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Aug. 2, 1938. W. T.

sWINGLE ET AL 2,125,697
Filled Sept. 14, 1937

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Patented Aug. 2, 1938 2,125,697


, Wayne T. Swingle and Leo F. Buckley,
Bastings, Nebr.
Application September 14, 937, Serial No. 63,854
3 Claims. (C. 230-134)
This invention relates to centrifugal blower that the ends of the blades may be made per
wheels and to the method of making the same. fectly square and be siid in between the opposed
The conventional design of blower wheel corn end rings 4 and 5 when the latter are properly
prises a pair of flat end rings slotted to receive assembled on a Suitable jig such as is shown in
5 lugs projecting from the opposite ends of the Figure of the drawing, and designated generally
interposed blades. These jugs projecting through by the reference numera 9. 1.
the slots are then welded or riveted to the end Referring now to Figure i, the jig 9 con
rings to lock the blades securely to the rings. prises a shaft 2 adapted to receive siidably a
The main objection to this old method of con sleeve 2 f, which is provided with screwthreaded
0 struction resides in the difficulty of stringing the radial bores 22 and 23, adapted to receive set
lugs of the blades through the slots in the end screws 28, having their inner ends pointed to
rings; eSpecially, in atternpting to get the last seat is conical recesses 2 formed in the shaft
few blades in place in a 48 or 64 blade wheel, 20 for properly locating the sleeve 2 thereon.
because the lugs must all be exactly aligned with The opposite ends of the shaft 25 are turned
5 the slots they are to enter. down to for in sholders 23 and 27, adapted to 5
In the present invention the difficulties re form stops for the inner ends of bosses 28 and
ferred to are overcome by eliminating the lugs 29, projecting inwardly froin the circular ring
on the ends of the blades and providing slots in positioning discs 3G and 3 , respectively.
ribs or projections formed in each end ring to The discs 3 and 3 are centraily cored to
20 receive the square ends of the biades. slide on the projecting ends 32 and 33 of the 2.
The main object of the invention, therefore, is shaft, 2, and each of the CSSes 23 and 29 has a
to provide a centrifugal biower wheel in which set screw 34 extending radially therethrough to
the parts thereof can be assembled very rapidly, clasp the discs 3 and 33 securely in position and
So that the wheels can ba hanufactured in quan properly spaced apart on the shaft, 25 by the
5 tities with low cost for labor a 2nd material. . shoulders 26 and 2. 25
Other objects will become apparent as the de The sheeve 2 is a part of the blogger yheel, and
tailed description thereof proceeds, is provided at its center With an -2, insular fange
in the drawing: 35, provided Frith apertres 36, &ciatei to reg
Figure 1 is a sectional elevation of a jig used ister with apertres 3 foraried in a gair of center
30 in assenbling the elements of this blower wheel, discs 33 and 39, which are slidariy Yaounted over
and showing a pair of end rings and 8 central a reduced portion of the sieve 2; and are
suitably secured as by rivets 3 to the annular
disc mounted on the jig in position to receive flange
one of the blades; 35.
Figure 2 is a top pian view of the blower wheel the center discs 33 and 33 are of the same
35 With parts broken away to show details of con diarieter, which is less than the cite diameter 35
struction; of the end ring. The outer ends of these center
Figure 3 is a vertical section tSken on the line discs are cent to for in Cap-Sitely directed annui
3-3 of Figure 2; lar ribs 2 and 43 which are provided with reg
Figure 4 is a horizontal section, taken on the istering sicts to receive the certer parts of the
line 4-3 of figure 3; . .. blades , each of the atter being provided With
Figure 5 is a top plai view of part of a modi a notch & 8 to straddle the ends of the discs 38
fled form of ring; and 39 where they merge with the ribs 42 and
Figure 6 is a section taken on the line 6-5, of 43. i.e is 2 and 43 &re not, Soiately reces
figure 5. sary to the construction of these wheels. How
in the wheels formed in accordance with the ever, it is preferable to use these rites because
present invention, the ends of the blades are they seive in the S&ne Znanies as he ribs fis
cut off square, so that there are no projecting lugs on the end rings to stiffen the biade construction
to be aligned with correspondingly shaped slots as a wice.
in the end wheels. The end wheels illustrated in The circular discs 3 and 3 E are provided with
Figures , 2, 3, and 4 of the drawing, and identi annular recesses on the in Sea faces to form 58
fied by the reference unerals 4 and 5, are shoulders E3 aridi 46 against which the inner edges
each provided With an inwardly projecting an of the end ring and the blades may be posi
nular rib S, which is slotted at regular intervals tioned for properly assembling the elements of the
to receive the blades 7. These blade receiving wheel. While there is only one of the blades 7
55 slots ie are formed only in the projecting ribs, so shown in Figure i as positioned in the jig 9 be SS
2 2,125,697
tween the end rings 4 and 3, it is to ie under one face of each ring, each of said rings being
stood that these blades still be spaceti around provided with slots extending only through said
the rings 4 and 5 a.a.d. the center discs, 38 and ribs, blades seated in said slots with their ends
39 Substantially as shown in Sigtre 2 of the drawy against the inner sides of Said rings and Suitably
5 ing. It is not necessary that the ribs arou?, i.e. Secured thereto.
end rings be continloils. Ali that, is required for 2. A centrifugal bloyer wheel corriorising a
properly holding the blades to the rings is some pair of end rings h:ying an alar riS for (3d Cin
kind of inner projection on the said ring "which one face of each ring, each of said sings being
can be slotted to receive the eads of the blades provided with slots extending only trough Said
) slidably wer, the rigs are located on the jig ribs and spaced apart angularly thereo, blades
show in Figure of the drawing. Seated in Said slots with tieir ends 2g2, inst the
In the modified form of the invention shown inner sides of said rings and provided on their
in Figures 5 and 6 of the drawing, the end rings inner edges with radially extending riotices, and
4 are inderated at regular spaced inter"yals to a pair of center discs in contact with each other
forin the projecting members 38, which are slotted and having their outer edges Seated in said
to receive the blades . In this form of the in notches and provided with annular ris slotted
vention, center discs similar to those shown in radially to extend radially and in opposite direc
Figure 1 may be used; or separate projecting tions in bracing contact, with opposite sidies of
members similar to members 48 may be formed each of said blades.
on the discs to receive the intermediate slotted 3. A centrifugal blower wheel including a pair :
center parts of the blades . of end rings each having a nemier projecting
Numerous variations may doubtless be devised
by persons skilled in the art without departing from one face thereof, each of said members
being provided with a slot extending only to the
from the principles of our invention. We, there face of the ring upon which it is formed, a blade
25 fore, desire no limitations to be imposed on our having its opposite ends seated in said slots and 5
invention, except such as are indicated in the against the opposing faces of Said rings and suit
appended claims. ably secured thereto.
What we claim is:
1. A centrifugal blower wheel comprising a WAYNE. I. SWINGLE.
pair of end rings having annular ribs formed on EO. P. BCE.E. 3.)

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