Romantic Period
Romantic Period
Romantic Period
Camille Saint-Saëns
Types of Music - born on October 9, 1835, in Paris
• Program Music - died on December 16, 1921
- he started his music at an early age
• Piano Music through the help of his aunt
- he began his piano lesson when he was
Romantic Composers only two years old
- composing his first piano piece at the
age of three
Niccolo Paganini - he was considered as a composer who
- October 27, 1782, at Genoa, Italy creates elegant music that is neat,
- most famous violin virtuoso in the world polished, and never excessive
- rockstar performances
- different rumors came out Saint-Saëns’ Compositions
- Carnival of the Animals
Paganini’s Compositions - The Swan
- La Campanella
Performance Practices During the Romantic
- 24 Caprices for Solo Violin, Op.1
- Concerto No.1 in Eb, Op.6
- 15 Quartets for Guitar and Strings Trio
- The Carnival of Venice • it is called “romantic period” because
during that period, the composers
Frederic Chopin didn’t consider themselves romantic but
- born on March 1 1810, in Zelazowa, then later on, the scholars realized
Poland that the artists of this period were
- died on October 17, 1849, in Paris, generally romantic as they express
France themselves through their compositions,
- extraordinary composer they can show their individuality,
emotions, and imagination though their
Chopin’s Compositions music, that’s why the idea of people
being romantic during that time were
- Fantasie in F minor, Op.49 normalized
- Revolutionary Etude, Op.10, No.12 and
- Preludes, Op.28 No.7 Types of Music/Genre
Franz Liszt Program Music
- born on October 22, 1811, in the village
Doborian, Hungary - based on a specific narrative
- died on July 31, 1886 in Bayreuth, - invoked images to the listeners
Germany ▪ during the romantic period, the
- greatest piano virtuoso of his time artists didn't just compose but
- court conductor for the grand duke of they compose so the listeners
Weimar could imagine while listening to
the composition
Liszt’s Compositions
Piano Music
- Love Dream
- Un Sospiro - most of the compositions during this
- Sonata in B Minor time is piano music
- music produced by piano
Robert Schumann - most homes have their own instrument
that's why many were able to compose
- born on June 8, 1810 in Zwickau, Germany music
- died on July 29, 1856, in Germany
- best-known piano pieces were written Romantic Composition
for his wife
- emotional - at present, it is used as background
music for TV and radio shows events or
Schumann’s Compositions soundtracks for movies
- A Woman’s Love and Life
- A Poet’s Love Setting of the Romantic Period
Hector Berlioz Concerts
- born on December 11. 1803, in France - became more as public events rather than
- died on March 8, 1869 private parties for the elites
- dramatic expressiveness and variety - during the romantic period, music was
heard by many people unlike the past
Berlioz’s Compositions when concerts were only for elites
- Symphonie Fantastique
- Le Carnaval Romain Composers
- Les Troyens - the composers have to do additional work
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky and cannot really rely anymore on the
- born on May 7, 1840, in Russia patronage of the wealthy upper-class
- died on November 6, 1893 unlike the earlier eras where when
- first Russian composer whose music made you're a composer known in the music
a lasting impression internationally industry, the elites will give you a
chance to have a full time job but
during the romantic period, that is not
normalized anymore they need to do other
jobs, so to speak, it's like composing
is just their sideline job
- became the favorite instrument for both
professional and amateur musicians
during the early romantic period but was
changed during the late romantic period
Romantic Composers
• evoke emotional expression
• exposing their innermost thoughts
• can convey ideas and feelings that
cannot be put into words
- became relatively bigger
- other instrument groups were given main
part of the piece
- they are now not only focused on the
- highly skilled in arts
- title associated with a performer
- highly technical and sophisticated
skill in music so brilliant that he/she
is able to mesmerize the audience