Angelic Hierarchy

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The text describes the nine choirs or classes of angels in hierarchical order from lowest to highest, and provides details on their roles and appearances.

The nine classes described are Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim, and Seraphim.

Lower angelic classes help and guide humanity, while higher classes regulate duties and govern nature. Powers are warriors, Virtues grant miracles, and Dominions regulate other angels.


The Nine Choirs of Angels

Third Sphere
Principalities Archangels Angels
Celestial beings that are considered to be closest to the
human beings. This order includes guardian angels of
mankind, and they are here to help our process.

Physical Appearance
The common Angel has the appearance of a tall
human with "phantom-like" wings

They have the capacity to access any and all other

Angels at any time. They are the most caring and social
to assist those who ask for help
They can not manifest themselves to us unless we call
upon them . Angels feed from the energy of LOVE and
they are responsible of the spiritual evolution of
The best known of all Angels. Their principle service
consists in revealing prophecies, knowledge, and
understanding of God’s will, which they receive from
the higher orders of angels and announce to the lower
order (the angels), and through them, to men.

Physical Appearance
They are said to be slightly larger than Angels

They have the responsibility to keep the order in the

four cardinal points.
Uriel: North - Earth - Peace
Raphael: East - Air - Healing
Michael: South - Fire - Protection
Gabriel: West - Water - Wisdom

According to the Hebrew tradition there are 7 of them

but in the bible they only mention 3. They are also
called planetary spirits and their leader is Michael.
Their duty is to carry out the orders given to them by
the Dominions and grant blessings to the material

Physical Appearance
The Principalities wear a crown and carry a scepter

They are guides of large groups of people, cities and

nations. They oversee closely the actions of rulers and
spiritual teachers. Principalities are guards against the
invasion of evil angels.

These angels are named principalities because they

have command over the lower level angels.
They take care that all the divine orders are being
fulfilled. The angles in this class are also responsible
for raising worthy & deserving people to higher and
honorable levels.
Second Sphere
Dominions Virtues Powers
Powers are Warrior Angels against evil defending the
cosmos and humans.

Physical Appearance
The Powers are described as "warlike and fierce” loyal
to God.

They work diligently to oversee the distribution of

power among humankind, hence their name.

Their job is to prevent the ‘fallen angels’ from taking

over the world and keeping the Universe in balance.
They are also seen as the Angels of birth and death.

They are considered to have control over stars, moon,

seasons and even sun. They are also responsible for
providing grace and courage to the worthy & deserving
They are considered as the symbols of divine strength
and responsible for blessing the saints with the power
of doing miracles like foretelling the future or healing
the sick.

Physical Appearance
Their bodies appear to be blurred, almost transparent.
They are referred as the “brilliant or shining ones”

They govern all nature. They have control over seasons,

stars, moon; even the sun is subject to their command.
They are also in charge of miracles and provide
courage, grace, and valor.

Their primary duty is to supervise the movements of

the heavenly bodies in order to ensure that the cosmos
remains in order. They possess great strength and
appear to be “workhorses” of the angels.
Their primary function that God delegates to them is
the task of regulating the duties of lower angels. As
their name implies these angels present order to the
lower ranks and will on occasion make themselves
known to man.

Physical Appearance
Dominions usually appear as older, divinely beautiful
humans with a pair of feathered wings.
They carry a sword and/or a scepter

They preside over nations. Dominions are Angels of

leadership. Dominions mediate their power to the
lesser Choirs of Angels across the entire cosmos.
The “Law of Cause & Effect” flows through them.

Dominions are Ministers of God's Justice to the

Cosmos and the world.
First Sphere
Seraphim Cherubim Thrones
This class is the last class in the highest hierarchy of
angels and is considered as the symbols of God’s
authority and justice. Various testaments have
symbolized the importance of thrones in different
ways but the common reference about this class of
celestial creatures is that they are related to the throne
of GOD.

Physical Appearance
Thrones are said to have the strange appearance of a
giant wheel covered with eyes.

All the lower Choirs of Angels are dependent upon the

Thrones to access God.
Thrones may channel their energies through your
Guardian Angel to carrying out an assignment from
the Justice of God rather than deal with you directly.
Cherubim rank after the Seraphim and are the second
highest in the nine hierarchies or choirs of angels.
Their name signifies “fullness of knowledge.”
God often dispatches them to the physical realm to do
specific tasks such as the expulsion of man from the
Garden of Eden and the Annunciation of Christ.

Physical Appearance
The Cherubim have four wings and four heads. The
four heads point to the four points of the compass.

According to bible’s reference, these angels were first

referred to as the chariot of GOD and were later
considered to the angels.

They are the spiritual leaders of Heaven and the

keepers of the celestial records.
They are the highest order or choir of angels. They
reflect God's goodness and His Absolute Holiness.
The Seraphim are the leaders of the Angel race and
the defenders of the creator; they surround the throne
of God.

Physical Appearance
Seraphim Angels have six wings and four heads. They
use one pair of wings to fly, one to cover their eyes (a
token of humility), and one to cover their feet (a token
of respect).

They receive revelations of God before the other

angels and then relate such information to them.
Each Seraph radiates powerful light – a light so
powerful that even Thrones and Cherubim cannot look
at them.
The throne-room of God as described by Ezekiel.

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