Teaching Nature of Science Through Children's Literature: An Early Childhood Preservice Teacher Study
Teaching Nature of Science Through Children's Literature: An Early Childhood Preservice Teacher Study
Teaching Nature of Science Through Children's Literature: An Early Childhood Preservice Teacher Study
To cite this article: Valarie L. Akerson, Banu Avsar Erumit & Naime Elcan Kaynak (2019)
Teaching Nature of Science through children’s literature: an early childhood preservice
teacher study, International Journal of Science Education, 41:18, 2765-2787, DOI:
CONTACT Valarie L. Akerson [email protected] Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Indiana University,
201 North Rose Avenue, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
Akerson and colleagues (Akerson, Buck, Donnelly, Nargund, & Weiland, 2011;
Akerson, Carter, Pongsnon, & Nargund-Joshi, 2019) found that using children’s literature
is one effective strategy for emphasising NOS to elementary students. Additionally, science
methods course instructors agree that early childhood preservice teachers enjoy using chil-
dren’s literature in their instruction, and using children’s books within science methods
courses can help preservice early childhood teachers improve their experiences within
science methods and see how their strengths in literature can connect to science instruc-
tion (Akerson & Hanuscin, 2007). However, preservice teachers can be frustrated at the
absence of children’s books to introduce NOS aspects. Most children’s literature books
either implicitly address NOS, or very rarely do so explicitly (Brunner & Abd-El-
Khalick, 2017). It grew apparent to the researchers that a way to support the preservice
teachers in their understandings of NOS, and their wishes to teach it to early childhood
students, they could be supported in developing their own children’s books to use with
students. Writing and designing children’s books can help preservice teachers not only
refine their own understandings of NOS aspects, but consider how to introduce these
ideas to students through their stories. These stories can support the teaching of NOS
through hands-on activities in the classroom.
To prepare the preservice early childhood teachers to develop such a book, they needed
to understand (a) NOS, and (b) ways to translate their NOS ideas to formats they believed
would be accessible to early childhood students. NOS was a theme in the course, included
in each class session, and debriefed in the context of science content that was explored as
examples of instructional methods for elementary students. These instructional methods
were connected with literacy components of writing, talking, listening, speaking, and chil-
dren’s literature. The purpose of this study was to explore incorporating NOS within lit-
eracy instruction in a science methods course to aid preservice teachers in improving their
NOS understandings and their abilities to transfer NOS into formats accessible to early
childhood students. Our research questions became ‘What are preservice early childhood
teachers’ NOS conceptions after participating in a science methods course that focuses on
teaching NOS through literacy?’ and ‘How are preservice early childhood teachers able to
transfer their understandings to a format they believed accessible to K-3 students through
their own written children’s literature book?’
Theoretical framework
Because we explored the preservice teachers’ knowledge of NOS, and their knowledge of
how to translate their knowledge into formats accessible by young children, we used Ped-
agogical Content Knowledge (PCK) (Shulman, 1986) as our framework. We view PCK as
teachers’ professional knowledge base that transforms subject-matter knowledge into
ways of knowing accessible to learners. We focused on whether the preservice early child-
hood teachers would be able to transform their subject-matter knowledge of NOS into a
format that their Kindergarten to second-grade students would be able to conceptualise
and comprehend. While there are several knowledge components of PCK (Magnusson,
Krajcik, & Borko, 1999) that inform the development of PCK (e.g. knowledge of learners,
knowledge of instructional strategies, knowledge of curriculum, and knowledge of assess-
ment) our focus was on how the preservice teachers transformed their content knowledge
into formats that would be accessible to young learners, which depended on their own
content knowledge of NOS, their pedagogical knowledge for teaching NOS, and knowledge
of learners of ages 5–8 for appropriateness of material. We focused on whether they could
translate their content knowledge into formats appropriate for early childhood students, on
their NOS subject-matter knowledge, and their abilities to translate their knowledge.
Literature review
In this section, we review research on aiding preservice teachers in their abilities to teach
NOS, developing PCK for NOS instruction, and research on incorporating literacy with
science instruction.
Children’s literature can also be used in introducing science concepts to young children, as
long as age-appropriate pictures/photographs and text are selected. For example, Emmons,
Lees, and Kelemen (2018) conducted a study to improve kindergarten students’ conceptions
of natural selection through use of children’s literature. They developed two specific chil-
dren’s books targeted for teaching this topic to kindergarteners. They developed their own
books because they wanted to ensure accuracy and appropriate photographs/pictures that
would contributed to accurate conceptions. These books were coupled with class discussions
to debrief students’ conceptions of natural selection. The study took place over seven weeks of
study to enable a focus on retention of new understandings. The researchers found that early
elementary students were able to develop appropriate understandings and generalise across
various scenarios, in part from use of the specially designed children’s books coupled with
discussions about the books. Thus, the use of specially designed books can improve
science learning of young children, lending further support for the current study.
We now describe the kinds of instruction that took place in the course to improve preservice
teachers’ NOS conceptions and abilities to translate them into formats accessible to young
children. The class met weekly for three hours. There were 22 seniors enrolled in this last
semester prior to student teaching, with 20 consenting to participate in the research. All
were female, in their early twenties. Their field experience was one full day each week in a
local early childhood classroom. They additionally spent two full weeks in the same class-
room. Field experience began in week five of the semester. Children’s literature as well as
the use of writing strategies were incorporated in science methods course to aid them in
developing their own NOS understandings, and in conceptualising ways to translate under-
standings to formats accessible to young children. The instructor (first author) included
instruction on NOS as well as made children’s literature and writing connections each week.
The instructor modelled how to debrief NOS aspects each week through explicit-reflec-
tive instruction found to be successful in improving preservice elementary teachers’ con-
ceptions of NOS (Akerson, Abgd-El-Khalick, & Lederman, 2000). For example, during
an investigation that included whether Oobleck was solid or liquid, the instructor modelled
questions to ask students regarding NOS. One such question connected ‘subjectivity’ or the
background knowledge that scientists bring to a problem. The instructor asked preservice
teachers to think about how scientific subjectivity could be highlighted. The class discussed
that if scientists understand solids and liquids, then they would realise that this substance
has components of both. Therefore it would be difficult to categorise as one. This realisation
helped the preservice teachers conceptualise that scientists are creative, and could create a
new category into which they could classify Oobleck. They also saw that they could teach the
distinction between observation and inference and could connect other NOS aspects, such
as subjectivity and creativity. Such activities and NOS debriefings took place weekly.
The instructor used children’s literature to support explicit-reflective instruction. She
used children’s literature to highlight NOS ideas, and required preservice teachers to
discuss and reflect in writing NOS ideas connected to inquiries. For example, the instruc-
tor read the Skull Alphabet Book (Pallotta, 2002) in which the reader sees an illustration of
a skull, reads clues, and infers the animal the skull could be from. There is a different skull
from A to Z. The instructor-led a discussion for how this book could be used to illustrate
NOS elements to students. For instance, the students could be asked which NOS elements
are illustrated in the book to which they could respond ‘Observation and inference’
(observing the skull and reading the clues, and inferring the animal), ‘creativity’ (creating
an idea of what the animal might be from the evidence), ‘subjectivity’ (one would not infer
an animal that one had never heard of before), ‘empirical NOS’ (making inferences from
data), ‘social and cultural NOS’ (one would be more likely to infer an animal from the
culture they are from), and ‘tentativeness’ (one can infer an animal and be likely
correct, but never be certain because it is a skull and without seeing the living animal it
is not certain). These kinds of book debriefs were held weekly. To support preservice tea-
chers’ NOS conceptions and aid them in translating them into formats accessible to young
children, preservice teachers were required to design lesson plans that incorporated NOS,
deliver lessons to their students, assess their students’ understandings, and reflect on their
students’ learning. They designed and created children’s books used to introduce and
teach about NOS to young children. This children’s book that they designed was intro-
duced in the second week of the semester, and they had 14 weeks to complete it, with feed-
back from peers and the instructor. The criteria for the books are in Figure 1. ‘Possible
points’ refers to how the storybooks were assessed, not analysed. See Appendix A for a
synopsis of instruction and topics across the semester.
Research design
We used a qualitative design (Bogdan & Biklen, 2003) where data were collected over one
semester in a course that included learning about NOS through reading, writing, and lit-
eracy-focused methods, planning and delivering NOS lessons using literacy components,
and designing a children’s book that could be used to teach about NOS at the early child-
hood level.
Data collection
A variety of data were collected by three researchers. First, all preservice teachers
responded to the open-ended Views of Nature of Science VNOS-B survey (Lederman,
Abd-El-Khalick, Bell, & Schwartz, 2002), which is a long-established open-ended instru-
ment to determine NOS conceptions. The instrument includes six open-ended questions
and requires participants to respond with their current understandings about through
writing their ideas (see Table 1). It was developed to assess participants’ views of tentative,
empirical, inferential, creative, subjective aspects of NOS, along with the distinctions
between observations and inferences and theories and laws. The survey was administered
at the beginning of the semester, middle of the semester, and at the end of the semester, to
enable tracking of changes in their NOS conceptions. On the first day of the semester, a
person not associated with the study or teaching the class came in to administer the
Internal Review Board for permission to conduct research. Because we could not obtain
permission to interview preservice teachers in the class due to the first author also
being an instructor, we were only able to use surveys. We acknowledge that we would
have a fuller data set if we had been able to also conduct interviews of a subset of the
class as is recommended as best practice for use of VNOS-B. Fortunately the researchers
have had much experience in analysing VNOS-B data previously which helped in analys-
ing the current data set.
All preservice teachers’ work over the course of the semester was collected, including
lesson plans, reflection papers that included discussions regarding the use of writing to
conceptualise NOS, and the preservice teacher-designed NOS storybooks.
Data analysis
The data were reviewed independently by all three researchers and then the researchers
met together to compare analyses to ensure valid interpretation. Any discrepancies
were resolved through discussion and further consultation of the data. To identify
results for question 1 ‘What are preservice early childhood teachers’ NOS conceptions
after participating in a science methods course that focuses on teaching NOS through lit-
eracy?’ VNOS-B responses were tracked pre-instruction, mid-semester, and at the end of
the semester to determine growth in conceptions of NOS, which is connected to the
knowledge of content component of PCK (Magnusson et al., 1999). Responses to the
VNOS-B survey were coded in line with recommended coding practices for the VNOS-
B (Lederman et al., 2002). Responses were coded ‘inadequate’ if they did not align with
recommended conceptions of the NOS aspect, ‘adequate’ if they mostly aligned with
the NOS aspect, and ‘informed’ if they were aligned and elaborated with examples of
the NOS aspect. For example, in response to the VNOS-B questions regarding the distinc-
tion between observation and inference, if preservice teachers responded ‘Scientists have
seen atoms. They developed the model from seeing them,’ their conception was coded
‘inadequate.’ If preservice teachers responded ‘Scientists cannot see the atom, but they
use observations of other data to determine what the atom must look like,’ their response
was coded ‘adequate.’ If preservice teachers responded
Scientists conducted various investigations to create a model of the atom. They designed
studies such as the gold foil experiment, to see how materials acted, and used the data
from such investigations to design a model. They have not seen an atom, but can use their
data to make interpretations and build models from how atoms act to describe what it
might look like,
was coded ‘informed.’ See Table 1 for examples of the coding rubric used by all researchers
for the data analysis.
To answer our second research question, ‘How are preservice early childhood teachers
able to transfer their understandings to a format they believed accessible to K-3 students
through their own written children’s literature book?’ we used sources of data that included
their other coursework, such as lesson plans, lesson reflection papers, and how the preser-
vice teachers translated NOS aspects to young children within their children’s books. These
sources were reviewed to determine whether and how preservice teachers were able to
exhibit the PCK element of the ability of translating NOS conceptions to young children
(Magnusson et al., 1999). Lesson plans were reviewed to determine whether there were
objectives for NOS included, activities included to teach NOS, and whether children’s litera-
ture or written/oral reflection were included in the lessons. Preservice teachers’ reflection
papers and were used to determine whether and how the preservice teachers were engaging
in thinking about NOS ideas, and use of children’s literature and written/oral reflection for
teaching NOS as well as whether they were engaging in explicit-reflective NOS instruction
within their science methods class. The researchers conducted a content analysis on the
accuracy of the NOS aspects incorporated in the stories to determine the quality of the
books. To do the content analysis the researchers independently tabulated the number of
children’s books with accurate portrayals of NOS aspects, along with the number that
included all NOS aspects accurately. The researchers coded the aspects as being accurate,
moderately accurate, inaccurately portrayed, or absent. The researchers looked for instances
where NOS aspects may be portrayed accurately in one part of the book, and less accurately
in other parts, and did not identify any such instances.
In this section, we share the results by the research question. Our first question was ‘What
are preservice early childhood teachers’ NOS conceptions after participating in a science
methods course that focuses on teaching NOS through literacy?’ We follow with results to
our second question ‘How are preservice early childhood teachers able to transfer their
understandings to a format they believed accessible to K-3 students through their own
written children’s literature book?’
Similarly, eleven initially held inadequate views of the distinction between observation
and inference, such as Yara’s statement that she was ‘unsure how they can understand any-
thing they cannot see, like an atom.’ By the end of the semester ten preservice teachers held
informed views of the distinction between observation and inference, like Brienne’s state-
ment that ‘Scientists collect data, they make observations of their data using their senses
(or instruments), and then they interpret what the data mean.’ Eight others held adequate
ideas about the distinction between observation and inference, such as Missandei’s idea that
‘Scientific knowledge is based off of observable data–claims need to be made with evidence.’
Regarding the empirical NOS, eleven preservice students initially held inadequate ideas,
such as Ann’s idea that ‘Science is standardized and documented.’ By the end of the seme-
ster, fifteen preservice early childhood teachers held informed conceptions of empirical
NOS, such as Osha’s idea that ‘science needs to be supported by evidence, while other
ways of knowing do not.’ None of the preservice teachers retained inadequate ideas at
the end of the semester.
Preservice teachers held good understandings of the role that creativity and imagin-
ation plays in the development of scientific knowledge pre-instruction, with eleven
having informed ideas, while at the conclusion of the semester there were thirteen with
informed conceptions. Osha’s pre-instruction statement that ‘Science and art are creative
and can be visualised. Scientists use their creativity throughout a scientific investigation to
come up with interpretations and inferences about their data’ illustrates an informed
understanding of scientific creativity and imagination.
Initially, thirteen preservice teachers held adequate conceptions of the subjective NOS,
as illustrated by Lyanna’s statement that ‘Every scientist is an individual and has their own
opinions. Some scientists ignore certain info, or have a different theory about why things
are happening.’ She used the term ‘theory’ in the everyday sense, not in terms of a scientific
theory. At the end of the semester, fourteen preservice teachers held informed conceptions
of the subjective NOS, such as illustrated by Shae’s statement ‘Individuals interpret data
differently based on biases, beliefs, and approaches. They interpret data differently
depending on their backgrounds.’
Initially, sixteen preservice teachers did not conceptualise the sociocultural NOS. For
example, Cersei shared an inadequate understanding, by stating ‘If only we knew more
and had more evidence then scientists would agree.’ At the conclusion of the semester,
twelve preservice teachers had improved their conceptions to informed, such as Ann,
who stated ‘Scientific knowledge can be different in different cultures. They can consider
different scientific questions, interpret data differently depending on what is custom in
their culture.’
The preservice teachers’ conceptions of theory and law were all initially inadequate,
with none able to accurately describe its meaning. For example, Brienne stated ‘A scientific
theory is like the theory of evolution–we can experience it but there is proof. A law is
something that is always proven true, like the law of gravity.’ Several preservice teachers
shared Lyanna’s idea that ‘Scientific theory is not proven. A law is proven. Anyone can
repeat an experiment from a law and have the same outcome.’ After instruction, four pre-
service teachers exhibited adequate conceptions of the relationship between theory and
law, like Missandei’s idea that ‘Scientific theories will explain a scientific law.’ Four
others exhibited an informed understanding like Lyanna’s description that
Scientific laws and theories are different kinds of scientific knowledge. A scientific law is built
from scientific evidence, as is a scientific theory, but a scientific theory seeks to explain why a
scientific law (something observable) works. There can be competing theories to explain a
(Continued )
Table 3. Continued.
Is science
Is NOS represented content Are NOS objectives in Lesson Are literacy Objectives in Are NOS reflections in Lesson Are literacy reflections in
Student and Book Title accurately? represented? plan? Lesson Plan? Reflection? Lesson Reflection?
Osha, Science is All NOS elements No No No Yes, reflected on student Yes, reflected on their
Everywhere (wrote with included and observations diagrams
Ellaria) defined
Shae, The Disappearance All NOS elements No Yes, tentativeness, empirical Yes, children’s literature, Yes, students’ ideas about Yes, student discussions
of Thumbelina implicitly data, observation predictions, tentativeness, empirical data, and ideas.
discussions observation, and subjectivity
Shireen, Animals All NOS elements Yes–Animals Yes, observations and Yes, children’s literature, Yes, students’ observations Yes, enjoyment of book,
explicitly inferences discussions, writing and writing
Ellaria, and Osha All NOS elements No Yes, observations, and Yes, children’s literature, Yes, students’ predictions and Yes, student ideas about
(coauthors) Science is included and predictions. discussions, writing observations butterfly life cycle.
Everywhere defined
Missandei, Three Brown All NOS elements Yes– Yes, observations Yes, children’s literature, Yes, students’ observations Yes, students’ enjoyment
Chipmunks on a Brown defined and camouflage writing, discussion and inferences of the story and their
Tree Branch explicit writings
Dany, The Three Little Only observations No Yes, observations Yes, children’s literature, None on NOS Yes, students’
Pigs, Science Edition and inferences writing, discussion experiences and
included writings.
Lyanna, SpongeBob and All NOS aspects No Yes, creativity, tentativeness, Yes, sharing ideas, Yes, learning about fossils Yes, students enjoying
Sandy use Nature of included and empirical evidence, children’s literature, gives students opportunity the book, on students
Science to Make a defined subjectivity, social and writing, discussion to learn about NOS aspects sharing their ideas
Discovery cultural context, and theory
and law
ideas. Eleven preservice teachers used reflective writing with the students, such as KWL
charts, Venn diagrams, Anchor charts, classroom posters, writing stories/poems to
connect to the science content, science journals, exit tickets, recording predictions, and
recording ideas on observation and inference charts.
For example, Arya included in her lesson for students to conceptualise how scientists
used observations of evidence to infer the life cycle of a butterfly, illustrating that they
were creative in developing an understanding of a butterfly’s life cycle. She held an expli-
cit-reflective discussion with her first-grade students to help them distinguish between
observations and inferences, which she termed ‘oral reflection of NOS ideas.’ Similarly,
Brienne used children’s literature to introduce a lesson on observations and inferences
in connection with a lesson on animal habitats, leading her third grade students to
think making observations of habitats and inferring the types of animals likely to live
there. She then connected it her lesson to scientific creativity by sharing with the students
that scientists created understandings of animal habitats by making observations and
inferences about those habitats. She also used oral and written reflection to have students
reinforce their understandings of the distinction between observations and inferences by
discussing their ideas, and then having them record their observations and associated
inferences on chart paper.
Lyanna sought to incorporate all NOS aspects through her second grade lesson by using
a children’s literature book about dinosaurs, creating an anchor chart about what students
already knew about dinosaurs, and having an explicit oral reflection about how scientists
were creative about making observations of empirical data to infer what dinosaurs looked
like, how they based their understandings of dinosaurs on their current understandings
(subjectivity), and how it was all within their own social and cultural context. In sub-
sequent lessons that she designed, she continued reinforcing these ideas through explora-
tions of fossils, habitat, and other data. At the conclusion of the lessons she asked students
to consider how their ideas changed over the course of their study of dinosaurs, leading
them to conceptualise the tentative NOS, and how scientists also may change their
ideas as they considered new evidence and reconsidered existing evidence.
Regarding their own reflections of NOS through their investigations in the methods
course, fifteen of the preservice teachers included reflections of their own understandings
of NOS as well as their teaching of NOS to students in their reflections. For example,
Daenerys reflected on how she included NOS objectives of observations and inference,
and empirical data in her lesson. She reflected on her students making observations,
and then inferences about the leaves that they were studying. She reflected that by
asking them to focus on the evidence (the leaves) she thought about how observations
were different than evidence, because students observed the evidence, and then made
inferences. Yara similarly noted in her lesson of kindergartners that her students were
very engaged in observing the leaves, and was very happy when they could distinguish
between observations and inferences. She stated in her reflection that students made
observations such as sizes and colorus of leaves, and then made inferences when they
said things like ‘leaves change color because it is cold outside.’ She believed that her stu-
dents understood that their inferences were based on ideas they made of their
On the other hand, Arya, who did have NOS objectives in her science lesson, did not
reflect on her students’ understandings of NOS, only their understandings of science
content. Similarly, Dany included NOS objectives of observation and inference in her
science lessons, but did not reflect on her student understandings of these NOS ideas.
Dany was also one of the preservice teachers who had difficulty with her own conceptions
of NOS, not improving much in her ideas over the course of the semester.
Shireen made a connection where the reader would learn about observations and infer-
ences as data were observed, and later connect to the tentative NOS as the claim changed
with evidence. In all stories, the story included the tentative NOS as part of science, and
not that scientists were ‘wrong’ with their earlier inference.
All books included accurate depictions of the empirical NOS. The main character col-
lected data to solve a problem. Missandei wrote an original story about the lives of three
chipmunks in a forest. In the story, the chipmunks are safe from hawks, and conducted an
investigation to determine how they are remaining unseen by the hawks. Their exploration
leads them to understand camouflage. Missandei shows science is empirical, and connects
it to tentative NOS. The chipmunks had their personal ideas for why hawks couldn’t see
them, but changed their ideas as they collected new evidence through empirical data:
Because science is tentative, the chipmunks knew that their plan might not work, but they
needed to collect empirical data for their theory to remain unchanged. Science is empirical
and requires evidence to support scientific knowledge.
It is clear that it this inclusion was something she had learned, and was simply passing it
on in the same way she learned it, without translating it into formats she believed would be
accessible to students. Others who included theory and law were clear that theories were
explanations for patterns in data that determined laws. Conceptualising theory and law
was the most difficult aspect for the preservice teachers to understand, and was a focus
in the course. We found that preservice teachers refined their conceptions of NOS
through the development of their children’s book.
As had been previously found (Akerson et al., 2011; Akerson et al., 2019) inclusion of chil-
dren’s literature and oral and written reflection, seems a powerful tool for helping to teach
about NOS to early childhood preservice teachers. We modelled the use of children’s lit-
erature, reading, writing, and discussion strategies that helped the preservice teachers
refine their own understandings about NOS, and enabled them to translate these ideas
into classroom practice. Their conceptions of NOS refined through thinking about and
planning to teach about NOS to their students. We found that preservice teachers
planned to teach NOS and literacy, reflected on teaching, and delivered NOS and literacy
lessons. These literacy strategies enabled them to develop their own content knowledge
about NOS, and to translate these understandings to their early childhood students. Devel-
opment of their content knowledge was an important component of the development of
their NOS PCK (Magnusson et al., 1999).
We found that the combination of writing the children’s trade book to teach NOS,
designing and carrying out NOS lessons, and reflecting on NOS learning of their students,
aided in their conceptions of NOS and translating their NOS ideas into formats that they
believed would be understandable to young children. Thinking about how to teach NOS to
students helped them solidify and conceptualise their own ideas about NOS and required
them to consider how young children would best understand NOS. The ways they trans-
lated their understandings into ‘kid friendly language’ were similar to those in Hanuscin
and Lee (2010), in terms of breaking down NOS ideas into terms that young children
could understand. This translation did not always hold for the aspect of the distinction
between theory and law, and again, including theory and law in the books was not required
as it is not part of the early childhood curriculum.
While most preservice teachers improved their own conceptions about NOS elements,
their translation of their ideas into versions they believed accessible to students were not
done equally well. While twelve preservice teachers included NOS objectives in their
lesson plans, reflected on their NOS teaching, and included all NOS elements explicitly in
their storybooks, three others only included empirical evidence and the distinction
between observation and inference in their storybooks, two others only included NOS
implicitly in their lessons and story, and with one explicitly including NOS in her lesson,
but not in the story. Therefore, their abilities to translate their content knowledge about
NOS in ways accessible to early childhood students were varied as a result of participating
in the literacy and NOS activities in the methods course. The two who did not develop expli-
cit strategies did not reflect on their NOS teaching in their lesson reflections. Previous
research has shown that explicit-reflective instruction is necessary to improve NOS con-
ceptions (Akerson et al., 2000). Perhaps it is necessary when developing PCK for teaching
NOS to be reflective on NOS teaching and learning. While preservice teachers were required
to reflect on their teaching, several did not reflect on their teaching of NOS. Those preservice
teachers who did not reflect on teaching about NOS, also did not include NOS explicitly in
lessons, and did not develop a storybook that explicitly taught NOS.
While previous studies have shown that preservice teachers can improve their NOS
understandings in a science methods course (e.g. Akerson & Volrich, 2006), the current
study shows that inclusion of children’s literature coupled with lesson plans and reflec-
tions focused on NOS aided them in thinking about teaching NOS. Literacy helped
most develop strategies for translating these understandings to early childhood students,
indicating their PCK for teaching NOS was developing. The inclusion of NOS objectives in
lesson plans, reflections on NOS teaching (and their own conceptions of NOS), and cre-
ation of NOS storybooks aided them in developing PCK for teaching NOS to early
childhood students. It provided an artefact they could carry with them to introduce NOS
ideas to their future students. It is desired that preservice teachers move beyond NOS
PCK-readiness (Akerson et al., 2017) and leave the science methods course with strategies
and artefacts that enable them to explicitly introduce NOS to their students. We found that
(a) using literacy strategies, (b) developing NOS lesson plans, (c) reflecting on their NOS
teaching and students’ learning and (d) incorporating the NOS storybooks were effective
in helping most preservice teachers conceptualise NOS and translate ideas to students.
Preservice teachers developed strategies and artefacts to introduce NOS ideas to their stu-
dents. Using literacy to teach about NOS helped them consider ways to teach NOS, while
refining their own understandings about NOS. Therefore their PCK for teaching NOS had
been enhanced through these strategies.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Valarie L. Akerson http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0945-6149
Banu Avsar Erumit http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9048-6467
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(Continued )
. Lesson plans completed . Reading Discussions-Making
observations in science
. Whole class discussion
about the definition of reflection
and recording students’ responses
. Showing a student journal as an
example for PSTs to show how
students can record their
observations on a journal
. Whole class discussion about what
objects blocked all light after
investigating reflection with
different materials
. Small group discussion and written
reflection about incorporating
literacy into science when teaching
Week 8 . Reading and discussion of NOS . Reading NOS children’s book Camouflage and adaptation
children’s book . Reading discussion – Making
. Watching an interview about an explanations in science
elementary student’s
understanding of NOS
. NOS Activities that a specialist
from Sycamore LandTrust
facilitated (Partner observation,
Observing the nature and
finding the hidden objects,
Closing eyes and capturing the
sounds, collecting leaf of a plant
and smell it)
. Feedback on lesson plans
provided to enable final
Week 9 . Float and sink activity that . Story reading about floating and Float and sink, Buoyancy
addresses observation, sinking – Archimedes Bath
prediction, and tentativeness . Students’ discussion and reflection
. Cartesian diver activity – about the story
(addresses observation and . Completing definitions as a whole
inferences) class- floating is when … and
sinking is when …
. Displaying posters that have
elementary students’ answers to the
same question
. Displaying posters that have
elementary students’ predictions
and findings about the objects that
could sink or float.
Week 10 . Making Observation and . Story reading Rotational force
inferences of tops
. Making prediction about the
speed of falling papers
. Making prediction of ‘which
ghost will spin?’
. Sharing teaching experiences of
science in the field experience
and discussing how the lessons
incorporated NOS aspects
Week 11 Teaching WeekPreservice teachers
teach all week
Week 12 Teaching WeekPreservice teachers
teach all week
Week 13 NOS children’s book sharing . Reading a science story book
. NOS book sharing