Exercises of Methods For Applied Economics
Exercises of Methods For Applied Economics
Exercises of Methods For Applied Economics
Many techniques are available to identify the phases or stages of a country's economic
growth. This exercise illustrates one of these techniques and applies it to the data of the
Spanish economy in the period 1960-2009.
The procedure is based on estimating the trend evolution of the GDP per capita
(GDPpc) during the whole period 1960-2009. It allows us to establish growth stages
through the comparison between the observed and trend GDPpc. This comparison
identifies periods in which the GDPpc grows at the same rate as the trend GDPpc as
well as periods where growth is below or above the trend growth. This technique is very
useful to recognize the fluctuations that occur in the growth of an economy. It is simple
and is based on the estimation of an equation that measures trend growth by using
Ordinary Least Squares.
The first activity to be performed is to download the file into a spreadsheet. You must
download it so that it is formatted properly and information can be seen properly in the
The file contains 189 variables on very diverse aspects of the Spanish economy during
the period 1960-2009. It is important to save and preserve this file that can be used at
different times in the course.
The variable to be used in this exercise 1 is:
SI_1_4.2: GDPpc constant 2005 (PPP, in EUR thousands)
- Generate a variable that will be called trend t, taking the values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5…….
- Calculate the trend GDPpc by estimating (using OLSQ) the following equation:
Ln (GDP pc) = a+bt,, where a is a constant and t is the trend variable defined
above. Using Excel (routine: regression), we estimate the following equation:
Ln(GDP_pc) = 1,896607 + 0,027477 t, where t is the variable trend.
- Get the difference between the observed GDPpc, Ln (GDPpc) and the trend
GDPpc previously estimated.
The variable is contained in the file downloaded in exercise 1: "GDPpc constant 2005
PPP. Relationship Spain/EMU", SI_1_4.68. This variable measures, in percentage, the
relative GDPpc of Spain to all EMU countries.
Firstly, draw such variable in a graph. Then, identify periods of convergence and
divergence between Spain and EMU countries. Compare the periods identified with this
method and the method of trend GDP. Summarize their findings in a text of
approximately 300 words (a folio), including the graph representing the relative GDPpc.
Last press release in which the INE reported about the Quarterly National Accounts
reproduced the following graph:
The graph describes the evolution, quarter to quarter, of annual growth rate of GDP in
Spain, countries in the EMU and 27 countries comprising the EU. The graph describes
the profile of the recession in Spain and the two sets of countries, as well as the cyclical
phase at the end of the year 2010. The CNTR information is essential for the analysis of
the situation.
This exercise aims to identify fluctuations in Spanish economic growth based on the
CNTR information and familiarize with some useful concepts for economic analysis.
The data will be downloaded from a data file at the web site of the National Institute of
Statistics (INE):
Economic accounts
Quarterly Spanish National Accounts
QSNA Base 2000. Series from quarter 1/1995 up
to last published quarter offer (volumen… index)
Activities to be performed:
- Select the variable: GDP pc (chained volume index) for the period 1995/Q1-
2010/Q3. Download the file into a spreadsheet.
- Distinguish between non-adjusted data and seasonal and calendar effects
adjusted data
- Calculate the following growth rates:
o Quarter-to-quarter growth rate: ((yt/yt-1)-1) * 100
o Annual growth rate: ((yt/yt-4)-1) * 100
A third useful indicator in the cyclical analysis is "annualized quarterly growth rate":
(((yt/yt-1) ^ 4) - 1) * 100. The advantage of this indicator is that it is comparable with the
annual growth rate and also gives us more updated information than the annual rate on
the behavior of the economy. Draw a graphic that represents the inter-annual (year-to-
year) growth rate and the quarter-to-quarter annualized growth rate of the Spanish
economy. Comment briefly on both.
Exercise 4
advance data, as well as the incorporation of structural statistical sources that were
1. The index for the GDP at current prices, with base on year 2000, in two
different ways: by using the original GDP data (first) and by using the year-
to-year growth rates (second).
2. The value of GDP at constant prices of 2000
3. The value of GDP at constant prices of the previous year
4. The inter-annual growth of prices.
5. Price variations with respect to the year 2000
6. Finally, graph the GDP at current and constant prices (base 2000), only for
the period 2000-2009.