2. Estrogen
You correctly answered: d. is produced by developing ovarian follicles.
3. Calcitonin
You correctly answered: b. works against the development of osteoporosis.
03/24/23 page 1
Experiment Results
Predict Question:
Predict Question 1: What effect will the saline injections have on the control rat's vertebral bone density?
Your answer : c. The saline injections will not change the rat's vertebral bone density (indicated by an unchanging T score).
Predict Question 2: What effect will the estrogen injections have on the estrogen-treated rat's vertebral bone density?
Your answer : a. The estrogen injections will increase the rat's vertebral bone density (indicated by a less-negative T score).
Predict Question 3: What effect will the calcitonin injections have on the calcitonin-treated rat's vertebral bone density?
Your answer : a. The calcitonin injections will increase the rat's vertebral bone density (indicated by a less-negative T
Experiment Data:
03/24/23 page 2
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.
03/24/23 page 3
Review Sheet Results
1. Why were ovariectomized rats used in this experiment? How does the fact that the rats are ovariectomized explain their
baseline T scores?
Your answer:
Se utiliza para ver la acción de la suplementación hormonal tuviera efectos sobre un organismo sin ningún tipo de
influencia de hormonas endogenas por lo tanto, demostrar la cción de hormonas exogenas.
Las puntuaciones T eran mas negativas por el deficit de las hormonas de estrogeno por ello, genero osteoporosis.
2. What effect did the administration of saline injections have on the control rat? How well did the results compare with
your prediction?
Your answer:
Ni cambia la densidad, puesto que, la solución salina se utiliza como placebo para tener un control y compración de los
resultados de las otras hormonas en disminuir la negatividad.
3. What effect did the administration of estrogen injections have on the estrogen-treated rat? How well did the results
compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
El estrogeno actua aumentando la densidad, porque promueve la mineralización al estimular al osteoblasto generando
aumento de la matriz osteoidea.
Por lo tanto, la PUNTUACION T SE HARA MÁS NEGATIVA. porque aumenta la densidad y será más positivo.
4. What effect did the administration of calcitonin injections have on the calcitonin-treated rat? How well did the results
compare with your prediction?
Your answer:
aumento la mineralización por lo tanto aumenta la densidasd, aunque en menor medida que el estrógeno, segun los
resultados observados el estrogeno tuvo mayor eumento de densidad.
5. What are some health risks that postmenopausal women must consider when contemplating estrogen
hormone-replacement therapy?
Your answer:
Náuseas, hiperpigmentación de la areola, menstruación y ganancia de peso.
03/24/23 page 4