CMOS Master Slave JK Flip Flop using 2 input NOR gates
CMOS Master Slave JK Flip Flop using 2 input NOR gates
Design and determine:
Power Results, Delay and verify the truth tables from the waveforms obtained
The input latch called the "master," is activated when the clock pulse is high. During this
phase, the inputs J and K allow data to be entered into the flip-flop, and the first-stage
outputs are set according to the primary inputs. When the clock pulse goes to zero, the
master latch becomes inactive and the second-stage latch, called the "slave," becomes
active. The output levels of the flip-flop circuit are determined during this second phase,
based on the master-stage outputs set in the previous phase. Since the master and the slave
stages are effectively decoupled from each other with the opposite clocking scheme, the
circuit is never transparent, i.e., a change occurring in the primary inputs is never reflected
directly to the outputs. Because the master and the slave stages are decoupled from each
other, the circuit allows for toggling when J = K = "1," but it eliminates the possibility of
uncontrolled oscillations since only one stage is active at any given time.
Transient analysis:
Power Results
Verify the truth tables with their respective transient analysis waveforms
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