Angelic Hierarchy
Angelic Hierarchy
Angelic Hierarchy
Physical Appearance
The common Angel has the appearance of a tall
human with "phantom-like" wings
Physical Appearance
They are said to be slightly larger than Angels
Physical Appearance
The Principalities wear a crown and carry a scepter
Physical Appearance
The Powers are described as "warlike and fierce” loyal
to God.
Physical Appearance
Their bodies appear to be blurred, almost transparent.
They are referred as the “brilliant or shining ones”
Physical Appearance
Dominions usually appear as older, divinely beautiful
humans with a pair of feathered wings.
They carry a sword and/or a scepter
Physical Appearance
Thrones are said to have the strange appearance of a
giant wheel covered with eyes.
Physical Appearance
The Cherubim have four wings and four heads. The
four heads point to the four points of the compass.
Physical Appearance
Seraphim Angels have six wings and four heads. They
use one pair of wings to fly, one to cover their eyes (a
token of humility), and one to cover their feet (a token
of respect).