Argumentative Essay

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Argumentative and Persuasive Essay

This handout aims to distinguish argumentative from persuasive essays, as well as give some guidelines for writing them. In
both types of essays, a strong coherence between introductions, thesis statements, body paragraphs, and conclusions drive
the essay and deliver its point(s) to its readers clearly and directly. However, the difference between the two is in their
appeal. Argumentative essays appeal to reason, while persuasive essay appeal to emotion. The following is a chart that
explains both kinds of essays more specifically:
The writer aims to get the reader to agree The writer aims to get the reader to accept his
with his / her personal perspective. / her perspective as truth.
Opinions are blended with facts, all in an Relevant reasons and credible data are
GENERAL TECHNIQUE attempt to convince the reader that the writer blended to demonstrate the writer’s argument
is “right.” as valid.
The writer has an intended audience to To write an argument, the writer doesn’t need
AUDIENCE address his request or need. Who can give him an intended audience. The writer is satisfied
what he wants? with simply “putting the truth out there.”
Since the writer is communicating directly to With no specific audience in mind, this more
a person, group, or organization, it’s common formal writing addresses the multiple sides of
to use first-person (i.e., I) and second-person an issue using the more objective third-
(i.e., you) point of view. person point of view.
Persuasive writers “go after” their readers
more aggressively. They consider the
Argumentative writers maintain a tone of
emotional strategy that will work best on
ATTITUDE fairness and reasonableness. Their attitude is
their audience (e.g., manipulation, motivation,
respectful, tactful, and formal.
inspiration, etc.). Persuasive writing is
personal, passionate, and emotional.
Argumentative writing acknowledges
Persuasion has a single-minded goal— Get
opposing views within a pro/con piece. (See
what the writer wants. It is based on the
the more balanced scales above.) This
PERSPECTIVES writer’s personal conviction that his way of
demonstrates the writer as a fair-minded
PRESENTED thinking is the best. Consequently, the writer’s
person and gives him the opportunity to
viewpoint is typically the only one presented.
counter these perspectives with more logic,
(See the lopsided scales above.)
reasoning, and proof.
1. Pick a topic of interest. (What do you 1. Conduct initial research on a debatable
STARTING POINT want?) 2. Choose a side to “fight” for. 3. Start topic. 2. Align with the strongest side. 3.
writing. Continue gathering facts and research.
Persuasive pieces rely on opinions and Arguments rely on logical reasons that are all
feelings. The writer uses his own passion substantiated by facts, data, expert quotes,
SUPPORT and/or plays off reader emotions to get what and evidence. The audience agrees with the
he wants. The audience agrees with the writer writer because of the strong logical
because of strong emotional appeals. appeals.

San Antonio College Writing Center | 210-486-1433 Edited 11/15/15

*Taken from Teaching the Argumentative Standard, 2012 Smekens Education Solutions, INC.

San Antonio College Writing Center | 210-486-1433 Edited 11/15/15

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