1 Basic Concepts of Diagnostic X Ray Equipment PDF

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Radiation Safety Training Module: Diagnostic Radiology

Basic Concept of Diagnostic X-ray Equipment, X-ray Interaction and

Personnel Monitoring

Radiological Safety Division

Atomic Energy Regulatory Board
• Expected questions to know after • Factors affecting X-ray Spectrum
studying this lecture • Interaction of X-rays with Matter
• Atom Characteristics • Radiation Detection and
• Radiation Measurement
• X-rays and Gamma rays • Summary/ Learning Outcomes
• X-ray Production • Expected Questions
• Properties of X-rays • References and sources for
• Basic elements of an X- ray additional information
Expected questions to know after
studying this lecture
• What is ionizing radiation?
• What is atomic number and mass number?
• Difference between X-rays & Gamma rays.
• How X-rays are produced?
• Properties of X-rays
• Basic components of X-ray equipment
• How X-rays interact with matter?
• Detection mechanism of X-rays
Atom Characteristics
• All matter is composed of atoms. The atom is the smallest
division of an element in which the chemical identity of
the element is maintained.
• The atom is composed of an extremely dense positively
charged nucleus containing protons, neutrons and an
extranucleus cloud of light negatively charged electrons.
• Atoms differ from one another in the constitution of their
nuclei and in the number and arrangement of their
Atom Characteristic
• The Atomic Number (Z) of the atom is the number of protons in the nucleus.

• The Mass Number (A) of the atom is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

Hydrogen A=1 Z=1

Carbon A = 12 Z=6
Molybdenum A = 96 Z = 42
Tungsten A = 183 Z = 74
Uranium A = 238 Z = 92
Radiation: Radiation is the energy that travels through space or matter.

Ionizing and Non-ionising Radiation

• The radiation that we are exposed to can be ionizing or non-ionizing, depending on whether or not the
radiation has enough energy to remove an electron from an atom with which it interacts.
• Ionizing radiation: is the type of radiation which causes the formation of ions (electrically- charged atoms
or molecules) when interacting with matter. These ions can lead to biological damage in cells.
• X-rays, gamma rays, neutrons, cosmic rays are ionizing radiation. They contain enough energy per photon
to eject electrons from the atoms with which they interact.
• Non-ionising radiation: is the type of radiation which does not have enough energy to eject electrons from
the atoms with which they interact, hence can not cause ionisation
• Visible light, infrared waves, radiofrequency waves are non-ionizing radiation.

Electromagnetic Radiation: Electromagnetic radiation (EM) has no mass, is
unaffected by either electrical or magnetic fields and has a constant speed in a given
• Although EM radiation propagates through matter, it does not require matter for its
propagation. Its maximum speed occurs 3X108 m/sec in vacuum.
EM radiations used in diagnostic imaging include:
• X-rays, which are produce outside the nucleus and are used for radiological imaging
purposes (radiography, mammography, computed tomography, Dental equipment
• Gamma rays, which are emitted from the nuclei of radioactive atoms (used to image
the dtribution of radiopharmaceuticals in Nuclear Medicine as diagnostic procedure).
X-Rays and Gamma Rays
• X-rays and gamma rays are differed only by their origin in the nucleus.
• Gamma rays originate within the nucleus of the atom, whereas X-rays are generated
outside the nucleus by the interaction of high speed electrons with the atom.
• Gamma rays emitted by a single radionuclide consist one or several discrete energies.
• X-rays consist of a broad spectrum of energies.
• X-rays and gamma rays are alike in their mode of interaction with matter, their biological
effects and their photographic effects.
X-ray Production

• X-rays are produced when high energy electrons interact with

matter and convert their kinetic energies into electromagnetic
• The production of an x-ray beam in a clinical imaging system is
performed by the x-ray tube. Inside the x-ray tube, an electron
beam is generated by liberating electrons from the filament via
thermionic emission (heating of the filament).
• Electrons are accelerated towards the anode by applying
potential difference between Anode and Cathode. As a result of
interaction of electrons with target atoms, electrons transfer its
kinetic energy into heat and x-ray photons.
X-ray Production…

X-rays are produced in two ways:

• Production of Bremsstrahlung Radiation
• Production of Characteristic Radiation

Production of Bremsstrahlung Radiation:

When an electron comes within the proximity of a positively charged nucleus of an atom in the
target electrode, it decelerates resulting a significant loss of its kinetic energy in the form of x-ray
photons. An x-ray photon with energy equal to the kinetic energy lost by the electron is produced
(conversion of energy).
This radiation is termed as bremsstrahlung, a German word meaning “braking radiation” or
radiation produced from the braking of projectile electrons.
X-ray Production...

Production of Characteristic Radiation:

If energy of incident electron is more than binding energy of target atom, the incident
electrons may eject electrons from the target atom creating vacancy in the shell. Electrons
from higher shells then fill this vacancy, resulting in the emission of characteristic X-rays.
As a result of interaction between the electron and the target material, about 99% of the
energy is converted into heat and about 1% is converted into X-ray energy.
X-ray Production…

• CONTINUOUS curve represents

Bremsstrahlung Radiation
• DISCRETE line represents
Characteristic Radiation
Properties of X-rays

• X-rays are highly penetrating invisible rays.

• They are electrically neutral and can not be deflected by electric or magnetic fields.
• They are capable of ionizing the interacting medium.
• They produce biological and chemical changes in the interacting medium.
• They affect photographic film to produce an image which can be developed chemically.
Basic elements of an X- ray equipment

Basic elements of an X-ray equipment:

• X-ray Generator
• X-ray Tube - Cathode structure, Anode structure
Focal Spot, Collimator, Tube Housing
• X-ray image receptor
• Couch
Basic elements of an X- ray equipment...

X-ray Generator
It is the power circuit supplying the required potential to the X-ray tube.
➢ It supplies the current to heat the filament of the cathode to emit
➢ It supplies the potential to accelerate electrons from cathode to
➢ The generator also permits control of the x-ray output through the
selection of voltage, current and exposure time.
Basic elements of an X- ray source assembly...

X-ray Tube :
• The X-ray tube provides an environment for X-ray production via bremsstrahlung
and characteristic mechanism.
X-ray Tube Components:
• Cathode: It contains filament which is the source of the electron beam directed
towards the anode.
• Anode: It emits X-rays on impacted by electrons.
• Metal tube housing: It provides surrounding to glass X-ray tube.
• Shielding material: It provides protection against x-rays produced in the
direction other than primary beam.
Basic elements of an X- ray equipment...
X-ray Tube Components

• The anode is made usually a massive piece
of copper into the end of which small target
(10% Rhenium, 90% Tungsten) is placed
• Tungsten:- High Melting point (3410 oC)
• Rhenium:-Used in small quantity (5-10%) to
prevents crazing of the anode surface
(Melting point 3182 oC). 1 : anode track
2 : anode track
Basic elements of an X- ray equipment...
X-ray Tube Components

Cathode is a negatively charged electrode, which
contains filament for source of electrons.
Filament is made of tungsten (W) due to following
• High melting point (3410 oC),
• High corrosion resistance,
• High temperature resistance, 1: long tungsten filament
• Inactive to react with inert gases. 2 : short tungsten filament
3 : real size cathode
Basic elements of an X- ray equipment...
X-ray Tube Components

Focal Spot size is defined in two ways: 1: mark of focal spot

The actual focal spot size is the area on the anode that is
struck by electrons and it is primarily determined by the
length of cathode filament and the width of the focusing cup
The effective focal spot size is the length and width of the
focal spot as projected down in the X-ray field.
• Small focal spot size  reduced tube output (longer exposure
• Large focal spot  allows high output (shorter exposure time)
Basic elements of an X- ray equipment...
X-ray Tube Components

X-ray Tube Insert

• The x-ray tube insert contains the cathode, anode, rotor assembly and
support structures sealed in glass or metal enclosure under a high
• The high vacuum prevents electrons from colliding with gas molecules.

X-ray Tube Housing

• The x-ray tube housing supports, insulates and protects the x-ray tube
insert from the environment.
• The x-ray tube insert is bathed in a special oil, contained within the
housing, that provides heat conduction and electrical insulation.
• A typical x-ray tube housing contains a bellows to allow for oil expansion
as it absorbs heat during operation.
Basic elements of an X- ray equipment...
X-ray Tube Components

• Collimators adjust the size and shape of the X-
ray field emerging from the tube port.
• The typical collimator assembly is attached to
the tube housing at the tube port with a swivel
joint. Adjustable parallel –opposed lead
shutters define the x-ray field.
• In the collimator housing, a beam of light
reflected by a mirror mimics the X-ray beam.
Basic elements of an X- ray equipment...

X-ray image receptors used in the x-ray equipment are as follows:

• X-ray film/Screen
• Computed Radiography cassette (CR)
• Digital detectors (DR)
The details about functioning of these detectors is covered in the another presentation on “Medical X-ray
Imaging Techniques”
Couch: Couch is used as patient Support assembly during imaging. This is generally made up of carbon
fiber. The X-ray attenuation of the couch shall be less than 1 mm of Al equivalence.
Typical X-ray equipment
The output of an x-ray tube is described by the term quality, quantity,
and exposure.
• Quality describes the penetrability of the X-ray beam, with higher
energy x-ray photons having a larger HVL and higher quality.
• Quantity describes the number of photons comprising the beam.
• Exposure is a dosimetric quantity for ionizing radiation based on
the ability of the radiation to produce ionization in air.
• The Exposure (X) is the total charge (dQ) of the ions produced
X-ray Quality in air when all the electrons liberated by photons per unit mass
• TUBE POTENTIAL (dm) of air are completely stopped in air.
X = dQ/dm
X-ray Quantity
• TUBE CURRENT (mA) • The SI unit of exposure is Coulomb/kg [C kg-1] and former
• EXPOSURE TIME (s) special unit was Roentgen [R] whereas 1 R = 2.58 x 10-4 C
SPECTRUM…Tube Potential
Change in QUANTITY &
Change in QUALITY
• Spectrum shifts to higher Energy
• Characteristic lines appear

SPECTRUM… Tube Current
Change of QUANTITY
No change of quality

Effective kV not changed

SPECTRUM…Tube filtration
• Filters are X-rays
absorbers placed between
X-ray source and object.
• Filters preferably absorb
the lower energy photons or
absorb parts of spectrum.

SPECTRUM…Tube filtration
Inherent filtration (always present) • Tolerances:
• Reduced entrance (skin) dose to the Maximum rated tube Minimum total
patient (cut off the low energy X-rays potential filtration (mm Al)
which do not contribute to the image)
Additional filtration (removable filter)
Less than 70 1.5
• Further reduction of patient skin and
superficial tissue dose without loss of 70 to and including 2.0
image quality. 100
Total filtration = Inherent + Added Above 100 2.5

SPECTRUM…Tube filtration
Change in QUANTITY &
Change in QUALITY
• Spectrum shifts to
higher energy

1- Spectrum out of anode

2- After window tube housing
(INHERENT filtration)
3- After ADDITIONAL filtration

Higher Z
Number of X-rays
per unit Energy

Lower Z

X -ray Energy (keV)
(i.e. Type of power supply)

Three Phase

Number of X-
rays per unit
Single Phase

X ray Energy (keV)

7: X Ray beam 33
Interaction of X-rays with matter
When traversing matter, photons will
penetrate, scatter or absorbed. There are
three major types of interactions of X and
gamma rays photons with matter:
• Photoelectric Effect
• Compton Scattering
• Pair Production
The absorption is characterized by
Photoelectric Effect and Pair Production.
The scatter is characterized by Compton
Interaction of X-rays with matter
Photoelectric Effect
• In the photoelectric effect, all of the incident
photon energy is transferred to an electron,
which is ejected from the atom. The kinetic
energy of the ejected photoelectron (Ee) is
equal to the incident photon energy (Eo)
minus the binding energy of the orbital
electron (Eb).
E e = Ee – Eb
• In order for the photoelectric absorption to
occur, the incident photon energy must be Photoelectric Absorption : Full
greater than or equal to the binding energy energy deposition of the X-rays.
of the electron that is ejected.
Interaction of X-rays with matter...
Compton Scattering
• Compton scattering is the predominant interaction of X-
ray and gamma ray photons in the diagnostic energy
range with soft tissues.
• This interaction is most likely to occur between photons
and outer (valence) shell electrons. The electron is
ejected from the atom and the photon is scattered with
some reduction in energy.
• Thus the energy of the incident photon (E0) is equal to
the sum of the energy of scattered photon (Esc) and the
kinetic energy of the ejected electron (Ee) i.e.
E0 = Esc + Ee
• The ejected electron will lose its kinetic energy via
excitation and ionization of atoms in the surrounding
Interaction of X-rays with matter...
Pair Production
• Pair Production can only occur when the energies of X-ray
and gamma rays exceed 1.02 MeV.
• In Pair-Production, an X -or gamma ray interacts with the
electric field of the nucleus of the atom. The photon energy
is transformed into an electron- positron pair.
• Photon energy in excess of this threshold is imparted to the
electron and positron as kinetic energy. The electron and
positron lose their kinetic energies via excitation and
ionization. When the positron comes to rest, it interacts with
a negatively charged electron, resulting in the formation of
two oppositely directed 0.511 MeV annihilation photons
Radiation Detection and Measurement
Radiation Monitoring is carried out:
• To assess workplace conditions and individual exposure;
• To ensure acceptably safe and satisfactory radiological conditions of workplace and
• To keep records of monitoring over a long period of time for good practice.
Properties of Area Monitoring Instrument :
• A low battery visual indication
• Automatic zeroing, automatic ranging
• An analog or digital display
• Remote operation and display of readings
In Diagnostic Radiology, Mainly Ionization Chamber and Semiconductor based Survey Meters are used
for radiation survey purpose.
Radiation Detection and Measurement...

Radiation Monitoring

Area Monitoring

Ionization based Survey


Semiconductor based Survey


Personal Monitoring
DISPLAY/ Thermo luminescent
DATA Dosimeter (TLD)
TRANSFER Direct Reading Dosimeter
Radiation Detection and Measurement...
Personnel Monitoring:
In India, Thermo luminescence Dosimeter (TLD) are used for personnel monitoring purposes. Calcium Sulphate
doped with Dysprosium (CaSO4: Dy) is used as TL Phosphor for personnel monitoring applications.
Basic Principle:
Upon incidence of ionizing radiation, electrons and holes are produced and trapped immediately at the respective trapping
centers. On heating, these trapped electrons/holes will be released from their respective sites and are free to move in the
crystal. Recombination of these electrons and holes results in photon (of Energy ~ 3-4eV) emission of visible region.
Energy released is proportional to absorbed radiation dose recorded by TLD.
In summary,
• Radiation moves electrons into “traps”
• Heating moves them out
• Energy released is proportional to absorbed radiation
Radiation Detection and Measurement. ..
Personnel Monitoring...
Direct Reading Personnel Monitor: It is used to provide a direct readout of dose at any
time. These dosimeters are helpful for tracking of dose in day-to-day activities.
Operation: X/ radiation falling on semiconductor diode detectors will give an electrical
pulse. Pulse rate from the detector is proportional to the intensity of the radiation falling
on it. These pulses are counted and after multiplication with a suitable factor displayed on
a digital display.
Detector PN junction silicon semiconductor
Radiation detected X /  radiation (> 40 keV)
Dose range 1 Sv to 99999 Sv
Power Coin type Lithium Battery
Summary/ Learning Outcomes
• To understand the atom characteristics and electromagnetic radiation.
• To understand the principles of the X-ray production.
• To understand Bremsstrahlung and characteristic radiation.
• To understand that several factors (kV, filtration, current, waveform, target material)
influence quality and/or quantity of the X-ray beam.
• To understand the concepts of interaction of X-rays with matter, radiation detection
and measurement aspects of x-ray radiation.
This presentation will be helpful for the medical professionals associated with
use of diagnostic X-ray equipment for understanding diagnostic x-ray equipment,
interaction properties of X-rays with medium and radiation monitoring.
Expected Questions
Q.1 What is atomic number of an atom?
Ans. The Atomic Number (Z) of the atom is the number of protons in the nucleus as well as the number of electrons outside the
Q.2 What is mass number of an atom?
Ans. The Mass Number (A) of the atom is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
Q.3 What is atomic number and mass number of Tungsten?
Ans. Atomic Number (Z) = 74 Mass Number (M) = 183
Q.4 What is radiation?
Ans. Radiation is the energy that travels through space or matter.
Q.5 Give two examples of ionizing and non-ionising radiation?
Ans. Ionising radiation- Gamma rays and X-rays
Non-ionising radiation- Visible light and Infra-red waves.
Expected Questions
Q.6 How X-rays are produced?
Ans. X-rays are produced when highly energetic electrons interact with matter and convert their kinetic energy into
electromagnetic radiation.
X-ray are produced in two ways:
• Production of Bremsstrahlung Radiation
• Production of Characteristic Radiation
Q.7 Why Tungsten is used as target material of X-ray production?
Ans. Tungsten is used as target material for X-ray production because of its high atomic number (Z=74) and high melting point
Q.8 Pl. explain three properties of X-rays?
Ans. 1. X-rays are highly penetrating invisible rays.
2. They are electrically neutral and can not be deflected by electric or magnetic fields.
3. They affect photographic film, producing a latent image which can be developed chemically.
Expected Questions
Q.9 How tube potential affect X-ray Production?
Ans.Tube potential (kVp) determines the maximum energy in the bremsstrahlung spectrum and affects the quality of the output
Q.10 How x-rays interact with human tissue during imaging?
Ans. Photoelectric absorption is the primary mode of interaction of diagnostic X-rays with screen phosphors, radiographic
contrast materials and bone. Compton scattering predominates at most diagnostic photon energies in materials of lower atomic
number such as tissue and air.
Q.11 Why radiation monitoring is carried out in radiation facility?
Ans. To assess workplace conditions and individual exposure.
To ensure acceptably safe and satisfactory radiological conditions of workplace.
To keep records of monitoring over a long period of time for good practice.
Q.12 Which Thermo luminescence Phosphor is used in personnel monitoring in India?
Ans. In India, Calcium Sulphate doped with Dysposium (CaSO4: Dy) is used as TL Phosphor for personnel monitoring
References and sources for additional
• The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging (J. T. Bushberg, J.A.
Seibert, E.M. Leidholdt, J M Boone)
• The Physics of Radiology (H.E. Johns, J.R. Cunnighnam)
• Introduction to Health Physics (H. Cember)
• Radiation Detection and Measurement (G. Knoll)
• IAEA Presentations on Diagnostic Radiology
List of presentations in the training Module

Basics of Diagnostic X-ray Equipment

Biological effects of Radiations
Medical X-ray imaging techniques
Planning of Diagnostic X-ray facilities
Quality Assurance of X-ray equipment
Quality Assurance of Computed Tomography equipment
Radiation Protection in Diagnostic Radiology Practice
Causes, prevention and investigation of excessive exposures in
diagnostic radiology
Regulatory Requirements for Diagnostic Radiology Practice

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