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Client Information
Client Name Jo Blog
Date of birth (age) 24 May 1994 (25)

Assessment Information
Assessment Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS)
Date administered 6 May 2020
Assessor Dr Test Account NovoPsych
Time taken 2 minutes 29 seconds

Total Score 11
Composite Score 1.57

Interpretive Text
On average, this individual reported that their panic symptoms
caused them mild distress.

These results are outside the healthy range and should be

investigated further with a formal diagnostic assessment.

Scoring and Interpretation Information

In scoring the Panic Disorder Severity Scale, items are rated on a
scale of 0 to 4. A composite score is established by averaging the
scores of the seven items. This composite score indicates, on
average, how the test taker responded to each question, higher
scores indicating a higher severity of panic disorder. Raw scores
range from 0 to 28 and composite scores range from 0-4. This test is
not diagnostic; however a score of 9 and above suggest the need
for a formal diagnostic assessment. Scores are sensitive to change
after psychological treatment.

Client Responses
1 How many panic and limited symptoms attacks did you have during the week?
0 No panic or limited symptom episodes
1 Mild: no full panic attacks and no more than 1 limited symptom attack/day
2 Moderate: 1 or 2 full panic attacks and/or multiple limited symptom attacks/day
3 Severe: more than 2 full attacks but not more than 1/day on average
4 Extreme: full panic attacks occurred more than once a day, more days than not

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Client Name Jo Blog

Client Responses (cont.)

If you had any panic attacks during the past week, how distressing (uncomfortable, frightening)
were they while they were happening? (If you had more than one, give an average rating. If you
didn't have any panic attacks but did have limited symptom attacks, answer for the limited
symptom attacks.)
0 Not at all distressing, or no panic or limited symptom attacks during the past week
1 Mildly distressing (not too intense)
2 Moderately distressing (intense, but still manageable)
3 Severely distressing (very intense)
4 Extremely distressing (extreme distress during all attacks)
During the past week, how much have you worried or felt anxious about when your next panic
3 attack would occur or about fears related to the attacks (for example, that they could mean you
have physical or mental health problems or could cause you social embarrassment)?
0 Not at all
1 Occasionally or only mildly
2 Frequently or moderately
3 Very often or to a very disturbing degree
4 Nearly constantly and to a disabling extent
During the past week were there any places or situations (e.g., public transportation, movie
theaters, crowds, bridges, tunnels, shopping malls, being alone) you avoided, or felt afraid of
(uncomfortable in, wanted to avoid or leave), because of fear of having a panic attack? Are there
any other situations that you would have avoided or been afraid of if they had come up during the
week, for the same reason? If yes to either question, please rate your level of fear and avoidance
this past week.
0 None: no fear or avoidance
1 Mild: occasional fear and/or avoidance but I could usually confront or endure the situation.
There was little or no modification of my lifestyle due to this
2 Moderate: noticeable fear and/or avoidance but still manageable. I avoided some
situations, but I could confront them with a companion. There was some modification of
my lifestyle because of this, but my overall functioning was not impaired
3 Severe: extensive avoidance. Substantial modification of my lifestyle was required to
accommodate the avoidance making it difficult to manage usual activities
4 Extreme: pervasive disabling fear and/or avoidance. Extensive modification in my lifestyle
was required such that important tasks were not performed
During the past week, were there any activities (e.g., physical exertion, sexual relations, taking a
hot shower or bath, drinking coffee, watching an exciting or scary movie) that you avoided, or felt
afraid of (uncomfortable doing, wanted to avoid or stop), because they caused physical
5 sensations like those you feel during panic attacks or that you were afraid might trigger a panic
attack? Are there any other activities that you would have avoided or been afraid of if they had
come up during the week for that reason? If yes to either question, please rate your level of fear
and avoidance of those activities this past week.
0 No fear or avoidance of situations or activities because of distressing physical sensations
1 Mild: occasional fear and/or avoidance, but usually I could confront or endure with little distress
activities that cause physical sensations. There was little modification of my lifestyle due to this
2 Moderate: noticeable avoidance but still manageable. There was definite, but limited,
modification of my lifestyle such that my overall functioning was not impaired
3 Severe: extensive avoidance. There was substantial modification of my lifestyle or
interference in my functioning
4 Extreme: pervasive and disabling avoidance. There was extensive modification in my lifestyle due to this such
that important tasks or activities were not performed

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Client Name Jo Blog

During the past week, how much did the above symptoms altogether (panic and limited symptom
attacks, worry about attacks, and fear of situations and activities because of attacks) interfere
6 with your ability to work or carry out your responsibilities at home? (If your work or home
responsibilities were less than usual this past week, answer how you think you would have done
if the responsibilities had been usual.)
0 No interference with work or home responsibilities
1 Slight interference with work or home responsibilities, but I could do nearly
everything I could if I didn't have these problems
2 Significant interference with work or home responsibilities, but I still could manage to do the
things I needed to do
3 Substantial impairment in work or home responsibilities; there were many important things I
couldn't do because of these problems
4 Extreme, incapacitating impairment such that I was essentially unable to manage any work
or home responsibilities
During the past week, how much did panic and limited symptom attacks, worry about attacks and
fear of situations and activities because of attacks interfere with your social life? (If you didn't
have many opportunities to socialize this past week, answer how you think you would have done
if you did have opportunities.)
0 No interference
1 Slight interference with social activities, but I could do nearly everything I could if I didn't
have these problems.
2 Significant interference with social activities but I could manage to do most things if I
made the effort
3 Substantial impairment in social activities; there are many social things I couldn't do
because of these problems
4 Extreme, incapacitating impairment, such that there was hardly anything social I could do

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