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Literature Matrix

Bibliography Objective factors/ Methods Major findings Gap

Khan, M. Z. H., The main banana stem, This study utilized The handsheet There is scope for
Sarkar, M. A. R., Al objective of this bleaching, an experimental density value was further research to
Imam, F. I., Khan, M. study was to paper testing, approach with the very high with high completely
Z. H., & Malinen, R. establish the physical different roughness. The air characterize the
O. (2014). Paper suitability of properties, processes, such as permeability was banana fibers and
making from banana banana optical pulping, pressing, very poor. Compare facilitate proper
pseudo-stem: stem fiber as a properties and paper testing, with other raw applications in
Characterization and potential involved. materials, the paper/board
comparison. Journal source of optical properties industries.
of natural fibers, lignocellulosic were found to be
11(3), 199-211. fibers for paper extremely poor.

Yiga, V. A., The aim of this Banana stem, Mixed methods is Blending time and There is a need to
Lubwama, M., Opio, work was the box-behnken used by this banana stem fiber find more ways to
J., Menya, E., Nono, use of a Box- design, research with the amount were found make the paper
D., & Nalubega Behnken density involvement of to exhibit the durable, like making
Lubwama, H. (2023). design for the optimization, ANOVA Analysis to greatest influence it more water
Production and characterizatio paper, measure the on density of the resistant.
Characterization of n of different response properties of the developed papers.
Paper from Banana factors on the surface paper constructed
Stem Fiber: density of methodology through
Optimization Using paper experimental
Box-behnken Design developed from means.
(BBD). Journal of banana stem

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Natural Fibers, 20(1), fiber. These
2192019. factors included
banana stem
fiber amount,
water amount,
and blending

Kavitha, V., & In this paper, Banana This research uses It is concluded that The potential of
Aparna, G. (2021). A banana fibers fibers, qualitative method the banana fibers banana fibers in the
review on banana are compared Composite through provide better manufacture and
fiber and its through their material, comparison of chemical utilization in
properties. Asian applications, Natural fibers, banana fibers from composition and products is not
Journal of use and Synthetic other fibers. properties. explored.
Pharmaceutical properties fibers.
Research and
Development, 9(3),

Samrot, A. V., Mun, The aim of this Latex; This study uses a Plant latex is a With the mention of
C. Y., & Qi, N. X. study is to chemical qualitative fundamental source utilization plant latex
(2022). PLANT review the composition; approach through for industry since it in the rubber
LATEX: properties of bioactivity. compiling and is low cost and industry,
PHYTOCHEMISTRY latex present in observing the easy to be nanotechnology,
, MEDICINAL different plants. different properties, manufactured into medicine, and the
PROPERTIES AND uses, and waterproof and like, this study failed
APPLICATION–A application of highly flexible to explore the
REVIEW. Journal of different plants’ products. potential of plant-
Pharmaceutical latex content in based latex being
Negative Results, everyday life. used in paper
5351-5375. production.

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Ghamande M., The study is Banana Fiber, This paper used an The paper has a The paper is only
Kanade J., Jare S., intended to find Paper, Plant experimental rough texture; It is used for writing
Jaiswal V., Kajawe the perfect Waste approach with the completely eco- purposes and its
S., & Kamble N. application of use of different friendly as it has other potentials are
(2018). Preparation plant waste process to extract been made from not explored.
of Paper from which is the pulp and fiber plant waste; It is
Banana fiber. environmentally from the banana also not hazardous
International Journal not harmful. stem used to as the NaOH has
of Management, create paper. been removed by
Technology And washing, pressing
Engineering. 2249- and drying; The
7455. paper is durable;
The more paper is
dried more whiter it

Lester J. (2018). The general Papaya, Latex, This is an Papaya latex could The paper produced
THE objective of this Water experimental study either repel or let in this study is not
EFFECTIVENESS study is to resistant, where the water adhere only writable, thus finding
OF PAPAYA LATEX produce a Paper effectiveness of to the surface of the a different purpose
COATING IN THE water resistant papaya latex as a paper. This study for this water
DEVELOPMENT OF paper using a water resistor for concluded that the resistant paper
WATER papaya paper is tested. biolatex is an should be studied
RESISTANT PAPER latex. The effective water further.
. Scribd Inc. specific resistant agent for
objective is to the paper.
assess the
effectiveness of
the papaya
latex by testing
the water

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property of the
produced paper
using water
drop tests.

Saran, P.L., Solanki, This book Papaya, This book is a The proteolytic This book’s scope is
I.S., & Choudhary, R. focuses on the Biology, qualitative review enzyme present in mostly about the
(2015). Papaya: Papaya fruit. Its Cultivation, on the papaya fruit papaya fruits is health and medicine
Biology, Cultivation, Characteristics, Production, history and in between field.
Production and Uses properties, Uses properties. hydrophobic and
(1st ed.). CRC Press. uses, and hydrophilic which is
applications. a great potential
and capable of
interacting with

Note: Arial,11, Justify,

Alphabetically Arranged.


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Note: The name of the researchers should be alphabetically arranged.

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