Elements Series - Generic Earth Manipulation Jump
Elements Series - Generic Earth Manipulation Jump
Elements Series - Generic Earth Manipulation Jump
Welcome to a world where mages exist, or perhaps a place where ki is used to perform
miraculous acts that could pass off as magic. Maybe neither of these exist, maybe both,
perhaps alchemists are the only ones making waves in secret societies. In this world, any
of that could be true and more.
You are one who seeks the truths of the world, and to immerse yourself in the planet’s
favor. You will be here, stalwart, loyal, strong and still as the stone. You will stay in this
world for 10 years, how you spend your time here is your decision.
Take 1000 Clay Points (CP) to take your first steps in this world, where you will make your
mark and change history.
You may choose your age, sex, and location at your own will. One does not test a wizard,
after all.
Geomancer: You’re a mage who specializes in the manipulation of the element of Earth.
You use mana and magic to control the stone around you.
Earthshaker: You’re a monk who has become in tune with the Earth. Your earth abilities
come from meditation and infusing the planet with your physical energy in order to request
it to fight on your behalf.
Bloodletter: You’re a swordsman who’s learned to manipulate the Earth through their
precise movements and force of will.
Alchemist: You study the earth and its inhabitants to learn how to draw the supernatural
aspects of materials and combine them into powerful potions and paultrices, and perform
alchemy and transmutation to combine the conceptual essences of mundane materials to
make incredible creations.
Spirit Caller (300 CP): You invoke the power of the spirits and divine to do your
bidding. You need no magic or supernatural power, for you can bend the very gods and
demons that rule the earth and heavens to your whims. You are not limited to Earth
Spirits, but you get along with them much better.
Basic Earth Manipulation (Free): You know the very basics of how to control the ground.
A geomancer can shoot stones or raise mud walls, an earthshaker monk can give basic
commands to the planet and knows basic martial arts, a bloodletter swordsman has
knowledge on how to perform weak sword arts which are infused with the power of stone,
an alchemist knows basic potion-making and can infuse some of your earth-based abilities
into rocks for future use, an elementalist knows the previous several skills at a lesser
level, and a spirit caller understands how to make contracts with lesser nature spirits.
Beginner Earth Manipulation (50 CP): You have around 10 years of experience in your
area of expertise. You now have a repertoire of abilities associated with your origin, able
to control the earth enough to overturn a house or crush a person. Your martial skills, if
you’re a monk or swordsman, are such that you could be considered a national-level
fighter. As an alchemist, you can create concoctions which poison, explode, and perform
other odd effects upon contact with others, and inflict odd ailments on them, and you can
perform basic alchemy and transmutation to change items by interacting with their
metaphysical properties. A Spirit Caller can contract many different kinds of nature spirits,
and even force a contract with lesser spirits.
Intermediate Earth Manipulation (50 CP, Requires Beginner Earth Manipulation): You
have about 30 years of experience now. Your mana capacity is fairly sizable, your
earth-manipulation abilities are such that you can envelope a city block, your martial
prowess is such that you’re a world-class fighter, and you can crush most life with but a
glance. You can brew potions with impossible effects, having much greater understanding
of the metaphysical properties of the ingredients and being able to interact with them,
such as potions which melt armor, potions which change one’s sex, and potions which
increase the agility of those who drink them, and you can store non-earth related abilities
into physical form for your and others’ uses. You’ve likely come far enough to even
transmute materials into alchemical gold, a powerful substance in many powerful
alchemical rituals. A Spirit Caller can contract greater spirits, demons, angels, and other
supernatural creatures, but does not yet hold more than a little influence from them. A
Spirit Caller would also understand how to draw on the power of those they have
contracted, gaining the power to perform feats they would not normally be capable of.
Expert Earth Manipulation (300 CP, Requires Advanced Earth Manipulation): You
have maybe 500 years of experience in earth manipulation, and it shows. Your earth
powers reach the scope of the whole planet, allowing you to shift landmasses as an
afterthought. Your physical skills as a monk or swordsman have gone far beyond
supernatural, gaining just short of conceptual power, able to perform feats that shouldn’t
be possible such as cutting a waterfall in half. As a Spirit Caller, you can contract gods,
though you would likely be subject to their whims within the scope of that contract, and
borrow portions of their power with their acceptance. You can force contracts with most
other beings, from angels to demons and greater spirits, and use any of their powers or
abilities as if they were your own. An alchemist can empower any of their creations by
pulling on the metaphysical strings during the creation process, and create a vast variety
of effects in their potions from potions which perform earth manipulations for you to
potions which resurrect the recently dead, even store souls within crystal prisons and
create alchemical substances which change others at the core of their soul with the right
materials and essences.
Master Earth Manipulation (500 CP, Requires Expert Earth Manipulation): You hold
100,000 years of experience in Earth Manipulation. You can shake the galaxy, deconstruct
planets lightyears away, sense everything that walks on earth anywhere, and more. Your
mana capacity dwarfs the energy output of gods, and as a Spirit Caller you could force
servitude and contracts on even the divine so long as they aren’t infinite in power or
omnipotent, bending them to your very will and using all of their power as if it is your own.
Some may be capable of resisting, but those are few and far between. An alchemist would
be capable of harnessing the supernatural properties of any substance and creating
potions which can do practically anything, storing skills and abilities in the form of liquid
power or physical items to share or use on anything that stands in your way, and
transmute souls and combine the conceptual essences of different materials and items
Shaped From Clay (50 CP): Your body is astoundingly beautiful, as if shaped from Clay
and instilled with life from the hands of a great God of Creation. You have become far
beyond perfect in beauty, such that your appearance counts as a supernatural effect.
Body of Stone (50 CP): You no longer need food, drink, or bodily functions to survive.
You also can exist in much more extreme environments. In fact, you have all the bodily
functions and environmental protection of a particular hardy piece of stone.
Bender (100 CP): You are capable of substituting the energy costs of all earth abilities
you have by instead performing complex movements or martial arts. By doing this, the
cost of your abilities becomes zero. You instinctively know what movements and actions
will perform each ability you have, and can even combine them with your fighting styles,
though this will take much time and practice.
Influence Animal (100 CP): You’re capable of giving simple orders to the animals that
walk the earth, as well as understanding their emotions and desires. This affects animals
such as lions, tigers, moles, dogs, and cats, but it does not affect birds, fish, or other
animals who do not walk the earth.
Earth Resistance XVI (200 CP): You have a 75% resistance to all Earth-related damage.
Physical Resistance XVI (200 CP): You have a 75% resistance to all physical damage.
Territory Creation (200 CP): You can flood the area around you with mana, psychic
energy, your own blood. etc. to “claim” it as yours. You can sense anything in this territory
so long as you’re in it, and all of your earth abilities are enhanced while in your territory. It
takes a substantial amount of energy to claim, but once it’s yours, it’s yours.
Earth Eater (200 CP): You can now eat rocks, and they even taste good! Eating rocks
temporarily grants random buffs. This might be minor regeneration, enhanced physical
attributes, a boost to various elemental abilities, a powerful boost to a specific type of
attack you can perform, increased knowledge, or even something else. If you are capable
of interacting with the metaphysical attributes of stone, such as being an alchemist, you
can even have a vague idea of what your next buffs will be.
Petrification (300 CP): You can petrify those who are significantly weaker than you, those
who are exhausted, and those who are willing by covering them completely in your earth.
This fossilizes them, preserving them perfectly until you undo this effect. They will not age,
perceive the passage of time, etc. You can do this to preserve food and inanimate objects,
as well.
Polarity Restructure (400 CP): Magnetism is just another facet of the earth. You can, as
a result, shift the polarity of anything around you, magnetizing any metal, scaling with your
powers in Earth Manipulation. With enough power and practice, you could generate
electricity wholecloth, magnetize the iron in people’s bodies (against all logic), reflect
psychic abilities, and with hundreds of thousands of years of intense study (or being a
literal comic-book genius…) you may even learn how to create wormholes capable of time
travel with this.
Forever Diamond (400 CP, Capstone Booster): All earth you shape and create with your
powers is unbreakable. It cannot be affected by reality warping, power from outside
entities, nor can it be broken by any amount of force. The only way it can be moved is by
another who can control and shape the earth, such as by a god of the Earth, or those
specifically with Earth Resistance to move through it. No physical force, divinity, or power
besides direct earth manipulation or resistance can move your structures.
Earthen Leylines (100 CP): You’ve learned that the Earth is filled to the brim with
untouched and untapped mana. So long as you’re in contact with the ground, you’re
capable of using the mana of the Earth as a substitute to 50% of the cost of spells instead
of your own internal reserves, cutting the cost of magic in half for you. This also applies to
other forms of energy. If you still pay the full cost for the spell, the spell’s potency is
increased by 50%. Being on the ground floor of a building counts for the purposes of this
perk, but being any higher cancels its effect.
Fluidity (200 CP): The Earth is fluid, made up of wave upon wave of dust, sand, ground,
soil, and rock. You understand how to treat the ground as a liquid, allowing all
manipulation of earth to become significantly more fluid and precise. Your earthen spikes
are much sharper, your sculptures are much smoother, and your earthen restraints are
much more durable. You can also use this to your advantage to dive underneath the
ground and swim under it like water.
The Pull of the Planet (400 CP): You are capable of changing the gravitational pull on
any amount of earth you’re manipulating. Create giant spikes which pull your foes towards
them, an earthen ceiling only you can walk on, or even areas of intense gravity that hold
your foes paralyzed.
Aspect of Timelessness (600 CP): Earth is timeless. Now your Earth manipulation
abilities have taken on this aspect. Time bends around the earth you’re controlling,
slowing down when affecting those you wish it to slow down, and speeding up when
affecting those you wish it to speed up.
Heaven and Earth (Aspect of Timelessness, Capstone Boosted): All under Heaven
and Earth bow down to your supremacy. You’re capable of stopping time for everything
touching the earth besides yourself. You can only stop time for a moment, but with time
you’ll learn that you can stop time for even this perk, extending it with enough time and
practice. Also, any duration perks and abilities do not deactivate so long as this perk’s
ability is in effect.
Wisdom of the Planet (100 CP): The Earth guides you in decisions. By taking the time to
listen to the planet, through meditation or something else, you will find yourself making
greater and more far reaching decisions and understanding how the future is likely to play
out. Open yourself to the world, and it will open up to you.
Mysteries Beyond Mortal Ken (200 CP): By listening to the earth, you will find yourself
connecting to universal truths. Most will be useless or mildly interesting, but occasionally
you will connect to a truth which changes how you will look at life, or show you how to
perform a technique beyond what should be possible for any but yourself.
As Strong As Steel (400 CP): So long as your feet are firmly planted on rock or dirt, your
strength, endurance, and physical damage resistance are increased tenfold. You also
become immovable from that spot no matter the circumstances. Your Earth abilities
increase the slower you move, up to 2 times greater. Being on the ground floor of a
building or on a street counts for this perk, but being any higher will cancel this perk’s
Flawless in Form (600 CP): Your skills have become so flawless that your allies
subconsciously mimic them. All allies fighting beside you are capable of using any of your
perks, powers, and abilities related to the Earth should you allow them, including
everything within this jump document. They gain these abilities only for the duration of the
fight, and you cannot use the perks and abilities while others are using them.
Beyond the Peak (Flawless in Form, Capstone Boosted): You are capable of granting
any of your earth-related perks, powers, and abilities to others for any duration. You can
grant any perk to as many people as you want, for as long as you’d like. You cannot use a
perk or power so long as another person has access to it from this, but any number of
others can use it.
Splash (100 CP): Blood holds many minerals of the Earth. You’ve learned to harness this,
and the cells of life themselves, as your weapon. Any blood which exists outside of the
body, you can now treat as earth for the purposes of your earth manipulation. Of particular
interest, blood which sticks to your body hardens into a mesh armor, increasing all
defense against all damage except fire or water, up to 5x your normal defenses.
Exsanguinate (200 CP): Blood originated from the earth, and you have learned the ways
of harvesting it. Every one of your earth and physical strikes on an opponent, magic or
otherwise, causes substantial bleeding, much more than normal. With enough hits, even
relatively small ones, you can bleed your opponent dry. Even beings without blood will
bleed from this, such as spiritual entities or gods.
Color of Blood (400 CP): The more blood your opponent has, the more damage your
earth attacks deal. If an opponent hasn’t been touched, your earth attacks deal 2x
damage against them, while an opponent with nearly no blood left in their veins will take
normal damage. Because you’ve become so great at making others bleed, you’ve learned
to see the cracks in others’ defenses. No defense is perfect against you, there will always
be one weakness, and you can sense through the Earth the cracks in it.
Bleeding Blade (600 CP): You’re now able to control any blood within your body, open
and close wounds on your body with a thought, and if you can get your hands on an open
wound on your opponent, you can treat their blood as if it’s your own. Your blood linking
you and your foe counts as “your hands.” Additionally, whenever you draw a significant
amount of blood from anyone, including yourself, you gain an absolutely massive increase
in all damage for a couple minutes. Your damage and power is increased many, many
times over, and this stacks with itself for each time you drain yourself or others. The
amount of blood removed must be about 1/10 their total blood, about a pint for a
human-sized being, for the damage boost to occur.
A Cut Above (Bleeding Blade, Capstone Boosted): You are able to change any
non-physical damage and elemental damage to become a physical, non-elemental attack.
This affects both incoming and outgoing attacks. A fireball becomes a physical strike on
your body, just as your conjured flames or lightning would become the same on your foes.
Earth perks and augments now affect physical damage, as well. Blood counts as both
physical damage and earth damage, and is affected as if it’s both for the purposes of
everything in this document, and can now stack if something affects both physical and
earth damage.
Diamond In The Rough (100 CP): Every stone, every animal, and every plant has certain
supernatural properties associated with it. Only a true alchemist can bring out their
greatest power, but even a non-alchemist can interact with these items on a level beyond
the corporeal. Not only is every future world guaranteed to follow these same rules, but
you have the ability to pull forth the supernatural power of any earthly element in small
amounts to brew unique potions and paultrices.
Essence Infusion (200 CP): You deeply understand the metaphysical properties of earth
on an instinctual level. You understand that every rock, every mineral, every gemstone,
each has its own unique properties beyond the physical. You can bring out that potential.
One specific rock may simply become harder, a spire may become sharper, but some may
hold potential for healing, some may hold potential for increasing luck, some may even
have the potential for augmenting magic or even summoning animals for aid. You can
sense these, and once you find some which have the potential you want, you can use
them for crafting, or attacking, or even combining for more useful or exotic effects. You
can even use this actively in combat, raising an earth attack and activating the
metaphysical properties as it flies at an enemy.
Schrodinger’s Alchemy (400 CP): You have become so skilled at drawing out the
metaphysical properties of other things, that you’ve learned to modify them. Anything you
draw out the metaphysical properties from, such as a stone whose properties heal, you
can now modify within a range of possibilities. Your healing stone can be changed to
become one of regeneration, such as changing a healing potion to a potion of
regeneration, or with Essence Infusion to change a stone which heals upon drawing out its
properties into one which regenerates when you do so.
Clayman (600 CP): You have achieved the pinnacle of creation. You can instill autonomy
into anything you shape, granting it a form of non-sapient life while drawing out the
properties of what you built the creature with and making them real based on your vision.
Making a tiger out of clay with the properties of fire would create a flesh-and-blood flaming
tiger, for instance. Similarly, creating an angel from stone and plants, built with the
properties of healing, and you would have a flesh-and-blood angel whose abilities are holy
in nature and whose specialty is healing. The creatures you create cannot be stronger
than your full ability in Earth Manipulation, and while they can act on their own, they have
no sapience or soul unless you’re capable of igniting their mind and soul with a spark of
life. You aren’t limited to the elements you can control with this, it depends solely on a
combination of your vision and what you use to make it.
The Perfect Potion (Clayman, Capstone Boosted): All of your creations are spiritually
and conceptually perfect. They may not be physically perfect, but that doesn’t matter in
the face of the conceptual weight your creations bring to bear. Choose one concept upon
creating anything, such as Good, Evil, Chaotic, Fire, Water, Life, or something else… your
item is now considered the perfect incarnation of this for any abilities related to that
concept. A perfect incarnation of Earth would be affected by all Earth perks, powers, and
abilities you have, for instance. A healing potion with the Incarnation of Life would be
many times more potent than usual. Additionally, because the soul of your creations are
perfect, they are capable of interacting with spirits and the spiritual realm without
physically being there.
Progenesis (100 CP): Earth is the beginning of everything, as without Earth, nothing else
would exist. You are capable of converting Earth into fire, water, or air, and manipulate
those three other elements as if they were earth so long as it was created with this perk.
All of your perks affecting earth continue to affect the elements you transform the earth
into as if they were still earth, and don’t gain the benefits of perks related to the element
you transform the earth into. You can convert them back but not into other elements. You
are simply changing the form of the earth, not the metaphysical properties.
Cycling (200 CP): Whenever you use an elemental ability, the power, speed, accuracy,
area of effect, and precision of abilities and powers associated with a different element are
augmented by 200%. Changing the earth’s form with Progenesis counts towards the
effects of this perk.
Loose Interpretation (400 CP): For any ability which affects something, the interpretation
is now much looser. Should you be able to manipulate the earth, you can now manipulate
sand, dust, metal, and even lava. Manipulating water will also allow you to control water
vapor, blood, ice, and loving cells. Manipulating fire would allow you to control smoke, ash,
ice, temperature, and electricity. Manipulating air would allow you to control lightning,
weather, pressure, and gaseous substances. Similarly, perks which affect one thing will
now affect similar things, so long as they’re loosely related. If you’re not an Elementalist,
this perk only affects Earth and related substances, as well as non-elemental and
non-typed perks such as ones which affect humans would now affect near-humans.
Breaking Boundaries (600 CP): the lines between elements have blurred. One falls into
the other falls into yet another. You can apply perks which affect the elements of fire,
water, and air to your power over Earth without changing its elemental typing or form. You
can only apply one element’s effects to Earth at a time, allowing Earth to act as if it’s either
fire, water, or air, but never multiple at once. It is still earth in every way.
Pact of Nature (100 CP): You’re capable of using all of your earth spells and abilities
through other mediums you’re connected to, such as through your summons or familiars.
Spiritual Gate (200 CP): Your Earth abilities interact with the Spiritual plane. You can pull
beings out of the Spiritual Realm and send others into the Spiritual Realm. You’re also
able to act as a gateway between the physical world and the Spiritual Realm. Anything
you put into the Spiritual Realm and anything you bring out is considered an extension of
you for the purposes of any perks or abilities, even if they’re unwilling.
One With Life (400 CP): Nature loves you, and you love it. You commune with nature and
have learned the secrets of the Earth and how it flows through all life. All non-sapient
living things such as plants and animals now count as earth, stone, or gems for the
purposes of any of your perks, powers, or abilities. You can control plantlife, making it
thrive or using vines to wrap your foes up and enhancing their strength and durability. You
can reshape animals, increasing their size and enhancing their attributes, and if you have
Spiritual Gate, you can even contract with them, taking some of their attributes and
strengths for yourself.
Godstruck (600 CP): All of your earth powers and abilities, and all the earth powers and
abilities of your summons and other extensions of yourself, are considered Divine. They
gain protection from non-divine beings, making them only able to be affected by divine
beings or reality warping, and are considered natural to any abilities or entities which care
about unnatural or supernatural phenomena. As a divine ability, your Earth abilities can
affect indestructible objects, being able to manipulate and destroy any non-living material
that’s not divine in origin.
Divine Blessing (Godstruck, Capstone Boosted): you are now considered divine.
Specifically, to anything that looks, you are an Earth Divine. You gain immunity to reality
warping, and a 50% resistance to all non-divine abilities used against you. Because you’re
an Earth Divine, your very body now counts as both stone and the ground for anything
that matters, and you can shape your own body as you desire as if it were Earth.
Spiked Armor (100 CP): This armor deals as much damage as is dealt to it, back at the
one dealing the damage. All reflected damage is considered non-physical earth damage.
The Crystal Whip-Sword (100 CP): This is a whip-sword specifically attuned to your
alchemy and earth manipulation. Using your unique skills, you’re capable of controlling the
sharpness of this weapon as well as its rigidness, changing it from a sharp whip to a blunt
whip, a sword to a powerful stick. You can manipulate it finely with your abilities.
Druid’s Domain (100 CP): This land is especially rich in fertile, mana-infused,
metaphysically-enhanced soil. Anything grown here is guaranteed to grow healthily so
long as it has a source of water, and it will always have net-positive and potent affinities
and supernatural properties which can be drawn out and used in alchemy for substantial
benefits. You can import any of your properties onto this as you’d like, increasing its size
for each one.
Dousing Glasses (100 CP): These glasses, when worn, not only enhance your vision.
They enhance your analytical prowess and your perception of the world around you. You
find yourself picking out the weak-points of your foes, almost as if they’re being highlighted
just for you, and you find that enemies’ feints and hidden attacks just don’t make it by your
sight. Never be unprepared without these wonder-glasses!
Sword In The Stone (200 CP): This sword has a giant rock attached to the tip of the
blade. Did you just dig up the rock holding King Arthur’s Sword of Kings and decide to
swing it around like a hammer??? The sword itself is holy, augments holy attacks, and is
especially powerful against demons. As long as you’re holding this sword-hammer, all
earth attacks are considered holy in nature, and the ground within a 10 meter radius is
sanctified, damaging any evil individuals in that area. You cannot remove the stone.
Castle of the King (200 CP): A great king once ruled this castle and its surrounding
lands. Now, this castle has come into your family’s control. It’s abandoned, but anyone on
these lands when you move to another jump will follow you. This castle is imported into an
empty plot of land near your starting location, with all documents of ownership showing
you as the sole proprietor. Within the lands of this castle are advanced forges and
specialized alchemical equipment, fully stocked with precious gemstones for crafting both
supernatural potions as well as incredible weapons and armor.
Alchemical Stash (200 CP): You have a massive, never-ending collection of alchemical
silver, alchemical gold, and alchemical crystal. These materials not only enhance all crafts
you make with them, but they transfer supernatural qualities easily and completely,
allowing you to fuse any of your own abilities into anything you create with them. They
conduct supernatural forces very well, allowing anyone passing supernatural energy
through them to empower them in various ways depending on the source and desired
outcome, such as crafting a flaming sword by infusing them with fire-natured mana.
Derelict Graveyard (200 CP): This graveyard is cursed, a land of desecrated corpses
and cracked graves. All of the valuables have already been looted, and even those buried
beneath have stirred in their eternal rest from being in such a horrid place. You can feel
the stale, heavy air here. It’s an evil place. All earth manipulation which occurs here is
considered dark and evil, and you can take a handful of dirt from this place and keep it on
you in order to make all of your earth-related powers and abilities noticeably twisted and
evil in nature. By dropping a handful of dirt somewhere from this location, you will curse
the land to unrest, leaving it barren of crops and holding a dark and foreboding air about it.
The graveyard imports into the nearest uninhabited location each jump.
Mines of Solomon (200 CP): These mines are filled with rare earth metals, alchemical
materials, and precious gemstones which are predisposed to earth magics and abilities.
Anything mined from here is much more powerful when using earth magic with them, their
alchemical qualities are exceptional, and you’re capable of storing your earth-related
powers into these for use later easily and simply.
Primordial Earth (600 CP): This is the first rock to exist. The first stone that God made. It
has a deep connection with the conceptual earth. So long as you’re holding this fist-sized
stone in your hand, all earth-related powers are doubled in power after all other perks and
abilities are applied. All contracts you make while holding this, both written and verbal, are
upheld, as The Blood of the Earth hears you, and will uphold any agreement you make
with others, holding you and others accountable.
Import (50 CP - 200 CP): Import 1 companion per 50 CP, or 8 companions for 200 CP.
Each companion gains a background and +600 CP to spend on perks. Companions
cannot take drawbacks.
Scholar (50 CP, free: Geomancer): This is a scholar of the mystic arts. He or she has
spent many years studying the intricacies of earth magic when they met you, and have
decided to accompany you as your companion. They wish to spread their knowledge and
teach others the ways of the stalwart mage.
Monk (50 CP, free: Earthshaker): This monk is the silent type. They have a shaved head
and spend much of their time meditating. They are a pacifist, but if moved to fight, they are
a fierce combatant who can easily handle themselves against incredibly skilled foes.
Samurai (50 CP, free: Bloodletter): This samurai is a sadistic person. They wish to
accompany you for the sake of facing fierce and powerful foes, especially those stronger
than them, in order to prove their own power and wrath. They love to watch people bleed.
Potioneer (50 CP, free: Alchemist): The potioneer is a friendly assistant who wishes to
learn the secrets of alchemy. They have some skill already, and would love to help you
learn the ropes. They can brew several helpful potions, though they don’t know much
about transmutation or alchemy itself. They learn exceptionally quickly to make up for their
lack of knowledge, though.
Black Dragon (200 CP, discount: Elementalist): This dragon has lived for centuries,
accumulating great knowledge and wisdom. It has a steadfast and stony personality, and
has joined you to become your stalwart companion. You will always have an ear to listen
to you, and wisdom to assist in your decisions. This dragon is also very proficient in earth
magic, and will be willing to teach you all it knows.
The Chained God (400 CP, discount: Spirit Caller): You have an Earth God who has
willingly submitted itself to your will. This Earth God’s power is great and destructive. It
happily carries out your whims, performing to your tune. It is always one magnitude of
power stronger than the culmination of you and your other summons. It can gain additional
domains outside of Earth by spending significant time in locations, such as a domain of
Fire by staying in a volcano for 10 years, or a domain of Time by somehow traveling to the
end of times and staying there for eons.
Flow Like Earth (+100 CP): You find that no matter what you do, events tend to conspire
to drag you along paths you’re not particularly interested in. These won’t typically be bad
things, but simply boring, mundane, uninteresting events will occur and keep you away
from the things you actually find exciting or fascinating.
Stubborn (+100 CP): You may not actually be stubborn, but everyone else seems to just
reject your opinions and thoughts. If you hold fast to yourself, you’ll only be seen as a
stubborn git, unwilling and unable to change with the ages.
Collateral (+100 CP): Your earth abilities cause massive amounts of collateral destruction
whenever you use them. Your other abilities cause a lot of damage, too, but your earth
powers will constantly leave you surrounded in rubble.
Earth Bender (+200 CP): Every one of your abilities, powers, and perks require an
overly-complex series of physical movements to activate. These will be time-consuming
and probably more than a little tiring when used consecutively. You can still reduce the
number of movements through significant study and practice, but you can’t reduce it
beneath 25% of the normal requirement. You automatically know exactly what movements
activate what abilities.
The Earth Nation Attacks (+200 CP): You arrive in a world where one nation has taken
over a massive chunk of the world. They’re violent and actively attempting to take over the
rest of it. They hate anyone who’s not part of their culture, and you’re obviously not part of
their culture. If you took “A Stony Foe,” this person is part of that nation and will defend it if
you attempt to do anything except stop their progression.
A Stony Foe (+200 CP): There is someone here equally as powerful as you. They know
of you, though they hold no animosity. They’re immune to your non-damaging abilities and
perks. They are righteous at heart, any are willing to kill you should you make any
provocative actions towards anybody (such as trying to take over a nation). As long as you
keep your head down and don’t perform illegal activities, you should be fine.
Defenseless (+300 CP): By some random unfortunate curse, your physical defense is
absolutely zero. If it cuts through your skin, it cuts through any armor or defense you have
just as easily. Supernatural abilities you still have your normal defenses against, but
beware bullets, fists, and swords because those are not going to be very fun to deal with.
Grounded (+300 CP): You’re incapable of using any supernatural abilities that aren’t
purely physical in nature. No magic, no esper powers, you’ll be using only your physical
augments with your fists and weapons for this jump in addition to what’s bought here.
The Rogue God (+300 CP): There is a God at least one magnitude of power greater than
you, with the minimum power to destroy the planet should it be so inclined. It was exiled
from a pantheon of Gods and has declared war against all divine beings. It has the power
and creativity to make a dent in several pantheons before going down, and such a battle
would be disastrous to quite a few people. Can you fix this problem before nations
crumble, or will you watch as a battle of myths unfolds before you? All gods involved in
this drawback cannot be affected by Spirit Calling and contracts.