative stress caused by
Access Business Group, Home of
free radicals.
NUTRILITE™ Products, has its
headquarters and manufacturing plant.


Compost: Current Good Electrolyte:
A mixture of decomposing plant refuse Manufacturing Practices Any compound that, when in solution,
and animal manures for adding (GMPs): can conduct electrical impulses.
nutrients to the soil and conditioning Regulations that describe the methods, Potassium, sodium, magnesium,
the soil to optimise plant growth. equipment, facilities and controls calcium, phosphate, sulphate and
required for producing products that chloride are the common electrolytes in
Compression: are safe, pure and effective. the human body. Electrolytes are
A term used to describe the process of primarily responsible for the movement

compressing raw materials into tablets. of nutrients into cells and the
movement of wastes out of cells.
Reduces the amount of water in the Emulsifier:
extracted solution to get more nutrients Dehydrator:
An agent that enables and stabilises
in a given quantity of liquid. The turbo Removes moisture from plants in the
the mixture of two immiscible
film evaporator utilises a gentle concentrate production process.
substances, e.g. fatty material and
evaporation process under vacuum to
Dextrose: water.
remove water and concentrate the
A simple, naturally-occurring sugar also
liquid into 6-10 times the concentration
known as glucose.
of the original plant. The replenishment of some nutrients
Digestion: lost during food processing or the
Cover crops: Process by which foods are broken addition of extra nutrients.
Plants that are used in rotations,
down into smaller units so they can be
particularly legumes, for the nitrogen they
absorbed through the intestinal wall.
supply. These plants, ploughed into the A protein that acts as a catalyst in
soil for humus, also loosen the soil, Digestive tract: accelerating specific chemical
improve soil texture, may house The tube that passes from the mouth reactions. For example, digestive
beneficial insects and keep weeds down. to the anus and includes the enzymes break down food into
oesophagus, the stomach, the small materials that are useful to the body.
Crop land balance: intestine and the large intestine.
Working with the delicate environmental Essential amino acids:
system in order to optimise plant Dissolution: Amino acids that cannot be produced
growth. The process of a solid, in the by the body and must come from the
appropriate solution, separating into diet. These are isoleucine, leucine,
Crop rotations: component parts (e.g. sugar in water). lysine, methionine, phenylalanine,
Continually changing the type of plants threonine, tryptophan and valine.
grown over time to maintain a well Dissolution apparatus:
balanced farming system. Crop rotation Simulates stomach movement to test Essential fatty acid:
provides a healthy soil by building soil how fast a tablet will dissolve. Fatty acid that is needed by the body,
structure, promoting soil nutrition and but not produced by it and must be

inhibiting harmful insects or the supplied by the diet. The two essential
proliferation of disease-carrying fatty acids are linoleic and alpha-
organisms. linolenic acids.

Cruciferous vegetable: Earthworms: Essential nutrient:

Very important in aerating and fertilising
A family of vegetables, including Nutrients required for normal body
the soil.
cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower functioning that cannot be synthesised
and broccoli. El Petacal: by the body and must therefore be
A NUTRILITE™ farm that is located in obtained from food. Some categories
Cultural practices: of essential nutrients include vitamins,
southwestern Mexico, which has the
Physical manipulation of crops and soil minerals, essential fatty acids and
ideal growing climate with plenty of
to achieve optimal plant growth. This is essential amino acids.
sunshine and rainfall.
often done utilising farm equipment,
plastics and mulches, or by the timing
of planting and harvesting.

Extraction: Flavonoids:
The gentle process of removing soluble
nutrients from the crops by separating
Flavonoids are a class of water-soluble
pigments found in plants, which fulfil
them from the solid residues. During many functions, including the production Galactose:
the extraction process the nutrient-rich of yellow or red/blue pigmentation in Sugar linked to glucose to form lactose
portion of the plant is separated from flowers and offering protection from (also called milk sugar). It is found in
the fibrous portion of the plants. The attack by microbes and insects. A few dairy products, sugar beets and other
fibrous portion of the plant can be used thousand different flavonoids have so far gums and mucilages.
for other NUTRILITE™ products. been identified. They are not labelled as
essential nutrients, but many of these Glucose:

compounds play other important roles in Also known as dextrose, it is the
maintaining the well-being of your body. preferred source of energy for the brain
and the central nervous system.
Fazenda Nutriorganica: Folic acid:
The largest NUTRILITE™ farm, located
One of the B vitamins that is a key Gluten:
factor in blood formation and foetal A protein found in wheat and other
just three degrees south of the equator.
development. grains, such as oats, rye and barley.
Fat-soluble vitamins:
Vitamins that are transported by fats
Food Supplement: GMPs:
Foodstuffs meant to supplement the See Current Good Manufacturing
and stored in fatty tissues. A,D, E and
normal diet, which are concentrated Practices.
K are the fat-soluble vitamins.
sources of vitamins and minerals or
Fats (lipids): other substances with a nutritional or Granulation:
physiological effect. They are available A term used to describe the process of
An essential nutrient that provides
in different forms such as capsules, mixing raw materials together until the
concentrated energy, contributes to the
tablets and other similar forms of desired consistency is produced.
palatability of food, acts as a carrier of
fat-soluble vitamins and supplies liquids and powders. Green manure:
essential fatty acids. While dietary fat is A cover crop that is turned back into
vital, the practice of consuming several
The addition of vitamins, minerals and/ the soil completely and allowed to
times the amount necessary within a decompose. Legume crops often make
or other substances to increase the
good diet is implicated in the good green manure because they also
nutrient value of food.
development of several diseases. supply nitrogen. Some green manure
Fatty acid: Free radicals: crops can be mowed and allowed to
Atomic or molecular species with grow several times before being tilled
An organic compound composed of a
unpaired electrons. These unpaired into the soil.
long chain of carbons bonded to
electrons cause cell oxidation and form
hydrogens. At one end of the chain is
in our body through exposure to Glucosamine:
an acid group and at the other end, a An amino sugar that occurs naturally in
sunlight, smoke, pollution, stress or
methyl group. Fatty acids are a major the body. Amino sugars are different
sometimes just everyday eating and
source of energy for the cell. from other bodily sugars and have
breathing. Free radicals are missing
different functions. Glucosamine plays
Fertiliser: one of the electrons and therefore
“steal” electrons from other molecules. a role in forming and maintaining the
Any material put on or into the soil to
This chain reaction has the potential to body’s tissues and helps to blend
improve the quality or quantity of plant
damage cells, proteins and DNA in our sulphur into the cartilage. When people
body. Possibly the most important grow older, their bodies may lose the
Fibre (Dietary Fibre): bodily defense against free radicals is capacity to make enough glucosamine,
Found only in foods of plant origin, the antioxidant. so the normal rate of tissue
dietary fibre is a group of substances regeneration is slowed down.
exhibiting various degrees of resistance Friability:

to human digestion. Cellulose, lignin, A type of packaging test. This test
hemicellulose, pectin and gums are the ensures that the product will maintain
five main types of dietary fibre (see its integrity during packaging and
insoluble fibre and soluble fibre). Crude shipping. High Pressure Liquid
fibre represents the cellulose portion of Chromatography (HPLC):
dietary fibre.
Fructose: A separation/detection technique used
A sugar found in fruits and honey. Also to separate the nutrient of concern,
called fruit sugar, it is sweeter than such as vitamin A, from the vitamin/
refined sucrose (cane or beet sugar). mineral matrix. It is the main method
used for vitamin analysis.

See High Pressure Liquid


Hydrogenation: Lakeview: Macronutrients:
The process by which hydrogen is NUTRILITE™ farm, Agriculture Research The source of essential fuel and
added to an unsaturated fatty acid to Centre and processing plant located in material needed for life. Comprises of
make it more solid at room temperature Riverside County, California. Main protein, fat, carbohydrates and water.
and more resistant to oxidation. crops include alfalfa, carrots, parsley,
and spinach. Numerous plant varieties, Manure:

including herbs, are grown for research Animal excrement used to fertilise the
and new product development. soil. Only partially or fully composted
animal manures are used on the
Increased seeding density: Lecithin: NUTRILITE™ farms.
A compound made up of phosphorous,
Planting at a high seeding rate to Metabolism:
lipids and choline, which acts as an
crowd out weeds. The sum of all the physical and chemical
emulsifier of fats.
processes occurring in the body.
Insoluble fibre:
Cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
Lifestyle Balanced
Solutions (LBS): Micronutrients:
make up the three most prevalent Nutrients that make up only a small
A weight management programme by
insoluble fibres. They tend to increase proportion of the food we eat. They
Amway that can provide you with slow
the rate at which food passes through include vitamins and minerals, which
but constant weight loss results and
the digestive tract. are essential for normal body function.
teaches you about energy intake
Intercropping: versus energy expenditure, nutritional
Milling process:
The planting of two crops together for values of food and your own nutritional
The NUTRILITE™ farming process
special purposes. This is often done to requirements. For more information,
where plants are reduced to small
inhibit weed growth, minimise soil see our Lifestyle Balanced Solutions
particle size without affecting the
erosion, attract beneficial insects or Brand Centre, by logging into www.
nutritional composition.
deter non-beneficial insects.
International Unit (IU): Limiting amino acids: Inorganic material found in the earth’s
A measure of vitamin activity. The essential amino acids in a protein
crust. The body is known to contain at
food that are present in the lowest
least 56 mineral elements, only a

amount relative to the amount needed
portion of which have been determined
for growth.
to be essential. They are placed into
Lipids: two categories: macro minerals and
Kilojoule: See Fats. trace minerals.
Kilojoule is a measure of the energy
found in food. Food energy can also be Lot number: Monounsaturated
measured in terms of the nutritional or A distinctive combination of numbers fatty acid:
‘large’ Calorie (Cal), which has the and/or letters from which the complete A fatty acid that lacks two hydrogen
same energy value as 4.186 kilojoules history of the manufacture, processing, atoms and has one double bond
(kJ). This should not be confused with packaging, coding and distribution of a between carbons, for example, oleic
the ‘small’ or gram calorie, which is batch can be determined acid.
used by scientists to measure the
amount of energy required to heat Low-Impact Sustainable Mulches:
Agriculture: The word mulch simply means
water. There are 1,000 (small) calories
A farming system that is environmentally something that covers the ground.
in one (large) Calorie, which is why it is
sound, productive, economically viable Advantages of mulches include keeping
also sometimes known as a
and socially desirable. the soil temperature even, reducing
evaporation, protecting the soil from
Lutein: drying winds, helping to eliminate

L A carotenoid found in plants.

weeds and increasing beneficial

Lactase deficient/lactose A carotenoid found in tomatoes and

intolerant: watermelon.
A lack of the enzyme lactase, which is

needed to digest lactose. Symptoms of
lactose intolerance include abdominal
cramping, bloating and diarrhoea.

Lactose: Macro mineral:

An element essential in large quantities
A sugar found exclusively in milk. It is a
to human nutrition. These include
molecule made up of glucose and
calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
sodium, potassium and chloride.

basically refers to the loss of electrons
by a molecule, atom or ion.

A substance produced or existing in
P R&D:
Research and Development.

PABA: Raw material:

nature; either in its unprocessed state
Para-amino benzoic acid. Often Any substance used in the production
or having been subjected to physical
associated with the B vitamins, yet it is of a product, excluding packaging
not an essential nutrient. PABA is materials.
NutriCert: widely distributed in foods.
Recommended Daily
The NutriCert farm certification program
pH: Allowance (RDA):
ensures that all farms supplying
A measure of the relative acidity or Recommended Daily Allowances are
botanical materials adhere to the
alkalinity of a solution. The pH has a the level of intake of nutrients that, on
farming Philosophy of the NUTRILITE™
range from 1 to 14. High pH levels the basis of scientific knowledge, are
indicate alkalinity and low pH levels judged to be adequate to meet the
Nutrient: indicate acidity. Neutral pH is 7.0, while known nutrient needs of practically all
A substance obtained from food and in blood pH is normally 7.4. healthy persons.
the body to promote growth,
Phytonutrients: Repellent crops:
maintenance and/or repair. Organic
A large group of plant compounds, Plants that deter harmful insects.
nutrients include carbohydrates, fat,
which are produced by plants to
proteins and vitamins. Other chemical

protect them from toxins and
compounds such as minerals, water and
environmental pollutants (phyto = plant)
oxygen may also be considered
and have a beneficial effect on humans.
nutrients. Nutrients needed in relatively
Saturated fats:
large quantities are called macronutrients Phytochemical: Fats containing the maximum number
and those needed in relatively small See Phytonutrients.
of hydrogen atoms. They are generally
quantities are called micronutrients.
Polyunsaturated fatty acid solid at room temperature (e.g. butter,
NUTRILITE™ Farming (PUFA): lard) and are commonly found in foods
Practices (NFP): A fatty acid that lacks four or more of animal origin.
Integrated techniques practiced on hydrogen atoms and has two or more
Nutrilite™ farms, which apply the
Soil solarisation:
double bonds between carbons. For
A method of heating the soil with solar
environmentally-aware philosophy of example, linoleic acid (two double
energy. It can kill weeds directly or
C.F. Rehnborg, more than 75 years of bonds) and linolenic acid (three double
indirectly by weakening them so much
farming experience and the latest bonds).
that microbes can finish the job, or by
scientific advances to create integrated,
Precursor: heating them enough to start
resource-conserving farming systems.
A substance that is converted into, or germination and then killing the
As opposed to being material intensive,
used to for, an active compound, such germinated seeds.
the farming philosophy practised on
NUTRILITE™ farms is management as vitamin, hormone or enzyme. Beta
Soil microbes:
intensive, with a high level of carotene is a precursor of vitamin A.
Microscopic creatures in the earth that
maintenance and care being employed have beneficial properties, for example,
to optimise growing conditions.
A molecule made up of amino acids helping to ward off root disease and
that are needed for the body to assisting plants in obtaining nutrients

O function properly. Proteins are the

bases of body structures such as skin
and hair and of substances such as
from the soil.

Soluble fibre:
Optimal well-being: enzymes, cytokines, and antibodies.
The two main types of soluble fibre are
The highest possible achievement of pectin and gum. These tend to slow
They enable the transport of nutrients,
physical, mental and social well-being the rate at which food enters the
oxygen and waste throughout the
and not merely the absence of disease intestines and are absorbed into the
or infirmity. blood stream. It may also help lower
blood cholesterol levels.
A compound (such as oxygen itself)
that oxidises other compounds.
Q Soy Protein Isolate:
The highest quality protein from soy
Quality control: beans.
Oxidation: The system or organisation that
Describes the interaction between monitors the raw materials, the Spray drying:
oxygen molecules and all different manufacturing processes and the Process that converts liquid plant
substances they may contact, from finished products to assure that defined concentrates into powder form.
metal to living tissue. Oxidation quality levels are met.


Tocotrienol: ovo-vegetarian diet includes eggs.
A form of vitamin E that is less active
Spray Dryer:
Machine used to evaporate liquid from
concentrates. Air is heated and blown
than tocopherol compounds.

Tote bins: W
into the spray chamber while liquid Stainless steel containers used for Water:
concentrate is sprayed toward the wall transporting granulated formulas. Water is essential to life. It transports
of the chamber. The liquid and hot air nutrients and toxic materials in the body
mix and the powder is then separated Trace mineral:
(so that they can be eliminated). It acts
and collected into drums. An element essential to nutrition in
as a medium for all bodily fluids and
trace or small amounts. These include
dissipates excess heat through
Stability testing: iron, copper, iodine, manganese, zinc,
perspiration. Leading experts
Used to measure shelf life. Testing selenium, chromium, molybdenum and
recommend that a minimum of 1.5 litres
involves examining tablet appearance, possibly others.
of water should be consumed daily for
disintegration time and vitamin/mineral
potencies over an extended period of Trout Lake: optimal well-being.
time. NUTRILITE™ farm that is located in a
valley surrounded by mountains, which
Statistical Process Control help to keep out pollution and Water-soluble vitamins:
(SPC): contaminants. Vitamins that are absorbed and
A method to ensure consistent transported throughout the body by
manufacturing results. Machines are Turbo film evaporator:
water, blood and other bodily fluids.
used to analyse variation in tablets. If a Equipment that utilises low temperature
Excesses are excreted by the body.
tablet does not fall within an acceptable and a vacuum to concentrate natural
Storage of water-soluble vitamins is
range, it is automatically rejected. plant extracts.
minimal, so the diet must supply them
regularly. The B vitamins and vitamin C

Strip cropping:
are water soluble.
When two crops are planted in an
alternating pattern to achieve a mutual Wellness:
benefit. This is often done to make it Unsaturated fats: Term used with NUTRILITE™ products
harder for pests to find their target Fats that do not contain the maximum to create the perception of a good
species, or to allow for beneficial number of hydrogen atoms. They are balance of the mind, body and spirit.
predators to find a host. generally liquid at room temperature

(e.g. cooking oil) and derived from
Sucrose: plants. When hydrogen atoms are
Often referred to as table sugar, it is a
added to make them firmer, they are
molecule made up of glucose and
called “hydrogenated vegetable oils”. Yeast:
Often referred to as “the oldest plant
Sustainable agriculture:
An environmentally-sound, productive,
economically viable and socially
V cultivated by man”, yeast is a single-
celled plant that is known for its
fermentation properties. Nutritional
desirable farming method. Refer to Vertebrate pest control: yeast is a rich source of protein and
NUTRILITE™ Farming Practices. The use of vertebrates - birds and bats many B vitamins.
- to protect plants from harmful pests.
Two or more compounds acting Vitamins:
together in such a way that the total Organic substances essential for
effect is greater than if each compound normal growth and maintaining good
acted alone. well-being. They are required in the diet
because they cannot, with a few
Synthetic: exceptions, be synthesised in the
A compound that is produced by human body.
chemical synthesis, rather than being
of natural origin. Vegetarian:
An individual who has adopted a

specific diet (or lifestyle) that reduces or
eliminates animal products. The vegan
or total vegetarian diet includes only
Tocopherol: foods from plants: fruits, vegetables,
Vitamin E – an antioxidant. There are legumes (dried beans and peas),
many tocopherols, all identified with grains, seeds and nuts. The
letters of the Greek alphabet. The one lactovegetarian diet includes plant
that has the greatest biological activity foods plus cheese and other dairy
is alpha-tocopherol. products. The lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet
includes dairy products and eggs. The

© AMWAY SA (Pty) Ltd

August 2014

Amway South Africa (Pty) Ltd

No 12 Friesland Drive
Longmeadow Business Estate South
Longmeadow, Johannesburg 1609
Tel: +27 021 405 1700 • Fax: +27 021 425 0705

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