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Course Outline

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Samara University

Samara Engineering &Technology College

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Program Regular
Course Title Introduction to control system.
Course Code ECEg3153
Degree Program B.Sc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Course Instructor Mohammed K.
Target Group 3rd year
Year/Semester 3rd/II

 Students will be able to add their knowledge-base in the

fundamentals of electrical engineering modeling and design and to
develop basic skills of utilizing mathematical tools needed to
Course objective
analyze and design classical linear dynamic control systems. Each
student will be able to get real-world experience in control systems
problems, design, and implementation.

Course contents  Chapter 1: Introduction to control systems, classification of

control systems, open loop systems and closed loop system.
Control system terminology.

 Chapter 2: Mathematical modeling of control system, Revision on

Laplace transformation, transfer function. Block diagram of control
system and its reduction techniques, Examples. Signal flow graphs,
Mason’s gain formula.

 Chapter 3: Analysis of control system: Time domain performance

of control system, Transient and steady state response of control
system, Transient state specification of control system and steady
state error of linear control system.

 Chapter 4: Stability, Routh-Hurwitz criterion-different cases. Root

locus plot, magnitude and angle criterion. Rules for the
construction of root locus. Stability analysis using root-locus plots.

 Chapter 5: Frequency domain analysis, polar plots, Bode plots and

Nyquist stability criterion- Nyquist stability analysis. Controller

Assessment Methods  Continuous Assessment (Test and Assignments) =60%

 final Exam=40%
All students are expected to abide by the code of conduct of students
Senate Legislation of our University throughout this course.
 Academic dishonesty, including cheating, fabrication, and
plagiarism will not be tolerated.
 Class activities will vary day to day, ranging from lectures to
discussions. Students will be active participants in the course.
 You are required to submit and present the assignments provided
Course policy
according to the time table indicated.
 80 % of class attendance is mandatory! Please try to be on time
for class. I will not allow you enter if you are late more than five
 Active participation in class is essential and it will have its own
value in your grade. Cell phones must be turned off before entering
the class
1. Katsuhiko Ogata: Modern Control Engineering (4th Edition),
Prentice Hall; 4 edition (November 13, 2001)
2. Norman S. Nise: Control Systems Engineering, John Wiley &
Sons; 4th Edition Aug 19,2003
3. Azzo and Houpis: Feedback Control system analysis and
synthesis, 2002
4. Nagrath and Gopal: Control System Engineering, 2001

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