Bloodstained - T
Bloodstained - T
Bloodstained - T
In 2010, Konami seemingly released their last traditional 2D game for the original Castlevania series.
Series producer Koji Igarashi (aka IGA) left the company, and with the Castlevania rebooting into Lords
of Shadow, the series of old seemed well and truly dead.
However, five years later, IGA came back with a Kickstarter for a new game, a spiritual successor to the
Metroidvania genre he helped perfect. That Kickstarter helped to launch the Bloodstained series, which
currently stands at two titles (with the hope of more on the way down the road).
While we await Konami eventually revisting the series they started (beyond the occasional Grimore-style
mobile-based games), Bloodstained provides that Castlevania-like fix we so dearly crave.
In-Continuity Entries
Other Games
Playable Characters
Miriam, Shard-binder
Robert, Solider
Primary Antogonists
Bloodless, Vampiress
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The Inverted Dungeon created by Mike Finkelstein. This web site is a work of fandom, criticism (as in to
review and critique), and parody.
Castlevania and related properties and characters are copyright Konami. All other works are copyright
their respective owners. The creators and editors of the Inverted Dungeon do not lay claim to any of the
copyrighted works (including, but not limited to, games, movies, and books) featured within.