Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention
A patient fall is defined as an unplanned descent to the floor with or without injury to the patient.
A fall may result in fractures, lacerations, or internal bleeding, leading to increased health care
utilization. Although the magnitude of the problem in our country is not known worldwide data
shows that close to one-third of falls can be prevented.
FP 1: The hospital shall conduct fall risk assessment for all admitted patients and post
fall assessment shall be done if fall happened.
Conduct the fall risk Assessment within 24 hours of admission
Use the Humpty Dumpty Falls Assessment (HDFA) or the Morse Fall Scale (MFS) for
pediatric and adult patients respectively
Reassess risk based on the acuity and chronicity of the care setting
Implement multifactorial fall prevention approach
Conduct post fall assessment once fall has happened
Yes 25
2. Secondary diagnosis (≥ 2 medical diagnoses in chart) No 0
Yes 15
3. Ambulatory aid 0
*Impaired Gait: Short steps with shuffle; may have difficulty arising from chair; head down; significantly impaired balance,
requiring furniture, support person, or walking aid to walk.
Female -1
3. Diagnosis Neurological Diagnosis -4
Alterations in oxygenation -3
Psychiatric/Behavioral Disorders -2
Other Diagnosis -1
4. Cognitive Impairments Not aware of limitations -3
Forgets limitations -2
Outpatient Area -1
6. Response to Surgery/ Within 24 hours -3
Laxatives/Diuretics, Narcotic.
Other Medications/None -1
Total Score= --------------