Alume%%Álázzáért: Äug. 24, 1937. N E. F. Way" F ": 2,091,006

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ÄUg. 24, 1937. N E. F.

WAY" F ": » 2,091,006

Filie di Jan , ,, , S5 N Shteet S-Sheet

Alume%%álázzáért ATTORNEYS.
Aug. 24, 1937. E. F. MAYNE 2,091,006
Filed Jan. 5, 1935 2 Sheets-Sheet 2

2 AT-34-4647% ATTORNEYS. -
Patented Aug. 24, 1937 2,091,006


Edward F. Mayne, Detroit, Mich.
Application January 5, 1935, serial No. 518
13 Claims. , (C. 152-22)
My invention relates tó pneumatic tires for and the other disposed in the diametrically oppo
automotive vehicles and it has particular relation site
to the sealed air containers constituting a por tire side of the rim. Mounted upon the rim 10 is a
casing 3 within which are disposed in side
tion of such tires.
More particularly, my invention relates to a by-side relationship two similar inner tubes 4
double envelope adapted to be used in pneumatic and 5. Each of these tubes is molded into a
tire casings and to a means for securing the two semi-circular straight
cross-sectional contour having a
envelopes in their proper cooperative relationship. Substantially portion 6 and an arcuate
portion T. At the juncture of the portions 6
Heretofore, it has been customary to employ and
10 but a single inner tube in pneumatic tire casings, with Tanythe tube is reinforced, as indicated at 8, º
suitable material, such as a layer of
the result being that when such tube is punc fabric, cloth, or the like. Each of the tubes 4
tured, the tire is completely deflated, thus neces and 5 is provided
sitating a change of tires regardless of the ur flexible rubber type.with a valve stem 9 of the
The valve stem is provided
gency of the journey engaged upon and regard with an integral annular collar 20 disposed a short
l5 less of the time and location at which the punc distance from its point of juncture with the inner 5
ture occurs. In addition, if the tire is blown out,
it is deflated very rapidly which, with the present tube and with two oppositely disposed integral
arcuate lugs 2 disposed in spaced relation to the
type of large diameter tires and small diameter collar 20 for a purpose - to be hereinafter set
wheels, may become a source of considerable forth. Each tube is provided with an integral
danger, especially if the vehicle is travelling at a flap 22 disposed diametrically opposite from its
high rate of speed at the time the blow out
occurs. valve stem and in proximity to the valve stem of 20
the companion tube. As best shown in Figs. 2
By my invention, I have eliminated the neces and 3, the flap 22 is reinforced, as indicated at
sity of changing tires when a puncture occurs 23, and is provided with an opening or aperture
256and have eliminated the danger incident to a blow
out regardless of the speed at which the vehicle is 25 which fits over the rubber valve stem 9 of the 25
travelling. companion tube and into the groove between the .
For a better understanding of my invention, annular collar 20 and the point of juncture with
reference may now be had to the accompanying the tube. As the flap 22 is composed of resilient
30 drawings, of which: material it is snapped over the valve stem of the
Fig. 1 is a vertical cross-sectional view of, a tire other tube in the position shown in Fig. 3, and 30
mounted upon a wheel rim and provided with an - thus retains the two tubes in proper relationship
air container constructed in accordance with my with the two flat sides i 6 thereof in adjoining re
lation. , The flap 22 of the second tube is likewise
invention. snapped over the valve stem of the other tube,
35 Fig. 2 is a perspective view of one of the pair of
thus securing the tubes together at two diametri
double inner tubes illustrated in Fig. 1. 35.
cally opposite points.
Fig. 3 is a detail cross-sectional view of the With the tubes properly secured together by
structure illustrated in Fig. 1 showing a means means of the flaps, 22, it is impossible to pinch
of securing one of the inner tubes to the other. one of the tubes with the valve stem of the other
Fig. 4 is a cross-sectional view of the structure tube. Likewise, the assembled relationship of 40
illustrated in Fig. 3, the section being
the line V-IV thereof. 4
taken along the tubes permits of readily inserting and remov
ing them as a unit from the casing for purposes
Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional view of a modified
form of my invention in which the valve stem pro of of
repair and inspection. In the event that one
the tubes has beeni damaged to any material
trudes from the side of the depressed portion of degree so that it does not justify repair, the two 45
a drop center rim.
Fig. 6 is a modified form of my invention em tubes may be readily disassociated by removing
the ñap of each tube from the valve stem of the
ploying the ordinary type of tire rim and employ other tube and a second tube in good condi
the 7standard metal type of valve.
and 8 are perspective views illustrating tion secured to the remaining tube in the same
86. W
modified forms of my invention. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the. valve stem opening
Referring more particularly to the drawings, I
have illustrated a r?m 0 of the drop center type i 1 in the rim t0 is provided with two diametrically
opposite recesses 26. The lugs 2 on the valve
providëd with two valve stem openings | f and 2, stem 9 are mounted thereon at an angle to the
One of which is disposed in one side of the rim recess 26 but are of such size that they can readily 55
2 V 2,091,006
pass therethrough when the valve stem is twisted owing to the. fact that they are separated only
slightly, which can readily be accomplished ow by a flexible wall. . .
ing to the fact that all portions of both tubes are With this arrangement of tubes, it is apparent
very flexible. that if one of the pair of tubes is punctured, the
5 In mounting the tire on the rim, the two inner tire will not become deflated but the other tube 5
tubes, secured together as previously described, will move to a position occupying the entire caS
are inserted in assembled relationship into the ing and will keep the casing inflated at one-third
tire casing, one side of which has already been of the original pressure which, it has been found, ,
placed on the rim. The valve stems are then in is sufficient to permit continued and extensive
10 Serted in the valve openings and, by means of travel without any danger of injuring the cas 0
the stems the tubes are twisted so that the ing or tube and without any handicap to the oper
lugs 2 may pass through the recesses 26. Upon ator of the car. In like manner, when a blow out
releasing the stems they assume their natural occurs, the rubber of the inner tube which
position, which is at an angle to the recesses 26. has been blow out, will tend to close the opening
l5 This permits of applying an air hose to the end in the casing caused by. the blow out, thus per
of the rubber valve stems without any danger of mitting the other tube to carry the load. In
their pulling back into the rim of the tire, even addition, it frequently occurs that the pressure of
the air remaining in the second tube after a blow
thOugh not properly inflated. \
In the structure illustrated in Fig. 5, the rim Out is sofrom low that the tube may even protrude
20 is provided with an opening 28 in the side thereof slightly the opening caused by the blow
through which the valve stem 9 projects. The out without actually puncturing, thus permitting
Valve stem is provided with the usual collar 20 the car to be brought to a stop in safety, even
and the tube with the usual flap 22, which fits though a severe blow out may have occurred.
Although I have illustrated several forms of
thereover. The other tube of the pair is pro
25 vided with a similar valve stem projecting through my invention and have described in detail one
the diametrically opposite side of the rim (not application thereof, it will be apparent to those
Shown) . skilled in the art that it is not so limited but that
In the structure illustrated in Fig. 6, the inner various modifications and changes may be ef
tube is provided with a valve stem 30 of the usual fected therein without departing from the spirit 30
80 metallic type. This valve stem is provided with of my invention or from the scope of the appended
the customary valve stem spreader 3 f, which is claims. M
What I claim is:
held in place by means of a nut 32 mounted
in threaded engagement with the valve stem 30. . 1. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing
The nut 32 is provided with a centrally disposed and a pair of inner tubes disposed therein, in
*º annular groove 33 into which the flap 22, previ side-by-side relationship, each provided with
valve means for purposes of infidation, and means
ously described, is snapped. for securing the tubes together comprising means
In the structure illustrated in Fig. 7, the flap 22 integral with each tube. adapted to be readily
is replaced by an annular fdap 35 which is pro detachably secured to the valve stem of the other
vided with a plurality of openings or apertures tube. 40
40 36 which fit over rubber rivets or retaining mem 2. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing
bers 37 mounted on the cooperating inner tube. and a pair of inner tubes disposed therein, each
Likewise, the flap 35 is provided with an opening provided with valve means for purposes of infla
for the reception of the valve stem 9. The ad tion, and means for securing the tubes together
Vantage of this structure is that the two tubes comprising projections mounted on one tube and 45
4? are secured together throughout their entire cir integral laterally extending flap means mounted
cumferences at their inner edges. If desired, a on the other tube, said flap means being pro
similar flap may be employed at the point of vided with openings adapted to fit over the pro
juncture of the two tubes at the outer periphery jections of the other tube and being readily de
thereof, but such flap is not believed to be neces tachable therefirom. 50
º sary as the straightsides of the tubes, together 3. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing
with the reinforced molded corners, serves to make and a pair of inner tubes disposed therein, each
them naturally assume the desired side by side . provided with valve means for purposes of infla
position within the casing, especially as soon as tion, and means for securing the tubes together
any air is admitted to the tubes. comprising integral rubber projections on one 55
In the modification illustrated in Fig. 8, each tube and integral rubber flap means on the other
tube is provided with a plurality of rubber rivets tube, said fap means being provided with open
38 and alternately disposed short flaps 39, each ings adapted to fit tightly over the rubber. pro
of which is provided with an opening 40, adapted jections of the adjacent tube. V
60 to fit over the head of a correspondingly disposed 4. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing 60
rivet on the companion tube. The advantage of and a pair of inner tubes disposed therein, each
this type of construction is that the two com provided with valve means for purposes of infla
panion tubes are identical, which is an advantage tion, and means for securing the tubes together
from a manufacturing standpoint, and are se comprising : integral flaps and projecting mem
65 cured together throughout their circumferences. bers arranged alternately around the periphery 65
Withiin the ordinary ranges of air pressure now of each tube, the flaps being each provided with
employed, especially on passenger cars, the two openings therein adapted to receive the projec
tubes may be inflated equally; that is, with equal tions on the companion tube.
5. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing
. Volumes of air, by inflating one side to a pressure
70 of one-third of the ultimately desired pressure mounted upon a rim member, an inner tube dis 70
while the other side is deflated, and then inflating posed within said tire casing and provided with a
the second tube until the pressure reached there valve stem for inflating said tube, an opening in
in reaches the desired total. It will be apparent saidirim adapted to receive said valve stem, means
for holding said valve stem in proper. Irelationship
that as long as there is any air at ali in either
as tube, both tubes will reach the same pressure with said rim opening comprising cooperating 75
3,001006 . 3
bayonet joint members on the valve stem and the with an aperture therein adapted tont tightly and
periphery of the rim opening. . elastically over the valve stem of the other tube.
6. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing 10. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing,
mounted upon a rim member, an inner tube dis and a pair of inner tubes disposed therein each
posed within said tire casing and provided with provided with a valve stem for infidation purposes,
a valve stem for infidating said tube, an opening one of said valve stems being provided with an
in said rim adapted to receive said valve stem, annular groove adjacent its point of juncture with
means for holding said valve stem in proper rela the tube, and means for readily detachably secur- | *
tionship with said rim opening comprising spaced ing said tubes to each other comprising an elastic
lugs on said valve stem adapted to cooperate with flap member provided with an aperture therein 10
spaced arcuate retaining filanges on the rim. adapted to fit tightly and elastically within the
7. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing groove in the valve stem of the other tube,
mounted upon a rim member, an inner tube dis
posed within said tire casing and provided with a' tire11.casing
A pneumatic tire consisting of an annular
and two similar annular inner tubes
valve stem for inflating said tube, an opening in disposed therein in side-by-side relationship each 5
said rim adapted to receive said valve stem, means having portions engaging the outer periphery of
for. holding said valve stem in proper relationship the tire casing adjacent the tread portion thereof
with said rim opening comprising two diametri and additional portions engaging the inner pe
cally, opposite fange members of relatively small riphery of the tire casing, and means external
diameter on the rim member adjacent the open to the tubes for readily detachably securing 20
ing therein, and two diametrically opposite lugs together the portions of said tubes adjacent the
of greater diameter than the rim fanges mounted inner periphery of the tire casing. V
on the valve stem, said-lugs being of lesser width 12. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casin
than the spa?es between the rim filanges, said mounted upon a rim member, an inner tube dis
lugs being secured to the valve stem in such posi posed within said tire casing and provided with 25
tion that the inner tube must be slightly twisted a valve stem for inflating said tube, an opening
from its normal position in the rim to permit the in said rim adapted to receive said valve stem,
lugs to pass between the rim filanges. means for preventing dissociation of the valve
8. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing
and a pair of inner tubes disposed therein, each stem and rim when the valve stem is held in its :
normal position by the inner tube and for permit 30
provided with Walve means for purposes of infla ting dissociation of the valve stem and rim when
tion, and means for securing the tubes together the valve stem is rotated to an abnormal position
comprising an integral perforated laterally ex With respect to the rim.
tending fdap mounted on each tube at a point 13. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing
diametrically opposite to its valve stem and and a pair of inner tubes disposed therein, each 35
adapted to fit over the välve stem of the other provided with valve means for purposes of infla
tube. - M
tion, and means for securing the tubes together
9. A pneumatic tire comprising a tire casing comprising an integral perforated laterally ex
40 and a pair of annular inner tubes disposed therein, tending flap mounted on each tube at a point
in side-by-side relationship, each provided with a adjacent the valve stem of the other tube and 40
valve stem for infidation purposes, and means for adapted to fit thereover. M
readily detachably securing said tubes to each
other comprising an elastic fiap member provided EDWARD F. MAYNIE.

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