ζ z z z x iy µ x iy: Joukowski Airfoils
ζ z z z x iy µ x iy: Joukowski Airfoils
ζ z z z x iy µ x iy: Joukowski Airfoils
The concept behind Joukowski airfoils is to start with the known solution for flow
about a cicular cylinder and to “map” this solution to the flow about an airfoil like shape
using conformal mapping theory.
Jouwski airfoils are generated by a conformal mapping of a displaced circle using
the mapping function:
ζ = z + 1/ z
z = x + iy
The cicle of radius=a is displaced by an amount
µ = xc + iyc
z = µ + aeiθ
The thickness ratio (t/c) and maximum camber (m/c) are approximately related by
xc = − (t / c) / 1. 299
yc = 2 ( m / c )
The geometry of the transformation is illustrated below. (Note that the displaced
circle is located so that it passes through the point (1,0) )
Displaced Circle
The velocity on the surface of a cylinder with circulation in a freestream at an angle of
alpha is:
Vθ = − 2V∞ sin(θ − α ) −
2 πa
. The velocity on the airfoil is given by:
dζ z2
Vair = Vθ = Vθ
z2 −
dz 1
The pressure coefficient is then:
Cp = 1 − 2
The circulation is determined by the Kutta condition that requires the velocity at the
trailing edge( θ = − β ) to be finite.The circulation and corresponding lift coefficient are:
Γ = 4 πaV∞ sin(α + β)
Cl = 2 π(a / c) sin(α + β)
Matlab Routines
Matlab Routine
Joukvel.m - calculates streamlines, potoential lines and velocity field