Time Management Self Assessment
Time Management Self Assessment
Time Management Self Assessment
assess your current aptitude. The following questionnaire will give you an idea of your current
time management proficiency. Score the following questions using the following scale: 2 for
Always; 1 for Sometimes; 0 for Never
45-50 points: You have excellent time management skills & should use this guide as a reference
30-44 points: You manage your time fairly well but should use this guide to increase your skills
0-29 points: Your time management skills should be improved for college but do not panic!
Reflecting on your Score
Look back on your completed self-assessment. Of the items on the assessment, select five items
that you feel are important issues to you. What would you like to change for the better?
Based on the issues you listed above, what are a few ways that you could potentially embark
on making these changes? What are some obstacles you might need to address in making these