It'S Fine To Opine: DIRECTIONS: Write A Persuasive Essay On The Importance of Education in The New Normal

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(Final Performance Output in English 10)

DIRECTIONS: Write a persuasive essay on the importance of education in the new normal.
Also be sure to apply or integrate what you have learned in formulating statements using opinion
and assertion. Your written output will be graded according to the rubric below.

Guidelines in writing your final output:

▪ Write your essay in a short coupon bond. (Computerized or handwritten is allowed)
▪ Number of words shall be at least 200-300 words.
▪ Write in three-paragraph format and make your own title.
▪ Submit any day from June 14-18, 2021.


Criteria Very Good (5) Good (3) Needs Improvement (1)

Purpose Opinion is introduced, Opinion is clear, and Opinion is confusing and
clearly communicated, the focus is mostly too ambiguous, and the
and the focus is strongly maintained for the focus drifts from the
maintained for the purpose and audience. purpose and audience.
purpose and

Elaboration/ Comprehensive Comprehensive There is little evidence

Evidence evidence (facts and evidence (facts and integrated. Moreover,
details) from the source details) from the vocabulary and style are
material is integrated source material is not appropriate and
and with proper integrated but are not effective.
attribution. Vocabulary properly attributed.
and style are Vocabulary and style
appropriate and are generally
effective. appropriate and

Organization There is effective and There is effective and The introduction and
clear introduction and clear introduction and conclusion are not
conclusion. Also, the conclusion, but the effective, and there is
logical progression of logical progression of not logical progression
ideas is evident ideas is not sustained of ideas in most parts of
throughout the in some parts of the the essay.
essay. essay.

Conventions The article shows There are minimal The article is riddled
correct use of errors in word usage, with errors in word
language, grammar, punctuation, usage, grammar,
punctuation, and spelling but these punctuation which
grammar, and do not affect the makes the text difficult
spelling. clarity of the text. to comprehend.


Title of Your Essay Here

The content of your essay shall have the following parts:


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