Physics Paper 2 (Practical) : Answer All Questions

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Answer all questions.

You should not spend more than one and a half hours on each question.
Question 1


This experiment determines the focal length of the given convex lens by
displacement method.
You are provided with:
A lens holder

A convex lens


Two optical pins


An optical bench

Note: The experiment may be performed on a table top, using a metre scale, in case an
optical bench is not available.


Determine the approximate focal length f of the given convex lens by projecting the
image of a distant object on a wall or a screen. Record the value of f in cm, correct
upto one decimal place.
Now, arrange the object pin O, the image pin I and the lens L on the optical bench
or table top as shown in Figure 1(a) so that the tips of O and I lie on the principal
axis of the lens.

Figure 1(a)


Adjust the distance x between O and I to be nearly equal to (4f + 10) cm. Ensure
that this separation is maintained throughout this particular setting.
Move the lens towards the pin I and adjust its position until the diminished and
inverted image of O coincides with the image pin I.
Read and record the positions of O, L1 and I on the metre scale in cm, correct upto
one decimal place.



Keeping O and I fixed, move the lens towards the object pin O and adjust its position
as shown in Figure 1(b) until the magnified and inverted image of O coincides with
I. Record the new position L2 of the lens.



Figure 1(b)


The difference between the two positions L1 and L2 of the lens is the displacement
d of the lens. Calculate and record the value of d, in cm, correct upto one decimal

(viii) Repeat the experiment to obtain four more sets of x and d, taking values of x in the
range (4f + 10) cm and 100 cm. Note that for each set, the positions of O and I are
maintained constant and the parallax is removed by moving the lens only.

Show the image position when the parallax has been removed, in any one of the
readings in (viii) above, to the Visiting Examiner.


Tabulate all the five sets of values of x, x2, d, d2, and y = (x2 d2)/100, along with
their units given at each column head. Compute y up to three significant figures.


Plot a graph of y against x. Draw the line of best fit and determine its slope S using:


(xii) Calculate the focal length F of the given lens correct up to one decimal place, using:
F = 25 S.
(xiii) Record the value of F in your answer booklet.


Comments of Examiners
Common errors made by candidates in attempting this
question were as follows:

Proper trend (x proportional to d) was not followed in a

few cases.
Many candidates did not express approximate focal
length of convex lens correct upto 1 d.p and with unit.
d, x and y were not recorded in a few cases.
A few candidates obtained the value of d>x because of
which calculation of y became negative.
Many candidates took x<(4f+ 10) and many candidate
took 50 cm as a constant value.
Some candidates made the mistake of rounding off y
upto three significant figures.


A few candidates did not label the graph or labelled

wrongly, some used a kink; in several cases,
non-uniform and inconvenient scale was chosen.
Many candidates did not plot correctly or marked blobs.
A number of candidates were unable to make the best fit

Many candidates took plotted points for finding slope.

Many candidates did not record the focal length of the
lens upto one decimal point.

Suggestions for teachers

Show students different instruments
such as, the metre scale, Vernier
callipers, screw gauge, ammeter,
voltmeter, etc. and tell them to write
the least count. Teach students how
to write observations in consistence
with the L.C of the instrument, with
correct unit.
measurement, unit, significant
figures, etc., so that mistakes are
Explain about parallax error and
show students how to remove it.
Give sufficient practice in graphical
(i) Proper labelling with unit,
(ii) Marking of origin with two
(iii) Choice of a uniform and
convenient scale (tell students about
inconvenient scale, e.g. 1 div.
=0.3,0.33,0.67,0.66 etc not to be
taken) (iv) Meaning of correct
(vi) Concept of best fit
and how to draw the best fit line.
(vii) Determining the Slope (for
slope take two unplotted points on
the line that are widely separated.)
Instruct students to read the
question paper carefully and
underline the important points in

Question 1.

Approximate focal length of the lens correct upto 1 dp. with unit.


Four correct sets of x and d

Correct set means as x increases, d also increases
Unit of x or d: cm.
d should be recorded upto 1 decimal place in at least three sets.

Correct calculation of x2, d2 and y in at least three sets;

Rounded off y upto 3s.f



Axes labelled correctly with or without units. The scale should be uniform, convenient,
covering more than 50% of the graph paper. Origin may / may not be marked. Interchange
of axes is allowed but kink is not allowed.
Four correct plots

Points must be sharp and encircled. A blob is not a point.
Correct plot means if the plotting points lie within 50% of one of the smallest
divisions on both the scale of actual position.
Best fit line (thin and uniform) at least the line passes very close to the four points (even
for blobs) or within five divisions / one cm. perpendicular distance on both sides of the
line drawn. The line should be extended on both sides with respect to the four plots.

Correct calculation of slope (S) of the best fit line using two distant points (separated 50%
or more than that of the line drawn, taking at least one unplotted point.
Correct calculation of F, with 1dp.

Candidates F= should be in the range 7.5cm F 12.5cm.

Question 2
A. This experiment determines the resistivity of the material of the given wire.
You are provided with a 100 cm long uniform metallic wire AB stretched along a
metre scale and provided with terminals at both ends.
You are also provided with a resistance box R.B., a voltmeter of range 0-3V, an
ammeter of range 0 - 1A, a 4V dc power supply E, a plug key K, a jockey J
and a few connecting wires.




Determine and record the least count of the given voltmeter and the ammeter
with proper units in your answer booklet.
Set up a circuit as shown in Figure 2 below. Make sure that all connections
are tight.

( )
80 cm


0 cm

100 cm

Figure 2


Take out 1 plug from the resistance box R.B. so that R = 1. Ensure that
all other plugs are tightly closed. Place the jockey J at a point C on the wire
AB, such that AC=80 cm. The reading of the voltmeter as well as the ammeter
must be within its range. Read and record the readings of the voltmeter and
the ammeter, i.e. V and I, with proper units.
Repeat the experiment to obtain four more sets of readings of R, V and I by
increasing the resistance R by 1 each time. Ensure that the jockey is always
kept at the same position C such that AC = 80 cm in all five sets of readings.
Show any one of the readings in (iv) above, to the Visiting Examiner.


Determine the value of resistance r using:





for each set, correct upto three significant figures.

Now, tabulate all the five sets of values of R, V, I and r with proper units.
Find ro, the mean of all the five values of r and record its value in your answer
Determine and record the least count of the given micrometer screw gauge
in cm.
Using it, calculate the diameter d of the given specimen wire X and record
its value in cm in your answer booklet.
Calculate the resistivity of the material of the wire, using the formula:



Comments of Examiners
Some errors made by candidates in attempting this question were as follows:
Suggestions for teachers
Least counts of the ammeter and voltmeter were not
Give practice to students in different
recorded correctly by some candidates.
electricity experiments and tell them
The trends of R, V, and I were not correct in many
the aim and trend of the experiment.
Check practical record books of
Several candidates did not record the values of V and
students regularly.
I in consistence with the least counts of the
Give more practice to students in
recording the diameter of a wire
Some candidates measured l and (100-l) instead of V
using a screw gauge.
and I.
Dimensions of different physical
A few candidates recorded absurd values of voltage
quantities must be explained
(e.g. 5V, 7V, 10V, 12V) and current.
Tell students to pay attention to the
instructions given in the Question
Many candidates did not write r = V/I correct up to
three significant figures.
Give more practice to students in
In several cases, the mean value of r as r0 was not
making calculations.
calculated correctly or not shown at all.
Record of L.C of screw gauge not written in cm.
The value of diameter of the wire was not written in consistence with the L.C of screw gauge and
also at times, without unit.
Resistivity was not calculated in some cases or calculated incorrectly.
Question 2.

L.C. of ammeter and voltmeter with their units.
Any four correct sets of R, V and I
Note: Correct set means:

As R increases, I decreases and V decreases


V and I recorded correctly in agreement with the L.C. of V and A respectively.



Correct calculation of r in at least 3 sets with unit.


Correct calculation of mean ro (1d.p.)


Record of least count in cm and correct calculation of diameter d (The unit cm

should be present either in LC or in diameter.


Correct calculation of .

(a) Topics found difficult and confusing by candidates:
Removal of parallax error.

Concept of significant figures.

Concept of Decimal place, rounding off upto proper decimal place.

Significant figures, least count of instruments and writing of observations in consistence with the
least count, with proper unit.

Mention of correct unit of physical quantities.

Graphical skills - proper choice of origin, uniform and convenient scale, proper labelling of the
axes, meaning of correct plotting and concept of best fit line.

How to find the slope from best fit line.

(b) Suggestions for candidates:

Read the question carefully and follow the instructions, using only the formula given in the
question paper for all the calculations.
Ensure that all observations are consistent with L.C. of the measuring instrument and recorded in
tabular form with unit. Note down the L.C. of the instruments used before starting the experiment.
All values calculated should be calculated upto the decimal place or significant figures asked for
the in the question.
While doing any optical experiment with lens, always record the positions of object pin, image
pin and the lens.
Scale should be uniform and convenient with axes properly labelled.
Origin should begin from zero if the intercept is to be found. Co-ordinates of the origin must be
given/ marked on graph paper.
Plots should be small encircled dots, correct to the nearest division of the graph sheet.
Line of best fit means the aggregate of all plotted points drawn symmetrically and extended on
both sides of the last plotted points.
Slope calculation should be from two widely separated, unplotted points lying on the best fit line.
The scale of the graph should be such that at least 2/3 of the graph paper is used.


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