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March 6, 1951 G. H.

BUNCH 2,543,888
Filed March 12, 1948 2. Sheets-Sheet l
March 6, 1951 G. H. BUNCH . 2,543,888
Filed March 12, 1948 2. Sheets-Sheet 2

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Patented Mar. 6, 1951 2,543,888


George E. Bunch, Statesville, N. C.
Application March 12, 1948, Serial No. 14,555
2 Claims. (Cl. 111-91)
This invention relates to improvements in fer is also desirable to fertilize the trees at frequent
tilizer distributor devices, and more particularly intervals without destroying or materially dam
to an improved device for injecting fertilizer into aging any cover crop that may be growing be
the ground. tween the tree rows at the time. The device of
It is among the objects of the present invention 5 the present invention accomplishes these results,
to provide an improved fertilizer distributor that by depositing measured, predetermined quantities
is effective to deposit predetermined quantities of of fertilizer at a predetermined depth below the
fertilizer at predetermined spaced intervals a pre Surface of the ground and at Spaced intervals
determined distance below the surface of the Such as to provide the proper fertilization. The
ground, which device is automatically operative O fertilizer So deposited will remain in the ground
upon being pulled over the ground to be fertilized for a considerable period and is slowly dissolved
and may be pulled either by tractor or by draft and taken up by the roots of the trees.
animals, as may be desired, is not subject to In the device illustrated, a U-shaped frame,
choking or clogging or other unsatisfactory per generally indicated at 0 and comprising a pair
formance in use, is simple, durable and econom 5 of legs or side members if and a front bar or in
ical in construction, carries a large quantity of termediate member 2, has a towing hitch 3
fertilizer to avoid the necessity of frequent re Secured to the front end thereof overlying the
filling while in use, and is easily transported. front bar 2. While the towing hitch illustrated
Other objects and advantages will become ap is for the purpose of attaching the device to a
parent from a consideration of the following de 20 conventional farm tractor, it is to be understood
Scription in conjunction with the accompanying that a tongue may be substituted for the towing
drawings, wherein: hitch Without in any way exceeding the scope of
Figure 1 is an end elevation of a fertilizer the invention. The rear ends of the frame legs
distributing device illustrative of the invention; are apertured and receive the ends of an axle
Figure 2 is a transverse cross-section of the 25 4 which extends transversely of the frame. The
device illustrated in Figure 1, taken substantially axle is Secured at its ends to the frame in a
in the plane of the section line 2-2 of Figure 3; manner to preclude rotation of the axle relative
Figure 3 is a rear elevation of the device illus to the frame, and a plurality of wheel units, gen
trated in Figure 1, a portion being broken away erally indicated at 5, are journaled on the axle
and shown in cross-section to better illustrate the 30 4 in Side-by-side relationship.
construction thereof; A pair of Struts 6 extend upwardly, one from
Figure 4 is a transverse croSS-Section on an en each end of the axle 4, and support at their
larged scale of a fragmentary portion of the de upper ends the rear portion of a partly cylindrical
vice, particularly illustrating the means for forc cover or shield , the front end of which is
ing measured quantities of fertilizer into the 35 secured to the frame fo, as indicated at 8, and
ground through pointed hoes having bores ex Which Overlies the upper forward portions of the
tending therethrough; Wheels 5.
Figure 5 is a cross-section on an enlarged Scale Each of the wheel units comprises a pair of
of a fragmentary portion of one of the wheel Spaced-apart, Opposed Walls 9 of dished or flat
units of the device; and 40 conical shape so arranged that the wheel is mate
Figure 6 is a cross-section of a fragmentary rially thicker at its center than at its periphery.
portion of one of the wheel units and is taken These walls 9 are provided with central aper
tures for the axle 4 and with apertures surround
substantially in the plane of the section line 6-6 ing
of Figure 4. internal flanges 2) which provide bearings
In the cultivation of certain crops, and par 45 which journal the wheels on the axle. At their
ticularly in the cultivation of fruit trees planted outer edges the walls 9 are flanged inwardly
in soft or loose soil, it has been found desirable to provide a tire or tread 2 and a plurality of
to apply fertilizer to the trees at a considerable pointed hoes 22 are secured to this tire 2 by
distance below the surface of the ground in which Suitable means, Such as rivets 23, extending
the trees are planted in order to prevent the 50 through apertures in the base flange of each hoe
feeder roots of the trees from coming to the Sur and through corresponding apertures in the tire
face of the ground where they would be injured 2.
by drought or cultivation, and to avoid shock to Each hoe 22 is preferably of rectangular cross
the trees as frequently happens when heavy fer Sectional shape and Somewhat pyramidal in form .
tilization is applied to surface feeder roots. It 55 and has a cylindrical bore 24 extending longitu
3 4.
dinally therethrough. The pointed outer end of and, as the wheel is rotated, fertilizer in the
each hoe 22 is beveled, as indicated at 25, across Wheel falls into these Scoops maintaining the
the Outer end of the bore 24 so that the hoe is SCOOpS full of fertilizer, which fertilizer is con
materially longer at the rearward side of the bore Stantly supplied to the space between the two
than at the forward side thereof. The tire por plunger pistons 28 and 29 to be forced out of
tion 2 of the wheel is provided with apertures the wheel through the corresponding bores of
the hoes 22 as the hoes are successively brought
registering with the bores 24 of the hoes 22 and
the hoes are disposed at predetermined, pref to their ground-penetrating position at the bot
erably uniform, intervals around the periphery ton of the Wheel. As the space within the cor
of the wheel. The number of hoes applied to O .responding bore between the two plunger pis
each Wheel and the spacing therebetween may be tons is constant, a predetermined amount of fer
Varied Without in any way exceeding the scope stilizer will be injected into the ground at each
Of the invention. operation. The hoes 22 have a sufficient length
A respective flanged scoop 26 overlies each ...to deposit the fertilizer at the desired position
tire aperture opposite a corresponding bore 24, below the Surface of the ground, a distance of
these Scoops preferably being secured in opera from Six to eight inches being considered par
tive position by the rivets 23 that secure the ticularly desirable,
hoes to the Wheel. Each scoop 26 is provided The plungers 27 are guided in their reciproca
With an aperture opposite the corresponding aper tory movements in the wheel by Suitable guide
ture in the Wheel tire and slidably receives a re means including COrresponding pairs of longitudi
Spective plunger 2, the outer end of which ex nally slotted spoke elements:37 with the two spoke
tends into the bore of the corresponding hoe elements of each pair disposed one at each side
22. A pair of Spaced-apart pistons 23 and .29 ..of the corresponding plunger. 27, as is clearly ill
are fixed on the outer end of each plunger 27 lustrated in Figure 3. These elements are se
and are Slidably received in the bore of the cor ICured at their inner ends to corresponding rings
i'eSponding hoe, the numeral 28 indicating the ;38, which are journaled on the axle (4, and at
Outer piston, and 29 the inner piston in the ar their outer ends to corresponding outer rings 39
rangement illustrated. A coiled compressed SeCured. One to each side wall 9 of the wheel by
Spring 39 Surrounds each plunger 2 and bears Suitable means, such, as: the screws 40. The axle
at itSouter end against the corresponding scoop 30 pins 4, by means of which rollers 36 are jour
28, and at its inner end against a washer abut naled in forks 35, extend outwardly at their
ment 3 Secured on the plunger adjacent the ends and are received in the longitudinal slots
inner end thereof. Each of these springs acts to {{2 of the corresponding spoke guide elements 37,
1'esiliently urge its corresponding plunger in -SO that the inner ends of the plungers are firmly
Wardly of the wheel. The plungers are forced 35 guided for movement toward and away from the
OutWardly of the Wheel as the corresponding hoes axle 4 by Operation of the cam 33 and springs
are Successively brought into ground-penetrat 3.
ing position at the bottom of the wheel by a cam The two walls of each wheel are secured to
32 Secured to axle 4 within the wheel and op gether by Suitable means, such as the through
eratively engaging the inner ends of the plung 40 boltS 43 and adjacent wheels are secured to
erS. Can 32 is Substantially circular for the gether by interconnecting brackets 34 so that
greater part of its extent, but has a downwardly all of the Wheels rotate as a single unit. The
extending lobe .33, the forward face of which is hoes on adjacent Wheels are preferably staggered
toothed. Or Serrated, as indicated at 34. The relative to each other, as is clearly illustrated in
eXtent of the lobe 33 is such as to force each 45 Figure 3, for a more desirable spacing of the
plunger 27 outwardly as the corresponding hoe 22 fertilizer deposits in the ground.
reaches the bottom of the Wheel to a position at There is thus provided a device which will
Which the inner piston 29 is just within the short automatically deposit predetermined quantities
er Side. Of the Corresponding bore, the Space be of fertilizer in the ground at uniformly spaced
tWeen the pistons 28 and 29 being open So that 50 positions and at a predetermined depth below
fertilizer carried between these pistons to the the Surface of the ground. Each hollow wheel
Outer end of the corresponding hoe will be de 5 will hold a large quantity of fertilizer which
posited in the ground at the location at which is put into the Wheel through a fertilizer door
the hoe penetrates the ground, as is clearly illus 45 provided in one Side wall of each door, and
trated in Figure 1. the Scoops: 26 Willinsure...an equal distribution of
A respective fork 35 is Secured on the inner the fertilizer to the various" hoes 22.
end of each plunger 2 and a grooved roller. 36 The invention may be embodied in other spe
is journaled in the inner end of each fork 35 (cific forms without departing from the spirit
and bears against the edge of cam 33, So that or essential characteristics thereof. The present
the plungers will be forced outWardly against 60 embodiment is, therefore, to be...considered in all
the Spirings 30 as the Wheel is rotated about the respects as illustrative and not restrictive, the
Cam. The teeth or Serrations 34 on the can Scope of the invention being indicated by the ap
Serve to vibrate the plungers 27 when the cor pended claims rather. than by the foregoing de
responding rollers pass over these Serrations to Scription, and all changes which come within
prevent the coating of the plungers with ferti 65 the meaning and range of equivalency of the
iizer and the accumulation of fertilizer in a claim.S. are, therefore, intended to be embraced
manner to choke or clog the device. The vibrat therein.
ing action of the Serrations covers the period I claim:
of loading and unloading the Space between the 1. In a fertilizer distributor having a frame,
two pistons on each plunger So that the loading 70 “an axle fixed in said frame, and a hollow wheel
of these Spaces with fertilizer and the discharge journalled on Said axle and constituting a fer
of fertilizer therefrom is facilitated by the vibrat tilizer container, feed means for injecting meas
ing action of the Serrations on the correspond ured quantities offertilizer from the Wheel into
ing rollers 36 and the associated plungers. the ground comprising a plurality of hoas on
The Scoops 26 open rear Wardly in the wheel, 75 the periphery of said wheel projecting radially
5 6
outward from such periphery at Substantially wheel at angular intervals therearound and com
equal angular intervals therearound, each of said municating interiorly with the interior of said
hoes having a bore extending longitudinally wheel, a cam fixed to said axle within said wheel
therethrough and communicating with the in and having a downwardly extending lobe, plung
terior of said wheel, a cam fixed on said axle ers extending one from each hoe in Wardly of
Within said wheel and having a downwardly ex said wheel toward said cam, cam followers car
tending lobe, a plunger extending from each hoe ried one on each plunger at the inner end there
inwardly towards said cam, a cam-following roll of, springs disposed between said wheel and
er on the inner end of each plunger, an outer Said plungers maintaining said can followers
piston on the outer end of each plunger slidable O in contact With said cam, and means on Said
in the bore of the respective hoes, an inner pis plungers at the outer ends thereof for moving
ton on each plunger spaced inwardly of the measured quantities of the content.S of Said
corresponding outer piston a distance leSS than wheel outwardly through Said hoes as Said plung
the length of the bore of the corresponding hoe, a ers are moved outwardly of Said hoes by Said
spring connected between each plunger and the can lobe, said can having serrations on the for
wheel for maintaining the associated cam-fol ward side of Said lobe in the direction of move
lowing roller in contact with the cam, said cam ment of said rollers about Said cam for vibrat
having a throw such as to move each outer pis ing Said plungerS.
ton Substantially from one end to the other end GEORGE H. BUNCH.
of the bore of the corresponding hoe as the Wheel
rotates about the axle, to force a measured quan REFERENCES CITED
tity of fertilizer out of each hoe as the hoeS Suc The following references are of record in the
cessively reach the rotational position directly file of this patent:
below the lobe of said cam, and a plurality of UNITED STATES PATENTS
Scoops in said wheel attached to the peripheral 25
portion of the latter and respectively overlying Number Name Date
the inner ends of the bores of said hoes to di 16,772: Myers ------------- Mar. 3, 1857
rect fertilizer between the corresponding pairS 331,885 Hunter ------------ Dec. 8, 1885
of outer and inner pistons, said can having Ser 455,290 Normand ---------- June 30, 1891
rations along one side of the lobe thereof to Suc 30 772,329 Arnold ------------ Oct. 18, 1904
cessively vibrate said plungers. 2,097.887 Lacey ------------- Nov. 2, 1937
2. In a distributor for injecting imaterial into 2,151,414 Beemer ------------ Mar. 21, 1939
the ground, an axle, a hollow wheel journalled FOREIGN PATENTS
on said axle and constituting a container for
such material, feed means for injecting measured Number Country Date
quantities of the contents of said wheel into 10,525 Great Britain ------ Feb. 20, 1845
the ground comprising a plurality of hollow hoes 84,417 Austria ------------ June 25, 1921
projecting radially from the periphery of said 101,052 Austria ------------ Sept. 25, 1925

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