Bab 2 Pure Substances - Steam Table N Interpolation

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[CLO1:Apply the fundamentals of thermodynamics to solve related problems.

(Steam Table)


Sharifah Enne Suhaini binti Syed MohdPage 1


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Happened during vaporization process

State: saturated liquid-vapor mixture
When a substance exists as part of
liquid and part of vapor
Ratio of the mass vapor to the total
mass of mixture
Known as dryness fraction, x

Page 4

Value of ‘x’ is depends on vapor percentage in the mixture Page 5

Steam table
 State 2: saturated liquid  State 5: superheated vapor
vf , uf , hf , sf  Value directly from the table
 Value directly from the table
 Degree of superheat,DOS
 State 3: saturated mixture DOS = Tsuperheated – Tsaturated
 Use formula
v = xvg  u = h - Pv
u = uf + x(ug-uf)
h = hf + xhfg
s = sf + xsfg

 State 4: saturated vapor

vg , ug , hg , sg
 Value directly from the table

(Value not tabulated exactly in the table  use interpolation method)

Page 6
Steam table
1) Determine the specific internal energy and specific volume for steam
at 11 bar and specific entropy of 6.554 kJ/kgK

P = 11 bar
s = 6.554 kJ/kgK Check data given in the steam table

Retrieve data from question

State: saturated vapor Determine the state/phase

Answer the question
based on the correct

Page 7
Steam table
2) Determine the specific entropy and specific enthalpy for steam at
175 bar and specific internal energy of 1679 kJ/kg

P = 175 bar s=?

u = 1679 kJ/kg h=?

State: saturated liquid


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Steam table
3) Determine the dryness fraction and specific enthalpy for steam at
40 kPa and specific entropy of 2.3 kJ/kgK

P = 40 kPa = 0.4 bar x=?

s = 2.3 kJ/kgK h=?

State: saturated mixture


Page 9
Steam table
4) Determine the specific volume and specific internal energy for steam
at 2.8 bar and specific enthalpy of 1500 kJ/kg

P = 2.8 bar v=?

h = 1500 kJ/kg u=?

State: saturated mixture


Page 10
Steam table
5) Determine the specific volume and specific entropy for steam at
55 bar if the steam is 35% wet

P = 55 bar v=?
x = 35% wet = 65% dry = 0.65 s=?

State: saturated mixture


Page 11
Steam table
6) Determine the specific enthalpy and specific internal energy for
steam at 24 bar if the steam is 11% dry. Sketch and locate the value in
P-v diagram

P = 24 bar h=?
x = 11% dry = 0.11 u=?

State: saturated mixture


Page 12
Steam table
7) Determine the degree of superheat, specific internal energy,
specific volume and specific entropy for steam at 3 bar and temperature
of 250C

P = 3 bar DOS = ?
T = 250C u=?
State: superheated steam s=?

Page 13
Steam table
8) Determine the specific volume, specific enthalpy and
specific internal energy for steam at 100 bar and temperature of 375C

P = 100 bar v=?

T = 375C h=?
State: superheated steam

Page 14
Steam table
9) Determine the specific volume for steam below and sketch and locate all values
in one P-v diagram
i. Steam at pressure 60 bar and dryness fraction 0.38
ii. Steam at pressure 15 bar and temperature 300C
iii. Steam at pressure 38 bar and specific enthalpy 2802 kJ/kg

i. P = 60 bar iii. P = 38 bar

x = 0.38 h = 2802 kJ/kg
State: saturated mixture State: saturated vapor
*********************************** ***********************************

ii. P = 15 bar
T = 300C
State: superheated steam

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Steam table - single interpolation
10) Determine the specific internal energy for steam at 3.2 bar and
specific enthalpy of 2727 kJ/kg

P = 3.2 bar INTERPOLATION u=?

h = 2727 kJ/kg
State: saturated vapor


P (bar) u (kJ/kg)
3.0 2544
3.2 ug
3.5 2549
Page 16
Steam table – single interpolation
11) Determine the specific volume for steam at 41 bar and dryness
fraction is 0.62

P = 41 bar INTERPOLATION v=?

x = 0.62

State: saturated mixture



P (bar) V (m3/kg)
40 0.04977
41 Vg
42 0.04732

Page 17
Steam table - single interpolation
12) Determine the specific enthalpy for steam at 147 bar and specific
entropy of 4.3 kJ/kgK

P = 147 bar INTERPOLATION h=?

s = 4.3 kJ/kg
State: saturated mixture
P (bar) s (kJ/kgK)
145 3.654
147 sf
147 150 3.685

P (bar) s (kJ/kgK)
145 1.689
147 sfg
150 1.627

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Steam table - single interpolation
P (bar) h (kJ/kg)
145 1591
147 hf
147 150 1610

P (bar) h (kJ/kg)
145 1034
147 hfg
150 1001

Page 19
Steam table - single interpolation
13) Determine the pressure and temperature for wet saturated steam at
specific enthalpy of 757.8 kJ/kg

h = 757.8 kJ/kg INTERPOLATION P=?

State : saturated liquid T=?

h (kJ/kg) P (bar)
743 9
757.8 757.8 P
763 10

h (kJ/kg) T (C)
743 175.4

757.8 757.8 T
763 179.9

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Steam table - single interpolation
14) Determine the specific enthalpy and specific internal energy for
steam at 53.6 bar and temperature 400C

P = 53.6 bar INTERPOLATION h=?

T = 400C u=?
State: superheated steam
P (bar) h (kJ/kg)
50 3196
53.6 h
60 3177

P (bar) u (kJ/kg)
50 2907
53.6 u
60 2893

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Steam table - single interpolation
15) Determine the specific entropy and pressure for steam at 300C and
specific internal energy of 2803.7 kJ/kg

T = 300C s=?
u = 2803.7 kJ/kg INTERPOLATION P=?
State: superheated steam
U (kJ/kg) s (kJ/kgK)
2804 7.460
2803.7 s
2801 7.373

2803.7 U (kJ/kg) P (bar)

2804 5
2803.7 P
2801 6

Page 22
Steam table - single interpolation
16) Determine the specific temperature and specific volume for steam at
30 bar and specific entropy of 7.021 kJ/kgK

P = 30 bar T=?
s = 7.021 kJ/kgK INTERPOLATION v=?
State: superheated steam
s (kJ/kgK) T (C)
6.921 400
7.021 T
7.082 450

s (kJ/kgK) v (m3/kg)
6.921 0.0993
7.021 v
7.082 0.1078

Page 23
Steam table - double interpolation
17) Determine the specific enthalpy for steam at 142 bar and
temperature 381C

P = 142 bar INTERPOLATION h=?

State: superheated steam


T (C) 375 381 400

P (bar)
140 2896 A 3003
142 h
150 2861 B 2977 Page 24
Steam table - exercise
a) Determine the specific internal energy and specific entropy for steam
20 bar and specific volume is 0.098 m3/kg

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Steam table - exercise
b) Determine the specific internal energy and specific volume for steam
87 bar and temperature of 425C

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Steam table - exercise
c) Determine the specific enthalpy and specific entropy for steam
0.73 bar and specific volume is 2.32 m3/kg

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Steam table - exercise
d) Determine the specific internal energy, specific volume and specific
entropy for steam at 4 bar and specific enthalpy is 3274 kJ/kg

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Steam table - exercise
e) Determine the specific volume and specific entropy for steam at
155 bar and specific internal energy is 2134 kJ/kg

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Steam table - exercise
f) Determine the specific internal energy and specific entropy for steam
at 9.6 bar and temperature at 228C

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Steam table - exercise
g) Determine the specific enthalpy and specific volume for steam at
47.2 bar if the quality of steam is 61%

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Steam table - exercise
h) Determine the specific internal energy for steam at pressure 186 bar
and temperature 394C

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