LG-3 1
LG-3 1
LG-3 1
Ludwig Van
Music of the
Classical period
• The Classical Era, also called “Age of Reason,” is the period
from 1750-1820.
• The cultural life was dominated by the aristocracy, as patrons
of musicians and artists generally influenced the arts.
• In the middle of the 18th century, Europe began to move
toward a new style in architecture, literature, and the arts,
known as Classicism.
• It was also pushed forward by changes in the economic order
and in social structure. Instrumental music was patronized
primarily by the nobility.
• Important historical events that occurred in the West during
this era were the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars,
the American Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the
American Revolution.
1. Frederic Chopin
• Frederic Chopin was known as the “Poet of the Piano,” He
was born on March 1,1810 in Zelazowa, Poland.
• Frederic Chopin began to play piano at age 4.
• He composed polonaise at the age of 7.
• He studied piano at Warsaw Conservatory under Wilhelm
Würfel and most of his music was influenced by folk music.
• He finished his formal education at the higher school in 1829
and soon traveled to Europe giving concerts in places such as
Vienna, Munich, Paris, and London.
• He wrote almost exclusively for piano.
• He made extensive use of piano pedal in most of his
• Chopin composed almost primarily for the piano and some of his most well
known compositions are Fantasie in F minor, Op. 49, Revolutionary Etude, Op.
10, No. 12 and 24 Preludes, Op. 28.
• In 1831, Chopin arrived in Paris and met other legendary composers such as
Franz Liszt, Felix Mendelssohn, and Robert Schumann.
• During this time in Paris, Chopin met and married the famous French writer
George,Sand which later became a source of inspiration as well as a
maternalmfigure in Chopin’s life.
• In the later part of Chopin’s life, his health began tomdecline and he was
diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis.
• Chopin died mon October 17, 1849, in Paris. Chopin’s music is recognized
worldwide for its beauty and his works on the piano are mainstays in the piano
• Some of his music is characterized by its beautiful tone, rhythmic flexibility,
grace, and elegance.
• Some of his compositions like mazurkas and polonaise express his love for
Chopin is famous for the following:
• Ballade – a verse form or narrative that is set to music
• Etude – a piece composed for the development of a specific technique.
• Mazurka – a Polish dance in triple time signature
• Nocturne – an instrumental composition of a pensive, dreamy mood, for the
• Polonaise – a slow Polish dance in triple time that consists of a march or
• Prelude – a short piece of music that can be used as a preface, and introduction
to another work or may stand on its own
• Waltz – a German dance in triple meter
• Impromptu – a short free-form musical composition usually for a solo
instrument, like the piano
• Scherzo – a musical movement of playful character, typically in ABA form
• Sonata – composition for one or more solo instruments usually consisting of
three or four independent movements varying in key, mood, and tempo
2. Franz Liszt • The best word that describes the works of Franz Liszt is “virtuosity.”
• He was known as the virtuoso pianist, a composer and the busiest
musician during the romantic era.
• He played and studied in Vienna and Paris while performing in
concerts in the rest of Europe.
• Liszt was born in the village Doborjan, Hungary.
• He displayed remarkable talent at a young age and easily understood
sight reading.
• His father was his first teacher age six.
• A turning point came when in his early twenties, Liszt heard the
virtuoso violinist Niccolo Paganini perform so he decided to dedicate
himself in becoming a virtuoso pianist.
• He was known for his symphonic poems where he translated great
literary works into musical compositions.
• He also made piano transcriptions of operas and famous symphonies.
• Many of his piano compositions are technically challenging pieces.
• He was also known with his generosity in sharing time and money to
the orphans, victim of disasters, and the many students he taught
music for free.
Some of Liszt’s Piano works:
• “La Campanella”
• “Liebestraume No. 3”
• Liszt’s “Hungarian Rhapsodies” were originally written for solo
piano, but many were arranged for orchestra or other
combinations of instruments. The Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 is
the most popular and was the basis for the “Tom & Jerry”
cartoon called the “Cat Concerto”
• Un Sospiro
• Sonata in B Minor
• Arrangements of the 9 Beethoven Symphonies
• Transcriptions of Lieder by Schubert
Orchestral Composition
• Symphonic Poems (“Hamlet,” “Les Preludes”)
• One of the famous Romantic composers that beautifully combined
3. Robert Schumann music and words is Robert Schumann.
• He was a composer and music critic.
• Robert Alexander Schumann was born in 1810 in Zwickau.
• His father wanted him to study law and so in 1821, Schumann went to
Leipzig to study law.
• However, he spent most of his time with musical and literary circles
through the effort of Friedrich Wieck who took some time to teach
Schumann how to play the piano.
• It was also this time when he wrote some of his first piano
• He eventually convinced his family that he should put aside law in
favor of a performing career.
• In 1830, Schumann went to live with Wieck in Leipzig. He soon
developed a problem with his hands, effectively ending his dreams as a
• It was in 1834 when Schumann founded the music journal, “Jornal
Neue Zeitschrift fur Musik,” wherein he edited and wrote music
criticism for his publication.
• He wrote numerous write-ups and one of which was the performance
of Frederic Chopin in Paris, France.
• In his journal, Schumann often wrote under two pseudonyms -
Eusebius (his sensitive, lyrical side) and Florestan (his fiery, stormy
Piano Works
• “Abegg Variations,” Opus 1(1830)
• “Davidsbundlertanze” (“Dances of the Band of David”), Opus 6 (1837)
• “Carnaval,” Opus 9 (1835) - a portrait of a masked ball attended by his allies and his beloved Clara
• “Phantasiestucke,” Opus 12 (1837) - a series of mood pieces
• “Kreisleriana,” Opus 16 (1838) - a fantasy on the mad Kapellmeister
• “Kinderszenen,” Opus 15 (1838) - a poetic series of evocations of a child’s world
Art Songs:
• “Frauenliebe und Leben” (“A Woman’s Love and Life”)
• “Dichterliebe” (“A Poet’s Love”)
Orchestral music:
• “Piano Concerto in A Minor,” Opus 54
• “Overture,” Scherzo
• “Finale,” Opus 52 (a mini symphony)
• “Konzertstuck in F Major for Four Horns and Orchestra,” Opus 86