Skeletal tissues include bones and three types of cartilage - hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage. Cartilage provides support, flexibility and resilience and is present in areas like joints, ears, and intervertebral discs. Bones develop through two processes - intramembranous ossification which forms flat bones from membranes, and endochondral ossification which replaces cartilage models with bone. Bones provide structure, protect organs, allow movement, store minerals, and form blood cells. Microscopically, compact bone is made of concentric rings called osteons containing osteocytes and canaliculi.
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Skeletal tissues include bones and three types of cartilage - hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage. Cartilage provides support, flexibility and resilience and is present in areas like joints, ears, and intervertebral discs. Bones develop through two processes - intramembranous ossification which forms flat bones from membranes, and endochondral ossification which replaces cartilage models with bone. Bones provide structure, protect organs, allow movement, store minerals, and form blood cells. Microscopically, compact bone is made of concentric rings called osteons containing osteocytes and canaliculi.
Skeletal tissues include bones and three types of cartilage - hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage. Cartilage provides support, flexibility and resilience and is present in areas like joints, ears, and intervertebral discs. Bones develop through two processes - intramembranous ossification which forms flat bones from membranes, and endochondral ossification which replaces cartilage models with bone. Bones provide structure, protect organs, allow movement, store minerals, and form blood cells. Microscopically, compact bone is made of concentric rings called osteons containing osteocytes and canaliculi.
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Skeletal tissues include bones and three types of cartilage - hyaline, elastic, and fibrocartilage. Cartilage provides support, flexibility and resilience and is present in areas like joints, ears, and intervertebral discs. Bones develop through two processes - intramembranous ossification which forms flat bones from membranes, and endochondral ossification which replaces cartilage models with bone. Bones provide structure, protect organs, allow movement, store minerals, and form blood cells. Microscopically, compact bone is made of concentric rings called osteons containing osteocytes and canaliculi.
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Bones and Skeletal Tissues
Anatomy & Physiology
Skeletal Cartilage Skeletal Cartilage mbryologically, the human skeletion is initially Iormed Irom cartilages and Iibrous membranes. During development, most oI this original structure is replaced with bone. High water content (resilience) No blood vessels or nerves present Surrounded by a perichondrium (dense irregular CT) The 3 types have the same basic components: Chondrocytes (cartilage-producing cells) residing inside Lacunae within an CM (extracellular matrix) %5es of Cartilage %5es of Cartilage -- Haline Cartilage Haline Cartilage ) Articular Cartilage - covers ends oI long bones 2) Costal Cartilage - connects ribs to sternum 3) Respiratory Cartilage - larynx and air passages 4) Nasal Cartilage - supports the nose Provides support, Ilexibility, and resilience - the most abundant skeletal cartilage Hyaline Cartilage 400X 1 to 4 chondrocytes in lacuna %5es of Cartilage %5es of Cartilage -- Elastic Cartilage Elastic Cartilage ) xternal ar (pinna) 2) piglottis Similar to hyaline cartilage but contains elastic Iibers in matrix, more Ilexible than hyaline lastic Cartilage 400X chondrocyte in lacuna cartilage densely packed elastic fibers %5es of Cartilage %5es of Cartilage -- Fibrocartilage Fibrocartilage ) Intervetebral Discs 2) Pubic Symphysis 3) Knee Articular Cartilages (menisci) Highly compressible with great tensile strength, thick collagen Iibers present ibrocartilage 400X chondrocyte in lacuna collagen fibers Cartilages of the Human Bod Cartilages of the Human Bod rowth of Cartilage rowth of Cartilage Interstitial (growth Irom inside) Chondrocytes inside lacunae divide and secrete new matrix, expanding the cartilage Irom within. Appositional (growth Irom outside) Cartilage-Iorming cells, chondroblasts, adjacent to the perichondrium secrete matrix against the external Iace oI existing cartilage. Classification of Bones Classification of Bones -- 2 rou5s 2 rou5s Axial Skeleton Iorms the long axis oI the body, Includes: bones oI the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage Appendicular Skeleton relating to an appendage, Includes: bones oI the upper and lower limbs, shoulder girdle, and hip girdle Functions of Bones Functions of Bones W Support Iorm the Iramework that supports the body W Protection provide a protective case Ior the brain, spinal cord, and organs W Movement provide levers Ior muscles W Mineral storage reservoir Ior minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus W Blood cell Iormation hematopoiesis occurs within the marrow cavities oI bones ross Anatom of Bones ross Anatom of Bones xternal Features oI Bones projections, depressions, and openings that serve as sites oI muscle, ligament, and tendon attachment, as joint surIaces, or conduits Ior blood vessels and nerves Compact Bone dense outer layer Spongy Bone (cancellous bone) honeycomb oI trabeculae (needle- like or Ilat pieces) Iilled with bone marrow Structure of %5ical Long Bone Structure of %5ical Long Bone Diaphysis - tubular shaIt Iorming the axis oI long bones. Composed oI compact bone surrounding a central medullary cavity containing bone marrow piphysis expanded end oI long bones Joint surIace is covered with articular (hyaline) cartilage piphyseal lines separate the diaphysis Irom the epiphyses Metaphysis where epiphysis and diaphysis meet Bone Membranes Bone Membranes -- Periosteum and Endosteum Periosteum and Endosteum Periosteum double-layered protective membrane, supplied with nerve Iibers, blood, and lymphatic vessels entering the bone via nutrient Ioramina Secured to underlying bone by Sharpey`s Iibers (collagen) Outer Iibrous layer is dense irregular CT Inner osteogenic layer is composed oI osteoblasts and osteoclasts Bone Membranes Bone Membranes -- Periosteum and Endosteum Periosteum and Endosteum Periosteum provides anchoring points Ior tendons and ligaments ndosteum delicate CT membrane covering internal surIaces oI bone - covers trabeculae oI spongy bone and lines canals in compact bone, also contains both osteoblasts and osteoclasts Structure of Short, Irregular, and Flat Bones Structure of Short, Irregular, and Flat Bones Plates oI periosteum- covered compact bone on the outside with endosteum-covered spongy bone, diplo, on the inside Have no diaphysis or epiphyses Contain bone marrow between the trabeculae Location of Hemato5oietic %issue (Red Marrow) Location of Hemato5oietic %issue (Red Marrow) In inIants: red marrow is Iound in the medullary cavity oI the diaphysis and all areas oI spongy bone In adults: red marrow is Iound in the diplo oI Ilat bones (sternum and ilium), and the head oI the Iemur and humerus Yellow Marrow meshwork oI Iibers containing Iat Red Marrow meshwork containing developmental stages oI blood cells Microsco5ic Anatom of Bone: Com5act Bone Microsco5ic Anatom of Bone: Com5act Bone Haversian System, or Osteon the structural unit oI compact bone Lamellae weight-bearing, column-like matrix tubes composed oI collagen and crystals oI bone salts Haversian Canal central channel containing blood vessels and nerves Volkmann`s Canals channels lying at right angles to the central canal, connecting blood and nerve supply oI the periosteum to the Haversian canal Microsco5ic Anatom of Bone: Com5act Bone Microsco5ic Anatom of Bone: Com5act Bone Osteocytes mature bone cells Lacunae cavities in bone containing osteocytes Canaliculi hairlike canals that connect lacunae to each other and the central canal Microsco5ic Anatom of Bone: Com5act Bone Microsco5ic Anatom of Bone: Com5act Bone Compact Osteonic Bone 400X osteocyte in lacuna central canal of osteon canaliculi Compact Osteonic Bone 400X concentric IameIIae osteon Com5osition of Bone: Organic Com5osition of Bone: Organic Cells: Osteoblasts bone-Iorming cells Osteocytes mature bone cells Osteoclasts large cells that resorb or break down bone matrix Osteoid unmineralized bone matrix composed oI proteoglycans, glycoproteins, and collagen Com5osition of Bone: Inorganic Com5osition of Bone: Inorganic Hydroxyapatites, or mineral salts - sixty-Iive percent oI bone by mass - mainly calcium phosphates tiny crystals surrounding the collagen Iibers in the CM - responsible Ior bone hardness and its resistance to compression Bone Develo5ment Bone Develo5ment W Osteogenesis or OssiIication the process oI bone tissue Iormation that leads to: W The Iormation oI the skeleton in embryos W Bone growth until early adulthood W Bone thickness, remodeling, and repair Formation of the Skeleton Formation of the Skeleton BeIore week 8, the skeleton oI a human embryo consists oI Iibrous membanes and hyaline cartilage Intramembranous ossiIication bone develops Irom a Iibrous CT membrane (Iormed by mesenchymal cells). The Ilat bones oI the skull (Irontal, parietal, temporal, occipital) and the clavicles are Iormed this way. ndochondral ossiIication bone Iorms by replacing hyaline cartilage, uses hyaline cartilage 'bones as patterns Stages of Intramembranous Ossification Stages of Intramembranous Ossification An ossiIication center appears in the Iibrous CT membrane (mesenchymal cells cluster and diIIerentiate into osteoblasts) Bone matrix is secreted within the Iibrous membrane -osteoblasts secrete osteoid which becomes mineralized - osteoblasts osteocytes Stages of Intramembranous Ossification Stages of Intramembranous Ossification oven bone (network oI trabeculae) and periosteum (vascularized mesenchyme) Bone collar oI compact bone Iorms (later replaced with lamellar bone) Red marrow appears ntramembranous Ossification 100X trabeculae of spongy bone connective tissue ntramembranous Ossification 100X trabeculae of spongy bone osteocyte in lacuna osteoblasts Endochondral Ossification Endochondral Ossification &ses hyaline cartilage 'bones as models or patterns Ior bone construction More complex than intramembranous ossiIication, requires breakdown oI hyaline cartilage prior to ossiIication Begins with the primary ossiIication center perichondrium becomes vascularized and mesenchymal cells diIIerentiate into osteoblasts Stages of Endochondral Ossification Stages of Endochondral Ossification Formation oI bone collar around diaphysis Cavitation (calciIication and deterioration) oI the hyaline cartilage in the center oI the diaphysis Periosteal bud invades the internal cavities and spongy bone Iorms Stages of Endochondral Ossification Stages of Endochondral Ossification Diaphysis elongates (due to division oI chondrocytes at epiphyses) and the medullary cavity Iorms Secondary ossiIication centers Iorm in the epiphyses piphyses ossiIy, with hyaline cartilage remaining on the articular surIace and as epiphyseal plates ormation of bone coIIar around hyaIine cartiIage modeI. 1 2 3 4 Cavitation of the hyaIine cartiIage within the cartiIage modeI. Invasion of internaI cavities by the periosteaI bud and spongy bone formation. 5 Ossification of the epiphyses; when compIeted, hyaIine cartiIage remains onIy in the epiphyseaI pIates and articuIar cartiIages ormation of the meduIIary cavity as ossification continues; appearance of secondary ossification centers in the epiphyses in preparation for stage 5. HyaIine cartiIage Primary ossification center Bone coIIar Deteriorating cartiIage matrix Spongy bone formation BIood vesseI of periostea I bud Secondary ossification center EpiphyseaI bIood vesseI MeduIIary cavity EpiphyseaI pIate cartiIage Spongy bone ArticuIar cartiIage Stages of Endochondral Ossification Stages of Endochondral Ossification ndochondral Ossification 40X hyaIine cartiIage spongy bone fetal limb ndochondral Ossification 40X one of reserve cartiIage one of hypertrophy one of caIcification one of erosion and ossification one of proIiferation Postnatal Bone rowth Postnatal Bone rowth During inIancy and youth, long bones lengthen by interstitial growth at the epiphyseal plate and all bones grow in thickness by appositional growth Cartilage on the epiphysis side oI the epiphyseal plate is relatively inactive piphyseal plate cartilage next to the shaIt oI the bone organizes into columns oI dividing chondrocytes Functional Zones in Long Bone rowth Functional Zones in Long Bone rowth rowth zone cartilage cells undergo mitosis, pushing the epiphysis away Irom the diaphysis TransIormation zone older cells enlarge, the matrix becomes calciIied, cartilage cells die, and the matrix begins to deteriorate Osteogenic zone new bone Iormation occurs Functional Zones in Long Bone rowth Functional Zones in Long Bone rowth Long Bone rowth Long Bone rowth Longitudinal rowth cartilage continually grows and is replaced by bone Appositional rowth (remodeling) bone is resorbed at endosteal surIace and added at periosteal surIace W During inIancy and childhood, epiphyseal plate activity is stimulated by growth hormone (Irom anterior pituitary) W During puberty,testosterone and estrogens regulate bone growth W Initially promote adolescent growth spurts W Cause masculinization and Ieminization oI speciIic parts oI the skeleton W Later induce epiphyseal plate closure, ending longitudinal bone growth Hormonal Regulation of Bone rowth Hormonal Regulation of Bone rowth Bone Remodeling Bone Remodeling Remodeling &nits adjacent osteoblasts and osteoclasts deposit and resorb bone at periosteal and endosteal surIaces Bone is active tissue small changes in bone architecture occur continuously 5 to 7 oI bone mass is recycled weekly spongy bone is replaced every 3-4 years and compact bone approximately every years Bone De5osition Bone De5osition W Occurs when bone is injured or extra strength is needed W Requires a healthy diet - protein, vitamins C, D, and A, and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, etc.) W Alkaline phosphatase is essential Ior mineralization oI bone W Sites oI new matrix deposition are marked by: W Osteoid seam unmineralized band oI bone matrix W CalciIication Iront abrupt transition zone between the osteoid seam and the older mineralized bone Bone Resor5tion Bone Resor5tion W Accomplished by Osteoclasts (multinucleate phagocytic cells) W Resorption bays grooves Iormed by osteoclasts as they break down bone matrix W Resorption involves osteoclast secretion oI: W Lysosomal enzymes that digest organic matrix W HCl that converts calcium salts into soluble Iorms W Dissolved matrix is endocytosed and transcytosed into the interstitial Iluid the blood Control of Remodeling Control of Remodeling W Two control loops regulate bone remodeling W Hormonal mechanisms that maintain calcium homeostasis in the blood W Mechanical and gravitational Iorces acting on the skeleton Homeostasis oI Remodeling Hormonal Mechanism Hormonal Mechanism W Rising blood Ca 2 stimulates the thyroid to release calcitonin W Calcitonin stimulates calcium salt deposition Hormonal Mechanism Hormonal Mechanism W Falling blood Ca 2 signals the parathyroid glands to release PTH W PTH signals osteoclasts to degrade bone matrix and release Ca 2 into the blood Res5onse to Mechanical Stress Res5onse to Mechanical Stress W olII`s law a bone grows or remodels in response to the Iorces or demands placed upon it Bone Fractures (Breaks) Bone Fractures (Breaks) W Bone Iractures are classiIied by: W The position oI the ends oI the bone aIter Iracture (displaced, nondisplaced) W Completeness oI the break (complete, incomplete) W The orientation oI the break to the long axis oI the bone (linear, transverse) W hether or not the bones ends penetrate the skin (simple, compound) %5es of Bone Fractures %5es of Bone Fractures W Nondisplaced bone ends retain normal position W Displaced bone ends are out oI normal alignment W Complete bone is broken all the way through W Incomplete bone is not broken all the way through W Linear Iracture is parallel to the long axis oI the bone W Transverse Iracture is perpendicular to the long axis oI the bone W Compound (open) bone ends penetrate the skin W Simple (closed) bone ends do not penetrate the skin Common %5es of Fractures Common %5es of Fractures W Comminuted bone Iragments into three or more pieces; common in the elderly W Spiral ragged break when bone is excessively twisted; common sports injury W Depressed broken bone portion pressed inward; typical skull Iracture W Compression bone is crushed; common in porous bones W piphyseal epiphysis separates Irom diaphysis along epiphyseal line; occurs where cartilage cells are dying W reenstick incomplete Iracture one side oI the bone breaks and the other side bends; common in children Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture W Hematoma Iormation W Torn blood vessels hemorrhage W A mass oI clotted blood (hematoma) Iorms at the Iracture site W Site becomes swollen, painIul, and inIlamed Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture ranulation tissue (soIt callus) Iorms a Iew days aIter the Iracture Capillaries grow into the tissue and phagocytic cells begin cleaning debris Fibrocartilaginous callus Iorms Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture Fibrocartilaginous Callus a mass oI repair tissue, occurs when: Osteoblasts and Iibroblasts migrate to the Iracture and begin reconstructing the bone Fibroblasts secret collagen Iibers that connect broken bone ends Osteoblasts begin Iorming spongy bone (osteoblasts Iarthest Irom capillaries secrete a cartilaginous matrix that later calciIies) Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture New bone trabeculae appear in the Iibrocartilaginous callus Fibrocartilaginous callus changes to a bony (hard) callus Bone callus begins -4 weeks aIter injury, and continues until Iirm union is Iormed 2-3 months later Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture Stages in the Healing of a Bone Fracture Bone remodeling begins during bony callus Iormation xcess material on the bone shaIt exterior and in the medullary canal is removed Compact bone is laid down to reconstruct shaIt walls Final remodeled structure resembles original because it reponds to the same mechanical stresses Im5ortance of Ionic Calcium in the Bod Im5ortance of Ionic Calcium in the Bod W Calcium is necessary Ior: W Transmission oI nerve impulses W Muscle contraction W Blood coagulation W Secretion by glands and nerve cells W Cell division Im5ortance of Ionic Calcium in the Bod Im5ortance of Ionic Calcium in the Bod Minute changes Irom the homeostatic range Ior blood calcium may lead to severe neuromuscular problems (hyperexcitibility when levels are too low, inability to Iunction when levels are too high) Hypercalcemia sustained high blood levels oI Ca 2 - can lead to calcium deposition in blood vessels, kidneys, and other organs Homeostatic Imbalances Homeostatic Imbalances W Osteomalacia W Bones are inadequately mineralized causing soItened, weakened bones W Main symptom is pain when weight is put on the aIIected bone W Caused by insuIIicient calcium in the diet, or by vitamin D deIiciency, etc. Homeostatic Imbalances Homeostatic Imbalances W Rickets W Bones oI children are inadequately mineralized causing soItened, weakened bones W Bowed legs and deIormities oI the pelvis, skull, and rib cage are common W Caused by insuIIicient calcium in the diet, or by vitamin D deIiciency Osteoporosis Osteoporosis oung" normaI bone OId" porous bone - Osteporosity 2eans porous bones - Porosity of bones increases with age - Muscle exercise sti2ulates deposition of 2inerals in bones and reduces the osteoporosis Homeostatic Imbalances Homeostatic Imbalances W Osteoporosis W roup oI diseases in which bone reabsorption outpaces bone deposit W Spongy bone oI the spine is most vulnerable W Occurs most oIten in postmenopausal women W Treatment W Calcium and vitamin D supplements W Increased weight bearing exercise W Hormone (estrogen) replacement therapy (HRT) W Prevented or delayed by suIIicient calcium intake and weight-bearing exercise Paget`s Disease Paget`s Disease W Characterized by excessive bone Iormation and breakdown W Pagetic bone has a higher ratio oI spongy bone to compact bone W Pagetic bone, along with reduced mineralization, causes spotty weakening oI bone W Osteoclast activity wanes, but osteoblast activity continues and may Iorm irregular bone thickenings or Iill the marrow cavity W Cause is unknown Bone Markings Bone Markings W Bulges, depressions, and holes that serve as: W Sites oI attachment Ior muscles, ligaments, and tendons W Joint surIaces W Conduits Ior blood vessels and nerves W Tuberosity rounded projection W Crest narrow, prominent ridge oI bone W Trochanter large, blunt, irregular surIace W Line narrow ridge oI bone Bone Markings: Bone Markings: Projections Projections -- Sites of Muscle and Ligament Attachment Sites of Muscle and Ligament Attachment W Tubercle small rounded projection W picondyle raised area above a condyle W Spine sharp, slender projection W Process any bony prominence W Head bony expansion carried on a narrow neck W Facet smooth, nearly Ilat articular surIace W Condyle rounded articular projection W Ramus armlike bar oI bone Bone Bone Markings Markings: : Projections %hat Hel5 Form 1oints Projections %hat Hel5 Form 1oints Bone Markings: De5ressions and O5enings Bone Markings: De5ressions and O5enings W Meatus canal-like passageway W Sinus cavity within a bone W Fossa shallow, basinlike depression W roove Iurrow W Fissure narrow, slitlike opening W Foramen round or oval opening through a bone lassification of Joints: lassification of Joints: - Structural classification is based on 2aterial binding bones together: - 1) Fibrous - 2) Cartilaginous - 3) Synovial (fluid) joints - Functional classification is based on the a2ount of 2ove2ent allowed by the joint - 1) I22ovable - 2) Slightly 2ovable - 3) Freely 2ovable Synovial Joints Synovial Joints - Freely 2ovable - Bones are separated by a joint cavity filled with fluid (synovial fluid) - Exa2ples: all li2b joints, and 2ost joints of the body Cartilaginous Joints Cartilaginous Joints - Li2ited 2obility - No joint cavity Fibrous Joints Fibrous Joints - Mobility is very li2ited "&IZ: "&IZ: I. TR& OR FALS . TR& OR FALS. Bone is Iirst Iormed as collagen, which is latter, replaced by cells that Iorm the bones. 2. TR& OR FALS. Yellow bone marrow is contained in the diaphysis oI the long bones. 3. TR& OR FALS. Bone is nonliving tissue made oI cells that deposit minerals. 4. TR& OR FALS. Haversian canals oI long bones are Iilled with yellow bone marrow. 5. TR& OR FALS. Spongy bone is the outside layer oI compact bone. 6. TR& OR FALS. Cartilage is a type oI connective tissue that contains bloods vessels and nerves. 7. TR& OR FALS. The bones oI the knee are connected by semi movable joints. 8. TR& OR FALS. The elbow is an example oI a pivot joint. 9. TR& OR FALS. Tendons attach bones to bones. . TR& OR FALS. The hip attachment oI the bones is called the pectoral girdle and the shoulder attachment is called the pelvic girdle. II. M<IPL CHOIC: . Degeneration oI cartilage causes a) menopause b) bone replacement c) bone Iractures d) osteoarthritis 2. omen are more susceptible than men to the eIIects oI osteoporosis because: a) their bones are smaller than those oI men b) they lose calcium during child bearing years c) sex hormones production declines during menopause d) all oI the above 3. OI the Iollowing, the structure that is not part oI the axial skeleton is the a) backbone b) pelvis c) rib cage d) skull 4. The type oI bone that provides the greatest strength Ior support is a) spongy bone b) chitinous bone c) marrow bone d) compact bone 5. Yellow bone marrow a) provides internal support to spongy bone c) produces red blood cells b) is Iound only in lower vertebrates d) stores Iat "uiz cont.. "uiz cont.. 6. The periosteum is a section oI the bone that contains a) blood vessels b) osteocytes c) spongy bone d) red bone marrow 7. In an embryo, the skeleton is originally made oI a) red and yellow marrow c) cartilage b) calcium phosphate d) osteopores 8. Bone loss may be slowed by a) calcium b) regular exercise c) balance diet d) all oI the above 9. Osteocytes trapped within the spaces in the bone surrounding them a) are called marrow cells b) receive nutrients directly Irom cells oI the surrounding cartilage c) are provided with Iood and oxygen by Haversian canals d) eventually become osteoblasts as the bone matures 2. Connective tissues that connect muscles to bone a) cartilage b) ligaments c) tendon d) none oI the above
Interactions between the Craniomandibular System and Cervical Spine: The influence of an unilateral change of occlusion on the upper cervical range of motion