Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Examination: Subject CA3 - Communications Paper 2
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Examination: Subject CA3 - Communications Paper 2
Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Examination: Subject CA3 - Communications Paper 2
August 2016
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The department’s training program for new staff aims to provide an overview of its activities.
Your manager, Vishal, has asked you to make a short presentation about MPI. He has sent
you the following email:
As you know, our training course is coming up soon and I'd like you to deliver a presentation
for the price inflation slot on the Market Prices Index (MPI). The training is intended to
provide our new colleagues with a broad awareness of our work and how it’s applied in the
outside world. Although they have a basic knowledge of mathematics, not all of them have
technical backgrounds. For example, our colleagues in the public relations department need
to field queries from external sources such as journalists – so take care to explain clearly any
An introduction to the nature and purpose of price inflation indices, giving brief examples
of how they are used.
An illustration of the structure of the MPI. We need to bring out the “hierarchical1”
structure of the goods & services within the index showing the key Divisions. Perhaps use
a diagram to illustrate this based on the composition of the MPI below.
Comments on how the Divisions are weighted and how those weights are determined.
Numerical examples of how an index is calculated using the weights. I suggest you do
this for the “All Items MPI” both at December 2014 and December 2015.
Please also show how the index at both these dates is used to calculate the annual rate of
inflation over the year to December 2015.
You should also illustrate the inflation rate in recent years and make any appropriate
Please remember that the trainees are not mathematicians and so any illustrations should
be simple.
One of our actuarial students has collated some information that you can make use of,
including a summary of the current composition of the MPI. You could use an extract from
that summary to illustrate the structure I have mentioned above.
He has also provided some samples of historic data. You should find some of this
information useful to illustrate your points.
Vishal Ansar
Head of Statistics
Hierarchical structure: a structure in which groups or classes are arranged in order of rank.
The overall purpose of price indices is to indicate both the level of and changes in prices
within an economy. These are useful for employers in setting the points on wage bands,
wage negotiations etc. They are also useful for governments in calculating tax thresholds,
budgets for departments, setting pension increases etc.
The table below compares the characteristics of the main index calculated by the statistics
ministry – i.e. the Market Prices Index.
wi pit
i 1
The rate of inflation between time t1 and t2, (Inflation t1,t2 ) is given by the general formula:
I t2
Inflation t1 ,t2 1 (usually expressed as a percentage),
I t1
N pit
i 1 i
Table 1: Annual “All Items MPI” data for December each year
Table 2 shows how the main index, known as the “All Items MPI”, is comprised of four
weighted Divisions (Food & drinks, Clothing, Household goods & services and Transport).
Table 2 also shows the price levels for each Division in December 2014 and December 2015
and illustrates how the “All Items MPI” is calculated.
Table 3 illustrates how each of these Divisions contains a range of representative items. It
also shows a sample of these representative items.
The “All Items MPI” is the most commonly used index in the developing country.
The weights shown for each Division are the (estimated) relative expenditure shares of each
group of commodities collected from household expenditure surveys and National Accounts
sources. These take account of expenditure of domestic private households as well as foreign
visitors. The weights are reviewed and updated periodically to reflect changing trends,
including new technology and changing preferences and habits. The intention is that the
“shopping basket” reflects the relative importance of the different items.
Table 2: Sample sub-division data for period from December 2014 to December 2015
Price ($)
Weight (%) (A) (B) (A) (B)
Division 2014 2015 (B) (2014) (2015)
Food & drinks 325 365 60 195.0 219.0
Clothing 105 105 14 14.7 14.7
Household goods & services 120 120 20 24.0 24.0
Transport 1500 1450 6 90.0 87.0
“All Items MPI” 100 323.7 344.7
Two of the Divisions have had changes in the Prices of the Divisions between 2014 and
2015. The total of the Division prices at 2014 (before weights have been applied) is $2,050.
Similarly at 2015 the total Division prices have dropped to $2,040.
All of the figures and information provided may be assumed to be correct for the
purposes of the question. You are not expected to comment on the shortcomings or
suitability of the calculation of the Market Prices Index.