Course Outline: International Islamic University Malaysia
Course Outline: International Islamic University Malaysia
Course Outline: International Islamic University Malaysia
Time (SLT)
42 2 3 81 128
Credit Value / Hours 3/128
Teaching-Learning and
Lectures, Assignments, Quizzes and Mid-term test.
assessment strategy
Dynamics of mechanical, fluid, electrical, thermal and mixed
systems. Model representation using transfer function, block
diagram and state variable systems. Simulation of dynamics
systems. Control System types and effects of feedback. System
Course Synopsis
analysis: transient response, steady-state error, sensitivity and
stability. Root-locus analysis and design. Frequency response
analysis of linear systems. Bode and Nyquist diagrams.
Compensation techniques.
Mode of Delivery Lectures and Discussion
LO Method %
Assessment Methods and 1,2,3,4,5,6 Quiz 20
Type/Course Assessement 1,2,3,4,5,6 Assignment 10
State weightage of each 1,2,3,4 Mid-term Test 30
type of assessment. 2,3,4,5,6 Final Examination 40
Dorf, R. D., and Bishop, R. H., (2010). Modern Control Systems, (11th ed.), Prentice Hall.
Franklin, G. F., Powell, J. D. and Emami-Naemi, A., (2006). Feedback Control of Dynamic
Systems, (5th ed.), Prentice Hall.
Kuo, B., (2003). Automatic Control Systems, (8th ed.), John Willey & Sons.
Nise, N.S., (2001). Control System Engineering, (3rd ed.), John Willey & Sons.
Ogata, M., (2000). Modern Control Engineering, (4th ed.), Prentice Hall.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:
Dr. Salmiah Ahmad Dr. Tanveer Saleh Prof. Emeritus Dato' Wira
Associate Professor Head of Department Ir. Dr. Md. Noor Bin Salleh
Kulliyyah of Engineering Kulliyyah of Engineering Dean
Kulliyyah of Engineering
Programme Learning Outcome (PO): At the end of the programme, Students are able to:
The program learning outcomes (PO) are grouped into 5 general areas to identify the nature of
the skills and capability involved. These groups are:
1. Technical (T) essential capabilities related to traditional scientific and engineering
2. Analysis (A) creatively working with available data and engineering tools and fundamental
knowledge to correctly solve basic problem
3. Design (D) being able to perceive the best solution for both small scale and large scale
project by involving all required basic problems
4. Ethics, Safety, Society and Environment (ESSE) - giving appropriate consideration to matters
pertaining to professionalism and ethics, safety, local and global society and the environment
5. Work skills (S) being and effective communicator and effective member of a team and to
appreciate the need to continuously acquired skills and abilities.