Honing Tool

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Nov. 27, 1962 J. T.

CARK 3,065,579
Filed Aug. 10, 196l


United States Patent Office Patented Nov. 27, 1962
The yoke 9 is formed with three hinge bosses 25 pro
3,065,579 jecting radially at 120' spacing. Each hinge boss is drilled
CYLNDER HONENG TOOL to receive a hinge rivet 26 upon which the upper extremity
James T. Clark, Fort Morgan, Colo., assignor to Clark of a hone arm 27 is hingedly mounted.
Feather Manufacturing Co., Fort Morgan, Coio., a The three hone arms 27 are channel-shaped in cross
corporation of Colorado section and each is convoluted longitudinally to form an
Filed Aug. 10, 1961, Ser. No. 131,969 outwardly and downwardly inclined upper portion 28, an
3 Cairns. (C. 51-184.2)
inwardly and downwardly inclined medial portion 29 and
This invention relates to a rotary cylinder honing tool a downwardly extending lower terminal portion 30 upon
for deglazing and resurfacing the wall of an internal con O the lower extremity of which a foot member 35 is tilt
bustion engine cylinder. ably mounted by means of a pivot rivet 32.
The principal object of the invention is to provide an The foot members 31 carry elongated honing pads 33
easily handled, rapid and efficient cylinder honing tool adhesively mounted on their outer faces. The pads may
for use in a conventional electric drill which will be self be rectangular abrasive Stones or may be of felt or similar
centering and self-bottoming and which can be quickly 5 material. Preferably, one of the foot members 31 will
slipped into a cylinder of any size and which will auto carry a felt pad and the remaining two foot members will
matically, resiliently and uniformly expand to accurately carry abrasive stone pads.
maintain honing elements against the wall of the selected The sides of the channels forming the upper arm por
cylinder regardless of the internal diameter of the latter. tions 28 are turned inwardly to form opposed retaining
While the improved cylinder honing tool Will auto 20 flanges 34. The arm spreader 23 is shaped to form
matically expand to accommodate a wide range of cylin three spokes 35 the extremities of which extend into
der diameters, for instance a standard model thereof ac the channels of the upper arm portions 23. The sides of
commodates cylinders from 2' to 7' in diameter, it has the spokes 35 are notched, as shown at 36, to receive the
been found that in the usual shop, working on the smaller inturned retaining flanges 34, as shown in FIG. 3.
cylinders of the popular brands of automobile engines, it 25 In use, hone arms are Squeezed together in the hand
is inconvenient to be required to constantly contract the until the foot members 31 can be inserted into the upper
tool from its large maximum capacity for insertion into eXtremity of a cylinder or cylinder liner. The tool is then
the smaller diameter cylinders being conventionally forced downwardly so that the hone pads 33 ride flat
worked upon. Therefore, another object of this inven against the cylinder wall. When the hone arms are
tion is to provide, in a honing tool of a large diameter 30 compressed together the flanges 34 of their upper portions
capacity, means for limiting the expansion thereof to a 28 slide upwardly in the spoke notches 36 forcing the yoke
diameter convenient for use upon the particular cylinders i9 upwardly against the bias of the compression spring.
upon which the shop is working thus making it unneces When the hone arms are released, the expansion of the
sary to constantly contract the hone from its full capacity spring 18 forces the yoke downwardly causing the flanges
for insertion into the smaller diameter cylinders. 35 34 to ride downwardly and outwardly in their spoke
Other objects and advantages reside in the detail con notches 36 to press the pads 33 outwardly against the
struction of the invention, which is designed for simplicity, cylinder walls while the tool is rotated by the electric drill
economy, and efficiency. These will become more ap motor. Since the shaft portions 11, 12 and 13 are flexible
parent from the following description. 40
any inaccuracies in incline or tilt of the drill motor are
In the following detailed description of the invention, automatically accommodated. If cylinders of smaller di
reference is had to the accompanying drawing which ameter than the maximum capacity of the tool are being
forms a part hereof. Like numerals refer to like parts constantly worked upon, the repeated squeezing or contrac
in all views of the drawing and throughout the description. tion of the hone arms to the smaller cylinder diameter
In the drawing: 45
becomes a tedious, time-consuming task.
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of the improved cylinder The latter task is avoided by the use of the maximum
honing tool as it would appear when being inserted into diameter pre-setting nut 2. The latter nut acts to stop
the upper extremity of a conventional automotive cylinder the descent of the yoke 19, and the expansion of the hone
liner as indicated at 10; arms 29, at any desired point. For instance, if relative
FIG. 2 is a fragmentary vertical section taken on the 50 cylinders are being honed, the nut 2 is threaded up
line 2-2, in FIG. 3; and wardly on the pivot shaft portion 1 until the maximum
FIG. 3 is a cross section looking downwardly on the expansion of the hone arms is just sufficient to position
line 3-3, FIG. 2. the foot member rivets on a radius slightly less than the
The cylinder honing tool of this invention employs a radius of the cylinder, as shown in FIG. 1. The nut 2.
vertical pivot shaft portion 11 driven through the medium 55 is then fixed in position in any desired manner such as by
of a flexible shaft portion 2 from a drive shaft portion means of a suitable set screw 37. After the latter setting
13 arranged to be inserted in the chuck of a conventional has been made, the tool can be quickly forced into the
electric drill. The drive shaft portion 3 is connected to smaller cylinders without the preliminary "squeezing.”
the flexible shaft portion 12 in any suitable manner, such While a specific form of the improvement has been
as by means of a coupling sleeve 14, and the flexible 60 described and illustrated herein, it is to be understood
shaft portion 12 is fixedly mounted in a receiving socket that the same may be varied within the scope of the
15 in the upper extremity of the pivot shaft portion 1. appended claims, without departing from the spirit of the
The drive shaft portion 13 is threaded, as indicated at invention.
16, to receive a spring-compression-adjusting nut 17 which Having thus described the invention what is claimed
acts to compress a spring i8 against a yoke 9 which is 65 and desired to be secured by Letters Patent is:
slidably mounted on the pivot shaft portion 11. 1. A cylinder honing tool comprising: a vertical shaft;
The pivot shaft portion it is also threaded, as indicated an arm spreader mounted on the lower extremity of said
at 20, to receive a maximum-diameter pre-setting nut 21. shaft; a yoke slidably mounted on said shaft above Said
and the lower extremity of the pivot shaft portion it is spreader; hone arms hinged to and depending from said
reduced in diameter and threaded to form a terminal 70 yoke in contact with said spreader; foot members pivotally
stud 22 upon which an arm spreader 23 is fixedly mounted mounted on the lower extremities of said hone arms;
by means of a suitable clamp nut 24. abrasive means carried by said foot members; a compres
3 4.
sion spring acting to urge said yoke downwardly to cause sion spring acting to urge said yoke downwardly, said
said hone arms to swing outwardly in consequence of their hone arms being channel-shaped in cross section with the
contact with said spreader; and adjustable stop means for open sides of the channels facing said shaft; spokes project
stopping the downward travel of said yoke at any desired ing radially from said yoke and terminating within said
point, said stop means comprising a nut threaded on said channels to cause said hone arms to swing outwardly in
shaft between Said spreader and said yoke and positioned consequence of their contact with said spokes; and a nut
to be contacted by the yoke as the latter descends under threaded on said shaft below said yoke to stop the down
the influence of said spring. ward movement of the latter at any desired point.
2. A cylinder honing tool as described in claim 1 hav
ing means for fixedly locking said nut at any desired 0. References Cited in the file of this patent
position on said shaft. UNITED STATES PATENTS
3. A cylinder honing tool comprising: a vertical shaft;
an arm spreader mounted on the lower extremity of said 1,567,417 Campbell -------------- Dec. 29, 1925
shaft; a yoke slidably mounted on said shaft above said 2,560,727 Keiser ----------------- July 17, 1951
spreader; hone arms hinged to and depending from said 5 2,736,146 Brooks ------------'a were a rar Feb. 28, 1956
yoke in contact with said spreader; foot members pivot 2,778,168 Clark ------------------ Jan. 22, 1957
ally mounted on the lower extremities of said hone arms; 2,782,572 Clark ----------------- Feb. 26, 1957
abrasive means carried by said foot members; a compres 3,005,294 Kushmuk --------------- Oct. 24, 1961

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