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Executive summary
The project report focuses on the marketing plan of the LifeTime product of Occasion Ltd. to
emerge in the UK market and develop a high market revenue. The emergent marketing
process is through the evolving process of researching the technological processing and
aligning the team operations to perform in the new market by the sole proprietorship or
partnership business strategy. They are required to invest more in market research for
advanced technological development with the evolving time that the project risk issues must
be mitigated if the financial issues are readily solved. The market cost overruns must be
resolved to stay in the competitive market domain.
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Table of contents
GANTT chart 3
b. Project Scope 3
c. Project Risk 4
d. Project Success 6
References 7
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Defining the
project scope
cost and
and project
b. Project Scope
Marketing Plan
For the Lifetime Smartwatch product, the marketing strategies are required to be involved
with emergent marketing possess which involves the alignment with the marketing efforts
that communicate with their customers authentically and develop the organisational value and
cultural development. A meaningful connection with the customers can enhance the business
value of the product branding through collaborative approaches and providing consistent
marketing approaches for unified processing. The documentation of the smartwatch brand
workshop for refining the strategic involvement of marketing insights in the UK market and
information to succeed in the target revenue acquisition.
Launch cost
The new smartwatch, Lifetime, is required to be launched within the financial budget of
$100,000 to progress in the UK market. The new project needs to acquire three per cent of the
market share and acquire approximately $7 million in revenue from the global market within
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the launch of the first quarter (Kedir et al., 2022). The marketing plan will be executed for
twelve months to expand the market in the UK. The technological innovations must be
developed with strategic market operations to generate a high level of market revenue by
investing $4 million in the market research and development process.
Marketing channels
The marketing channels operate through social media advertising and social media marketing
platforms for transferring product services to their target customers. The other areas of
marketing channels involve email marketing, public relations development in the industry,
paid search through subscription and premium insurance in the e-commerce websites,
displays of advertisements and influencer marketing strategies for evolving the marketing
operations in the industrial context.
c. Project Risk
Marketing The cost overrun can occur The financial planning must 3-4 weeks
cost due to the increase in the be strategised effectively and
overruns market research department the inclusion of the
for developing new contingency plan will help
innovative technologies for promote the business. The
business operations technical data collection must
(Tsvirkun, and Topka, occur through a specific work
2019). The project budget breakdown structure.
has not reached the required
standards of budget for
implementing the market
operations in the smartwatch
industry of the UK.
Delays in The management task is not The project manager must 2-3 weeks
specific properly set for executing the interfere and take control of
tasks project operations. With the the project operations and
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overloaded tasks to inform the project leader to
implement within the given analyse and critically review
time, the organisational the project tasks and
process will require an implement the corrective
effective operational actions to solve them
management process for the effectively.
delay of the tasks.
Competitive In-depth market research for The changing scenario of the 3-4 weeks
market competitive market analysis competitive marketing forces
issues requires the strategic in the smartwatch industry
methods for the worldwide needs to determine the global
market development. market size and based on
that, implement the
marketing strategies to
expand the business in the
newly emergent market.
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d. Project Success
The project success will be measured by measuring certain components including the project
schedule baseline, quality assurance development, project budget development, stakeholder
satisfaction measurement and increased performance measurement through the business
Scheduling the project baseline
The appropriate scheduling of the project for the marketing strategies of smart watches in the
new market will require the standard scheduling for constructing the project scheduling
management (Per, 2021). The project schedule must be evaluated by the amount of tasks
schedulnumber the amount of tasks required to be finished within the given time frame. The
business project manager will review the project baseline strategies for further investigating
the marketing strategies to develop the proper project schedules.
Assuring quality development
The quality assurance received from the customer feedback will be evaluated in terms of the
standard business quality planning. This will require the development of the project
management software for reviewing the technical tools assigned for the business strategies to
implement in the marketing platform of the smartwatch industry in the UK.
Project budget development
The product, LifeTime is produced within the given financial budget of the business and must
be managed with the existing financial resources. The project, if implemented within the
available cost-effective budget, can be evaluated as a success (Scherer, and Katranuschkov,
2019). The project dashboard will show how much has been spent and how much is left and
further processing the budget forecast ensures the tracking down of the project budget.
Stakeholder satisfaction measurement
The stakeholders' satisfaction can be measured by the statistical documentation which
generates the subjective evaluation of the marketing operational process. This will provide
supportive performance for the further marketing plensurend ensuring the influencing
marketing behaviours to proceed in further expansion.
Increased performance measurement
The market benefits and productivity level increase also help develop the marketing
procedure operate-commercee ecommerce platform for acquiring the market research data
and utilise it for further developing marketing planning to expand the business.
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