Additional Question AE 305 717 Tutorial 3 Solution

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Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Aerospace Engineering

AE 305 Flight Mechanics II Tutorial 3

AE 717 Aircraft Flight Dynamics March 20, 2023

1. An aircraft is designed with a static margin of 5% ignoring the effect of wing-mounted

propellers. With the propellers running at cruise setting, suppose that the dynamic
pressure is enhanced by 25% on the wing and to a negligible extent on the horizontal tail
due to the flow behind the propeller. Examine the change in the static margin. Make
reasonable assumptions where necessary.

St lt′
Let Vh′ = Sc

XN P St lN P
 c Sc
1+ = Vh′
c S
XN P Vh′
c 1 + SSt

After including the new, enhanced dynamic pressure as

X¯N P Vh′
= St
, ν = 0.25
c 1+ν+ S

Change in static margin (SM) is

X¯N P − XN P
∆SM =
" c #
= Vh′ St

1+ S 1+ν+ S
AE 308 & AE 775 Tutorial 3 March 20, 2023

original SM = 5%,

= 0.95 × = 0.95 ×
c c 1 + SSt
1 XCG −ν
∆SM ≈
0.95 c 1+ν
Assuming S
2. An aircraft (based on the PA-28 Piper Cherokee) weighing 960 kg has the following
geometric characteristics:
wing span = 9.14 m; wing area = 15 sq. m; tail area = 2.5 sq. m; tail span = 3.1 m.
Airfoil: NACA 652 − 415
Distance between the LE’s of the wing and the tail: 4.4 m. The elevator spans the entire
length of the horizontal tail and its width is 25% of the tail chord. Assume that (i) the
wing and the tail are rectangular; (ii) the horizontal tail is set to a zero incidence angle,
and (iii) the static margin is 5%.
The aircraft is cruising at a speed of 54 m/s at an altitude where the density of air is 0.67
kg/m3 .
(a) Sketch the wing, the tail and the FRL on a line diagram, together with the aerody-
namic centres of the wing and the tail. Assume that the FRL and the chord of the
wing are collinear.
(b) Determine the CG location for the given static margin.
(c) Assume that the elevator can be modeled as a small “wing” experiencing 80% of the
free-stream dynamic pressure. Determine the coefficient of pitching moment due to
the elevator deflection; i.e., Cm,de∗ .
(d) Calculate the trim angle of attack and the corresponding elevator deflection at the
aforementioned cruising condition.
Sol:- Note- Parts (a) and (b) covered in the previous tutorial

The tail can be viewed as a series of airfoils. Ct = 3.1
≈ 0.8m

AE 308 & AE 775 Tutorial 3 March 20, 2023

Moment due to tail,

Mt = − ρV∞2 St lt CLt
CLt = CLα (0.75α + 0.8 × 0.25 × (α + δe ))
= CLα (0.95α + 0.2δe )
St lt St lt
Cmδe = (0.2CLα ) ≈ −1.2 = −0.068
Sc Sc

(d) Use this to calculate δetrim using Cm = 0, Please see the Q.3 solution of Tutorial 3.
3. In class, we discussed how the effect of downwash on the horizontal tail can be captured
by adding a component - ϵ to the angle of attack of the horizontal tail. Using Prandtl’s
lifting line theory is its simplest form, where the entire wing is modeled via a single vortex
filament, determine an analytical expression for as ϵ a function of the angle of attack. For
simplicity, you may calculate the value of ϵ at the FRL.

Sol:- Use the derivation from Nelson (Page N. - 47 to 49)

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