Bab 2 Pure Substances - Steam Table N Interpolation
Bab 2 Pure Substances - Steam Table N Interpolation
Bab 2 Pure Substances - Steam Table N Interpolation
(Steam Table)
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P = 11 bar
s = 6.554 kJ/kgK Check data given in the steam table
Retrieve data from question
State: saturated vapor Determine the state/phase
Answer the question
based on the correct
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Steam table
2) Determine the specific entropy and specific enthalpy for steam at
175 bar and specific internal energy of 1679 kJ/kg
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Steam table
3) Determine the dryness fraction and specific enthalpy for steam at
40 kPa and specific entropy of 2.3 kJ/kgK
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Steam table
4) Determine the specific volume and specific internal energy for steam
at 2.8 bar and specific enthalpy of 1500 kJ/kg
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Steam table
5) Determine the specific volume and specific entropy for steam at
55 bar if the steam is 35% wet
P = 55 bar v=?
x = 35% wet = 65% dry = 0.65 s=?
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Steam table
6) Determine the specific enthalpy and specific internal energy for
steam at 24 bar if the steam is 11% dry. Sketch and locate the value in
P-v diagram
P = 24 bar h=?
x = 11% dry = 0.11 u=?
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Steam table
7) Determine the degree of superheat, specific internal energy,
specific volume and specific entropy for steam at 3 bar and temperature
of 250C
P = 3 bar DOS = ?
T = 250C u=?
State: superheated steam s=?
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Steam table
8) Determine the specific volume, specific enthalpy and
specific internal energy for steam at 100 bar and temperature of 375C
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Steam table
9) Determine the specific volume for steam below and sketch and locate all values
in one P-v diagram
i. Steam at pressure 60 bar and dryness fraction 0.38
ii. Steam at pressure 15 bar and temperature 300C
iii. Steam at pressure 38 bar and specific enthalpy 2802 kJ/kg
ii. P = 15 bar
T = 300C
State: superheated steam
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Steam table - single interpolation
10) Determine the specific internal energy for steam at 3.2 bar and
specific enthalpy of 2727 kJ/kg
P (bar) u (kJ/kg)
3.0 2544
3.2 ug
3.5 2549
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Steam table – single interpolation
11) Determine the specific volume for steam at 41 bar and dryness
fraction is 0.62
P (bar) V (m3/kg)
40 0.04977
41 Vg
42 0.04732
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Steam table - single interpolation
12) Determine the specific enthalpy for steam at 147 bar and specific
entropy of 4.3 kJ/kgK
P (bar) s (kJ/kgK)
145 1.689
147 sfg
150 1.627
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Steam table - single interpolation
P (bar) h (kJ/kg)
145 1591
147 hf
147 150 1610
P (bar) h (kJ/kg)
145 1034
147 hfg
150 1001
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Steam table - single interpolation
13) Determine the pressure and temperature for wet saturated steam at
specific enthalpy of 757.8 kJ/kg
h (kJ/kg) P (bar)
743 9
757.8 757.8 P
763 10
h (kJ/kg) T (C)
743 175.4
757.8 757.8 T
763 179.9
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Steam table - single interpolation
14) Determine the specific enthalpy and specific internal energy for
steam at 53.6 bar and temperature 400C
P (bar) u (kJ/kg)
50 2907
53.6 u
60 2893
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Steam table - single interpolation
15) Determine the specific entropy and pressure for steam at 300C and
specific internal energy of 2803.7 kJ/kg
T = 300C s=?
u = 2803.7 kJ/kg INTERPOLATION P=?
State: superheated steam
U (kJ/kg) s (kJ/kgK)
2804 7.460
2803.7 s
2801 7.373
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Steam table - single interpolation
16) Determine the specific temperature and specific volume for steam at
30 bar and specific entropy of 7.021 kJ/kgK
P = 30 bar T=?
s = 7.021 kJ/kgK INTERPOLATION v=?
State: superheated steam
s (kJ/kgK) T (C)
6.921 400
7.021 T
7.082 450
s (kJ/kgK) v (m3/kg)
6.921 0.0993
7.021 v
7.082 0.1078
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Steam table - double interpolation
17) Determine the specific enthalpy for steam at 142 bar and
temperature 381C
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Steam table - exercise
b) Determine the specific internal energy and specific volume for steam
87 bar and temperature of 425C
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Steam table - exercise
c) Determine the specific enthalpy and specific entropy for steam
0.73 bar and specific volume is 2.32 m3/kg
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Steam table - exercise
d) Determine the specific internal energy, specific volume and specific
entropy for steam at 4 bar and specific enthalpy is 3274 kJ/kg
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Steam table - exercise
e) Determine the specific volume and specific entropy for steam at
155 bar and specific internal energy is 2134 kJ/kg
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Steam table - exercise
f) Determine the specific internal energy and specific entropy for steam
at 9.6 bar and temperature at 228C
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Steam table - exercise
g) Determine the specific enthalpy and specific volume for steam at
47.2 bar if the quality of steam is 61%
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Steam table - exercise
h) Determine the specific internal energy for steam at pressure 186 bar
and temperature 394C
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