CHISON QBit7 VS SonoScape S22
CHISON QBit7 VS SonoScape S22
CHISON QBit7 VS SonoScape S22
Smart Ultrasound
eting Analysis V2.0
CHISON QBit 7 SonoScape S22
Since 2015 Since 2014
• Outlook
O design
• Performance
• Function
• Calculation
• Workflow
Outlook design
CHISON QBit7 SonoScape S22 Advantage
Monitor 19’’ LED,
19 LED 18 5’’ LED,
18.5 LED
rotatable rotatable
Weight 50kg Around 65kg Compact ,Easy
Compact Easy
Volume 20% Slimmer slim
Li ht
Light Y
Yes No
Battery Yes, 80mins No
Controll panel l Left and right,
f d h up ?
and down
P b 4 4
USB ports
ports 6 4
CD/DVD ROM Yes, face front Yes, left side Convenient
•19’’ LLED Standard
19’’ LED •Full sscreen mode , 68.75% image area
•Lightter available, 6 steps adjustable
Performance ---carrotid
CHISON QBit 7 SonoScape S22
Intima(up & down): sharp, continuous Intima(up & down ):not clear
Vessel : no noise Inside: no noise
Near field: different layer shown clearly Near field: less power
Performance ---carrotid color
CHISON QBit 7 SonoScape S22
Tissue: uniform and smooth Tissue: less uniform and not smooth
Edge: sharp , continuous Edge: less sharp
Near field: details available Near field: details available
Performance ---thyyroid color
CHISON QBit 7 SonoScape S22
C l sensitivity:
iti it highly
hi hl sensitivity
iti it Color
C l sensitivity:
iti it less
l color
B/W image quality: good B/W image quality: same
Performance ---Ren
nal color
CHISON QBit 7 SonoScape S22
Color sensitivity:
y highly
g y sensitivity,
y tiny
y vessel Color sensitivity:
y less sensitive
can be displayed
Performance ---carrdiac 2D and color
CHISON QBit 7 SonoScape S22
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