The Microcredential

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The micro-credential in Academic Ethics focuses on ethical practices in the classroom and beyond.

By exploring academic ethics through

professional development, fieldwork, and reflection, this micro-credential helps you develop ethical skills to enhance your academic

pursuits and subsequently prepares you for a professional career with integrity.

Benefits of the Program: As Student Integrity Ambassadors pursuing this micro-credential, you will be able to-

 Communicate critical terminology and concepts related to academic ethics.

 Support the Office of Academic Integrity in promoting the value of academic integrity at UB.

 Connect the values of academic integrity to academic and professional success.

 Develop professional competencies in conjunction with the NACE model.

 Critically think about and enhance ethical practices in your workplace and community.

 Promote the University at Buffalo as a leader in academic integrity practices.



Credit or Non-Credit:


Who is Eligible: 

Current UB students only

Instruction Method: 

In Person (no sections offered online)

GPA Requirement:

Minimum of 2.5

Time to Completion:

Two Semesters

Skills Obtained: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Teamwork and Collaboration, Professionalism, Oral and Written Communication, Leadership

To Apply / Requirements: A major component of this micro-credential is the volunteer Student Integrity Ambassador (SIA) program. SIA applications open each

spring semester, and students can indicate whether they would like to pursue the micro-credential alongside their ambassadorship. For the micro-credential,

ambassadors must serve a minimum of 75 hours.

In addition to serving for two semesters as a Student Integrity Ambassador, you will complete a capstone project. Through the capstone project, you will incorporate

your knowledge of academic ethics into a final essay regarding current events or current policy issues.
An Engineers Australia micro-credential
Micro-credentials are a demonstration of a specific competency or skill. They’re a tick of approval that says you do what you say you can do
to an industry standard.

About the Ethical Practice micro-credential

Engineers make decisions that have significant consequences for humans - in safety, in technology and in creating a sustainable future. You
need to balance priorities, stakeholder needs and ethical considerations. Making decisions and managing the consequences affects your
practice, your team, your organisation and your project.
The Ethical Practice micro-credential  proves your ability to deal with ethical issues to the same level as Engineers Australia’s Chartered
status (element 1). It demonstrates your ability to apply ethical principles in an engineering context, including:

 understanding the consequences of your actions

 identifying potential ethical issues
 applying ethical frameworks
 acting appropriately when faced with ethical decisions

The pathway to gaining this micro-credential starts by building your capabilities fist through learning and application:

Learning pathway details

The Learning pathway helps you understand how to develop these skills to obtain the Ethical Practice micro-credential. Completed 100%
online, it includes:

 a high-quality online course

o Self-paced learning: four hours
o Live workshop: 7 February 2023, 12:00pm – 4:00pm AEDT
  an advisory session with an education specialist
 an online platform to lodge your submission
 assessment of your submission by our qualified assessors
 a digital badge upon successful completion
You’ll develop your ability to understand and articulate ethics in practice as an engineer. And you'll learn how to:

 recognise unethical situations

 understand ethical decision-making practices, and apply them to the situation
  engage in reflecting on ethical practices

Learning outcomes

 Have knowledge of and ability to articulate your own ethical perspective

 Recognise an unethical situation and take appropriate action
 Apply ethical decision-making
 Appraise and respond appropriately to ethical dilemmas in your practice area
 Engage in ethical reflective practices

Is this micro-credential for you?

This micro-credential suits engineers at all career stages. It allows you to showcase your ability to understand and apply ethical principles, in
line with Engineers Australia’s Code of Ethics.
This micro-credential focuses on ethical practices in the classroom and beyond. By exploring academic ethics through professional development, fieldwork, and
reflection, you will develop ethical skills to enhance your academic pursuits and subsequently prepare you for a professional career with integrity.


Undergraduate or Graduate


Current UB Students Only




In Person (no courses offered online)


Two Semesters



Critical Thinking


Oral/Written Communication



 Program Contact
 Loretta Frankovitch
255 Capen Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 716-645-8124
Percepţia că activitatea administrativă este o sursă de stres variază de la o ţară la alta (a se vedea

Tabelul 6.2 din Anexa II). În timp ce în Estonia şi Finlanda, doar unul din trei profesori consideră că

acest lucru este o sursă de stres, mai mult de două treimi fac acest lucru în Belgia (Comunitatea
flamandă) şi Portugalia. Nu este surprinzător faptul că, în ţările în care profesorii au raportat că alocă

mai mult timp sarcinilor administrative (a se vedea Tabelul 1.4 din Anexa II), aceştia au indicat, în

medie, şi niveluri mai ridicate de stres din cauza sarcinilor administrative.

La nivelul UE, „Aloc prea mult timp acordării notelor pentru elevi” este a doua cea mai mare sursă de

stres pe care profesorii au indicat-o. De asemenea, în ţările în care profesorii au raportat că alocă mai

mult timp pentru notarea activităţii elevilor (a se vedea Tabelul 1.4 din Anexa II), aceştia au indicat, în

medie, şi niveluri mai ridicate de stres din cauza alocării unui timp prea lung pentru acordarea notelor.

Cercetătorii au indicat că politicile de responsabilizare bazate pe teste ca fiind unul dintre predictorii

stresului profesorilor şi a nemulţumirii locului de muncă (Ryan et al., 2017; von der Embse et al.,

2016a; von der Embse et al., 2016b). „Sunt considerat responsabil pentru realizările elevilor” este cea

de-a treia cea mai semnalată sursă de stres. Cu toate acestea, în Finlanda şi Norvegia, doar unul din

cinci profesori indică faptul că aceasta este o sursă „destul de mică” sau „mare” de stres.

„Trebuie să ţin pasul cu cerinţele autorităţilor care impun o schimbare” este cea de-a patra sursă de

stres raportată. În Țările de Jos, mai puţin de 20% dintre profesori sunt îngrijoraţi de acest lucru, în

timp ce în Franţa, Malta, Lituania şi Portugalia, peste 60% dintre profesori se confruntă cu stres din

cauza cerinţelor autorităţi care propun o schimbare.

Celelalte cauze ale stresului enumerate în Figura 6.2 sunt legate mai direct de activitatea cadrelor

didactice. Acestea sunt fie sarcini esenţiale legate de predare (de exemplu, pregătirea lecţiilor), fie o

parte a sarcinilor relaţionale ale profesorilor (de exemplu, menţinerea disciplinei în clasă, abordarea

preocupărilor părintelui sau tutorelui). Unele dintre acestea, precum şi aspecte mai ample legate de

climatul şcolar, sunt examinate în analizele următoare.

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