Research-Manuscript Ayakah
Research-Manuscript Ayakah
Research-Manuscript Ayakah
1. Does using banana If we use banana We all know that -To determine how By sun-drying the Olid, M. R., Dakay, R. K.,
peels as an alternative peel as an banana peels are efficient it is to use banana peel for 5-7 Canedo, J. E., Madrid, H.
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fertilizer for tomato alternative fertilizer usually discarded in banana peels in days before grinding
(2022). Eco-friendly
plants affect their for tomato plant, the trash and taken making fertilizer. it into banana peel development: Exploring
growth? then the tomato to the solid waste powder. the effectiveness of using
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have more uses than Quality. Arab Universities
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the tomato plants
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them away. We can Shaarawy, H. H.,
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to make the
Preparation of nano-
reproduction of fertilizer blend from
tomato plants even
faster. banana peels. Bulletin of
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2. Is air drying and sun If we air dry and Malunggay leaves To determine the By air and sun drying Ademiluyi, A. O.,
drying methods sun dry the have a lot of effectiveness of air the malunggay Aladeselu, O. H., Oboh,
effective for drying malunggay leaves, benefits, but air and and sun drying the leaves for 3 to 5 days G., & Boligon, A. A.
malunggay leaves? then the sun drying malunggay leaves. and grinding the (2018). Drying alters the
malunggay leaves malunggay leaves malunggay leaves phenolic constituents,
will have more makes it even better To find out what into a powder. antioxidant properties, α‐
benefits. because of all the benefits dried amylase, and α‐
good benefits it can malunggay leaves glucosidase inhibitory
provide. can provide. properties of Moringa
(Moringa oleifera) leaf.
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3.What are the effects If we use the The mentha leaf has - To determine how
of using mentha leaf mentha leaf extract antibacterial efficient it is to use Khaerunnisa, R., & Fajri,
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extraction as a as a ingredient for properties such as the mentha leaf
ingredient for making making a flavanoids, extract as an EFFECTIVENESS TEST
a toothpaste? toothpaste, then polyphenols, ingredient for of MINT LEAF EXTRACT
the toothpaste will tannins, and toothpaste. (Mentha piperita L.) IN
have more good menthols, which can INHIBITING Stretococcus
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(2019, May). In vitro
antifungal activity of
ethanolic and ethyl
acetate extract of mint
leaves (Mentha piperita
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p. 012135). IOP