Angel, Beings, Heaven,
and 7 more
Gavri'el, Jibrāʾīl, Gabriel Hornblower
Messenger of the Lord, the Hornblower, Bringer of Souls, the Annunciator, the Man in Linen, Heaven's Postal
Angel (Archangel)
Horn of Truth, Sword
Athena (On and Off Love Interest)
God (Creator and Father), Asherah (Mother)
Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, Uriel, Angels
Other Relationships
Satan, Demons (enemies)
Muhammad (Friend)
Hermes, Mercury, Vahagn, Nyarlathotep
God, Heaven, Seven Archangels
Michael's around fighting demons and vanquishing evil. Raphael heals the sick,
“ the wounded, and the dying. Uriel guides the souls of the departed with her light.
And Lucifer? Well...I'm sure you already know. But me? I'm top-tier when it comes
to my line of work. Descending from the Heavens to pass forth messages from my
Father to the "chosen ones" as He so puts it. Being God's messenger has its perks
I'll admit. But I could've done without the humans screaming half of the time when
I presented myself. Part of the reason why I took Zachariah's voice away, too. As
for taking breaks on Earth? Let's just say I don't like paperwork.
~ Gabriel
Gabriel is a mighty archangel and a high-ranking messenger angel, quite possibly the highest of
them all. His name means "God is my Strength" and is known to be the left hand of God and the
embodiment of the Holy Spirit, in contrast to Michael who is the right hand of God. Gabriel is the
third oldest of the five archangels.
1 Overview
2 History
o 2.1 Genesis
o 2.2 Slayer of the Nephilim
o 2.3 Book of Daniel
o 2.4 Book of Ezekiel
o 2.5 The Annunciator
o 2.6 Aiding the Dark Knight
3 Personality
4 Powers and Abilities
5 Gallery
Gabriel's main function in Daniel is that of revealer, a role he continues in later literature. In the
Book of Ezekiel, Gabriel is understood to be the angel that was sent to destroy Jerusalem.
Gabriel takes the form of a man, and stands at the left hand of God. Alongside archangel
Michael, Gabriel is described as the guardian angel of Israel, defending this people against the
angels of the other nations
Gabriel is also tasked with overseeing which soul is allowed entry to Heaven or Hell although
while that duty is performed by other angels, even by Michael who scales the weight of the soul
depending on its virtue or vice, this particular task is more attributed to Gabriel himself.
By Muslims, he is especially noted for revealing the Qur'an to Muhammad and for being the
messenger that tells prophets of their obligations. In Islam, Gabriel is the highest-ranking angel,
while Raphael is the second. He is also called the Holy Spirit in Islam.
Gabriel was created after Lucifer and Michael making him the third oldest of the archangels. He
was present during the battle between his Father and Azathoth and aided his siblings in their
own battles against the Ogdru Jahad. After successfully defeating the Ogdru Jahad, Gabriel and
his siblings went on to stabilize the newly created universe before helping further in its creation.
According to Gabriel, he would impose form and matter on the words as they cool.
As time went on, Gabriel become something of a medium between the mythical deities and
angels. He would often, under his Mother's guidance, help direct the second-generation deities to
their tasks when it came to imposing a firm embodiment of a concept, element, emotion and so
forth and would make sure that there were no conflicts of any sorts between the gods and the
angels since both sides were not exactly all that pleased on having their soon-to-be worships
In the war in Heaven, Gabriel was amongst the leading forces of the Heavenly Host against
Lucifer's rebellious faction. During the war, he attempted to persuade his brother from going any
further into the Empyrean to confront God and pleaded for him to stop, but seeing Lucifer's
unwavering resolve, he was prepared to fight him only to find himself engaged
against Beelzebub and soon Mammon himself. After a long battle, Gabriel emerged triumphant
against the two former angels, but was in shock to see the fight between Lucifer and Michael
escalate to enormous proportions.
After the establishment of Hell and the major shift in the fundamental nature of existence,
Gabriel's work truly began. Gabriel himself states that he had one of the more exhausting tasks
in Heaven. He was one of the main ones in charge of the ‘bureaucracy’ in Heaven. The
paperwork he oversees decides where certain souls go, records on Heaven’s departments and
branches, also manages the creation of souls and so forth. He comically remarks that his
position is akin to the "post-office" of Earth.
Slayer of the Nephilim
After seeing the devastation caused by the Nephilim from the actions of the Watchers, Gabriel
was tasked by God to destroy the Nephilim. He does this by turning the Nephilim against one
another, leading the bastard spawns of the Watchers to slaughter each other, rather than to have
his hands be covered in blood. It might be through this that Gabriel refrained from bloodshed
entirely due to wanting to maintain his image as a messenger as he simply tells the Nephilim to
destroy each other.
After the flood and subsiding, God repaired the air and conjured a rainbow as a promise to never
again destroy the Earth. During his time on Earth, Gabriel and several other angels aided the
gods in repairing their temples after their destruction from the flood. At some point much later on,
he had a relationship with Athena, the goddess of wisdom, although due to Gabriel's heavily
occupied schedule they had little time together and their relationship was on and off. Regardless,
they harbored great feelings for each other.
Book of Daniel
Gabriel appears to Daniel in a bizarre dream, with Daniel being deathly afraid of the heavenly
messenger due to his appearance. Gabriel helped him up so that he could explain to him the
vision regarding the goat and the ram. He explains that a fearsome and terrible king will arise,
causing astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the
Jerusalem, make deceit prosper, and will consider himself godly. He will then soon take his stand
against what Gabriel calls "The Prince of Princes" only to be destroyed in the end.
When Daniel was praying and pleading to God to not destroy the people of Jerusalem and the
city despite the sin and shame they have committed, Gabriel returns to Daniel, saying to him that
he will give him insight and understanding, telling him that due to being highly esteemed his
prayer is answered. Gabriel goes on to explain about these seventy years, and gives him details
about the End Times and the suffering that will be caused in-between, all which lead to a virtuous
eventuality. At some point later, Gabriel supposedly appeared before Daniel again but this time in
a form which Daniel describes as a "man in linen" telling him about the fate of Israel and that his
delay was due to his confrontation with the "Prince of Persia" until Michael arrived.
Book of Ezekiel
Gabriel appears in a form that the bible once again describes as the "man in linen", being tasked
by God to go through the land of Israel and mark upon the foreheads of those who will be spared
from His judgement due to the fact that the people of Jerusalem have lost their way, becoming
sinners, adulterers, and worship false idols. Gabriel is present with six other individuals, revealed
to be Destroyer Angels, who follow him into the city to kill anyone, whether it be the old, the
young, man, woman, or even child, that does not have the mark written on their forehead.
Due to this, Gabriel is often seen as a key facilitator of the destruction of Israel for he is the one
marking the Israelites, in effect, deciding which ones live and which ones die although of course
God had already decreed which ones were to be marked and Gabriel was following God's
instructions. However, it is still unknown if this man in linen truly was Gabriel since Gabriel is
meant to protect Israel, although on another point while Gabriel does have the people's best
interest at heart his protection is only available as long as God decrees it. Gabriel describes this
part of his life as one of his more "darker" moments since he was sullen, miserable, and bitter
due to Lucifer's imprisonment and his Mother's leave of absence.
The Annunciator
In the Book of Luke, Gabriel predicts the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, and appears
before the priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth. Gabriel presents himself before Zachariah
when the priest was burning incense in the temple of God, startled and gripped with fear from
Gabriel's overwhelming presence only for Gabriel to assure him to not be afraid. Gabriel tells
Zechariah that his wife will bear him a son and that he is to call him "John", further saying that he
will be a joy and a delight and will be highly recognized in the sight of God as he will bring back
the people of Israel back in God's arms.
Zechariah, of course, could hardly believe what he was hearing leading him to question Gabriel,
asking him how he could be sure of such a thing since he and his wife are so old they are far
beyond the years of conceiving a child. Gabriel was annoyed by this and took Zachariah's voice
away, returning it until his predictions come to pass, due to being a messenger of God and does
not tolerate those who question a message from his Father.
Gabriel's more famous appearance was when descended to Nazareth, appearing before
the Virgin Mary and frightening the poor woman because of his presence. Gabriel comforts her
and tells her that she will give birth to a son and he will be called Jesus, going on to say that he
will in fact become the "Son of God" and reign over the descendants of Jacob for all eternity.
Though Mary was baffled by this since she was a virgin, but Gabriel explains to her that the Holy
Spirit will enter her womb and form the child inside her.
Aiding the Dark Knight
After the defeat of the Seven Kings of Hell and the destruction of their forces, it is said that
Sparda received aid from Gabriel where the banishment consisted of conjuring a powerful
binding spell that tied the princes' to their respective circles and prevent them from going any
further near the physical world.
Out of all the angels, Gabriel deeply loves the humans and spends the majority of his time living
among them. However, after the fall of Lucifer and the absence of God, Gabriel made his
residence on Earth seemingly permanent. He will, silently, protect the humans he walks amongst
whenever they are threatened. But while Gabriel loves humans, he will put them in their place if
they disrespect him or act arrogant.
In human form he is laid-back, jovial, humble, and an eccentric. However, he shows a
deceptively cunning and serious side when the situation warrants it, and unlike his brothers,
Gabriel is actually sarcastic and humorous when he needs to be, making him the most 'human' of
the angels. Despite taking a residence on Earth, he still follows his Father's commands when
given. Unlike most angels, Gabriel is also capable of displaying romantic love, with none being
more evident than his relationship with Athena.
When it comes to his job of being the messenger of God, Gabriel takes this role very seriously to
the point where he will take away one's voice if they do not listen to the message he brings. He is
also quite protective of his family as he furiously silenced Keith when the latter insulted his two
brothers, that being Michael and Lucifer. Gabriel is aware of how dysfunctional his family is and
engaged in many attempts to amend their broken links, but seeing that it was in vain Gabriel
simply left Heaven and resided on Earth though still committed to his task and hoping his family
would one day make amends become whole again.