Some of Vital Parts of DSLR and It Functions

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1. Lens; - the lens is one of the most part vital parts of a

camera. It serves as a passage which light from outside
space pass through. This is where the photo process begins.
Lens can also be either fixed or interchangeable the can
also vary in focal length, aperture and other details.
2. View finder; - the view finder as the name implies, is the
area on the camera that you look through in order to
compose your shot. It serves to view the object from it
stand position.
3. Mode dial;- the mode dial allows one to select different
options he may intended to use at a particular time such as;
automatic mode, program mode, sport mode, or macro
mode and manual mode, these is usually done in DSLRs
camera, unlike the older cameras that all the settings are
manual. Note some of compact cameras use touch screen
for selecting options instead of dial.
4. Body;- this is the main portion of the camera, it comes in
different sizes; DSLR with larger body and a bit heavier, and
other consumer cameras that are conveniently smaller size
and even able to fit into pocket.
5. Shutter Release;- this is the button on the camera that is
used to snap picture. Opens and closes of the shutter,
allowing the necessary light and information to enter the
camera. The more speed you set, the more time the shutter
stays open. The exposed of shutter is determined by the
shutter speed.
6. Aperture; - this term is the opening of the lens diaphragm
through which light passes. This is measure in f/stop and
the aperture affects the image exposure. If there is a
change in the diameter of the lens opening which controls
the amount of the light reaching the image sensor. The
higher the number ISO the more your picture will be
exposed, the lower the number of f/stop the more your
picture will be exposed in terms of aperture.
7. Image sensor; - is an instrument found in the inner parts of
camera which convert the optical image to an electronic
signal. Then send to your memory card. Most digital
cameras has two main types of a I.S which are; CMOS, CCD,
both perform same task but indifferent method
8. LCD screen; - this screen it also known as liquid crystal
display. It usually found on the back of the camera body
and can vary in size. On the digital compact cameras the
LCD has typically begun to replace the view finder
completely. On DSLR, the LCD is mainly for viewing photos
after shutting and also displays options for selection.
9. Flash;- this equipment is used to provide a bit of extra light
during dim or low light situation. Note, this flash is available
on all cameras except some professional grade DSLRs.
10. Focus ring; - this is a ring typically found on the lens that
allow of the cameras focus. Although some camera such as
point and shoot cameras lack focus ring because their focus
are set automatically, while some cameras has both
autofocus and manual focus rings e.g. DSLRs camera.
11. Video start-up button;- this is a red button found in any
camera which control the video start and stop in a camera.
This button may show up in a different position on your
camera. It has control location also in mode dial known as
‘’movie mode dial’’.
12. Exposure compensation button;- is a button which serves to
control aperture. The button allows you to adjust exposure
compensation, that’s to make the image brighter or dark. It
still let the camera to make it own decision about which
setting to use to achieve that while is in auto mode dial e.g
13. Lens retract button;- this button it control the lens by
zooming it into its operational position , and again to
retract it when you are done shooting.
14. Lens release button; - this is for releasing and detach the
lens by rotating it.
15. AE/AF; - auto / focus / auto exposure button;- this button is
used to hold a setting down. E.g. focus and exposure while
holding down. It beneficial advanced to shooters who can
use it to take several slots with different framing while
ensuring all remain focus and same point an exposed
16. Q-button;- this button/canon/ I. button in Nikon;- this
button is for quick menu. Pressing this button will bring on
a set of functions display on the LCD screen which can be
control directly. It can be useful in adjusting things like ISO,
white balance and drive mode settings on camera that
don’t have dedicated buttons or dials for feature.
17. Magnify button; - this is for magnifying an image during
play back, allowing you to see greater detail.
18. De magnify button; - let you to expand the play back view
to show multiple image thumbnails at once.


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