Static Stability - Wing Contribution, Tail Contribution and Static Margin

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Static Stability - Wing contribution, Tail

contribution and Static Margin
Wing Contribution

Figure 1: Line diagram showing wing contribution in stability

• Summing up moments about CG,

Mcg = Lw cos (αw − iw ) [xcg − xac,w ] + Dw sin (αw − iw ) [xcg − xac,w ]

+Lw sin (αw − iw ) [zcg ] − Dw cos (αw − iw ) [zcg ] + Moacw

• Divide by ρV 2 Sc/2
[xcg − xac,w ] [xcg − xac,w ]
Cmcg = CLw cos (αw − iw ) + CDw sin (αw − iw )
hcz i hz i c
cg cg
+CLw sin (αw − iw ) − CDw cos (αw − iw ) + Cmacw
c c
• Since,
cos (αw − iw ) ≈ 1

sin (αw − iw ) ≈ αw − iw


zcg → 0

• Hence,
Cmc g = CLw (xcg − xac,w ) + Cmacw

CLw = CLo + CLα α

Cmcg = Cmacw + (CLo + CLα α) (xcg − xac,w )

Cmcg = Cmacw + CLo (xcg − xac,w ) + CLα α (xcg − xac,w )

• This gives wing contribution as,

Cmα,w = CLα,w (xcg − xac,w )

Cmo,w = Cmac,w + CL◦ (xcg − xac,w )

Wing and Tail Contribution

Figure 2: Line diagram showing wing and tail contribution in stability

Angle of attack at tail in presence of wing, (αt ) is given by:

αt = αw − iw − ε + it (1)

ε: Downwash at tail
iw : Wing setting angle
it Tail setting angle
Moment about c.g. due to lift and drag at tail.

• Kindly note that lift at tail will be perpendicular to the local velocity at tail (which
is different from the velocity free stream). Similarly, drag experienced at tail will be
along the local velocity at tail. The free stream velocity and local velocity directions
differ by downwash angle ε. Hence,

Mc.g.,t = −lt [Lt cos (α − iw − ε) + Dt sin (α − iw − ε)] + zt Lt sin (α − iw − ε)

−zt Dt cos (α − iw − ε) + Cma.c,t

• For small angle approximation along with


zcg → 0

Cma.c,t = 0 ∵ Tail airfoil → symmetric aerofoil

cos(αw − iw − ε) → 1

sin(αw − iw − ε) → (αw − iw − ε)

We have,
Mc.g,t = −Lt .lt = − ρVt2 St CLt lt
Note Lt at tail is proportional to dynamic pressure at tail and not free stream
dynamic pressure.

M St lt
Cmc.g,t =  c.g,t = −η CL
ρV 2 f reestream Cw Sw Cw t


St lt 2
ρV 2 t
Cmc.g,t = −η CL where, η = 1
Sw Cw t

ρV 2 f s

• For symmetric tail:

CLt = CLα,t αt = CLα,t [αw − iw + it − ε]

ε: Downwash due to wing at tail

ε = εo + αw

εo = Downwash at α = 0 (for cambered wing)

∂ε 2CLα,w Assuming e = 1

∂α πARw ∵ Elliptic lift distribution

∂ε 2CLα,w
∂α πARw
CLt = CLα,t αw − iw + it − εo − αw
St lt
Cmc.g,t = −η CL = −VH ηt CLt
Sw cw t
where, VH : tail volume ratio (typical value 0.5 to 1.0)
Cmc.g,t = −ηt VH CLα,t αw − iw + it − εo − αw
= −ηVH CLα,t {iw + it − εo } − ηVH CLα,t αw − αw

Cmc.g,t = ηVH CLα,t {iw + εo − it } − ηVH CLα,t 1 − αw (3)
Cmc.g,t = Cmo + α
Cm◦,t = ηVH CLα,t {iw + εo − it }
∂Cm ∂ε
= −ηVH CLα,t 1 −
∂α c.g,t ∂α
Adding the effects of wing, tail & fuselage (αw = αa/c ):
 ∂Cm ∂Cm ∂Cm
Cmcg a/c = Cmow + Cmot + Cmo,f s + α+ α+ α
∂α w ∂α t ∂α f s
Cmcg a/c
= Cmow + Cmot + Cmof s + CLα (xcg − xac,w ) α − ηVH CLα,t 1− α
+Cmαf s α
Cmow = Cmacw + CLo (xcg − xac,w )

Cmot = VH CLα,t (εo + iw − it )

From the expression for Cmcg a/c
(Cmα )a/c = CLαw (xcg − xac,w ) − VH ηt CLα,t 1 − + C m αf s

Definition of Neutral Point (Stick Fixed): It is that c.g. location at which ∂Cm /∂α
or ∂Cm /∂CL vanishes (= 0) → Neutrally Stable. Hence,

0 = CLαw (xcg − xac,w ) − VH ηt CLα,t 1− + C m αf s
Which gives,
C m αf s
CL ∂ε
xnp = xac,w − + ηt VH α,t 1− = N◦
CLαw CLα,t ∂α
xnp = N o Stick Fixed Neutral Point.
Stick Fixed: elevator is fixed not allowed to move or float.

Static margin (SM)
SM=xnp − xcg = N ◦ − xcg

Typically transport aircraft SM ≈ 5% to 15% of the mean aerodynamic chord.

Approximate expression for SM relating ∂Cm /∂CL :

Cmαf s
xnp = xac,w − + ηt VH α,t
CLαw ∂αCLα,t
(Cmα )a/c = CLαw (xcg − xac,w ) − VH ηt CLα,t 1 − + C m αf s (4)
Dividing LHS & RHS by CLαw

C m αf s
Cmα CL ∂ε
= xcg − xac,w − VH η α,t 1− +
C L αw CLαw ∂α CLαw

Under the assumption CLα,w ≈ CLα,a/c (approximately)

Cmαf s
∂Cm ∼ CLα,t ∂ε
≈ = xcg − xac,w − VH η 1− +
∂CL a/c C L αw ∂α CLαw
∂Cm ∼ CLα,t ∂ε ∂Cm
= xcg − xac,w − VH η 1− +
∂CL a/c CLαw ∂α ∂CL f s
According to the definition of neutral point, it is the xcg at which ∂Cm /∂α = 0 or
equivalently ∂Cm /∂CL = 0
CL ∂ε ∂Cm
0 ≈ xcg − xac,w − VH η α,t 1− +
CLαw ∂α ∂CL fs

xcg → xnp
CLα,t ∂ε ∂Cm
xnp = xac,w + VH η 1− −
CLαw ∂α ∂CL f s
  (     )
∂Cm ∼ C L α,t ∂ε ∂C m
= xcg − xac,w + VH η 1− −
∂CL a/c CLαw ∂α ∂CL f s
∂Cm ∼
− = N ◦ − xcg = Static Margin (5)
∂CL a/c
Typical values: 5% to 15% based on mean aerodynamic chord.

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