Subject Verb Aggreement Lesson

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School Fort San Pedro Grade level 8

National High
Teacher Learning Area English
Teaching Date Quarter Third Quarter

I. Objectives
A. Content The learners demonstrate communicative competence through his/her understanding of
standard Afro-Asian Literature and other text types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine culture
and those of other countries.
B. Performance The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a brief and creative
Standard entertainment speech featuring a variety of effective paragraphs appropriate prosodic
features, stance and behaviour.
C. Learning 1. State the rule of Subject - Verb Agreement;
Competencies 2. Sustain interest in studying Subject - Verb Agreement;
/ Objectives 3. Construct their own sentences using correct Subject - Verb Agreement.
II. Content Subject - Verb Agreement
III. Learning
A. References SLM in English, Quarter 3-MELC 5

B. Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation

IV. Procedures
A. Review of Before the discussion start the teacher will give a short pre-test to find out how much
previous lesson the learners know about the lesson.
or presenting 1. What is a body of written works such as poetry, novels, history, biography, and
of new lesson essays that reflects the background of a certain culture?
a. Epic
b. Literature
c. Poetry
d. Prose
2. Which type of literature is a product of a writer’s imagination?
a. Feature
b. Fiction
c. Literature
d. Non-fiction
3. What is defined as the sequence of events that occurs from the first to the last
line of the story?
a. Character
b. Plot
c. Point of view
d. Setting
4. Which type of literature is based on facts and talks about real people, places, and
a. Features
b. Fiction
c. Non-fiction
d. Sci-fi
5. What part of plot refers to the conclusion or ending of a story?
a. Climax
b. Falling action
c. Rising action
d. Resolution

B. Establishing a Directions: The learners will read the passage below. Then, they will answer the
purpose for following questions. Write only the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of
the lesson paper.

The Man with the Coconuts

Adapted story from Mabel Cook Cole, Philippines Folk Tales

One day, there was a man who had been in the forest to gather his coconuts. He
loaded his horse heavily with them. On his way home, he met a boy and a girl whom he
asked on how long it would take him to reach the house.
“If you go slowly,” said the boy, looking at the load on the horse, “you will arrive
very soon; but if you go fast, it will take you all day.”
The man could not believe this strange speech, so, he hurried his horse.
However, the coconuts fell off and he had to stop to pick them up. Then, he hurried his
horse all the more to make up for the lost time; still, the coconuts fell off again. Many
times he did this, and it was night when he reached home.

Answer the following question.

1. Where did the story take place?

A. in the farm C. in the house
B. in the forest D. in the city

2. How will you describe the character in the story?

A. boastful C. disobedient
B. kind D. impatient

3. What do you think is the message of the passage?

A. Never listen to the advice of others.
B. Being close-minded is good for you.
C. Accepting help from others is a bad thing.
D. If you rush things out, you will never finish you work on time.

4. In the second paragraph, how is the word “but” used in the sentence?
A. to add information C. to show result
B. to show contrast of ideas D. to express reason

5. Which among the choices express the functions of the above highlighted words?
A. They give connection of ideas.
B. They show unity of ideas.
C. They make sentences clear and easy to understand.
D. All of the above.

C. Presenting Like any form of writing, literature also requires cohesiveness. At this point, it is
Examples/ important to learn how cohesion can best be achieved. Specifically, what devices can
Instances of writers take advantage to come-up with well-organized message?
the New Directions: read the dialog below.
 What is the dialog all about?
 What is the concern of Anna’s parents in enrolling her to class this school year?
 How did Mrs. Cruz convince Anna and her parents to attend school?

D. Discussing new Let us look closely the cohesive devices used in this conversation.
concepts and
practicing new  In the first response of Anna, how did she explain to her teacher about her
skills. whereabouts during the present situation?
She told her teacher that she was in her house since the day that the
government declared that it is not safe to go out.
The use of “since” expresses time describing when she started to stay inside
their house. It can also express cause or reason like in the statement , “Since we
have internet at home, I think I can do online.”
 In the response of Mrs Cruz regarding Anna attending school, how is the word
“although” used?
Although in the sentence, expresses reason and provide an option to
answer the problem mentioned in the situation.
 Try deleting the words despite and although, what do you think will happen to
the statement above?
Without those words, the statement seems choppy and disconnected. The
ideas presented look as if they are not unified.
 Why it is important that our ideas are interconnected?
It is important for us to be understood by the readers as well as for clear
presentation of ideas.
 How can we ensure that our ideas are linked together? What devices should we
We can ensure that our ideas are linked together if we know the functions
and purpose of the different cohesive devices.

Now that you learned about how to make ideas flow through cohesive devices,
let us learn more about strategies to achieve cohesion. Well this part of the
module will teach you different connectors called cohesive devices, which you
can use in writing.

Study the sentences below. These are some responses, which are taken from the
previous dialogue.

1. Stay healthy and enjoy learning with us.

2. Therefore, we do not have to worry anymore.

3. However, my parents told me to stay home and stop

schooling because they are concern of my safely.
As you can see in the given sentences, you will notice that there are word
connectors used to link your ideas to make your sentence clear and easy to

1. Stay healthy and enjoy learning with us.

In the first sentences,, the words “and” is used to add something to the
previous idea. It connects the idea of “Stay healthy” and “enjoy learning with
us”. In addition, you will notice that both, statements start with verbs “stay” and
“enjoy”. Thus, apart from using the word connector “and”, using parallel
structures as seen in the example may be used to achieve cohesion.

2. Therefore, we do not have to worry anymore.

In the second sentence, the word therefore is used to give or show

conclusion. With the efforts of the Department of Education about students
attending classes, Anna and her parents therefore, do not have to worry about
her enrolment. In addition, you will notice the use of the pronoun “we” which
apparently refers back to Anna’s parents. The use of pronoun is also another
cohesive device that you can take advantage. When you keep on referring to the
same idea, it makes ideas stick together.
3. However, my parents told me to stay home and
stop schooling because they are concerned of my

In the third sentence, the word “but” shows contrast of ideas. Also, the word
“because” shows reason. So, in the sentence, because Anna’s parents are
concerned of her safety.
Apart from using these connectors, it was also evident that there where the
couple of repetitions evident in the dialogue. What words were repeated? The
words school and stay were repeated. Also, the idea of pandemic, which has
suggested by the following phases the situation right now and pandemic are
repeated. Thus, another way of achieving cohesion is through repetition of ideas
or words.

This time, let us discuss more about cohesive devices.

Cohesion in writing may be achieved through the following means:
1. Repetition of words or ideas. This help to focus your ideas and to keep
your reader on track.
Most people find contemporary art difficult to understand.
Contemporary art is purposely, leaving the viewers wondering
what they are looking at.
2. Use of synonyms for key words and phrases. Synonyms are words that
have essentially the same meaning, and they provide some variety of words
choices, helping the reader to stay focused on the idea being discussed.
At the end of the run, he was suddenly afraid. The height of
the three terrified him.

3. Pronoun/ Determiners. This, that, these, those, he, she, it, they, and we
are useful pronouns foe referring to something previously mentioned. Be
sure, however, that what you are referring to is clear.
Mr. Noviel Fraga is the CEO of Fraga Fisheries and Company.
He became the CEO in 2018.

4. Use transitional devices (linkers, conjunctions or connectors). These

are words which give cues to the readers on the relationships between
sentences, joining sentence together.

The most common cohesive device used is the use of transitional devices.
They are sometimes called linking words linkers, connectors, or transitional
words. These are words or group of words that shows relationship between
sentences and paragraphs of a text or speech. These are words like ‘For
example’, ‘In conclusion’, ‘however’, and ‘moreover’.
We use them to link sentences, paragraphs or any pieces of text. In other
words, cohesive devices make our ideas coherent, consistent, and
organized. Inappropriate use of these can affect the flow of thoughts or
ideas expressed in the sentence.

Cohesive Devices
Type: Cohesive Description Example
Conjunctions for for explaining He gains more
why weight, for he
1.Coordinating eats too much
Conjunctions sweets.
and the same, similar His favourite
These conjunctions or equal; without snacks are apples
connect words, contrast and bananas.
phrases, and clues nor for two non- He doesn’t like
of equal value. contrasting soft drinks, nor
Clauses or equal grammatically, hard liquors.
value are called negative items
independent but for contrast He eats
clauses and can vegetables, but I
stand on their own never eat junk
as separate foods.
sentence. or an alternative Would you like
bread or cookies
with your coffee?
yet contrast, despite, He still young,
something yet he is already
very responsible.

so for showing the He was very

consequence of hungry, so he ate
something the remaining
because, so to express cause As he was feeling
that, as, since or reason sick, Pedro didn’t
go to work
1. 2.Subordinating
Conjunctions before, after, to express time The baby cries
until/till, when, whenever he
The clause as soon as, feels hungry,
beginning with the whenever, while
conjunction is unless, if, even to express I’ll lend you my
always the if, in case, condition phone, provided
subordinate clause, providing that you will use
which depends on it carefully.
the main clause
and cannot exist although, even to express Joy loves outdoor
without it. though, contrast or activities,
whereas concession whereas her
sister prefers to
stay at home.
2. 3.Adverbial
Conjunctions also, besides, adding something It rained hard;
finally, moreover,
These are words furthermore, in lightning flashed
that join addition, and thunder
independent moreover, still boomed.
clauses into one Sleeping early
sentence. A also, as well, comparing makes me feel
conjunctive adverb alike, similarly relax; also, make
helps you create a me active for the
shorter sentence. next day.
When you use a
conjunctive adverb, at the same contrasting I wanted to finish
put a semicolon (;) time, in answering my
before it and a contrast, in activity in this
comma (,) after it. spite of, on the module; even if,
other hand, it takes longer
even if time to do it.
Following health
certainly, emphasizing protocols is;
definitely, indeed, very
indeed, in fact important for us
to be safe.

for/ as an giving example There are

example, for different
instance, in symptoms of
other words, COVID-19;
namely, such as namely, cough,
fever, and sore

as… as, both… showing equality Neither the

and, either… or, minors nor the
neither… nor, senior citizens are
not only… but allowed to go out
also during the

As it was/has summarizing, COVID-19 is a

been said, in concluding serious disease;
conclusion, hence, we need
finally, in short, to follow health
in other words, protocols.

Other correlative devices used in listings are show below.

first(ly) Examples:
in the first place I love the Philippines a lot.
then listings Firstly, I love its museums.
to conclude Secondly, I love its people.
to begin Finally, I love its tourist
next attraction.

Other ways of achieving cohesion are through repetition of words and ideas,
use of synonyms, pronoun, and determiners as provided in the examples on the
above mention. It is important to remember that the goal is to make the ideas
stick together so that unity in meaning is achieved.
Cohesive devices may slightly very as they appear in different text type.
Below are some examples:
Type of text may be informative, persuasive, narrative, and demonstrative.
Below are the different types of speeches with examples. Try to study the
cohesive devices used. The passaged are followed by questions. Try answering it
on your own. Followed learning!
1. Informative Text- this text serves to provide interesting and useful
information to your audience. Some examples of informative speeches are found
Posting of health protocols is a must. It directs the people on how to follow physical
distancing in the workplace namely, maintaining distance between employees and
avoiding mass gatherings. Moreover, posting it at the entrance of every
establishment is also advised. Furthermore, establishing daily disinfection
procedures like, placing hand washing stations and checking of body temperature
are strictly practiced. These are simple precautionary measures for the prevention
of virus transmission.
 What do you think is the text all about?
If you think that it is about posting health protocols, then you
are correct.
 How is “namely” used in the second sentence?
The connector “namely” was used to give examples. In giving
information, it is important to show examples for clarity of the
2. Demonstrative Text- this type of text teaches you something. They differ
from other types mostly because the writer shows it readers how to do things.
Below is an example:
How to Wash Your Hands Properly

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), you need to wash your hands
properly so that you can protect yourself against infection.

Wash your hands with soap and water, then, dry them thoroughly. If not, use alcohol-
based hand rub.

Washing your hands properly should be as long as sing as singing the “Happy Birthday”
song twice. Here are the steps: first, you need to wet hands with water; second, apply
enough soap to cover up all hands surface; third, rub hands palm to palm; fourth, palm to
palm with fingers interlaced; fifth, back to fingers to opposing palms with fingers
interlocked; sixth, rotational rubbing of left hand; seventh, rotational rubbing of
backwards and forwards with clasped finger of right hand and left hand vice versa; then,
rinse hand with water; and finally, dry thoroughly with the single used of towel.
If you answered, “we need to wash our hand for us to be clean and to
Why dothe wevirus”,
to wash our ithands
you got right. properly?
 How are the highlighted words used in the passage?
The highlighted words are called cohesive devices. They are used to
show the proper sequence or steps on how to wash your hands

 In writing a demonstrative speech, the cohesive devices to

be used show steps or manner of how things should be
done. In the paragraph, the highlighted words are the
appropriate cohesive devices to be used in demonstrating
how to wash hands properly.
3. Persuasive- this text is used to convince the readers or listeners to change the
way they think, do so they begin doing something new. Below is an example:
Why go out when it is much safer at home? Why don’t you reflect and ponder on
lessons brought about by this pandemic rather than blame others? Why do you
always have to rant or complain on social media about the government’s work when
you can be of help to it?

My dear friends, this pandemic will never be gone if, we, the people, will not help
our government officials and front liners prevent it. The only way we can be of help
to them is to follow the implemented policies and health protocols. Hence, let us
help altogether to heal our country as one!
 What is being emphasized in the text?

It emphasized the need to act during these trying times. We

can be of help to them by simply following the implemented
policies on health protocols.
 What do you think is the purpose of the writer?
The purpose of the writer is to persuade or convince people to
be of help to the government.
 Are the cohesive devices used appropriate in presenting the ideas
of the passage?
Yes. It connects appropriately one idea to the others. It makes
the passage easy to understand.
4. Narrative- A narrative text is used to tell a story, often one that is based on personal
experience. Below is an example:

On Saving

As a young teen, Camella does not enjoy much of her teenage life unlike
the other teenagers do. Her weekends are spent on liking for work so, she can
earn her allowance. She spends two hundred pesos a week. One hundred
pesos for her lunch, eighty for her fare and twenty pesos for classroom dues.

She earns more than what she needs for the week. Moreover, on
Saturdays, her routine would be to go to a distant relative and wash clothes
to earn one hundred pesos. In the afternoon, she volunteers weeding at her
neighbour’s garden for a small fee.

Furthermore, on Sundays after church services, she would iron out her
teacher’s uniform for one hundred pesos. Despite her weekend routine, she
remains to be one of the smartest ion classes.

 What is the text all about?

You are correct! The text narrates how Camella juggles work to earn

 What is the purpose of the writer?

The purpose of the writer is to narrate how Camella spends her
weekends and her manner on saving money.
 Are the cohesive devices used appropriate in presenting the ideas
of the passage? shows unity and organization of ideas. It makes the narrations

clear and easy to understand.

E. Developing a Activity 1: Classify Me!

Mastery (Leads Directions: The teacher will group the learners into four group, they will make a
to Formative graphic organizer using manila paper. They will classify the given cohesive devices
Assessment) according to their purpose; they will put it inside the graphic organizer. After that, they
Unless yet if although
will choose one member that will present and explain why that certain cohesive device is
in that purpose.
As soon as possible before after because

So that until firstly

Contrasting of
ideas: (2)

Expressing Time:
(4) Cohesive Giving
Devices Condition: (2)

cause or reason:

Activity 2: Creating Speech

Directions: Teacher will make the learners create a speech; the learners will imagine
that they are successful, and they will be giving a speech in front of their classmates.
They will create an inspirational speech about their success; they need to use cohesive
devices appropriately. Their work will be graded through the given rubric.

Criteria You made it! Just Okay Try Again Score

5 3 1
Relevance to the All ideas are Some ideas are Few ideas are
given topic related to the related related
Cohesive devise Ideas are well Some ideas are Ideas are
used (Appropriate organized and well organized logically
use of transitional used and used arranged
words, synonyms, appropriately the appropriately
and key terms) cohesive devices the cohesive
Correct usage Committed no Committed 1- 5 Committed 6 –
errors errors above errors
F. Finding Activity 3: You Complete Me!
practical Directions: Choose the appropriate cohesive devices from the choices inside the box to
application of complex the passage. Then, identify the type of text used. Write your answer on a
concepts, and separate sheet of paper. Some items may have the same answers.
skills of daily
living. Finally but even if and while

So that on the other hand however because

When whenever however because when whenever

One day, John drove his car for work. (1) _________ he was on his way, he
noticed that the road was under repair. He needed to find a way (2)_______ he could
reach his destination early.

(3) ________ he arrived, he was instructed by his boss to work with Ian on their next
project. (4)______, he is not yet familiar with Ian. He was hesitant to reach out to him
(5)______ he heard that he was boastful and arrogant. (6)________, Ian approached
him (7)_________ discussed details about the project. (8)_______ he felt awkward
working with him (9)_______ he had no choice.

As the days went on, John noticed that Ian was the opposite of what he heard.
(10)_______ they worked as a team and finished their project successfully.
G. Making To sum it all up, cohesive devices helps us understand the difficulty of connecting ideas.
Generalization, It helps us connect our ideas and come up with well-organized messages. It makes us
and understand how to use different cohesive devices based on its purpose, functions, and
Abstraction applications to out writings.
about the
H. Evaluating Assessment
Learning Directions: Choose the appropriate transition words in completing each sentence.
1. Which among these sentences uses a cohesive device correctly?
a. I want to enrol this school year, yet I want to continue learning.
b. I want to enrol this school year, but I want to continue learning.
c. I want to enrol this school year, unless I want to continue learning.
d. I want to enrol this school year, because I want to continue learning.
2. Will you cook my favourite food _____ will I just buy it?
a. and
b. but
c. or
d. so
3. Pedro eats his dinner early _____ he needs to finish his assignment.
a. but
b. because
c. such as
d. while
4. You can borrow my laptop _____ you will use it carefully.
a. and
b. as long as
c. even if
d. so
5. Joy is going to finish her online work _____ the internet connection is poor.
a. also
b. and
c. even if
d. or
“Good news, we have a SPECIAL OFFER! Buy one cell phone TODAY and you
will get a pocket WIFI for FREE! You will surely love it because of its advance
features with 24mp front and back camera. It is also a water- resistant phone.
You don’t want to miss this SPECIAL offer! Call NOW…’’
6. In the above paragraph, how is the word “and” used?
a. to add information
b. to show contrast of ideas
c. to compare two things
d. to show reason
7. Althea said that she didn’t know Mr. Jose. ___ denied knowing ____.
a. She, her
b. He, him
c. She, him
d. She, her
8. Only the ashes of the big building remained after the conflagration. Which of the
following is the meaning of conflagration?
a. earthquake
b. fire
c. flood
d. disaster

9. _____ having their online classes, the children were assisted by their parents.
a. although
b. because
c. such as
d. while
10. During their virtual graduation rites, Berto was awarded with highest honors;
_____ his parents were truly proud him.
a. and
b. but
c. or
d. so
I. Additional Activity 1: Analyse and Write
activities for Direction: Choose one among the pictures below and write any type of text about it in 3-
application or 5 sentences using cohesive devices. Please be guided with the rubric on the next page.
recommendati Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Criteria You Made it! Just Okay Try Again Score
5 3 1
Relevance to the All ideas are Some ideas are Few ideas
picture related to the related are related
Cohesive devices Ideas are well Some ideas are Ideas are
used (appropriate organized and well organized illogically
use of transitional cohesive devices and cohesive arranged
words, synonyms, are used devices are
pronouns/determine appropriately
d, repetition of
words/key terms)
Correct usage Committed no Committed 1 – 2 Committed 3
errors errors or more

V. Remarks

Prepared by:

Valenzuela, Joecelle D. Maribel C. Fellores

Villones, Ella Mae A. Teacher 1

ST, PHINMA – University of Iloilo Fort San Pedro National High School

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