Class 15 - Extra Points Part 2: Points M-CA-18 Zi Gong Xue

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Class 15 - Extra Points Part 2


zi gong xue
Palace of the child (uterus)

3 cun lateral to Ren - 3

Empty bladder before puncture
Do not use during period or pregnancy

Women's issues in particular those related to the Uterus

jian qian
Front of the Shoulder

Midway between axillary fold and LI 15

SJ 16 + LI 15 + jian qian = the Three Shoulder Points

Local issues

shi xuan
Ten Diffusions

On the tips of the ten fingers .1 cun distal to the nails

Bleed PC-9 (middle tip) first then Heart (tip of little finger)

Opens mind orifices

Clears heat
Sun stroke, coma, etc.
Revives consciousness

si feng
Four Seams

On the palmar surface of the hand, at the

midpoints of the transverse creases of the
proximal interphalangeal joints of the index,
middle, ring and little fingers.

When you bleed comes out a thick white mucous

Malnutrition in children
Strengthens Spleen
Whooping caugh

zhong kui
center chief
Back of the middle finger at finger bend opposite of si feng

Hiccups and belching

ba xie
eight pathogens

proximal to each web margin between fingers

local hand problems, numbness, spasm and weakness

Bi syndrome - joint, body bone pain
(Wei - atrophy, weakness, no pain)

lou gen
Stiff Neck

On the dorsum of the hand, in the depression

just proximal to the second and third metacarpophalangeal
joints. About a 1/2 cun down from web

Stiff neck from wind, etc

yao tong xue
Lumbar Pain Point

On the dorsum of the hand, two points

located between the second and third and
the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones, in the
depressions lying immediately distal to the
bases of the metacarpals.

At about middle of back of palm

Acute lumbar pain

zhong quan
Middle Fountain

Whole mid way between SI 4 and LI 5

Sudden vomiting of blood

Weakness of wrist

er bai
Two Whites

Four cun proximal to P7 (2 points outside and inside of tendon)

Prolapse of rectum

bi zhong
Arm Middle

on the lateral aspect of the forearm midway between the transverse wrist creast
and elbow crease between the bones

local problems

zhou jian
Elbow Tip

on the tip of the ulnar olecranon (elbow) web the elbow is flexed

use seven star needle tap or moxa

huan zhong
midway between GB 30 and DU 2

3 cun needle
Sciatic pain, hip pain

bai chong wo
hundred insect burrow

Allergic itch and redness reactions

worms in intestines
ring worm

xi yan
Eyes of the Knee
In the knee eyes including St 35

Local problems

lan wei xue
Appendix Point

approximately 2 cun (in the tender spot) below St 36

acute appendicitis

he ding
Crane's Summit

Center of upper border of patella in the depression

dan nang xue
Gall Bladder Point

Tender spot 1 to 2 cun bellow GB 34

Gall stones
other GB related issues

ba feng
Eight Winds

.5 cun in on web between toes

local issues
clear heat, ie. fungus

tian mi
Sweet Honey

Midway between Li 5 and Lu 7

Good to stop addictions and cravings

oblique insertion towards trunk

xin ping
Peaceful Heart
3 cun below (towards hand) of He 3


Angina pains, heart attacks, palpitations

jing gong

Strengthens will power and tonify jing

.5 cun latteral to UB 52

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