Blood Outline
Blood Outline
Blood Outline
1. Blood
a. Fluid connective tissue
i. Consists of cells suspended in a liquid fibrous matrix.
ii. Blood cells = formed elements
iii. Liquid matrix = plasma.
b. Formed elements consist of erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells) and
2. Centrifuged blood divides into 3 portions
a. Plasma
b. Packed RBCs (42-52% in ♂ and 37-47% in ♀. This % = hematocrit.)
c. Buffy layer containing WBCs and platelets. (<1%)
3. Physical characteristics
a. Color ranges from scarlet (oxygen-rich) to dark red (oxygen poor).
b. Viscosity is 5x that of water, due primarily to the presence of formed elements.
c. pH normally ranges from 7.35-7.45 (slightly alkaline).
d. Temperature is typically 100°F.
e. Volume is 4-5 L for females and 5-6 L for males.
4. Distribution functions
a. Carries O2 (from lungs) and nutrients (from GI tract and body stores) to all cells
b. Carries wastes from all cells to elimination sites (lungs for CO 2; kidneys for nitrogenous wastes
c. Carries hormones (chemical signals) from endocrine organs to target tissues.
5. Regulatory functions
a. Regulates body T° by absorbing and distributing heat
b. Maintains body fluid pH by virtue of its many buffers
c. Maintains adequate body fluid volumes.
6. Protective functions
a. Prevents blood loss by initiating clotting mechanisms in response to blood vessel damage
b. Prevents infection via WBCs and plasma immune proteins.
7. Blood plasma
a. 48-58% of blood volume in ♂ and 53-63% of blood volume in ♀.
b. 90% water. Water acts as a solvent and suspending medium.
c. Solutes dissolved in plasma include: plasma proteins, nutrients, electrolytes, respiratory gases,
hormones and wastes.
d. Plasma proteins
i. Albumin = most abundant plasma protein
1. Produced by the liver
2. Maintains plasma osmotic pressure.
3. Acts as a buffer and is involved in the transport of steroids and bilirubin.
ii. Globulins are another major type of plasma protein.
1. Many are produced in the liver and act as transport proteins for lipids, metal
ions, and fat-soluble vitamins.
2. Other globulins, known as antibodies are produced during the immune response.
iii. Clotting proteins.
1. Most are produced in the liver, e.g., prothrombin and fibrinogen.
e. Nutrients
i. Absorbed from the GI tract or body reserves and distributed throughout the body.
ii. E.g., amino acids, glucose, fatty acids, triglycerides, vitamins, and cholesterol.
f. Electrolytes (ions, such as Ca2+, Na+, and K+, etc.)
g. Respiratory gases (dissolved CO2, O2, and N2)
h. Wastes (byproducts of cell metabolism, e.g., urea, uric acid, ammonia, creatinine, and lactic acid)
i. Buffers (chemicals that function to prevent fluctuations in plasma pH)
j. Hormones (chemical messengers such as insulin or epinephrine).
8. Red blood cells
a. Small (7.5m diam.), biconcave discs.
b. Biconcave shape gives them a high surface area to volume ration (good for O2 entry/exit) and
increased flexibility (good for squeezing thru tight capillaries).
g. Perform diapedesis (i.e., leave the blood stream) and enter connective or lymphatic tissue where
they mount an immune response.
h. Capable of flowing thru the tissue spaces with an amoeboid-like motion.
i. Attracted to chemicals by pathogens, damaged cells, or activated WBCs. (Positive chemotaxis.)
j. 5 types: neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils.
k. “Never let monkeys eat bananas” specifies the 5 types in order of abundance.
l. Divided into 2 large classes: granulocytes and agranulocytes.
m. Granulocytes contain membrane-bound granules that are dyed by Wright’s stain.
n. Agranulocytes lack stainable granules.
o. Granulocytes include neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. All are spherical, larger than RBCs,
have lobed nuclei, and stain specifically with Wright’s stain.
p. Agranulocytes include lymphocytes and monocytes.
15. Neutrophils
a. Most numerous circulating WBC.
b. Constitute 50-70% of circulating WBC population.
c. Contain fine lilac colored granules that take up acidic and basic dyes,
d. Nucleus consist of 3-6 lobes ( Polymorphonuclear).
e. Count increases during acute bacterial infections.
16. Eosinophils
a. Make up 2-4% of the circ. WBC pop.
b. Bilobed nuclei.
c. Take up acidic dyes, which cause their granules to turn reddish orange.
d. Attack parasitic worms.
e. Engulf immune complexes involved in allergic rxns. (Lessening their severity.)
17. Basophils
a. Make up <1% of the circ. WBC pop.
b. Take up basic dyes, which cause their granules to turn a dark purple. Granules contain a
vasodilator (histamine) and an anticoagulant (heparin). Released during inflammation.
18. Lymphocytes
a. Comprise 30% of the circ. WBC pop.
b. Large, round, purple nuclei taking up most of the cell volume.
c. Trillions of lymphocytes in the body, but only a relatively small # in the blood. Most are found
w/i lymphatic tissues (e.g., lymph nodes, spleen).
d. 2 main types
i. T lymphocytes defend against virus-infected and tumor cells, and control and manage the
immune response.
ii. B lymphocytes differentiate into plasma cells, which produce antibodies.
19. Monocytes
a. Comprise 3-8% of the circ. WBC pop.
b. Largest leukocyte – up to 3x the size of an RBC.
c. Pale blue cytoplasm and a dark U or kidney-shaped nucleus.
d. Leave the bloodstream to become macrophages – cells specialized in phagocytosis of foreign
particles and debris.
20. Leukopoiesis = WBC formation
a. Occurs primarily within the red marrow but also w/i lymphatic tissues.
b. Stem cell for all WBCs is the hemocytoblast.
21. Platelets
a. Fragments (2-4 m diam.) of extremely large bone marrow cells (megakaryocytes) that are
derived from hemocytoblasts.
b. Contain membrane-bound granules filled with chemicals involved in blood clotting.
c. Help form blood clots and temporary patches (platelet plugs) for torn blood vessels.
d. 150,000-400,000 platelets per L of blood.
e. Platelet formation (thrombopoiesis) occurs in the red marrow, begins with hemocytoblasts, and is
stimulated by a hormone called thrombopoietin.
22. Hemostasis
a. Set of processes that stop bleeding and help heal damaged blood vessel walls.