Vinland Saga Jumpchain V1.5 Dark Edition

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By: Regretmotor256

This is Northern Europe, circa 1008. The Danes and the English are currently stuck in a lengthy
war, the age of the Vikings is still going strong, and Leif Erikson has recently discovered the new
world. You enter just as Thors and a group of young men begin their voyage out from Iceland,
and Askeladd and Floki plot their ambush. This era of history is one of brutality and great
cruelty, but also of hope for peace and of striving for a better way of life. It’s up to you whether
you fight the harsh reality of this world or accept it.

You have been given [1000 CP] in order to make it through this era.


Your age and gender may be anything you choose

[Free] Drop In: You enter this world with no previous history and without any additional
memories holding you back.

[Free] Viking: Raider, mercenary, warrior, you are known by many different names, but
ultimately, you are a person who lives and dies for battle and gold.

[Free] Sailor: Perhaps you are an associate of Lief Erikson. You are an explorer or merchant
who, either way, makes their living on the rivers and seas of the world.

[200 CP] Royal: Oh, you’re someone of some real consequence, eh? You are a royal of some
note, able to pull strings and make political plays in this era of feudal monarchies. You may
choose what country you are a royal of.
The year is currently 1008 AD
You may choose where you start freely, or gain 100 CP and roll 1d8 for one of these locations.

1.) Iceland: One of the northmost lands the Scandinavians have settled, this land is
populated mostly by small settlements and is currently home to Thors, the once greatest
warrior of the Jomsvikings.

2.) Danelaw: Land in Britain currently occupied or colonized by the Danes, this area is a
hotbed of conflict due to the ongoing invasion of England and Wales.

3.) England: The remaining lands still held by the English and Welsh. During your time in
this jump, these lands will be ravaged by war and the city of London will be besieged.

4.) Denmark: Currently the greatest power in the North Sea, Denmark is home to the
Jomsvikings and other such groups.

5.) Normandy: A part of northern France, Normandy suffered constant raids until it was
eventually settled by vikings in 911 AD, and now acts as an influential French duchy.

6.) Baltics: You may choose to start in Novgorod or amongst the early Lithuanians. The
rivers in these lands are often used by vikings to travel deeper inland as far as the
Byzantine Empire.

7.) Vinland: An entirely new land discovered merely a few years ago, these lands are rich in
resources, and is a place considered a new land of opportunity, for either starting anew
or more sinister purposes.

8.) Free Choice: Lucky you! Choose anywhere on Earth, including places not on this list to
be your starting location.
General Perks
All perks are 50% off for their origin, with 100 CP perks being free, unless stated otherwise.

[Free/100 CP] Medieval Trade: You are now knowledgeable in one mundane medieval style
trade, anything from blacksmithing to farming is available. Each additional trade costs 100 CP

[100 CP] Aesthetic: If you like this art style, you may take it with you to other worlds. With this
option, you may toggle a world to have the same look as the world of Vinland Saga.

[200 CP] Priest: You are now well educated in one religion to the point you could be considered
a priest/priestess for it. Additionally, you are capable of easily converting people to your chosen
religion with surprising speed.

[200 CP] Hearing: Your hearing is now superhuman. When you focus, you can hear an army
moving miles away, and closer auditory details are easily caught by you. Ambushing you would
be a supremely difficult task.

[400 CP] Inventor: Your mind now has an intuitive understanding of mechanics and
engineering, alongside the knowledge of how to advance it. Even with nothing to work with, you
could advance the technological level of places you visit decades in advance in a fraction of the

[400 CP] Skilled Fighter: Your combat proficiency is now on par with that of Thorfinn in his
youth, with the agility to boot. You can scale walls and take out their defenders with the same
ease a normal person would have jogging.

[600 CP] Superhuman: You now have the inhuman strength and stature of Thorkell the Tall,
moreso like a human artillery piece, throwing tree trunks like spears, and spears like artillery
strikes. With your strength, you are capable of holding off entire medieval armies on your own.
Drop-In Perks

[100 CP] Willpower: You now have an insane amount of resolve and willpower. Getting beaten
to a pulp would see you not strike back once and break your ideals if you’re a pacifist.
Additionally, this willpower vastly increases your pain tolerance, enough to shrug off having bits
of your body cut off with little issue.

[200 CP] Moving On: Its likely that you’ve done some bad things, but with this perk, you will be
able to come to terms with what you’ve done, no matter what that was, and even more than
that, paths to legitimate redemption and forgiveness are as easy to find as simply looking for

[400 CP] Roll with the Punches: You can take one hell of a beating. You now understand how
to minimize damage to yourself when taking hits, to the point that getting punched in the face
over and over would see the guy hitting you in worse shape from exhaustion than you from the

[600 CP] True Warrior: A true warrior, according to Thors and later his son, is someone who
can defeat their enemies without the need for violence. You are now a true warrior. No matter
what situation you find yourself in, you will be able to find a peaceful resolution. Some
resolutions will be harder to come to than others, but no matter what, a peaceful route will
always be possible.

Viking Perks

[100 CP] Specialized Combat: You know how to use a weapon of your choice to a level that
you could reasonably be considered an expert in it, whether you are a swordsman, bowman, or
something more exotic.

[200 CP] Loyalty: You now have the ability to inspire loyalty in soldiers. With each victory, this
loyalty will strengthen, and at its maximum, your men will follow you through a harsh winter in
enemy lands while being chased by a superior force for a full year without breaking.

[400 CP] Killing Intent: Vikings are feared throughout Europe, and now you will be as well. You
may, with a look, instill in a person a primal terror so great that lesser men’s minds will
completely shatter, and those of great wills will pause before fighting you.

[600 CP] Conniving Bastard: You have a knack for plotting on par with Askeladd himself,
capable of maneuvering and strategizing to the point you could become a king's retainer based
solely on manipulation. Additionally, you have a proficiency with leading men and in medieval
warfare tactics.
Sailor Perks

[100 CP] Sailor: You are now proficient in the role of your choice on a ship to the point that you
would be renowned for this skill.

[200 CP] Storyteller: You are able to perfectly regale tales of your adventures in entertaining
and interesting ways, with most people fully believing your story so long as the story you are
telling is actually the truth.

[400 CP] Merchant: You know how to sell goods, maintain trading networks, nodes, and
caravans, strike deals, haggle and other essential mercantile skills at a level most would
struggle to keep up with.

[600 CP] Explorer: You are an expert navigator, and have a supernatural sense of where you
want to go. Any ship you are on or expedition you lead will go incredibly smoothly, anything from
first contact with the natives, to consistent pleasant weather, to few disease or food related
issues are the norm when you are at the helm.

Royal Perks

[100 CP] Looks: Your appearance can be any type that you want, elderly, cute, handsome, or
weak. This does not affect anything but how you look, which can be great for hiding your
strength, and can be drastically changed once every 5 years.

[200 CP]Fearless: You are now completely unflinchingly fearless. You would be unfazed by the
terror perk from the viking perk section, able to think and act clearly no matter the situation. You
may still feel fear if you wish, but it will no longer freeze you or mess with your head.

[400 CP] Unity: When you conquer a people, you know how to expertly quell or ease any
separatist sentiment, though people will not rebel based on issues of separatism, that does not
exclude other reasons for rebellion.

[600 CP] Kingship: Any lands under your rule now experience internal golden ages. You can
expect plentiful harvests, inventors becoming more prominent, and for plagues to quell down
faster. Additionally, you now have a keen mind for kingship, able to work within and around a
feudal system expertly for the benefit of your nation.
General Items
-All items are 50% off for their origin, with 100 CP items being free, unless stated otherwise.
-You Receive [400 CP] for items only

[Free/50 CP] Clothing: A set of clothes of your choice as seen in Vinland Saga. Self cleaning
and self repairing. Extras cost 50 CP

[100 CP] Weapon: A common weapon of any design, ranged or melee, from this era. It is
extremely durable and will return to you whenever it is lost. Examples would be a longbow or an

[100 CP] Banquet: A large banquet table on which you may make enough food for a dozen
men appear with just a wave of your hands. Can be used daily. Defaults to cuisine of the viking
age, but may be changed for any type you desire each day.

[100 CP] Armor/Shield: A set of either chainmail or gambison, with a helmet and a round
shield. This armor is sturdy enough to tank a good chunk of damage from a few arrows or blows
from blades, and repairs weekly.

[200 CP] Horse: A surprisingly fast, loyal, and sturdy steed, this horse is intelligent enough to
understand very basic instructions, and can travel miles without rest. Can be any breed you

[200 CP] Treasure: Takes the form of gold coins, jewelry, and art made of precious metals. This
is worth about 250 Troy Pounds of gold, or around 5 million US dollars.

[400 CP] Farming Land: You now own land that is considered a regional breadbasket, capable
of feeding a massive population. This scales based on the setting you find yourself in. For
example, in 40k, it could be an agri-world capable of feeding several star systems, while in this
setting, it can feed much of Scandinavia. You may decide what kind of food your land produces
and in what ratios. Comes staffed by followers.

[500 CP] Vinland: Not necessarily Vinland, but a massive expanse of rich land and nature
completely unexplored and untainted by war. You may decide if this land has people already
there or if it is uninhabited, though the people are not beholden to you. Either way, this land will
scale based on what jump you are in in the same way that the farm item scales. This expanse is
about the size of northeastern Canada, with flora, fauna, and climate being customizable to a
Drop-In Items

[100 CP] Engraved Dagger: This dagger’s most useful property is strangely not related to
killing, but rather its ability to give you a massive boost in willpower and remind you of where
you started.

[200 CP] Reloading Crossbow: Capable of holding several bolts at once, and firing just as
hard as the average crossbow, this weapon is more than likely the most advanced thing in this
world at this time.

[400 CP] Homestead: This little homestead in an aesthetic of your choice will always remain
hidden from those you desire to keep away, and is located in a naturally beautiful area that you
will personally enjoy. While here you will generally be at peace. The homestead itself is large
enough for several people to reside in it, and comes with a plot of land suitable for any type of
farming and capable of keeping you self-sufficient. Comes with modern amenities shoudl you
desire them

[600 CP] Peaceful Settlement: This small settlement is completely away from the misery of the
world at large. War will never find this small secluded place, nor will disease or famine. This
remote little piece of paradise could be described as heaven built on earth. This does not mean
the people there will grow weak, complacent, or naive, however. This effect can expand up to
1,000 square miles, and support several thousand people.

Viking Items

[100 CP] Berserker Mushrooms: These hallucinogenic mushrooms have the strange ability to
increase your strength three times over, no matter how strong you initially were. Additionally,
they give you insane combat endurance, able to fight well beyond what your physical limit
should be. The unfortunate side effect is that you lose all cognitive abilities until the effect wears

[200 CP] Contacts: You have allies all across a large region of your choice, and can call in
minor favors like lodging or food, but once a year can call in a major favor like providing ships to
flee the local area to somewhere offshore.

[400 CP] Askellad’s Armor: This armor, though only covering your chest, is something
incredibly impressive. Capable of tanking small arms fire, and essentially being unbreakable by
any weapons found in 1000 AD Europe. Strangely, it seems to protect the rest of your body as
well, with most attacks landing on the armor instead of you.

[600 CP] Army: You now have a band of warriors that will follow you here and into more jumps.
Gives access to the army builder subsection with full points. May be purchased once.
Sailor Items

[100 CP] Goods: You now have access to an annually replenishing stock worth $1,000,000 of
common goods considered common to the setting you are in. For example, in this setting it
could be iron or wheat, or phones or computers in a modern setting. May be changed once
every ten years, or until the start of the next jump, whichever comes first.

[200 CP] Market: This trading hub may start small, but quickly attracts merchants who can have
anything you could possibly want to sell or buy, from food to jewelry. You may decide what you
want to be sold at your market, so you dont have to allow the slave trade of this time to operate
out of your new hub of commerce.

[400 CP] Explorer’s Ship: This ship is capable of amazing things. It updates to be the most
advanced exploratory vessel in the setting, and has a supernatural ability to take you to fantastic
new places, even if the setting seems fully explored. For example, in the 1920s, it could become
an arctic exploration vessel to map out the arctic, or a starship to find new worlds in Star Trek.

[600 CP] Mercantile Empire: You now own an economic empire which brings in immense
amounts of wealth from all over the known world, and is made up of expert merchant and sailor
followers as well as dozens of mercantile ships. Fully staffed by followers.

Royal Items

[100 CP] Crown: Heavy is the head that wears the crown. While this may be true, at least with
outward appearances you will look like the perfect ruler. Anyone who sees you wear this crown
will instinctually acknowledge you as a ruler of good quality.

[200 CP] Hall: A mighty and large viking age style hall, which comes with all the amenities such
a place should have. Comes fully staffed and is capable of supporting dozens of guests at any
given moment.

[400 CP] Castle: While not as large as a castle of stone, this fortress is based off of the
tonbridge castle, and is surprisingly defensible, with morale being unbreakable within the walls.
This fortress scales to be formidable no matter the setting it finds itself in, upgrading it’s tech
and defenders accordingly.

[600 CP] [Royal Exclusive] Blessing of the Crown: It turns out that you aren’t just royalty, but
actually the ruler of a country. You now have access to the nation subsection with full points and
army builder subsection with a little over half the amount of points. May be purchased once.
Companions Companions may be given extra CP at a rate of 1:2
[Free/50/100 CP] Import/Create/Recruit Companions: You may either import or create up to 8
companions for 50 CP per companion, with each companion gaining 400 CP to spend on
themselves. You may recruit companions for free, but must pay 100 CP for the more powerful
characters. Companions do not get the item stipend.

[100 CP/Free Drop-in] Commoner: This friendly and lively commoner has decided that they
want to join you on your travels. Surprisingly intelligent for someone who is uneducated, they
unfortunately have little experience outside of their local land, and are naive of the rest of the
world, but curious to see it. Comes with the perks [Medieval Trade] and [Inventor].

[100 CP/Free Viking] Right Hand: This warrior is a veteran of dozens of raids, battles, and
more, and above all else is loyal to you to a fault. Considered an inspiring presence on any field,
they are the best subordinate you could ask for, with their normally laid back joking personality
hiding their lethal skill and coldness once the battle has started. Comes with the perks
[Specialized Combat], [Loyalty], and the [Weapon] and [Armor/Shield] items.

[100 CP/Free Sailor] Apprentice: This energetic and entrepreneurial youth has decided they
want to learn from the best, and consider that to be you. They are highly curious, and seem to
hang on to every bit of advice you give as if it were gold. Comes with the perk [Sailor] and will
have [Merchant] by 4 years.

[100 CP/Free Royal] Advisor: This young advisor is renowned for their calculating personality,
and their incredible stoicism. The only person they seem to take a shine to or show any emotion
around is you, acting like an older sibling or close friend more than a subordinate. Comes with
[Fearless] and [Kingship].

[100 CP] Upgrade: You may use this to upgrade the original companions.
-The Commoner seems to have actually owned the land they worked on, now having the [Farm]
and [Homestead] items.
-The Right Hand is a more skilled warrior and more connected, with 2 more purchases of
[Specialized Combat] and [Contacts].
-The Apprentice now is an ally in charge of their own mercantile empire, adding [Mercantile
Empire] and [Market].
-The Advisor is now a vassal lord, with [200 NP] to spend in the Nation Builder, the [Hall] item,
and the [Treasure] Item.

[200 CP] Troll: An unparalleled warrior in this time, standing around 6-7 feet tall, with strength
and agility beyond what normal people should even be capable of, and truly a terrifying
presence to their enemies, which is surprising given their incredibly kind and friendly demeanor
towards those they consider friends, which you are now one of. This warrior’s nickname is “Troll”
inherited from the previous owner of the title, but is embarrassed at being known by such a
monstrous nickname. Comes with [Skilled Fighter], [Superhuman], and [Killing Intent]

[0 CP] End of the Prologue: If you wish to see this story in full, or see different parts of it, this
toggle will allow you to extend your stay indefinitely and/or start your time in this jump after the

[100 CP] Alcoholic: You are a severe alcoholic, who will constantly look for a drink. The upside
to this is that you now have a strong tolerance for alcohol

[200 CP] Bug Eyes: The universe has decided you are now comedic relief. You are rarely taken
seriously by anyone around you, and worse yet, any fights you get into end in comedic failure
for you.

[200 CP] True Warrior: You are now a strict adherent to pacifist ideals, and cannot use violence
to achieve any goal no matter the circumstances you find yourself in.

[200 CP] Slave: You are now property of a master of a similar disposition to Ketil. They have
given you an incredibly difficult task, such as clearing a forest for farmland, and once it is done,
they will give you your freedom. This task cannot be completed via use of anything other than
your mundane capabilities. This task will take a year minimum to complete

[200 CP] Revenge: You are hellbent on getting revenge on a single person in this setting. You
are willing to throw away your life and any morality in order to kill this person.

[200/400 CP] Mandatory Tag-along: Fate will conspire to constantly have you meet up with
Thorfinn and crew throughout his journey. You can run all you want, but you will somehow
always end up back with them. The bad part is that you cannot circumvent any conflicts that
were encountered in the story, as fate will make sure these events happen regardless while
constantly roping you into them. Lasts 5 years per purchase. May be purchased twice.

[300 CP] Guilt: You have a mixture of intense guilt and PTSD that will continually give you
nightmares about the bad things you’ve done throughout your life. These can be mitigated
somewhat by atonement, but never completely removed. As a silver lining, it will not make you

[300 CP] Fun to Fight: Thorkell has decided you are a fun person to fight, and will chase you to
the ends of the earth looking for a fight to the death. No army, hired soldiers, or companions will
be able to stop him, no matter how good they are. The fight must be ended by either you killing
him or him killing you.

[400 CP] Curse of the Crown: While not necessarily the same madness that had begun to
plague king Sweyn, this mental degradation is unstoppable, and will continually worsen as the
jump goes on. It can be anything from dementia to growing schizophrenia.
[200/400/500 CP] Powerless: You either have had either your out of jump powers or items
stripped from you. For an additional 200 CP, it is both. For another 100 CP, your warehouse is
now inaccessible.

Failure in a scenario will not constitute chain failure, however you will not gain the rewards that
you would have on a successful completion of a scenario.

Vinland Saga

Like Thorfinn, your goal in this scenario is to establish a settlement away from the strife and
conflict of the Old World, somewhere people can be free and happy. In order to achieve success
in this scenario, you must establish a colony/settlement somewhere and keep it at peace for the
entirety of the jump. You may choose to either aid Thorfinn, or attempt to set this up on your
own. Your settlement may be established anywhere you wish. Assuming you have successfully
completed this scenario, your rewards are as follows.

Settlement: You may take this settlement into future worlds along with its people as followers.
The settlement keeps any upgrades to it, and works as a far weaker version of the Peaceful
Settlement item. Additionally, you are now an expert in all the skills needed to establish a
civilization/colony in any environment.

The Viking Invasion

The war between the Scandinavians and the English rages on, with no signs of an end any time
soon. Your goal in this scenario is to either aid the Scandinavian forces in their conquest of
England, occupying the entirety of the country, or aid the English forces in repelling all of the
Norsemen’s forces from their land, and then keeping them out. These objectives must be
achieved by the end of the jump. Assuming you have successfully completed this scenario’s
objectives, the side you chose will give you different rewards.

Sword of Scandinavia: Assuming you aided the Scandinavians in the war, your rewards are as
follows: When participating in an offensive war, your forces will rarely suffer from attrition or
logistical issues when in hostile territory, and will win sieges and break defenses in half the time
it should have taken.

Shield of England: Assuming you aided the English in the war, your rewards are as follows:
When participating in a defensive war, enemy forces within your territory suffer from severe
attrition rates and other logistical problems, and your fortresses and defenses will take twice as
long to break than they normally should.
Quest for the New World

Just think of what amazing things could lie beyond that great western ocean. Perhaps you are
one of the few bold and willing enough to find out. Your goal in this scenario is to set foot
somewhere Europeans in this time have never been before. Some examples of this could be
traveling to sub-Saharan Africa, somewhere in The New World barring Vinland, East Asia, or
even the Pacific. Either way, you must achieve this without using item or power based
transportation methods, and must achieve this by the end of the jump. Assuming you have
successfully completed this scenario, your reward is as follows.

Jumper the Lucky: Like Lief Erikson's nickname might suggest, you are incredibly lucky in your
expeditionary adventures, stumbling across fantastic discoveries is a near guarantee with every
major expedition you take part in. With this, you could come across amazing things such as a
lost city like Machu Picchu or an incredibly friendly tribe of people who are willing to share their
culture with you. In a sci-fi setting, you could find a lush paradise world or even a lost alien

The Jumper Era

In our history, the Viking era was defined by its namesake and these people had a several
century long impact on history and massive ramifications based solely on their achievements,
influence, impact, and even their failings. Your goal is for historians to not look back on the
viking era as being defined by vikings, but instead as one defined by you or your organization.
You must complete this task by the time this jump ends. Your reward upon completion is as

Relics of a Bygone Era: In future jumps you will find artifacts, murals, stories, and even
remains of structures related to your exploits in previous jumps. This does not affect local setting
history, and people do not find the existence of these artifacts strange or alarming.


You’ve made it to the end. Congratulations! Now it's time to make that same old choice.

Stay: You can choose to stay in this age of vikings if you like. Hopefully you changed it for the

Go Home: Tired of all these crazy adventures? Well, if that's the case, you can finally return

Move On: Just imagine what new lands there are waiting to be found out there! You can alway
move on to the next jump.
Nation Builder
Assuming you have access to this subsection, you gain [1000 NP] to be spent in this section
You may exchange CP for NP at a rate of 1:2
You may exchange NP for AP at a rate of 1:1
To purchase the next tier, you must first purchase all previous tiers.

Geographical Size
The geographical size of your Nation
[+0 NP] Your nation is about the size of a city or micro nation.
(About 200 square miles)
[+100 NP] Your nation is a minor geographical area about the size of Wales.
(About 10,000 square miles)
[+100 NP] Your nation is now a country of average size comparable to that of England. (About
50,000 square miles)
[+200 NP] Your nation now constitutes an area about the size of some major nations Like
(About 250,000 square miles)
[+400 NP] Your nation is now on a massive geographical scale similar to that of the Byzantine
Empire of this time.
(About 500,000 square miles)
[+600 NP] Your nation is now one of the most major states of the age, rivaling the Song dynasty
in size.
(About 1,200,000 square miles)

Raw Material
The material wealth of your nation
[ -100 NP] Your nation has little to no raw materials
[+0 NP] Your nation has a decent amount of natural resources, enough common raw
materials to supply your own country, but little to no rarer materials.
[+100 NP] Your nation’s resources are fairly rich, with the nation producing an excess of most
common raw materials, and some rarer materials.
[+200 NP] Your nation's resources are now incredibly rich, bearing such amounts of raw
material as to make most countries weep with envy.

[ -100 NP] Your nation has a harsh hot/cold climate ill suited for sustaining any large amount of
[+0 NP] Your nation has average harvests and a less harsh cold/hot climate, with harsh years
and good years both occurring occasionally.
[+100 NP] The land of your nation is fairly plentiful in food and has a good temperate climate for
crop growing, with regular good harvests and harsh years hardly ever occurring
[+200 NP] Your nation produces enough food of many varieties for multiple nations of a similar
size, widely being considered the breadbasket of the region. Your lands never experience harsh

The starting number of people in your country.
[+0 NP] Your nation is currently home to some 50,000 people, barely enough to not be
overlooked on most population charts.
(0.02% of world population)
[+100 NP] Your nation is currently home to some 200,000 people, enough to be considered a
small fraction of the regional total population.
(0.05% of world population)
[+100 NP] Your nation is currently home to some 1,500,000 people, enough to be considered a
decent fraction of the regional population.
(0.3% of world population)
[+200 NP] Your nation is currently home to 8,000,000 people, enough to be considered a major
regional fraction of the population
(2.0% of world population)
[+400 NP] Your nation is currently home to 16,000,000 people, enough to be considered a
decent fraction of the world's total population.
(4.0% of world population)
[+600 NP] Your nation is currently home to 62,000,000 people, enough to be considered a
major fraction of the global population.
(16.0% of world population)

The nation’s loyalty towards you
[-200 NP] Your nation has an active rebellion currently occurring within your lands, and dissent
amongst the people is a common occurrence.
[+0 NP] Your nation does not view you any differently, mostly just like how most people view
their rulers.
[+300 NP] You are naturally very well liked by your people with few dissidents and a population
that would likely die for your causes so long as you don’t abuse them.
[+300 NP] In the eyes of your people, you are the equivalent to a holy figure, and as such they
are unwaveringly loyal to you by jump fiat. To them, you can make no mistake, and the people
will die in your name and endure any abuse so long as it is by your decree. Think of this option
like being the God Emperor in Warhammer 40k.

Physical Characteristics
These characteristics, if not bought, do not mean your people are worse than average, it just
means they are normal. This section is more so meant to let you replicate people like the
Numenoreans or other such peoples, and is meant to let people go wild and have some fun with
what your people can be like, and is discouraged for those looking for an authentic Vinland
Saga experience.
[+100 NP] Your people are generally considered to be naturally quite attractive, but still within
the scope of what is possible for a human.
[+100 NP] Go nuts on the appearance so long as it stays humanoid. Want elvish looking people
in what is supposed to be close to our history? Go ahead. Want your people to be blue or red?
This will let you do just that.

Your people's natural lifespan
[+200 NP] Your people now naturally live to 80 on average without medical aid, and
proportionally age slower once they reach adulthood.
[+200 NP] Your people now naturally live to 120 on average without medical aid, and
proportionally age slower once they reach adulthood.
[+200 NP] Your people now naturally live to 160 on average without medical aid, and
proportionally age slower once they reach adulthood.

Your people’s average natural strength
[+200 NP] Your people are now naturally a good deal more hearty than the average person,
with strength enough to deadlift about 260 pounds without training, or over 1.6 times the
average. This strength is intuitively controllable.
[+400 NP] Your people are naturally thrice as hearty as the average person, and have strength
enough to deadlift 500 pounds without training, or a little over 3 times the average. This strength
is intuitively controllable.

Your people’s average speed and reflexes
[+200 NP] Your people are now more agile than the average person, being dextrous enough to
catch things like thrown objects near perfectly, and are on average capable of a casual running
speed of 12 mph.
[+400 NP] Your people are even more agile now, being dextrous enough to catch projectiles like
arrows near perfectly, and are on average capable of a casual running speed of 22 mph. The
average reaction time is 100 milliseconds.

Your people’s average intelligence
[+200 NP] Your people are decently quick witted and are able to learn things faster than most
others can and retain this knowledge better than the average person. The average IQ is 114,
and the general tech level of your nation is considered very advanced for its time, with a good
deal of notable inventions coming from your nation first.
[+400 NP] Your people all now have the ability to learn twice as fast as the average person, and
now have eidetic memories. Your people are now considered impressively quick witted. The
average IQ is 124, and the general tech level for your nation is considered to be on the bleeding
edge, with most notable inventions coming from your nation first.
Army Builder
Assuming you have access to this subsection, the Army item gives you [1000 AP] and the
Nation item gives [600 AP].
You may exchange CP for AP at a rate of 1:2
You may exchange AP for NP at a rate of 1:1
To purchase the next tier, you must first purchase all previous tiers.

The number of soldiers under your command
[ -100 AP] You have a force of 25 foot soldiers.
[+0 AP] You have a force of 100 foot soldiers.
[+100 AP] You have a force of 1,000 foot soldiers.
[+100 AP] You have a force of 5,000 foot soldiers.
[+200 AP] You have a force of 10,000 foot soldiers.

The number of mounted soldiers under your command
[ -100 AP] You have a force of 5 cavalrymen.
[+0 AP] You have a force of 40 cavalrymen.
[+100 AP] You have a force of 400 cavalrymen.
[+100 AP] You have a force of 2,000 cavalrymen.
[+200 AP] You have a force of 4,000 cavalrymen.

The number of naval vessels under your command
[ -100 AP] You have 2 ships under your command.
[+0 AP] You have 6 ships under your command.
[+100 AP] You have 40 ships under your command.
[+100 AP] You have 120 ships under your command.
[+200 AP] You have 300 ships under your command.

Skill Level
The general quality of your soldiers
[ -200 AP] Your soldiers are more akin to rampaging barbarians than actual soldiers. Their
discipline and quality are poor.
[+0 AP] Your soldiers are of standard quality, capable of carrying out most orders
competently. They are of average discipline and quality.
[+200 AP] Your soldiers are of high quality, capable of taking on superior numbers in proper
conditions and are generally of higher quality and discipline than most other armies.
[+200 AP] Your soldiers constitute one of the finest fighting forces in the setting, capable of
great feats and taking on and winning campaigns and battles against forces that vastly
outnumber them. Their discipline is nearly the highest caliber humanly possible.
[+200 AP] Your soldiers are now superhuman in their capabilities, with a single soldier being a
match in strength, speed, and endurance for entire groups of lesser warriors, and with the
unparalleled skill to match. Their iron discipline is unbreakable.

Equipment Level
The general quality of your soldiers equipment.
[ -200 AP] Your soldier's weapons technology and quality are poor for the setting. In this setting
for example, your soldiers having any armor at all is rare at best, and their weapons are duller
and more brittle than most.
[+0 AP] Your soldier’s weapons technology and quality are average for the setting. In this
setting for example, longbows, chainmail, or spears.
[+200 AP] Your soldier’s weapons technology and quality are superior to most other armies. In
this setting for example, plate armor or crossbows are common amongst your men.
[+200 AP] Your soldier’s weapons technology and quality are a defining feature of your army,
being barely within the realm of possibility. In this setting for example, having repeating
crossbows or immensely sharp blades.
[+200 AP] Your soldier's weapons technology is now well beyond what should even be possible
for the setting you find yourself in, beyond what any others can bring to bear. In this setting for
example, arquebuses and cannons are now available to your forces.

Trump Cards
The number of exceptional individuals or incredibly powerful weapons in your army.
[+0 AP] You have no exceptionally powerful weapons or people in your army.
[+300 AP] For every 1,000 men in your army, you gain 1 asset on the level of Thorkell the Tall.
30-120 man Armies gain 1.
[+300 AP] For every 1,000 men in your army, you gain 3 assets on the level of Thorkell the Tall.
30-120 man armies gain 3.

-All Drawbacks may only be taken once.

- Unless otherwise stated, any followers lost will respawn at the start of the next jump or until 10
years have passed.

-All items will be returned when lost, all items may be imported into similar items, weapons to
weapons, vehicles to vehicles, etc.

-Unless otherwise stated, any personnel or staff given in the items section are to be considered

-Any vehicles, items, or buildings purchased in this jump will retain upgrades and modifications
between jumps.

-Buildings, land, and other property, unless stated to have a particular location by this document
or in universe, will be placed near your starting location in-jump and can either be placed in a
location of your choice post-jump, or not placed at all. This must be decided at the start of the

-All properties and vehicles come with renewing fuel, electricity, food, water, air and other things
required to keep them running including titles, deeds, certifications, registrations and licenses.

-You can purchase everything multiple times unless otherwise stated.

-When in doubt, fan-wank it.

Nation Notes

-This new nation can be imported as a new land, and will not overwrite any preexisting peoples,
instead being a new land mass which magically doesn’t destroy the climate.

-You may decide this new nation’s government, culture, religion, history, and laws (even flora
and fauna to a degree) as you desire.

-You may also design the aesthetics of your people as you desire, so long as they remain within
the scope of humanity, and no benefits are gained.

-The people of this nation are considered followers, but do not respawn monthly.

-This nation will scale based on the setting you enter, up to a maximum of a star system.

-Not spending NP in a section means that aspect is a weakness of your nation

-To purchase the next tier, you must first purchase all previous tiers.

Army Notes

-The army is made up of followers who respawn monthly.

-The army is of any nation or culture you desire.

-The army can be of any type of military organization (mercenaries, standing army, etc.) but will
ultimately remain loyal no matter what.

-The army’s numbers, technology, and power levels will scale to a setting equivalent (pikemen
to riflemen, cavalrymen to vehicle operators, etc.)

-Thank you to all those who gave advice and suggestions. I appreciate the help in making my
jumps better than anything I could have done on my own. -Regretmotor256.

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