Human Movement and Bones: Ms. Marcheli Alexandra, S.PD Junior High Sekolah Global Mandiri Cibubur 2018-2019
Human Movement and Bones: Ms. Marcheli Alexandra, S.PD Junior High Sekolah Global Mandiri Cibubur 2018-2019
Human Movement and Bones: Ms. Marcheli Alexandra, S.PD Junior High Sekolah Global Mandiri Cibubur 2018-2019
Ms. Marcheli Alexandra, S.Pd
Junior High
Sekolah Global Mandiri Cibubur
Bone vs Cartilage
• Cartilage (tulang rawan)
Cartilage is a living connective tissue which is strong and flexible.It is mainly composed of
cells called chondrocytes which are mixed with collagen or elastin fibers. It is found in
different forms in our body and serves multiple functions.
There are three types of cartilage:
1. Hyaline- most common, found in the ribs, nose, larynx, trachea. Is a precursor
of bone.
2. Fibro- is found in invertebral discs, joint capsules, ligaments.
3. Elastic- is found in the external ear, epiglottis and larynx.
Bone vs Cartilage
• Osteon (tulang keras)
• It is a highly vascular living tissue, supplied with blood vessels, and comprises three
types of bone cells: osteoblasts (progenitor cells), osteocytes (mature bone cells) and
• A bone can be classified into long, short, flat, irregular, sesamoid and sutural bones.
• Its tissue is of two types: compact and spongy. Accordingly, a bone can be a compact
or spongy bone. Compact bone is dense and compact and forms the outer layer of the
bone. Spongy bone is a spongy, honeycomb-like structure which forms the inner part of
the bone. At the time of birth, we have around 300 soft bones in our body. As we grow
some of the bones fuse together due to which an adult skeleton has around 206 bones.
Bone structure
Spongy (Cancellous) Bone
• Spongy bone contains
osteocytes housed in
lacunae, but they are
not arranged in
concentric circles.
Instead, the lacunae
and osteocytes are
found in a lattice-like
network of matrix
called trabeculae (sin
gular = trabecula)
Compact Bone
• The microscopic structural unit of compact
bone is called an osteon, or Haversian
• Osteon is composed of concentric rings of
calcified matrix called lamellae (singular =
lamella). Running down the center of each
osteon is the central canal, or Haversian
canal, which contains blood vessels,
nerves, and lymphatic vessels. These
vessels and nerves branch off at right
angles through a perforating canal, also
known as Volkmann’s canals, to extend to
the periosteum and endosteum.
• The osteocytes are located inside spaces
called lacunae (singular = lacuna), found at
the borders of adjacent lamellae. As
described earlier, canaliculi connect with
the canaliculi of other lacunae and
eventually with the central canal. This
system allows nutrients to be transported
to the osteocytes and wastes to be
removed from them.
Filled by
Osteoblast Osteosit Matrix
Ca & P
Skeletal system
1. Movement: Skeletal system 3. Protection: The bones of your
provides points of attachment for skull protect your brain. Your
muscles. Your legs and arms move ribs protect your lungs and
when the muscles pull on the bones.
heart from injury.
• Appendicular Skeleton:
The appendicular
skeleton includes the
appendages of the body,
which are the shoulders,
arms, hips, and legs.
Skeletal system: Axial (SKULL)
Skeletal system: Axial :SPINE
• CV=7
• TV=12
• LV=5
• SV=5
• Cocyx = 4
Write here in bahasa!
Skeletal system: Axial (Strenum and Ribs)
Skeletal system: Upper Appendicular /
Upper Limbs (Shoulder)
Skeletal system: Upper Appendicular /
Upper Limbs (Pelvic)
Lower Limbs